ViewSonic 21012 User Manual 8
ViewSonic Corporation 8
with Plug & Play? 21" (20.0“ Viewable Diagonal) P815-3M/3E/3A/3P 1—1} ¢> aa—r Copyrighr©\’|e\vSon|chrpamuon,1998. Allngmrzscrvcd IBM PC is a regrslzred trademark oflmcmzlinnal Business Machmes Cameraman. Macintosh rs a mgrsrma nadamnrk omnnls Ccmyulcr. Inc Windows is a regisrered trademark of Mmmsnfi Corpumuone Vichnnic, me (hrzc birds rage. OnView. WewMzrch. ARAG, and er/Mcler are mgislemd (radcmarks‘ and SuperClenr is a trademark DIVithonic Cnrpnmlmn. ExEncv 5m As n regislcrtd uadamark onhe u s. Envimnmcnlal Pmrecriangency (EPA). VESA is a ngislcmd trademark oflhc Video Elcclrumcs Srandards Association, DPMS and DDC arc Imdemarks erVESA. Disclaimer VichDnic Camomion shall m be liable for rcchnical or eduerial errors or amissinns tonlamed hemn; nnr forincidenrnl or constquemial damagzs resulting from fumlshmg (ms material, or me perrnrmanee m’ use orthxs product . Vichonir. Corporzuon reserves me righl u: change prnducl speeifieannn wnhoul notice. rnrnnnnnan in this documenl may enange withour nnnee. No nan ohhis documsm my ne copied. reproduced. or lmnsmilxed by any means, fur any purpose wirhom pnor wnnen pennissmn (mm ViewSunic CDrpomlinna As an ass-ray 5m' pzrlntr, Vichnnic Commauon has dercrmined lhm mas product meers |hc Esnnnr Sm.- gnidelmes for energy smerency, Electronic Warranty Regislralion Register your monitor at wwwrviewsnnicsom, |rs tasr, easy and will simplify lqure support needs. £9, Power Cord Safety Guidelines Caution: Use a power cable mar 15 properly graunded Always use me AC cords hsted helowlcr each area, USA .. Canada Germany . Swiuananu . Brilain BASECIBS Japan ,,E!enric Appliance owner m m other areas, use AC card which meets |oca| salely standards. ViEwSonr'cP515 i Awawlsfls \ woe/199m w Ac l _IIII--l {a} r l .t ii—oatsa one. Power Cord Safety Guidelines (continued) AC PLUG CORD PRECAUTIONS FORTHE UNITED KlNGDDM F AF TV P R H F W T A Y IF THE FlTTED MOULDED PLUG lS UNSulTAELE FOR THE SOCKET OUTLET THEN THE PLUG SHOULD BE CUT OFF AND DISPOSED OF SAFELY. THERE IS A DANGER OF SEVERE ELECTRlCAL SHOCK IF THE CUT OFF PLUG lS INSERTED INTO AN AFPHOPFXATE SOCKET it a new plug is to be titted, please observe the Wiring code as shown below it in arty doubt please consult a duallried electrician. WARNINQ' Itl S EEEJ. ANQE MUS]: HE EAETflEfl IMPQRTANI The Wiles in this mains lead are coloured in accordance Wllh the tollowi‘ng code: Svee and-Yellow. Eanh Bln Neutral Binw Live it the coloured wiles ot the mains lead oi this appliance do not correspond with the coloured malklngs iden irlg tha terminals in your plug proceed as lollows: The wrre which is coloured GHEEN-AND-YELLOW must be connected to the terminal in the plug whichios marked by the letter E or oy the Earth symbol or coloured GREEN or GREEN- AND-VELL W. The Wire which is mlnuied BLUE must be connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACKuThe wire which ‘is coloured BROWN must be connected in the lermlnal in the plug whlch is marked wilh Ihe letter L or coloured RED. IMPORTANT NOTICE CONCERNING powea com) SELECTION The power cord tor this unit has been packed separatelyand has been selected according to the counrry ot destination and must be used to prevent electric shock. Use the tollowtrrg guidelines ltit is necessary to replace the original cord set. The female receptacle 0! the cord SE! mus! mes! GEE-22 requirements and will look like Figure l below: . Flgure i @ For the United States and Canada in (he Unlled States and Canada the mate plug is a NEMAs-ts style (Figure 2L UL Listed. and 05A Labelled For units which are mounted on a desk enable type wt or sn cord sets may he used. For units which sit on the tloor, only SJT type cord sets may be used. The card set must be selected according to the current rating tor your unit. Pleasa consuItTabIe A oelow tor the selection criteria tor power cords used in the United States and Canada, Figure 2 @ For European Countries in Europe you must use a cord set which is appropriate tor the recepta in your country The cord set is MAR-Certified, and a special marttthat will appearon the outer sheath, or on the insulation at one 01 the innercorvductors II you have any questions concerning which proper power cord to use. please consult with the dealer trom whom you purchased your monitor. Table A Card Type size ot Conductors tn Cord Maxlmum Current Rallng ot Unit SJT 1BAWG IDAmps 16AWG 12Amps MAWG |2Amps sv‘r tsAwe tOAmps 17AWG 12Amps ViewSanicP515 WIDE/WEE. to 40 4} 5 FC C Information ma wmnmwl m Mn (and and mm in angry mm in. mm; In: a mm s dwllal mu puvsulm La pm |s av m Fcc am, m“ m.“ m domgfled m pumas «mam a woman a ms! n WM mum-m m a "9mm. mullahon m, mama: qenumes. uses. am an viwmv lifln lunulnr/ nMrw nd u no! mun-a m4 usnd “n acamaanc. mm (M "mm, may am. hnrmim imminent. m “mo mmumnamns Hm". mm rs rw cumin 1 ‘Jfllmmfltvqnu mu m. oecm n a aamcuurmsuumim u mis equnem aoamuse hlmflul “inhuman m Vaduz c! I mm “mm", am" Can be gamma-4a by mmmg me equipmenl w and an. we usfl vs inmuragtd (a n, w car».c:' . mnmam w mm m mule cl m «allowing measures - Rune“! w lemme m raceivmg mama. -4n=unq m4 "9: 1: 5mm me lawnmefll and lncuiwv -Canmn m. mama-l mm in mm M a c" an amyam (mm mat (a man m. mam-r m mumbled -Cufl1u\l (m flour m an naeuenced mum/TV momma (a! hub 14.33}, . ‘ of! FCC , To anun'eommu - BNC’Eh‘g’flsjfi_ 43th fig mmmy Power Supply Cord USA m m whim—120V npul Vang. n m. usA‘ M u.- vang' m am am 55A mm Type sv'r a, srr Nu ma ma med 125m 7 A m. cm m (cmmud ‘n - mama an pavallel um. grwndm momma: an a: («ward mam-m an m, vzsv ma, um}. Wm and mm“ m . meld-en want. ”up.” Notice in: Germany w, my; gene/mm n ma Wm u. 5mm mus-my, my. vuhlgr Mn. 275 w Al!u,1nv mmmie rumns, m vmflmm m you a» m aisauy rm mariners 01x . am Magnum]. new in may plDdth “mo-m mum man could In: (a q' stun Notice lurJapan mu: 5 a Cu“ 5 9mm aaaaa on ma mm: m Ihl Vulwmry comm cwanm mumm- 6mm Iniarml'im mnwm E:unmm( wccu. u m a nod m. . ate at Mansion vmv m . damesuc mmmam, n ma, was! rad»; mamm- Inn!“ am as. m- .qmpmem ammg m the mvunim manual CE Conformity c E The device cumphes wim ms quuuements at me EEC flimnive BS/SSEIE EC as amended by smwssc and same/EEC Ami whh regard w‘EIeclmmagn snmpmhbflirf, and 73/23/EEC as amended by SEES/EEC A“. 13 with regard to smut Raquug: mam Felativsm StandardVilue Relafivnlmhose Exceeding Siandard‘la‘ue Remarks EMI‘ g l d 4 gr a 2 a 3 RADVATED RF' u 1 a v TRANSlENT F/a' x \ n 3 LINE HAHMONICS l‘ 1 . 1: 5am“ r.- “was «n he 9.0mm; m paflmmnu and rehabiliry, u z Enects may appear lempulaw on m- scmn m mm mu x» no prBNQm m - 3. mm a Eda: a ma yam-c nil-king um . a. n . Wm cabe mermm m speed-ed a used. n may ma um name at ubcvvumiun'bc mu. manual-an a! mam-a: m 7: lswve mama cs mmpflanea me use! mus! use mu pmvlded | !m KPH-(dad vldw Wm =M um sensed lame mm a! bum ends nr (he mulev Hana-a tangy, ‘n mung: mm we msxmuim mamaw ‘EMI vEla.‘ raw“: Ihloflvenu 159 sum-m: man-n;- nr zmaic Requena/ 4m; ‘Fasl Huts! um ViewSum'c P815 mama :PE : woe/ms. mm l—: Q} —|‘ Thls section shows how to adjust your monitor for your personal preference, Front Control Panel Wllh your monitor turned on. follow the numbered steps in sequence as shown below. 0 9 0 Press button Press the [7] Press button [1] lot the or [A] arrow to [2] {or an main menu select an mdividual shown below option to adjust control screen Power I H‘ l r—J—r 1 °" 1° | 1—|—' 9 0 , Press button press the [v] or Power light: "9' [l] “7 save [A] straw to make Green ' on changes and ~ Oran = owersavin exi1 thescreen adlustments 95 gums g 0nView® Main Menu The menu below shows the various controls for adjusting the monitor Q » ConIrutIBri ntnessw'r Sizea usrtien Geometry Tilt VlewMatch Color VieleterID-gluss Memnry Recall Vidun leel g Moire Reduction I! 050 Llnnu-uo N Focus H. Convergence v. Convergence :Exit Select: [2] El an 7 wmmuom ‘The manila) automatically deguune: when you lam it an Degausring removz: magnetic field buildup lhal can afiecr calm purity and convergence. Hawevu, degaum'ng repeatedly cilher manually ar from the menu shown above, may cause damage Alluw 20 rm'nulzr between degauning Operanon ViewSortic F8 75 ‘ E2 serum 5 acme/wen. use ]_IE@EE é} _] To exit the OnView‘” menu & save changes. press button [1]. O 3? Contrast/Brightness: Press button [2] to select one of the following controls to adjust: 0 Contrast adjusts foreground white level of screen image Press [V] or [A] to adjust. Note: With the Contrast adjustment screen displayed, pressing the [V] and [A] buttons simultaneously increases Conlrnsl to its maximum. i} Brightness adjusts bflckground black level of screen image Press [V] or [A] to adjust. Note: With the Brightness adjustment screen displayed, pressing the [V] and [A] buttons simultaneously returns Brightness to its factory preset levels Shortcut: Before displaying the Onv’tew menu, press the [V] or [A] button to display the adjustment screen. Then press [V] or [A] again to adjust, Button [2] toggles between Brightness and Contrast adjustment screens, Size & Position: Press button [2] to select one of the following controls to adjust, @' Horizontal Position moves the screen image left or right. [V] moves screen left. [A] moves screen right. H.Pusitiun 11Exit From this screen. press button [21 to display the adjustment screen tor the control,men press (v1 or [A] to adjust. . ~ Horizontal SiZe adjusts the width of the screen image. [V] decreases width, [A] increases widthi E Vertical Position moves the screen up and down. [V] moves screen down, [A] moves screen up. Vertical Size adjusts the height of the screen. [V] decreases screen height. [A] increases screen heightt VlEWSDniC Pats Operation fi 521353me s was 1 L30 i To extt the OnViewu menu & save changes, press button [1]. B Geometry: Press button [2] to select one of the following controls to adjust. ::[ Vertical Pincushion slraightens vertical sides of the screen, [V] curves vertical edges inward, [A] curves vertical edges outward. V.Pinoushion 0 1:Ex|t lelDDEl: Framthis screen, press button [2] to display the adjustment screen tor the controltmsn presstv; or [Alto adjust. a Side Pincushion Balance curves the screen's vertical edges to the left or right. [V] curves vertical edges to left, [A] curves vertical edges to right. D Trapezoid makes vertical edges of the screen image parallel, [V] narrows top and widens bottom, [A] widens [0p and narrows bottom. left or tight. [V] slants vertical edges to the left, [A] slants U Parallelogram slants vertical edges of the screen to the vertical edges to the right. H Hooking straightens the four corners of the screen image. [V] or [A] to adjust. TEN Tilt rotates the entire screen image, [V] rotates screen counter- clockwtse. [A] rotates screen clockwise. With the “fill adjustment screen displayed, pressing the [V] and [A] buttons simultaneously adjusts rotation to its factory preset leveli E1 1; Operafion ViewSonicP515 i ez-aausams m mos/test. t| so l n—lirer {e To exrl 1he OnVlewa menu & save changes. press button [1]. ViewMatch’ Color provides (our color adjusrmem upliDnS' four ' ' prcscl color lcmpcralures and User (color) which allows you lo fldJUSl rho reds, greens, and blues. The factory setting for \he muniror ls 9300K‘ lhc color temperature most frequently used in offices wirh fluorescent hghls, When you select Viemech Color from (he OnVicW Main Menu. lhc screen below appears. ViewMatch Color 9300K SSSOK 1 :Exit Selecl From this screen, press button [21 to select one ml the color (empera— lurelehen yau seleclUser,the screen beraw appears. From this screen. press human [2] to select Red, Green, or Blue. Press [v] or [A] to adjust. Vr'ewSunic P515 Operallun n woe/was. v.30 | l-lilfilj: To exit the OnViewD menu 8. save changes, press button [1]. fl ViewMetefl/Degauss: The P815 is equipped with ports for a 15 pin mint D-sub and a ENC connector allowing you (0 connect two computcrs, (A BNC cable is not included) a. fl ViewMeterdisplays the frequency signal input (horizontal scan and refresh rate) coming from the graphics card in your computer. See your graphics card user guide for more details, To switch between active pom. from the screen shown below, press [V] or [A]. Shortcult Before displaying the main menu, press button [2] to display the View/Meter screen shown below. ViewMeter 1280 X 1024 fH 63,7kHz Port m 0 N SDrlkHz Denauss Framthis screen. press button (21m select Degauss. If no input signal is detected from your computer. the screen shown below appears: the cable may not be con- nected or the monitor is in power saving mode. ViewMeter No Signal lH Port GB 0 TV lII Ex Degauss From "115 screen. press [when [21 to select Degauss. Degauss removes the buildup of magnetic fields that can cause irregular colors to appear around the edges of streen images. There are three ways to degauss the monitor: automatically by turning the monitor on, manually by selecting the Degxuss control from the OnView Main Menu, or with the VlewMeter control displayed, press button [2]. Important: 12g nut dgggyu gaggtgdlv. Doing so can be harmful to rhz monitor. Wait at least 20 minutes befare selecting thi: control again 52 9615] we Viewsonic P815 tz woe/mas 11.30 To exit the OnVieW” menu a save changes, press button [1]. <9 Memory Recall returns adjustments back to factory settings only tithe monitor is operating in a factory preset mode (sec the Specifications sections). Ercuplian; ThlS control does not affect changes made with the User color control where you adjust the reds, greens, and blues 9—6) Video Level allows you to change the video input signal level to match the signal Coming from your computer. Typically. 0.7v is used. For more tnfomtalion, rec your computer user guide. W _§ Moire Reduclion reduces interference that causes unwanted ' color textures or patterns. NOTE: Only use Moire if you see ripples or waves when viewing images having closely spaced lines or finely detailed patterns. To return to factory settings use Memory Recall. Button [2] toggles between Horizontal Moire and Vertical Moire. 2A; Horizontal Moire minimizes horizontal interference patterns, Press [V] or [A] to adjust. <3; Vertical Moire minimizes vertical interference patterns, Press [v1 or [A] to adjust. $— ?§§§§ OSD (on screen display) Language/Position: Press button {2} to select one of the following controls to adjust, ?<; OSD Language allows you to choose from among five languages for the Othew menus and adjustment screens; English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish, E OSD Position allows you to move the menu and adjustment screens where you want. Press [V] or [Al to move the OSD to one of six preset locations. Viewson/c P2775 Operation Ez-aats: we \3 woe/1995. use ;_ é} lE—Jll II To exit the OnVievfl menu & save changes, press button [1]. . -> o FOCUS fldJuSIS overall focus of the monitor To reset FOCUS to the default value, press [V] and [A] simultanously. Press button [2] to select H. FOCUS (Horizontal Focus). --'— H. FOCUS fine tunes the horizontal line focus only. To reset H. FOCUS to the default value, press [V] and [A] stmultanously. ‘lll‘ H. CONVERGENCE: (Horizontal Convergence) adjusts verttcal color alignment. Use only if you see red or blue around the verncal segments of black letters on a white background Press button [2] to toggle between RB (red/blue) and RG (red/ green), RB [V] to move red to the left, blue to the right. [A] to move red to the right, blue to the left. RC [7] to move both red and blue to the right of green. [A] to move both red and blue to the left of green. V. CONVERGENCE: (Vertical Convergence) adjusts horizontal color alignment. Use only if you see red or blue around the horizontal segments of black letters on a white background. Press button [2] to toggle between RB (red/blue) and RG (recll green). RB [V] to move red up, blue down. [A] to move red down, blue up. RG [Y] to move both red and blue down from the green. [A] to move both red and blue up from the green Operal'cn Viewsonfn P615 ; E2~p$|52=m§ u 094391995th sagas: me (5 l IE! H} [EH Specmcatlons CRT Type 21' (20 O' wewable uiagunal) 0.25mm (22mm H x,13mm V) flat pitch. 90' deflechon. SuDEICVan'“. ARAG lnpuxsignzl VIGEO Sepavm Composwmsynsrunqleen Sync 1,130v115kHl.lV.SD-\60H1 empammmy PC Upm muox was“ ( 1. a” A Macmlnsh" Up (0 1600 X i200 ( L A tsuonunm a 75m 1500x‘250 N) e as Hz (500x120!) N) a 91 Hz 1ZEDX1DZ4MQIDEH1 1024x758 NI 0 139m 800 xscu N) e 150 H1 640x480 N10 15a NZ 640x400 N! a 150 Hz Power Vouage AC 100-240 VAC (am swhch) 50/60 Hz Dlsway Arn Delauu zaumm (H) x 285mm (V) (Typing) Fun Scan 405mm (H) x 304mm (v) (Depends on signs) urning) Ogemllng Temperalura 32'Fm 104'F(D'C lu Ao-C) Conaumns Humidny 57w lo 907. (no ccndensahonj Alhlude To 10,000 (eel smug: Tempevanue wr (a um'F (we to awe) Cnnflitians Hummzry 55m 90'. (no condensaflcn) Afllludz To 40,000 lea! nimensmns Physical 505mm (W) x Smrnm (H) x 515mm (D) 19,9- (W) x19 7' (H) xzor (D) ngm Ne! 29.1kg5(64.2lb5) Regulalians UL,CSA, was FCC-E, NORDIC, CCIB,TUVIGS, CE/CISPR 22- .MPR~!I T0095, Energy saw, 50524173 (Ergonnmms). BCIQ) c-‘nm. vccus Powersaving On mnwwpmm (green LED) modes DF'MS Sland Ey <1sw (mange LED) DF'MS Suspend <15w (mange LED) ans or: (aw (oranqe LED) FresetTimlng Modes Uhe monitor has been (are-adjustedlquSA-1800x1200 @ 75H1) vs—xwouaoe so H1&75 Hz VESA16001|200675HUL55H1 A1024x763 a 75 Hz Macinmsh'uszxem c 75911 A1290x my a 75 H1&85H1 ~ A Memmosh wmaurer rename; a V’stonlc'Macr'A(oshldflplel. 70 mderan adapter, EOHXECY cus er supflcflv See me back we, or "us manual mu win need to provide me 5en'al number an yawmnnor, ~ Wamrngv Do not m the graph/cs curd in your comp-nu w excud mm maxrmum rehash nus. Being so may rssu” in nurmlnenl “my; 10 m: manual. " 1/1710 7500x1200 for FCC £155; 5 ViewScnic P6715 Otherlnbrmaucn 51 3 esmnm. n.z~.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:05:10 00:21:15 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Modify Date : 2001:05:10 00:21:18-04:00 Page Count : 12EXIF Metadata provided by