ViewSonic 19005 19" Color Monitor, 1600 X 1200, N. I. User Manual 27238
ViewSonic Corporation 19" Color Monitor, 1600 X 1200, N. I. 27238
FACTORY CONTROL NO. : FVDf99fFOOS FCC ID. : GSS19005 14>;— ViewSonic® PS 790 with Plug & Play 4' 19 " (18.0 ' viewable diagonal) VCDTS21 47$1 M —| Psmcmma mes $ u.1z.|s.smm mm mmnmwc Ccpyruhl @ mama: Corpnniion, 19994 All right reserved. IBM x'r, AT, 386, 486, and rsn m mginued lndemuks mam mdemlrts ormumnml Businss Mlchiuu Corporaliom Pentium in regimnd mmrk of Intel Carpal-union, Mlcinlnsh 11 family u: LC u. LC in. Qua-in, and 7mm Macintosh m mgiflcm‘l mdmlrks or Apple Compnmr. Inc. Wm is a resistant Mmlrk of Micromfi Carper-lion. Viwaun u: m Mid: logo. OnV'mw. walvum m1 VlewMemur. registered lmdeuurts of Via/Sonic ("Japan-alien Snpflclur is . mmlrkofVinWSnnic Emporium]. Elam! STAR is l legislated (radmlrk Ulllle U5 Envimmenhl Pmlectiun Agency (EPA). VBA is a legimlui uadellluk oflhc Video Elecflvnics SimdudsAmciuiun. DPMS Ind DDC are trademarks of V‘FjA. Disclaimer. Vin/Sonic Corporllion shall not be liable for Edwin] or edilm'hl 2mm ("omissions confined hemin; nor forincidenlxl mmnsequenlill damages mulling frmn furnishing this mania-nth yufnmlnuornseoflhis pmducl . Viz-(Sum: Commian nerves the right In change produfl lpecificalian win-om mice. hfamflim in mi; document my change without mum. No pan olmisdounmm my be mu, mpmdumi, or Innsmned by any mans, for my paw win-om pfiorwninm pennisian from ViewSonic Corpofln'om As an Era-w SIAR' pm, Via/Sonic Corp. in; daetmined um mi; pmducl meets 0. mm‘ guidelines far enuxy zificiuzcy Electronic Warranty Registration Ragnar your may at m‘vmlhm It’s 1&1, easy, I‘d will ximuiiy Min suppon mm Power Cord Safety Guidelines caution: Use a powef cable that is properly gmundsd. Always use the AC cords and below inf aaeh area : UL CSA VDE SEV BASES / ES Elenrlc Appl’ance Control Act In other areas, use AC cord which meels local safety standaxds. Viewsonlc 9.9700 % —{ Psnlkngml rust $ 59.12.1A,SQ|PM Ampwuwm’c {7 75-17 A497EEEEEEIZEEIL I I J {333ml Power Cord Safety Guldellnes (continued) AC PLUG CORD PRECMJTIIONS FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM WW IF THE FI'I'I'ED MOULDED PLUG IS UNSUITAELE FOR THE SOCIGFI' OUTLEI THEN THE PLUG SHOULD BE CUT OFF AND DISPOSED OF SAFELY. THERE IS k DANGER OF SEVERE ELECTRICAL SHOCK IFTHE CUT OFF PLUG IS INSEHTED INTO AN APPROPRIATE SOOKEY. Ilanewpluqiswbelirgdmleasenbumlhswi ‘ngom-aslnawnbem. II In any doubt, please consul a qualified ulsclrbien. WWI-“mm W The wire! it thL! nth: lud Ire wbured in ”outline with the towing Dodo: amid-WIN: Ell"! Blue: Noutrll 57W“: Live "the cola-wed mesolme lrfl'm MMMW do mwmdwmrmmmm mum ldoflifyinn the rem-ems in you plug. pmeea as lollows: The wlre which I! colourod GREEN-AND-VELLGW must be oonneued to me terminal ‘m the plug with" Ls walked by the letter E m by the Earth syllbnl—é— or allowed GREEN ut GREEN- AND-YELLOW. Tile wire which is colour-d BLUE must be connector! It) the terminal h the plug wfim is limited win the flier N 01 coloured BLACK. The wire whim Is coloured BROWN musl be connected In themninllitlllephgwtlichhmflmdwihthelfltalLotcolouredRED. IMPORTANT NUI'ICE CONCERNING POWER CORD SELECTION The power cord set for this unit has been enclosed and has been selected awording lo the country oi destination and must be used to prevent aleclvic shock. Use the loIIowing guidelines it it is "61:9is to replace the viginal cord set. or Inns cord set is not Msedu ' The lsmaie Implants otthe cord set must meet GEE-22 requirements and will look fika Figure 1 beluw: Figure 1 E For the Unltad Slates and Cams In the wage States and Cam the male mug is a NEMAS—I 5 style (Figure 2), UL listed and CSA labelled. For unim which are mounted on a desk or! table. WI” SW m“ 5.le sets may be used, For units with" sit on the tloor, only SJT type cord sets may be used. The cord sat must be selected according to the current rating for your unit. Please consult TabIe A below for the selection ailerie lo! power cords used in the United States and Canada. aw @ For European Countries In Europe you must use I sort! set which Is apnmpriate for the receptacles in your country, The 00rd set is HAR—Cenified, and a special milk that will appeal on the utter sheath, or on me insulation 01 ans oi the inner conductors. II you have any questhns cumming the proper power cord to use. please consult with the dealer lrom whom you have puvchased your monitor. Table A Cora Type Size ol Summers In cm Maximum current Rating of Unit srr ranwe Humps rams 12Amps MAWG 12Amps sv-r rams 10Amps 17AWG 12Amps VvaSonic P5790 $730“.me Pagsz q; 9612.15.45: PM me Pagan-Ara amt: 75 7 7 ! } jm$m1mmtlz FOO ln'ormation msawn-summedmrmuwvfimmummaumamam.wmmw|su momma-ummammmmwummnmumminmmu mam-nm-amummm -lmmwunmb-mhqwmm -mmnmlummmmammmmwmmmbm. -Cumxma-Aaumcwiammiorwm.ummw. Power Supply Cord USA Famwm1m-1mvmmemmmmmmmim: ULlih-inndcsdwTywszMwa/JMGMIaM1Amifl. mmxmm-mmmmn-flma-Jmuqmmwummmw (15A. |zsvwlgmwm),mmmmiummwmwm Noting for Germany I‘ The X—mys yaw-m imnu mil in mm “my new vet-go: Max. 27.5001. AA». luv-roomram. wermmmondodmm ywdomx dlspuybmennmmndark bum-mm. mug so my profluc‘ mama-n mm mm could in»: have min. Notice for Japan T“! I! I Class 5 product bl“ on mflmmfldfln Mummy le Courwi la Ima'hvuus (mm unornufion Technology Eaulpmml (vccn. u ms; a use nan rm a New“ mom-r n Hum ewinmm-m. it any cause rm "imam. (mall 1M use Aha NM!!! including In "In m "EMAIL . OE Conformity The devlflu complies wnh mo requlnrmms m the EEC diwmm 39 / £6! EEG E c 6 summedbyszlfl lEECanfl SKIES/EECAILS with ragamm'slecuomnmlc Oompaiihilily", and 7! IZ/EEClilmnndeflhym/ HBI EECAIL 13m regamm "San-r. Maxim m muss Emmy sumac Wue “marks RADIATED RF‘ TRANSlENT FIB' uNE mummies «r smmwmflnmwumlnmmmmmw wz Ell-13:mywmlymmmmmuuwgmmmmim. as»mmaummmm\qam «A: Hammmmhflwflabw‘nm mmmdwmm‘mnmmm Dunner]! one... TnmmmnflmadCE mpfiwyfihunmmw usemepvmd‘fimsniflmwideflslwu mmanmtumemnmmmmm. nwuwlynmmm m- Immmar-M. 'EMI £1lean 'ESD : Elam» um“ 11; mm Fun-my “FIE :Fafl 5am ViewSonlc P5790 w _| mummy“ Page: $ mazmfim PM Mon- Pagan-urenum 75 7 7 1 mug-guns J—~$7EEEEEEIZEEIL CONTENTS Fur Your Records ............................................. I Power Cord Safety Guidelirms . . FCC Infunnalion ............ 4 . CE Conformity ................................................ 3 Getting Started Package Contents . .. 5 Precautions ....... , . 5 Quick Installation" ................. . r 6 USB OnVicw' Host Software Controls . . 5 Operation Front Control Pm] . . . OnView‘ Main Menu OnView' Controls 4 A . . . . USB OnView' Host Software Controls ............................ I3 Other Information Specifications . . . ................................. 7 ......... 15 Troubleshooting . . 16 Cleaning the Momtor . . 17 Limited Warranty . . ......... 13 Custom Support . . . . back cover - Tn meet your firm-e needs, m to mm my addilinnnl produn infnmuljm Is in bewmes avlillbk, plus: register your monitor; wan-mlyon I): 1mm n,- Mlydlwwwrvkwmm g Vlanonlc PS 790 0’qu lemmas m Adm! rum-mama: 75 ., 7 IUUZD—é—EEDIIIZEEIL Getting Started Congratulations on your purchase of a Professional Series ViewSonic P3790 monitor! Important: Save the original box and all packing material for flaure shipping needs. NOTE: This product was designed for operating in the region where it was purchased. Also, the word “ rndows'” in this user guide refers to the following MicrosoftO operating systems: Windows “95. Windows ‘98, Windows NT (5.0). Package Contents Your ViewSonic P5790 package includes the following: - VlewSonic P5790 monitor with USB‘ Hub located on the monitor base - Video cable with 15 pin high density mini D-sub connector - Power cord ~ USB (Universal Serial Bus) cable - User's Guide - ViewSonic USB OnWew‘ Host driver diskette - LNF installation file on diskette or (ID-ROM. ' use (Univ-mt s-rut ens) is a putptteral has mean that new use periptml davioesto be annual-titan mowed when they are attached to a use mac-er or hub. use technology also pen-m nullipte use dwieesb tun dmuluneeusty, such 5 - use oompattnte mouse. tame Sumter. dlwl camera, ptinlal, loystiotrts). etc. Precautions For the best viewing conditions, sit at least 18" from the monitor. ~ AVOID TOUCHING THE SCREEN WITH YOUR FINGERS. Oils from the skin are diflicult to remove - NEVER REMOVE TEE REAR COVER. The monitor contains high- voltage parts. You may suffer serious injury if you touch these pans. - Avoid exposing the monitor to direct sunlight or another heat source. The monitor should be facing away from direct sunlight to reduce glare. - Choose a well ventilated area to position your monitor. Do not place anything out the monitor that prevents adequate dissipation of heat. - Ensure the area around the monimr is clean and free of moisture. - Keep the monitor away from magnets, motors, transformers. speakers, and televisions. - Do not place heavy objects on the monitor, video cable, or power cord. - If smoke, abnormal noise, or strange odor is present, immediately switch the monitor off and call your dealer or ViewSonic. It is dangerous to continue using the monitor: Always handle your monitor with care when moving it. View/Sonic P8750 ‘I easements Plge s estate, 45: m MWrSJMIPPC l, 13 7 7 $ f i Quick Installation 1 Write the serial number on the back of the monitor in the space provided on page 1 labeled “Faryaur records" and regisher your monitor 's warranty on the Intemcl at httpd/wwwwiewsoniemm. 2 Read the Precautions se sure the com mnnecting any gable; 3a PC users.- Attach the Video Cable to a Video Input port on the monitor (see below). Then connect the other end to your computer. 3b Macintosh“ users A Macintosh computer requires a ViewSonic' Macintosh adapter (part No. VMAC-l). To order an adapter, contact ViewSonic Customer Support See the back cover of this manual. You will need to provide the serial number of your monitor. t Plug the attached Monitor Base Card from AC OUT (shown below) to the monitor‘s AC l'N port. 5 Attach the power cord to the back of the monitor’s base (AC IN). Then plug the other end of the power cord into the power source (wall socket). ...eantinu¢d we was Pam [ls-m View Fun Nata: me does no! 5147130" "W 5 PW use KNPUT (upstream pm via onmpmev) USE OUTPUT (4 Downstrelm puns) eywmnnmu. kmmneonummn ug-unnmmwmssmqmn mp-uu- mm use lummu ulmmm l'ylml. “ml amp-um. um- use mun... Wit/(Sonic Psm Aé—EEEEEEIZEEIL l i Page 5 $1215.45; PM Mon. wasmm 7977 l l jm$ml Quick Installation, continued To use the USB Hub. connect the supplied USB cable from the USB output on your computer to the USB Input (upstream port) on the rear of the monitor base. See the diagram below. Connect any USB devioe(s) into any of the monitor USB outputs (downstream ports) on the side of the base. Turn the computer on. Then, press the POWER buuon on the front of the monitor ON. (The Power light will turn green.) Adjust the user controls to suit your personal preference. See the Operation section, and if there are any problems, see the Troubleshooting section Important: To set the resolution, see your computer's or graphics card's user guide for instructions. For a list of Preset Timing Modes and the pre- adjusted screen resolution for this monitor, see Preset Timing Modes in the Specifications section, Installation is complete! Enjoy your new mnnltor! USB OnView° Host Software Installation (for Windows” 98 at Windows 95 OSR-2.1) If either Windows 98 or Windows 95 OSR~2.1 operating system is installed in your computer. you have the option of attaching USB peripheral devices (mouse. keyboard, etc.) to your oomputer, as well as adjusting the screen image by using the ViewSonic' USB OnView Host software. To complete the USB installation, do the following: Follow Qriick Installation steps 1-8 listed above. Install the ViewSonic USB Othew Host software and USB Driver software by following the instructions on the Readme file located on the installation diskette. Plug the upstream (square) connector of the USB cable into the USB lNPlH' port on the base of the monitor, Then plug the downstream (rectangular) connector into a upstream USB INPUT port on your computer, Plug your choice of USB peripheral devices ( mouse, keyboard, scanner, etc.) into any downstream (rectanglar) ports on the monitor ( four on the side.) Vlewsanlc F5?” —’ Psmmgonfi ram 7 estate, ts; FM Adm Papa-km 511ch 79 7 7 I I ! \ jm’ymmt l 7 To adjust the monitor, follow the numbered steps in sequence as shown below. Front Control Panel \ l i‘ Psm-quns 0 Q 9 Button [1] [v] and [A] Button [2] displays displays scroll up and the control spree" main menu down the Main lorlhe highlighted pwe, Menu to highlight control On / 0" control to adjust IIlv col 0 o mums mwm swung“ or main menu my?“ Orange - Power Savlng 3"? saves of the selected Mode adlustments control OnView“ Main Menu 1 Press button {1} to display the Main Menu shown below. Press Immm [2] for an individual control semen. cit-u» Press the [V] or [A] buttons to select a control option to adjust. At each individual comm! screen pins; the [V] or [A] to make adjustments. Press button [I] to save changes and exit the screen The Mint Menu also clears automatically awruximutely 20 seconds after pressing any button. Each control option is represented by an loan. Baum-try Till vian-teh Color VIWMQflr I Dlgluls Mom-try RI|=III Vldoo AdVlncod Gaomelry Mnln odu'cuon Button [2] displays Emil,“ ' "a?" u rIE a a me “mu” OSDL unfit.» » Poslllon ° 00mm! sateen ml status tine delines the ' Snlael H the selected control highlighted option. option to adjust. VkmSonic P5790 P905 7977 “amuse PM mnvumsmm ’7 $3111.31] Changes are automatically saved when [i] is pressed. OnView" Controls 0 {q Contrast! Brightness: Press button [2] to toggle between Contrast and Brightness as shown below. 0 Contrast adjusts foregmund white level of screen image. NOTE: Pressing the [V] and [A] buttons simultaneously increases Contrast to its maximum. NOTE: You can also access the Contrast control by pressing either [7] or [A] before accessing the Main Menu. 3} Brightness adjusts background black level of screen image. Press [V] or [A] to adjust. NOTE Pressing the [V] and [A] buttons simultaneously returns Brightness to its factory preset level. Shortcut. Before displaying the OnView menu. press the [V] or [A] button. Press [7] or [A] to adjust. Press button [2] to toggle between Brightness and Conn-at. Q Size Br Position: Press button [2] to select one of the following controls to adjust, [V] contracts the image, [A] expands the image. Horizontal Position adjusts the horizontal position of the screen image. [V] moves screen image left, [A] moves screen image right. 5 Zoom expands and contracts the entire screen imug. [DJ E Horixontal Size adjusts the width of the screen image. [V] decreases width, [A] increases width. LE] Vertical Posltlon adjusts the vertical position of the screen image. [7] moves screen image down. [A] moves image screen up. [CI Vertical size adjrms the height of the screen. [7] decreases height of screen image, [A] increases height of screen image. "man-finned Viewsonlc P5790 psvmw ems $ sate-menu mmwwwc I, 7577 W Psm-unms - —$—|:i:|:i:i:iIi:|:lL l 1 Changes are automatically saved when [I] is pressed. Geometry: Press button [2] to select one of the following controls to adjust. U Vertical Plncushlon straightens vertical sides of the screen. [1] curves vertical edges inward, [A] curves vertical edges outward. CI Side Pincushion Balance curves the screen's vertical edges to the left or right. [V] curves vertical edges to left. [A] curves vertical edges to right D Trapezoid makes vertical edges of the screen image parallel. [V] narrows top and widens bottom, [A] widens top and narrows bottom. 0 Parallelogram slants vertical edges of the screen to the left or right. [7] slants vertical edges to the left. [A] slants vertical edges to the right. Advanced Geometry Press butlon [A] to charge the sub OSD screen, Press button [2] to select one of the following controls to adjust D Top Hooking The image can be corrected for vertical pincushion distortion in top hooking. D Bottom Hook The image can be corrected for vertical pincusliion distortion in the bottom hook. S1 Hourglass The image can be corremd for vertical pincushion distortion in the Hourglass. $2 Hourglass Bal ”Hie image can be canceled for vertical pincushion distortion in the Hourglass Ba]. Tilt: rotates entire screen image. [7] routes screen counter- clockwise. [A] rotates screen clockwise. NOTE: Pressing the [V] and [A] buttons simultaneously adjusts rotation to its factory preset level. ViewMatch" Color: adjusts the color temperature. 1) Use the [V] and [A] buttons to select 1: 9300“ K + 8 MPCD, 2: 7500” K, 3: 6500“ K, 4: 5000" K, 519300” K + 27 MPCD, or 6: User Color. 2) If you select 6: User Color, press button [2] to display the USER COLOR adjustment screen. ...cantinued VlawSonIc P5790 Plus in 98.12.18. A53 PM mm emu“ sumac 7977 Changes are automatically saved when [1] is pressed User Color Level: Adjusts the color intensity of individual colors. [A] increases the amount of color in the image, [V] decreases the mount of color in the image. NOTE: Press button [2] to select the red. green, or blue control. P] ViewMetet‘I Degauss: Press button [2] to toggle between ViewMeter and Degauss. - ViewMeter displays the frequency signal input (horizontal scan and refresh rate) coming from the graphics card in your computer. See your video card’s user guide/hr more details. (Input selection) : To switch between a computer connected to the D-Suh port (A) and a computer connected to the BNC ports (B), press [7] or [A]- H Dogauss Removes the build-up of magnetic fields that can affect color purity and convergence Press the [2] button to degauss. 0 Memory Recall: If the monitor is operating in a factory preset tinting mode (see page 13), this control will reset the image to the factory preset size, position and geomeuy settings If the monitor is operating a user defined mode. this control has no effect. 46) Video Input Slgnal Level: Changes the video input signal level to match the computer‘s signal level. {fin-«g Molre Reducllon: Press button [2] to toggle between Horizontal and Vertical Moire controls. W Horizontal Moire The control adjusts for horizontal lines caused by interference between file CRT and focus gun mused by input signals. video patterns, etc. [A] increases the amount of adjustment. [7] decreases the amount of adjustment CAUTION: Over—correction of moire can affect the picture quality. 4g Vertlcal Moire The control adjusts for vertical lines caused by interference between the CRT and focus gun tensed by input signals‘ video patterns, etc. [A] increases the amount of adjustment. [V] decreases the amount of adjustment. CAUTION: Over-correction of moire can affect the picnrre quality. ...cann'nued VIewSon/c PS7” W pm page" sa.mta.4:ssm mmwagamswm I, 79—17 $ éEEDjI-ZDIL I l A] own-L l I Changes are automatically saved when [X] is pressed. IE] El Convergence: Press [2] butmn to togglebetween Horizontal Convergence and Vertical Convergence controls. Convergence is affected by geomagnetism. Use this function when convergence error occurs after moving the monitor or changing the screen angle. ".y‘u1i.ul u M ii. [III Horizontal Convergence Horizontal convergence of the image (color fringing) can be adjusted. NOTE: If the [V] and [A] buttons are pressed at the same time on the H.Convergence adjustment screen. the standard level (50) will be set. Press the [A] button to move red to the right and blue to the left. Press the [V] button to move red to the left and blue to the right. Vertical Convergence Vertical convergence of the image (color fringing) can be adjusted NOTE If the [V] and [A] buttons are pleswd at the same time on the “Convergence adjustment screen. the standard level (50) will be set. Press the [A] button to move red downwards and blue upwards. Press the [V] button to move red upwards the left and blue downwards. E [El Linearity Center! Edge: Press [2] button to toggle between Linearity Center and Linearity Edge controls. . E Lineaer Center: The image can be adjusted for vertical linearity in the center. NOTE: If the [V] and [A] buttons are pressed attire same time on the Linearity - C adjustment screent the standard level will be set. Press the [A] button to make the center linearity narrower. Press the [V] button to make the center linearity wider. lg Linearity Edge: The image can be adjusted for vertical linearity in the edge. NOTE: If the [V] and [A] buttons are pressed at the same time on the Linearity - E adjustment screen, the standard level will be set. Press the [A] button to make the bottom linearity wider. Press the [7] button to make the top linearity nlrrower. 7g @- OSD Language! Position: 7g Language Selection: Allows the user to choose the language in which the control names are displayed. 080 Position: Press the [2] button to re-position the OSD. VIerSollIc P5790 mot-wins Page is 96.12.18. 454 m Mme emu-meme 7577 $DIDIJZIZEEIL l l Self-Test: When there is no signal input (because the cable is not connected or no video signal is coming from the computer), or the monitor is in power saving mode, the self—test screen can be called by pressing the [1], [V], [A], or [2] buttons. An error message screen appears when the horizonml or vertical sync signals are outside of the permitted range. USB 0nView° Host Software Controls (for Windows” 98 & Windows 95 OSR—2.1) You can use your computer mouse to adjust the USB OnView Host Software Controls as an alternative to using many of the traditional OnView controls (pages 8—12) or: adjust the screen image of your monitor, you can access the ViewSonic' USB OnView Host Sofwvare Controls with your computer keyboard and mouse. NOTE : Before you can use these USB snnwnre features, you must first install the Vieanrric' USB OuView Hm Software driver- (see page 7) VieWetet‘ Save cnangns Abort Changes WY changes —— — — 1— [n Pincushiofl Control . fl Degaus Pin-Balance Control H ViewMalch‘CoIor Control E Trapezoid Control USB On View Host Main Menu ICON Vlawsonb FS790 1 Psnuunme pagers smzseusaw mwsmm {7 7,” q; nfia-DIEDJHI-L \ 1 USB OnVieuP Host Soflware Controls (Continued) ...... Contrast Control 4 Brighmess Control — El Em Contrast] Brightness Control Sub-Menu Vertical Size Vertical Position Control Carmel . . . Horlznmal Size Horizontal Positron Control Control Alignment Control Sub-Menu Pincushion Control — Factory Preset Color Tampslawres User Color ViewMatch° Color Contml Sub-Menu Wowsonlc P5790 —I momma-m men “mu-rum Ampwmsmpc I» 1977 $ J m3: $IEEDIDJL Oter formation Specn |cat|ons cm- W ur ( um- viemue dagoflfll), nzsm Dal Pm. 100' dellecflnn Glass Surface Superman/W, ARAG' (Mien, m‘vghro} Input Signal Vnso ass Analog, uv Sap-med (m). amnesia, Symm. Sync 1N:M-97M11.V,:50-INH2 ewuuulmy PC uammnzm NI" Manna-v mummnpmmxflw Mlxlmnm man 1500x1230 Mia 12": mm x 756NI@721H1 ans" munmme 76Hz amxammemsnz mommmle me WXAAONIQIOOHI “52x awn-e mam mxwomeuwm Pow-r vuugs Amun-zwvm saloon: Dlsphy Amfl Dehufl 352 m m) x 254 mm (V) (mic-J) FulSe-n seen-"(mxzummmapammwmmm om 751mm 41-Fm95-n5-cnoas-c) Conditions Nmility an m m (no wmnufion} Alums To tome In: sun-g. hummus 4 -anAo-F(»m-muwo°c) Commons Harmony 500 In 9095 (no mums") mum Tn 40.000 mt Dhunllelu Physiflj mmmufummnusmm) (mm) 11,5-(mxns-mn1u-(D; wugm Net 20.5 m (452 in) (manic! only) nquunnns UL Duns. FOG-B, boos. eels. TDVIGS, GSA. Too 19, 05 mm H. mom. Enslav Snn’, seem-ex BCIQ. sum, van-a, Mm, DEMKO, 55mm, sumo Powev swing on «as w nypu (can LED) mod-s Dmswsunasy < mmannguem opus Suspom < mw (orange LED) DPMS on < a w (mugs LED) Prism Tlmlng Modes (The monitor its been mdiufled to VESA‘ 1m x 1024 @ 55 Hz) VGA 540 x 430 gun Hz VESA 1280 x 1024 a 75 Hz, 85 Hz VESA ego x 500 Q as H1 VESA 1mm x mm) @ 7!) H1. 15 H1 VESA 1024 X 768035!“ Muimosh' "52 X 870@75 H1 .. Macimasfi mmputar mqmms Viawswig‘ma'nmhlm 71; am: an admin, mama mmmsuppm $09 the “Mm-r Mmls marmal. Ybu WW need lnpmvifle m5 millnumbur mmrmumfm: ' Wbmmg: Don! m we graphics m it your computer wan-m mm: maximum rams" mm. mg n may result in p-nmmnl mum to mama/m. " Upm 1500x120!) IWFCCOIBSB, Vlawsonic P3790 PSMW Pa. 15 7577 $ sa.|z.1s.4-54FM mpwaanuwc [7 ~$—]‘_“EEEEIZEEIL Troubleshooting No power - Press Pimer button ON. ~ Make sure NC power cord is securely connected to the back 0! lite monitor and to a power outlet. ~ Plug another electrical device (like a radio) into power outlet to verily that outlet is supplying proper voltage. Power on but no screen image ‘ Make sure video cable supplied with monitor“ is tightly sectirod to video wtput port on boat oloomputer. It other and oi video cable is not attached permanently to monitor. lightty secure it to monitor. - Ad|ust the brightness and contrast. - Check this user‘s guide to see il an adapter is required lor proper signal continuity between graphics card and monitor. Flickering Not enough power supplied. Connect monitor to a dilterent outlet. If using surge protecmr. reduce number oi devices plugged“ in - Cheat ViewMeter‘ to verily the refresh rate (vertioal lreouency) is 75 Hz or higher. Sea the Specifitztions section - Make sure graphit: card In your computer can use non-interlaced mode at desired trequencies. To enable your graphil: card to support higher relish rates, try selecting fewer colors or ntnnirtg Iwer resolutions. . Remove any devices lrom Area arwnd monitor that emit magnetic lields, such as radios. surge protectors, unshielded speakers. fluorescent lights. ac power converters. desk lens, eh; wrong or abnomial colon ~ It any colors (red, groomer! blue) are missing, shock video cable lo make sure it is securely oonneaeo. Loose pins in the cable connector could cause a bad median. - Connect monitor to another computer. ~ Turn monitor OFF, wait one minute. then turn ON again. Do this only once - Il you have an older graphics ard, contact customer support lor a non-DDC adapter. Entire screen Image scrolls (rolls) vertically - Make sure video input signals are within monitor’s specified lroquenq range. ~ Try monitor with another power source. graphitm turd, or mmputer system. - Connect video -ble sowreiy. Control buttons do not work - Press only one button at a time. USB (Universal Serial Bus) functions do not work - Make sure USE cable is securely and sweaty Installed. - Make sure the appropriate USMupported operating system is installed in your computer. Vicwsonlc PS "0 museum Pagers $ mmwmamm ’7 757 7 1$EDIJIIIEIL Cleaning the Monitor - MAKE SURE THE MONITOR IS TURNED OFF. ~ NEVER SPRAY OR POUR ANY LIQUID DIRECTLY ONTO THE SCREEN OR CASE To clean the screen: 1 Wipe the screen with a clean. soft. lint—free cloth. This removes dust and other particles. 2 If still not clean. apply a small amount of nmmmmfia. mm based glass cleaner onto a clean. soft. lint-free cloth. and wipe the screen. To clean the case 1 Use a soft, dry cloth. 2 If still not clean, apply a small amcunt of nonvammonia. non-alcohol based, mild non-abrasive detergent onto a clean. soft, lint-free cloth, then wipe the surface. DISCLAIMER ViewSonic does not recummmd the use at any ammonia or alcohol-based cleaners an the monitor screen or use. Some chemical cleaner: have been reported to damage the screen andlor case of the monitnr.ViewSonic wlll not be liable tor damage resultlng lrom use of any ammonia or alcohol- based cleaners. VlawSanIc P8790 § W Psnnmgm mg; n same, ese pu Mm wasnme ' 15 v 7 q; $IEDIIIEIL LIMITED WARRANTY VIOEWSONIC P8790 MONITORS wt-t tho womanly owns: vtmsontc warrants its products in ha [Tee rrorn onions in material nno worknunsrip curing the warmmy perm. it a promo proves to be dorms in material or mmnnflp mrirrg rho warranty parlour vteancrrto wrti stitssoieoprionropa- orropisoemo proouotmm sin pvodin. Root-mm product or puns may noting manuraauroo or ruiumisheo puts pr ournpunorns m long the tar-nutty I: moat-s: , The Vbnsanl: Psm ouior monitor, including the oisorny tube. are warranted (or Three (3) years tor all pom snotmo (a) years for all labor horn Ina oars orrhe firsxoonsurrisr purchase. who me “I!!!" pfml: This won-my is who omylov (he first mnsuhrar puchasor, wtut lrta warranty does hm savor: L Any prooua on which ihe serial r-rrnber has bean oeraoso. rriooniso or removed, 2, Don-go. nomination or rn-irunohon resuming irorn, i Aoo‘dnrn, misuse. nsgtect fire. water. tgmning. or other m or rumre, iii-unwind proouu rmdficalmn, oriaitursro tom its-unions suppiieo wllh me pmduct. Repair ormarnpiso repair hymnynne nor authorized by vmrsonio. Anya-moo who proouuouohoshiprmnn Remorst or installation oi his product, err-res email to mo product such as electric power Wham; orrsimrs. useoi suppitos orp-rts not "mug vmrsonte's specifications. Normal want one tur, t Anymoruusemiondneonotromemapmomom. :. Hamil-J. irstattation, am mo levvbe wages. now to an WM: 1. FLY lMom'm'nn on obtalrtirtu WW mine, all VMOHIL Tnsflmnmsr Minna"! "WM ms: u and Cam: ow: tmm rrorn out-moths us. an com mean-mo; rronr Enrooe an answer». horn Aston/Pm arm ooumrtss use (2) 2245-4072. Imam E-Mail Mm MMMQEUM M m the M We W601 Mwflmvmnhm 2. mm mmyufvicer youwibsrsquwedla prawns“) "nonunion-assassin (o) your name. (c) ynuv morass (a) - ooouiorion or the wwlem and (a) the aerial mmdm Mint 3. T“ ouhip me prndm prop-id tn me origami oomalmr to your vthonio dulev. uryvtmsoruo service menu or VlowSonlc. 4. F0! new minmufinn 01 me name aims nasrafl VI'IISOVIlC m elm, cm yvuv VIM deals! (1 Vmfllc. Ltrntrarroh or trnpiiso won-ruins: - THERE ARE no WARRANTIES, EXPRESS Ofi IMPLIED, WHICH EXTEND BEYONDTHE DESCRIPTION CONTAINED HEREIN INCLUDING THE IMPUED “mum OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FtTNEss FOR A mmtwun PunPosE. Excursion M «snug-s: VIEWWC‘S LIABlUTY IS UMWTED TO THE COST“ REPAIR OF REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT. VtEwsomc smu. NOT BE LIABLE FOR: t.‘ DAMAGE To OTHER PROPERTY CAUSED av ANY DEFECTS IN THE PRODUC‘I, DAMAGES \, BASED UPW lNOONVENlENw, LOSS OF USE OFTHE PROWCT. 1.05 OFTIE. LOSS OF PROFITS, Loss oF BUSINESS oppowmrrm. Loss 0; GDODWILL. INTERFERENCE wmr Business RELATtousr-rws OR OTHER commEncrAL Loss, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSsIBlLITV OF SUCH DAMAGESs 2. ANY OTHER was, WHETHER INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL on omEthsE ,, 3, ANY CLAIM AGAINST THE CUSTOMER EV ANV OTHER PAHTV. Err-ct or state In: ~ This wlnmly gives you specif: tsgt dams and you my niso have otnor rights unison vary rrorn nan tom. mama) not-iiowtrnimionsm tmphedwsnatlnszndlovdfl notatiowrnsmtusionoi inoioernnl oroorrsoouomrai am so In above Iimmflofls and exclus'ws may not oppmo you. A Sill! Wm! Us.‘.: For VlwrSor-tc wounds mu mmoflhe USA, Contact you via-4mm tor warmly ‘ inmlofl and sewiee. ’ " ”15 REV 717m “autism.” -- Viewsnnlc P8730 1 PSTDWNG Pug ta nuts, 4:54 m Mono raw WP: I7 75 7 7 $ I \ For WewSonic' Customer Support: US. and Canada only 1-800-6886688 Frum outside U.S. and Canada 909-869-7976 me Europe +44 (1293) 643-900 me Asian/Pacific Rim countries 886 (2) 2248-4072 Technical Support Qualinus Product or Dealer Quzfiious Wnrhi Wide Web hupfllwwwrviewsonicxom ViewSonic' Corporation 381 Brea Canyon Road Walnut, CA 91789 Tel (909) 869-7976 Tel (800) 688—6688 Fax (909) 468—1202 TQBE#### m 2 $ mam 5-01 9.4 mm pawn-urewvrc T
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