WINIA Electronics 7NFCMC719B 17" Color Monitor User Manual

Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Corporation 17" Color Monitor Users Manual

Users Manual

Download: WINIA Electronics 7NFCMC719B 17" Color Monitor User Manual
Mirror Download []WINIA Electronics 7NFCMC719B 17" Color Monitor User Manual
Document ID108833
Application IDDua42uFXft59mwKKdz9JTw==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize118.2kB (1477475 bits)
Date Submitted2000-07-11 00:00:00
Date Available2000-07-20 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-07-07 10:27:14
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Document Lastmod2000-07-07 10:36:38
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in

’ Model No : 71913
1. Read Ill ofthae lrlslructions.
I Save these installation: for later uu.
3. Unplug din monitor from the
wall order before cleaninn Do not
on liquid air-nan onerml
cleaners. var r damp cloth for
4. Do not use Whaler“: not mended by
the monitor nunufiztllru or they mly nulls:
5. Do not use this monitor near water, an, near a
bnhtub, washbowl. Michal sink, or laundry tub.
6. Do not place lhis moniiuron In
. unstable can, sun-1, or tablet The
monitor may fall, causing minus
injury to a child or null. and
sin-loin damage in line applirnna.
"ll Slot: Ind ' in the
labinct Ind the bu or bmoln are
provided for ventilation. in mm
nth-Ne operation OHM monitor,
and to prolect il from ' .
Then opening muslnnlbeblockadorwv
The opming alrorrln Mm be blocked by
simillt mm. This monitor should new be
hinged neuoroven Mumorhulnmler.
' monitor shouldnotbepllcedin' 'Il-in
inmllnnnn auclr in x bookcase unlrsr proper
mill-lion ia provided.
8, Thin monitor than?! be openled
only fiom the type o mm
a... a. in mm”. n
you in not me oflne power
nzrlied to your lime, consult
your rnoninor n er or local power company.
9,11ais monuor is equipped with .
3-wire grounding-type lug, rlur
is. a plug having a an Ni
(pounding) pin. rnir plug will
only fit in» n ‘ -trpe
pawn puma. Thu ia a xlfety team. 1 you an
umhlctn insert aria plug inlo the outlet. morn
yvnrelectrician tn replies your obsolete outlet.
Do notdet'ut the purpose ohhe pounding-type
10. Do not allow rnyllung lo Ml
on i]! power oord Do not locate
mix rnonilor when the cord will be
abused by people walking on in.
II. Follow all warnings and instruction] mlrked
on the mnilor.
monitor ' llighming storm.
or when iris anunrrleodedand
unused forlou. pen'ock oftime,
» unplugitl‘mmthewnllomlet.This
willptevull d-muemthemottimrmd/orthe
oompunnnrn ID lightning Ind power lina urges.
13. Do not Wuhan will outlets ind exifiulon
I4. Navaruuali object: ofmykindintothi:
Lommrwgh ubinetslots‘w they my gush
muvotule inuor noutpuu it
could malt in a rug0 or electric anoint. Never spill
liquid ohny kind on the monitor.
moo onvennuyexposeyou
m Referlllm'vicingto
lognpluc oria monitlnfirgiom the wall wile: Ind
ru wvici in i mice e
mmnhfi‘fmum- x: "m"
.. Whmlhe powereofdorplug n dmpdor
b. liliquid hu been spilled into me monitor.
a. ltllleluoniiorlmoeanuxpooodaorain or
following lhe ting insulation. Adjust only
Macedonia “Minnow
inmfim-Wudjummto other
nonmlmay tindlnugemdwillollcn
require alanine won by a qualillad molrnlcinn
a Ifthemonitnrhnsbeuldnwedormecabilet
I7. when ruplaoernanr pans ire
mfi be no lite mice
' '°““-r'i:‘n‘l,‘y°fln""”“m““'
parts meet nun trim
@ dial have m ulna roar-rumour u
the original parl. Unnuthofiud lubslilutions
lnuy rerun in fire. eleclrin: inocln Mother
is. Upon completion of my act-vice or nplirs to
this monitor. L1: lh: service inchnicinn to
perform Mfint ufcty checks todeterrnine llul
the monitor in Elf! in operatic.
NOTE : This equipment has been med and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital dzvice, pin-stunt to Pan 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limita arc designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interfertnoe in a residflltial installation This equipment generam, uses and
can radiate radio fiequerlcy energy and, if not installed and umd in
communications. However, there is no glunntee that lam-Terence will not
occurinuparlicuhtinmlhtimn lt‘lhisequiprnentdoanusehnrmful
interferenceto rudiomwlzvisionmwpfiomwhicheonbedelmninedby
filming the equipment ofi‘und on, thc user is encouraged to try to comet the
interference by one or more ofthc following "last-ms :
- Reoriult or relocate the receiving antenna.
~ Increm the separation between the cquiprnalt and receiver.
- Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit diffmrnt from that to
which the receive is oomecmdl
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or TV technician for help.
cn'unomnnymeadrmdlnsjrlunrnna’i“ ‘ ‘m‘ednyne
mm’flbh Intel-11cm vnldfial-u‘lumuy'
"Y'W'f’ffi'im— ,‘ F:
This Clues B digital apparatus meets all requirernalts of the Canadian
lnurfervnee-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Ce! apps-ell numérique de In Class B respecte touts la exigencw du
Réglemcnt sur Ie matériel hrouillcur du Canada.
Bitte lcsen Sic allc diesc lnformationen, bevor Sie das Gerit in Ben-let:
nchrncn! Lescn Sic sich chrdem die Bedienungsanlcimng kompiett unrl
sorgfiltig durell1 da nnr in diesem Fall cine problemlose Inbetriehmhme
crwanet warden lulm.
' Achtcn Sic damuf, daB dns Gerit nut in eine 230V Schuko-Steckdose
cingcstcckt wird.
' Dic Steckdosc sollte jedemeit frei zugfinglich sein urn bci einem evtl.
“meander: Notfxll dis Gerfit schncll vom Netz zu trennen.
' Achten Sic dcsweiteren danuf, deli die NetzansdfluBlein-ng nicht
mechanisch beanspmchi oder sonstwie besehidigt wirdi
’ Offnen Sic das Gerit nienulsl lrn lnneren befinden sich Teile mit
gefihrlicher Spenmrngi
‘ Bcvor Sie das Ger-it reinigen, ziehcn Sie bitte den Netzstecker aus der
Steckdosc. Siuban Sie dann das Gait mit einem fmhten (keinesfalls
tropfnxmen) Lappen.
' Die in diesem Gerit entstehende Rontgmstnhlung ist ausreichend
abgeschirmt (Onsdmislcisnmg in 0. lm Abstand weniger «Is 10}; Sv/h).
Beechleunigungsspannung maximal 29kV.
' Stellen Sie dos Ger-fit an einem ergonomisch ginstigcn Ort ant rind
sorgcn Sic defi‘rr. daB der Monitor rnit melt Gs-vasc7 gepri'rfizr
Peripherie betricben wizd, dn nur unter dim Umstinden cin optimaler
crgonomischer Betricb des Ger-mes sichergestcllt ist.
Falls Sic democh Frugen haben, auf die die Bediemmgaanleitimg keine
hinreichcnde Antwan gcben him, so kontxktieren Sic bitte dun nichsten
Mnschinenlirrninformationsverordnung 3. GSGV, 18401 l99l:
Dfl' albeitsplatzbczogenc Schalldruckpegel bet-fig! 70 dB (A) Oder
wcnigergemifl 150 7779.
W mswoo
We, Manufactured Importer
541, 5-61, Namdaemoon-Ro,.lung—Gu
Seoul, Korea
declare under our sole responsibility that the product,
Color Display monitor
7 193
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with
the following mndarth) or other nommivc document(s)
Safety 1 EN60950/l992/Alzl993/A2zl993
A3: l995/A4:l997
EMC : EN 55022/8.l994, EN 50082-1/ 1992
EN 60555 Part 2, 3/1987
following the pmvisions of 89/336 EEC-EMC Directive
and the provisions of 73/23 EEC-Low Voltage Directive.
Handed over by : She. Managing Dixemm.
Display Business Div"
June , 2000 Seoul Signature: fif-
sue, Mlngng Direction
thl-y Bid-cu Dlvhhn.
mnwoo unmomcs Co., Ltd
Emission Cher-claim“ Tested by SEMKO
A sample of this type has been tested and has shown compliance with the
guidelines in the swedish document MPR ll.
This product is also desigied for [T power system with phase to phase
voltage of 230V.
The power cord is used ts amain disconnect device. Disconnect the
power cord before servicing. The outlet must be installed near the monitor
and must be easily messible.
As an ENERGY STAR” Partner, Dnewon Electronics Co, Ltd. has
determined that this product meas the Energy Stu"E guidelines for energy
The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons
without supervision ;
Young children should be supervised to ensure the! they do not play with
the appliance.
' The convenient and user-friendly on-screen display allows for
easy and accurate adjustments of horizontal and vertical screen
size and position, geometry, and screen color.
0 The monitor supports a safe working environment in strict
compliance with the MFR 11 standard for low emissions
‘ The monitor complies with the VESA Display Data Channel
(DDC) specification for Plug and Play compatibility
Advanced microcircuitry makes setup and configuration fast
and effortless
' The monitor features Advanced Color Controls for fine-tuning
to meet your own personal tastes or application requirements.
Use the onscreen controls to adjust the color temperature,
RGB gain value for the best possible screen color and intensity,
° Press the menu button and activate the Self-Diagnosis menu to
determine whether your monitor is functioning normally, not
receiving a signal or is receiving a signal that is out of scanning
' Activate the higher refresh rates of the monitor to stabilize the
screen and eliminate the annoying flicker that contributes to
eye-strain and headaches.
0 The “borderless” full-screen display capability works under all
graphic modes and provides a larger viewing area than
conventional monitors, giving you a better picture with more
English - 2
lr Ensure that the power is oft" to the monitor.
2 Set the monitor face down with the underside facing you.
Please be careful not to scratch the monitor screen.
1 Align the four hooks on the stand with the guide holes on the
bottom chassis of the monitor.
4. Insert the hooks into the guide holes.
Sr Slide the tilt/swivel stand toward the from of the monitor until
the latch locks in position
6. Turn the monitor and the stand upright.
if you want to remove the tilt/swivel stand on the monitor, press
the latch and pull the tilt/swivel stand toward the back of the
monitor. Lifi the stand to separate
l. Tum off the computer and monitor.
2. Connect the 15 pin D-sub oonnector to the output port of the
video card in your computer:
1 Tighten the screws of the coxmector.
4. Plug the power cord into the AC meptacle located on the back
of the monitor.
5. Plug the other end of the power cord into the AC outlet
English . 4
If you use the monitor with a computer that complies with the
power-saving program, you can set the monitor to go blank when
the system has remained mused for a period of time. To specify
the period or to disable this feature, set the system timeout field
of the computer’s system setup program or use special sofiware
for power-saving. See the computer user‘s manual for the details
of using the system setup. While the monitor is in power-saving
mode (blank screen), it consumes lees power than when it is in its
normal state. The color of the power LED will indicate the state.
To restore the screen image, press any key of your keyboard or
move your mouse. If the sigma] cable is connected loosely or
disconnected, the power-saving feature will not operate.
If you use the monitor with a computer that complies with
DDCl/ZB/CI ofVESA, the host video card automatically
configures itself without your intervention in a way that best fits
the attached monitor. The Display Data Channel(DDC) allows
the monitor to inform the host system about configuration
infonnation for optimum use of the monitor. Use of the video
card utility is not required to match the resolutions and refresh
rates of the monitor and video card.
Control Panel
> ' Move cursor to the right window on the OSD
@ window.
' Increase the value ofany selected function.
0 Move cursor to the lefi window on the OSD window
' Decrease the value of any selected function.
' Launch OSD(0n-Screen Display) MENU window.
° Move cursor to the high window on the OSD
' Increase the value of V.size or V.oenter.
0 When you choose the icon on the OSD window, you can
exit the OSD screen.
7 ' Move cursor to the low window on the OSD window
.} ° Decrease the value of V.size or V.oenher. Hot Key
u 0
—= _=
® 50 ® 0 50 O
English - 6 English-7
OSD Functions
ICON com m0"
Adjust the left and right margins for more
D pmcusmou convex or more concave margins.
Adjust the trapezoid of the screen by
D TRAPEZOID moving the lines inward or outward.
D m Adjust the parallelo when the screen
is leaning lefi or ri .
Adjust the side balanoe when the sides of
D pm M0: the screen are bowed towards left or right.
Adjust the rotation when the screen is
D nounon tilted lefi or right (Optional).
Adjust the pin comer top when the top
U T’ "H CORNER sides of the screen are bowed.
can" Adjust the pin corner bottom when the
D B. H" ER bottom sides of the screen are bowed,
u, 05m ., Adjust the position of the display
E horizontally (lerr or right) and Vertically
V- CENTER (up or down).
Choose diffmnt preset color
3K cows rem temperatures or set your own customized
color parameters.
O RED earn Adjust the red gain,
0 case" cam Adjust the green gain.
(3 am: GAIN Adjust the blue gain.
H- 5'15 " Adjust the width (horizontal size ) and the
V. 3.15 height (vertical size) of the display.
English - s
Degaussing keeps the monitor free from
Q because unwanted magnetism that can result in
color impurity.
T Dis lay horizontal & vertical frequency
STATUS andppolarity.
— Adjust the horizontal picture moire
at H' Home cancellation.
Adjust the vertical picture moire
x V. MORE cancellation.
Q LANGUAGE Select language for OSD (s lrnguages).
Reset the screen to the Factory Preset
@ "EAL" Display Settings.
Self Diagnosis
When the monitor doesn’t display, if you press any key, Self
Diagnosis screen is displayed. Self Diagnosis function checks
if the status of the monitor is No Sigial or Out of range.
m rvr lunar
M: sound
in serum:
PC Harm set-nuns
No Signal screen is displayed when
the D-Sub signal connector is not
connected or the status of the monitor
is on DPMS mode.
Out of Range screen is displayed
when the applied frequency is under
or over normal range.
I Normal range
H 1 30 - 70 KHz
V : 50 - 160 Hz
CDT Size l7»inch ,
Diagonnl visible image area 16,2-incll ”WW"
Dot “Eh 0'28 mm No picture. Check if power switeh and computer power switch
Synchronization Horizontal 30 ~ 70 KHz are in the on position.
Vertical so - 160 Hz I
Plug and play DDC l/ZB/c1 Cheek if the signal cable is correctly connected [0
Power Saving EPA, VBSA DPMS, Nutek Compliant ‘h‘ “d” w‘i ‘
NW Sm WM“) Vflci 50/60Hl (Ff'v'e WINE” Check imie pins of D subconnector are not bent.
Pow Consumption 85 W I
Dmmfly x H x D 4l0 x 402 x 425m Check if the computer is in the power- saving model
(mvdflimnd) Ch . , .l .,
Wei ght—unpacke d (l ’K ) 320,145 EtOWER LED Is not eck if power swmh is m‘lhe on posmon.
[Bl-aerating Temmm“ 1° " 40°C /50 " “34°F Check if the power cord is correctly connected.
* The specifications are subject to change without notice lnuge is Ilnshble. Check ifthe signal cable is suitable to me video card.
huge I; not Adjust H&V Size or l-l&V Position to get the proper
centered, no small image.
or too large.
FACTORY PRESET TIMINGS Picture bounces or 1 Keep the devices that may cause electrical
I wave pattern I: interference away from the monimro
MW mm M Rm present In the 1,
(“fix“) L- picture. See the rec information a the front cover ofthe
VGA 640 x 430 31.5 50 Nom‘lntethmd manual.
VESA VGA 75 540 x 480 37.5 75 Nominterltced
VGA 720 x 400 3” 70 Nu_mrmcd Color looks blotchy. Operate Degauu once.
VESA 45K 3°“ x 60° ‘6'9 75 “WWW Picture ls blurred. Adjust Contrast and Brightness.
VESA SVGA 85 800 x 600 53.7 as Non-interlaced I
VESA 60K 1024 x 768 60.0 75 Non-intfllnced 01mm Desauss once-
VESA 10W“ 1024 X 7“ “7 “5 "WWW“ Edges of nvnlltble Adjust Geometry Control (Pincushion, Trapezoid")
V'ESA 1280/60 1280 x l024 I 64.0 60 Non-interlaced "e, on me “m“
are not straight.
English ~ 10 English-11
Bidirectional DaMSDA)
Horizontal Sync
Vertical SyndVCLK)
Dan CIock(SCL)
* GNWGmund

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Modify Date                     : 2000:07:07 10:36:38
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Create Date                     : 2000:07:07 10:27:14
Page Count                      : 10
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FCC ID Filing: C5F7NFCMC719B

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