ViewSonic 21013 User Manual 35650
ViewSonic Corporation 35650
FACTORY CONTROL NO. 7:7FVD—99-F005 7 FCC m. : (33821013 ViewSoni’c® P815 with Plug & Play 4' 21 ” {200 " viewable diagonal) VCDT521492<4 ~ fl , wscv—u pmG @ mm Pzgmaku EMPPC ‘7 l l Clwylighl U Vin/Sonic Corpemmn. 1999. All righl user/ed. mm x11 AT. m 486, m4 psa m mglsiemt mum-ms and/av lmdcmuks of lnxcmalionll Busincs: Muhincs Corporation. mum is a registered lradzmark or lnlel Corporation.— Macintosh n family. LC‘ LC u. LC lll‘ Quadm and inzr Macimasn an: regislcred trademarks of Applz Comvnltr, Inc, Windows is n m'isleled Inflemlrk o! Minwofi Corpmminn. Vlnwsonic, dw mm. bird: logo. OnVlm. ViewM-lch, and Wechlcr am mgislcrzd lmdzmmks pr vaslmic Carponuun. SnpelCIAu ls a mum uslwaonlc Corpomlbn. Emmy Sn)! is a lesislerzfl lrndzmaxk ohm LLS, Envirunmcnml Pml=cliun Agency (EPA). VESA is a legislnzrl «mum-m ullhe Vntea Elzclmnlcs Sundlrds Associauun. DPMS and BBC m Mmadcs of VBA. Disclalmzr. V'wwsonic Cofpofllion shall ml be liable fur technical or edilorxll emf! or omissions cunnined hmein: nm' for incident)! orcwnscquzmial damagrs resulting from fumishing (his mnlzlixl. or we perfonnlnu or use nflhis pmducl. Vita/Sonic Cmpofllion rem-m the right to change pmdwcl specifmlion wilhnu: nmica. lnlnnmuinn in mi, pmumm may change wimp." “min, No pan mm; dun-mm my be copied. upmduud. or mmmhud by any means, for any purpose without prim vrrillcn pcrllllsiun fmm Vin/Sonic Empomiun. As an Enmcv STAR. pnrmer. ViewSonic Corp. has “uranium um mi: product mass m 12:15ch Save guidelinns for mugy efficiency Electronic Warranty Registration 1 Register your muliur a! M.vlewsnnlc4cnm. w; last, easy, and will simplify mm support mas, Power Cord Safety Guidelines Giullm: Use a power cable that is properly groundad. Always use (he AC curds listed below for each area : ' l—é—EIZEEEEIIDIL USA A UL Canada GSA Germany VDE Swiizerland SEV Britain . Japan 4 BASEC / as Elearic Appliance Control m In other areas. use AC cord which meals local safety standards. VlawSonil: P315 —‘ Pal-”mums Pml 75-17 Mm: pawwsvac 17 l I j—i—é—IDIEIHIIL: Power Cord Safety Guidelines (continued) at: PLUG CORD PRECAUTIIONS Form-re UNITED KINGBOM IF THE FITTED MOULDED PLUG IS UNSUITAELE FOR THE SOCKET OUTLET THEN THE PLUG SHOULD BE CUT OFF AND DISPOSED OF SAFELY, THEFIE IS A DANGER OF SEVERE ELECTFllC SHOCK lF THE CUT OFF PLUG IS INSEHTED INTO AN APPROPRIATE SOCKET ll 3 new plug Is to be fitted. clean oblewe Ihe wiring code as shown below I! in any doubt. please consul! a qualifmd electrician. Mm The wire: in this mains lead ant coloured in accnrdrlnce with ihe totlnwing code: Green—anfl-Y'llcw: Eflflh Blue: Neutral Brrwln: lee it the coloured wires at me mains lead or this appliance do not correspond with the coloured . numirqs identifying the terminals in yrrur plug. proceed as tultows: The wire which l's colaulld GFEEN-AND-VELLOW musl be Dunneclefl lo the lem‘ilnal in the oIU which gvziatked by the letter E, by Ina Earth symbol-é— er eohuled GREEN or GREEN- AN YELL The wire which is cnbured BLUE must be connected In the terminal in the plug which is marked with the Ieltet N or calcined BLACK The wile which is colnured BROWN must be conneded In the terminal in the plug wtuch is marked with the letter L at cnlntrred REDt IMPORTANT NOTICE CONCERNING POWER CORD SELECTION The power curd set lor this unil has been enclosed and has been selected accurding to the country or destination and must be used to prevent sledric shock. Use Ihe tutlowing guidelines it it is necessary to replace the original cord set, or ii the card set is not endased. The lemale receptacle ol (he card 99! must meet GEE-22 requirements and will look like “9“ ‘=' Figure 1 53 For Iha united States and Canada in the United States and Canada the male plug is a NEMA5-15 style (Figure 2). UL listed , and CSA labelled. Fur units which are mounted on a aesk er table, type SVT or sit curd ses may he used. For units which sit an the floor, only SAT lype curd sets may he used. The card set must he selected according to the current raling tor your unit. Please ccnsull Table A below (at the selection aiteria tor power cords used in the United states and Canada. We: @ In Europe ynu must use a cord set which is npproprtate inrll’le receptacles in your country, The cord set is HAR»Cemfied, and a special mark that will appear on the uutersheath, or f" I! you have any questions concerning the proper power cord to use, please cnnsult the an the insulation of one at the inner cdnductars, l— deater (mm whom you have purchased your monitort fig Table A Card Type Size or conductors |rt Cord Maximum Current Rating ol Unit SJT 15AWG IUAmps . 16AWG 12Amos MAWG 12Atnps sv‘r tsnws toAmps i 7AWG 1 2Amps View/Sonic P515 Purse-gms Page a $ mnbc Pia-MakerstrPC 15 ‘1 7 jv——$~—EEEEDZIJ:]]L I 1 FCC Information m: mom-m ha hm mm in: vm w cur-w will: um am «on Clzu a dam! min. puma/1! m nan |s or ma FCC Rules. Melimits m am u: m. m. mm mm: mm inwaam in a madman “mum, ms mmxwuu. mamma- 1mm mu mummy my. mu 1: Mun-mew and me i- mum mm m 1mm, my mm mm fluted-1m nu ma mum“. Hut-u, mm .. m gumm- ma! mmum val name" 1 Mir-whim u u- unis-null m muse bum “madame Io lmnoev mum rig-pm". vet-mun bod-amine by mm m- nqmwnml mum on um m4 is encwlged m w mama-1m. inl'flmobv worm um mum, maul“: 4 new. a meme me new menu. 4mm m. m'wun I’ll-ween (he mum! and Imam. - Cour-1:1 the mm« m an one! on aurmilailhum rm Illa! to mu. m reca'vgris cor-mm -<:unmmem w an undefined min m1 lm‘cu lav W. amps-“rum eejdamxx , with new»; ‘giln b. L fifiafiw'fln’ ' film in Power Supply Cord for USA Fuumm|W-lmiwmuamhth-Muummw: UL Us!“ and CSACcmfifl Yype S‘fl‘msfl‘um whim/46 mu |25Vu 7Amm. Oneenu (Emmi-m in I mod on ”ma! Ml. grandma “inhuman whwwafixlwwml no (15A, 125V wnfiwzn‘nn), ml mama mm ml MM WI“! My. Notice for Germany “015i" d'esem Geri! magnum Hbmqenwnhlunq is! lumichand lbggsm x. Sexmeunigvngsspaflnung mmmu 25.5 kV 'Aus urqnnondscnan Gn‘mflun wird emg'umen, die Emma-me Blau nth! aul dunklam Unufgmnu xu vuwandsfl ( scNecMs Erkennbarkeuz, Augenbeiasmng bsi xu genngem Zechenknfluasl ware me Paige). Notice for Japan um! mungfiuatfinfiinmug (vccxmmlafl < aixsflflfifi ear-r. manila. muu‘l’fizfiréz z 2 ant bnvz‘rflf, imam-7 51m“- VE-‘is >§mficmfi Lrtzme ha t‘ fiflnztalaficf: mm H t T. uflwumm—miwwmutut‘Fénu , CE Conformity c e The device complies with me luau“ mm: a! ma EEC dirmiv! 89 [335] EEC as amenead W 92 I 31 I EEG and 93 I as l EEC Ans wnh regald (a ~Elecxmmagnelic cnmpuibililr, and 731231550 unmanned by 931 sa/ EEC-m. 13 wllh vegard (a “Samy’. Haquusd lam Relanva m Standard Vam MM in mass Exceeding Sundae value Emma 34 us :3 a: nAmATED HF" TRANSIENT F/E‘ } a 1 LINE HARMumcs \ s 1 a 1. 5mm m-mmmu mm m wmwems in pedntmancz anfllsimmy 1 2: Ellen! my appemsmpmmy an m. Wm nu! mmvu u no m mtdvnlily. a 3: That! Is lea! arm mama arm-q mum. a .- u a system. merit-m mu spammed a; me. u may be an mum ammo-ac mlefiuertl m oenphenr rim/cu. Ya mum nnnlimed cs mpfilnc mum mull ulflhtwvvided LEM sm'ehzfl vidzq sqnu mm Mn Domed meme sales 3! am- am ov me emu, Nam cwmclry m anathema wan mew/151mm «mun. ~sm smcumagnm humans! ‘ESB : Beamsmic mug. $1; zfiamo Frau-my we ; Fails-1m ViewSorlic P515 fir PB‘Seng.pmS Fiat a . . mm PansMiku s mmpc 1577 1 Ps|seng urns CONTENTS For Your Records ........... Power Cord Safcw Guidelines FCC Information .......... CE Conformity ............................... " ..... Getting Started Package Conmnts ................... , Precauucms ....... , 5 Quick Insmllalicn‘ . 6 USB OnView' Hos: Software Controls ............................. 5 Ope ratlon From Conuol Panel ..................................... . . 8 OnView' Main Msnu . . 8 OnView“ Conuols . 4 . . . . 9 USB OnVicw’ Hos! SOfiWaIB Conuols ............................ 13 Other Information Spccxficalions . , 15 Troubleshooting . 16 Cleaning the MDnlIOF H . 17 Limited Warranty . . . 18 Customer Support. . . A back cnver - Tc man your (mum nerds‘ and m reczive any additional pmduu information 15 n bccomes minim, plus: regvsier your monitor‘s wan-my on me [um-m an hllpzl/|. ViEwSanic P1115 Page A muse PageMaker mum 7 a 7 7 Getting Started Congratulations on your purchase of a Professional Series ViewSonio P815 monitor! Important: Save the original box and all packing materidlfarfuture shipping needs. NOTE: This product was designed for operating in the region Where it was purchased. Also, the word “Windows" in this user guide refers to the following Microsoft“ operating systems: Windows 95. Windows 98, Windows NT (5.0). Package Contents Your ViewSonic P815 package includes the following: _- ViewSonic P815 monitor with USB“ Hub located on the monitor base - Video cable With 13 pin high density mini D-sub connector - Power cord - USB (Universal Serial Bus) cable - User's Guide - ViewSonic USB OnView” Host driver diskette . IN'F installation file on diskette or CD-ROM. - use (universal Serial Bus) re a peripheral bus standard that allows use peripheral devices to he automatic-try eontigum when they are attached to a use computer or nut-t use tearnatngy also permlls mulllple use devices to run Simultaneously, sucn as a use compatible mouse, keyboard, scanner. digital camera. winter. iuysilctqs). etc. Precautions - For the best viewing conditions, sit at least 18" from the monitor. . AVOID TOUCHING THE SCREEN WITH YOUR FINGERS. Oils from the skin are difficult to remove. ~ NEVER REMOVE THE REAR COVER. The monitor contains high— voltage parts. You may suffer serious injury if you touch these parts. ~ Avoid exposing the monitor to direct sunlight or another heat source. The monitor should be facmg away from direct sunlight to reduce glare. - Choose a well ventilated area to posrtion your monitor. Do not place anything on the monitor that prevents adequate dissipation of heat. - Ensure the area around me monitor is clean and free of moisture. - Keep the monitor away from magnets. motors, transformers. speakers, and televisions, - Do not place heavy objects on the monitor. Video cable. or power cord. - lf smoke. abnormal noise. or strange odor is present, immediately switch the monitor off and call your dealer or ViewSonic. It is dangerous to continue using the monitor. - Always handle your monitor wid-l care when moving it. View/Sonic F615 Patieng we Page 5 ' " Adana FaqlMakerG NIFPC 7577 l l Al per-amass $5133ij J 1 Quick Installation 1 Write the serial number on the back of the‘monitor in the space provided on page 1 labeled “Far your records“ and register your monitor’s warranty on the internet at http://www.viewsonicocom. 2 Read the Precautions section thorout’hly before insta g the monitor. e s the com uter and the mo tor are both turned ef e 33 PC users: Attach the Video Cable to a Video lnputhport on the monitor (see below). Then connect me other end to your computer. at: Macintosh” users: A Macintosh computer requires a ViewSonic“ Macintosh adapter (part No. VMAC-l). To order an adapter. contact ViewSome Customer Support, See the back cover of this manual. You will need to ' provide the serial number of your monitor. 4 Plug the attached Monitor Base Card from AC OUT (shown below) to the monitor's AC IN port. 5 Attach the power cord to the back of the monitor's has: (AC IN). Then plug the other end of the power cord into the power source (wall socket). ...cantinu2d ENC Video Ports DSuh Video PM me: BNC ooes not worm Pius: 5 my Video cable use INPUT (Unsmztm port ID oortnuler) Wall Socket == "65 pawaf can @ Monitor Base cm Computer USB Cable Side view at monitor base use OUTPUT (4 Downstream parts) w Functimamy 6mm: mm um month" we eumpum sot-«p use magnum yoquirowlndowrfl “mm-s as osn Lt nmm. unatt- computers, via-c was. and tens ol Windows 15 may not b. mmu- mn use ntncllons. Mlelmash' opor-tlng system an not inmate mm use tuncrmns. ViewSantc P515 Pigs s mane Pagemmrsmnpc 73 / 7 _J u—é-uDItItjitilL Quick Installation, continued 6 To use the USB Hub, connect the supplied USB cable from the USB output on your computer to the USB Input (upstream port) on file rear of the monitor bases 7 Connect any USB device(s) into any of the monitor USB outputs (downstream ports) on the side of the base. 5 Turn the computer on. Then, press the POWER button on the front of the monitor ON. (The Power light will turn greent) ' 9 Adjust the user controls to suit your personal preference, See the Operation section, and if mere are any problems, see the Troubles/roaring section. Important: To set the resolution, see your computer's or graphics card's user guide for instructions. For a list of Preset Timing Modes and the pre- atljusted screen resolution for this monitor. see Preset‘l'tming Modes in the Specifications section. Installation is complete! Enjoy your new monitor! USB OnView® Host Software Installation (for WindowsQ 98 & Windows 95 OSFt-2.1) lfeither Windows 98 or Windows 95 OSR~2J operating system is installed in your computer, you have the option of attaching USE peripheral devices (mouse, keyboard, etc) to your computer, as well as adjusting the screen image by using the ViewSonic' USB OnView Host software To complete the USE installation, do the following: 1 Follow Quick Installation steps I-S listed shove. 2 install the ViewSonic USE OnV'iew Host software and USB Driver software by following the instructions on the Readme file located on the installation diskette. 3 Plug the uprtrmm (square) connector of the USB cable into the USB INPUT port on the base of the monitor. Then plug the downstream (rectangular) connector into an upstream USB INPUT port on your computer. 4 Plug your choice of USB peripheral devices ( mouse, keyboard, scanner, etc.) into any downstream (rectanglzr) pons on the monitor ( tour on the side) Viewsoltic P515 Pslsaqmé Page? ' Adana Puma-t smwc 7&77 l ! —H filmy-ta ' Operation To adjust the manilor, folluw the numbered stcps in scqucnc: as shown below. Front Control Panel Button [1] displays maln menu WI and [Al scroll up and down the Main Menu to highlight control to adjust /\ Button [2] displays the control screen lnrthe highlighted cunlrol Pcwer On I Ofl IVlALl- ® \/ 9 e mgr??? my; 535; _ 3:12:32?“ increase value 0! Orange = size; Saving * the selected adlustmertls control 0nView° Main Menu (noun-n Pmssth5171nr[Albuttcns to select a control option to adjust. Ptcss button [I] to display the Main Mcnu shown below. Press butth [2] for an individual control screen. At each individual central screen, press‘lhz [V] or [A] to make adjustments. Press button [ l] to save changes and exit the screamThc Main Menu also automatically disappears approximately in 20 seccnds llflcr pressing any button. Each control motion ls represented lay an lCcrt. Main Menu Gaomatty Till video Laval Advanced Geomnlry ViewMalcn Cater VlewMal-r I Degsuss Mamaly Raul] Maire Raduction Coma/gents. Llneauty center/Edna osD Lan-we/Poslt tlon Button [2] displays the tndivldual control screen 01 me selected control Option to adjust. Select 42 7917 ViewSarllc F515 Amt» Pagemxur Stu/vac —é~IEIE-Ilzl[ ! l Changes are automatically saved when [1] is pressed. OnView" Controls Contrast I Brightness: Press button [2] to toggle between Contrast and Brightness as shown below 0 Contrast adjusts foreground white level‘of screen image. NOTE: Pressing the [V] and [A] buttons simultaneously increases Contrast to its maximum. NOTE: You can also access the Contrast control by pressing either [V] or [A] before accessing the Main Menu. 20: Brlghtness adjusts background black level of screen image. Press [V] or [A] to adjust. NOTE: Pressing the [V] and [A] buttons simultaneously tetums Brightness to its factory preset level, Shortcut. Before displaying the OnWew menu, press the [V] or [A] button. Press [V] or [A] to adjust. Press button [2] to toggle between Brightness and Contrast Size & Position: Press button [2] to select one of the following controls to adjust @ Zoom expands and contracts the entire screen image. [7] contracts the image, [A] expands the image. 3! Horizontal Position adjusts the horizontal position of the screen image. [V] moves screen image left, [A] moves screen image right, Horizontal Size ad‘usts the width of the screen imaoei J a [V] decreases width. [A] increases width. L_i Vertical Position adjusts the vertical position of me screen image. [7] moves screen image down, [A] moves screen image up. E Vertical Size adjusts the height ofvhe screen. [7] decreases height of screen image. [A] increases height of screen image. ...cantinued ViewScni: P315 Pslisqmfi Page 9 Anne. PageMnker 5.0JIPPC if 7 a u 7 q} —$‘ZEIZEDIEEI Changes are automatically saved when [1] is pressed. fl Geometry: Press button [2] to select one of the following controls to adjust. 11 Vertical Pincushion straightens vertical sides of the screen, (71 curves vertical edges inward, [A] curves vertical edges outward. CK Side Pinoushion Balance curves the screen's vertical edges to the left or right. [V] curves vertical edges to the left, [A] curves vertical edges to the right. D Trapezoid makes vertical edges of the screen image parallel. [V] narrows top and widens bottom, [A] widens top and narrows bottom. 0 Parallelogram slants vertical edges of the screen to the left or right. [V] slants vertical edges to the left, [A] slants vertical edges to the right. Advanced Geometry: Press button [A] to charge the sub OSD screen. Press button [2] to select one of the following controls to adjust. ‘ D Top Hooking The image can be corrected for vertical 6 pincushion distortion in top hooking. E Bottom Hook The image can be corrected for vertical \ pincush ion distortion in the bottom hooking. S1 Hourglass The image can be corrected for vertical pincushion distortion in the Hourglass. $2 Hourglass Bal The image can be corrected for vertical pincushion distortion in the Hourglass Ba]. YER Tilt: rotates entire screen image. [V] rotates screen counter— clockwise. [A] rotates screen clockwise, NOTE: Pressing the [V] and [A] buttons simultaneously adjuSts rotation to its factory preset level. ViewMatch‘a Color: adjusts the color temperature. 1) Use the [V] and [A] buttons to select 1: 9300“ K + 8 MPCD, 2; 7500° K, 3: 6500" K, 4: 50006 K. 5: 9300n K + 27 MPCD, or 6: User Color. 2) If you select 6: User Color, press button [2] to display the USER COLOR adjustment screen. ' ...confinued VieWSanfC P515 PSISWMS Page m - Mots; Paquakel Stu/PFC 7977 MICE. Changes are automatically saved when [I] is pressed, User Color Level: adjusts the colorimensity of individual colors. [AI increases the amount of color in the image, [V] decreases the nmountoi'color in the imager NOTE: Press button [2] to select the red, green. orblue controll 5] fl ViewMetef’I Degauss: Press button [2] to toggle between ViewMeter and Degauss. ». ViewMeter displays the frequency signal input (horizonml scan and refresh rate) coming from the graphics card in your computer. See yaur vtdea card's user guide for more details. (Input Selection) : To switch between a computer connected to the D‘Sub port (A) and a computer connected to the BNC ports (B), press [V] or [A]. fl Degauss removes the build-up of magnetic fields that can affect color purity and convergence. Press the [2] button to degxuss. 0 Memory Recall: If the monitor is operating in rt factory preset timing mode (see page 15), this control will reset die image to the factory preset sine, position and geometry settings. If the monitor is operating in a user defined mode, this control has no effect. 1,16) Video Input Signal Level: changes the video input signal level to match the computer‘s signal level. W‘éé Moire Reduction: Press button [2] to toggle between Horizontal and Vertical Moire controls. W Horizontal Moira adjusts horizontal lines caused by interference between the phosphor dot pitch and scanning line pitchr [A] increases the amount of adjustment, [V] decreases the amount ofadjustment. CAUTION: Overcon'ection of moire can affect the picture quality. a§§ Vertical Moire adjusts vertical lines caused by interference berween the phosphor dot pitch and video pattern. [A] increases the amount of adjustment, [V] decreases the amount of adjusnnent. CAUTION: Over-correction of moire can affect the picture quality. ...cantinued VfawSanfc P515 l army—is me u ' ' Mace Pagmmrsmli‘vc i 73 ., 7 @ l l n—é—mml l 1 Changes are automatically saved when ii] is pressed. E l%] Convergence: Press [2] button to toggle between Horizontal Convergence and Vertical Convergence controls. Convergence is affected by geomagnetism, Use this function when convergence error occurs after moving the monitor or changing the screen angle . E Horizontal Convergence Horizontal convergence of the image (color fringing) can be adjusted. NOTE; If the [V] and {A} buttons are pressed at the same time on the H. Convergence adjustment screen, the standard level (50) will be set. Press the [A] button to move red to the right and blue to the left. Press the [V] button to move red to the left and blue to the right. lg] Vertical Convergence Vertical convergence of the image (color fringing) can be adjusted. NOTE: If the [V] and [A] buttons are pressed at the same time on the V. Convergence adjustment screen. the standard level (50) will be set Press the [A] button to move red downwards and blue upwards Press the [V] button to move red upwards and blue downwards E E] Llneatlty Center I Edge: Press [2] button to toggle between Linearity Center and Linearity Edge controls. Linearity Center: The image can be adjusted for vertical linearity in the center. NOTE: Ifthe [V] and [A] buttons are pressed at the same time on the Linearity - C adjustment screen, the standard level will be set. Press the [A] button to make the center linearity narrower. Press the [7] button to make the center linearity wider, 2] Linearity Edge: The image can be adjusted for vertical linearity in the edge. NOTE: If the [V] and [A] buttons are pressed at die same time on the Linearity - E adjustment screen, the standard level will be set. Press the [A] button to make the bottom linearity widen Press m: [V] bunon to make the top lmeanry narrower. 7g $- 050 Language! Position: 7 «1 Language Selection: allows the user to choose the language in which the control names are displayed. fie OSD Position: Press the [2] button to reposition the OSD. III View/Sonic F515 —| 9365133an Page r: ' ' Adobe PageMskerst/PPC 7 a u 7 $ l l Self-Test: When there is no signal input (because the cable is not connected or no video signal is coming from the computer), or the monitor is in power saving mode. the self-test screen can be called by pressing me [I], [V], [A]. or [1] button. An en‘or message screen appears when the horizontal or vertical sync signal is outside of the permitted ranger USB OnView" Host Software Controls (forwindows° 98 & Windows 95 OSR-2.1) You can use your computer mouse to adjust the ViewSanic' USE OnVicw Host Software Controls as an alternative to using many of the traditional OnView controls (pages 8-12) to adjust the screen image of your monitor. NOTE : Before you can use these USB soflwnre features, you must first install the ViewSonit" USB OnView Host Software driver [see page 7). ViewMeter‘ Save Changes anon Changes Apply Changes USB On View Host Main Menu 0 Contrast Control “15“ Brightness Control 13 H / v Position Control 8 HIV Size Control Vertical Moire Reduction gj Pincushion Control fl Degauss - Pirl- Balance Control 635 ViewMalch'Color Control - Trapezoid Control a USB On View Host Main Menu ICON Parallelogram Control \@ Tilt Control 5 Horizontal Moire Reduction View/Sonic PE15 n49—EDIEE-Iznl l Psvsergoflié Page is . Adooc PnoMaker sows-c f 7577 l l USB OnView° Host Software Controls (Continued) Ccnuasl Control l- Centres Vertical Pusnion Control Hnnzomal Fnsifion Comm! 1.x Brightness E Bnmnm_. Comm Egg ll Brightness Control Sub-Menu Venical Size Control \ Horizontal Size Control LLJEIE Alignment Control Sub-Menu Facmry Preset Calm 7 Temperatures User Calm / Red Cunlrol / Green Control r,“ Blue Control ViewM atoh" Color Control Sub-Menu —$—EEEE]2IZDIL ”53qu Page m 7977 ViewSonlc P515 Am PagzMakevsnflPFC ( l l Other Information Spectfications CRT Type 21'( 20.0’ vtawahie diagonal), 0.25 mm Del Pitch. 90‘ deflection Gian Surface Superc‘w’”,AHAG'(anw=1leclien, anti-gram) Input Signal Vbao R65 Analog. HV Sewaled (T'r’L), Composilu. Symgm. Sync lnzw~ll5kHz.l,:50-150Hl Cumpmbimy PC Up En MOO x1280 NV" Mactmosn'" Pmr Macinwm'. up (a 1500 x 12m Maxlmum Refresh 1500): 1290 NI@ 85 HI 1024 x 763 NI @ 142 Hz Rat-s" 1500x1200 mg) 91Hz eon x soom©1au Hz 1230x1024 NIQ to; H2 640 x «some: ten Hz my 370th team swx4wut@1aon Powcr mugs AC (00 - 240 VAC 501 an H1 Dlsplay Area 05mm 395 mm (H) x 297 mm (V) (Typicat) Full Scan 406 mm (H) x 304 mm M (Depends on stgnal liming) Oparattng Temperature 01 ‘F |e 95 ‘F (5 =c (035 q confllrlans Humidity 551 m was (no condemns") Altitude To 1000010111 Storage Tmyamra In 01 to ‘F t-zoc to 460°C) emaitlens Hunvdin 5-1. to sir/o (no cum-matron) Amtude To 40,000 (Isl Dimenslans myaieai (monitor) 493 mm (W) x 5015 mm (H) x 456 mm (D; 19.5 - (W) x 19.1 "0-0 x 19.1 ' (D) w-tgnt Mel 17.5 k| (50.11 m) Reguialluns UL. 13A. Tuwss, CE. SEMKO, NEMKO. DEMKO. ' wac. NOM. 01:15. min 01-116. F005. lea. vent-a, Beta. out-rs Too 139. MPH II. 54511“ Sun’, ISMZM-S Puwev swing - an <1 in w iyp'ut (green LED) man's DPMSmstana By < to w (amigo LED) DFMS Suspend < m W(nr1nqe LED) opus on < 3 w (orange LED) Fresal Tlming Modes (The monitor has been pmadlusted to VESA' 1500 x 1200 @ as Hz) VGA 540 x A80 @ 50 Hz VESA (250 X 1026 @ 75 H1. 85 HZ VESA mm x 5011 @ 55 Hz VESA 15m x 12110 @ 75 Hz, as Hz VESA 11124 x 755 @ 35 Hz Macintusn' 1152 x am 13> 75 Hz " Macintosh compuls/ requtres WEWSDIH'L‘ Macinlmh adapter. 117 mar an adapter, contact cusramer support. Sea m; back coma/this manual. You mimeed to provide the serial number on your monitor. - Wamlng: Du no! so! ”I! graph/u clldlfl your tampulfl to Exceed mm mlxlmum rarresn mes. Dolng at: my resull in permanent daring- to in. monitor. " up to 1500 x 12011 for FCC class B. Wolf/Sonic P315 Pag' |S 7577 ‘l Fuse/19 ms Aime [7 . ~ Make sure that video input signals are within monitor‘s specltled lrequency range. n—$~D:lj:l:l:tj:- Troubleshooting No power - Press Power button ON. Make sure that AIC power cord is securely connected to the back or the monilor and to a power outlet. . Plug another electrlc device (like a radio) into power outlet to verily that outlet is supplying proper voltage. Power on but no screen image ~ Make sure that video cable provided lor monitor is tightly secured to video output port on oaok or computer. Il other and or video cable ls not attached permanently to monitor. tightly secure it to monitor. - Adiusl the onghtness and contrast. ~ Check this user's guide to see ii an adapter is required ror proper signal continuity between graphics card and monitor. Flickering ~ Not enough power supplied. Connect monitor to - dinerent outlet. ll using surge protector, reduce number or devices plugged in. - Check VlewMeteflto verlty that the relresh rate (vertical lroquency) is 75 H1 or higher. See the Speclllcations section. - Make sure that graphics card In your computer can use non-interlaced mode at desired lrequencies. To enable your graphics card to support higher relresh rates. try selecting tewer colors or running lower resolutions. Remo any devices lrom area around monitorthat emit magnetic fields. such as radios. surge protectors, unshielded speakers, fluorescent lights, ACpower converters, desk lans. etc. Wrong or abnormal colors - ll any colors (red. green, or blue) are missing, check video cable to make sure that ll - is securely connected. Loose pins in the cable connector could cause a bad connection. - Connect monltor to another computer. Turn monitor OFF. wall one minute. then turn ON again. Do this only once. Il you have an older graphits card. contact customer supporl tor a HOWDDC adapter. Enlire screen image scrolls (rolls) vertlcally - Try monilor wrtn anolher power source, graphics card. or computer system, Connect vrdeu cable securely. . Control buttons do nol work ~ Press only one button at a time. USB (Universal Serial Bus) lunctlons do not work ~ Make sure that USB cable is securely and correctly installed. . Make sure that the appropriate USEcsupporled operating system is installed in your computer. ViewSDnic P815 no. rs . Adone PageMakar ewPPc 7577 Cleaning the Monitor - MAKE SURE THE MONITOR IS TURNED'OFF, - NEVER SPRAY OR POUR ANY LIQUID DIRECTLY ONTO Tl-I'E SCREEN OR CASE. To clean the 1 Wipe the screen “lid! 3 clean, soft, linbfree cloth. This removes dust and screen: other particles 2 lf still not clean, apply a small amoum of mm. non-aleghgl based glass cleaner onto a clean. soft, lint-free cloth. and wipe the screen. To clean the case 1 Us: a soft, dry cloth. 2 If still not clean, apply a small amount of nanammcnia, non-alcnho] based, mild non-abrasive detergent onto a clean. soft, lint-free cloth, then wipe the DISCLAIMER surface. ViewSonlc does not recnmmend (he use of any ammonia or alcghol-based cleaners on the monitor screen or case Some chemleal cleaners have been reported to damage the screen and/or case 01 the monitoerewSonic will not be llable tor damage resulting 1mm use at any ammonia or alcahol— based cleaners. Viewsonic P31 | ; psxsmms flag.” 13-17 mo- PaanakevE.m/PPC I“ 1 l
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:06:24 09:18:33 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : VicodinES /CB /TNN Title : 35650.pdf Modify Date : 2001:06:24 09:18:52-04:00 Page Count : 18EXIF Metadata provided by