Voyetra Turtle Beach TB2125 Bluetooth Headset User Manual

Voyetra Turtle Beach, Inc. Bluetooth Headset Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2010-08-17 00:00:00
Date Available2010-08-17 00:00:00
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Document Lastmod2010-08-16 10:34:28
Document TitleUsers Manual
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P33“ Bluetooth® Communicator
System Requirements
Haystauon" 3 game consme
Package Contents
Q \
Ear Fume" PET Removable Removable USB cable
Bluelnnlh mmmunicamr ear clip clothing clip
Safety Notice
To avmd potenhal damage «0 me devrce, always dlsconnectarr caoles oerore transportmg rt.
WARNING: Permanent neanng damage can occur |f a headset "rs used at mgh vorumee (or
extended permds ofmme‘ 50 n rs rmpartam to keep (he volume ax a safe rever. averume, your
ears aoapno loud vorume levers, so a rever mm may not cause rnurar orscornfon can sun damage
your neanng. rr you expenence nngmg w your ears aner lrstenrng wun tne headset u means me
volume "rs ser we loud Tne rouoer me vorume rs set, the lessume u lakes“) affect your neanng.
So, prease (aka care to rrsren at moderare revels.
~ Before pracing a headset on your ears, turn me volume down Comprewry, men srewly Increase
u to a comfortabre rever
~ Turn oown me vorume rfyou can't near peopre speakmg near you.
- Award (urmng uo me vorume to break out noisy surrounomgs.
Ear Force PBT Overview
Tne Tume Beach Ear Force PET rsa Bruexoow communwaxoroevrcerorme Praysrauon 3 Narrows
wueress oonneoovuy m the P53“ for We chat wnh others ovenhe PrayStanon Network Tne PET rs
umque because unhke omer Ema-tooth commumcawrs‘ m auomon ro paurng wrth your P53, u can
srmuuaneously parr wrm your mobue pnone (no Tne PBT's ouar—parnng feature maxrmlzes
convenience when gannng because you can msranuy swucn from rn—game chamngw (ake a pnone
carlfwrkhjust a srngre press or a bunon. wun me PBT‘S 2.5mm mmyack you can even useme
wrreress Ear Force x31 orx41 neaosers on me PraySlanon 3. AM me rnnovalrvereatures mar make
Tume Beacn's x31 and x41 exceHem xsox 360 headse\s can now be enjoyed on the PS3.
Before usrngyour PBTlorthe nrsnrme,you musfluuy charge us lmernar battery and pay uwun your
PS3 as oescrmea raw In (his User's Gurde.
Features (c d)
(D PET‘s MultirFunction Button (“MFB“): one—whom convemence my power on and am caH
ahswehhg and hang up {when PBT ws used m Conjuncflcn whh a meme phone) and to put
the pm we ”Search" mode whue regimhhg with anmhev Bluetoom demos
Indicamr LED: Dual cowur LED (0 mmcate current state of dewce as deschbed m tms User‘s
2.5mm Mil: Jack: Connemsme mmmphohe from a Tuvfle Beach Ear Fume x31 an41 Mrs—
less gammg headset (or any other stereo or mono headset) m me PBT. Tms enables PlayStar
hon Newark chat oh (he x31 and x41.
Volume ounuuls: Press m w or to muse/lower (he wevew of mcammg chat whhs on
waysxahcn Netwavk or dunng phone caHs.
Micmphone: Dhechonaw mmnphnhe mm uplhe user's vaice my commhhmahng overthe
Pwaysxahan Network or a phone cohvevsahah
use: Pom The mcmued USB cabwe ws used to charge the mtemaw battery and/or pa-nhe PBT
manuauy whh a 953.
Ear Chp: Useme PBT as a Standard Bmetomh cummumcamrearplece for a meme phone.
The remuvabwe chp covmonahly hooks over yum ear.
cmhing Clip: When usmgme PBT wllh an x31 orX41‘ ms chp can be cuhvemenhy anached
to a pocket, mace of dommg. etc.
Battery Charging
The PET rnoludes an rnternal rechargeable hthlurn lon battery lt ls nutlully charged when new.
Please allow foul (Al hours to fully charge the battery error to hrst use Suoseduent charges should
take aooutene li) hour. Wlm the battery lully charged, \alK tune can be unto 6 hours, and the
standrbytlme can be up to 100 hours Note that the PET can be used durlng charglng
1lPlugtne use cable mm an auelleole USB pan on your P53 or PC.
zl Connect the cableto the m-nl uss porton the PDT, The LED rndlcatorgows red whlle the PET ls chargng
3T When battery charglng IS complete, the red LED lndrcatorwrll turn on
NOTE: When the battery ls low, the PST le make commllous hlgh/low tones every 10 seconds,
rndleatlng thatchergmg ls needed. When the battery reaches a "crltlcal' level, the LED mdleetor
le bllrlk red rapldly and the PET le enter rts “Auto Power—dawn" mode Atthls polnt. all key
presses Wlll be rgnored. the LED le turn offarld no (ones/beeps wlll he heard, The PET rnust he
charged atthls palm.
Turning The Power ON and OFF
Aftel charglng, ectwete the PST by pressmgthe MFDlor 3 seconds untll the button glows blue—
then release the button. Dr. llyeu are already wearingthe PET ln yourear, press the MFB Tor 2
seconds untll you hearthe “power an" chime—then release the button. The blue LED bllnks every
5 seconds wlnle the PET ls powered on,.
To power oflthe PBT, press and huld (he MFB fold seconds untll the red thnums on—(hen
release the button. on lf you are wearlng the PET. press the MFB for A seconds unhl you hearthe
‘power of!” Chlme—HIEH release the button. The PET ls now off.
Pa ng the Bluetoo Commun cator
“Palvmg’ lS when two Bluetooth devlces agree to oornnrunloate wltll each other and estaohsh
a eonneetron. Thls hnh between the PET ano P53 enables you to control uanous lunctlons ol
the oeylces wrthoutthe need for reconltgurlng each tlme you use them together. lleuerythrng lS
wovklng properly you wlll only need to gothrough the palrlng process once The PS3 and PBT wlll
vemaln palled euen when powered off, a conneotlon rs lnterrupteo orstoppeo, or one or hem are
restartetl Thls also applres to most moblle phones.
Wireless Pairing to the PlayStation 3:
Followthese steps to rnahe a wlreless ounneotlon between the PET and P53. Before you beglrl,
your P53 must have the latest avallable software uooate lrl the System 5ettlngs menu.
1) wlth the PET powered OFF, go to the P53 Settrngs > Accessory Settlngs >
Manage Bluetooth Detnoes.
2) ll you have never useo a Eluetooth demo or have deleted any prollles lrom other oeyloes
prevlously used wlth your console, the prompt wrll ask lfyou wlsh to reglster a device
Cheese Wes" to start soannlng, ll arty other Bluetooth oeuloes have pvevlflusly been palreo
wlth your console they wlll appear lrl a hst. Choose “Start 5oanmng' at the banal“ or the
3) oh the PBT‘ press and hold the MFB far 5 seconds untll the fiashlng LED ohanges horn
blue to led—then release the button. A tone wrll
also souno ln tne earmece to lnotcate that the
PET rs ln parrrng mode
4) When the PS3 lshnlshed scannlng, lt Wl||
prompt you to select the Bluemom devlce.
Select “Turtle Beam PET" (tom the hst
5) oh the next screen, enter 0000" as the Pass
Key and select "0h". A tone wlll be heard tn the
earprece and the PET wlII now be parreo wlm
your P53.
Pa ng the PET Bluetoo Commun cater (con (1
Confirmmg a Successful Pairmg (P53)
Once me PET has been parred wrm (he P53,
you‘H wanna xest ms funchcnahty
1) sow Semngs > Accessory Semngs > Aumo
Dewce Semngs
2) Sale-01 “Tume Beach PBT" as the mputand
Oumufi Dewce and press xxo conhrm
3) 0th on “Mlcrophone Leve)" and adjusnhe ‘eV'
e) or your chm ompm so lhanhe bar graph barely
reachesme red area when ynu speak wouoly.
A) Chck “OK" to save
Pauling with a Mobile Phone
FcHow mess steps to connecnhe PST (0 a mohne phone ror rrrakmg and recehnng cans.
The PET must be powered orf oerore yuu sxan.
1) On the PET, press and now the MFB for 5 seconds ohm the flashing LED changes rrorn
ome m red—(hen release (he mm. A mne le awso sound m the earplece m mmcale thafl
me PET rs m parrrng mode.
2) On your moone phone, acmvals (he Ema-(00m mode and Search for Bmexomh devlces as
oescrroeo m Ks user manua).
3) When your phone ls fimshed scanmng, selecfi “Tums: Beach PBT' from me hsl and rohow
me Dromms xo conneck.
4) Emer “0000" asme Pass Key and sewect "ow. The PST )s new palred wuh yuur rnoone phone.
Mak ng Calls
Once the PET ts successfuny patred wtth your mobite phone, you can use rt to make and recetve
eahs. The PBT can be used wrth yoroe dratrng rt your phone supports thrs funotron
1) Usrng uorce drahng , Press the MFB button for 3 seconds untn you hear a tone—men retease
the button. The volce recognrtron prompt m your phone wrh now be aotryated. Say the name of
the phone number or person whom you want to cah You can extt the vorce recognrtron state at
anytnne by oressrng the MFB tor 3 seconds
2) Usmg mobrte phone keys to mahe a cat) — Drat the number on the mobrte phone as normat.
Once the caH has been otaced, the sound wth automattcahy be transmitted to the PST
3) Redtal , Doubte—chch the MFB. You wrh hear two beeps, after whtcn the last number mated
wrn be called
4) Swttchmg from PBT to phone — Whrte usmgme PET for a phone can, you can swrteh to usrng
your handset by presstngthe MFB for 3 seconds Stmnany, you can dtven an active caH from the
handset to the PBT by pressrngthe MFB for 3 seconds.
5) Mutrngthe rnrorophone , bunnga phone path the PET mtcrophone can be muted by doubte—
chckmglhe we. You wrh heartwo beeps, rndroatrngthatthe rruo rnute rs actrve. Whrte the rnro
rs muted, a beep wrh be heard every 10 seeonosto tet you know that me mute rs strh actrvateo.
To turn off the we mute stmpty doubleschck the MFB agam You win heartwo beeps, rndtcattng
thatthe rruo rnute has been drsabted.
N01E: some otdet muhlle phunes may not have a (edtal or vmce recugmtton function W a
phone does not have a redtat funotton, then a doubte—chck ofthe MFB wiH tntttatethe votce reooghttton
state tnstead h a phone does not have etther'uncttont then a dottbteschck or Srsecond press of
“we MFB wtll have nu efieelv
Incom ng Calls
when the PET ls powered on and mere ls an mcummg can you wm hear a musrcer emme. You
have mree omrons when an mcommg can IS reserved:
1) Answer call — Cllck the we once to accepnhe can. Chck m agam to end a caH. A (one ls
heard m me eerprece eeen me you answeror end a caH.
2) Reject call , Pressthe MFB for 3 seconds unm you heara been The caH rs sent duecuym
31m: nothmg — The “mcommg can cmme" wul sound unm your phone sends me came: “3 vonceman.
Us ng the PBT w h an X31/X41
Your PBT ws deswgned to pervecfly mtegrate w a wwrmess gammg headset, such as me Tume Beach
Ear Force x31 or x41. By combmmgme PBT w-m an x31 own, you can enjoy wnremss chat on
me Pwaysxauon Network via B\Ue\oo\h, whwle be game audlo ws (ransmmed wwewesswwa dwgna‘ RF
To Carmen me x31/x41 mwcrophone m your PBT, use me mwkback came mcmded mm me headset.
The ngnvangwe 2 5mm mug connems to me PET and me snelgm 2.5mm mug connects to me
XBOX uvgfl jack on me wen eavcup onhe headset when (hewkback cable Is connecfied mme
PBT from an x31/x41, aH tonesu beeps by commumcatmn wuh omevs Wm be seamlesswy routed
through me headset Smnlafly, when speakmg m omers, dmy me headsets mwcrophone wm be acme.
Ear Force x31
Eav che x41
secuve me PBT m yam shln
usmg the removable Molmng enp
Bas c Operat ons
Power on
Power off
Mrcrophone mute
Adjusr volume
Answer can
Reject call
End call
Cancel outgoing call
Voice recognimon
Transfer call to PE! rrom pnone
Wea ngthe PBT nE her
Press MFB for 3 seconds
Press the MFB for 4 seconds
During a caH, doubreschek me MFB
Press the ”+“ or ”J‘ buttons
crrck rne MFE
Press and nord me MFB for 2 seconds
Chck we MFB
crrck rrre MFB
Doubre—clrcr (he MFB
After oerng powered on, press MFB for 3 seconds
During a caH, press MFE10r3 seconds
The PBT cornes ready to wear on your reir ear, our can be eesrly used on ermer ear, To use
on your len ear, genfly pun (he ear chp dose (0 me base onne devrce unm rr comes of!
PM) me ear crrp over so mar rt rs opposrre from rrs ongmal posmon and press n back on.
1Nme:Tne “Tums Beach" rexr wru be amide—down when worn on your rrgm ear)
Troubleshootng Gen aI
ll you are havmg trouble wrth a headset after lt lS palred Wlth the PS3, there are a few
(lungs to check first-
— Make sure your headset oattery rs charged and workrng. The PBT should not reourre
oarrlng agalrl after each recharge
, ll ustng a P53 wrreless controller, make sure rt ts rully charged When the P53 controllers
don't have enough power, they can sometrmes cause dropouts and headset rnterference.
—Tl'le headset should he set as the rnout/outout devtce rn the PS3 Accessorres 5ettrngs menu.
Make sure there are no other contltctlng Bluetooth devlces ln use near your P53
— Update your P53 to the latest avarlaole rrrrnware ln the System settrngs menu
— ll you walk out orthe PSS‘S 30400! range wrth an actrve Elueloolh headset thrs can
sontetrmes cause a lag or lock—up wrth your wueless controller. To avoro tlns, remarn wtthm
3c teet 01 your P53 atall tunes whlle connected to the PleyStetlon Network.
Problems When Changing Maps, Games or Servers:
ll the headset suddenly stops workrng when you start a new game, new round change
maps, etc., the ts usually the result at a lost headset connectlon. A common lndlcetoror
thts rs when vorces from other players are suddenly heard through your TV speakers lf your
PET ls sttll powered on, go tnto your P53 Accessory Settrngs menu and reset the lnput/outout
devlce to "Turtle Beach PET".
Noise or Feedback:
— ll you expenence feedback lrom the mrorophone lscreechmg/stano norse when you talky
try lowerrng your TV‘s volume
—An alternetlve solutton ror ellmlnetlng reedoack ls lowerlng your mtcrophone output volume
m the P53 To do thrs, go to Accessory 5ettrngs > Audro Device 5ettrngs and lower the me
volume there Level 3 ls recommended as a good startrng pornt lr peuple have trouble
hearrng you then rarse rt to Level 4 or Level 5.
—l1 you hear an echo when you talk turn down the PET volume on the devtce ltselr.
T ubleshoot ng General (c d)
Palllng Problems:
, If (he PS3 Cannot foealc yuur PET, make sure Mal ll ls in palflng mode before you slan
scanrllng, as lndlcated by the flashlng LED allerrlalmg helweeh fed and blue.
—If(he PBT ls mlsslrlg from me dEVlCE menu llsl altel you restart your P53, please repeal
lhe palflng process.
, If the PET appeals Orv the Audlo Device menu but ‘ls "m scfcclabfc, the" 'l\ ls not conncclcd
(fl shoufd connecl automatlcally when (he Alldlo Device merlll ls sefecled), Make sure i( ls
charged and puwefed on and men sefecl the “Curlrlecl Bfuelumh" Kab on the screen If
"HS doesn‘l work. mease repeal we Dalflrlg process.
, If more ale othef acwc Bfuctooth devices ncafby, power 010er off \0 sec lf (his has any
effect on (he PBT‘S performance
—Nm haylrlg youl PS3 updated Wllh me lalesl system seflware carl also cause corlrlecllorl
problems. Upoale me PS3 sollware m the Syslem semrlgs menu.
Vnice chal Dmps:
—Ml75\ lh—game Volce chal drops are slmply helwolk lag. Usually lhey sllbslde aflel a shorl
llme, so be patlent. lrl exlreme cases you may have to leave a game and lelurrl to lesel lhe
chat fuflCUcn
—If you use ereless lrllelhel, low slgnal sllerlglh from your modem/router call make voice
chat malfuhcllorl. Make sure lhe Wlleless slghal ls as slrohg posslole or use a LAN corlrlecllorl
\o acnleye the peel conrlecllorl Dosslble
, "more are other acllvc Blucloolh dcvlccs nearby, power mom off lo scc lfmis has any
effecl ml the PBT‘S perfolmahoe
T ubleshootlng Spelelc Games
rurlle Beach has loehllfleo several umque permfmance characterlsucs lhalare speclllc (0
lnollllclual games and ls keeplng a cohvehlem log lhal ls accesslble ula lhc Turlle Beach
webslte. Please go la www.|urfleheach.com/PBTgaming for more lnformalloh
Fur more products accessories and our product support knnwreage baser
grease vrsrt TurlIeBeach.com
mo Camron
Any changes or modmcaflons nm expressry anpmvsd bythe pany responsrme loroomphance coma yore me users aulhomy
to operas ma squrpmem
rms aeyroe wnrplres wrm pm 15 ome FCC Rmes Operaflon rs subleclto the renowmg two commons
(<7 mg demos my HM muse hsmm rmerverem
(21m dawns muslaDDEDlany wnleflevenofi racer/em mdudmg mlerverenoe mm may cause undesrred aperahon
Thls prnducl rs cg marked sccnrdmg In the pmyrsmns uflhe Rum Drreclwe (99/5/5427
Grantee Code/Reg Number xsarsczmss
Fcc cm sz—Tszwfi
Vayetra mus Beach me
Cupyngm®2mfl Vnyeva Tum: Beach nu may m M" Rrgms Reserved Nu pan GUNS documenl may he lepmdur/Ed
wrmnm pemflssmn mug Beach [he Tums Beach ‘ugn‘ Vuyelra and Ear Fume are armeruaamams nr regrsrerea nademarks
MVTE‘ m xsox, xsox zsu and xeox uvg are regrsrerea hademarks a, Mmsnfi Cameraman PIaySlahcn and p53 are
ermer trademarks nr regrsrerea nademarks cl Suny Cnmpmer Enlznammem, rm Mac rs a regmemd lvademarks “we run
The aruemm word mark and rages are regmeled lrademavks Wm by smmmn sway Ml: AH mher Trademarks are
pmpemes mm respetlwe mm and are hereby acknuwbflged
ManuYalzlurEd m Chma P/N res-2125.01 v1

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History Software Agent          : Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0, Adobe InDesign 6.0
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EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
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