Visteon 09NBTHFA Bluetooth Car Kit User Manual No Job Name

Visteon Corporation Bluetooth Car Kit No Job Name

User Manual

2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copylate these restrictions. If your license terminates,you agree to cease any and all use of theGracenote Data, the Gracenote Software, andGracenote Servers. Gracenote reserves all rightsin Gracenote Data, the Gracenote Software, andthe Gracenote Servers, including all ownershiprights. Under no circumstances will Gracenotebecome liable for any payment to you for anyinformation that you provide. You agree thatGracenote, Inc. may enforce its rights under thisAgreement against you directly in its own name.The Gracenote MusicID Service uses a uniqueidentifier to track queries for statistical purposes.The purpose of a randomly assigned numericidentifier is to allow the Gracenote MusicID ser-vice to count queries without knowing anythingabout who you are. For more information, see theweb page for the Gracenote Privacy Policy forthe Gracenote MusicID Service.The Gracenote Software and each item ofGracenote Data are licensed to you “AS IS.”Gracenote makes no representations or warran-ties, express or implied, regarding the accuracyof any Gracenote Data from in the GracenoteServers. Gracenote reserves the right to deletedata from the Gracenote Servers or to changedata categories for any cause that Gracenotedeems sufficient. No warranty is made that theGracenote Software or Gracenote Servers areerror-free or that functioning of Gracenote Soft-ware or Gracenote Servers will be uninterrupted.Gracenote is not obligated to provide you withnew enhanced or additional data types or cat-egories that Gracenote may provide in the futureand is free to discontinue its online services atany time.GRACENOTE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIESEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER-CHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE, TITLE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT.GRACENOTE DOES NOT WARRANT THE RE-SULTS THAT WILL BE OBTAINED BY YOURUSE OF THE GRACENOTE SOFTWARE ORANY GRACENOTE SERVER. IN NO CASEWILL GRACENOTE BE LIABLE FOR ANYCONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAM-AGES OR FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR LOSTREVENUES.Copyright:Music recognition technology and related dataare provided by GracenoteT. Gracenote is theindustry standard in music recognition technol-ogy and related content delivery. For more infor-mation visit and music-related data from Gracenote, Inc.,copyright © 2000-2006 Gracenote. GracenoteSoftware, copyright © 2000-2006 Gracenote.This product and service may practice one ormore of the following U.S. Patents: #5,987,525;#6,061,680; #6,154,773, #6,161,132,#6,230,192, #6,230,207, #6,240,459,#6,330,593, and other patents issued or pend-ing. Some services supplied under license fromOpen Globe, Inc. for U.S. Patent: #6,304,523.Gracenote and CDDB are registered trademarksof Gracenote. The Gracenote logo and logotype,and the “Powered by Gracenote” logo are trade-marks of Gracenote.BLUETOOTHTAUDIO (if soequipped)If you have a compatible BluetoothTaudio devicethat is capable of playing audio files, the devicecan be connected to the vehicle’s audio systemso that the audio files on the device play throughthe vehicle’s speakers.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-91ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPYNote to reviewers: Bluetooth audio is new to our books. Please confirm if this text is complete and provide any necessary information that may need to be added.
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyConnecting BluetoothTaudioTo connect your BluetoothTaudio device to thevehicle, follow the procedure below:1. Press the SETTING button on the instru-ment panel.2. Touch the “Bluetooth” key.3. Touch the “Connect Bluetooth” key.4. A screen will appear asking if you are con-necting the device to use with the hands-free phone system. Touch the “No” key.5. Initiate pairing from the BluetoothTdevice.The PIN is 0000. See the BluetoothTde-vice’s owner’s manual for more information.lha1316LHA1316lha1317LHA1317lha1351LHA13514-92 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyAudio main operationThe controls for the BluetoothTaudio are dis-played on the screen.BluetoothTaudio settingsTo adjust the BluetoothTaudio settings, followthe procedure below:1. Press the SETTING button on the instru-ment panel.2. Touch the “Bluetooth” key.3. Touch the “Connected Devices” key.4. Touch the “Audio Player” key.LHA1299lha1316LHA1316 LHA1296Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-93ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy5. A list of the connected BluetoothTaudioplayers is displayed. Touch the name of thedevice you wish to edit.6. The Device Name and Device Address aredisplayed on the screen. Touch the “Select”key to make this device the activeBluetoothTaudio player. Touch the “Edit”key to edit the details of the player, such asDevice Name. Touch the “Delete” key todelete the device.CD/CF (CompactFlashT) CARE ANDCLEANINGCD:●Handle a CD by its edges. Do not bend thedisc. Never touch the surface of the disc.●Always place the discs in the storage casewhen they are not being used.●To clean a disc, wipe the surface from thecenter to the outer edge using a clean, softcloth. Do not wipe the disc using a circularmotion.LHA1297 LHA1298 LHA00494-94 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy●Do not use a conventional record cleaner oralcohol intended for industrial use.●A new disc may be rough on the inner andouter edges. Remove the rough edges byrubbing the inner and outer edges with theside of a pen or pencil as illustrated.CF cards:CAUTIONDo not force the CompactFlashTcard intothe CompactFlashTplayer slot. Forcingthe CF card could damage the pins insidethe CF player slot, especially if the CF cardis upside down or backwards.●Never touch the terminal portion of the Com-pactFlashTcards. Do not bend the cards.●Always place the cards in the storage casewhen they are not being used.●Do not place heavy objects on the cards.●Do not store the cards in highly humid loca-tions.●Do not expose the cards to direct sunlight.●Do not spill any liquids on the cards.Refer to the CompactFlashTcard Owner’sManual for more details.LHA1002Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-95ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy1. Power on and SOURCE select switch2. Tuning switch3. Volume control switch1. Power on and SOURCE select switch2. ENTER tuning switch3. Volume control switchSTEERING WHEEL SWITCH FORAUDIO CONTROLThe audio system can be operated using thecontrols on the steering wheel.POWER on switchWith the ignition switch in the ACC or ON posi-tion, push the SOURCE switch to turn the audiosystem on.SOURCE select switchPush the source select switch to change themode in the following sequence: AM →FM →iPodT*4 (if so equipped) →Music Box*2 (if soequipped) →CD*1 →CompactFlash™*1 (if soequipped) →AUX*3.*1: These modes are only available when com-patible media storage is inserted into the device.*2: This mode is only available when music hasbeen downloaded into the Music Box hard-diskdrive audio system.*3: This mode is only available when a compatibleauxiliary device is plugged into the AUX jack.*4: This mode is only available when a compatibleiPodTis connected.Volume control switchPush the volume control switch to increase ordecrease the volume.TuningMemory change (radio):Push the tuning switch ( or ) for lessthan 1.5 seconds to change presets.Type ALHA1144Type BWHA11454-96 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copySeek tuning (radio):Push the tuning switch ( or ) for morethan 1.5 seconds to seek the next or previousradio station.Next/Previous track (CD/CF):Push the tuning switch or for lessthan 1.5 seconds to return to the beginning of thepresent track or skip to the next track. Pushseveral times to skip back or skip through tracks.This system searches for the blank intervals be-tween selections. If there is a blank interval within1 program or there is no interval between pro-grams, the system may not stop in the desired orexpected location.Next/Previous track (Music Box):Push the tuning switch or for lessthan 1.5 seconds to return to the beginning of thepresent track or skip to the next track. Pushseveral times to skip back or skip through tracks.Push and hold the tuning switch orfor more than 1.5 seconds to change playlists.When the last playlist is playing, the next playlistwill be selected.Next/Previous track (iPodT):Push the tuning switch or for lessthan 1.5 seconds to return to the beginning of thepresent track or skip to the next track. Pushseveral times to skip back or skip through tracks.Push and hold the tuning switch orfor more than 1.5 seconds to rewind or fastforward the current track. When the switch isreleased the track will be played normally.Change disc (CD) (if so equipped):Push the tuning switch or for morethan 1.5 seconds to change the playing disc upor down.ANTENNAWindow antennaThe antenna pattern is printed inside the rearwindow.CAUTION●Do not place metalized film near therear window glass or attach any metalparts to it. This may cause poor recep-tion or noise.●When cleaning the inside of the rearwindow, be careful not to scratch ordamage the rear window antenna.Lightly wipe along the antenna with adampened soft cloth.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-97ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPYReviewers: Please see "Attachment 4-B" on following page for rear audio controls that will appear here. Please confirm if these controls will be available.
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 1 SESS: 3 OUTPUT: Mon Apr 13 14:49:14 2009 SUM: 49FA0EF6/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/max/rear-audio-controls1. VOL (volume) control switch2. TUNE/TRACK switch3. ON/OFF button4. SRC (source) select button5. DisplayREAR AUDIO CONTROLS (if soequipped)The audio system can also be operated using therear controls.For information on canceling the rear seat con-troller, see “Rear control cancel switch (if soequipped)”in the “Instruments and controls”sec-tion.ON/OFF button:With the ignition switch placed in the ACC or ONposition, press the ON/OFF button to turn theaudio system on or off.VOL (volume) control switch:Push the side of the switch to increase thevolume or push the side of the switch todecrease the volume.SRC (source) button:Press the SRC button to change the audio mode.TUNE/TRACK control switch:Radio:●Push the or side of the switchto select the next or previous preset station.●Push and hold the or side ofthe switch to select the next or previousstation.CD:●Push the or side of the switchto select the next track or the beginning ofthe current track.CD/CF (if so equipped) with MP3/WMA:●Push the or side of the switchto select the next track or the beginning ofthe current track.●Push and hold the or side ofthe switch to change folders.iPodT(if so equipped):●Push the or side of the switchto select the next or previous track.Music Box hard-disk drive audio system (ifso equipped):●Push the or side of the switchto select the next or the beginning of thecurrent track.●Push and hold the or side ofthe switch to change the playlist.LHA11420-1ZREVIEW COPY—2009 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXReviewers: Please confirm that 2010 Maxima NAM will have rear seat HVAC controls. If controls are present, please provide rear switch operations for USB interface and Bluetooth audio, since these could not be validated on vehicle.Attachment 4-B
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyWhen installing a CB, ham radio or car phone inyour NISSAN, be sure to observe the followingprecautions; otherwise, the new equipment mayadversely affect the engine control system andother electronic parts.WARNING●A cellular telephone should not be usedwhile driving so full attention may begiven to vehicle operation. Some juris-dictions prohibit the use of cellular tele-phones while driving.●If you must make a call while your ve-hicle is in motion, the hands free cellu-lar phone operational mode (if soequipped) is highly recommended. Ex-ercise extreme caution at all times sofull attention may be given to vehicleoperation.●If you are unable to devote full attentionto vehicle operation while talking onthe phone, pull off the road to a safelocation and stop your vehicle.CAUTION●Keep the antenna as far away as pos-sible from the electronic controlmodules.●Keep the antenna wire more than 8 in(20 cm) away from the electronic con-trol system harnesses. Do not route theantenna wire next to any harness.●Adjust the antenna standing-wave ratioas recommended by the manufacturer.●Connect the ground wire from the CBradio chassis to the body.●For details, consult a NISSAN dealer.WARNING●Use a phone after stopping your vehiclein a safe location. If you have to use aphone while driving, exercise extremecaution at all times so full attention maybe given to vehicle operation.●If you are unable to devote full attentionto vehicle operation while talking onthe phone, pull off the road to a safelocation and stop your vehicle.CAUTIONTo avoid discharging the vehicle battery,use a phone after starting the engine.CAR PHONE OR CB RADIO BLUETOOTHTHANDS-FREE PHONESYSTEM WITHOUT NAVIGATIONSYSTEM (if so equipped)4-98 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPYNote to reviewers: This section represents Gen3 Bluetooth Hands-Free Phone for non-Navi vehicles. Our vehicle was not to up-to-date with this software, so text was borrowed from All-Model Bluetooth and QRG and Sentra NAM. Please advise if this text is correct/complete.
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyYour NISSAN is equipped with the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System. If you have a com-patible BluetoothTenabled cellular phone, youcan set up the wireless connection between yourcellular phone and the in-vehicle phone module.With BluetoothTwireless technology, you canmake or receive a hands-free telephone call withyour cellular phone in the vehicle.Once your cellular phone is paired to the in-vehicle phone module, no other phone connect-ing procedure is required. Your phone is auto-matically connected with the in-vehicle phonemodule when the ignition switch is placed in theON position with the paired cellular phone turnedon and carried in the vehicle.You can register up to 5 different BluetoothTcellular phones to the in-vehicle phone module.However, you can talk on only one cellular phoneat a time.Before using the BluetoothTHands-Free PhoneSystem, refer to the following notes.●Set up the wireless connection between acompatible cellular phone and the in-vehiclephone module before using the hands-freephone system.●Some BluetoothTenabled cellular phonesmay not be recognized by the in-vehiclephone module. Please for a recom-mended phone list and pairing.●You will not be able to use a hands-freephone under the following conditions:– Your vehicle is outside of the cellular ser-vice area.– Your vehicle is in an area where it isdifficult to receive a cellular signal; suchas in a tunnel, in an underground parkinggarage, near a tall building or in a moun-tainous area.LHA1158Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-99ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy– Your cellular phone is locked to prevent itfrom being dialed.●When the radio wave condition is not idealor ambient sound is too loud, it may bedifficult to hear the other person’s voice dur-ing a call.●Do not place the cellular phone in an areasurrounded by metal or far away from thein-vehicle phone module to prevent tonequality degradation and wireless connectiondisruption.●While a cellular phone is connected throughthe BluetoothTwireless connection, the bat-tery power of the cellular phone may dis-charge quicker than usual. The BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System cannot chargecellular phones.●If the hands-free phone system seems to bemalfunctioning, see “Troubleshooting guide”in this section. You can also for trouble-shooting help.●Some cellular phones or other devices maycause interference or a buzzing noise tocome from the audio system speakers. Stor-ing the device in a different location mayreduce or eliminate the noise.●Refer to the cellular phone Owner’s Manualregarding the telephone charges, cellularphone antenna and body, etc.REGULATORY INFORMATIONFCC Regulatory information– CAUTION: To maintain compliance withFCC’s RF exposure guidelines, use only thesupplied antenna. Unauthorized antenna,modification, or attachments could damagethe transmitter and may violate FCC regula-tions.– Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions:1. This device may not cause interference and2. this device must accept any interference,including interference that may cause un-desired operation of the device.IC Regulatory information– Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions: (1) this device may not cause interfer-ence, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference, including interference that maycause undesired operation of the device.– This Class B digital apparatus meets all re-quirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.BLUETOOTHtis atrademark owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc.,U.S.A. and licensed toVisteon.USING THE SYSTEMThe NISSAN Voice Recognition system allowshands-free operation of the BluetoothTPhoneSystem.If the vehicle is in motion, some commands maynot be available so full attention may be given tovehicle operation.InitializationWhen the ignition switch is placed in the ONposition, NISSAN Voice Recognition is initialized,which takes a few seconds. If the button ispressed before the initialization completes, thesystem will announce “Hands-free phone systemnot ready” and will not react to voice commands.Operating tipsTo get the best performance out of the NISSANVoice Recognition system, observe the following:4-100 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy●Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet aspossible. Close the windows to eliminatesurrounding noises (traffic noises, vibrationsounds, etc.), which may prevent the systemfrom recognizing voice commands correctly.●Wait until the tone sounds before speaking acommand. Otherwise, the command will notbe received properly.●Start speaking a command within 5 secondsafter the tone sounds.●Speak in a natural voice without pausingbetween words.Giving voice commandsTo operate NISSAN Voice Recognition, pressand release the button located on thesteering wheel. After the tone sounds, speak acommand.The command given is picked up by the micro-phone, and voice feedback is given when thecommand is accepted.●If you need to hear the available commandsfor the current menu again, say “Help” andthe system will repeat them.●If a command is not recognized, the systemannounces, “Command not recognized.Please try again.” Repeat the command in aclear voice.●If you want to go back to the previous com-mand, you can say “Go back” or “Correc-tion” any time the system is waiting for aresponse.●You can cancel a command when the sys-tem is waiting for a response by saying,“Cancel” or “Quit”. The system announces“Cancel” and ends the VR session. You canalso press the button on the steeringwheel at any time. Whenever the VR sessionis cancelled, a double beep is played toindicate you have exited the system.●If you want to adjust the volume of the voicefeedback, press the volume control switches(+ or -) on the steering wheel while beingprovided with feedback. You can also usethe radio volume control knob.●In most cases you can interrupt the voicefeedback to speak the next command bypressing the button on the steeringwheel.●To speed the operation you can say multiplecommands. For example, press thebutton then say “Phonebook, New entry”rather than “Phonebook.” Wait for the voicefeedback prompt then say “New entry”.How to say numbersNISSAN Voice Recognition requires a certainway to speak numbers in voice commands. Referto the following rules and examples.●Either “zero” or “oh” can be used for “0”.Example: 1-800-662-6200– “One eight oh oh six six two six two ohoh”, or– “One eight zero zero six six two six two ohoh”●Words can be used for the first 4 digitsplaces only.Example: 1-800-662-6200– “One eight hundred six six two six two ohoh”,– NOT “One eight hundred six six two sixtytwo hundred, and– NOT “One eight oh oh six six two sixty twohundred.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-101ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy●Numbers can be spoken in small groups.The system will prompt you to continue en-tering digits, if desired.Example: 1-800-662-6200– “One eight zero zero”The system repeats the numbers andprompts you to enter more.– “six six two”The system repeats the numbers andprompts you to enter more.– “six two zero zero”●Say “pound” for “#”. Say “star” for “*” (avail-able when using the “Call International”command and the “Send” command duringa call).●Say “plus” for “+”(available only when usingthe “Call International” command).●Say “pause” for a 2 second pause (availableonly when storing a phone book number).●You can say “star” for “*” and “pound”for “#”at any time in any position of the phonenumber (available only when using “Call In-ternational” command).See “List of voice commands” and “Interna-tional” in this section for more information.Example: 1-555-1212 *123– “One five five five one two one two starone two three”NOTE:For best results, say phone numbers assingle digits.The voice command “Help” is available at anytime. Please use the “Help” command to getinformation on how to use the system.CONTROL BUTTONSThe control buttons for the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System are located on the steeringwheel.PHONE/SENDPress the button to initiate a VRsession or answer an incoming call.You can also use the button toskip through system feedback and toenter commands during a call. See “Listof voice commands” and “During a call”in this section for more information.LHA11604-102 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyPHONE/ENDPress the button to cancel a VRsession or end a call.GETTING STARTEDThe following procedures will help you getstarted using the BluetoothTHands-Free PhoneSystem with NISSAN Voice Recognition. For ad-ditional command options, refer to “List of voicecommands” in this section.Choosing a languageYou can interact with the BluetoothTHands-FreePhone System using English, Spanish or French.To change the language, perform the following.1. Press and hold the button for morethan 5 seconds.2. The system announces: “Press thePHONE/SEND ( ) button for thehands-free phone system to enter thespeaker adaptation mode or press thePHONE/END ( ) button to select adifferent language.”3. Press the button.For information on speaker adaptation, see“Speaker adaptation (SA) mode”in this sec-tion.4. The system announces the current languageand gives you the option to change the lan-guage to Spanish (in Spanish) or French (inFrench). Use the following chart to selectthe language.NOTE:You must press the button or thebutton within 5 seconds to changethe language.CurrentlanguagePress(PHONE/SEND)to selectPress(PHONE/END)to selectEnglish Spanish FrenchSpanish English FrenchFrench English Spanish5. If you decide not to change the language, donot press either button. After 5 seconds, theVR session will end, and the language willnot be changed.Pairing procedureNOTE:The pairing procedure must be performedwhen the vehicle is stationary. If the vehiclestarts moving during the procedure, theprocedure will be cancelled.Main Menu“Connect phone” sA“Add phone” sBInitiate from handset sCName phone sD1. Press the button on the steeringwheel. The system announces the availablecommands.2. Say: “Connect phone” sA. The system ac-knowledges the command and announcesthe next set of available commands.3. Say: “Add phone” sB. The system acknowl-edges the command and asks you to initiatepairing from the phone handset sC.The pairing procedure of the cellular phonevaries according to each cellular phonemodel. See the cellular phone Owner’sManual for details. You can also for instruc-Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-103ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copytions on pairing NISSAN recommended cel-lular phones.When prompted for a Passkey code, enter“1234” from the handset. The Passkey code“1234” has been assigned by NISSAN andcannot be changed.4. The system asks you to say a name for thephone sD.If the name is too long or too short, thesystem tells you, then prompts you for aname again.Also, if more than one phone is paired andthe name sounds too much like a namealready used, the system tells you, thenprompts you for a name again.Making a call by entering a phonenumberMain Menu“Call” sANumber (speak digits) sB“Dial” sC1. Press the button on the steeringwheel. A tone will sound.2. Say: “Call” sA. The system acknowledgesthe command and announces the next set ofavailable commands.Say: “Call International” to dial more than 10digits or any special characters.3. Say the number you wish to call starting withthe area code in single digit format sB.Ifthesystem has trouble recognizing the correctphone number, try entering the number inthe following groups: 3-digit area code,3-digit prefix and the last 4-digits. For ex-ample, 555-121-3354 can be said as “fivefive five” as the 1st group, then “one twoone” as the 2nd group, and “three three fivefour” as the 3rd group. For dialing more than10 digits or any special characters, say “In-ternational”. See “How to say numbers” inthis section, for more information.4. When you have finished speaking the phonenumber, the system repeats it back and an-nounces the available commands.5. Say: “Dial” sC. The system acknowledgesthe command and makes the call.For additional command options, see “List ofvoice commands” in this section.Receiving a callWhen you hear the ring tone, press thebutton on the steering wheel.Once the call has ended, press the buttonon the steering wheel.NOTE:If you do not wish to take the call when youhear the ring tone, press the buttonon the steering wheel.For additional command options, see “List ofvoice commands” in this section.LIST OF VOICE COMMANDSMain Menu“Call” or “Call International”“Phonebook”“Memo Pad”“Setup”When you press and release the button onthe steering wheel, you can choose from thecommands on the Main Menu. The followingpages describe these commands and the com-mands in each sub-menu.4-104 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyRemember to wait for the tone beforespeaking.You can say “Help” to hear the list of commandscurrently available any time the system is waitingfor a response.If you want to end an action without completing it,you can say “Cancel” or “Quit” at any time thesystem is waiting for a response. The system willend the VR session. Whenever the VR session iscancelled, a double beep is played to indicateyou have exited the system.If you want to go back to the previous command,you can say “Go back” or “Correction” any timethe system is waiting for a response.When you get used to the menus in the system,you can talk ahead by saying more than onecommand at a time. For example, say, “Call fivefive five one two one two” or “Memo pad record.”Also, when you get used to the system re-sponses, you can skip ahead to the tone bypressing the button on the steering wheel.However, if you press the button when thesystem is waiting for a response from you it willend the VR session.“Call”Main Menu“Call” or “Call International”Name (speak name) sANumber (speak digits) sB“Redial” sC“Call Back” sDName (speak name) sAIf you have stored entries in the phonebook, youcan dial a number associated with a name andlocation.See “Phonebook” in this section to learn how tostore entries.When prompted by the system, say the name ofthe phone book entry you wish to call. The systemacknowledges the name.If there are multiple locations associated with thename, the system asks you to choose the loca-tion.Once you have confirmed the name and location,the system begins the call.Number (speak digits) sBWhen prompted by the system, say the numberyou wish to call. Refer to “How to say numbers”and “Making a call by entering a phone number”in this section for more details.“Redial” sCUse the Redial command to call the last numberthat was dialed within the vehicle.NOTE:The system will not redial the last numberdialed by the handset keypad.The system acknowledges the command, re-peats the number and begins dialing.If a redial number does not exist, the systemannounces, “There is no number to redial” andends the VR session.“Call back” sDUse the Call Back command to dial the number ofthe last incoming call within the vehicle.The system acknowledges the command, re-peats the number and begins dialing.If a call back number does not exist, the systemannounces, “There is no number to call back”andends the VR session.InternationalFor dialing more than 10 digits or any specialcharacters, please say “international”. When theMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-105ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copysystem acknowledges the command, the systemwill prompt you to speak the number.During a callDuring a call there are several command optionsavailable. Press the button on the steeringwheel to mute the receiving voice and enter com-mands.●“Help” — The system announces the avail-able commands.●“Go back/Correction” — The system an-nounces “Go back,” ends the VR sessionand returns to the call.●“Cancel/Quit” — The system announces“Cancel,” ends the VR session and returnsto the call.●“Send/Enter/Call/Dial” — Use the Sendcommand to enter numbers, “*”or “#”duringa call. For example, if you were directed todial an extension by an automated system:Say: “Send one two three four.”The system acknowledges the commandand sends the tones associated with thenumbers. The system then ends the VR ses-sion and returns to the call. Say “star” for “*”,Say “pound” for “#”.●“Transfer call” — Use the Transfer Call com-mand to transfer the call from the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System to the cellularphone when privacy is desired.The system announces, “Transfer call. Calltransferred to privacy mode.” The systemthen ends the VR session.You can also issue the Transfer Call com-mand again to return to a hands-free callthrough the vehicle.●“Mute” — Use the Mute command to muteyour voice so the other party cannot hear it.Use the mute command again to unmuteyour voice.NOTE:If a call is ended or the cellular phonenetwork connection is lost while the Mutefeature is on, the Mute feature will be resetto “off” for the next call so the other partycan hear your voice.“Phonebook”NOTE:Phonebook commands are not availablewhen the vehicle is moving.Main Menu“Phonebook”“New Entry” sA“Edit” sB“Delete” sC“List Names” sD“Record Name” sEThe phonebook stores up to 1000 names foreach phone paired with the system. Each namecan have up to 4 locations/phone numbers asso-ciated with it.When a phone is connected to the system, thephonebook is automatically downloaded to thevehicle. This feature allows you to access your4-106 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyphonebook from the BluetoothTsystem and callcontacts by name. You can record a customvoice tag for contact names that the system hasdifficulty recognizing. For more information see“List names” in this section.NOTE:Each phone has its own separate phone-book. You cannot access Phone A’s phone-book if you are currently connected withPhone B.“New entry” sAUse the New Entry command to store a newname in the system.When prompted by the system, say the name youwould like to give the new entry.For example, say: “Mary.”If the name is too long or too short, the systemtells you, then prompts you for a name again.Also, if the name sounds too much like a namealready stored, the system tells you, then promptsyou for a name again.Once the system accepts the name and youconfirm it is correct, the system asks for a location(Home, Office, Mobile or Other).For example, say: “Home.”The system acknowledges the location.The system will ask you to say a phone number orto transfer a phone number stored in the cellularphone’s memory.Enter a phone number by voice command:For example, say: “five five five one two one two.”See “How to say numbers” in this section formore information.To transfer a phone number stored in the cellularphone’s memory:Say “Transfer entry.” The system acknowledgesthe command and asks you to initiate the transferfrom the phone handset. The new contact phonenumber will be transferred from the cellularphone via the BluetoothTcommunication link.The transfer procedure varies according to eachcellular phone. See the cellular phone Owner’sManual for details. You can also for instructionson transferring phone numbers from NISSANrecommended cellular phones.The system repeats the number and prompts youfor the next command. When you have finishedentering numbers or transferring an entry, choose“Store.”The system confirms the name, location andnumber. The system then asks if you would like tostore another location for the same name. If youdo not wish to store another location, the systemends the VR session.“Edit” sBUse the Edit command to alter an existing phonebook entry or to add a 2nd, 3rd or 4th phonenumber to an existing entry.When prompted by the system, say the name ofthe entry you wish to edit.The system acknowledges the name and asksyou for the location you would like to edit.Say the name of the location.The system acknowledges the location.The system will ask you to say a phone number orto transfer a phone number stored in the cellularphone’s memory.Enter a phone number by voice command:For example, say: “five five five one two one two.” See “How to say numbers” in this section formore information.To transfer a phone number stored in the cellularphone’s memory:Say “Transfer entry.” The system acknowledgesthe command and asks you to initiate the transferfrom the phone handset. The new contact phoneMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-107ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copynumber will be transferred from the cellularphone via the BluetoothTcommunication link.The transfer procedure varies according to eachcellular phone. See the cellular phone Owner’sManual for details. You can also for instructionson transferring phone numbers from NISSANrecommended cellular phones.The system repeats the number and prompts youfor the next command. When you have finishedentering numbers, choose “Store.”The system confirms the name, location andnumber, then announces that the entry has beenstored. The system then ends the VR session.“Delete” sCUse the Delete command to erase one entry fromthe phone book, all entries from the phone book,the current redial number or the current call backnumber.To delete entries from the phone book, say aname or “All entries” when prompted by the sys-tem.The system acknowledges the command andasks you to confirm the deletion.To delete the current redial number or call backnumber, say “redial number” or “call back num-ber” when prompted by the system.If a redial number or a call back number exists, thesystem deletes them without asking for confirma-tion.If there is no number for the entry you are trying todelete, the system says so and ends the VRsession.“List names” sDUse the List Names command to hear all thenames and locations in the phone book.The system recites the phone book entries butdoes not include the actual phone numbers.When the playback of the list is complete, thesystem goes back to the main menu.You can stop the playback of the list at any timeby pressing the button on the steeringwheel. The system ends the VR session.“Record name” sEThe system allows you to record custom voicetags for contact names in the phonebook that thevehicle has difficulty recognizing. This feature canalso be used to record voice tags to directly dialan entry with multiple numbers. Up to 40 voicetags can be recorded to the system.“Memo pad”Main Menu“Memo Pad”“Record” sA“Play” sB“Delete” sCThe Memo Pad records a maximum of 6 voicememos, each up to 20 seconds long.“Record” sAThe system announces “Recording” and a tonesounds, signaling you to begin.Speak the information you wish to record clearly.When you are done, press the orbutton on the steering wheel.A tone sounds and the system announces“Memo recorded.” Another tone sounds to endthe VR session.If the memo pad is full, the system asks if you wishto record over the oldest memo.“Play” sBThe system plays back all the memos in the orderof newest to oldest. The system ends the VRsession.4-108 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyIf there are no memos recorded, the system an-nounces “No messages to play.” The systemends the VR session.“Delete” sCThe Delete command erases all memos. Thesystem asks you to confirm this action beforedeleting all memos.“Setup”Main Menu“Setup”“Pair Phone” sA“List Phone” sB“Select Phone” sC“Change Priority” sD“Delete Phone” sE“Select Ringtone” sF“Bluetooth Off” sGUse the Setup command to change options as-sociated with the BluetoothTHands-Free PhoneSystem.“Pair phone” sAUse the Pair Phone command to pair a compat-ible phone to the BluetoothTHands-Free PhoneSystem.NOTE:The pairing procedure must be performedwhen the vehicle is stationary. If the vehiclestarts moving during the procedure, theprocedure will be cancelled. Also, see“Pairing procedure” in this section for ad-ditional information.Up to 5 phones can be paired. If you try to pair asixth phone, the system announces that you mustfirst delete one phone or replace an existingphone.If you try to pair a phone that has already beenpaired to your vehicle’s system, the system an-nounces the name the phone is already using.The pairing procedure will then be cancelled.When prompted by the system, choose from thefollowing commands:●“New phone”— Refer to “Pairing a phone”inthis section.●“Replace phone” — The system announcesthe names of the phones already paired andasks which you would like to replace.Once you say the name of the phone youwish to replace, the pairing procedure willbegin. Refer to “Pairing procedure” in thissection.●“List phone” – See the description below.“List phone” sBUse the List Phone command to hear the namesof the phones currently paired. If no phones arepaired, the system announces, “No pairedphones to list.” The system then ends the VRsession.“Select phone” sCUse the Select Phone command to select aphone of lesser priority when two or more phonespaired with BluetoothTHands-Free Phone Sys-tem are in the vehicle at the same time.The system asks you to name the phone andconfirm the selection.Once the selection is confirmed, the selectedphone remains active until the ignition switch isplaced in the OFF position or you select a newphone.“Change priority” sDUse the Change Priority command to change thepriority level of the active phone.The priority level determines which phone is ac-tive when more than one paired BluetoothTphone is in the vehicle.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-109ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyThe system states the priority level of the activephone and asks for a new priority level (1, 2, 3, 4,5).If the new priority level is already being used foranother phone, the two phones will swap prioritylevels.For example, if the current priority levels are:Priority Level 1 = Phone APriority Level 2 = Phone BPriority Level 3 = Phone Cand you change the priority level of Phone C toLevel 1, then:Priority Level 1 = Phone CPriority Level 2 = Phone BPriority Level 3 = Phone A“Delete phone” sEUse the Delete Phone command to delete aspecific phone or all phones from the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System.The system announces the names of the phonesalready paired with the system and their prioritylevel. The system then gives you the option todelete a specific phone, all phones or listen to thelist again.Once you choose to delete a phone or all phones,the system asks you to confirm this action.NOTE:When you delete a phone, the associatedphone book for that phone will also bedeleted.“Select ringtone” sFUse the Select Ringtone command to select thetone heard in the vehicle when an incoming call isreceived.The system announces the name of the activephone and asks you to choose from the followingcommands:●“Ringtone” — The system plays a ringtoneand asks if you would like to select that tone.If you say “No”, the system plays the nextringtone available and continues to cyclethrough the ringtones until you select one orquit.●“Silent” — The system asks you to confirmyour wish to disable the ringtone.“Bluetooth off” sGUse the Bluetooth Off command to turn off theBluetoothTHands-Free Phone System.When the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone Sys-tem is off, you will not be able to make or receivecalls using NISSAN Voice Recognition. Also, youwill not have access to the Phone Book.You can still use the Memo Pad and accessSetup.SPEAKER ADAPTATION (SA) MODESpeaker Adaptation allows up to two out-of-dialect users to train the system to improve rec-ognition accuracy. By repeating a number ofcommands, the users can create a voice model oftheir own voice that is stored in the system. Thesystem is capable of storing a different speakeradaptation model for memory A and memory B.If memory A is available, the system will usememory A to store the model. If memory A is inuse and memory B is available, the system willuse memory B to store the model. If both of thememory locations are in use, the system will askthe user to select which memory location shouldbe overwritten.Training procedureThe procedure for training a voice is as follows.1. Position the vehicle in a reasonably quietoutdoor location.2. Sit in the driver’s seat with the engine run-ning, the parking brake on, and the transmis-sion in P (Park).3. Press and hold the button for morethan 5 seconds.4-110 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy4. The system announces: “Press thePHONE/SEND ( ) button for thehands-free phone system to enter thespeaker adaptation mode or press thePHONE/END ( ) button to select adifferent language.”5. Press the button.For information on selecting a different lan-guage, see “Choosing a language” in thissection.6. Voice memory A or memory B is selectedautomatically. If both memory locations arealready in use, the system will prompt you tooverwrite one. Follow the instructions pro-vided by the system.7. When preparation is complete and you areready to begin, press the button.8. The SA mode will be explained. Follow theinstructions provided by the system.9. When training is finished, the system will tellyou an adequate number of phrases havebeen recorded.10. The system will ask you to say your name.Follow the instructions to register yourname.11. The system will announce that speaker ad-aptation has been completed and the sys-tem is ready.The SA mode will stop if:●The button is pressed for more than 5seconds in SA mode.●The vehicle begins moving during SA mode.●The ignition switch is placed in the OFF orLOCK position.Training phrasesDuring the SA mode, the system instructs thetrainer to say the following phrases. (The systemwill prompt you for each phrase.)●phone book new entry●dial three oh four two nine●delete call back number●setup pair phone●memo pad play●eight pause nine three two pause seven●delete all entries●call seven two four zero nine●phone book delete entry●memo pad record●dial star two one seven oh●Yes●No●select ring tone●dial eight five six nine two●Bluetooth on●setup change priority●call three one nine oh two●nine seven pause pause three oh eight●Cancel●call back number●call star two zero nine five●delete phone●dial eight three zero five one●Home●four three pause two nine pause zero●delete redial number●phone book list names●call eight oh five four oneMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-111ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy●Correction●setup change ring tone●dial seven four oh one eight●setup main menu●Delete●dial nine seven two six six●memo pad delete●call seven six three oh one●go back●call five six two eight zero●dial six six four three sevenTROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEThe system should respond correctly to all voicecommands without difficulty. If problems are en-countered, try the following solutions.Where the solutions are listed by number, tryeach solution in turn, starting with number 1, untilthe problem is resolved.Symptom SolutionSystem fails to interpret the command correctly.1. Ensure that the command is valid. See “List of voice commands” in this section.2. Ensure that the command is spoken after the tone.3. Speak clearly without pausing between words and at a level appropriate to the ambient noise level in the vehicle.4. Ensure that the ambient noise level is not excessive (for example, windows open or defroster on). NOTE: If it is toonoisy to use the phone, it is likely that the voice commands will not be recognized.5. If more than one command was said at a time, try saying the commands separately.6. If the system consistently fails to recognize commands, the voice training procedure should be carried out to im-prove the recognition response for the speaker. See “Speaker adaptation (SA) mode” in this section.The system consistently selects the wrong entry from thephone book.1. Ensure that the phone book entry name requested matches what was originally stored. This can be confirmed byusing the “List Names” command. See “Phone book” in this section.2. Replace one of the names being confused with a new name.4-112 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyWARNING●Use a phone after stopping your vehiclein a safe location. If you have to use aphone while driving, exercise extremecaution at all times so full attention maybe given to vehicle operation.●If you are unable to devote full attentionto vehicle operation while talking onthe phone, pull off the road to a safelocation and stop your vehicle.CAUTIONTo avoid discharging the vehicle battery,use a phone after starting the engine.Your NISSAN is equipped with the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System. If you have a com-patible BluetoothTenabled cellular phone, youcan set up the wireless connection between yourcellular phone and the in-vehicle phone module.With BluetoothTwireless technology, you canmake or receive a hands-free telephone call withyour cellular phone in the vehicle.Once your cellular phone is paired to the in-vehicle phone module, no other phone connect-ing procedure is required. Your phone is auto-matically connected with the in-vehicle phonemodule when the ignition switch is placed in theON position with the paired cellular phone turnedon and carried in the vehicle.You can register up to 5 different BluetoothTcellular phones to the in-vehicle phone module.However, you can talk on only one cellular phoneat a time.NISSAN Voice Recognition system supports thephone commands, so dialing a phone numberusing your voice is possible. For more details, see“NISSAN Voice Recognition System” in this sec-tion.Before using the BluetoothTHands-Free PhoneSystem, refer to the following notes.●Set up the wireless connection between acellular phone and the in-vehicle phonemodule before using the hands-free phonesystem.●Some BluetoothTenabled cellular phonesmay not be recognized by the in-vehiclephone module. Please for a recom-mended phone list and pairing.BLUETOOTHTHANDS-FREE PHONESYSTEM WITH NAVIGATION SYSTEM(if so equipped)Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-113ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy●You will not be able to use a hands-freephone under the following conditions:– Your vehicle is outside of the cellular ser-vice area.– Your vehicle is in an area where it isdifficult to receive cellular signal; such asin a tunnel, in an underground parkinggarage, near a tall building or in a moun-tainous area.– Your cellular phone is locked to prevent itfrom being dialed.●When the radio wave condition is not idealor ambient sound is too loud, it may bedifficult to hear the other person’s voice dur-ing a call.●Immediately after the ignition switch isplaced in the ON position, it may be impos-sible to receive a call for a short period oftime.●Do not place the cellular phone in an areasurrounded by metal or far away from thein-vehicle phone module to prevent tonequality degradation and wireless connectiondisruption.●While a cellular phone is connected throughthe BluetoothTwireless connection, the bat-tery power of the cellular phone may dis-charge quicker than usual. The BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System cannot chargecellular phones.●If the hands-free phone system seems to bemalfunctioning, see “Troubleshooting guide”in this section. You can also for trouble-shooting help.wha1350WHA13504-114 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy●Some cellular phones or other devices maycause interference or a buzzing noise tocome from the audio system speakers. Stor-ing the device in a different location mayreduce or eliminate the noise.●Refer to the cellular phone owner’s manualregarding the telephone charges, cellularphone antenna and body, etc.●The signal strength display on the monitorwill not coincide with the signal strengthdisplay of some cellular phones.●If reception between callers is unclear, ad-justing the incoming or outgoing call volumemay improve the clarity. See “Call volume” inthis section.REGULATORY INFORMATIONFCC Regulatory information– CAUTION: To maintain compliance withFCC’s RF exposure guidelines, use only thesupplied antenna. Unauthorized antenna,modification, or attachments could damagethe transmitter and may violate FCC regula-tions.– Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions:1. This device may not cause interference and2. this device must accept any interference,including interference that may cause un-desired operation of the device.IC Regulatory information– Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions: (1) this device may not cause interfer-ence, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference, including interference that maycause undesired operation of the device.– This Class B digital apparatus meets all re-quirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.BLUETOOTHtis atrademark owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc.,U.S.A. and licensed toXanavi InformaticsCorporation.VOICE COMMANDSYou can use voice commands to operate variousBluetoothTHands-Free Phone System featuresusing the NISSAN Voice Recognition system. Formore details, see “NISSAN Voice RecognitionSystem” in this section.PAIRING PROCEDURE1. Press the SETTING button on the instru-ment panel and touch the “Bluetooth”key onthe display.LHA1236Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-115ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy2. Touch the “Connect Bluetooth” key. 3. A popup box will appear on the screen,prompting you to confirm that the connec-tion is for the phone system. Touch the “Yes”key.4. When a PIN code appears on the screen,operate the BluetoothTcellular phone toenter the PIN code.The pairing procedure of the cellular phonevaries according to each cellular phone. Seethe cellular phone Owner’s Manual for de-tails. You can also or call theNISSAN Consumer Affairs Department forinstructions on pairing recommended cellu-lar phones.When the pairing is complete, the screenwill return to the BluetoothTsettings screen.lha1316LHA1316lha1317LHA1317lha1318LHA13184-116 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyVEHICLE PHONEBOOKUp to 40 numbers can be stored in the vehiclephonebook.1. Press the SETTING button on the instru-ment panel and touch the “Phone”key on thedisplay.2. Touch the “Edit Vehicle Phonebook” key.3. Touch the “Add New” key. 4. There are a number of methods available toinput a phone number. Select from one ofthe following options:●“Copy from Call History” to save a numberfrom the Outgoing, Incoming or MissedCalls lists.●“Copy from the Handset” to save a numberthat has been downloaded from your hand-set to the vehicle.●“Enter Number by Keypad” to input the num-ber and entry name manually.lha1319LHA1319lha1320LHA1320lha1321LHA1321Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-117ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyHANDSET PHONEBOOKMany phones will support an automatic down-load of the cellular phone’s phonebook. Sincethis method allows for up to 1000 numbers to bestored and entries are automatically assignedvoice tags by the system, this is a useful functionfor easy dialing supported by the Voice Recogni-tion system.Transferring the handset phonebookIf your cellular phone supports automatic down-loading, the system transfers the handset phone-book automatically by default. To ensure that thisfeature is activated, press the SETTING buttonon the instrument panel and touch the “Phone”key. The “Auto Downloaded” selection shouldhave the amber indicator next to the word ONactivated. Touch the “Auto Downloaded” key totoggle this feature on or off.To transfer the handset phonebook to the vehiclemanually, follow these steps:1. Press the SETTING button on the instru-ment panel.2. Touch the “Phone” key.3. Touch the “Download Handset Phonebook”key.Once the handset phonebook is transferred tothe vehicle, it can be accessed by pressing thePHONE key on the instrument panel or thebutton on the steering wheel, then touching the“Handset Phonebook” key.Whether the handset phonebook is transferredmanually or automatically, the process can takeup to five minutes to complete depending on thesize of the handset phonebook. See the cellularphone’s owner’s manual for more details.lha1319LHA13194-118 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyMAKING A CALLTo make a call, follow the procedure below:1. Press the PHONE button on the instrumentpanel or the switch on the steeringwheel. The “Phone” screen will appear onthe display.2. Select one of the following options to make acall:●Vehicle Phonebook: Select the name froman entry stored in the vehicle phonebook.●Handset Phonebook: Select the name froman entry stored in the handset phonebook.●Call History: Select the name from the in-coming or outgoing call history.●Dial Number: Input the phone number manu-ally using a keypad displayed on the screen.For information on how to use the touchscreen, see “How to use the touch screen”in this section.3. For all of the methods listed in Step 2 except“Dial Number”, dialing commences when thelisted name is selected. Dialing commenceswhen “Dial” is selected if the number isinputted manually. The screen changes tothe “Call in Progress” screen.4. After the call is over, perform one of thefollowing to finish the call:a. Select the “Hang up” key on the Call inProgress screen and press the ENTERbutton.b. Press the switch on the steeringwheel.c. When the Call in Progress screen is dis-played, press the PHONE button on theinstrument panel to hang up. If any otherscreen is currently displayed, press thePHONE button to display the Call inProgress screen first, then press thePHONE button again to hang up.RECEIVING A CALLWhen you hear a phone ring, the display willchange to phone mode. To receive a call, followone of the procedures listed below.a. Touch the “Answer” key on the display.b. Press the PHONE button on the instrumentpanel.c. Press the phone button on the steeringwheel switches.There are some options available when receivinga call. Select one of the following displayed onthe screen.lha1322LHA1322lha1323LHA1323Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-119ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyAnswer:Accept an incoming call to talk.Hold Call:Put an incoming call on hold.Reject Call:Reject an incoming call.To finish the call, follow one of the procedureslisted below:a. Touch the “Reject Call” key on the display.b. Press the PHONE button on the instrumentpanel.c. Press and hold the phone button on thesteering wheel switches. DURING A CALLThere are some options available during a call.Select one of the following displayed on thescreen, if necessary:Hang up:Finish the call.Use Handset:Transfer the call to the cellular phone.Mute:Mute your voice to the person.Keypad:Brings up a keypad; enter digits when needed.For example, entering your PIN number for voice-mail.NOTE:Pushing the TALK switch on thesteering wheel during a call allows num-bers and digits to be sent using Voice Rec-ognition.Cancel Mute:This will appear after the “Mute” key is touched.Mute will be cancelled.To adjust the person’s voice to be louder orquieter, press the volume control switch locatedon the steering wheel switches or turn the volumecontrol knob on the instrument panel while talkingon the phone. This adjustment is also available inthe SETTING mode.lha1324LHA13244-120 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyENDING A CALLTo finish the call, perform one of the followingprocedures:●Select the “Hang up” key on the Call inProgress display and press the ENTER but-ton.●Push the switch on the steeringwheel.●When the Call in Progress screen is dis-played press the PHONE button on the in-strument panel to hang up. If any otherscreen is currently displayed, press thePHONE button to display the Call inProgress screen first, then press thePHONE button again to hang up.PHONE SETTINGSTo set up the BluetoothTHands-Free PhoneSystem to your preferred settings, press the SET-TING button on the instrument panel and selectthe “Phone” key on the display, then press theENTER button.Edit Vehicle Phonebook:See “Vehicle Phonebook” in this section for add-ing, editing and deleting contacts in the vehiclephonebook.Delete Phonebook:Delete a phonebook stored on the system.lha1324LHA1324lha1319LHA1319Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-121ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyDownload Handset Phonebook:See “Handset Phonebook” in this section foradding, editing and deleting contacts in thehandset phonebook.Volume & Ringtone:Adjust the volume level of the ringtone, incomingcall sound and outgoing call sound. When the“Automatic Hold” option is turned on, an incom-ing call will be placed on hold automatically afterseveral rings. When the “Vehicle Ringtone” op-tion is turned on, a specific ringtone that is differ-ent from the cellular phone’s will sound whenreceiving a call.Auto Downloaded:See “Handset Phonebook” in this section forinformation about automatically downloading thehandset phonebook.BLUETOOTH SETTINGSTo set up the BluetoothTHands-Free PhoneSystem to your preferred settings, press the SET-TING button on the instrument panel and selectthe “Bluetooth” key on the display, then press theENTER button.Bluetooth:Turn the BluetoothTsystem on or off.Connect Bluetooth:See “Pairing procedure” in this section for moreinformation about pairing a phone.lha1325LHA1325lha1316LHA13164-122 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyConnected Devices:Display a list of the BluetoothTdevices con-nected to the system.Edit Bluetooth Info:Check information about the device name, deviceaddress and device PIN.Replace Connected Phone:Replace the phone currently connected to thesystem.CALL VOLUMEAdjusting the incoming or outgoing call volumemay improve clarity if reception between callers isunclear.●Incoming call — adjusting this setting allowsyou to hear a difference in volume.●Outgoing call — adjusting this setting allowsthe person you are talking with to hear adifference in volume.To access the settings, press the SETTING but-ton, then highlight “Volume & Beeps” using theNISSAN controller and press the ENTER button.You can also adjust the volume of an incomingvoice during a call by pushing the volume controlswitch on the steering wheel or by turning thevolume control knob on the instrument panel.LHA1253Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-123ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyNISSAN Voice Recognition allows hands-freeoperation of the systems equipped on this ve-hicle, such as phone and vehicle information.There are two voice recognition modes of opera-tion available. They are:●Standard Mode●Alternate Command ModeIn Standard Mode (the factory default setting),commands that are available are always shownon the display and announced by the system. Youcan complete your desired operation by simplyfollowing the prompts given by the system. In thismode, hands-free operation of Audio ClimateControl and Display is not available throughNISSAN Voice Recognition.For advanced operation, you can change to anAlternate Command Mode that enables the op-eration of the display, audio, and climate controlthrough NISSAN Voice Recognition. When thismode is active, an expanded list of commandscan be spoken after pushing the TALKswitch on the steering wheel, and the voice com-mand menu prompts are turned off.In Alternate Command Mode the recognitionsuccess rate may be affected because the num-ber of available commands and the ways ofspeaking each command are increased. See“NISSAN Voice Recognition Alternate Com-mand Mode” in this section.To improve the recognition success rate whenAlternate Command Mode is active, try using theSpeaker Adaptation Function available in thatmode. See “Speaker Adaptation Function” laterin this section. Otherwise, it is recommended thatAlternate Command Mode be turned off andStandard Mode be used for the best recognitionperformance.For the voice commands for the navigation sys-tem, refer to the Navigation System Owner’sManual of your vehicle.For vehicles in the U.S., the factory default settingis the Standard Mode. See “Standard Mode” inthis section. For vehicles in Canada, the factorydefault setting is the Alternate Command Mode.See “Alternate Command Mode” in this section.NISSAN VOICE RECOGNITIONSTANDARD MODEThe Standard Mode enables control of naviga-tion, phone and vehicle information. With thissetting active, commands that are available arealways shown on the display and announced bythe system.Displaying user guideIf you use the NISSAN Voice Recognition systemfor the first time or you do not know how tooperate it, you can display the User Guide forconfirmation.You can confirm how to use voice commands byaccessing a simplified User Guide, which con-tains basic instructions and tutorials for severalvoice commands.NISSAN VOICE RECOGNITIONSYSTEM (if so equipped)4-124 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPYNote to reviewers: Please confirm that Canada vehicles default to the Alternate command mode for Voice Recognition and that US vehicles default to the Standard command mode for Voice Recognition. Also, are both modes available for US and Canada, the only difference being which mode the system defaults to?
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy1. Press the INFO button on the instrumentpanel.2. Highlight the “Others” key using theNISSAN controller and press the ENTERbutton.3. Highlight the “Voice Recognition” key usingthe NISSAN controller and press the ENTERbutton.NOTE:You can skip steps 1 to 3 by pressingthe switch and saying “Help”.4. Highlight the “User Guide” key using theNISSAN controller and press the ENTERbutton.5. Highlight an item using the NISSAN control-ler and press the ENTER button.Available items:●Getting StartedDescribes the basics of how to operate theVoice Recognition system.●Let’s PracticeInitiates a practice session that demon-strates how to improve voice recognition bythe system.●Using the Address BookTutorial for using the Address Book●Finding a Street AddressTutorial for entering a destination by streetaddress.●Placing CallsTutorial for making a phone call by voicecommand operation.●Help on SpeakingDisplays useful tips of speaking for correctcommand recognition by the system.LHA1326Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-125ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyGetting startedBefore using the Voice Recognition system forthe first time, you can confirm how to use com-mands by viewing the Getting Started section ofthe User Guide.1. Highlight “Getting Started” and press theENTER button.2. You can confirm the page by scrolling thescreen using the NISSAN controller.Tutorials on the operation of the Voice Rec-ognition systemIf you choose “Finding a Street Address”, “Usingthe Address Book” or “Placing Calls”, you canview tutorials on how to perform these operationsusing Voice Recognition.Let’s PracticeThe system is equipped with a tutorial that allowsyou to practice saying commands and receivefeedback on the volume, speed and timing of yourspeech.LHA1329 LHA13274-126 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyTo initiate a practice session, access the UseGuide and touch the “Let’s Practice” key. Followthe on-screen prompts until the session is com-plete. After the session is completed, a screenwill be displayed that shows an analysis of differ-ent elements of your speech. Touch the “TryAgain” to repeat the session if improvement isneeded. Touch the “Done” key to return to theUser Guide screen.Useful tips for correct operationYou can display useful speaking tips to help thesystem recognize your voice commands cor-rectly.1. Highlight “Help on Speaking” and press theENTER button.2. You can confirm the page by scrolling thescreen using the NISSAN controller.Voice recognition settingsThe available settings of the NISSAN Voice Rec-ognition system are described.1. Highlight “Voice Recognition Settings” andpress the ENTER button.2. You can confirm the page by scrolling thescreen using the NISSAN controller.LHA1328 LHA1330 LHA1331Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-127ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyUSING THE SYSTEMInitializationWhen the ignition switch is placed in the ONposition, NISSAN Voice Recognition is initialized,which takes a few seconds. When completed,the system is ready to accept voice commands. Ifthe switch is pressed before the initializa-tion completes, voice commands will not be ac-cepted. Please wait until the NISSAN Voice Rec-ognition initialization is completed.BEFORE STARTINGTo get the best recognition performance fromVoice Recognition, observe the following:●The interior of the vehicle should be as quietas possible. Close the windows to eliminatethe surrounding noises (traffic noise and vi-bration sounds, etc.), which may prevent thesystem from correctly recognizing the voicecommands.●Wait until the tone sounds before speaking acommand.●Speak in a natural conversational voice with-out pausing between words.●If the air conditioner is set to “Auto”, the fanspeed is automatically lowered so that yourcommands can be recognized more easily.GIVING VOICE COMMANDS1. Press the switch located on the steer-ing wheel.2. A list of commands appears on the screen,and the system announces, “Would you liketo access Phone, Navigation, Information,Audio or Help?”3. After the tone sounds and the icon on thescreen changes from to , speaka command.4. Continue to follow the voice menu promptsand speak after the tone sounds until yourdesired operation is completed.wha1332WHA1332 LHA13334-128 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyOperating tips●Say a command after the tone. Voice com-mands cannot be accepted when the iconis .●Commands that are available are alwaysshown on the display and spoken throughvoice menu prompts. Commands other thanthose that are displayed are not accepted.Please follow the prompts given by the sys-tem.●If the command is not recognized, the sys-tem repeats the announcement. Repeat thecommand in a clear voice.●Press the switch on the steeringwheel to return to the previous screen.●If you want to cancel the command, pressand hold the switch. The message,“Voice cancelled” will be announced.●If you want to adjust the volume of the sys-tem feedback, push the volume controlswitch on the steering wheel or use theaudio system volume knob while the systemis making an announcement.How to speak numbersVoice Recognition requires a certain way tospeak numbers when giving voice commands.Refer to the following examples.General rule:●Only single digits 0 (zero) to 9 can be used.●When saying the phone number 800-662-6200, the system will accept “eight-hundred” in addition to “eight zero zero” or“eight oh oh”. 500, 700, and 900 are alsosupported.Examples:●1-800-662-6200– “One eight zero zero six six two six twozero zero”– “One eight hundred six six two six twozero zero”Improving Recognition of Phone numbers:You can improve the recognition of phone num-bers by saying the phone number in three groupsof numbers. For example, when you try to call800-662-6200, say “eight zero zero” first, andthe system will then ask you for the next threedigits. Then, say “six six two”. After recognition,the system will then ask for the last four digits.Say, “six two zero zero”. Using this method ofphone digit entry can improve recognition perfor-mance.NOTE:When speaking a house number, speak thenumber “0” as “zero” or “oh”. If the letter“O” is included in the house number, it willnot be recognized as “0” even if you speak“oh” instead of “zero”.Standard Mode command listCategory Command:COMMAND ACTIONPhone Displays Phone function commands.Navigation Displays Navigation function commands.Information Displays Vehicle Information.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-129ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyCOMMAND ACTIONAudio Displays Audio commands.Help Displays User Guide.Phone Command:COMMAND ACTIONDial Number Makes a call to a spoken phone number up to 10 digits.Change Number Corrects the phone number when it is not recognized (available during phone number entry).Vehicle Phonebook Makes a call to a contact that is stored in the vehicle phonebook.Handset Phonebook Makes a call to a contact that is stored in the handset phonebook.Call History Makes a call to a number in the incoming or outgoing call logs.International Call Makes an international call by allowing more than 10 digits to be spoken, as well as star (*), pound (#), and plus (+).Navigation Command:COMMAND ACTIONHome Sets a route to your home that is stored in the Address Book.Address Searches for a location by the street address specified, and sets a route (for continental US and Canada only).Places Sets a route to a facility near the current vehicle location.Address Book Searches for a location stored in the Address Book.Previous Destinations Sets a route to a previous destination.Vehicle Information Command:COMMAND ACTIONFuel Economy Displays Fuel Economy information.Maintenance Displays Maintenance information.4-130 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyCOMMAND ACTIONTraffic Info. Turns the traffic information system on and off.Where am I? Displays current vehicle location.Audio Command:COMMAND ACTIONAM Changes the audio system mode to AM radio.FM Changes the audio system mode to FM radio.XM Changes the audio system mode to satellite radio.Music Box Changes the audio system mode to Music Box.CD Changes the audio system mode to CD.Voice command examplesSome basic voice command examples are de-scribed here.For navigation system commands, see the sepa-rate Navigation System Owner’s Manual.Example 1 — Placing a call to the phonenumber 800-662-6200:1. Press the switch located on the steer-ing wheel.wha1332WHA1332Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-131ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy2. The system announces, “Would you like toaccess Phone, Navigation, Information, Au-dio or Help?”3. Say “Phone”.4. Say “Dial Number”. 5. Say “800”.LHA1333 LHA1334 LHA13354-132 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy6. The system announces, “Please say the nextthree digits or dial, or say change number.”7. Say “662”.8. The system announces, “Please say the lastfour digits” or say change number.9. Say “6200”.10. The system announces, “Dial or ChangeNumber?”11. Say “Dial”.12. The system makes a call to 800-662- 6200.NOTE:●You can also speak “800-662-6200” (10continuous digits) or “662-6200” (7 con-tinuous digits), if the area code is not nec-essary. However, the 3-3-4 digit grouping isrecommended for improved recognition.See “How to speak numbers” in this section.LHA1336 LHA1337 LHA1338Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-133ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy●You can only say a phone number using the3-3-4 grouping, 7 digits, and 10 digits usingthis command. Please use the “InternationalCall” command for all other formats, andwhen special characters such as star (*),pound (#), and plus (+) need to be entered.●If you say “Change Number” during phonenumber entry, the system will automaticallyrequest that you repeat the number usingthe 3-3-4 format. In this case please say thearea code first and then follow the prompts.●Do not add a “1” in front of the area codewhen speaking phone numbers.●If the system does not recognize your com-mand, please try repeating the commandusing a natural voice. Speaking too slow ortoo loudly may further decrease recognitionperformance.Example 2 — Placing an international callto the phone number 011-81-111-222-3333:1. Press the switch located on the steer-ing wheel.2. The system announces, “Would you like toaccess Phone, Navigation, Information, Au-dio or Help?”3. Say “Phone”.wha1332WHA1332 LHA13334-134 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy4. Say “International Call”. 5. Say “011811112223333”. 6. Say “Dial”.7. The system makes a call to 011-81-111-222-3333.NOTE:Any digit input format is available in theInternational Number input process, aswell as the special characters such as star(*), pound (#), and plus (+).LHA1334 LHA1339 LHA1340Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-135ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyNISSAN VOICE RECOGNITIONALTERNATE COMMAND MODEThe Alternate Command Mode enables controlof the Audio, Climate Control and Display sys-tems as well as additional commands for theVehicle Information, Phone and Navigation sys-tems. With this setting active, the system doesnot announce or display the available commandsat each step.When Alternate Command Mode is activated, anexpanded list of commands can be used afterpushing the TALK switch. Under thismode, the screen for Standard Mode commandsis not available on the display. Please review theexpanded command list, available when thismode is active, as some Standard Mode com-mands are replaced. Please see examples ofAlternate Command Mode screens.Please note that in this mode the recognitionsuccess rate may be affected as the number ofavailable commands and ways of speaking eachcommand are increased. You can turn this modeON or OFF. When this mode is activated, theVoice Recognition Settings will change to showmore options.Activating Alternate Command Mode1. Press the SETTING button on the instru-ment panel.2. Highlight the “Others”key on the display andthen press the ENTER button.3. Highlight the “Voice Recognition” key andthen press the ENTER button.4. Highlight the “Alternate Command Mode”key and press the ENTER button.5. The confirmation message is displayed onthe screen. Select the “Yes” key and pressthe ENTER button to activate the AlternateCommand Mode.LHA1248 LHA13314-136 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy6. Alternate Command Mode is activated andthe setting menu is expanded to include theAlternate Command Mode options. See“Settings menu” in this section for an expla-nation of the options.Displaying the command listIf you are controlling the system by voice com-mands for the first time or do not know theappropriate voice command, perform the follow-ing procedure for displaying the voice commandlist (available only in Alternate Command Mode).Press the switch, listen for the tone andsay, “Help”. The system will respond by display-ing the command list main menu.Only manual controls such as the touch screencan navigate the command list menu.As an alternative to the voice command “Help”,you may access the command list using the fol-lowing steps:1. Press the INFO button on the instrumentpanel.2. Highlight the “Others” key using theNISSAN controller and press the ENTERbutton.3. Highlight the “Voice Recognition” key usingthe NISSAN controller and press the ENTERbutton.lha1341LHA1341lha1342LHA1342 LHA1231Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-137ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyNOTE:You can skip steps 1 to 3 if you say “Help”.4. Highlight the “Command List” key using theNISSAN controller and press the ENTERbutton.5. Highlight a category using the NISSAN con-troller and press the ENTER button. Thecommand list for the category selected isshown.6. If necessary, scroll the screen using theNISSAN controller to view the entire list.7. Press the BACK button to return to theprevious screen.Alternate Command Mode commandlistNavigation Command:COMMAND ACTIONHome Sets a route to your home that is stored in the Address Book.Address Searches for a location by the street address specified, and sets a route (for continental US and Canada only).Places Sets a route to a facility near the current vehicle location.Address Book Displays the first 5 entries of the Address Book.Previous Destinations Sets a route to a previous destination.Previous Start Point Calculates a route to your previous starting point of the last route.Minimize Freeway Route Recalculates a route to the current destination while minimizing freeway usage.Fastest Route Recalculates a route to the current destination using the fastest estimated time.Shortest Route Recalculates a route to the current destination using the shortest distance.Cancel Route Cancels the current route.Delete Destination Deletes the current destination.lha1342LHA13424-138 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyCOMMAND ACTIONBirdview Map Changes the Map display to Birdview.Planview Map Changes the Map display to a 2-dimensional view.North Up Changes the Map display to keep north pointing up on the screen.Heading Up Changes the Map display to keep the direction of the vehicle pointing up on the screen.Zoom In <1 to 13> Changes the map scale to a smaller number.Zoom Out <1 to 13> Changes the map scale to a larger number.Guidance Voice ON/OFF Turns the navigation voice guidance on or off.Guide Voice Repeat Repeats the last navigation voice guidance.Phone Command:COMMAND ACTIONDial Number Makes a call to a spoken phone number up to 10 digits.Vehicle Phonebook Makes a call to a contact in the vehicle phonebook.Handset Phonebook Makes a call to a contact in the handset phonebook.International Call Makes an international call by allowing more than 10 digits to be spoken, as well as star (*), pound (#), and plus (+).Incoming Calls Shows the last 5 incoming phone calls.Outgoing Calls Shows the last 5 outgoing phone calls.Missed Calls Shows the last 5 missed phone calls.Audio Command:COMMAND ACTIONAM Turns to the AM band, selecting the station last played.FM Turns to the FM band, selecting the station last played.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-139ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyCOMMAND ACTIONXM Turns to the SAT band, selecting the station last played.Music Box Turns to the Music Box hard-disk drive audio system.CD Starts to play a CD.USB Turns to the USB audio input.Bluetooth Audio Turns to the BluetoothTaudio system.AUX Turns to the AUX input.Vehicle Information Command:COMMAND ACTIONFuel Economy Displays Fuel Economy information.Maintenance Display Maintenance information.Traffic Information Turns the traffic information system on and off.Where am I? Displays the current vehicle location.Weather Information Displays weather information.Weather Map Displays the current weather map.Displaying user guideYou can confirm how to use voice commands byaccessing a simplified User Guide, which con-tains basic instructions and tutorials for severalvoice commands.1. Press the INFO button on the instrumentpanel.2. Highlight the “Others” key using theNISSAN controller and press the ENTERbutton.3. Highlight the “Voice Recognition” key usingthe NISSAN controller and press the ENTERbutton.4. Highlight the “User Guide” key using theNISSAN controller and press the ENTERbutton.5. Highlight an item using the NISSAN control-ler and press the ENTER button.Available items:●Getting StartedDescribes the basics of how to operate theVoice Recognition system.●Let’s Practice4-140 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyInitiates a practice session that demon-strates how to improve recognition by thesystem.●Using the Address BookTutorial for using the Address Book.●Finding a Street AddressTutorial for Finding a Street Address.●Placing CallsTutorial for making a phone call by voicecommand operation.●Help on SpeakingDisplays useful tips for how to correctlyspeak commands in order for them to beproperly recognized by the system.●Voice Recognition SettingsDescribes the available Voice Recognitionsettings.●Adapting the System to Your VoiceTutorial for adapting the system to yourvoice.USING THE SYSTEMInitializationWhen the ignition switch is placed in the ONposition, NISSAN Voice Recognition is initialized,which takes a few seconds. When completed,the system is ready to accept voice commands. Ifthe switch is pressed before the initializa-tion completes the display will show the mes-sage: “Phonetic data downloaded. Please wait.”or a beep sounds.Before startingTo get the best performance from NISSAN VoiceRecognition, observe the following:●Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet aspossible. Close the windows to eliminate thesurrounding noises (traffic noises, vibrationsounds, etc.), which may prevent the systemfrom recognizing the voice commands cor-rectly.●When the climate control is in the AUTOmode, the fan speed decreases automati-cally for easy recognition.●Wait until a tone sounds before speaking acommand.●Speak in a natural voice without pausingbetween words.lha1343LHA1343lha1344LHA1344Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-141ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copyGiving voice commands1. Press and release the switch locatedon the steering wheel.2. A list of commands appears on the screen,and the system announces, “Please say acommand from the displayed list or say Helpto show all commands.”3. After the tone sounds and the icon on thescreen changes from to , speaka command.4. Once a command is recognized, the systemwill announce the recognized command andperform the requested action.If the command is not recognized, the sys-tem repeats the announcement. Repeat thecommand in a clear voice after the tone.Operating tips●Say a command after the tone. Voice com-mands cannot be accepted when the iconis .●If the command is not recognized, the sys-tem repeats the announcement. Repeat thecommand in a clear voice.●Press the switch on the steeringwheel to return to the previous screen.●If you want to cancel the command, pressand hold the switch. The message,“Voice cancelled” will be announced.●If you want to adjust the volume of the sys-tem feedback, push the volume controlswitch on the steering wheel or use theaudio system volume knob while the systemis making an announcement.wha1332WHA1332lha1345LHA13454-142 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy●To minimize the amount of prompts spokenby the system in Alternate Command Mode,use the Minimize Voice Feedback function.To access the Minimize Voice Feedbackfunction press the SETTING button, thenselect the “Others” key using the NISSANcontroller and press the ENTER button.Then select the “Voice Recognition” key us-ing the NISSAN controller and press theENTER button.How to speak numbersVoice Recognition requires a certain way tospeak numbers when giving voice commands.Refer to the following examples.General rule:●Only single digits 0 (zero) to 9 can be used.●When saying the phone number 800-662-6200, the system will accept “eight-hundred” in addition to “eight zero zero” or“eight oh oh”. 500, 700, and 900 are alsosupported.Examples:●1-800-662-6200– “One eight zero zero six six two six twozero zero”– “One eight hundred six six two six twozero zero”Improving Recognition of Phone numbers:You can improve the recognition of phone num-bers by saying the phone number in three groupsof numbers. For example, when you try to call800-662-6200, say “eight zero zero” first, andthe system will then ask you for the next threedigits. Then, say “six six two”. After recognition,the system will then ask for the last four digits.Say, “six two zero zero”. Using this method ofphone digit entry can improve recognition perfor-mance.NOTE:When speaking a house number, speak thenumber “0” as “zero” or “oh”. If the letter“O” is included in the house number, it willnot be recognized as “0” even if you speak“oh” instead of “zero”.Settings menuThe content of the Settings Menu differs whenthe system is in the Alternate Command Mode.Command List:Displays the command list for Alternate Com-mand Mode.User Guide:The user guide provides basic instructions forusing Voice Recognition and accessing somevoice commands.NOTE:The user guide can also be accessed fromwithin the INFO menu after pressing theINFO button.Speaker Adaptation:Starts a system training procedure to learn thespecific sounds of your voice. See “Speaker ad-aptation function” in this section.Alternate Command Mode:For advanced operation, an Alternate CommandMode is provided. This setting enables control ofthe Audio and Climate Control systems in addi-tion to additional commands for the Phone andNavigation systems. With this setting active, thesystem does not announce or display the avail-able commands at each step. When this mode isactivated, the Voice Recognition Settings willchange to show more options.Minimize Voice Feedback:Reduces the amount of the information spokenfor each voice instruction.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-143ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copySPEAKER ADAPTATION FUNCTIONThe Voice Recognition system has a function tolearn the user’s voice for better voice recognitionperformance. The system can memorize thevoices of up to three persons.Having the system learn the user’svoice1. Press the SETTING button on the instru-ment panel, highlight the “Others”key on thedisplay and then press the ENTER button.2. Highlight the “Voice Recognition” key andthen press the ENTER button.3. Highlight the “Speaker Adaptation” key andthen press the ENTER button.4. Select the user whose voice is to be memo-rized by the system and press the ENTERbutton.lha1341LHA1341lha1346LHA13464-144 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy5. Select a category to be learned by the sys-tem from the following list and then press theENTER button.●Navigation●Audio●Phone●Information●HelpThe voice commands in the category aredisplayed.6. Select a voice command to train and thenpress the ENTER button.The Voice Recognition system starts.7. The system requests that you repeat a com-mand after a tone. This command is alsodisplayed on the screen.8. After the tone sounds and the icon on thescreen changes from to , speakthe command that the system requested.9. When the system has recognized the voicecommand, the voice of the user is learned.Press the switch or the BACK button toreturn to the previous screen.If the system has learned the command correctly,the voice command indicator on the screen turnson.lha1347LHA1347lha1348LHA1348Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-145ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copySpeaker Adaptation function settingsEdit Name:Edit the user name using the keypad displayed onthe screen.Reset Result:Resets the user’s voice that the Voice Recogni-tion system has learned.Continuous Learning:When this item is turned to ON, you can have thesystem learn the voice commands in succession,without selecting commands one by one.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEThe system should respond correctly to all voicecommands without difficulty. If problems are en-countered, follow the solutions given in this guidefor the appropriate error.Where the solutions are listed by number, tryeach solution in turn, starting with number one,until the problem is resolved.lha1349LHA13494-146 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copySymptom/error message SolutionDisplays “COMMAND NOT RECOG-NIZED” or the system fails to interpretthe command correctly.1. Ensure that the command format is valid, see “Standard Mode command list” or “Alternate Command Mode command list” in thissection.2. Speak clearly using your normal speech pattern and at a level appropriate to the ambient noise level.3. Ensure that the ambient noise level is not excessive, for example, windows open or defrost on.NOTE:If it is too noisy to use the phone, it is likely that voice commands will not be recognized.The system consistently selects thewrong voicetag in the phonebook.1. Ensure that the voicetag requested matches what was originally stored. See “BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System with NavigationSystem” in this section.2. Replace one of the voicetags being confused with a different voicetag.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-147ZDIFF-MARKED Review Copy—(OLD=2009Maxima nna Owners Manual 3rd Printing (#180265Maxima OM (en-us) - ELMO rerun for late DBLchanges to Sect 4 ONLY - not for complete proof)(Jan-08-2009 14:06:29))(NEW=2010 Maxima nna Owners Manual 1st Print-ing (#220162 Maxima OM (en-us) - distill for cck1)(Apr-13-2009 11:03:34))2010 Maxima (max)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)04/13/09—rootXDRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY
2010 Maxima Nam 1st review copy4-148 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsMEMODRAFT-PROOF REVIEW COPY

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