WATOOM CYANO-RF Dive Computer User Manual

WATOOM Inc. Dive Computer

User Manual

1.  Introduction  -CYANO-RF2.  Definition  of  Warnings,  Cautions,  and  Notes3.  Getting  tarted3.1  FlowChart3.1.1  Power  ON/OFF3.1.2  Function  and  button  flowⅠ3.1.3  Function  and  button  flow  Ⅱ3.1.4  Function  and  button  flow  Ⅲ3.2  Charging3.2.1  Charging3.3  Setting  from  APP3.3.1  Connecting  bluetooth3.3.2  Setting  up  TIME  mode3.3.3  Setting  up  alarm3.3.4  Setting  up  distance /  temperture  unit3.3.5  Setting  up  Current  time  and  GPS3.3.6  Setting  up  Display brightness 3.3.7  Bluetooth  on/off3.3.8  Guage  mode  on/off   3.3.9  Setting  up  condition3.3.10  Sleep Time3.3.11  Buzzer ON/OFF3.3.12  Compass Calibration4.  Before  diving4.1  Buhlmann(ZH-L16C)  algorithm4.2  Emergency  ascent4.3  limitations  of  Dive  computer 4.4  Nitrox4.5  Free  diving4.6  Audible  &  visual  alarms4.7  Activating  diving  mode4.7.1  Setting  up  NITROX  mode4.8  pre-checks4.8.1  Compass 4.8.2  Battery  power  indication4.8.3  Diving  at  altitude4.8.4  Setting  the  personal  adjustments4.8.5  Outbreaking  conditions  of  decompression  illness4.9  Safety  Stop 4.9.1  Mandatory  Safety  Stop
4.10  Decompression  Stop (DECO)5.  Diving5.1  Dive  with  the  AIR  mode  (Dive  Air)5.1.1  Basic  dive  data5.1.2  Ascent  rate  indicator5.1.3  Stopwatch  (Timer)6.    Decompression  Dives6.1.1  What  is  Decompression  Dives6.2  Dive  with  NITROX  mode  (Dive  Nitrox)6.2.1  Cautions  before  starting  Nitrox  dive6.3  Dive  with  GUAGE  mode (Dive  Gauge)7.  After  Diving7.1  Surface  Interval7.2  Diving  frequency7.3  Flying  after  diving7.4  LOG  MODE7.5  Exclusive  APP  for  CYANO7.6  No  Dive  Mode8.  CARE  AND  MAINTENANCE8.1  Buttons8.2  Maintaining  dive  computer8.3  Maintenance8.4  Waterproof  test9.  Replacing  battery10.  Technical  data10.1  Technical  specifications11.  Copyright, Trademark, Patent  notice,  KC  registration of  conformity,  Guarantee12.  Glossary
1.  Introduction -  CYANO-RFCYANO-RF  is  wristwatch-type  dive  computer  especially  designed  so  various  information  which  is  needed  for  diving  be  read  easily.CYANO-RF  is  a  wristwatch-style  dive  computer  which  has  intuitive  UI  for  easy  check  out  of  essential  data  while  diving,  and  it  has  compact  and  smooth  design  for stylish  lifestyle.  Also,  CYANO-RF  is  a  recareational  dive  computer  with  digital  compass  and  nitrox  dive  function  that  loaded  1.54"  ISP  LCD  panel  to  provide  wider and  more  vivid  view  for  high  readability  in  deep  sea. It  is  installed  with  bluetooth  4.1  to  be  connected  with  exclusive  smart-phone  app  to  manage  dive  log,  share  SNS,  and  adjust  device  settings  as  well.Furthermore,  its  wireless  charging  system  makes  provide  convenience  of  charging  and  leakage  accident  prevention  caused  while  replacing  battery. slide-type  strap  changing  method  improves  compatibility  and  varies  your  choice  of  style.This  manual  covers  with  important  and  essential  information  to  understand  CYANO-RF's  diverse  functions.Please  make  sure  to  have  clear  understanding  regarding  to  instructions,  displayed  information,  functional  limitation.  Thus,  please  read  this  user  manual  carefully  and thoroughly.
2.  Definition  of  Warning,  Caution,  and  NotePleas  read  this  manual  thoroughly! Dive  computer  users  must  be  informed  with  displayed  information  and  instruction. Inappropriate  use  of  the  device  may  cause  damage  to  the  device  or  lead  serious  injuries  to  deadly  situation.Please  do  not  use  the  device  for  commercial  or  technical  diving!This  device  is  designed  for  recreational  purpose.Commercial  or  Technical  diving  is  highly  exposed  to  danger  of  decompression  illness,  or  can  exceed  acceptable  critical  water  depth.  For  these  reasons,  CYANO advise  not  to  use  the  gear  for  commercial  or  technical  divingOnly  trained  divers  should  use  this  device.Not  any  dive  computer  can  replace  the  need  for  proper  dive  trainingInappropriate  diving  may  cause  serious  injuries  to  deadly  situation.Whether  diving  plan  shows  on  dive  computer  or  dive  table  is  followed  while  diving  or  not,  danger  of  decompression  illness  always  can  be  faced.  Procedures provided  from  dive  computer  or  dive  table  cannot  prevent  decompression  illness  or  oxygen  intoxication.
It  is  highly  recommended  to  check  own  physical  status,  and  have  enough  rest.CYANO  calculation  of  sport  diving  maximum  of  depth  is  based  on  O₂%  and  set  from  1.4bar  of  maximum  oxygen  partial  pressure  (PO₂)  set  point,  and  it  is  also strongly  advised  to  restrict  to  dive  within  40m  of  depth  that  is  calculated  from  dive  computer.It  is  advised  to  quit  diving  when  decompression  stop  is  needed.  when  display  shows  decompression  stop,  ascent  should  be  started  immediately  and  also decompression  stop  has  to  be  done  as  directed.Use  BACK-UP  gauge.  Ensure  that  you  use  depth  gauge,  submersible  pressure  gauge,  timer  or  watch,  and  have  access  to  decompression  tables  whenever  diving with  the  dive  computer.PERFORM  PRE-CHECKS!  Always  activate  and  check  the  device  before  diving  in  order  to  ensure  that  all  LCD  segments  are  completely  displayed,  the  device  has  not run  out  of  battery  power,  and  that  the  oxygen,  altitude,  personal,  and  other  functional  settings  state.It  is  strongly  recommend  you  to  charge  the  dive  computer  when  you  dive  again  after  the  previous  diving.When  battery  has  been  discharged,  decompression  information  of  repetitive  diving  and  previous  diving,  and  other  data  remain  and  optimal  algorithm  cannot  be applied.  This  problem  possibly  lead  to  the  danger  of  providing  inaccurate  decompression  information,  and  so  prohibit  to  follow  the  information  shown  on  dive computer.Please  check  out  no-fly  time  before  boarding  on  airplane  after  diving.  Travelling  high  altitude  or  flying  after  diving  and  while  no-flying  symbol  is  still  on  the display  can  increase  the  risk  of  decompression  illness.  If  no-flying  related  regulation  is  violated,  risk  of  occurring  decompression  illness  cannot  be  fully  prevented.
THE  DIVE  COMPUTER  SHOULD  NEVER  BE  TRADED  OR  SHARED  BETWEEN  USERS  WHILE  IT  IS  IN  OPERATION!  Its  decompression  information  the  computer  calculate while  diving  will  not  apply  to  someone  who  has  not  been  wearing  it  throughout  a  dive  or  sequence  of  repetitive  dives.  if  you  dive  without  wearing  dive  computer within  4  days,  the  dive  computer  will  give  inaccurate  information  for  subsequent;  thus,  following  the  data  on  dive  computer  is  prohibited.  User  of  dive  computer must  be  restricted  to  one  person  and  use  the  dive  computer  every  time  diving.Do  not  round  up  fractional  percentages  of  oxygen  concentration!  For  example,  31.8%  oxygen  should  be  entered  as  31%.  Rounding  up  will  cause  nitrogen percentages  to  be  understated  and  will  affect  decompression  calculations.  If  there  is  a  desire  to  adjust  the  computer  to  provide  more  conservative  calculations,  use the  personal  adjustment  feature  to  affect  decompression  calculations.Set  the  accurate  personal  statement!  If  it  is  considered  there  are  factors  tend  to  increase  the  possibility  of  decompression  illness,  making  calculations  more conservative  by  using  this  option  is  recommended.  Failure  to  set  personal  adjustment  will  cause  erroneous  dive  and  planning  data.This  device  used  Li-Polymer  battery.  Li-Polymer  is  a  rechargeable  battery  that  is  thinner  and  less  dangerous  from  explosion  than  Li-ion.  It  is  more  stable,  lighter, less  dangerous  from  explosion  than  Li-Ion  and  convenient  because  there  are  only  low  chance  of  electrolyte  lachrymal  fluid,  natural  discharge,  and  memory  effect.Replacement  of  battery  must  be  done  only  through  exclusive  service  centre.CYANO  limits  depth  of  water  you  can  dive  for  sport  diving  not  more  than  40m.  Diving  under  40m  increase  the  risk  of  decompression  illness  and  oxygen intoxication.The  purpose  of  this  device  is  not  for  free  diving.  Please  use  the  free  diving  modle.  Free  diving  without  proper  training  or  safety  guarantee  is  prohibited.  If  not  so, it  can  cause  serious  injuries  to  deadly  situation.
3.Getting  StartedDo  not  use  CYANO  dive  computer  before  without  understanding  each  mode,  and  way  to  adjust  settings,  and  that  functions.3.1  FlowChart3.1.1  Power  ON/OFFCYANO  dive  computer  is  shipped  with  power  off,  so  after  open  the  box  please  turn  on  the  power.If  the  power  doesn't  turn  on,  the  device  is  not  the  defected,  but  the  battery  is  discharged,  so  please  turn  it  on  after  charge  the  battery.(refer  charging  method 3.2.1)
3.1.2  Function  and  button  flow  Ⅰ
3.1.3  Function  and  button  flow  Ⅱ
3.1.4  Function  and  button  flow  Ⅲ
3.2  Settings3.2.1  ChargingCharging  is  started  when  you  put  the  device  on  the wireless  charging  pad.Estimate  time  for  charging  -  within  1hour  40minsyou  must  charge  at  least  20minsOperating  duration  -  Diving  mode(maximum  10hours)Clock  mode(at  least  48hours)Standby  mode(at  least  15days)3.3  Setting from  APP3.3.1  Connecting  bluetoothCYANO  APP  is  available  both  on  IOS  /  AndroidDownload  from:  app  Store,  Google  PlayWhen  the  bluetooth  has  been  connected,  you  can  find  Divelog  and  change  the  settings  as  pictures  below.After  the  first  bluetooth  connection  set  Protocol  setting  to  make  bluetooth  connection  popup  to  be  disappeared.
3.3.2  Setting  up  TIME  mode It  is  how  display  shows  Time  mode.  It  has  analog  &  digital  mode  with  in  4  different  colours.3.3.3  Setting  up  alarm                    3.3.4  Setting  up  distance  /  temperature  unit                                        When  bluetooth  is  connected  you  can  change  alarm  and  distance  /  temperature  units  settings  at  setting  menu  in  the  App.  3.3.5  Setting  up  Current  time  and  GPS                 You  can  change  current  time  and  GPS  settings  on  Protocol  setting  at  setting  menu  in  the  App.
3.3.6  Setting  up  Display  brightness                             (adjust  in  the  device)                               Brightness  adjusted  through  setting  on  time  mode  and  through  buttons  on  dive  modeOn  time  mode,  you  can  check On  time  mode  it  can  be  changed  with  1  to  4tier  and  on  dive  mode,  it  is  see  it  through  number  of  icons  on  top-left  of  display.3.3.7  Bluetooth  on/off                 (adjust  in  the  device)                             You  turn  bluetooth  On/Off  on  setting  menu,  and  when  it  turned  off  battery  would  be  saved.However,  note  that  it  is  still  on  the  list  of  bluetooth  connection,  it  will  not  work  properly.
3.3.8  Gauge  On/Off             (adjust  in  the  device)                   If  it  is  set  as  gauge  mode  before  start  diving,  it  will  automatically  enter  gauge  mode, and  warning  phrase  and  buzzer  will  not  ring,  as  well  algorithm  also  won't  be  applied.3.3.9  Setting  up  Condition  (adjust  in  the  device)On  the  settings  there  are  3  set  points;  Great,  Normal,  Pool,  and  it  can  be  changed  by  pressing  top  button.According  to  what  condition  you  have  set,  level  of  conservatism  changes,  too.
3.3.10  Sleep  Time  (adjust in  the  device)                              You  can  set  Sleep  Time(time  for  display  to  go  sleep)  5sec,  10sec,  30sec,  or  off,  and  it  will  help  you  to  manage  battery.3.3.11  Buzzer  On/Off  (adjust  in  the  device)                         You  set  Buzzer  On/Off,  and  as  the  results,  all  buzzers  include  alert  in  diving  mode  and  others  can  be  turned  off.  It  will  help  you  to  manage  battery.3.3.12  Compss  Calibration  (adjust  in  the  device)You  can  do  the  compass  Clibration  on  COMPASS  in  the  setting  menu.  For  more  information  about  this  please  refer  to  4.8.1  Compass  Calibration.
4.  Before  divingPlease  read  this  manual  thoroughly  and  understand  meanings  of  what  displayed  information  are  and  that  functions  before  using  the  device.Ensure  that  user  has  all  the  responsibilities  for  own  safety.  Proper  use  of  dive  computer  makes  itself  a  fine  tool.However,  no  dive  computer  can  replace  authorized  and  proper  trainings  include  basic  decompression  training.Nitrox  diving  may  cause  more  risks  including  serious  injuries  and  death  to  diversDivers  who  have  not  acquired  qualification  from  authorized  agencies  must  not  use  mixed  gases  other  than  O2  when  diving.4.1  Buhlmann(ZH-L16C)  AlgorithmCYANO  uses  ZH-L16C,  which  shows  most  outstanding  performance  among  the  existing  algorithm.The  Bühlmann  decompression  algorithm  is  a  mathematical  model  (algorithm)  of  the  way  in  which  inert  gases  enter  and  leave  the  human  body  as  the  ambient pressure  changes.  Various  versions,  Bühlmann created  with  his  successors,  are  used  to  create  Bühlmann  decompression  tables  and  to  compute,  in  personal  dive computers,  no-decompression  limits  and  decompression  schedules  for  dives  in  real-time.  These  decompression  tables  allow  divers  to  plan  the  depth  and  duration for  dives  and  the  required  decompression  stops.The  model  assumes  perfusion  limited  gas  exchange  and  multiple  parallel  tissue  compartments  and  uses  an  inverse  exponential  model  for  in-gassing  and out-gassing,  both  of  which  are  assumed  to  occur  in  the  dissolved  phase  (without  bubble  formation).Buhlmann(ZH-L16C)  especially  is  the  16  compartment  algorithm  with  further  modification  to  the  middle  and  faster  “a”  values,  intended  for  use  in  dive  computers as  a  "package".  It  can  be  used  with  almost  all  low-level  processor  units  but  it  is  less  flexible  compared  to  the  ZHL16B.
4.2  Emergency  ascentIf  the  emergency  situation  like  breakdown  of  dive  computer  happens,  please  practice  the  following  direction  provided  by  authorized  diving  center    -STEP1:  Immediately  ascent  calmly  higher  than  18m  of  depth.  -STEP2:  Slow  down  ascent  rate  by  9m/min  after  pass  18m  of  depth.  -STEP3:  For  the  best  safety,  stay  still  in  the  depth  of  deep  stop  until  the  air  is  fully  consumed.After  all,  Never  dive  again  before  you  spend  24hours  on  land.4.3  limitations  of  Dive  computer  Even  though  current  dive  computer  provides  all  the  information  of  decompression,  divers  must  be  aware  that  dive  computer  cannot  catch  the  divers'  physical changes  for  each  divers  have  different  tendency.
4.4  NitroxNitrox  diving  decreases  risk  of  decompression  illness  by  reducing  nitrogen  among  mixed  gas.  However,  as  amount  of  air  increases  relatively,  risk  of  oxygen intoxication  increases.  To  prevent  this,  divers  should  analyse  gaseous  components  and  set  oxygen  percentage  in  dive  computer  by  own.4.5  Free  divingThis  device(CYANO-RF)  is  not  free  diving  model.  Please  use  free  diving  model  when  free  dive.Dive  both  scuba  dive  and  free  dive  is  not  proved  and  may  be  exposed  to  possible  unpredicted  risks.  In  any  case  of  breath  hold  diving  could  cause  Shallow  Water Blackout(SWB).    In  general,  breath  hold  diving  may  nitrogen  to  be  built-up  in  blood  and  tissues.  Thus,  free  diving  after  scuba  diving  within  2hours  is  prohibited. and  vice  versa4.6  Audible  &  visual  alarmsThe  alarm  system  will  automatically  work  for  important  notice  when  diving.  Alarm  works  both  in  audible(deep  sound)  and  visual(warning  phrase,  flickering),  and  the alarm  works  differently  case  by  case.
4.7  Activating  diving  modeWhen  it  reaches  0.5m  under  water,  the  dive  computer  will  automatically  start  diving  mode. However,  it  is  recommended  to  check  out  Oxygen  percentage(O2%),  personal  settings,  and  battery  condition  before  diving.  4.7.1  Setting  up  NITROX  modeNitrox  can  be  set  up  at  EAN  in  setting  menu  before  diving.CYANO  limits  maximum  depth  for  sport  diving  to  within  40m.  Diving  exceeding  over  40m  increases  the  exposure  of  Decompression  illness  and  oxygen intoxication.4.8  pre-checks-  List  below  should  be  checked  outIs  it  suitable  mode  to  dive?  (Air/Nitrox/Gauge  mode)Is  there  enough  remained  battery?Have  compass  Calibration  done?Is  the  unit  correct?  (m/ft)  -  check  on  AppAre  personal  adjustment,  settings  correct?  (condition,  EAN,  and  etc)
4.8.1  CompassBecause  of  the  compass  works  differently  in  every  region  and  altitude,  please  do  the  compass  calibration  before  diving  to  get  accurate  results. In  the  detailed  setting,  enter  the  compass  menu  and  spin  the  device  around  within  2secs  to  complete  Calibration  correctly,  before  diving.After  2  secs,  it  will  be  back  to  previous  menu  before. 4.8.2  Battery power  indicationBattery  condition  is  affected  by  oxidation  inside  the  battery.  If  dive  computer  is  neglected  for  long  time,  battery  warning  can  be  appeared,  no  matter  the  amount of  battery  remainder.  At  the  similar  aspect,  if  the  dive  computer  is  exposed  to  low  temperature  battery  warning  can  be  appeared,  too.  When  battery  is  low  as  it showed  in  picture  below,  battery  should  be  started  charging  immediately.4.8.3  Diving  at  high  altitudeIt  is  recommended  not  to  travel  high  altitude  area  after  diving  at  ground  level  for  amount  of  nitrogen  in  body  may  be  changed.Also,  If  you  want  to  dive  at  high  altitude,  you  should  stay  at  least  3  hour  at  the  level  where  you've  done  the  previous  diving.in  case  of  high  altitude  diving,  decompression  time  may  be  shorten  depends  on  the  altitude  value
4.8.4  Personal  settingsSet  points  are  divided  by  3  as  shown  chart  below  depend  on  personal  physical  condition  and  diving  experience.Mathematical  calculation  of  the  dive  computer  will  depend  on  the  set  points,  and  decompression  diving  time  will  be  shortened  when  it  set  as  POOL.▫NORMAL  -  Basic  set  point.▫POOL  -  Set  point  for  when  it  is  somewhat  dangerous  or  it  has  possible  danger  of  decompression  illness.▫GREAT  -  Set  point  for  when  both  atmosphere  and  your  condition  are  best.4.8.5  Outbreaking  conditions  of  decompression  illnessConditions  list  below  differ  person  by  person▫Diving  at  below  20degree▫When  physical  condition  is  weakened  than  ordinary  people▫When  fatigue▫When  dehydrated▫When  experienced  decompression  illness▫When  stressed▫Obesity▫When  suffering  from  Patent  Foramen  Ovale  (PFO)▫When  exercise  strenuously  before  and  after  diving4.9  Safety  Stop  (S-STOP)Safety  Stop  is  a  good  habitation  for  recreation  divers.  Safety  Stop  prevents  decompression  illness,  microbubble  formation,  and  helps  controlling  ascending  rateThis  device  will  activate  mandatory  safety  stop  for  3  mins  after  diving  more  than  10  mins.4.9.1  Mandatory  Safety  StopWhen  it  reaches  range  of  8m  depth,  the  mode  switches  to Deep  Stop  mode,  and  Up/Down  signal  will  appear.Divers  must  stop  until  the  Deep  Stop  mode  disappear.When  Deep  Stop  mode  is  activated,  divers  should  not  ascend over  5m  depth.  If  divers  ascend  over  directed  depth,  downward arrow(picture  1.  shown  on  the  right  side)  will  appear  and  constant  alarm  will  ring.  On  the  same  extend,  if  divers  didn't  reach  the directed  depth,  upward  arrow(picture  2.  show  on  the  right  side)  will appear  and  constant  alarm  will  ring.  Divers  should  ascend  or  descent  to  the  range  of  depth  for  Deep  Stop.  When  it  is  followed  properly,  decompression  affection comes  while  re-diving  will  be  vanished.  However,  when  it  is  violated,  next  diving  may  be  prohibited  based  of  calculation  by  algorithm.  It  is  recommended  to  have enough  surface  interval
4.10  Decompression  Stop  (DECO)According  to  this  please  refer  to  chapter6  "Decompression  diving".5.  DivingThis  chapter  explains  about  how  to  activate  dive  computer  and  displayed  signals  meaning.5.1  Dive with  the air  mode  (Dive  Air)-  This  Chapter  shows  imformation  of  Air  mode.  Mode  for  diving  can  be  changed  in  diving  mode.          ▫This  device  will  automatically  switch  to  diving  mode  when  it  reaches  over  0.5m  of  depth.
5.1.1  Basic  dive  dataDive  data  appeared  while  decompression  diving(refer  to  the  picture  below)5.1.2  Ascent  rate  indicatorAscend  rate  is  shown  on  the  right  side  of  display  as  bar  graph.  Bar  graph  will  extend  in  length  and  colour  will  change  as  a  warning  if  divers  exceed  the maximum  speed  allowance(9m/min).  When  divers  ignore  this  warning,  and  don't  slow  down  nor  stop,  SLOW  signal  will  be  appeared.   Do  not  exceed  the  maximum  speed  for  ascend(9m/min).  Danger  of  exceeding  the  maximum  speed  is  to  cause  serious  injuries  or  deadly  situation.
5.1.3  Stopwatch  (Timer)Stopwatch  can  be  used  anytime  divers  wanted  to  while  diving. START  &  STOP:    Press  up  buttonRESET  :  Press  and  hold  UP  button6.  Decompression  Dives6.1.1  What  is  decompression  dives?Decompression  dive  is  when  divers  dive  exceeding  limit  time  for  no-decompression.  In  general,  it  is  restrict  for  sport  divers  to  dive  exceeding  limit  time  for no-decompression  to  protect  the  divers'  safety.-    Mode  will  be  changed  to  DECO  mode  when  limit  time  for  decompression  displayed  on  left  middle  of  screen  turns  to  0,  and  show  decompression  information.-  Dive  computer  shows  directed  depth  and  time  according  to  decompression  information.-  Directed  decompressing  depth(Ceiling)  :  Indicated  depth  where  divers  need  to  be  reached  for  decompressingDo  not  ever  ascend  over  directed  decompressing  depth(Ceiling).Doing  so  increase  danger  of  decompression  illness  jighly.Moverover,  Safety  stop  is  very  needed  after  decompression  stop,  and  ascend  again  when  safety  stop  is  over.When  safety  stop  is  over,  mode  switches  to  NDL.  This  means  that  3  mins  for  safety  stop  is  fulfilled.■  Indication  of  decompression  stop  area(Ceiling  Zone)If  divers  ascend  over  ceiling  zone,  downward  signal  and  alarm  will  appear,  and  if  diver  don't  reach  the  ceiling  zone  ,  upward  signal  and  alarm  will  appear.When  divers  violate  decompression  stop  direction,  dive  computer  will  turn  to  error  status,  and  divers  prohibit  to  dive  again  at  least  48hours  after  error  status  has shown.
6.2  Dive with  Nitrox  mode(Dive  Nitrox)6.2.1  Cautions  before  starting  dive  nitroxBecause  dive  computer  decompression  calculation  differs  depending  on  ratio  of  oxygen  and  nitrogen,  divers  should  input  accurate  oxygen  percentage.  Do  not round  up  fractional  percentages  of  oxygen  concentration!  For  example,  31.8%  oxygen  should  be  entered  as  31%.  Rounding  up  the  percentage  of  oxygen  makes nitrogen  percentages  to  be  understated,  and  this  may  cause  decompression  illness.  in  the  opposite  way,  input  lower  than  actual  percentage  will  cause  oxygen intoxication.Diving  plan  on  dive  computer  also  calculated  based  on  oxygen  ratio.■  Basic  nitrox  setting  -  CYANO-RF  is  basically  set  oxygen  percentage  as  21%.  Divers  can  adjust  oxygen  percentage  2%1  to  99%.6.3  Dive with  Gauge  mode  (Dive  Gauge)In  the  gauge  mode,  Dive  Time  with  minute  and  second  is  shown  on  left  side  of  screen,  and  current  depth  and  time  also.  Stopwatch  will  operate  when  you  press up  button  on  left-bottom  of  screen.Limit  time  for  no-decompression  may  be  less  than  usual  when  diver  dive  with  normal  dive  mode  right  after  dive  with  gauge  mode  for  gauge  mode  data  are applied  to.         Gauge  mode  doesn't  provide  information  about  decompression  and  ascend  rate(decompression  algorithm  do  not  apply)
7.  After  Diving7.1  Surface  Interval7.2  Diving  Frequency7.3  Flying after  divingNo  Fly  time  is  shown  beside  airplane  symbol  in  status  indicating  mode.It  is  better  not  to  go  on  board  or  travel  high  altitude  places  while  No  Fly  time  is  on.Minimum  of  No  Fly  time  is  6hours  and  it  may  increase  according  to  diving  frequency,  how  deep  you  dive,  existence  of  DECO. Exceptionally,  in  cases  of  error  mode  is  on  when  divers  have  violated  decompression  stop  and  dived  with  gauge  mode,  No  Fly  time  is  36hours..-  DAN(Divers  Alert  Network)  recommend  divers  to  follow  No  Fly  time  as  listed  below.▪Considering  usual  airplanes  fly  over  2400m  above,  divers  are  needed  to  sleep  at  least  12hours.▪If  divers  dive  several  times  every  day,  or  decompression  diving,  it  is  needed  to  wait  12hours  before  boarding  an  airplane.    UHMS  recommend  divers  to  wait  24  hours  if  they  dived  decompression  needed  diving.▪If  divers  dived  more  than  2  hours  in  48hours,  it  is  recommended  to  wait  12hours.▪If  decompression  needed  diving  was  done,  it  is  better  to  wait  24hours  at  least,  48hours  if  possible.▪CYANO  recommend  divers  to  observe  No  Fly  time  that  according  to  recommendation  of  DAN  and  UHMS.7.4  LOG MODEDivers  can  check  diving  date,  time,  and  detailed  data  of  each  section  on  Log  mode.Also,  after  connecting  CYANO  exclusive  App  through  bluetooth,  you  can  transfer  logbook  into  the  app,  and  upload  and  share  on  SNS.   Memory  can  hold  at  least  50  times  of  diving  data.  After  memory  is  full,  oldest  data  is  deleted  automatically.Saved  data  will  still  remain,  even  after  replacing  the  battery.Moreover,  Diving  log  data  can  be  saved  on  CYANO  server  with  no  loss  through  the  App.
7.5  Exclusive  APP  for  CYANOCYANO  exclusive  APP  is  available  both  on  IOS/ANDROID,  and  through  bluetooth,  saved  log  data  can  be  transferred  to  smart-phone  APP  from  dive  computer.  Also, divers  can  manage  location  data  from  GPS  in  the  phone  on  the  log  book  by  connecting  APP  and  dive  computer  before  diving.Moreover,  we  built  our  own  server  for  semipermanent  saving  and  managing,  and  it  is  easy  to  share  on  SNS,  too.CYANO  APP  is  not  only  able  of  simple  log  book  management,  but  also  capable  to  change  various  settings  of  dive  computer.-  Time  mode(digital,  analog)-Colour  of  clock(black,  blue,  white,  orange)-Alarms-Temperature(Celsius,  Fahrenheit)/  Unit(m/ft)  orthography  settingDIVE  LOG  DATA▪Diving  profile▪Each  diving  duration▪Diving  No.▪Diving  started  time  (year,  month,  day,  time)▪Oxygen  percentage(nitrox)▪Water  temperature▪Depth  of  water▪Log  book  function 7.6  No Dive  modeIf  divers  didn't  practice  as  the  dive  computer  indicate,  No  Dive  mode  is  entered,  and  divers  will  be  able  to  dive  again  after  48hours.For  the  first  few  times,  pop-up  appear  with  3  times  of  flicker  and  it  will  disappear  when  divers  manipulate  buttons.In  When  No  Dive  mode  is  entered,  you  can  find  time  beside  No  Dive  icon  the  on  status  display.
8.  CARE  AND  MAINTENANCECYANO  dive  computer  is  designed  strong  enough  for  use  of  scuba  diving;  however,  it  needs  to  pay  special  attentions  to  store  and  maintain.8.1  ButtonsIf  buttons  are  tighten  or  loosen  than  it  was  used  first  time,  it  needs  to  be  replaced.  Because  of  defected  buttons  may  cause  leakage,  it  needs  to  be  checked regularly.8.2  Maintaining  dive  computer-  Do  not  ever  try  to  disassemble  the  dive  computer.  Damages  from  disassembling  cannot  be  compensated.-  Every  100  times  of  diving  or  2  years,  the  dive  computer  must  be  checked  at  CYANO  exclusive  A/S  centre.  This  inspection  includes  ordinary  checkups,  battery replacement,  waterproof  checkup,  and  others,  and  these  checkups  needs  special  skills  and  instrument  to  be  done;  therefore,  visiting  exclusive  A/S  centre  is mandatory.-  If  moisture  appear  inside  case  or  surface  of  glass,  please  call  CYANO  A/S  centre.-  When  there  is  scratch  or  crack  on  device  or  device  is  not  working  properly,  please  visit  CYANO  A/S  centre  and  ask  for  help.CYANO-RF  should  use  proper  protector. -  When  you  problem  with  straps  or  buckles,  Please  replace  it  from  distributors.-  Please  clean  with  fresh  water  after  each  use.-  Be  careful  with  shock,  high  temperature,  direct  light,  and  contacting  with  chemical  substances.  Dive  computer  cannot  stand  shock  from  heavy  materials  like  scuba tank  or  gasoline,  solvent,  spray,  glue,  paint,  acetone,  alcohol,  and  other  chemical  substances.O  ring  damages  caused  by  chemical  substances  may  have  problem with  device  damages  and  leakage.-  Please  store  the  device  in  a  dry  place  when  it  is  not  in  use.-  Do  not  fasten  wristband  too  much.  Commonly,  it's  better  to  leave  some  space  about  an  inch  between  wrist  and  dive  computer.8.3  Maintenance-  CYANO  dive  computer  needs  to  be  checked  up  from  exclusive  A/S  centre  every  at  least  2  years.Replacing  surface  glass  cost  lot  of  money.  Please  use  protect  cover  or  scratch  guard  on  the  device  when  you  are  diving.  In  case  the  glass  replacement  is  needed, LCD  panel  also  has  to  be  replaced  with  the  glass,  and  it  makes  price  of  replacing  higher.  Please  be  aware  of  this  and  careful  to  use.
The  device  has  to  be  soaked  and  washed  in  fresh  water  and  fully  dried  after  each  use.  Washing  all  the  salt  crystals  away  is  important.  However,  in  case  of discovering  any  moisture  in  dive  computer  while  washing  it,  visit  CYANO  A/S  centre  immediately  and  make  this  problem  solved.Never  use  any  kind  of  air  pressure  water-jet  toward  the  dive  computer.  Cleaners  such  as  solvent  may  cause  problems.  Do  not  expose  the  dive  computer  to compressed  air  in  cylinder.8.4  Waterproof  testWaterproof  test  is  process  done  in  exclusive  service  centre  after  A/S  or  inspection.  Waterproof  test  must  be  pass  after  the  inspection.  Exclusive  service  centre  will issue  a  confirmation  to  divers  after  the  waterproof  test  is  done.  In  case  of  a  diver  didn't  get  the  confirmation  or  leakage  caused  because  of  inspection  done  by unauthorized  places,  you  cannot  have  compensation.9.  Battery  replacementConsidering  the  waterproof  problem,  battery  replacement  must  be  done  in  exclusive  CYANO  A/S  centre.Leakage  problem  caused  by  users'  inappropriate  battery  replacement  is  out  of  CYANO  warranty  bound.Exist  settings  will  be  initialized  after  battery  is  replaced.  Important  articles  such  as  logbook  memory,  personal  settings,  and  etc  will  remain,  but  current  time,  user set  alarms  and  some  others  will  be  initialized.10.  Technical  Data10.1  Technical  Specifications■  Size  &  Weightwidth  39.92mm  *  length  48.07mm  *  thickness  16mmweight  :  105g■  Display 1.54“  IPS  LCD  pannel■  Glass  materialK1glass■  Body  materialSUS316L  Stainless  Steel ■  Cover  material
PC+GF20%■  Strap  material silicon■  Strap  changing  method Slide-type  changing  method■  Depth  gaugeTemperature  compensated  pressure  sensorMaximum  depth  of  operation  :  100  m  [328  ft] Accuracy  :  ±  1%  of  full  scale  or  better  from  0  ~  100  m/328  ft  at  20°C/68°FDepth  display  range  :  0  ~  130  m  [426  ft]Resolution  :  0.1m,  0  ~  100m  [1  ft,  0  ~  328  ft]■  Temperature  displayResolution  :  0.1°CAccuracy  :  20°C  ±0.8-20°C  ~  45°C  ±6■  ClockAccuracy  :  maximum  ±1.7s/day  (at  20°C/68°F)■  Display  only  in  Nitrox  modeOxygen%  :  21~99Oxygen  partial  pressure  display  :  1.4  bar■  Log/Dive  profile  memoryMemory  capacity  :  50~100  timesSampling  period  :  10s■  Operating  conditionsWorking  voltage  for  device  :  over  3VOperating  temperature:  0°C  ~  40°CStorage  temperature:  -20°C  ~  45°C  It  is  recommended  to  be  stored  in  a  dry  place*Do  not  leave  the  dive  computer  leave  in  direct  sunlight■Battery▪Li-Polymer▪*3.8v  350mAh▪Wireless  charging  (Qi)
▪Estimate  time  for  charging  :  within  1hour  40mins▪Operating  duration  :  Diving  mode(Maximum  10hours)                      Clock  mode(at  least  48hours)  -  with  Display  off                      Standby  mode(at  least  15  days)-  Wireless  charger  pad ▪Maximum  input  5V-2A ▪Maximum  output  5V-1AFollowing  situations  may  affect  the  hours  of  battery  use.▪  Diving  duration▪  Storing  temperature▪  Brightness  of  backlight▪  Use  of  compass▪  Buzzer  used  frequency▪  Bluetooth  ON  or  OFF ■Algorithm▪  Buhlmann(ZH-L16C)  algorithm  -  refer  to  4.111.  Copyright,  Trademark,  Patent,  KC  registration  of  conformity, Guarantee11.1  Copyright  :  This  user  manual  is  property  of  CYANO  and  no  portion  of  this  manual  may  be  used,  distributed,  delivered,  disclosed,  copied,  nor  reproduced without  prior  written  consent.11.2  Trademark  :  Trademarks  such  as  CYANO,  WATOOM  are  protected  by  trademark  laws11.3  Patent  :  This  product  is  protected  by  the  Korean  Intellectual  Property  Office11.4  Conformity  Authentication        KC  :  ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo        CE  :  ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo        FCC  :         ROHS        WEEE  :         SRRC  :         BLUETOOTH  :         TELEC  : This  is  a  radio  equipment  that  may  cause  spread  confusion;  therefore,  it  is  not  allowed  to  use  for  services  that  related  to  human  life  safety.
FCCClass  B  Digital  DeviceNote  :  This  equipment  has  been  tested  and  found  to  comply  with  the  limits    for  a  Class  B  digital  device,  pursuant  to  part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  These  limits  are designed  to  provide  reasonable  protection  against  harmful    interference  in  a  residential  installation  This  equipment  generates,  uses  and  can  radiate  radio  frequency energy  and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in    accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  communications,  However,  there  is  no guarantee  that  interference  will  not    occur  in  a  particular  installation.  If  this  equipment  does  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  or  television  reception,  which  can be  determined  by    turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct  the  interference  by  one  or  more  of  the  following  measures: - Reorient  or  relocate  the  receiving  antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment in to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Part  15CThis  device  complies  with  part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  Operation  is  subject  to  the  following  two  conditions:(1) This  device  may  not  cause  harmful  interference,  and(2) this  device  must  accept  any  interference  received.Including  interference  that  may  cause  undesired  operation.FCC  CautionAny  changes  or  modifications  in  construction  of  this  device  which  are  not  expressly  approved  by  the  party  responsible  for  compliance  could  void  the  user's authority  to  operate  the  equipment.This device complies with RF exposure requirement.CE-REDThis  device  can  be  operated  in  at  least  one  Member  State  without  infringing  applicable  requirements  on  the  use  of  radio  spectrum."lRF  Range:  2402  ~  2480MHzlMax  Output  Power:    dBm  e.i.r.p11.5  Limited  warranty  for  CYANO  wristwatch-style  computer  and  parts.-Effective  date  :  2008.  Mar.  01-The  terms  of  warranty:  1year  from  the  date  of  purchase  CYANO  exclusive  service  centre  provide  limited  warranty  to  purchased  CYANO  wristwatch-style  computer  and  parts  as  followed  below.a) Repair  of  the  device  and/or  the  partsb) Replacement  of  the  device  and/or  the  parts
c)  Refund  or  free  exchange  of  new  device  when  it  has  any  manufacturing  defectsThis  warranty  only  valid  when  the  device  is  sold  in  purpose  of  selling  at  the  country. 11.6  Exclusions  and  Limitations  :In  case  of  following  below,  the  warranty  is  not  applied.-  Normal  wear  and  tear-  Defects  caused  by  rough  handling(by  sharp  object,  by  bending,  giving  pressure  on  it,  or  dropping,  and  etc) -Any  defects  caused  by  using  device  against  the  rules  that  CYANO  provide(for  example  user  manual,  guideline  on  guidebook)  and  using  it  improperly.-  Any  device  and  parts  that  is  not  manufactured  and  supplied  by  CYANO  and  if  the  device  is  not  used  for  original  purpose  of  use.-  Replaceable  straps,  accessories,  and  other  expendables-  If  the  device  is  opened  to  fix  or  remodel  it  not  by  the  person  in  charge  in  CYANO  or  official  service  centre.-If  serial  number  of  the  product  has  been  deleted,  removed,  or  illegally  refomated.  :  these  particulars  decided  by  CYANO's  exclusive  judgment.-  If  the  device  is  exposed  to  chemicals  such  as  mosquito  repellents  and  etc11.7  Other  important  noticeWireless  charger  pad  is  optional  product  you  can  buy  separately.While  repairing  or  replacing  the  device,  some  data  and  contents  may  possibly  be  lost;  therefore,  please  make  a  backup  file  before  having  the  device repaired  or  replaced.  CYANO  or  its  official  service  centre  do  not  have  any  responsibilities  on  losing  contents  and  data  by  consumers'  negligence  while repairing  or  replacing  the  device. 12.  Glossary-  NDL  (No-Decompression  Limit) -  UHMS  (Undersea  and  Hyperbaric  Medical  Society)-  Altitude  dive  :  Dive  at    over  300m  altitude  above  the  sea-  Ascent  rate  :  Divers'  rising  speed  towards  the  water  surface-  Compartment  :  Organizational  classification  of  respectively  having  different  half-time  period.-  DAN  :  Divers  Alert  Network.-  Decompression  :  Stopping  for  time  needed  to  naturally  release  nitrogen  from  tissues  before  ascend  to  the  water  surface.-  Decompression  sickness  :  It  writes  as  “bends”,  “DCI”  in  general,  and  it  occurs  various  diseases  because  of  built  up  nitrogen  in  blood  and  tissues  by  inappropriate diving.-  Dive  time  :  Elapsed  time  between  leaving  the  surface  to  descend,  and  returning  to  the  surface  at  the  end  of  a  dive.-  EAN  :  It  stands  for  'Enriched  air  nitrox.'-  Enriched  Air  Nitrox  :  More  oxygen  enriched  air.  Can  be  written  as  EANx.     The  standard  mixtur  ration  is  EAN32  (NOAA  Nitrox  I  =  NNI  )  and  EAN36  (NOAA  Nitrox  II  =  NNII).
-  Equivalent  Air  Depth  :  It  is  equivalent  depth  that  applies  when  dive  nitrox  and  normal  air-  Floor  :  Maximum  depth  of  water  before  occurring  decompression.-  Half-time  :  It  means  the  time  for  diving  to  reduce  built  up  nitrogen  in  body  to  half.-  NITROX  :  Nitrogen-oxygen  mixture  ratio  in  standard  air.-  NO  DEC  TIME  (No-decompression  time)  :  Maximum  time  that  can  be  dived  in  the  depth  where  compression  stop  is  not  needed.-  No-decompression  dive  :  Diving  that  do  not  need  to  exercise  compression  stop  while  ascending.-  OEA=EAN=EANx  :  IT  stands  for  Oxygen  Enriched  Air  Nitrox-  O2%  :  Oxygen  Percentage  of  partial  pressure  of  air  in  breathing  gas.  The  standard  air  contains  21%  oxygen.-  Repetitive  dive  :  Diving  while  in  limit  time  of  decompression  which  affected  by  leftover  nitrogen  from  previous  diving.-  Residual  nitrogen  :  Amount  of  left  over  nitrogen  saturation  in  divers'  body  after  one  or  more  diving-  Surface  interval  time  :  Time  that  from  reaching  surface  after  diving  to  descending  into  water  to  dive  again.-  Tissue  group  :  Theoretical  concept  of  body  tissue  modeling  for  decompression  table  and  decompression  calculation..

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