WINIA Electronics 7NFDVS103N User Manual
Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Corporation Users Manual
Users Manual
OWNER MANUAL MEMO Video Cassette Player DV-S1 O3N DRAWING YOUR ATTENTION Thank you purchasnng the VCR develloped to prwide advanced features and functions Ior high quahly performance To ODISIR the besl results and lo avold malfunction, PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE DESCRIPTIONS AND OPERATING PROCEDURE CONTAINED IN THIS OWNER'S MANUAL PRIOR TO OPERATING THIS VCP WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OFl MOISTURE. DANGEROUS HIGH VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT INSIDE OF THE ENCLOSURE. DO NOT OPEN THE CABINET. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ONLY. CAUTION my g E m CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. DO NOT REMOVE THE COVER (OR BACK). NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUAIJFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. The Ilghlmng flash wnh arrowhead symbol an equllal- eval mangle ls Intended to alerl the user lo the pres- ence of umnsulaled ”dangerous voltage' wllhln the product's enclosure that may be cl sun-elem magm— lude to consume a rlsk of elecmc shock lo persons The exclamation point wvlhm an equilalelal mangle IS Intend 10 alert me use: 10 the ovesence of Impot- lam operatmg and mamlenance (Servlcmg) unstruc— uons In the lnevature acoompanymg the appliance Caution: To prevent electric shock do not use this polarized plug with an extension cord receptacle or omet outlet unw the blades can be lully Inserted to prevent blade exposure. Wamlng: This video cassette player showcl be used with AC 90~26CN. 50/60HL To prevenl electric shocks and fire hazards do NOT use any other power source. Caution: Anychangesormodiflcatlonhecnsmmlonofdefloewhmarenotsxpmsslyapprwedbymepmy responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment, Whenyouaremtusingthevcplwalungperiod, itisrecommendedlhalyoucisoonrmmepowercord from the AC ouIIet. IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS For your protection, please read these salety instructions completely before operating the appliance. and keep this manual 1orluture reference. Carefully observe all waminga. precautions, and instructions on the appliance, or the ones described in the operating instructions and adhere to them. USE Pwor Sour-arms sel should be oooraled only lrom lne lype ol power source lndrealed on me marklng label ll you are not sure ol no type or elecrneal power supply al your home. odnsoll your oealer or local power company For those sels dos-gned lo operate lrum AC 90~260V. 50/60 Hz aroundlng or Pollilznion»Tms sel ls aourpped min a polarized Ac power cord plug la plug haying one blade wider inan lne omen. or wllh a «meow-re groundlng type plug la plug hflvmg alhlrd pm lav grounding} Follow me lnslmcllons below OverlaaaingADo nol overload wall outlets, exlensmn colds or convenlence receplacle beyond inalr caDaCIfy, smce rnls can result ln llre or electric shock comma Liquid Entry-Never push opleols or any kind rrno (he rel through openings as iney may louch dangevous vollage polnls ol snarl oul pans “13! could result ln a me or eleclrlc shock. News splll quuld ol any klnd on the sex maenmonu-Do nol use alraonmenls nol recommended by me manulaclurer. as my may cause nazaros cleaning-unplug the eer lrom me wall oullel oelero cleaning or pollshlng ll Do nor use llould cleaners or aerosol cleaners use a corn Ilghlly dampenued wrln walar lor eloanrng lne exleror ol lne sel luau:- Do nm use powelllne operaled sels near watev-lol exampla near a belhluh, washbwl, knchefl sunk, Iaurlory tub, U1 5 wel hasemsnl, or nears swmmlng pool, an: Accessories-Do not place (he sm on an unsuble can, stand. mood. bracket or (able The sea may lall, causmg wlous lnyury w a we m an adull, and wmus carnage lo Ihe set Use only a can slam mpocl, mama. OI (able recommended by (he manuhcluref Vumwon—The slow and opsnlngs m lne cablnel am provided lor necessary venllamn. Yo ensure muscle with ol m set, and lo moiect n lvem overheating, these slols ma openlrlgs musl have be blocked or covered, » Never cover me slms and openlngs wflh a cloln of olhev maternals - Never block me slols and openlngs by placmg me set on a bed, sola, rug or my slmlla! swam. Pomnle Can Warning-An apnllarlce and can combmsmn should be moved wm- care. Quick stops. amass-we lace. and uneven smaces may cause me applnance and can comblnatlun lo oval-m -Nevev plane me sol m a confined soaoe such as a bookcase, ol bulll-ln cablne| unless proper ventilation I5 ammo Pawn-Cow Mme me pow cord m order nol lo be walked on of plnched by name plaooo upon ol lgalnsi them. payan pufllculal anellbon lo me plugs, receptacles, and lne palm where the cord exrls Ivom the appllarlee. MOSTURE OONDENSA'HON lrl me normal lempemule ll you pour a oolo liquid mo 3 glas, wa'ev vapour m «be an! w-ll oonflense on me surlece of me glass The ls melslure condensallun The mnlsmve condensallon may obour Inside ol V095. ll used ln Ihls Dondmonl ll w-ll cause damage lo me head and Ihe Lave When does lbs mosnure conden- sation occur mside a! the VCF" In case ol Inwmg the vcp lrom a cold place lo healed place. Or me lemperelure ol sunounolngs goes up due lo room heallng swlwhsd on Or movmg me ch suddenly lrom a" summoned room lo a place ol mgr. temperslure ol mummy ln summer. »Do nol Blace me sel over a radlamr or heat mgma. or whale n I3 exposed lo fllrecl sunllgm \‘ 11, When lne melslule oomlensallon occurs lrlsnde ol lhe ch, NEVER msen lne cessello mlo (he cassene cempanmml Remove me casseue. ll loaded, by preeslng me STOP/EJECT key only operate me vs? ahef me molsluve comer-sane" has completely filled oul Nolmally. ll lakes about 2 hours SERVICE Dim-nae Remil‘ng Wnplug me sea mm mm wall outlet and reler seerclng lo qualmeo We personnel umel lne followlng com-l-ons. —When we power cord or Dlug rs damaged or lrayao. FRAYED OR CUT AC LINE iD""=ll>—— CRACKED PLUG -ll llqula has been SDlHed or colecls have laHen me me set 41 me set has been sublecled lo exoessrve shock by [39an droppem m lne cablnel nas been earnagao. —II we sal does nol operate normally when lollowmg lne operanng mslrucuons, ad.usl only lnoae controls lnal are spec-fled m the operallng nslrucllons, improper adjustment or omer wnlwls may resull m damage and Wlll ollan tequlve exleflsrve work by a QUEMISG (ecnnlclarl lo rssmre lne sel lo normal mallow -Wherl the sol exmms a a-snncl change H1 peflolmanoe, (ms mdlcales a need lor SBche 4c?— Servlcing»00 nol anempl lo sen/lee me sal yoursell as openmg or removing covers may expuse you lo dangevous vollags or other hazards Referall sefwnrlg lo qualflbed samce personnel Replacemom of pam—wnen replacement ol pans ls requlrea, be sure me same Iechnmlan nas used leplacemenl pans spec-luau by me manulacmrar max have me same characlenstlcs as me orlglnal pans Unautholzed subsmuuans may rasull ln fire. elaomo shock. or comet hazards s-my Check-Upon complellm ol any sen/lee or reoalrs Io Ihe set, ask me sen/Ice (echnlclan lo pevorm rounne satay checks las speclllec by lne manulactulen lo celermme the! ire set ls ln sale operamg sandman 7T, ————-—-——-——.—_—_—__—___ IMPORTANT NOTES . Audio-visual material may include works oi oopyright which must NOT be recorded whhout the authority oi the owner of oopynght. - Note that main voltage is supplied to the unit whenever the main plug is connected to the supply socket, - To avoid the nsk of fire or electric shock, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture, ~ Do not attempt to open the cabinet, There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Pieter all servicing to qualified servtoe personnel - Keep the unit away irorn radiators or other sources of heat. - Do not operate or store the unit close to strong magnetic fields. . Do not spill liquid of any kind onto the unit. It liquid is aocidently spilled onto the unit, immediately remove the main plug from the supply socket. and consult a qualified service engineer. . Avoid pieces subjected to strong vibration ' Do not place anything heavy on the VCP. ' Use the video cassette player in a horizontal (flat) position only. - Beiore operating, remove any paper wrapping which may have been affixed to the player during manuhctunng, DO NOT COVER VENTILATION OPENINGS ON TOP AND SIDES OF THE PLAYER DURING OPERATION 0 When a cassette is inserted into the loading oompartrnent, the power is switched on automatically as long as the power cord is plugged into an AC outlet. DO NOT torce a cassette into the compartment when the power cord is unplugged. 0 Keep the player and video cassette away from strong magnetic fields. - Alter playing a video cassette, remove it from the player. DO NOT move the player with a cassette in the compartment. - Store video cassettes in their sleem or cases and position vertically - li a cassette has been subjected to cold temperature, allow it to warm to room temperature before recording or playback For your protection, reoord the modei and serial numbers of your video Model Numbe" Me playerhere. In the event your player requires servicing or Serial Numben is stolen. you may need his information. You may also wishto otip or Date Purchased: staple V0"? sales mm t0 WS 9399» Store's Name and Address: —% ACCESSORIES 1,INSTRUCT10NMANUAL 3,RFCABLE 4. BATTERIES (M 3125) 5. ADAPTER (201 5A 300V 0:49 (option) INTRODUCTION _—-——_—.___________ CONGRATULATIONS on your purchase of a new VHS VCR. This VCP is an existing, new VCP designed to satisfy all your VHS tape play and recording needs, And, with proper used and care your new VCP will offer many year 0! viewing enjoyment. Just a iew OI the feature include. ' LINE RECORDING (REAR OR FRONT AV JACK) ' QUICK START Various operation keys operate quickty when each of them is pressed. - DIGITAL AUTO TRACKING This VCP plays clear pictures Without special operatbons. 0 AC POWER SUPPLY (AC 90~260VJ . DC(12Vi POWER supva 0 COMPLETE SAFETY DEVICE When this VCP is not In normal condition, it stops operating automatically tor self-protection. ' SELF PICTURE ADJUSTMENT Since the HEAD DRUM rotates regularty depending on the voltage change or tape condition, the picture is always stable. 0 ENCORE FUNCTION Press the ENCORE key on the remote control to watch the desired picture once more during playback. ' BUILT-lN RF MODULATOR lNTSC-M CH,3 OR CHA) - AUTO REPEAT SEARCH FUNCTION It you press the AAREPEAT key during playback‘the tape will be replayback aflef rewinding It will be repealed ten times. ° 2 STEP PICTURE SEARCH TABLE OF CONTENTS ——-———_._____________ NOTE: This Video Cassette Player is compatible with any Video Cassette Player bearing the VHS mark. The VCP is designed to expand your opportunities tor home viewing and not tor any usage which might violate the copyright laws. Save the original shipping carton and packing materials; they will come in handy it you ever have to ship your VCP. For maximum protection‘ repack the set as it was originally packed at the factory. DRAWING YOUR ATTENTION ................................................................... IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS INTRODUCTION ......... TABLE OF CONTENT . IDENTIFICATION . . TO GET STARTED , CLOCK SETTING . .. BASIC OPERATION . SPECIAL OPERATION ...... PICTURE ADJUSTMENT ...... RECORDING TV PROGRAMS . , BEFORE CALLING SERVICE PERSONNEL .............. SPECIFICATION . . IDENTIFICATION FRONT PANEL CASSETI’E COMPARTMENT AUDIONIDEO IN JACK RECORD KEY POWER KEY STOP/EJECT KEY REMOTE SENSOR PLAYBACK KEY RE 'ND'N°/REV'EW KE FAST FORWARD|NGICUE KEY "I m M be PMYB‘CK m, "B VCP . shear-5:15:33 main Search me and it passed m (mm; “BY '5 “we“ "‘ "3 PUVBACK We "w VCP smemhe Fofwm Plaure Search mode and n pressed "'° STOP °"°' "9° " '° W“ a" a “is" we”) nu ma STOP mas, (ape mamas m a rug- weed) 10 IDENTIFICATION (continued) FRONT PANEL DISPLAY PWR PLAY FF SCH+ REW SCH- STIL PWR Turned on Tape Loading Playback Fast Iorward Forward Search Rewind Reverse Search StiIL Frame advance 11 0-111-100-1017 gamma? AM VCR SLOW REC PAUS STOP EP AM TVNCR Slow Record Record Pause Stop Tape Speed (Extended Play) AM IDENTIFICATION (continued) REAR PANEL AC POWER CORD RF OUT TERMINAL (Conrmmmearummmmmmw-mw through Ihe RF table (9er ) ANT IN TERMINAL (Cornea me TV antenna to "m lemma" RF OUT CHSELECTION lllllIlIII » ' 1‘ j' ' swxcn VIDEO IN/OUT JACK DC JACK AUDIO INIOUT JACK CAUTION : 1) DC JACK O : Be careful noI Io change the polarity + and » when DC Power operating. 2) Do not connect AC and DC Powertogelhev at a time. 12 fl? REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION RANGE 13 ——————————_—_______— 1. Any object between the remote control and VCP will block the path or beam when it is being used, Dark walls, direct sunshine or very bright (incandescent) light will reduce the remote control sensitivity, 2. Hold the remote control within an angle range at about 30“ trom either side 01 the remote sensor center as shown, 3. When the remote control is vertical to the remote Sensor, il will work within about Zaleel (7m) lrom lhe VCP. 4. Point the lront ol the remote control directly at the front at lhe VCP. five BATTERY INSTALLATION 1. Remove the battery cover on the reverse side at the remote control. 2. Install 2 batteries (“AN size) into the remote control. (Caretully install batteries to match the polarity diagrams) 3 Close the battery cover. ~ It is advisable lo take batteries out of the remote control when it is not in use for a longtime. 14 49— IDENTIFICATION (continued) ———_._._.________ REMOTE CONTROL BASIC FUNCTIONS EJECT POWER»TURN omon: TVNCR CLOCK SET REIRACKING TRACKING 4+ SLOW—1+ SPEED RECORD PAUSE/STILL FRAME AUTO REPEAT ENCORE PLAYBACK REWIND/FIEVIEW FAST FORWARD/CUE STOP 15 ET WHEN YOU USE THE REMOTE QONTROL ' Do not press lwo keys at the same time. ' It causes Ihe VCP not to operme. ' Do not expose the remote sensor to the sunshine. A} 24“, " a" ”Pf“ - Avoid direct sunshine and 51an shock 0/5 , fa, , ‘> ' Keep the (emote control away lrom dust and moisture. 16 TO GET STARTED ANTENNA CONNECTION 1. Remove the Antenna Cable from the TV set Connec1 it to (he “ANTJN” terminal 0! (he VCP. 2. Connect one end of the RF cable lo the “RFDUT” lerminal ol the VCP. 3. Canned the olher end to lhe "ANTJN" lenninal ol lhe TV. 4. Turn on me TV and VCR. 5. Salad lhe channel number cl TV 3 or 4, 6. Set lhe RF CH, Selection switch on lhe rear panel to 3 or 4 according lathe selected TV channel. 17 CLOCK SETTING 0 Turn on the VCR 0 Press the CLOCK key on the remole oonlrol to set the currenl lime. 9 Set the hour by pressing the HOUR key. (lrom OI lo 12) o Sel the minute by pressing the MIN key. (item 00 lo 59) 6 Press the CLOCK key to save the selecting you have made. ' In the initial mode(—:—),i1 you sel only hour or minute the rest part will be aulomalicalry selected 12:00AM. 18 CLOCK. HOU R, MIN BASlC OPERATION CASSETTE LOADING/UNLOADING LOADING 0 Push the cassette into the cassefle compartment gentlyi {Arrow mark at lhe top) ~ An inverted cassette cannot be inserted. OThe cassette indicator LED is Iil up. ' Upon insertlng the cassette, the power is on even it the power is on as long as the Acme power cord is plugged in. UNLOADING 0 Press the STOPIEJECT key twice on the VCP (in fire PLAYBACK mode) or press EJECT key once on the remote control This first press will stop the tape in any mode except AUTO REPEAT. The second press will eiefl the tape. The cassette indcamr LED will be In ouL szcv - When you pressl e STOP/EJECT key even it the power is all. lhe cassette will be ejected. 19 BASIC OPERATlON (continued) ERASURE PROTECTION Video cassettes are equipped with a salary tab to prevent accidental erasure. when the tab is removed, recording can not be periormed. - TO PREVENT ACCIDENTAL - TO RECORD AGAIN ~ Afier recording, break oif the safety lab with a screwdriver if you don't wanna record over the lap. ~ Cover the hold with oeuophane (ape, 20 mugmwn 14, h BASlC OPERATION (continued) BASIC PLAYBACK Each key 0! remote conlrol tuncfions identically wilh the keys on the tram panel. NOTE. Thls ch has Full Auto Func‘tvon. n (he cassene wnhoul the sa|ety Lab is inserted, the VOP W|II 093mm aummaucally: “POWER ON ~ PLAYBACK a REWINDING aSTOP." cAnoN: When Ioadmg this VCP with double sxep. lhe audio nolse may he appeared. BASIC OPERATION (continued) 0 LOADING 0 PLAYBACK QS‘I’OP Nu» m- i «was some 6mm Par-ob The power is on automatically when Press the PLAY key. then piclurss will appear within 1 second and Press the STOP/EJECT key once. . . . PLAY indicator will dLsplay. « - (new rs rnsened even 11 lhe The mpg Is r n d aulomatically to me, gap; 3251555 aremarn lully W” P ~ the beginnlng any playing lo me Y' end. 0 FAST FORWARDING 9 REWINDlNG G EJEC’TING EEC' we» «nan m 15cm dime Commb 6mm Paneb Press lhe FF key in the STOP mode and Ihen FF indicalor will appear. The tape advances al high speed wilhoul any piclure and sound. Press the REW key In the STOP mode and then HEW indicator will appear. The tape Is rewound at high speed without any picture and sound. Press the STOPIEJECT key once more (in the STOP mode) on the (rent panel or press lhe EJECT key once on the remote control, 22 —€% SPECIAL OPERATION The VCP emers into the PLAYBACK mode during special operations as soon as pressing the PLAY key. 23 7?— SPECIAL OPERATION (continued) OTO VISUALLY SEARCH FORWARD w» - Press the FF key once in (he PLAYBACK mode. And then the tape advances rapidly with the pictures . Pressing this key once more makes the VCP advance more rapidly. 8 TO VISUALLV SEARCH REVERSE «W ~ Press lhe HEW key once in (he PLAYBACK mode. And then the tape will be rewound rapidly with the pictures. Pressing this key once more makes the VCP rewound more rapidly. 0 TO WATCH SLOW PICTURE 0 TO WATCH A S11LL PICTURE sum - » - Pres's (he SLOW key during playback. You can watch the desired flame In detail. ~ Press the SLOW —/¢ key during slaw. It allows you to control the slow motion speed of picture. - Press the PIS key during playback, II this key is pressed on during stlll lhe picture advanoss lrame by frame. tCAUTlON: lmhe Search ol- x! mode, the picture can bellowed in a Certain TV. In ms tune you can steedyn by using lheTHKd» keys on the remole OOHIVOL 24 —% W‘ SPECIAL OPERATION (continued) ——————-—_________ AUTO REPEAT I! you press the AREPEAT key during playback. the tape will be re- playback anev rewinding The playback operstlon wiN stop after repealing 10 times as above. In the A.REPEAT mode, only AREPEAT and POWER key will be operated. If you release the Auto Repeat mode, repress the AREPEAT key on the remote cantrol. ENCORE FUNCTION Pym |he ENCORE key on the remote conlrol to walch (he desired picture ones more during playback. The VCP vewinds the tape tor about 10 seconds and will play the picture want to watch again 25 ENOORE AUTO REPEAY WV , PlCTURE ADJUSTMENT ——-———_.__________ AUTO Tmcxme ADJUSTMENT . Since this VCP has the Auto Tracking Adjustment luncfion, it can play dear pictures wnhout special operations. ~ Auto Tracking Adjustment operates automatically when the cassette is inserted. ~ It noise bars appear in the picture during playback, press the “TRACKING ATRACKING¢ TFtK +/ — keys to reduce the noise bars RETRACKING ~ Press the FLTRK key when the playback picture is noisy, This VCP will control the state at playback image automatically. 26 RECORDING TV PROGRAMS Since this VCP has no its own TUNER, this has no lunction to receive TV broadcasting signals. To record TV programs, please use the another TV or VCP having the lunction to receive TV broadcasting signals with own TUNER. 1. DIRECT neconomemv TV) CONNECTION . Connect the Phone A/V jack on the TV set to the Phone A/V jack on the rear or ironl panel at VCP by using phone cable. ( It will record Front Input Signal only it both (Front and Rear) phone A/V jack connected.) 27 7? 96 'upmh-u\hulnm umwmmmnm penal-oil. (SP or LP). §7 ~ mnrscmwm. mwmuuuummm o Pfisnnmon (m 0 Lemma omen sascrm o umume . srop Tum on me TV no salsa the Insen a blank omens pm me 9559 by m Press me use key. ro finish me mommg aura: CH Number lo m tape penny. M m min“ speed Recording will man. m Ins srop key. The REC Indium! wn display. nov- 0 You can record only the same program which you are walching as follows the above steps. 0 You can record the TV programs only by the TV having lhs Phone A/V jacks. 0 Please do not turn o" the power until recording is Iinished. 28 $— “ugf W‘ ——_———————________ 2.INDIRECT neconnme (av vcn WITH TUNER) CONN ECTION 0 Connect the Phone AN jack on the another VCP sel lo the Phone AN jack on the rear or lront panel 0! VCP by using Phone cable, ( It will record Front Inpul Signal only ll both (Front and Rear) phone A/V iack connected.» 29 A {944 -—————-—____________ OPERATION o menu/men rm QSPEED sazcnon o nmnm | 0510? Tum on m m of TV- Presuhe SPEEDIey m We” "m PL“ “BY 0“ me To interrupt me remmmg u a - WM var, Press me use m- we»: , Spun.“ u “was keymmemningvcr. key m The REC imiwor will away, o .. W. § é 5 @ ' Upon iueflng mm me . h ruse ‘ L mfilmmmlmm mmwmm.m 0 Please do not tum on Ihe power until recording Is finished. 30 av, BEFORE CALLlNG SERVICE PERSONNEL Before calling service personnel, check the tollowing points tor a possible cause at the trouble. A minor adjustment on your part may eliminate the trouble. SYMPTOMS POS$|BLE CAUSES There is no pewerto the VCP. Is the power eord connected? Operation key does not lunefion. Is the POWER switch ON? Has a cassette been inserted? Tape does not run in the record mode Has a metre been inserted? ls the eatery tab on the cassette still intact? Picture does not eppear in the playback mode. Is the TV receiver channel selector set to an occupied channel? Set to the RF converter channel? Tape cannot be rewinded or test torwarded. Is the tape already rewound or last forwarded to the end? Playback picture is partially noisyt Is the TFlK 4 or - properly adjusted? Cassette cannot be inserted into the VCP. Is the cassette correctly inserted? Is there a cassette already in the VCP? 31 SPECIFICATIONS —_—_——_——________ General Power requirement : AC 90 ~ ZWV SO/lez DQiZVtZA) Power consumption : 14 Watt Weiqht : 3.5 ko Temperature : Operatin - Slorage: —20°C to 60°C Tape deck section _—Format : VHS standard Video signal system NTSC(3458) color signal Scanning system Rotary slant azimuth two-head helical scan system Tana width 1265 mm Iaeg “fig . 52,33 35 mmsan: EE'JJ 13mm sen P ay'nu rme v 1511 mu 15 mt' h pause) HEM - NIsmuLuF M4 tseladahlel video input : 1.0Vp-n 75 ohms unbalanced sync. neoativetPhone Jack) so output : 1.0Vpi, 75 ohms unbalanced, sync. neggtive(Phone Jack) Video S/N More than 45dB SP standard Resolution at picture More than 21 Olines SP standard Amm Phone—type connector more than 47K ohms, -8.BdBm, unbalanced Audio outpul level Phone-type connector more than 1K ohms, -7.SdBm, unbalanced Audio S/N : More than 42 (15 SP standard Accessories provided : Instruction Manual, Remote oontrol, 2 Batteries, FtF cable,(Adapterl Design and specifications are subjected to change without notice. 32
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Modify Date : 1999:05:25 13:48:17 Creator : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Producer : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Create Date : 1999:05:25 13:47:40 Page Count : 33EXIF Metadata provided by