Voyetra Turtle Beach TB0095 Elite SuperAMP P User Manual SuperAMP PS US QSG 053118 LowRes
Voyetra Turtle Beach, Inc. Elite SuperAMP P SuperAMP PS US QSG 053118 LowRes
User Manual
FRONT TURTLE BEAI: ELITE SUPERAMFr PRO PERFORMANCE GAMING AUDIO CONTROLLER WIRED OUICK START GUIDE IMPORTANT READ BEFORE USING Any questions? turtleheach.com/XXXXXX\ turtleheach.comlaudiohub raw hllinrl Fl lrr v UPFPAM! p BACK p: some I satthosvnoritnio-toiac Mottotvvhitocontortanoniesatusingthshndroio/ioshuoionuo 2 hiohtectieh the Speaker lmrl inroorrootooronu eeleet pnytoeh neviees 3 quhkcllzk Elite Swarm!) r: and soloet sot as norntttt nevioe l. hiohtecliek :tilesttoerttrno PE chat onoseleel selas ueiottll cernrnttnieotton neviee s seteet the heeoroino no t. hiohtecliek stilesttnertrno PE anoseleel Sells neltttll neviee Psupc Made can oeseleeteu usingthe Audln Hubhr‘ndrnld/IDS Tunlghelshxomlludiohuh Package Contents Contenu Elite superAttitr For PSA‘ PRO DlgllaIDpllulCaHIe uss Poweruttdio Cable "H'Hrwlrmn hm Bluetooth‘ Setup PAIRING I hold dawn Bluunalh ButtonuntlltheLEDsbeglnthulseBlue 2 Canned tnynur heaoohories in ywrphnn! or tootet atoetooth Selling: FUNCTIONS rootti A it mime. mm". re rouse tortveroneois em, em" We.“ “My soiioni eietrer oeotiois rsoiosnent “new," ”m M“ “my,“ oi,“ eosnte isoioe eretrei oeo. iois reoioenent 5" W“ "N W“ "WWW wontenr eretrei tiois iois reoiotnsnt honint trmvhrccllmmww s t or rois i enen .ntnott "‘ (flinto‘ni ' " ‘ Amwrr catt Prrn onte hsoanore eietrer one ois EM Call rressont. no iottrn eieoror onoi heieet ineorninteott Vrusml hott heiatte t tertt Aihtrereh nointenir tetiooievoioe press and hotownen etiivttisn .e i. eietrer et nsinisnir iiiors eeo niiionliaiaoisi notino . rmnn-isstneemule a . enesors R I " ’t 5“ lsioisooniotei P" ’ F rmware Update and Custom 3 an Important: Update heiore using turtlebeach.comlaudiohub Update your headset with the Turtle Beach Audio Hub for Windows It Mac for the latest features. Download the Turtle Beach Audio Huh app on ios orAndrnid device to gain lull access to the Ieatures oi your headset. LED Customizations, Audio Presets, Game SpeclIlc Controls, and much more can all he lound in the app' chee downloaded, connect your Elite sttoerAntp " via Bluetooth” to your rnoltile device and play like the Pros. notttiatervetn. .ne.st.t.in.ht.t.rtn.eons .rititm toeot nestrietions on no... time cooiion oueiothsoetihotiheireoooheittusetovwretoestotieetnornotvethehornioniteoihotleoontrios iheserooio troooets .reoesioneotoroseonthin s.etiiiseotntries. .nt .renot allowed toteooeroteo in eoontnes otherth.n thoseot Inlgnaltluu its o Mural thost trotoets.hoooro rosponsitteior ensuring that the rrotoetsare uxrl ohlvin lhrmtmlrlu ior whiththevwere intenoeo .nttoroerihvinothotthevoreeoniitoretnith theeorrensetenion or ireooensy .ntehonnet ior the eoontrvoiose ithrtevotion iron throernissitle lower ontirttoenevstttintstortheeotntrvoiose isan inirinttnent oi notionot tau/Ind ntrhe honishetas soeh it teterhtine whether you are allowed to use your wireltn nelwark [ewe in t sreeiiit totthtrvi .tease eheev to see it the ratio tyoenvnioer that is .rinteoonthe itentiiieotion onetotvooroeviee is tistet inthe nohotoettrers om hetootorretitonte ooettneht tt the rationiho vitt tum or eohtoet ittrtle oeoeh oiretitr reterot cortiniunieationsceniniinien (FEE! cortitlianee hoiieea rhisseetion inttotes the iaiinwm! reestotenents torthe EIlteSMperAMP‘P .Fcc ms xsoeionnys .etoss a interierensestaienent hRF hoootion zarostre o vaoarovtarnint .htonsrtooitieotionsisteneni tlass . inierierenee sisteroent rhisetoi.nienthosheentesteoantioont to eornnthoith thetirnitstoraclassodioitotteriee..orsooht to vortisoithe no holes rhesetiniitsareoesionetiotrovioeretsohttietroteetiohaeainsihtrnittinterierenteintreeiuehtitlihettiiatioh rhis etoionienttenerotes uses m an rotiate ratio iretoehevenertvono. ii notinstotteoano oset inateortaneeoith the insirtteiions, nzrsaose harnitoi interiertheeto ralla eornrnohisaiiens. NHWWEFJMM is noouarohteethai interrtrense nitlnoi oeeorinootnitotorinstottotion irthiseooitnehtooeseoosehorrnrotinterierentetorotioortetevisionrereotionmhiehronte teterrnihrttvturninttheetuionsniotiontoh thtttstriseneoorotttioirrioeorrreithrinttritiehestvoneornoieoiihe iaiipwm! netsores ihoorientor rrlnutr theteeeitintontenna .ihereosetheseioration tetoeenihe stoionent .no reeeiver rnwlmztihe ttoinnehtintoonoottet onotireoittiiierentirornthattowhieh the reteiteriseonneetet .eonsotithe oeoteror.nesoerieneet rooioirvteehnisiantorheto Controls and Features USE PowerHtAudlu strootnenul ior Recording streaming Audio en PC MastorVolurne Cnntml alueloeth Moltierttnotion anllon headset Cnnnndlan rcc caution, rhisotvieeeoniotiesniihponisorthemholes uterotiohissuoittttotheiotlonihotwoeonoitions lilihotevieeniornot eotse hornirot interierenre .no [2] this oevirernost oeeeotany interherenre reteiveo inettoint intenerenee thotrnovtoose untesirtt otorotion RF lallallln stootttre I notortsiotsnient roenstre sornotionteoith rem eatosore reooirenents this teviternostteinstottet in . toeotionsushthottheontenno or the levieonitttetrootorihonzonto-iniironottrorsons vsinohiohorooinoniennassntlr.osoiontennosnoteotorotontor the reeeertiiitaiion otthisoroooet is nautipwefl inst.iters oitherooioontentosers oiiheorotoetrnosmhere to the instaltotion instroetions.rovitet in this nianoot rhistronsrnitterrnostnot he rurluulll oroeeroteo in eohionttion with any other antenna or tronsnitter honenotiiiettionstatement vseonihthes rtietinternatontenn. unauthoriteoantennas nooihrations oratiathrnentstooutornooetheetite SupeVAMP' i> Motels ohtviolaie re: rcgulallnns threhonteser notitisaiiens notehoressiv appravzl hr the .anvresoonsitte ioreonotioneerootovoittheusersoothoritvtoooerotethiseooionent rteoseeontoetronteoeorhtor.tistoiaorrooetzt GNzamennas thistrotosiistoniotiontniththeconsorhrrprotottsoitivini.rotorhohttttoiztnt eohtistoniineaitiwsiti contaian ICES stotenients ic Inurnars ms deviee eonioties niih iczsem and R554“ at ihttetrv contoo ooerotion isst ieetto thetpllnwl"! tooeontitions i thisttvieenovhoteouteinieritrense on 2 rhis teviternostoeeert any interierenre inetooiht intenerenee thot niorroose onoesireo ooerotion otthe oevise Ce tisoositit est soniorne .otnornes nusoot et ENHnd inoostrie eonooo i totititotiontotetisrontiiostooioriseoseoternentooittontitionssoivantos 2 it ne ooiioas .roooire oetrotittooeett otitisneorto oisoosiiitooiietre oret .aeeeoterioot hmulihge rooioeteetriooereso. nerne siee trooitote est soseertitteteeon.ro.nettrete ionetionnenientto tiseositii to .revent rotiointenerenee to the tieenset serviee ii e tosehannet notite sotettite systenisi this oeviee isintenoetto oe iterate: miners-Int "1|me ninuows la .rovile nithihittrnshietoihe. tittiorneht toriteirtheniit .htehhtiihat is instille- ootooors is sotieet to tieensint on. not suteoneo or an. SulerAMP‘ e notets PlaySta Ion'" L Pro It PSI." (with optical] Setup i set the SHIJHAmn -to m Mode [EluctonlcrLED ml) . oetautt setting 2 GDIDSefllr-qS>>SoundandScreen>>Audlaflulpul$ellmg§>>PrlmaryOulpulPDn o. niottal out [DPTICAU a SelectDnIYDDIbyDlgltaISJm Donorseleet urssleh l GomSullngs » souno and sereen ”Audio untottt Selling: nAtAfllo FormallPrmrlIy] 5 selest Bltstrlam loottvl t GomSlumgs”Devltesnmmmnevltes 7 seleot uss hetdsetlturtteueaoh EllteSHDerAmflHvrlnwl ti ottloul novioe a set OutpuuaNeaflphones to ChalAuflm i sotvotttrne controtinetdohonesl level to maximum in seteetttoiost Miereohone level not lotion the onesereen instntetions to (illbrateynur rnieroohone poorrviirrlosinteritrrnetsrolioouservieeotrttis.o tostysterneswtottiiiienotiieeoetonoiiieetoehoreitestttttint .tonrtionner. t interieoret. tetterieortesienetres ooorossoreron otinttoe notirnot te'ooioernent tot sononienne o othissiohi inttoitea touttnottrtstaooniiet i oetroi aetiteneesttn on hot rristhshortt est tts mouth :iitt svrorw- h IF hotistion EXIMMNI Hanrlshlomom roensore sonotiontewth Rssrlnl or etoosore reooirenents thisteviee niost oeinsiottet in . iototion soshihotiheantenn. oi the Ilvluwlll he oreoter thonzrniotiniooar ironattoersons usinthithertoinantennasonotreesoiontennosnot Loverel onoeriheietertiiitotionotthis.rotoet is nouiinwel! installers oiiherooio .ntentteers otihetrotoetrnosttuhere to the instottotioninstrtrtions trovitet ihthis nonoat ihistronsniitter niost not he {orlusltefl or operatet in eonitnetionnith throtherthtenht Mtummltlev stoositionauxratitiiena m nentionte tonter eoorossorert. tontonrite .veetes exitenees RSSrmZd exoosition out hrthooio r oeneesi eetoeoareitooit etre instotte tonsttnentroitotttontrnnsteto.oaieilstrositooeoonetistoneetrttusoszeniii-tottotouies.ersonhoe.tttiitisotioh t.ntennesotoinrtoseteoeettestvteso.ntennestoihesontroseoovensenverttoetteenitieotionieteteoroooitnesttos aularliér ttsinsiottoisorsteiorotiootissotitisotoorstvtrotoitiinatooitehtsesoniornersoainsirosiionstinstoiotion ioorniestons so nonoet oetenietieor no toit oas etre rosinotonte oo eattoite eneonioneiion ooestooteaotre .ntenneoo tronsnietteor zorottsn union o... soronean rsirrrat Asstnotion notototorrConptiane. rhiseooitnent rnavte ooerateo in the roontriesthoteorntrise the nenioertoontriesotthe Elenrl unionont the Emblem rtirirauelssoeiotion these eottniriesi tistet Iclnwi ore reierret toasrhe zurooetn connitthitvthrottthotti this ooettrneht tusrhitiottoivm avtotthth,cvphvs czEcht hzrvuticioshnthxizsvnhitinhtthoirhthor GERMANYiGREEDEi nunmvi ELAND IYALViLAWlAiLWNuANu tuxenoouhaimus nzrnzhttthtnsieotsnwohrusttihoutnit stnvtlxttstovzhit SPAN SWEDEN UNlVEDKlNGDnM WEEMND ticvrzhsitih NDRWAY SWIVZERLAND tzetloration oi coniorniir u.rtino .vthissvrnooi C E inoie.ieseon.ti.neenith the Essential heooirenents oi the Mo zooionieni oireetive ineoi otthe zurotetn union tzttttisaietti rhisetoionientrneetsihe iottoointeoniorrnanee stantorts soiety Emnvsnei ZfinoAAH inmo‘! zttiottiz ztttttsz ifliHYerrkthenseI. izuursnei ZnnSlanEdIvAm‘ zoanAntz 2micoseheniectrtiiieottli ENSD'KJZJ zim ensotm zoia EN7ir'l ZIIVJ tttitiohottierntes issttslror steeiiieeoonirirsovoitotlt on retorst PlayStation” L slim [without optical) Setup i seiihe Supcmmp“ to PSL nooo totoe center LED onie oeiootisetiinos v 2 eotosettinas es neviees » Audm neviees : getest use Dense lrortte aesth ElitesuperAMD‘ tor inouta output neviee l set notottt to headphoneslohtlhudte 5 servotunie control lneooohohesi tevetto maximum t sotoet Aflws' uteroohone level and rotten the onesoreen inslrttotionsteoatiorstevottrrnieroohone thlsstaz mutt: misictsph :1 ms EN'm! term i i [10174111.EN'mi “747%” t izott HI 2 2mm ENUHW tea znohAl znahn 2m rhe.rotoeis .retisenseo as rettireo tor.otitiontteoontnsteeitiestonoarostorthe international Marktlllar! mitionot issoet lirenses ovoitottouron retoest hotio EN tint mom i Umbr'fl] SAR ENHJH zunl Environnentat honszniiitsieu wEEEZDVZ/H/Eu REACHZDnh/HIW/EC eoevztint rtitz/tci levssoretv oirtstive lam/HIE: hteostvisitthstottowntvhtioroeonirtttesoeroithoneeorationoiconiornitty htllillwwwtlflthl theonuttettt Cull“ worniiiiii rhisisaetassoorootn in.tonestieennronrnent.ihis.rotoeinioytooseraoiointerierense.innhiehsosenheosernavoe retoiret to tone truronriate nieosores sehtonti theses ist ein eerot oer ronhstortrenooertttosse o inihohnoereirheh hurlrlm .ei oetrie. tiesesnerotes honttonhstoronten atliretehi inneteheh rotten teraenuiaeriurehtstreehehte seeehnithnthnteh veraninonlith ot itttentioni ceeiesttthorotttitoeclossho Damuncnvlrnnncmcmdomestique,”pvodvllVuwelccrcerdulmcrlcrwcm rotioeteetriooes it too-nienoro .torsa t otitisoteorteorentre tesrnestres s riiiooes t-nrooriees rhissrrnooi on the oroooet or its tattooing inoieotes th.tthis .roooet niost not o. tisooseo otnithyooroiher hoosehott waste insteao.itisroorresronsihitilrto seoseoivoorwostettoi. enitrhonointitovertootesitnoteototteetion.ointiorthe retoolintotmste eteeirisotano eienronis e.oionent rheseoaroteeotienion .no reevsiino oinoroasieeooionientatihetirne oltisoosotuitthetoeonsene natorot resoorresono ensorethat it is resvttet ina rnonnerthaloroteets honan heotthant the environrnent ror niore ihiornittion tiottnherevou tin oro. ohvourwteteior reevelingi rietse lonuclyawlnu‘ .tthoritvi or whereroo eorehasetvoororotoet rortte oeoeh Eurhne lot is ootitotet .s a oroooeer with a rnoin oetirith or settiht onter rhe rroooeer hesoonsioititv ootitotions lhoevotihtWosttihetolotiohsznni ioitttiiloorooiirotionweorrretisitrttniiheonoivoirtsienttheirheereiihthoonimtro you will hit .triee anointornotion on oortotintnostenonaternent. retretiht syn-otsono the w.ste hierorshh rrineittes or ietoernettseont retvet hits-inn...toninlrdtroetoortirth. .eretiria PKG DESIGN DEPT Raul Montoya SuperAMP - PS Project: 056 Date: MAV/31 / 18 Sal 100% Please do not print this layer!!! - 100% actual size -Reier to video on how to fold SPECIFICATIONS é Printing information I:- BLK tWHT 3 use PaperWelght (any) Foldout Folding Line
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