Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Corporation 15" MULTIMEDIA COLOR MONITOR USERS MANUAL
Eng/[511 COLOR MONITOR Model No : 5193 |'|'| 70, G) “1 51913035) 98.5,26 3:41 PM nflems IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS | Read nu climax lumcuom 2 SM mm lmvucunm (puma; x Unplug I'm mnnnm [mm the van mammal: v Dnnmmhqmd . damn mammal cleaners u» u damp . emu. rm clawing 4 Dn no! nu ulmchmenu lml runmmznfled by m mmml mmmmnm n» (hey any cause hazard) s um um n~¢ nnn mnnnm MM wnm rm exnmpk. mr n mmmn wmhbflwl. niche“ nnk. 01 hundn/ mh. n- n wel nnwnenl cum! n wmunmg pwl. m 5 up nm pm lhls nmmmfon In “maiden", stand, mam: The manner may ml. cullsmg mum lmury m n mm of nan“, w mun dnnagz m lhervpllme 7 sum nn Wynn, the mmnel and lhe nm or mm. pmm m venlxlmon, d m rennnn 0)»me oflhznmmmrmdw pmwd u . 4 [mm mnnnnng. that awnings mu)! M 4 nnlheblodzdnrmvemd Thewemngs 4; mould never n, nlncknd hy pmng me ‘ ' mnmmr on in bed, ml], mg, or fllher umllur Wm, m mm n=ve1 m plum Mn m owe! it mduwrer hm mgmn m; mnnn xmm nu. n pl“: n. n bull .. lnxullulxon mm m: u Mme unlns pm! venhlimon 15 month“ x m. mnmmr mould n: opium only born In: Iype nl pnwev mum: mmmmt on the mung m») n you are ml mm elm: pm. nupplledw your home, consul! your manual «mm or mm pew mmwn)’ 9 Thu mnmlor n eqnlppzd mm A 17 Wm. ginundmg lype plug. n plug mung A mud \§'“‘mdmg) pm Thu plug mu mly m min 4 gmunflmglype ppm nullel Tim u n may [en-Are Ir yin: are unublt lo npm me plug mlo me nnunn cnnucl ynllr dzcmcun m mpnce your mum nvllel be M! rides! n- pulpme nlme gmundmgxypt plng m un mmlpw unymmgm man (he pnwer mm Dn nol mm Ihh nmmmr Wm. m: mid mu n: mm Ivy mm walkmg on n n Follow nu wflmmgs m Anslmtlmm mnkzd on me mommr 12 r." mam pmleclmn m n“, manner annnp n Ilgmmng non... p, when n n Iefl ummended w unusad p v for long pennn m’ nnn. nnpng Im A; m Wu mule! Tnn will prevenl damp w lhe man: In w powemmsmges u m m“ ovmom mu mum and znlzlmon am n mm can mull m file 0! clean: M u Never puxh objecls of any mm mm mu manor Ihrough mhmel up“, a) they mxy much dmgerou) wing: pmnls m w- on! mm um muld mu m a file a charm Shack Neva spiil Inqmd Many land on ma mmm. I5 De rm! munpx m wrvwe Ihls modular ynumllns npemng or mmvmgcwm my expnw you m dangerous mum or olher nun-«s km; nu mmng up qnnnrna mum Mount! u. Unpmg lhn mnmlm nnm Ilw wul! nullzl and refer servwmg Ilv qmllficd xuvme pummel "Me! lhe renownnpcpnanmm n wnnn n»: powev mid orplug udunuged puma n unqnm hm nun aplllzd mu: m: nmmlnr c mm momwf nn been expmed to mm pf wmfl a nun: monmnm, "01 npmn namully by [nllnwlng me omung lmlnmlmm Ad,“ only lhme nannnn mm m covered hy me npemlmg mslmumns n; Improper udjnslmenl or an" conlmls may mull m damage and wfll (men reg-"re extennve wnrk n, a «named wchmnm no restore normal uptunun. e. n u» momml ms been dwwed or the cabmel um ban damaged r when m momlnr exhlhlls n dulmm change ||\ rerromum um mmm med In mice |7 thn replacemenl mm m required be am! mg mm Iedmlrulv mu m levlwemenl pan: warmed by Ihe mlwl’muur mn hm lhe mm: chmclenmc, as mg nngm‘ul pun Unnnmmm whim-Am"; may mull .n five, elm": mock, aroma hazardx. m Upm complellon or any sewn“ or repairs w xlns nonnnn m m: mun lechlucmn n. pcrhrm mulme “(my mm m new...“ nn nn m...“ n m wl’e «mung mn moisten) 95.5.263141 PMsiflllH $ FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE STATEMENT NOTE : This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device prusuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits in a rcsidenlial Installation This equipmenl generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cunse harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. if this equipment does cause harmful lntetference to radio or television reception. which can be determined by turnlng the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures : - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna - increase the separation between the equipment and receiver, - Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio, TV Iechnictan for help CAUTION: Any changeasior modifications not expressly approved by the part responsible for compliance could void the user s authority to operate the equipment CANADIAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A/CIass B (whichever is applicable) limits tor radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communicationst Avis de conformilé aux normcs du Mmislére des Communicalions dll Canada. Le present nppareil numeriqne n' emet pas de hruits radioelectriques depassant Ies limiles applicables nnx appareils numeriques de Class A/de Class B (selon le cas) prescrites dans le reglement sur le brouilldge radioelecmque edicte par le mi -lcre des communications dn canada. 51950313) 98.526 3141 PM “WWW é; WICHTIGE INF ORMATIONEN Bme lesen Sic alle diese Informationen, bevor Sie das Geriit in Bclrieb nchmen! Lesen Sie sich auflerdem die Bcdienungsanleimng komplell und sorgmtig dutch, da nur in diescm Fall eine pmblemlose Inbem'cbnahme erwane1 Werden kannv o Achlen Sic darauf, daB dns Germ nur in eine 230V Schnko—Steckdose eingeslukt wird. 0 Die Sleckdose solhejederzeil frei zugéngllch sein um bei eincm evll. anflrezenden Nolfall das Geri! schnell vom Nell zu lrcnnen, o Acmen Sic deswcitcren darauf, daB die NetmnschlnBIeilung nichl mechanisch beanspruchl Oder sonslwie beschfidigl wird, - Offnen Sie das Gefiil niemals! Im Inneren befinden sich Teile mil gefiihrlicher Spannung. O Bcvm Sne das Germ remigen, zichen Sie bine den Nelzsleckcr aus dcr Sleckdcse. Siubem Sic dann das Gerfil mil einem feuchlen (kcmcsfalls Iropfnassen) Lappcn. o D1e in diesem Ger'zn enlslehende Rénlgensuahlung ist ausreichend ubgcschinm (Onsdosisleismng in 01:11 Absuand weniger als 1.011 Sv/h). Beschleunigungsspannung maximal 25Kv. o Stellen S1e das Gem an einem ergonomisch gflnstigen On auf und surge“ Sie dafiir, daB dcr Momwr mil nach ZHI/618/10.80 gepfiiflcr Peripherie belrieben wird, da nur unlcr diesen Umslfinden ein optimaler ergonomischer Belrieb des Geriitcs sichergestellt ist. Falls Sic dcnnoch Fragen haben, auf die die Bedicnungsanlutung keine hinmchende Amwon geben kann, so komakzieren Sie biuc den néichstcn Fachhhndlcn Maschinenl51minformationsverordnung 3, GSGV, 18.01 1991: Derarbeilsplalzbemgene Schalldruckpegel hem-13:70 dB (A) Oder wcnigergcmfifi ISO 7779. mama) 98.5.263141 PMafl°IXl6 QB um t We, Manufaqturer I linportgr ' ‘ DAEWOO EEECTRONJGS ed, M 541; 5-63, NamdaemomriRo‘ Iung—Gu Seoul, Korea declare under our sole responsibility tljot the product, Color Display monitor 51913 to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standard“) or other normative document(s) Safe EN669 0/1992/A151993/A2:1993 EMC EN 5 718.1994, “500824119922 EN” 1000Part3/1995 following the provisions of 89/336\EEC»EMC Motive andthe provisions of 73/23 EEC-Low Voltage Binomial Handed over by : SR. Yu,~.Managing Director. Display Business Diilisirm May, 30‘ 1998 Seoul Sigrature: 5 S. XU, Managlng Dlrectorr Dlsplay Buslqfiss Dillision. DAEWOO EEECTHONIGS CO” Ltd 51915033) 98,526 3:41PMM011H a; Emism'on Characteristits Tasted hy SEMKO (Optional) A sample of this type has been tested and has shown compliance with the guidelines in the swedish document TCO’ 95. This product is also designed for [T power system wilhphase to phase vollage of 230V. The power cord is used as a main disconnect devioe. Disconnect the power card before servicing. The outlet must be installed near the monitor and must be easily accessible. As an ENERGY STAR Palmer, Daewod Electronics Co.. Ltd. has determined that this product meets tile'Energy Star guidelines for energy efficiency. SIQEUCJB) 98.5.263'42 I’M-WWI?“ $ CONTENTS Introduction ...................... 1 Product Features .................... 2 Sctu p .......................... 3 Installing the Tilt/Swivel Stand ............ 3 Connecting the Signal Cable and Power Cord ....... 4 Connecting the Speakers ............... 5 Connecting to the Game Machine & VCR ........ 6 Connecting to the Macintosh Computer ......... 7 Power Management System .............. 8 DDC for Plug & Play ................ 8 Operation & Adjustment 9 Specifications 17 vfinubleshoutjng 19 Factory Preset Timings ................. 20 Description for Connector 21 mamas) 93.516 3 42 PM fllolali 45 INTRODUCTION This manual explains how to correctly install, operate and get the best performance from your monitor, Please read this user' 5 manual carefully before installing your monitor, then keep it near your monitor for quick reference. First‘ please check that the contents of the carton box corresponds with the following checklist : ~ Color monitor - Power cord . Tilt/swivel stand - Speakers - Userv 5 manual - Warranty Card (Optional) If there is any item missing or damaged, please contact your dealer. Please keep the carton box and packing materials so that you may properly store or transport your monitor fie PRODUCT FEATURES o The multimedia monitor features a pair of high-quality powered stereo speakers delivering a full 5W per channel. 0 The convenient and user-friendly on-screen display allows for easy and accurate adjustments of horizontal and vertical screen size and position, geometry and screen color. 0 The monitor supports a safe Working environment in strict compliance with the MPR l[ standard for low emissions(TCO 1995 is optional). 0 The monitor complies with the VESA Display Data Channel (DDC) specification for "Plug & Play" compatibility. Advanced microcircuitry makes seteup and configuration fast and effortless. 0 The monitor features Advanced Color Controls for fine~tuning to meet your ovim personal tastes or application requirements, Use the on-sereen controls to adjust the color temperature RGB gain value or RGB bias parameter for the best possible screen color and intensity. 0 Just activate the higher refresh rates of the monitor to stabilize the screen and eliminate the annoying flicker that contributes to eye» strain and headaches. o The "borderless" full-screen display capability works under all graphic modes and provides a larger viewing area than conventional monitors, giving you a better picture with more workspace, 4s SETUP INSTALLING THE TILT/SWIVEL STAND 1. Ensure that the power to the monitor is off, 2. Set the monitor face down with the underside facing you. Please be careful so as not to scratch the monitor screen. 3. Align the four hooks on the stand with the guide holes of bottom chassis of the monitor. 4. Insert the hooks into the guide holes. 5. Slide the tilt/swivel stand toward the front of the monitor until the latch locks in position. 6. Turn the monitor and the stand upright. If you want to remove the tilt/swivel stand on the monitor, press the latch and pull the tilt/swivel stand toward the back of the monitor. Lift the stand to separate. 0 fi‘ CONNECTING THE SIGNAL CABLE AND POWER CORD I. Turn off the computer and monitor. 2. Connect the 15 pin D-sub connector to the output port of the video card in your computer. 3. Tighlen the screws of the connector, 4. Plug the purple audio connector into the audio port on your computer. 5. Plug the orange microphone connector into the microphone port on your computer. 6. Plug the power cord into the AC receptacle located at the back of the monitor. 7. Plug the other end of the power cord into the AC outlet. c,\ Microphone Connector (0 11) Audio Connector n-u-k (mum-rm» If your computer doesn't adopt the sound card, never plug the audio connector and microphone connector into the ports on your computer, 519mm}; 98.5‘263uu PMJMZIS a; WICHTIGE l NF ORMATIONEN Bum 1m" Sic alle diese Infomalionen. hevur Sle das Germ in Bem'cb nehmen! Lesen Sie sich auBerdcm die Bedxennngsanlcitung komplell und sorgffillig dumh, da nut in diesem Fall cine problemlose Inbem‘ebnahme erwartet Wcrden kann. - Acme" Sie daranf, daB das Germ mu m eine 230V Schuku-Steckdose eingeswckl wird. - Die Slackdose solnejedemn frei zuganguch sem um hei cinem evll. uuflrelenden Nolfall das Gerfil schnell vom Nell zu "mm 0 Achlcn Sie desweilelen darauf' dafl die Nelzanschlufilsimng nichl mechanisch beanspruchl Oder sonstwue beschédigt wird. - Offnen Sis dns Germ niemals! 1m Innercn bcfmdcn sich Teile mil gefa‘hrlicher Spannung. c Bevor Sic das Germ reinigen‘ ziehen Sie bins den Nclzslecker aus der Sleckdose. Sfinbem Sic dann das Geri! mil cinem feuclnen (keinesfalls (ropfnassen) Lappen. 0 Die in diesem Gem“: emslehende Rfimgensuahlnng ist ausreichcnd abgeschirml (Onsdoslslcisnmg in 0. lm Absmnd weniger als 1.0u Sv/h). Beschleunigungsspanmlng maximal ZSKV. ' Stellen Sie das Germ an einem ergonomisch gunstigen On anf und sorgen Sie damn daB dcr Monitor mi! nach mum/10.80 gepriifler Peri phene bemeben wird, da nur unter diescn Umsfinden ein optimaler crgonomischer Beuieb des Germs sichcrgcslelh ist. Falls Sle dennoch Fragen haben, anf die die Bedienungsanleilung keine himeichende Antwan geben kann, so kontaktiercn Sie biuc den n‘zichsten Fachhfindler. Maschinenlhrminformnuonsverordnung 3. GSGM 18.01 1991: Dcrarbeirsplalzbczogenc Schzlldruckpegel betra'gn 70 dB (A) odor WenigergeméB ISO 7779‘ 5195(GB) 98.5.26 3:41 PM 14°11“; q; DECLARA‘FIONKOF CQNEORMHY ngManufacturer/ Imponcr DAEWOO GIRONICS C0., L s 541. $Gagngééfiemoon-Ro,«hng' n Seoul, Korea deelare mid'er mm]: responsibility that th: product, ‘ Color Dispjay moni'or V ml! to which this dcclmtiofixelnles is in conformitywith the following stanMs)nr other normative documenfis) Safety : ENaO950/1992/mn993/A21993 EMC : EN 55022184994. EN 50082411992 EN amnesia/1995 fella/wing the provisiqns $789,936 EEEfiEMC Dirgctive andihb pmvisions of’73/Z3’EEC-L10W‘Voltage Directive. Handed over by : SR. Yu, Mm-hgiugd?‘ ,, Display fiusiness Divisiog May. 30, 1998 Seoul Signature: ¢£ ' S.R.VU. ManaglngzDirector. Display Businessllvislon, DAEWOO ELEC’fRONICS CO., Lid 3193105) 98,5,263141PMM101117 $ Emission Characteristics was”); SEMKO (Optional) A sample of this type has beenslcstod andh‘as shown compliance with the guidelines in the swedish dvclllflént TCQ’ 95, This product is alwdcsigned for l'l'fpow‘er system with phase 101311313! voltage of 230V. , ; The power cords‘i'scusod as a main discqqnbct device. Disoonnegl‘thé'power cord before servicing ; The outlaw-lust be installed neaxsthe mqlfllfiflnd musl be an" accessible. As an ENERGY STAR Partner, Duwoo Electronics Co., Ltd, has dclemlined that this product meetgsth‘erEncrgy Star guidelines for energy effiqiency. 5193103) 98,5.36 3:42 PMxflolxn $ CONTENTS Intruduction ...................... 1 Product Features . . 2 Setup ............. . . . 3 Installing the Tilt/Swivel Stand ............ 3 Connecting the Si gna] Cable and Power Cord ....... 4 Connecting the Speakers ............... 5 Connecting to the Game Machine & VCR ........ 6 Connecting to the Macintosh Computer ......... 7 Power Management System .............. 8 BBC for Plug & Play ................ 8 Operation & Adjustment ................ 9 Specifications 17 Troubleshooting 19 Factory Preset Timings 20 Description for Connector 21 lsthoB) 98.5,26 3:42 PMnllalle a} INTRODUCTION This manual explains how to correctly install, operate and get the best performance from your monitor. Please read this user' 3 manual carefully before installing your monitor, then keep it near your monitor for quick reference. First, please check that the contents of the carton box corresponds with the following checklist : ~ Color monitor . Power cord - Tilt/swivel stand - Speakers ~ User' 5 manual ~ Warranty Card (Optional) If there is any item missing or damaged, please contact your dealer. Please keep the carton box and packing materials so that you may properly store or transport your monitor. 4a PRODUCT FEATURES o The multimedia monitor features a pair of high-quality powered stereo speakers delivering a full SW per channel. O The convenient and user-friendly on-screen display allows for easy and accurate adjustments of horizontal and vertical screen size and position, geometry and screen color. a The monitor supports a safe working environment in strict compliance with the MPR ll standard for low emissions(TCO 1995 is optional). 0 The monitor complies with the VESA Display Data Channel (DDC) specification for “Plug & Play" compatibility. Advanced microcircuitry makes set-up and configuration fast and effortless. o The monitor features Advanced Color Controls for fine—tuning to meet your own personal tastes or application requirements. Use the on-screen controls to adjust the color temperature, RGB gain value or RGB bias parameter for the best possible screen color and intensity. 0 Just activate the higher refresh rates of the monitor to stabilize the screen and eliminate the annoying flicker that contributes to eye- strain and headaches. o The ‘borderless" fullvscreen display capability works under all graphic modes and provides a larger viewing area than conventional monitors. giving you a better picture with more workspace. fie SETUP INSTALLING THE TILT/SWIVEL STAND 1. Ensure that the power to the monitor is off 2. Set the monitor face down with the underside facing you. Please be careful so as not to scratch the monitor screen 3. Align the four hooks on Ihe stand with the guide holes of bottom chassis of the monitor. 4. Insert the hooks into the guide holes. 5, Slide the tilt/swivel stand toward the front of the monitor until the latch locks in position. 6. Turn the monitor and the stand upright If you Want to remove the tilt/swivel stand on the monitor, press the latch and pull the tilt/swivel stand toward the back of the monitor, Lift the stand to separate. CONNECTING THE SIGNAL CABLE AND POWER CORD 1, Turn off the compuler and monitor. 2 Connect the 15 pin D-sub connector (0 the output port of the video card in your computer. 3. Tighten the screws of the connector. 4. Plug the purple audio connector into the audio port on your computer 5. Plug the orange microphone connector into the microphone port on your computer. 6. Plug the power cord into the AC receptacle located at the back of the monitor. 7. Plug the other end of the power cord into the AC outlet. 43 Microphone (0 ti) Audio Connector D-sub Connector If your computer doesn’t adopt the sum-d card, never plugafltemtziio ; connector and microphone connector into the ports on your mum 9? mamas) 98.5.263:42 PMvIolJls $ CONNECTING THE SPEAKERS I. Set the monitor facing you. 2. Align the two hooks on the speaker with the holes of the moniror. 3. Insert the hooks into the holes. 4. Slide the speaker toward the bottom of the monitor. 5, Plug the speaker connector into the speaker socket on the right and left side of your monitor. If you want to remove the speakemm the monitor, pull «the speakers toward the top of the monitor. CONNECTING TO THE GAME MACHINE & VCR 1. 111m off the game machine (or VCR) and the monitor. 2. Plug the RCA connector of the game machine (or VCR) into the RCA socket on the right side of your monitor, 3. Tum on the monitor and the game machine. 4. Press the game mode button on the front panel of the monitor to the selecx the game mode RCA Socket 51931135) 98,526 3:42 PM u-chxH $ CONNECTING TO THE MAGINTOSH COMPUTER 1. Tum off the computer and monitor. 2, Attach the Macintosh cable adapter to the Macintosh video card. 3. Tighten the screws on the cable adapter. 4. Connect the signal cable provided with your monitor to the other end of the Macintosh cable adapter. 5. Tighten the screws between the Macintosh cable adapter and the signal cable. Macintosh Adapter (Optional Accessory) POWER MANAGEMENT SVS‘I'EM If you use the monitor with a computer which complies with the power saving program. you can set the monitor to go blank when the system has remained unused for a period of time. To specify the period or to disable this feature set the system timeout field of the computer 3 system setup program or use special software for power saving See the computer user s manual for the details of using the system setup. While the monitor is in power saving mode (blank screen), it consumes less power than normal state; the color of the power LED will indicate the state. To restore the screen image, press any key of your keyboard or move your mouse. If the signal cable is connected loosely or disconnected, the power saving feature will operate. DISPLAY DATA CHANNEL (DDC) FOR PLUG & PLAV If you use the monitor with a computer which complies with DDCl/ZB/ZBI of VESA, the Host~Video Card automatically configures itself without your intervention in a way that best fits the attached monitor. The Display Data Channel, DDC, allows the monitor to inform the host system about configuration information for optimum use of the monitor. Use of the Video Card utility is not required to match the resolutions and refresh rates of the monitor and video card. ISIQIHGB) 98.5.26 3142 PM 30°01]? ¢ OPERATION & ADJUSTMENT GAMEImvE WYE amusr» 4 sense) Mam 0000000 Game Mode LED Launch OSD(On- -Screen Dis la )menus & “EN” 0 Exit Om'henus P y SELECT» 0 Select the next function SELECT 4 Q . Select the previous function ADJUST+O Increase the value of any selected function , W A ,, , ADJUST-Q Decrease the value of any selected function A 0 MUTEQ Sound mute Select the me mode (toggle between ame GAME MODEO and PC m 3 GAME MODE LED ' Change to orange on the game mode fih ’5193(CB) 93,515 3-42 PM unalxho $ MENU 3l4—G °= as a em ‘HFE “J.“ 5-55. < > °=nua fimmm <_ again,- an EH?“ ‘ m m m r | M§U Mall-l ‘ _ °=nIz7 as; [5m 2s a: <_ 00» m a: an? an? 6.1 us'w o: .90 ‘ , a: 0.0 95 {fine a“ «M» w MW amt-“$22, MENU MENU OSDDFF 10 519310B) 98626 3:42 PM fllahhl $ KWROOESS’FOR GAME MODE MENU activane the game screen altflough being on the game medeA If the moniwr is not connected” the game machihqit can‘t 051) screen disappears after 15 seconds if no adjustment is perfonnad. 11 $— (51931013) 98,526 342 PM them” 1. OSD(On-$crean Display) Menu 1 If you press a volume key during a mule sound, All») . r , [E the momtor wm sound automatically. sass * The background ohhe rcon becomes 10 mm magenta during a mute sound. Adjust the comm! of image, the difference = 0—5 between light and dark areas on lhe screen. sw. Range zO-l00% WNW E-WAZE Adjust the brightness of (he enlire display. BRIGNTN‘ fl _ . . De auss |he drsplay and restore rmage quahty. "0 - DEGAUSS 9 Rem the screen to the Faclory Presel Display no - Settings. RECALL NE 5m Dismay horizontal & vertical frequency and v£~7ziu polnmy. STATl-E 12 519mm» 98.5.26 3-42 PM firelms 2. 050 (On-Screen Display) Menu 2 Adjust the position of Ihe display horizontally (Icfl or right), Adjust the display w1d(h(horizonlalsize), Adjust the posilion of lhe display vertically (up or down). Adjust the display heighl (vertical size), Eliminate a moire pattern looking like a series of concenmc circles or arcs. -Imagetumsto by +. olmagetumslolz by -. Adjust the rotation when the screen is tilted left or right (Optional). - Image turns I0 O‘ by +t | » Image Inms to (Q by ~. 13 ‘ 5193(GB) 93 5.26 3:42 PM mum 43h 3. OSD (0mScraen Display) Menu 3 Adjust [he left and right margins [or more 31 convex or more concave margins. HFE‘ ~Image lums lo D by +. m oImagc lumslo g by ~. Adjusl the trapezoid of lhe screen by moving the D lines inward or outward. ”WIS -Image lums to D by +. m . Image turnsto U by a Adjusl parallelogram when lhe semen is leaning D Iefl or right. i sq—l -Image lumsto D by +. PM mm nImagetumslo E by —v Adjust the side balance when Ihe sides of [he a screen are bowed towards left or right. 5 5“. 'Image turns to (3 by +. ”was - Image mmslo D by ~. Adjust the lefl and right margins of me eacfi 1:1 comern E_m':|3 -Image lnmstu by +‘ Human -Image tumsm D by —, 14 5193tcB) 98.5,26 3 42 PM 4011115 4. OSD (On-Screen Display) Menu 4 Adjust the red gain. Adjust lhe green game Adjust Ihe blue gain. em 5550 - comfi’mrwm Choose differenl. preset color temperatures or set your own customized color parameters, 15 5193(GB) 98526 3143 PM fllfllllle 5. OSD Menu for Game Mode If you press a volume key during a mule sound, the monitor will sound automatically. Adjust the contrast of image. the difference between light and dark areas on the screen, scat. smnmsss Adjust the brightness of the entire display, Increasing this control increases the amplitude of the color differenee components of the video signal. The result IS an increase in the amount of pure color relative to white in the video, This control does not effect the RGB inpUL only the “mm“ TV video inputs. Increasmg this control tncreases (he wavelength M of the color component of the video stgnat The E_:El result is a shift towards red in the hue of all 50% colors, This control does not effect the RGB Tvrwr input. only the TV video inputs, (5? Degauss the display and restore image quality. N0 - MGM.“ 16 ‘ 519B(GB) 98526 3:43 PMlPll°l1l17 $ SPECIFICATIONS Picture Tube Type : 15-inch, Fla: Square Tube type (14—inch. viewing area) Dot Pitch : 0.28mm‘ MPR || Face Treatment : Non-glare / Anti-static Video Input Signal : KGB. Analog Amp. Bandwidth : 85 MHz lnplll Sync : TTL, separate negalive / positive Scan Frequency Horizontal : 30 — 69 KHZ, (15.5 KHz on game mode) Vertical : 50 - IZO Hz Max Resolution l280 dots x 1024 lines (at 60 Hz) Power Source Free Voltage (KID-240 Vac, 50/60 Hz) Display Area Standard Display Area ; 264mm(H) >< 198mm(V) Full Screen Size : 284mm(H) ><212mm(V) Ptku‘Cmsmnptim Max. 120 W State Recovery Time Power Ham on None Green Swnd~by 3mm“ Green:D.5 second Suspend Ambean second Sleep - Amber Off - Off WWW-ls VLF/ELF mm]! Safely : UL, cm, TUV—GS(Zl-Illé tat/1080) 5mm (swan). plays EMI , :1=cc-B, CISPR zzicE' Brgmmnicszmgmm 17 4? 5195(GB) 98.5.263J43 PM nllfllll ”mien Till/Swivel Range Tilt : 5“ forward, 10" backward Swivel : + 45“ leftward. rlghlward Dimension 365(W) X395(D) X388(H)mm (sel with stand) Weigmnei/gms) 13/165 Kg 28.7 I 36.4 lbs Audio Speaker impedance : 4 ohm 4; 15% al 180 Hz lV Inpul audio signal : 300mVrms(Design center) lVrms(Maximum: nodefecl) 1npui impedandce : 5K ohm Signal lo noise ratio : 60 dB Sound ouipul : 5 Wrms per elrnnnel @ 10% 1.11.13 31 l KHz Frequency responce of amplifier and speaker : 120 HZID 17.5 KHz Built in microphone Opemling Voltage : 10Vmax/1.5V Impedance : 680 ohm Directivity : Unidirectional Senslivily : 43 1 SdB (0 on = lv11>a, 11011) Game mode Signal type : NTSC-M (15 KHz Inlcrace) Input impedance : mVp-p, 75 ohm Connection 1 Phono pin Iype Operating Environment Temperature: 10~40°CISO~104“F Relative Humidity : s ~so% Storage Environment Temperature : -20 ~45" CI-68 ~113“ F Relalive Humidity : 5 ~90% 18 5193tGB) 98,5,26 343 PMJll°l1l19 $ TROUBLESHOOTING Symptom Check No picture. Check If POWER SWITCH and COMPUTER POWER SWITCH are in the on pDSIIIOH. Check it the signal cable is correctly connected to the video card. Check if the pins of D»sub connector are not bent. Check ifthe computer is in the power saving mode. POWER LED is not Check if POWER swrrcrt is in the on position. tit. l Check if the power cord is correctly connected, Image is unstable. Check iflhc signal cable is suitable to the video Cal‘d. Image Is not Adjust H & V SIZE or H & V POSITION to get the centered, too small proper image. or m large. Picture bounces or it Keep the devices that may cause electrical wave pattern is interference away from the monitor. present in the J picture. See the FCC information at the from cover of the manual. Color looks blotchy. Operate DEGAUSS once. Picture Is blurred. Adjust CONTRAST and BRIGHTNESS. Operatr DEGAUSS once. Edges or available Adjust PINCUSHION/TRAPEZOID. area on the screen are not straight. 19 DESCRIPTION FOR CONNECTOR Desc plion For ub Connector Pin Signal 1 Rcd 2 Green 3 Blue 4 GND 5 GND(Se]f—Tcsl) 6 GND-Rcd 7 GND-Grcen 8 GND-Blue 9 No Pin 10 GND-HSync 1 1 GND-VvSync 12 Bidirectional Dam(SDA) 13 Horizontal Sync 14 Vertical Sync(VCLK) 15 Data CIock(SCL) swim Signal -» Red Sound left While Sound right Yellow NTSC-M (Composiw Signal) 21 a GND=Gr0und Des: n For RCA Connector Red White Yellow ©©©
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Modify Date : 1998:06:03 12:25:57 Creator : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Producer : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Create Date : 1998:06:03 12:22:34 Page Count : 35EXIF Metadata provided by