Voyetra Turtle Beach TB2570 Ear Force Stealth 420X+ RX Wireless Audio Headset User Manual Stealth 420 QSG 050216 smallSize
Voyetra Turtle Beach, Inc. Ear Force Stealth 420X+ RX Wireless Audio Headset Stealth 420 QSG 050216 smallSize
Stealth 420+ QSG_050216
EAR F GE STEALTH 4EEIX+ OUICKSTART GUIDE GUIDE DE DEMARRAGE RAPIDE IMPORTANT A LIRE READ BEFORE USING AVANT TOUTE UTILISATION Any Questions? Des questions ? turtlebeach.comlStealthAZDX+ | turtlebeath.t:nm/Support For additional consate combatibttity and tennectton information visi www.turtleheathJam/connect Xbox one Setup ‘3 Can gura on Xbox Dne Fl LIRE: up game eteutedrs ///// //y Make suretthbux one tstdtty puwered an and stgned tntt. axbdt Live drattte berdre eenneettnd tneTransmtttertertnehrst ttnte. nssdrtzedads ate a (nnSDlC Xbax ate est atmet tt rennettte a mu ttde adan: de branrrer te tansnettedr put» ta Warmer? tots. Pairing Jumelage The Stealth 420X+ Headsetand Transmitter come paired ddt at the box. When palredt with both the Headset and Transmitter powered ninth: Transmitter} LED will be art so u Ililt but nnt blinking] Hdwevert tiyddrTransmttter‘s LED ts pdtstrtg, renew the steps betdwtd patryddr Headset artd Transmitter. Le easdde Stealth Aque et te transmettedr ant narntatement deta etetdntetes tbrsbde dads aehetez tepreddtt 5te‘estbtentetas,t'tndtsatedrddtransntettedrdettetreattdrrtetntatsnepascttgneter] tdreddetecdsddc et lctransmcllcurSanlnllumés.5l t‘tndtcatcdrdedetretransmettedrsttdndtct sdtdez tes etapes etedessbds bddr te tdnteter a vatre casque Press and imld the Patrtng adttdn en the Transmitter dntit the Transmttter‘s Pairtng LED flashes rapidly (24 seconds], then release. [Use a Papercllp ersentettttrtg strnttartb press the Ptrthdte button) a start thts pracess wtth the headset Powered OFF Lancer ta brdeeddre ave: lc ededde élcml. Matntenez te bbdtan de tdntetage dd transmelr tedrentbnee' bendantSseeendesttdsdd'ase dde t‘tndtsatedrdetdmctade dd lransmctlcur se melte a Ltignoter teetdentent [Utlllsez dn trentbene ed dn dbtetstnt tatre padrapbdyerstr cc pctll bedten] Patkage Contents Cnntenu de la buite Ear Farce Steattn mx» :arrereesmattntzux. Gamlng Headset wtretessrransrnttter CasudeEaroceSleaJhl-lexo Transntettetrsats ‘ll Ear 70K: Szcalt- Am. G 0 E/n Meattecabte RemovableMlL scent usa chardtndcaate cabteaedraapareanadttes \tttredntneantedtbte cadedttrartmtntesa Alhrnlznm and at Mnhlle Setup Conliguratiun mu Ra'uirlll Items. 5 seconds Press and held the iner Button on the Headset dntttthe Headset s Puwer LED ttashes raptdty (5 sesdndslt then release. Matntenu lc eedtbn d'attmentatten dd tasqdc cnlnncc pendant aseeendesttdsqd‘a cc qde l‘mdmateurd‘allmentalmn dd easade se ntette a ettgnbterrabtdernent pdts retaehez. mm in seconds the Transmitter‘s and Headset's LED wttt rerrtatn brt snltd‘ tndtcattng that patrtrte has been sdcsesstdt. Dans tes to sesdndes ddt Sulvcntt t‘tndtsatedr dd transmettedr ct casqde dett rester attdnte Ce bdt stgnttte ede tetdntetage a bten ete errettde For additional informationtvisit Pour de ptds amples mlormations, rendez-vods sdr www.tunlehe:cn.comlsuppurt Headset Cuntruls Commandes surcasque light ilrnl. I etddtedr IraII Pmrluttnn press SunrrHuminHu Hetd [Is ewerun/utt Power LED [Ezttrry sutdst wed e Charging sd pm“ In“... Green = Charged / ht dse msets d‘e attsatten [ping smdsy chat VnIIlnIl cunlml Settd on Transmtttertenneeted Valumelumzlvuul DuuhleBImk ransrnttternetcdnnreted us- mum; Pm nadten d-attntetttatten , rurt usn paurIethirgement Ma 1KE1QII‘P(DHHE peer attdeet/etdtntre Mel ecennertidn Cnnne mohlle tndttatedr de nttse sods tenstdn tntdead de ta hattrrm] abdgeetnnrgdmententem n1 “mum... vtrternargerenradrsd‘d tsatten Press Mteun/utt nedtantt when. t iDPflyezpouractwer/desictwer (Eta Niurv‘claqu Clgnn reentdedbeetrarsntttttdrnenednnette Eu wretets | ethetuteEn .nttttn NIlunI Naturet sass Buast Amdtteatten des basses Buss . rrsbt. Bunst Ampl sattan des basses et des ilgus VucalBoosl Amdttheattenteeat , ’ Mixroplmne Setup cdnrtgura tt Microphone m I’ll/Rlflutsl Make sdre the ttne guide betewthe Mlcruphane Fuam Cuver ts Iaclng toward yddrrnddth ddr‘tng use 7 Comp ante Confnrmité Item-tut anstdna mama hrm-EAI me: stmntmsnxm autumn“. VIC-nun nlrttltlmlluru .tt... mexulmmnzluflulh:lullwlh!FLCsurememeInr(MEARFDRCESKHHRLIDXORXLYX m in tea mandated m in tea rdtstt trunentttten etmatntenetenreeattnent arautaten Expasum t. HnlrIerm"! Nan nutnmtanstmntn bestmentsutentnt seat Intermix-913nm" Thtsfiulvmenlhaslunlute!lnlhunfltummlvwllhlheltmttslurlchssfiilynillulu .dedantta mtsattn. rssnttes tn.“ ttntttmttgttntttesnne. nasanstt—mtetttanagstnstn.n.ndttnt.rtemnt.tna retttntattnttdettan rn.sttdt.n..nt..neat.s tees. antesn ram.rattdtretdenatnmant.ttnat.ne.tt.t.ntds.t tn matuntmtntn. tnttmttens myedanarnttdttntenereneeta .attttanndnesttans Humvrr tnem tent.daranttetna.ntanmntewtttnetmtrtna.antedt.rtnxt.tettan tttntstadthnenttuetnse nsrntdttnttnmnttdtsetuerttdttxtanmdtan nnttn untanttnntn. ytum"!thlllulrmentuflznlun tn. dartsenmdnmta trtta tamettnttnttrtmne nantarnamttnttttdwtnt new; .ntantntemtaat.tnmamntantenn. dumpstethe sehsrsttdn new.“ the tadtnntntant matter .eanntetn.ttdt.nt.nttna.nedtdtenanndttttnmnttmntnatdnnttntn. mtmtseennmt .Canedtt tn. eeattrtn an martenui Hutu/W teenntet.n tern-t. “rm-n. rntstmeeennttmtn mtsartn. rttndds unattan teedsttetatnttattwnnnnmnetttan; llIYhtslmrl natnateads. hammtl .nttnmnt. ml (71m: tetandd IKHIMY tntenmne. matted tnetdttnt tnten.r.ne.tnatnayedxtdntastmseattan RBI-1M nixlnllrllerdmhmul veerddrmn needttnm tremenueemrementtttntttdte ndtt .etnnatteetn.taettsnsdentnntne.ntennuttnedettsmtt I: gmtertnnmtdttn )ttan .ttsmnt dttngntanertnnndnnd.netwtat.ntennd nateadetsedntmn. resentnentanhtnd pmuuu natallawel tnttdtmttnmtt..nt.ntdtenettne value! netttnmtttn.tntt.tt.tt.,ntntndettunwettt.‘tntnttmdd tnttmtnnnndtt net»mete-teeortreatedtneandnettandttn .nyatnerntenn. drummer nan—mtmatnnsatmm Ilsewily“:suPllle‘mlamzlinlenm dn.ttnant.t antennae natttteatent mttsennentmtd hm.tnesttrdnesst..ttnurtxtnx m ModnlsnivmlateFCC etdtatent Antwan”atnattttmtensndtunesetyaumtttne”nttespenstnt.teteenpttmmdtt tetttn. dtetsattnanttteastratetnttetdtpntnt rdssuenettrdnteeeatnnt.ttsttn m2 tentantannas hulunllfssllhm-nhIEIJITVArYBIETDanIsmI 'KITMJMSW IantsmtlterI Thtsdmtctmmpltnmlh ltESrflfllznflRSSrIHullnddflryCamh arrraltahwxullzfilulhelallnwtnytwbmnltttuns t tnteettta maneudtetnenmneesnt 2 Mtxdnvtn muslzcklltznrmttrlercn mtlulm!tnterlrrenrclhllMivcattsztmdnwlszralmnnflhzflutbt men. n... dttttsattentet txeanttt.ttadtanmmtenmtadttanttttana na 2 ttneentaunm wed. .tedtd.,.ettdttttnedtddrevetment”.m net"been"tedtsttdtttu.”tattmnnetetdntntatt t. ImutllllluslsusflrltlllIlmmlmmvtlrelelunKltanmenldu‘lS’ui t ranmntmtatntntteneetttnetteentetmta tt. mlhlnulMaI snedttesystenettntttenemtnttntteta mutate indndrsznllwlylmmwmdumlfl .Mttenutndn antetttn. Etdtnntenttarttstrantntttantmnattnatt;tnttadetudttamtasdttutta ttmstna and net mum“! at sen rbncs Slnlm ttrtx. Rx t. rx mas ‘ Transmitter g‘ Yransmetteur Pill’ Imlan Enutun e. tdtnetage Eunnmiunshlus Lsn tnttttatedr d-e'tat Solmfln Headsetcenneeted Attdt—eetastdetttnnet-d pdtstnt; e headset ndt cannetted Cltgnninmcrl e casquc nan tdnntrm ( ) Charglng Chargement The Stealth AZDX~ uses a reehargeabte battery Make sdre ta tharge tt regdtarty mans-t star-n Always charge yedr headset beIure storing it tor any extended period or ttrne Igrealer than 3 months] Never store the umt in temperatures above IIJ'F/LS'C Le Stealth Itqut dtsbdse d'dne batterte rethargeabte Assurezrvous de la charger reedtt‘erentent. Rangementdu risque t Chargu tedtbdrs dbtre tasqufl adant de te ranger paul’ dne tangde ddre'e [ptds de 3 rnets} Ne stetheztantats te casede a des ternbe'ratdres sddertedres a 1.5%. Int: nInElluunlnmmshhmlhl rt Emu?! somlluhvemlh Rssrlnz nr mutt» tetdtrenenttt tntt 1M9: nttttt I: tntudet tn .1 deatan eden tnat KM ahlzmta nl tne tattedtttseawatertnsntenttdttn )lmytmmllllemuns den.nttntrgstnantennuntwsatsntennnnatemm dntertn. tc Wtnltmaprfldvfllinnlallnwll lmtalwxatthznllnanlenl Marin!KMIrnlwlmunIdhtktnlhtmxlallallanlmtmulnm tn tnts n.ndat rntstrsntntnernde nut .. a. lanlll at Dllnlei tn tantdnttten dtnanatnerantenna nrlnnsmtller Btlflllllnuxrllbtllnx n: t Illllui mm eedrsedmeeentannttastetdstxtaenasass tuneuastttensdtnrtnatta Fréwenrexl eat-.pmtttattett.tnstadumdn :nlmllnu tantennetttaumttwa ttttteet unellstanccd: pluilzlcm it tuttttadttt ”unmet Utilisationdznlmncslfiam utds elave'et tense I .nttnne tdt n. 34ml Dis adverts .n end 4. t. antttedtan t: t. z. . tdtt n .e n: .ddnsee Lu tntedatedn ta ta ralw rt lei dttttettdts ttt erattttt ttnat tattent te cartinmwr attt instructions t lniullztlnn Vaurmtxlans a: ntandet ea .nettttr n. tett .as at. tetn.t.nte ed exllutté en eentenetan me tadteadtr. antenn. ed transntttedt Euruuan Union and Eurnluan Fair Trad Assuiat n Insultmry namutianu tnte etdtsnent mr‘rbenunlei tn tn. eedntnts lhztmm neatntnent erratntnestntn. strewnuntennttnestmnn ratrrnt. tenetattan Mann“ nnmmny C € Mdrktnllylmxlymlul tnttedetandemntntn.saanttdhttdtnnenteattnettne atmemnnesdn...n dnten lun/s/EC] rnteet .ntntnetts lhttolmwmvcnhhrmdhvemhlarls mtnsntbtsdt tbbtettt tattttt 1mm“! but.“ tbtttrnntttenet tssttttsdt tbbsttntettttdnetnt 2007 an 5mm and rnsmza 2m wt 3 2m! ENC-ENssrm tttttttc lull mutt. ttt tzttbttattenattm tmt t damnatsnttbbbu ZDDV‘ENhlnnan! mt Ennnnmlfilllt wavnlllleDindtveZDtL/li/EtltRDHSflll/LS/Ell wssstbtmtrsdtnmnzrtrtttttdt/scteatuetnau/tzts: EzltewlflflA/AUEQYnytsalelYDwmkINDY/ME tn..." trntstmtmd .tetdet tn.tanestteenttmnment,tntsnetdetnayadtetntetntenerene. tnwnttnrasetn. deernay t.retdtrttteemwantattnmdm m...tdt.setst.tn EermlerFunhqumnmflkusxefl tndanntarattnentennenseteetnasttametratas ndnttdnmdtdne irn ztmrrtzn. tn wzlthth ratdn ter BrnuuuNVehuhnthmltGflcnmflnzhmenwnmwnrlllch ttt amen-etetasttnumtdttteetm a dantdn enttmnnenantaneattt. eesmttttnstdttemrtestntenemnas rallneltrtrlltdu llJIPIVlIt-nlu:mrsalutlllsmewfilnnlnkt ntestttetxteettttdetawannut tnttstneattn tne mtdttarte Flthlmgmltcalflthallhti lrwlutlmuil nalbzllfinndniwtlh todr mherhnusehnl‘ met heme tt tsytdressansttttttyedtmteetyedtmateadtenent nnsnetn, tater tux Atxlynltm tolleclton netnttartne rsmttn. atmeteedrtnetantetzetntntmdtnnent Yheszpantz tatteutan.neratytttn.tttyedtma.eadtsntntattnettnteatetmsatwtttnet.men.nadrsttetnmx mllniurzthatittxrlmlzlmamannerthzlpralmxhumanhzllthznlthtzmtmnmml For net. tntennutan .tadt metered an em. anyedrwsste tat retyettna, plelu unattyedr lnul .dtnentd er nnmtad.dnnatetttdrrrttdet ltcawal‘helecldra‘mn nttnhlormly PKG DESIGN DEPT Designer- Audre Javier Product: Stealth 420X+ Project- 056 Date: MAY/02/ 16 Scale: 100% - COMMENTS Please do not print this layerl'! - 100% actual size - Referto video on howto fold SPECIFICATIONS é Printing information :- BLK + WHT D 056 Paper Weight [809] Foldout Folding Line (156 Fuldout QSG Foldoutw lgo inside the literature box Literature Box
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