WINIA Electronics 7NFCMC720D 17-inch Color Monitor User Manual

Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Corporation 17-inch Color Monitor Users Manual

Users Manual

Download: WINIA Electronics 7NFCMC720D 17-inch Color Monitor User Manual
Mirror Download []WINIA Electronics 7NFCMC720D 17-inch Color Monitor User Manual
Document ID120912
Application IDjXPl9mx5MpnCbFqAjKaSMw==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize101.68kB (1271038 bits)
Date Submitted2000-10-12 00:00:00
Date Available2000-11-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-09-28 12:27:40
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Document Lastmod2000-09-28 12:28:15
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in

”Om xfi m
Sm w
t Read all of these instructions.
2 Save ihese instructions for later use
3 Unplug this monitor rrorri ilne
wall outlei hetore cleaning Do noi
use liquid cleaners or aerosol
cleaners Use a damp cloih for
4 be nor use niiaclimenis not recommended by
ilie monitor manuracnirer as niey may cause
5 Dn not use itns monitor near kar‘ e g.. near a
buhlubr wasnnnwl. lriiclien sinla or laundry iuh,
in a wei basementr or near a swlmmutg poolr eic
o Do not plaoe this monitor on an
unsiahle can. stand, or iahle The
monlwr may ralli causing serious
Injury io a child or adult. and
serious damage io the appliance
7 slois and openings in the
l cabinet and the back or bottom are
’ prtwtded for ventilaiion. LU msurc
ri-liahle operation or the monitor.
and to protect it from overheating
These openings must not he hlooked or 4:0va
The openings should never he hloclred by
placing ihe mommr on a bed. sofa mg. or other
similar surraoe This monitor should never he
plaoed near or over a radiator or hear regisier.
This moltimr should not he placed in a
insinllanon such as a hookoase unless proper
vennlfilon is pmvrded
x This monitor should he operated
only hom the type orpower source
mdieaied on the marking lahel. lr
you are not one of the power
supplied in your homei consult
your monitor dealer or local power company
<1 Tins inonnor is equipped thh a
J~wtrc grounding-type plum Thai
is. a plug haying a mud
reminding) pin. This plug will
only in iiiio . groundingrrype
power ouilei Thls is a safety feature lr you are
unahle to insert the plug into rhe ouilei, comaci
your electrician io replace your ohsotete ouilei
Do not defeat the purpose of ihe groundinguype
- a ~ to Do noi allow anything to rear
F“ on the power cord Do not locate
nus monitor where the mrd wlll he
abused by people Walkmg on it
ll Follow all unriiings and instructions marked
on uie monitor
12 ror added proiecnon tor itns
moniior dunng a Ilghmlug siornn
I or when it IS leII Imalltndcd and
unused for long periods or time,
as- unplug it irons the wall ouilei This
erI prevent dmltxge in me momwr and/or ihe
compuier due in llghmmg and power line surges
I] Do not oierload wall outleis and cxltuslol)
cords us this can result Ill fire or electric shock
I4 Neter push ohiecis ot’any kind inio uni»
monltor inrougli cahinei slots. as iney may touch
dangtmus voltage poinis or short out parts ilini
could resuli in a fire or electric shock Never spill
l|quld orany land on the moniior
is Do not aiiempi to service iliis
momtm yourself. is opening or
Q removrttg cnvm may expose you
to dangerous yoliages or other
haunts Rerer all aemcmg io
qualified senice personnel
I6 Unplugtlus moniior from me wall outlei and
ierer semoine io unaliried senice persoiniel
under me following Condltiolls
. When the power oord or plug is damaged or
h Ifltquld has heen spilled mm the monitor
c lime monitor has heen exposed to ruin or
d, if the monitor does not operate normally by
rollnwmg are operating insnuoiions Adjust only
those controls mm are covered hy ihe operaiing
instructions as improper adiurirneni ororner
wonols may resulr in damage and will onsn
reoiure erriensive work hy a qualified technician
in restore normal opei-iiion.
e lrme mamlor has been dropped or the cabinet
has heen damaged
r Wlltm ll|¢||10nltur ethihus a drama change in
pertonnancc. this indicates a need ror sumac
iv 17 When replacement paris an:
M required he sure the seryiee
iechnioian has used rcplaccmultl
parts specified hy tlro maiiurauiurer
thzl have the same characlcrtsucs a)
inc orlgmul pan Unaurlroi-ized suhsniuiions
may result in fireeleeme shock. oroilier
ix Upon (ompletlun ol'nriy service or repairs io
Lhrs moltllur, ask the Stn‘lce lechnlclall to
pcrlorni ruutt . rery checks to doiemiine met
the monitor Is sale to operuie
NOTE : This equipment ha been tested and found to comply with the limits
fora Class B digital device. pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cuase harmful interference to radio
communications However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. Ifthts equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, WhICI'I can be detemuned by
turning the equipment of? and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures :
- Rconent or relocate the receiving antenna.
- increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
e Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or TV technician for help.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A/Class B (whichever is
applicable) limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in
the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of
Avis de conformite aux names (in Minlstére des Communications du
Le present appareil numériquc n'emet pas de bruits mdioélcctriques
depassani les lirnites applicables aux appareils numénques de Class A/de
class B (selon le cas) prescrites dans le reglemeni sur le brouillage
radioélectrique ediote par le ministere des Commumcations du Canada
Bitte lesen Sie alle diese Informationen, bevor Sie das Ger‘at in Betneb
nehmen! Lesen Sie sich auBerdem die Bedienungsanleitung komplett
und sorgfa‘ltig durch, da nur in diesem Fall eine problemlose
Inbetriebnahme erwartet werden kann.
’ Achten Sie damuf, daB das Geri! nur in eine 230V Schuko-
Steckdose eingesteckt wirdi
" Die Steckdose sollie Jedeizeit frei zuganglich sein um bei emem
evil. aufiretenden Notfall das Geréit schnell vom Netz zu trennen
' Achten Sie desweiteren darauf, dafl die Neizanschlufllcuung nichl
mechamsch beanSpmcht oder sonstwre besch‘adigi Wll'd.
- Oifnen Sie das Gerfit niemals! lm lnneren befinden sich Teile mil
gefa'hxlicher Spannung.
0 Bevor Sie das Gerfit reinigen. zlehen Sie bme den Netzswcker aus
der Sleekdosev Saubem Sie dann das Geri! mit einem feuehlcn
(keinesfalls tropfiiassen) Lappen.
' Die in diesem Gerilt entstehende Ro‘ntgenstrahhmg ist ausrcichend
abgeschirmt (Ortsdosisleistung m 011m Absmnd wemgei als 1.014
Sv/h). Beschleunigungsspannung maximal 29kV.
' Stellen Sie das Geri“ an emem ergonomisch gilnstigen On aufund
sorgcn Sie dafiir, daB dei‘ Monitor mit nach GS-VW-SG7 gepn'ifler
Penpherie betrieben wird, da mir unter diesen Umstfinden ein
optimaler ergonomischer Betrieb des Geréiws sichergestellt ist.
Falls Sie dennoch Fragen haben, aufdie die Bedienungsanleitung keu-ie
himeichende Antwort geben kann, so kontaktieren Sie bitte den
néehsten Fachhéndler.
Maschinenlfirminfonnationsverordnung 3. GSGV, 18.01 1991:
Der arbeitsplatzbezogene Sclialldmckpegel beriégt 70 dB (A) oder
wemgergemfil} ISO 7779.
We, Manufacturer / Importer
541, S-Ga, Namdaemoon~Ro,Jung-Gu
Seoul, Korea
declare under our sole responsibility that the product,
Color Display monitor
to which this declaration relates is in cont’ormity With
the lollowmg standard(s) or other normative document(s)
Safety : EN60950/1992/A1: l993/A2: [993
EMC : EN 55022/8.1994/Al:1995/A2:l997
EN 50082-1/1992 EN 61000 -3 43/1995
following the provisions of 89/336 EEC-EMC Directive
and the pmVisions of 73/23 EEC-Low Voltage Directive.
Handed over by :, Managing Director
Display Business Diviston
2000 Seoul Signature : fif
Sim. Manngmg Din-cum
Display Business Division,
Emissinii Characteristics Tested by SEMKO
A sample of this type has been tested and has shown compliance With
the guidelines In the swedish document MPR lI(TCO Optional).
This product is also designed for [T power system Wilh phase It) phase
voltage of 230V.
The power cord is used as a main disconnect device, Disconnect the
power card before servicing. The outlet must be installed near the
monitor and must be easily accessible
As an ENERGY STAR® Partner, Daewoo Eleclromcs Co.. Ltd. has
delermmed that this product meets the Energy sm® guidelines for
energy efficiency.
The appliance is not intended for use by young children or "infirm
persons without supervision :
Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play
With ihe appliance.
This manual explains how to correctly install, operate and get the
best performance from your monitor. Please read this user's
guide carefully before installing your monitor, then keep it near
your monitor for quick reference.
Product Features
Installing the Tilt/Swivel Stand (|7" only) _________ First, please check that the contents of the box corresponds with
the following checklist :
Connecting the Signal Cable and Power Cord ......
Power Management System . .. 5 " Color monitor
' Power cord
P] & Pla ..... r 5
BBC for “g, y 6 “ User’s Guide
Operation & Adjustment ..... .. . Warranty Card (Optional)
Specifications ..
Factory Preset liming»; If any item is missing or damaged, please contact your dealer
Please keep the box and packing materials so that you may
properly store or transport your monitor.
Description for D-sub Connector
ts ngltsh - l
The convenient and userafi‘iendly on-screen display allows for
easy and accurate adjustments of horizontal and vertical
screen size and position, geometry and screen color.
The monitor supports a safe working environment in strict
compliance with the MFR 11 standard for low emissions
(TCO Optional).
The monitor complies with the VESA Display Data Channel
(DDC) specification for Plug and Play compatibility.
Advanced microcircuitry makes setup and configuration fast
and effortless.
The monitor features Advanced Color Controls for fine-tuning
to meet your own personal tastes or application requirements.
Use the on-screen controls to adjust the color temperature,
RGB gain value for the best possible screen color and
Press the menu button and activate the Self-Diagnosis menu
to detemrine whether your monitor is functioning normally,
not receiving a signal or is receiving a signal that is out of
seaming range.
Acrivate the higher refresh rates of the monitor to stabrlrzc the
screen and eliminate the annoying flicker that contributes to
eye-strain and headaches,
The “borderless” full»screen display capability works under-
all graphic modcs and provides a larger viewing area than
conventional monitors, giving you a better picture With more
905DS has reduced the monitor space to adopt the short length
The 905DF which has applied the DynaFlat CDT offers
creating sharper and cleaner images even at the outer most
edges of the screen.
English - s
I. Ensure that the power to the monitor is off.
2. Set the monitor face down with the underside facing you.
Please be careful so as not to scratch the monitor screen.
3, Align the four hooks on the stand with the gutde holes of
bottom chassis of the monitor:
4r Insert the hooks into the guide holes.
5. Slide the tilt/swivel stand toward the front of the monitor until
the latch locks in position.
6. Turn the monitor and the stand upright.
If you want to remove the tilt/swivel stand on the monitor, press
the latch and pull the tilt/swivel stand toward the back of the
monitor. Lift the stand to separate.
English - 3
ll Turn ofl" the computer and monitor.
2. Connect the 15 pin D-sub connector to the output port of the
Video card in your computer.
3. Tighten the screws of the connector.
4. Plug the power cord into the AC receptacle located on the back
of the monitor.
5 Plug the other end ofthe power cord into the AC outlet.
t Signal Cable
M Power Cord
English , 4
If you use the monitor with a computer that complies with the
power-saving program, you can set the monitor to go blank when
the system has remained unused for a period of time. To specify
the period or to disable this feature, set the system timeout field
of the computer‘s system setup program or use special sofiware
for power-saving. See the computer user‘s manual for the details
of using the system setup. While the monitor is in power-saving
mode (blank screen), it consumes less power than when it is in its
normal state. The color of the power LED will indicate the state.
To restore the screen image, press any key of your keyboard or
move your mouse. If the signal cable is connected loosely or
disconneeted, the power-saving feature will not operate.
If you use the monitor with a computer that complies with
DDCl/ZB/Cl ofVESA, the host video card automatically
configures itself without your intervention in a way that best fits
the attached monitor. The Display Data Channel(DDC) allows
the monitor to inform the host system about configuration
information for optimum use of the monitor. Use of the video
card utility is not required to match the resolutions and refresh
rates of the monitor and video card.
l< nglish - S
Control Panel
Move cursor to the right window on the OSD
. Increase the value of any selected function.
Move cursor to the lefi window on the OSD
. Decrease the value ofany selected fimction.
. Move cursor to the high window on rhe OSD
0 Increase the value of V.size or
. Move cursor to the low window on the OSD
. Decrease the value of V.size or V.cenler.
Hot Key
English » 6
0 Launch OSD(0n-Screen Display) MENU window,
Key Process
emits «x 5° em“
9 m,
erLxANo 55“ 9 it}
«w W»
E) 50 (9 G) 50 ®
$553 all”;
5° * * «M NH l
“J W
—:l _:|
e 50 ® @ SD ®
vii? was
© 50 ®
- When you choose the icon E on the OSD window, you can exit the
OSD screen.
English - 7
OSD Functions
@ unsunae Select language for OSD (5 languages).
_ CENTER & Adjust the posmon of the display
r? H hortzonmllyflefl or nghl) and Vertically
LL V- CENTER (up or down)
Choose different preset color
‘K coma rem: temperatures or set your own customized
color parameters.
(w RED cam Adjust the red gain.
(D GREEN mm Adjust the green gain.
ab mus GAm Adjust the blue gain.
I ' 2 RED BIAS Adjus( the red bias,
« ' u . .
“Q. mean BIAS Adjust the green bias.
BLUE BIAS Adjust the blue bias.
r . . ‘ PL 5115 & Adjust the Wldih (horizontal lec) and the
‘ 4 v. 5.25 height (vertical SIZE) ofthe display.
lllll l u. uusntrv Adjust the horizontal linearity.
Adjust the vertical linearity.
English - 8
Adjust the horizontal picture moire
is leaning lefi or right.
NM 5 Control
Adjust the pin S control when the Sides of
the screen are in a S shape.
PIN W Control
Adjus‘ the put W control when |hc sides
of the screen are tn 3 W shape.
Adjust the rotation when the screen IS
tilted lefi or right.
RZ H' MORE cancellation.
E v. mom: Adjust the vertical picture moire
V cancellation.
w FOCUS Adjust the focus image.
1:- zoom Adjustbthe display width 3L height al the
same time.
B PINCUSHION Adjust the tell and right margins for more
convex or more concave margins.
Adjust the trapezoid ollhe screen by
D “Mum” moving the lines inward or outward,
Adjust the side balance when the sides of
D P'" ”LA“: the screen are bowed mwards lefi or right.
D PARALLEDGMM Adjust the parallelogram when the screen
Degauss the display and restore tmagc
i< tiglish - 9
Display horizontal & vertical frequency
STATUS and polarity.
2 YES - VESA DPMS operation.
22 OWE“ ”W“ No : N0 DPMS operation.
Display a RGB Color Bar to determine
TEST PATTERN whether the screen color is expressed
normally or not.
Sal! Diagnosrs
Reset the screen to the Factory Preset
Display Settings
when the monitor doesn’t display, if you press any key, Self
Diagnosis screen is displayed. Self Diagnosis function checks if
the status of the monitor is No Signal or Out of range.
our or names
it: at» so K”:
v: sn-taoux
mspuv smnss
No Signal screen is displayed when rhe
D-Sub signal connector is not connected
or the status of the monitor is on DPMS
Out of Range screen is displayed when
the applied frequency is under or over
normal range.
I Normal ran e
H'30-95 z
English , ll.
CDT Size
17- ch
Power Saving
Power Souroe
mend visible Image area 16.2-inch
Dot Pitch 0.26 mm
Synchronization Horizontal 30 4 95 KHz
Vertical 50 - 160 Hz
Plug and Play DDCl/ZB/CI
EPA, VESA DPMS, Nutek Compliant
100-240 Vac, 50/60Hz (Free Voltage)
Power Consumption 80 W 90 W
Dimension-W x H x D 420 x 440 x 440mm 466 x 475.5 x 464.5mm
(set with sland)
eight-unpackedUbS/Kg) 37.5/1614 41191190
Operating Temperature
CDT Size
19-inch DynaFlat
Diagonal visible image area
l 8~inch
Dot Pitch 0.25 mm
Synchronization Horizontal
Plug and Play DDCl/ZB/Cl A
Power Saving
EPA, VESA DPMS, Nutek Compliant
Power Source
100-240 Vac, 50/601-12 (Free Voltage)
Power Consumption
Dimension-W x H x D
466 x 475.5 x 4085mm 466 x 475.5 x 465mm
(set with stand)
Weight-unpackedflbs/Kg) 440/200 47.3/21 5
Operating Temperature 10 ~ 40°C 150 ~ 104°F
* The specrficarions are subject 10 change without notice.
English - S t
640X 480 31.5
VGA 400 720 X 400 31 3 70 Non-interlaced
VESA 43K 640 X 480 43 85 Non»|utzrlnced
VESA SVGA 85 800 X 600 53 7 85 Non—interlaced
VESA 60K 1024 X 768 6D 0 75 Non-interlaced
VESA 1024/85 1014 X 768 68 7 85 Non-interlaced
VESA 1280/75 1280 X1024 80.0 75 Nonflnterlaced
VESA 1280/85 1280 X1024 91.1 85 Nan-interlaced
4 VESA 75 640 X 480 37.5 75 Numinxerluced
‘ VESA 1600/75 1600 X1200 93.3 75 Non-interlaced
>t= : 19-inch only
English w 12
No picture.
Check ifpower switch and computer power switch
are in the on position.
Check if the signal cable is correctly connected to
the Video card.
Check if the pins of D subconnector are not bent.
Check if the computer is in the power- saving mode.
POWER LED is not
Check if power switch is in the on position.
Check if the power cord is curreclly connected,
image is unstable.
Check if the signal cable is suiwble to the video Card.
Image is not
ceutered, too small
or too large.
Adjust H M Size or H&V Position to get the proper
Picture bounces or a
wave pattern is
present in the
Keep the devices that may cause electrical
mterferenee away from the monitor.
See the FCC infon‘natton at the front cover ofthc
Color looks blutehy.
Operate Degauss once.
Picture is blurred.
Edges of available
are: on the screen
are not straight.
Adjust Contrast and Brightness
Operate Degauss once.
Adjust Pincushion/Trapezoid.
Fuglish - 13
GND-l-L Sync
Bi-direcfiional Data(SDA)
Horizontal Sync
Vertical Sync(VCLK)
Data Clock(SCL)
* GND=Gr0und

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2000:09:28 12:28:15
Creator                         : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Producer                        : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Create Date                     : 2000:09:28 12:27:40
Page Count                      : 12
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FCC ID Filing: C5F7NFCMC720D

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