WINIA Electronics 7NFCMC905D 19-inch Color Monitor User Manual
Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Corporation 19-inch Color Monitor Users Manual
Users Manual
GUIDE COLOR MONITOR Model No : 905D http://disp]ay.dwe, IMPORTANT snrseumms mm“ FEDERAL cormumcmorts comtssrou RADIO Frequencv INTERFERENCE STATEMENT I. Ran all of these instmctions. 12 For added pmhcliml for this 2. Slve [use instructions for mgr we. 3. Unplug this monitor from use wall outlet oetore donning, Do not , use liq-rid clemers or aerosol elesners. tire snoop cloth for cleaning. 4. Do nol use armaments nm recommroded by me monitor rounuineluier is they inxy curse hands. 5 Do not use this monitor our water. a 3. our n bnhltia, wnhbowl kitchen sink. or laundry mo in n wel linemen. or nu: a swimming pool. etc. 6. Do not place this monitor on In , unstable can. stand. art-ale. The monitor may fall, causing serious injury wicluldoridull. Ind serious dnmsge to are npptiimu. n 7 Slots rod opening; in the cabin! and the bank or boilnm ll! , providnd t'or mail-lion. w ensuu o s. reliable opmtion of the monitor. Ind in promo: it from overheating. Thcsc openings mun not be bloclnnd or covered. no openings should never be blocked by puclngtnemaniwzonioedmumgoomu iimillr suffice. This monitor should new: be plmd mrorover-radirmrorhurtgiflar This monitor should nu be plwhd' in thrill-in inmilnzion such is n hookme unless proper Vflrliluion' is provided. , r. This monitor should be operated only from the type of power sourde indicated on the mntring label. lr you no not sure of line we supplied to your hm consult your monitor dealer or locnl powtr company. 9. This monitor is equipped wilii u 3 wire mmlding type lug run it. n plug roving . din-ii (yum-ling) pin Thu plug will fit mm A grounding- powermtioljluriunfeiyremre. youn—e unable to insert ltu plug Iuo lite outla. comet yourelecnieiiu w replioe your oosolele outlet. Do not dzfal the wrposc or me groundlng-lype pint looonoiritowin ‘n‘lnnsl onloepowerooid. uoilowe thismonitorvmcrcthcootdwillbe Mindhypeoplewdldnxonil. ll. Follow Ill warnings ind instructions marked on lhc monitor. monitoroining filming storm. or when it is tell un-uendod nod _ngunlisofiorlo periodsornme, unplugtlnomliiewslloruei. This will prevenrdrmsgelo me mmitnrmd/orlhc computerdue lo lignming ind power line surges. 13. Do not overload will oilfiels Ind exlzntion cords As this an ruull in En or =Ieclric shock. 14qu push 013ij of my lsind into this monitor lluvugti coolnel slots. is they my touch dangerous voltage points or than out pam that could resull rm 1 fire of electric shock. Never spill liquid of ony lrind on the monitor. is. Do not nae-opt in service this monitor yorrselr, is opening or removing covers my expose you mew voltages or outer Refer Ill smlclng to qualified service personnel. lo. Unplug this mnnilor from use will ouller and refer servicing ioquumod servieo personnel under lire following conditions: u.wnenil.epowercordorplug is dnmsgoior finyed. h.lfl.iquldhnsbeensplfledlnwlhemoniwr. (Llilhc monitor has beznexposcdlorlinor mm. d. if llie monitordoer not nitrate normally by following me open-ting instructions Adjust only thoueonnolrthal recovered bytheopemilrg instructions. as improper nfiustmzni ol nlhter controls truly result“ in damage and will oflten require extensive work by r quriilied technician to rerun! normst operation. =.Iflhcmoniwrhnbecndroppedord\eubinct hubundumged. r. When the monitor nit-iota odisiiocr elunge in performance. this indicates i need for servicz. 17. When replacement puns are required he sure the service leolinicinn on used repnoemou E plfls specified by the mnnurneouer that have Ihe Mme chancluistr'cs as the origin-l port Unauthorized whitiwiinns my result in fire. electric shock. or odier hazards. 18. Upon oomplellonornny mice or repairs to thlx monitors nltlhe mice Mluiciln to patent: routine sotery checks ro determine lint the monitor it safe to Opel-tic. NUI‘E : This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits fora Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a midcntinl installation. This equipment generatu, uses and can radiate radio freqrwncy energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cuase harmful inwrt'crcnoe to radio communications. Howevcr, there is no guarantee that inwri‘erence will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment dm cause harmful interference to radio or television reception1 which can be determined by turningtheequipmcntoffrndon,thcuscriseuwuragedtofl'ytoconectthc interference by one or more of thc following mcaslncs : - Root-lent or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the sepamtion between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or TV icchnicirn for help. CANADIAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS COMPUANCE STATEMENT This digital apparanls does not exceed the Class AIClass B (whichever is applicable) limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. Avis do conformité aux non-nos du Ministers: do: Communications du Canada. Le present appnreil numériquc n’emct pas dc bruit; radioélectriques dcpassatrt loo limitcs applicablcs aux appareils numeriqus dc Class A/de Class B (sclon 1c cos) prmfim dans lc rcglemcnt sin I: brouillage mdioéleciriquc édicic par lc ministérc dc: communications du Canada momma INFORMATIONEN Bim: lescn Sic allc dicsc luformationcn, bcvor Sic das Gcrttt in Betricb nehmcn! Lcscn Sic sich auBcrdcm die Bcdicnungsanlcimng komplett und sargfsltig durch. dz nut in dicscm Fall cinc problcmlosc lnbcu-ichnahme crwanct werden kann. ‘ Achtcn Sic daranl'. daB das Cvcrfit nur in cine 230V Schuko— chkdosc cingestcckt wird. ' Dic Sicckdosc solltc jedcmit frei zuganglich seiu um bci cincm cvtL auftrcncndcn Nott‘all dns Ger-lit schncll vom Nciz zu trcnncn. ' Achtcn Sic dcswcilcrcn darauf, daB dic NemschluBlcitung nichi mechanisch bcanspmcht odcr sonsiwic bcschiidigt wirdl ' Offncn Sic das Germ nicrnalsl 1m Inncrcn bclindcn sich Tcilc mil gcfflhrlichcr Spannung. ' Bcvor Sic das Gerh‘t ruinigcn, zichcn Sic him: den thzstcckcr aus dcr Slcckdasc, Siinbcrn Sic dann das Germ ruit cincm lcuchtcn (kcincst‘alls troplnasscn) Lappcn. ' Die in dicscm Germ entstchcndc Rontgcnstrahlung ist ausrcichcnd abgcschirmt (Ortsdosislcisnmg in 0.1111 Absmnd wcnigcr als 1.0}! Svlhi Bmhlcunigungsspannung maximal 29kV. ’ Stcllcu Sic das chit an einem crgonomisch gilnsu'gcn On. ant“ and sorgcn Sic daftir, daB dcr Monitor mit nach GS-VW-SG7 gcprtifter Pcriphcric bctricbcn wird, da nur unlcr dicscn Umstfindcn cin optimalcr crgonomischcr Bctricb dcs Gcratcs sichcrgcstcllt ist. Falls Sic dmnoch Fragcn haben, nut“ dic dic Bcdicnungsanlcitung kcinc hinrcichcndc Antwort gebcn kann, so konuilcticrcn Sic bittc dcn nllchslcn Fachhandlerl Mnschincnlfirminfennationsvcrordnung 3, GSGV, 18.01 199l: Dcr arbcitsplatzbcmgcm Schalldruckpcgcl bcufigt 70 cm (A) odcr wcnigcrgcmm ISO 7779, filfimswoo DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We, Manufacturer! Importer DAEWOO ELBCTRONlCS C0., Ltd 541, S-Ga, Namdacxnoon-Ro.lung~Gu Seoul, Korea declare under our sole mponsibility that the product, Color Display monitor 905D to which this declaration rclatcs is in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative document(s) Safety : EN60950/19921A1 : l993/A2:1993 A3:1995/A4:l997 EMC : EN 55022/81994, EN 500824/1992 EN 60555 Part 2. 311987 following the provisions of 89/336 EEC~lflVlC Directive and the provisions of 73/23 EEC-Low Voltage Dircctivcr Handed over by : SLcc. Managing Director. Display Business Division fie— S.Lcc, Mmlglng Director. Display Bushes Dlvlslon. DAEWOO ELECTRONICS Cm. Ltd 2000 Seoul Signature: Emission Chxmcterisfics Tested by SENKO A sample of this type has been tested and has shown compliance with the guidelines in the swedish document MPR [L This product is also designed for [T power system with phase to phase voltage of 230V, The power cord is used as a main disconnect device. Disconnect the power cord before servicing. The outlet must be installed near the monitor and must be easily accessible, As an ENERGY STARO Partner, Daewoo Electronics Cor, ler has determined that this product meets the Energy Star® guidelines for energy efficiency. The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision : Young children should be supervised to engine that they do not play with the appliance CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Introduction This manual explains how to correctly install, operate and get the best performance from your moniton Please read this user's Product Features guide carefully before installing your monitor. then keep it near Setup ..... your monitor for quick reference. Connectmg the Signal Cable and Power Cord lllllllllllllllllllll 3 First, please check that the contents of the box corresponds with Power Management System 4 the following checklist: DDC for Plug & Play Operation St Adjustment ‘ Color monitor ' Power cord Specifications n 4 10 ' User's Guide Factory Preset Timings ......................................................... 10 ‘ Warranty Card (Optional) Troubleshooting 11 If any item is missing or damaged. please contact your dealer. Please keep the box and packing materials so that you may Appendix properly store or transport your monitor. Description for D-sub Connector English ~ 1 PRODUCT FEATURES The convenient and user-friendly on-screen display allows for easy and accurate adjustments of horizontal and vertical screen size and position, geometry and screen color. The monitor supports a safe working environment in strict compliance with the MFR 11 standard for low emissions (TCO optional). The monitor complies with the VESA Display Data Channel (DDC) specification for Plug and Play compatibility. Advanced microcircuitry makes setup and configuration fast and effortless. The monitor features Advanced Color Conn'ols for fine- tuning to meet your own personal tastes or application requirements. Use the on-screen controls to adjust the color temperature. RGB gain value for the best possible screen color and intensity. Press the menu button and activate the Self-Diagnosis menu to determine whether your monitor is functioning normally, not receiving a signal or is receiving a signal that is out of scanning range. Activate the higher refresh rates of the monitor to stabilize the screen and eliminate the annoying flicker that contributes to eye-strain and headaches The “borderless” fullAscreen display capability works under all graphic modes and provides a larger viewing area than conventional monitors, giving you a better picture with more workspace. English ~ 2 mm SETUP ggalgECTlNG THE SIGNAL CABLE AND POWER 1. Turn off the computer and monitor. 2. Connect the 15 pin D-sub connector to the output port of the video card in your computer. 3. Tighten the screws of the connectorr 4 Plug the power cord into the AC receptacle located on the back of the monitor. 5A Plug the other end of the power cord into the AC outlet. English - 3 POWER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM if you use the monitor with a computer that complies with the power-saving program. you can set the monitor to go blank when the system has remained unused for a period of time. To specify the period or (0 disable this feature, set the system timeout field of the computer's system setup program or use special software for power-saving. See the computer user‘s manual for the details of using the system setup. While the monitor is in power-saving mode (blank screen), it consumes less power than when it is in its normal state. The color of the power LED will indicate the state To restore the screen image. press any key of your keyboard or move your mouse. if the signal cable is connected loosely or disconnected. the power-saving feature will not operate DiSPLAY DATA CHANNEL FOR PLUG AND PLAY if you use die monitor with a computer that complies with DDCl/ZB/Cl of VESA. the host video card automatically configures itself without your intervention in a way that best fits the attached monitor. The Display Data Channel(DDC) allows the monitor to inform the host system about configuration information for optimum use of the monitor. Use of the video card utility is not required to match the resolutions and refresh rates of the monitor and video card. English - 4 OPERATION & ADJUSTMENT Control Panel BRIGH'I‘NESS M'ENU CONTRAST " Move cursor to the right window on the OSD window. ‘ Increase the value of any selected function. ‘ Move cursor to the left window on the OSD % window. ' Decrease the value of any selected function. ‘ Launch OSD(On-Screen Display) MENU window ' Move cursor to the high window on the OSD window. ' increase the value of Vsize or ' Move cursor to the low window on the OSD window. ’ Decrease the value of V.size or “center. Hot Key BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST —:I 6509 ingre- -s Key Process OSD Functions 52mg: O LANGUAGE Select language forOSD (5 languages) 25» ct. Fameus "nu“, "_ CENTER 1. Adjust the position of megsdplzy é] hon'zmtallyllefl or right) vertically v. csmsn (“p 0, down), Choose different preset color &'K COLOR TEMP Lemperatules or set your own customized color parametem RED GAIN Adjusi the red gain. G cuss" cam Adjust the green gain, BLUE GAIN Adjust the blue gain. .O‘. nzn sans Adjust the red bias. GREEN BIAS Adjust the green bias. GLUE BIAS Adjust the blue biasl "- WE " Adjust the width (horizonlal size) and the v. SIZE height (Venical size) of the display. H. LINEARITV 1 Adjust the horizontal linearity. Pmcusmon “59W” g V.LINEARITV Adjustthe vertical linearity. ' When you choose the icon n on the OSD window, you can exit the OSD screen English ~ 6 English - 7 H. MOIRE Adjust the horizontal picture moire cancellation. Adjust the vertical picture moire cancellation sides of the screen are bowed. 5. PIN comm Adjust the pin comer bottom when the bottom sides of the screen are bowed Adjust the rotation when the screen is u FOCUS Adjust the focus image, Adjust the display width & height at the D ZOOM same time. Adjust the left and right margins for more B pmcusmou convex or more concave margins Adjust the trapezoid of the screen by D TRAPEZOID moving the lines inward or outward. Adjust the side balance when the sides of D PIN BALANCE the screen are bowed towards left or tight PARALLELO Adjust the parallelogram when the screen D mum is leaning ten or right U T. PIN CORNER Adjust the pin corner top when the top “°"‘"°" tilted tea or right, chaussing keeps the monitor free from DEGAUSS unwanted magnetism that can result in color impurityt English - 8 STATUS Display horizontal & vertical frequency and polarity G2: POWER SAVER YES : VESA DPMS operation N0 : N0 DPMS operation. TEST PATTERN Display a RGB Color Bar to determine whether me screen color is expressed normally or not @ RECALL Reset the screen to the Factory Preset Display Settings. Self Diagnosis When the monitor doesn‘t display. if you press any key. Self Diagnosis screen is displayed. Self Diagnosis function checks if the status of the monitor is No Signal or Out of range No Hamil No Signal screen is displayed when the D-Sub signal connector is not connected or the status of the monitor is on DPMS mode. mm L“? FM“ Ft» Out of Range screen is displayed when - the applied frequency is under or over normal range if? 33? l Normal ran e at “37:55 mum l-l : 30 - 95 Kl§z E“ V : 50 - 160 Hz English - 9 SPECIFICATIONS TROUBLESHOOTING CDT Size 19-inch Diagonal visible image area 1- 18-inch Dot Pitch 0.26 mm . . A No picture. Check if power switch and computer power switch Synchronization Horizontal 30 - 95 KHz m in the on position. Vertical 50 - 160 Hz I Plug and Play DDC l/2B/Cl Check if the signal cable is correctly connected to [Lower Saving EPA. VESA DPMS, Nutek Compliant “1° V'dw card- 4 Power 50m 100-240 Vac. 50/sz (Free Voltage) Check if the pins of D snbconnector are not bent. Power Consumption 90 W J» Dimension-W x H x D 466 x475.5 x 464.5mm Check if the computer is in the power- saving mode. (”Wimsmd) POWERLED' : Ch kif ' n' ‘ Lh " Weight-unpacked (lbs/Kg) 419/190 1.11 is no ac power swrtc 151: e on posruon, Operating Temperature 10 " 40°C /50 " [04°F Check if the power cord is correctly connected. Image is unstable. Check if the signal cable is suitable to the video card. Image is not Adjust H &V Size or H&V Position to get the proper FACTORY PRESET TIMINGS mm“, ‘°° 5m" image- or too large. ; iS Picture bounces or 3 Keep the devices that may cause electrical “ V wave pattern Is interference away from the monitor, VGA 430 640 X 430 31.5 60 Nun-mierlaced prsent ill the ‘ VGA 400 720 x 400 31.3 70 Non-interlaced picture See the FCC information at the front cover of the VESA 43K 640 X 480 43 85 Non-interlaced manna-It VBA SVGA 85 800 X 6“) 53.7 85 Neu-mlerlaced Color] I) y, : m Degnuss om‘ VESA 60K [1724 X 768 60.0 75 Non-interlaced VESA 1024/35 1024 x 768 68.7 as Non-luteflaoed Picture is blurred. Adjust Contrast and Brightness. VESA 1280/75 l280 X 1024 80.0 75 Non-interlaced Dc J Operate , VBSA 1280/85 1230 x 1024 91.1 85 Non-interlaced EMS once Edges 01‘ available Adjust Pincnshionfl‘mpeznid. area on the screen are not straightr English - 10 English ~ 11 APPENDIX Dascmvnom FOR mus comuscron 1 Red 2 Green 3 1 Blue 4 1 GND 5 GND 6 GND-Red 7 GND-Green 8 GND-Blue 9 +5Vdc 10 GND-H4Sync ll GNDVSync 12 Bidirectional Dam(SDA) 13 Horizontal Sync 14 Vertical Sync(VCU() 15 \ Data Clock(SCL) * GND=Gr0und
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