WOOSIM SYSTEMS PORTI-SM40 Bluetooth Thermal Printer User Manual Operator Manual Porti SM40

Woosim System Inc. Bluetooth Thermal Printer Operator Manual Porti SM40

Users Manual

http://www.woosim.com                ͑    MODEL  PORTI-SM40WOOSIM SYSTEMS Inc. #501, Daerung Technotown 3th, 448, Gasan-Dong, GeumChun-Ku,   Seoul, Korea Tel : +82-2-2107-3700 Fax : +82-2-2107-3707 URL: http://www.woosim.com(Mobile Printer)All specifications are subjected to change without notice.
http://www.woosim.com 2CCooppyyrriigghhttPorti-SM40 Mobile printer operator’s manual. Copyright ᐕ2006 by Woosim Systems Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained in this manual is the property of Woosim Systems Inc. and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Woosim Systems Inc. Trademark a registered trademark of Woosim Systems Inc. All other trademark are the properties of their respective companies. CautionSome semiconductor devices are easily damaged by static electricity. You should turn the printer “OFF”, before you connect or removed the cable on the rear side, in order to guard the printer against the static electricity.   If the printer is damaged by the static electricity, you should turn the printer “OFF” Noticeم͑ The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. م͑ Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for         compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. م  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the        following two conditions:       (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must             accept any interference received, including interference that may cause            underired operation.
http://www.woosim.com 3Introduction The Porti-SM40 is the ideal solution for Mobile banking system , Retail, point of sales, Credit card Transaction, other traveling and mobile computing etc. The general features of Porti-SM40 printer are as follows: X Pocket size(80.5ϧ113.5ϧ46mm) XLight weight(300g) for true mobility X Very silent printing thru direct thermal printing method X High speed(50mm/sec, MAX) X UART(RS-232C or TTL), Bluetooth interface XBattery IndicatorXSupport Magnetic Stripe Reader & Smart card readerXSupport Graphic LCD(128ϧ32dots) with Blue LED BacklightX Support text and graphic printing X Support bit-image(logo), firmware download X Easier paper roll loading by CLAMSHELL design X One touch paper cover   X Easier maintenance with self-diagnostics XFlow control : Software (XON/XOFF) ఐ Hardware flow control not supported in printer 㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷G
http://www.woosim.com 4OOppeerraattiinnggPPrreeccaauuttiioonnssPlease follow the precautions below to enjoy and maintain the full performance of   the printer. X Using the Printer   ƔBe careful not to drop or bump the printer on a hard surface.ƔDo not install the printer in direct sunlight or such areas.     Suitable environment for the use of the printer is as follows:      Operating temperature :ଝ-10°C to 40°C          Relative humidity : 10% to ଝ90% (No condensation)ƔDo not install the printer near devices that generate strong         electromagnetic fields such as a copy machine.ƔDo not open the platen cover during printing .ƔDo not remove or reinstall the communication cable during printing      or transmission.ƔDo not touch the connectors of the communication during printing.ƔSwitch the POWER OFF when not in use. ƔDo not use alcohol or other solvent. Ɣ The AC adapter, the battery charger and the battery pack may       become warm when in use. This is normal and is not a malfunction. ƔWhen the battery pack is used at low temperature, the length of time       the printer can be used    may be shortened. XThermal Paper Handling ƔStore the thermal paper in a cool, dry and dark place.ƔDo not rub the paper with hard object. ƔDo not leave the paper with hard object. ƔDo not allow plastic film, erasers, or adhesive tape to touch the paper    for long periods. ƔDo not stack the thermal paper with diazo copies immediately      after copying or wet-type copies. ƔDo not use chemical glue. Ɣ Always use the clean thermal paper.
http://www.woosim.com 5CONTENTS1. Outline. ...........................................................................................................................................8G1.1. Model classifications. ...............................................................................................................8G1.2. Specifications............................................................................................................................9G2. Setting up the printer...................................................................................................................10G2.1. Printer & Accessories .............................................................................................................10G2.2. Printer Features.......................................................................................................................11G2.3. Replacing paper roll................................................................................................................13G2.4. Power supply ..........................................................................................................................14G2.4.1. Specified power supply....................................................................................................14G2.4.2. Installing the battery ........................................................................................................14G2.4.3. Recharging the battery pack.............................................................................................15G2.5. Set operation mode. ................................................................................................................16G3. Interface........................................................................................................................................19G3.1. RS-232C or TTL.....................................................................................................................19G3.2. Bluetooth ................................................................................................................................20G4. Smart Card Module.....................................................................................................................21G4.1. General Spec...........................................................................................................................21G4.2. Communication Protocol Sequence........................................................................................22G4.2.1. Regular Operation............................................................................................................22G4.2.2. Irregular Operation (Communication Error)....................................................................22G5. Using the printer. .........................................................................................................................23G5.1. Control panel. .........................................................................................................................23G5.2. The self test.............................................................................................................................24G6. Consumable Parts........................................................................................................................25G6.1. Recommended paper...............................................................................................................25G6.2. Printing position......................................................................................................................25G7. Print Control Function................................................................................................................26G7.1. Print Command.......................................................................................................................28G7.2. Line Spacing Command..........................................................................................................30G
http://www.woosim.com 67.3. Character Commands..............................................................................................................31G7.4. Panel Button Commands. .......................................................................................................38G7.5. Print Position Commands. ......................................................................................................39G7.6. Bit-Image Commands.............................................................................................................52G7.7. Barcode Commands................................................................................................................57G7.8. Macro Function Commands....................................................................................................61G7.9. Miscellaneous function commands.........................................................................................63G7.10. Line & box commands..........................................................................................................66G7.11. Black mark detection commands..........................................................................................67G7.12. Magnetic Card Reader Commands.......................................................................................68G7.13. Smart Card Reader Commands.............................................................................................70G8. Smart Card Reader Control Command ....................................................................................71G8.1. Communication Protocol Description.....................................................................................71G8.1.1. Command & Response Format........................................................................................71G8.1.2. Command Code List........................................................................................................71G8.1.3. Error Code List ................................................................................................................72G8.2. Communication Details ..........................................................................................................74G8.2.1. Activation.........................................................................................................................74G8.2.2. Deactivation.....................................................................................................................75G8.2.3. Exchange APDU..............................................................................................................76G8.3. Example..................................................................................................................................77G9. Introduction of Protocol Bluetooth ............................................................................................78G9.1. Frame Structure. .....................................................................................................................78G9.2. Process of Getting the Printer Status.......................................................................................79G9.2.1. Frame Format...................................................................................................................79G9.3. Process of Printing Data. ........................................................................................................80G9.3.1. Format of Print Data Frame.............................................................................................81G9.3.2. Format of ENQ Frame.....................................................................................................81G9.3.3. Format of ACK Frame.....................................................................................................82G9.3.4. Format of NACK Frame..................................................................................................82G9.3.5. Format of ETX Frame......................................................................................................82G
http://www.woosim.com 79.3.6. Format of EOT Frame......................................................................................................82GAppendix ..........................................................................................................................................83G
http://www.woosim.com 811..OOuuttlliinnee..11..11..MMooddeellccllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonnss..PORTI–SM40  (   )  (   )㩷ModelInterface None: UART/Bluetooth PowerNone : DC 8.4V
http://www.woosim.com 911..22..SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss..Item Specifications Print method  Direct thermal line printing Characters per line  42cpl (MAX) Character size  Eng. : 9ϧ24dots, 12ϧ24dots   Kor. : 16ϧ24dots, [24ϧ24dots] Resolution  203dpi, 8dots/mm Print width  2-inch (48mm, 384dots) Print speed  50mm / sec (MAX)   Dimension  80.5ϧ113.5ϧ46 mm   Weight  300g (Including battery & roll paper)   Interface  UART(RS-232C or TTL) / Bluetooth Paper roll  Thermal roll paper (57mm wide, 40ø) Barcodes PDF417(2D Barcode), Code128, Code39,Code93, I2 / 5, UPC, EAN(KAN, JAN), CODABAR Receive buffer size  10K bytes MSR  ISO 7810 / 7811 / 7812    1&2 or 2&3 Track Reading Smart card reader  ISO 7816 Compliant (EMV level 1 Certified) /       T=0, T=1 support / 2 SAM (Security Access Module) LCD 128൴32 Dots FSTN (Blue LED Backlight) Battery Rechargeable 7.4V DC/ 1,100mAh (Li-ion) Battery duration  1 hour continuous printing Battery charger  Input (100~250V AC, 50~60Hz) Output(8.4VDC/0.8A), 4hours full charge time Temperature  -10°C ~ 40°C (operating) -10°C ~ 70°C (storage) Environmentconditions  Humidity  30% - 80% (operating) 10% - 90% (storage) Mechanical 37,000,000 lines MCBF(Mean Cycle   Between Failure)  Head Approximately 50 Km
http://www.woosim.com 1022..SSeettttiinngguupptthheepprriinntteerr..22..11..PPrriinntteerr&&AAcccceessssoorriieessYour printer box should include these items. If any items are damaged or missing, please contact your dealer for assistance. PORTI-SM40 Communication CableBattery ChargerBattery Pack Extra ChargerPaper Roll ഖGOPTIONAL Car Charger
http://www.woosim.com 1122..22..PPrriinntteerrFFeeaattuurreessඖPart Name
http://www.woosim.com 12ඖDimensions
http://www.woosim.com 1322..33..RReeppllaacciinnggppaappeerrrroollll..Note : Be sure to use paper rolls that meet the specifications.Do not use paper rolls that have the paper glued to thecore because the printer cannot detect the paper endcorrectly.1. Make sure that the printer is not receiving data; otherwise, data may be lost. 2. Open the paper cover by placing your fingers under the paper cover lock and pull a paper cover lock open.3. Insert a new paper roll as shown. 4. Tear the excess paper off using the edge of paper door as a tear bar.
http://www.woosim.com 1422..44..PPoowweerrssuuppppllyy22..44..11..SSppeecciiffiieeddppoowweerrssuuppppllyy..22..44..22..IInnssttaalllliinnggtthheebbaatttteerryyᐭ To install battery pack, proceed as follows: - Insert the Battery pack in the direction of the arrow. ᐮReverse the order to remove the battery pack. ྛ The battery pack install into extra charger. - Insert the Battery pack in the direction of the arrow. NOTE : Ɣ Before installing or removing the battery pack, ensure the printer is OFF. ƔIf the printer is not used for long period of time, remove the battery pack from the printer. The following specification is requested for Power supply. Input    : DC 8.4V Standby 60mA and Max 2.5A     Avoid using power supply which its power capacity of power current is extremely high.
http://www.woosim.com 1522..44..33..RReecchhaarrggiinnggtthheebbaatttteerryyppaacckkFor recharging the battery pack, install the battery pack in the printer or the extra charger. Insert the Battery Charger to the charge connector of the printer or the extra charger. NOTE : ƔWhile charging the printer, turn off the printer power. ƔDo not remove the battery during charging. ƔThe battery is consumable parts and when purchasing, compared to the use hour is gradually decreases. (Warranty 6 month) ƔIf the printer is not used for a long time, unplug the power cord     from the printer and outlet. ƔThe recharging time depends on the voltage level and ambient   temperature of the battery. Normally, if takes about 4 to 5 hours to recharge a battery pack. ƔRed Lamp    : charging the battery. Green Lamp: charging is finished.
http://www.woosim.com 1622..55..SSeettooppeerraattiioonnmmooddee..1. Change the mode and option using    the mode Code (Table1). zMODE button : changing Printer MODE status. zFEED button : changing OPTION status.   2.    [Example] The defaults of the printer are :   UART/ 9600 BPS/8 DATA BIT/ NO Parity/1 STOP BIT/ Density LOW If a user wants to modify the defaults with   Bluetooth/38400 BPS/7 DATA BIT/Even Parity/2 STOP BIT/Density HIGH XPress MODE Button until Error Lamp twinkles 5 times. o You will see present COMMUNICATION mode in the LCD.       o Press the MODE Button two times.           (The interface mode has set to Bluetooth mode.) XPress FEED button one time. o You will see present BAUD RATE mode in the LCD. o Press MODE Button 2 times.           (The baud rate has set to 38,400 bps) XPress FEED button one time. o You will see present DATA BIT mode in the LCD. o Press MODE Button one time.           (The data bit has set to 7 data bit.) XPress FEED button one time. o You will see present PARITY BIT mode in the LCD. o Press MODE Button 2 times.           (The parity bit has set to even parity bit.)
http://www.woosim.com 17XPress FEED button one time. o You will see present STOP BIT mode in the LCD. o Press MODE Button one time.           (The stop bit has set to 2 stop bit.) XPress FEED button one time. o You will see present DENSITY mode in the LCD. o Press MODE Button two times.           (The density has set to high.) If all the mode have set, press the FEED Button and the MODE Button at the same time after then release the buttons at the same time.The printer will print out the mode status which has modified. (Bluetooth/38,400 BPS/ 7 DATA BIT/Even Parity/ 2 STOP BIT / Density HIGH) If the status is not correct, please try it again according to the procedure.
http://www.woosim.com 18Mode No. Printer Mode (Mode Button)  Option No. Option (Feed Button) 1UART 2UART (Protocol) 3Bluetooth 1Communication  Port4Bluetooth (Protocol) 19600 bps 219200 bps 334800 bps 457600 bps 2Baud Rate 5115200 bps 17 Data bit 3Data Bit  28 Data bit 1No Parity 2Odd Parity 4Parity Bit 3Even Parity 11 Stop Bit 5Stop Bit  22 Stop Bit 1Low Density   2Medium Density   6Density 3High Density   1No use 7Mark  2Use1Sensor Low 2Sensor Medium 1 3Sensor Medium 2 8Sensor4Sensor High 㪓㪫㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪈㪕㩷
http://www.woosim.com 1933..IInntteerrffaaccee..33..11..RRSS--223322CCoorrTTTTLLThe Porti-SM40 printer has a RS-232C or TTL interface and is connected by means of a 4 pin mini USB socket. In the following table, the signals present on the Mini- USB socket are listed:   Pin No.  Name  Direction  Function 1TxD Output Transmit Data2RxD  Input  Receive Data 3CTS - -4GND  -Ground NOTE :   ƔWhen data receiving, when it removes the communication               cable, it loses a data.
http://www.woosim.com 2033..22..BBlluueettooootthhNoticeIf the quantity of data which is printed at once is more than 10K byte on Bluetooth communication, it would cause the buffer to overflow and the data to get damaged. Category  SpecificationBluetooth Spec.  Bluetooth V1.1 / Class2 (10m) Frequency Range  2.4GHz ISM BAND Data Transmission Rate  57600bps Fixed. Data bit  8 Data bit Fixed. Parity bit  No parity Fixed. Stop bit  1 Stop bit Fixed.
http://www.woosim.com 2144..SSmmaarrttCCaarrddMMoodduullee44..11..GGeenneerraallSSppeecc..X Contact Smart Card Reader Module for ISO/IEC-7816 XSupport Asynchronous Protocol T=0,T=1 X Smart Card Connection - Short Circuit Current Limitation - 6KV ESD Protection on whole Smart Card Interface - Connector : Friction Type with Smart Card presence detection X 2 SAM (Security Application Module)GX EMV Level 1 Certified
http://www.woosim.com 2244..22..CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnPPrroottooccoollSSeeqquueennccee44..22..11..RReegguullaarrOOppeerraattiioonn44..22..22..IIrrrreegguullaarrOOppeerraattiioonn((CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnEErrrroorr))GCommand Host ModuleExecution  Response GCommandCommand HostModule Command is Command Executio500ms timeoutGCommand HostModule CheckSumErCommand ExecutioError
http://www.woosim.com 2355..UUssiinnggtthheepprriinntteerr..55..11..CCoonnttrroollppaanneell..ࢽࢽࢽࢽXButton- FEED Button :When the printer is on, paper can be feed manually by pressing and holding the FEED button for more than one second.   -MODE Button :       MODE Button is for use to change communication mode. (Refer to 2.5. Set operation mode for details about mode conversion) XPanel lamp -POWER (Green)  : Printer is ON and ready to receive data.-ERROR (Red)    : Indicated a fault condition or a printer error.                     (i.e : no paper, paper cover opened. etc.) XLCD- LCD will display most of the printer functions. (i.e : current printer status, paper out, indicated remaining battery etc.)
http://www.woosim.com 2455..22..TThheesseellfftteesstt..The self test procedure will check most of the printer functions. For self test, turn on the power while holding down the FEED Button. The Self-Test checks the following : 1) Make sure paper roll has been installed properly. 2) The Self-Test prints the current printer status, which provides the control ROM version and the communication method setting. 3) After printing the current printer status, Self-Test will print a pattern using the built-in character set. 4) The Self-Test automatically ends. The printer is ready to receive data as soon as it completed the self test.
http://www.woosim.com 2566..CCoonnssuummaabblleePPaarrttss..66..11..RReeccoommmmeennddeeddppaappeerr..66..22..PPrriinnttiinnggppoossiittiioonn..Type               : Thermal Paper Paper width         : 57mm Paper thickness      : 60±5༁Outer diameter      : Ø40mm or less Recording side      : Outside of roll Cautions1.    Do not paste the paper to the core. And the roll paper which has Near end mark printing on its near end is recommended. 2. Chemicals or oil may change the color of paper, or printed Characters may fade. 3. Change of paper color starts from approx 70 ୅.Pay attention to heat, humidity and sun light. 4. Color of paper may be changed by being scratched by nail or hard metal, etc
http://www.woosim.com 2677..PPrriinnttCCoonnttrroollFFuunnccttiioonn..Ɣ Supported Commands List Command  Name   Function Type  Page  HT Horizontal tab  Print position  42LF Print and line feed    Print  28FF Print and return to standard mode    Print  29CAN  Cancel print data in page mode  Miscellaneous function  65ESC FF  Print data in page mode  Print  29ESC SP  Set right-side character spacing  Character 32ESC !  Select print mode  Character 33ESC $  Set absolute print position  Print position  39ESC *  Select bit-image mode  Bit image  52ESC -  Turn underline mode on/off  Character 34ESC 2  Select default line spacing  Line spacing  30ESC 3  Set line spacing  Line spacing  30ESC @  Initialize printer  Miscellaneous function  63ESC D  Set horizontal tab positions  Print position  43ESC E  Turn emphasized mode on/off  Character 35ESC J  Print and feed paper  Print  28ESC L  Select page mode  Miscellaneous function  63ESC O  Set print starting position. Print position  51ESC P  Set the movement position from the   black mark    Black mark detection  67ESC R  Select an international character set  Character 32ESC S  Select standard mode  Miscellaneous function  64ESC T  Select print direction in page mode  Print position  48ESC W  Set printing area in page mode  Print position  46ESC X 4  Define user-defined bit-image  Bit image  55ESCڷSet relative print position  Print position  40
http://www.woosim.com 27Command  Name   Function Type  Page  ESC Z  Print 2D barcode  Barcode  60ESC a  Select justification  Print position  41ESC c 5  Enable/disable panel buttons  Panel button  38ESC d  Print and feed n lines  Print  29ESC f  Print downloaded bit image  Bit image  56ESC z    Feed the paper to the movement positionESC y  Feed the paper to the black mark position  Black mark detection  67ESC {  Turn upside-down printing mode on/off  Character 35ESC N  Set Smart card reader mode  Smart card module  70ESC M  Set Magnetic Card Reader mode Magnetic card reader  69EOT Exit Magnetic Card Reader & Smart Card Reader mode  Exit card reader  68GS !  Select characters size  Character 36GS $  Set absolute vertical print position in   page mode  Print position  49GS :  Start/end macro definition  Macro function  61GS B  Turn white/black reverse printing mode On/off  Character 37GS H    Select printing position of HRI   characters  Barcode  60GS L  Set left margin  Print position  44GS W  Set printing area width  Print position  45GS i  Print box & line in page mode      Box & line command  66GSڷSet relative vertical print position in   page mode  Print position  50GS ^  Execute macro  Macro function  62GS h  Set barcode height  Barcode  57GS k  Print bar code  Barcode  58GS w  Set barcode width  Barcode  57
http://www.woosim.com 2877..11..PPrriinnttCCoommmmaanndd..The PORTI-SM40 supports the following commands for printing character and advancing paper: CCoommmmaannddNNaammeeLF   Print and line feed ESC J    Print and feed paper ESC d    Print and feed n lines FF   Print and return to standard mode(in page mode) ESC FF    Print data in page mode LF                                                                                     [Name]    Print and line feed [Format]   ASCII  LF   HEX 0A   Decimal 10 [Description]  Print the data in the print buffer and feeds one line based on the     current line spacing. [Note]    This command sets the print position to the beginning of the line. [Reference]  ESC 2, ESC 3 ESC J n                                                                                [Name]    Print and feed paper. [Format]   ASCII  ESC  J  n   HEX  1B 4A n   Decimal 27 74 n [Range]   0  n  255 [Description]  Prints the data in the print buffer and feeds the paper [n x (vertical or horizontal       motion unit)] inches.
http://www.woosim.com 29ESC d n                                                                                 [Name]    Print and feed n lines [Format]   ASCII  ESC  d  n   HEX 1B 64 n   Decimal 27 100 n [Range]   0  n     255 [Description]  Prints the data in the print buffer and feeds n lines. [Note]    1) This command sets the print starting position to the beginning of the line.     2) This command does not affect the line spacing set by ESC 2 or ESC 3.   [Reference]  ESC 2, ESC 3FF                                                                                     [Name]    Print and return to standard mode in page mode. [Format]   ASCII  FF   HEX  0C   Decimal 12 [Description]  Prints the data in the print buffer collectively and returns to standard mode. [Note]    1) The buffer data is deleted after being printed.     2) The Printing area set by ESC W is reset to the default setting.     3) This command sets the print position to the beginning of the line.     4) This command is enabled only in page mode. [Reference]  ESC FF, ESC L, ESC S ESC FF                                                                                [Name]    Print data in page mode. [Format]   ASCII  ESC  FF   HEX  1B 0C   Decimal 27 12 [Description]  In page mode, prints all buffered data in the printing area collectively. [Note]    This commands is enabled only in page mode.     After printing the printer does not clear the buffered data, setting values for ESC T     and ESC W, and the position for buffering. [Reference]  FF, ESC L, ESC S
http://www.woosim.com 3077..22..LLiinneeSSppaacciinnggCCoommmmaanndd..The PORTI- SM40 supports the following commands for setting line spacing.    These   commands only set the line spacing; they do not actually advance the paper. The line spacing set using these commands affects the results of LF and ESC d and paper feeding by using the FEED button. CCoommmmaannddNNaammeeESC 2    Select default line spacing ESC 3    Set line spacing ESC 2                                                                                  [Name]    Select default line spacing [Format]   ASCII  ESC  2   HEX 1B 32   Decimal 27 50 [Description]  Selects 1/7 inch line (approximately 3.75mm) spacing.   [Note]    The line spacing can be set independently in standard mode and     in page mode. [Reference]  ESC 3 ESC 3 n                                                                                 [Name]    Set line spacing [Format]   ASCII  ESC  3  n   HEX 1B 33 n   Decimal 27 51 n [Range]   0  n  255 [Description]  Sets the line spacing    to [n x vertical or horizontal motion until] inches. [Note]    1) The line spacing can be set independently in standard mode and in page mode.     2) The horizontal and vertical motion unit are specified by GS P.       Changing the horizontal or vertical motion unit does not affect the current line     spacing.
http://www.woosim.com 3177..33..CChhaarraacctteerrCCoommmmaannddss..    3) The GS P command can change the horizontal (and vertical) motion unit.     However, the value cannot be less than the minimum vertical movement amount,       and it must be in even units of the minimum vertical movement amount.     4) In standard mode, the vertical motion unit (y) is used.5) In page mode, this command functions as follows, depending on the starting       position of the printable area:       When the starting position is set to the upper left or lower right of the printable area       using ESC T, the vertical motion unit(y) is used. When the starting position is set to       the upper right or lower left of the printable area using ESC T, the horizontal motion   unit(x) is used.  [Reference]  ESC 2, GS PThe PORTI- SM40 supports the following commands for setting character font and size: CCoommmmaannddNNaammeeESC SP    Set right-side character spacing ESC R    Select an international character set ESC !    Select print mode ESC -    Turn underline mode on/off ESC E    Turn emphasized mode on/off ESC G    Turn double-strike mode on/off ESC {   Turn upside-down GS !   Select character size GS B      Turn white/black reverse printing mode on/off
http://www.woosim.com 32ESC SP n                                                                               [Name]    Set right-side character spacing. [Format]   ASCII  ESC  SP  n   HEX 1B 20 n   Decimal 27 32 n [Range]   0  n  255 [Description]  Sets the character spacing for the right side of the character to [n x horizontal or       vertical motion units] inches.   [Note]    1) The right side character spacing for double-width mode is twice the normal       value. When characters are enlarged, the right side character spacing is n times     normal value.      2) This command sets values independently in each mode.       3) The horizontal and vertical motion unit are specified by GS P. Changing the       horizontal or vertical motion unit does not affect the current right-side spacing.       4) The maximum right side spacing if 255/180 inches, Any setting exceeding     the maximum is converted to the maximum automatically.   [Default]    n = 0 [Reference]  GS PESC R n                                                                                [Name]    Select an international character set. [Format]   ASCII  ESC  R  n   HEX 1B 52 n   Decimal 27 82 n [Range]   0  n  10 [Description]  Selects an international character set n from the following table.
http://www.woosim.com 33[Default]   n = 0 ESC ! n                                                                                 [Name]    Select print mode. [Format]   ASCII  ESC  !  n   HEX 1B 21 n   Decimal 27 33 n [Range]   0  n  255 [Description]  Select print mode(s) using n as follows. nCharacter set  nCharacter set  nCharacter set 0U.S.A  5Sweden  10 Denmark II 1France  6Italy 2Germany  7Spain3U.K  8Japan 4Denmark I  9Norway Bit Off / On Hex Decimal Function Off  00 0 Character font A (12 x 24) 0On 01 1 Character font B (9 x 24) Off  - - Undefined1On - - UndefinedOff  - - Undefined2On - - UndefinedOff  00 0 Emphasized mode not selected 3On 08 8 Emphasized mode selected Off  00 0 Double-height mode not selected 4On 10 16 Double-height mode selected Off  00 0 Double-width mode not selected 5On 20 32 Double-width mode selected Off  - - Undefined6On - - UndefinedOff  00 0 Underline mode not selected 7On 80 128 Underline mode selected
http://www.woosim.com 34[Note]    1) When both double-height and double-width modes are selected, quadruple size     characters are printed.     2) The printer can underline all characters, but can not underline the space set by HT.3) The thickness of the underline is that selected by ESC -, regardless of the   character size.     4) When some characters in a line are double or mode height, all the characters on     the line are aligned at the baseline.     5) ESC – can also turn on or off underline mode. However, the setting of the last       received command is effective.     7) GS ! can also select character size. However, the setting of the last received       command is effective. [Reference]  ESC -, ESC E, GS! ESC - n                                                                                 [Name]    Turn underline mode on/off [Format]   ASCII  ESC  -  n   HEX 1B 2D n   Decimal 27 45 n [Range]   0  n  1 [Description]  Turns underline mode on or off, based on the following values of n; [Notes]    1) The printer can underline all characters (including right-side character spacing),     but cannot underline the space set by HT.       2) The printer cannot underline white/black inverted characters.   3) When underline mode id turned off by setting the value of n to 0 or 48, the   nFunction 0, 48  Turns off underline mode 1. 49  Turns on underline mode (1 dot thick). 2, 50  Turns on underline mode (2 dot thick)
http://www.woosim.com 35    following data is not underlined, and the underline thickness set before the mode is     turned off does not change. The   default underline thickness is 1 dot.     4) Changing the character size does not affect the current underline thickness.     5) Underline mode can also be turned on or off by using ESC !.       Note, however, that the last received command is effective.   [Default]    n = 0   [Reference]  ESC !ESC E n                                                                               [Name]    Turn emphasized mode On/Off. [Format]   ASCII  ESC  E  n   HEX  1B 45 n   Decimal 27 69 n [Range]   0  n  255 [Description]  Turns emphasized mode on of off.     When the LSB(least significant bit) is 0, emphasized mode is turned off.     When the LSB(least significant bit) is 1, emphasized mode is turned on. [Note]    1) Only the least significant bit of n is enabled.       2) This command and ESC ! turn on and off emphasized mode in         the same way. Be careful when this command is used with ESC !   [Default]    n = 0   [Reference]  ESC !ESC { n                                                                                 [Name]    Turn On/Off upside-down printing mode [Format]   ASCII  ESC  {  n   HEX 1B 7B n   Decimal 27 123 n [Range]   0  n  255 [Description]  Turns upside-down printing mode on of off     When the LSB is 0, upside-down mode is turned off.     When the LSB is 1, upside-down mode is turned on.
http://www.woosim.com 36[Note]    1) Only the lowest significant bit of n is valid.     2) This command is enabled only when processed at the beginning of a line in     standard mode.     3) When this command is input in page mode, the printer performs only internal flag   operations.     4) This command does not affect printing in page mode.     5) In upside-down printing mode, the printer rotates the line to be       printed by 180 degree and then prints it. [Default]  n = 0   [Example] GS ! n                                                                                  [Name]   Select character size [Format]   ASCII  GS  !  n   HEX 1D 21 n   Decimal 29 33 n [Range]   0  n  255 [Description] (1  vertical number of times  8, 1  horizontal number of times  8)       Selects the character width using bits 0 to 2 and selects the character height using       bits 4 to 7, as follows;
http://www.woosim.com 37[Notes]    1) This command is all characters effective       2) If n is outside of the defined range, this command is ignored.       3) In standard mode, the vertical direction is the paper feed direction, and the       horizontal direction is perpendicular to the paper feed direction.       4) In page mode, vertical and horizontal directions are based on the character     orientation.     5) When characters are enlarged with different sizes on one line, all the characters       on the line are aligned at the baseline.     6) The ESC ! command can also turn double width and double height modes on or     off. [Default]    n = 0   [Reference]  ESC ! GS B n                                                                                  [Name]    Turn white/black reverse printing mode On/Off. [Format]   ASCII  GS  B  n   HEX 1D 42 n   Decimal 29 66 n [Range]   0   n  255 [Description]  Turns on or off White/Black reverse printing mode. Hex  Decimal  Width 00 01 (normal) 01 12 (double width) 02 2 303 3 404 4 505 5 606 6 707 7 8Character Width Selection Hex  Decimal  Height 00 01 (normal) 10 16 2 (double height) 20 32 330 48 440 64 550 80 660 96 770 112  8Character Height Selection
http://www.woosim.com 3877..44..PPaanneellBBuuttttoonnCCoommmmaannddss..[Notes]    1) When the LSB is 0, white/black reverse printing mode is turned on.     2) When the LSB is 1, white/black reverse printing mode is turned off.     3) Only the lowest bit of n is valid.     4) This command is available for built in characters and user defined characters.     5) When white/black reverse printing mode is on, it also applied to character     spacing set by ESC SP.     6) This command does not affect the space between lines.     7) White/black reverse mode has a higher priority than underline mode. Even if     underline mode is on, it is disabled (but not canceled) when white/black reverse     mode is selected.   [Default]  n = 0   The PORTI- SM40 supports the following command for enabling and disabling the panel button. CCoommmmaannddNNaammeeESC c 5    Enable/disable panel buttons ESC c 5 n                                                                        [Name]   Enable/Disable panel buttons [Format]   ASCII  ESC  c  5  n   HEX 1B 63 35 n     Decimal 27 97 53 n [Range]   0  n     255 [Description]  Enables or disables the panel buttons.     When the LSB is 0, the panel buttons are enabled.     When the LSB is 1, the panel buttons are disabled. [Notes]    1) Only the least significant bit of n is valid.
http://www.woosim.com 3977..55..PPrriinnttPPoossiittiioonnCCoommmmaannddss..    2) When the panel buttons are disabled, none of them are usable when the printer   cover is closed.     3) In this printer, the panel buttons is the FEED button.     4) In the macro ready mode, the FEED button are enabled regardless of the settings     of this command; however, the paper cannot be fed by using these buttons. [Default]    n = 0   The PORTI- SM40 supports the following commands for setting the print position CCoommmmaannddNNaammeeESC $    Set absolute print position ESCڷ    Set relative print position ESC a   Select justification HT   Horizontal tab ESC D    Set horizontal tab positions GS L    Set left margin GS W    Set printing area width ESC W    Set printing area in page mode ESC T    Select print direction in page mode GS $    Set absolute vertical print position in page mode GSڷ    Set relative vertical print position in page mode ESC O    Set print starting position. ESC $ nL nH                                                                            [Name]    Set absolute print position [Format]   ASCII  ESC  $  nL  nH   HEX 1B 24 nL nH   Decimal 27 36 nL nH [Range]   0  nL  255   0  nH  255
http://www.woosim.com 40[Description]    Set the distance from the beginning of the line to the position at which subsequent       characters are to be printed.   [Notes]    1) The distance from the beginning of the line to the print position is [(nL +       nH x 256) x (vertical or horizontal motion unit)] inches.     2) Setting outside the specified printable area are ignored.     3) The horizontal and vertical motion unit are specified by GS P.       4) The GS P command can change the horizontal (and vertical) motion unit.       However, the value cannot be less than the minimum horizontal movement       amount, and it must be in even units of he minimum horizontal movement amount.       5) In standard mode, the horizontal motion unit (x) is used.       6) In page mode, horizontal or vertical motion unit differs depending on the       starting position of the printable area as follows;   1. When the starting position is set to the upper left or lower right   of the printable area using ESC T, the horizontal motion unit (x) is   used.2. When the starting position is set to the upper right or lower left of the printable area using ESC T, the vertical motion unit (y) is used.   [Reference] ESC\, GS$, GS\, GS P ESCڷ nL nH                                                                           [Name]    Set relative print position [Format]   ASCII  ESC  ڷ nL nH   HEX 1B 5C nL nH   Decimal 27 92 nL nH [Range]   0  nL  255,   0  nL  255 [Description]  Set the print starting position based on the current position by using   [Notes]    1) This command sets the distance from the current position to [(nL+nHx256) x         horizontal or vertical motion unit]
http://www.woosim.com 41    2) Any setting that exceeds the printable are is ignored       3) When pitch N is specified to the right; nL + nH x 256 = N       When pitch N is specified to the left (the negative direction), use the complement of     65536.     4) The print starting position moves from the current position to [N x horizontal or     vertical motion unit)]      5) The horizontal and vertical motion unit are specified by GS P.       6) The GS P command can change the horizontal (and vertical) motion unit.       However, the value cannot be less than the minimum horizontal movement amount,       and it must be in even units of the minimum horizontal movement amount.       7) In standard mode, the horizontal motion unit is used.       8) In page mode, the horizontal or vertical unit differs as follows, depending on the       starting point of the printing area;       When the starting position is set to the upper left or lower right of the printable area       using ESC T, the horizontal motion unit (x) is used. When the starting position is set     to the upper right or lower left of the printable area using ESC T, the vertical motion     unit (y) is used.   [Reference]  ESC $, ESC PESC a n                                                                        [Name]   Select justification [Format]   ASCII  ESC  a  n   HEX 1B 61 n   Decimal 27 97 n [Range]   0  n  2   48  n  50 [Description]  Aligns all the data in one line to the specified position. n selects the type of       justification as follows;   nJustification0, 48  Left justification1, 49  Center justification2, 50  Rightjustification
http://www.woosim.com 42[Notes]    1) The command is enabled only when processed at the beginning of the line in        standard mode.      2) If this command is input in page mode, the printer performs only internal flag     operations.      3) This command has no effect in page mode.       4) This command executes justification in the printing area.       5) This command justifies the space area according to HT, ESC $ or ESC \   [Default]    n = 0   [Example]    HT                                                                                    [Name]   Horizontal Tab [Format]   ASCII   HT   HEX 09   Decimal 9 [Description]  Moves the print position to the next horizontal tab position. [Note]    1) This command is ignored unless the next horizontal tab position has been set.     2) If the next horizontal tab position exceeds the printing area, the printer sets the       printing position to [Printing area width + 1]     3) Horizontal tab positions are set with ESC D.     4) If this command is received when the printing position is at [Printing area width     + 1], the printer executes print buffer-full printing of the current line and horizontal       tab processing from the beginning of the next line.     5) The default setting of the horizontal tab position for the paper roll is every 0th  character. [Reference]  ESC D
http://www.woosim.com 43ESC D n1…nk NUL                                                                      [Name]    Set horizontal tab positions. [Format]    ASCII  ESC   D   n1…nk   NUL     HEX   1B  44   n1…nk  00   Decimal 27 68 n1…nk 0 [Range]    1 <= n <= 255     0 <= k <=32 [Description]  Set horizontal tab position [Notes]    1) n specifies the column number for setting a horizontal tab position from the         beginning of the line.       2) k indicates the total number of horizontal tab positions to be set.       3) The horizontal tab position is stored as a value of [character width x n] measured       from the beginning of the line. The character width includes the right-side character       spacing, and double-width characters are set with twice the width of normal     characters.      4) This command cancels the previous horizontal tab settings.     5) When setting n=8, the print position is moved to column 9 by sending HT.     6) Up to 32 tab positions (k=32) can be set. Data exceeding 32 tab positions is       processed as normal data.     7) Transmit [n]k in ascending order and place a NUL code 0 at the end.     8) When [n]k is less than or equal to the preceding value [n]k-1, tab setting is       finished and the following data is processed as normal data.     9) ESC D NUL cancels all horizontal tab positions.       10) The previously specified horizontal tab positions do not change, even if the     character width changes.     11) The character width is memorized for each standard and page mode. [Default]    The default tab positions are at intervals of 0 characters. [Reference]  HT
http://www.woosim.com 44GS L nL nH                                                                              [Name]    Set left margin. [Format]   ASCII  GS  L  nL  nH   HEX 1D 4C nL nH   Decimal 29 76 nL nH [Range]   0   nL  255, 0   nH  255 [Description]  Set the left margin using nL and nH. [Notes]1)    The left margin is set to [(nL+nHx256)] x (horizontal motion unit) inches.     2) This command is effective only processed at the beginning of the line in standard   mode.     3) If this command is input in page mode, the printer performs only internal flag     operations.     4) This command does not affect printing in page mode.     5) If the setting exceeds the printable area, the maximum value of the printable area is   used.     6) The horizontal and vertical motion units are specified by GS P.     Changing the horizontal and vertical motion unit does not affect the current left     margin.     7) The horizontal motion unit (x) is used for calculating the left margin.       The calculated result is truncated to the minimum value of the mechanical pitch.   [Default]    nL = 0, nH = 0   [Reference]  GS P, GS W
http://www.woosim.com 45GS W nL nH                                                                    [Name]    Set printing area width [Format]   ASCII  GS  W  nL  nH   HEX 1D 57 nL nH   Decimal 29 87 nL nH [Range]   0  nL  255, 0  nH  255 [Description]  Sets the printing area width to the area specified by nL and nH. [Notes]    1) The printing area width is set to [(nL+nHx256)] x horizontal motion unit inches.     2) This command is effective only processed at the beginning of the line.     3) In page mode, the printer performs only internal flag operations.     4) This command does not affect printing in page mode.     5) If the [left margin + printing area width] exceeds the printable area, (printable       area width - left margin) is used.     6) The horizontal and vertical motion units are specified by GS P.     Changing the horizontal and vertical motion units does not affect the current left     margin.      7) The horizontal motion unit (x) is used for calculating the printing area width.       The calculated result is truncated to the minimum value of the mechanical pitch.     8) If the width set for the printing area is less than the width of one character, when       the character data is developed, the following       If the printing area width cannot be extended sufficiently, the left margin is reduced       to accommodate one character.
http://www.woosim.com 46  If the printing area width cannot be extended sufficiently, the right space is   reduced.     9) If the width set for the printing area is less than one line in vertical, the     following processing is performed only on the line in question when data       other than character data(e.g., bit image, user defined bit image) is     developed:      The printing area width is extended to the right to accommodate one line in       vertical for the bit image within the printable area. If the printing area width       cannot be extended sufficiently, the left margin is reduced to accommodate one line     in vertical. [Default]    nL = 0, nH = 2   [Reference]  GS L, GS PESC W xL xH yL yH dxL dxH dyL dyH                                                      [Name]    Set printing area in page mode [Format]    ASCII  ESC  W  xL  xH  yL  yH  dxL  dxH  dyL  dyH     HEX  1B  57  xL  xH  yL  yH  dxL  dxH  dyL  dyH     Decimal  27  87  xL  xH  yL  yH  dxL  dxH  dyL  dyH [Range]   0  xL,xH,yL,yH,dxL,dxH,dyL,dyH 255    (except dxL=dxH=0 or dyL=dyH=0) [Description]  The horizontal starting position, vertical starting position,       printing area width, and printing area height are defined as       x0, y0, dx(inch), respectively.     x0 = [(xL + xH * 256)] * (horizontal motion unit)     y0 = [(yL +yH * 256)] * (vertical motion unit)     dx = [(dxL + dxH x 256)] x (horizontal motion unit)
http://www.woosim.com 47    dy = [(dyL + dyH * 256)] * (vertical motion unit)     The printing area is set as shown in the figure below. [Note]    1) If this commands is input in standard mode, the printer executes only internal flag     operation. This command does not affect printing in standard mode.       2) If the horizontal or vertical starting position is set outside the printable area, the       printer stops command processing and processes the following data as normal data.       3) If the printing area width or height is set to 0, the printer stops command       processing and processes the following data as normal data.     4) This command sets the position where data is buffered to the position specified       by ESC T within the printing area.     5) If (horizontal starting position + printing area width) exceeds the printable area,       the printing area width is automatically set to (horizontal printable area - horizontal     starting position).      6) If (vertical starting position + printing area height) exceeds the printable area, the       printing area height is automatically set to (vertical printable area-vertical starting     position).      7) The horizontal and vertical motion unit are specified by GS P. Changing the       horizontal or vertical motion unit does not affect the current printing area.     8) The GS P command can change the horizontal (and vertical) motion unit.       However, the value cannot be less than the minimum horizontal movement amount,       and it must be in even units of minimum horizontal movement amount.     9) Use the horizontal motion unit (x) for setting the horizontal starting position and       printing area width, and use the vertical motion unit (y) for setting the vertical       starting position and printing area height.     10) When the horizontal starting position, vertical starting position, printing area       width, and printing area height are defined as X, Y, Dx, Dy respectively, the       printing area is set as shown in the figure below.
http://www.woosim.com 48[Default]    xL = xH = yL = yH = 0       dxL = 0, dxH = 2, dyL = 126, dyH = 6   [Reference]  CAN, ESC L, ESC T, GS PESC T n                                                                       [Name]    Select print direction in page mode [Format]   ASCII  ESC  T  n   HEX 1B 54 n   Decimal 27 84 n [Range]   0  n  3 or 48  n 51[Description]  Selects the print direction and starting position in page mode.       n specifies the print direction and starting position as follows;                                                    nPPrriinnttddiirreeccttiioonnStarting position 0,48 Left to right  Upper left (A in the figure) 1,49 Bottom to top  Lower left (B in the figure) 2,50 Right to left  Lower right (C in the figure) 3,51 Top to bottom  Upper right (D in the figure)
http://www.woosim.com 49[Notes]    1) When the command is input in standard mode, the printer executes only internal       flag operation. This command does not affect printing in standard mode.     2) This command sets the position where data is buffered within the printing area       set by ESC W.     3) Parameters for horizontal or vertical motion units (X or Y) differ as follows,       depending on the starting position of the printing area;       If the starting position is the upper left or lower right of the printing area, data is       buffered in the direction perpendicular to the paper feed direction.       Commands using horizontal motion unit: ESC SP, ESC $, ESC \       Commands using vertical motion unit: ESC 3, ESC J, GS $, GS \       If the starting position is the upper right or lower left of the printing area, data is       buffered in the paper feed direction.       Commands using horizontal motion units : ESC 3, ESC J, GS $,GS \       Commands using vertical motion units : ESC SP, ESC $, ESC \   [Default]    n = 0   [Reference]  ESC $, ESC L, ESC W, ESC \, GS $, GS P, GS \GS $ nL nH                                                                              [Name]    Set absolute vertical print position in page mode. [Format]   ASCII  GS  $  nL  nH   HEX 1D 24 nL nH   Decimal 29 36 nL nH [Range]   0  nL  255, 0  nH  255 [Description]  Sets the absolute vertical print starting position for buffer character data in page     mode. [Notes]    1) This command sets the absolute print position to [(nL+nHx256)]x (vertical or       horizontal motion unit) inches.     2) This command is effective only in page mode.     3) If the [(nL+nHx256)] x (vertical or horizontal motion unit) exceeds the specified       printing area, this command is ignored.     4) The horizontal starting buffer position does not move.
http://www.woosim.com 50    5) The reference starting position is that specified by ESC T.     6) This command operates as follows, depending on the starting position of the     printing area specified by ESC T; When the starting position is set to the upper left     or lower right, this command sets the absolute position in the vertical direction.     When the starting position is set to the upper right or lower left, this command sets       the absolute position in the horizontal direction.     7) The horizontal and vertical motion unit are specified by GS P.     8) The GS P command can change the horizontal and vertical motion unit.     However, the value cannot be less than the minimum horizontal movement amount,     and it must be in even units of the minimum horizontal movement amount.   [Reference]  ESC $, ESC T, ESC W, ESC \, GS P, GS \GSڷ nL nH                                                                              [Name]    Set relative vertical print position in page mode [Format] ASCII    GS  ڷ nL nH   HEX 1D 5C nL nH   Decimal 29 92 nL nH [Range]   0   nL  255 0  nH  255 [Description]  Sets the relative vertical print starting position from the current position in page     mode. [Notes]    1) This command sets the distance from the current position to [(nL + nHx256)] x       vertical or horizontal motion unit inches.     2) This command is ignored unless page mode is selected.     3) When pitch N is specified to the movement downward;       nL + nHx256 = N       When pitch N is specified to the movement upward (the negative direction), use the       complement of 65536.     When pitch N is specified to the movement upward;     nL + nH x 256 = 65536 - N
http://www.woosim.com 51    4) Any setting that exceeds the specified printing area is ignored.     5) This command function as follows, depending on the print       starting position set by ESC T;     When the starting position is set to the upper left or lower right       of the printing, the vertical motion unit (y) is used.       When the starting position is set to the upper right or lower left       of the printing, the horizontal motion unit (x) is used.     6) The horizontal and vertical motion unit are specified by GS P.     7) The GS P command can change the horizontal (and vertical)     motion unit. However, the value cannot be less than the minimum       horizontal movement amount, and it must be in even units of the       minimum horizontal movement amount.   [Reference]  ESC $, ESC T, ESC W, ESC \, GS $, GS PESC O xL xH yL yH                                                                      [Name]    Set print starting position. [Format]    ASCII  ESC  O   xL  xH  yL  yH     HEX  1B  4F  xL  xH  yL  yH     Decimal  27  79  xL  xH  yL  yH [Description]  Set horizontal starting position and vertical starting position in page mode.                       Horizontal starting position = (xL + xH * 256) * (horizontal motion unit)            Vertical starting position  = (yL + yH * 256) * (vertical motion unit) [Note]    This command is effective only in page mode.
http://www.woosim.com 5277..66..BBiitt--IImmaaggeeCCoommmmaannddss..The PORTI- SM40 supports the following bit-image command. CCoommmmaannddNNaammeeESC *    Select bit image mode ESC X 4    Define user-defined bit image   ESC * m nL nH d1 dk                                                                      [Name]   Select bit-image mode. [Format]    ASCII  ESC  *   m   nL   nH   d1…dk       HEX   1B  2A  m   nL   nH   d1…dk     Decimal  27  42  m   nL   nH   d1…dk [Range]    m = 0,1,32,33   0  nL  255   0  nH  3   0  d  255   [Description]  Selects a bit-image mode using m for the number of dots specified by nL and nH, as     follows: [Notes]    1) If the values of m is out of the specified range, nL and data following are       processed an normal data.       2) The nL and nH indicate the number of dots of the bit image in the horizontal     direction.     3) The number of dots is calculated by nL + nH x 256. Vertical direction Horizontal direction m mode Number  of Dots Dot density Dot density  Number of Data 08 dot single density860 DPI 90 DPI nL+nHx25618 dot double density860 DPI 180 DPI nL+nHx25632 24 dot single density24 180DPI 90 DPI(nL+nHx256)x3 33 24 dot double  24 180 DPI 180 DPI(nL+nHx256)x3
http://www.woosim.com 53    4) If the bit-image data input exceeds the number of dots to be printed on a line, the       excess data is ignored.       5) d indicates the bit-image data. Set a corresponding bit to 1 to print a dot or to 0 to       not print a dot.     6) If the width of the printing area set by GS L and GS W less than the width       required by the data sent with the ESC * command, the following will be performed       on the line in question (but the printing cannot exceed the maximum printable area):       The width of the printing area is extended to the right to accommodate the amount     of data.     If step does not provide sufficient width for the data, the left margin is reduced to       accommodate the data.     7) After printing a bit image, the printer returns to normal data processing     mode.     8) This command is not affected by print modes (emphasized, double-     strike, underline, character size or White/Black reverse printing), except       upside-down printing mode.     9) The relationship between the image data and the dots to be printed is as     follows;
http://www.woosim.com 54- When 8-dot bit image is selected - When 24-dot bit image is selected
http://www.woosim.com 55ESC X 4 x y d1…dk                                                                       [Name]    Define user-defined bit-image   [Format]    ASCII  ESC  X   4  x  y  d1…dk     HEX  1B  58  34  x  y  d1…dk     Decimal  27  88  52  x  y  d1…dk [Description]  ESC X 4 x y d1 ... d(xҏ૟y)defines a user-defined bit image using xҏ8 dots in the ૟horizontal direction and y dots in the vertical direction.     - Horizontal direction dots      = (x * 8)dots     - Vertical direction dots    = (y)dots
http://www.woosim.com 56[Note]   ESC X 4 is supported in Porti_W,S produced after August,2002, but it’s not       supported in others yet. [Reference]  ESC W, ESC O, FF ESC f  n                                                                       [Name]   Print downloaded PCX bit-image. [Format]   ASCII  ESC  f   n     HEX 1B 66 n    Decimal 27 102 n  [Range]   0 n  14,  n=255[Description]  ESC f    prints a downloaded bit image specified by nas follows:     Prints a PCX bit image in “n x 1000H” Address when nആ0 and n  14.Prints a PCX File when n=255.  (Only black and white PCX file)
http://www.woosim.com 5777..77..BBaarrccooddeeCCoommmmaannddss..The PORTI- SM40 supports the following barcode commands. CCoommmmaannddNNaammeeGS h   Set barcode height GS w   Set barcode width GS k   Print bar code GS H    Select printing position of Human Readable Interpretation   (HRI) characters GS h n                                                                         [Name]    Set barcode height [Format]   ASCII  GS  h  n   HEX 1D 68 n   Decimal 29 104 n [Range]   0  n  255 [Description]  GS h n selects the height of a barcode.   n specifies the number of dots in the vertical direction.     One dot corresponds 1/8mm. The default setting is n = 80. GS w n                                                                         [Name]    Set barcode width [Format]   ASCII  GS  w  n   HEX 1D 77 n   Decimal 29 119 n [Range]    n = 0,    3  n  5 [Description]  GS w n selects the horizontal size of a barcode.       The default setting is n = 0.
http://www.woosim.com 58GS k m d1…dk NUL      GS k m n d1…dn                                   ཛ ཛྷ[Name]   Print barcode [Format]   ASCIIཛ  GS  k  m d1…dk NUL       HEX  1D  6B  m d1…dk 00       Decimal 29  107  m d1…dk 0     ASCIIཛྷ GS  k  m  n  d1…dn        HEX  1D  6B  m  n  d1…dn        Decimal 29  107  m  n  d1…dn  [Range]    0  m  6 ཛ(k and d depends on the bar code system used.)     0  m  6 ཛྷ(n and d depends on the bar code system used.) [Description]  GS k m d1…dk NUL selects a barcode system and print the barcode.   m specifies a bar code system as follows; ཛmBarcode System  Number of character  Remarks0UPC-A 11  k  12  48  d  57 1UPC-E 11  k  12  48  d  57 2EAN13 11  k  13  48  d  57 3EAN8 7 k  8  48  d  57 4CODE39 1 k  48  d  57, 65  d  90,   d = 32, 36, 37, 43, 45, 46,47 5ITF 1 k (even number)  48  d  57 6CODABAR 1 k    48  d  57, 65  d  68,   d = 36, 43, 45, 46, 47, 58
http://www.woosim.com 59ཛྷ  [Notes]    1) This command ends with a NUL code.     2) When the bar code system used is UPC-A or UPC-E, the printer prints the bar       code data after receiving 12 bytes bar code data and processes the following data as     normal data.     3) When the bar code system used in EAN13, the printer prints the bar code       after receiving 13 bytes bar code data and processes the following data as normal     data.     4) When the bar code system used in EAN8, the printer prints the bar code       after receiving 8 bytes bar code data and processes following data as normal data.     5) The number of data for ITF bar code must be even numbers.     When an odd number of data is input, the printer ignores the last received data.     6) n indicates the number of bar code data, and the printer processes n bytes from       the next character data as bar code data. 7) If n is outside of the specified range, the printer stops command processing and   processes the following data as normal data. mBarcode System  Number of characters  Remarks 65 UPC-A  11  n  12 48  d  5766 UPC-E 11  n  12 48  d  5767 EAN13 11  n  13 48  d  5768 EAN8 7 n  8 48  d  5769 CODE39  1 n  255 48  d  57, 65  d  90,   d = 32, 36, 37, 43, 45, 46,4770 ITF 1 n  255 (even number) 48  d  5771 CODABAR 1 n  255 48  d  57, 65  d  68,   d = 36, 43, 45, 46, 47, 5872 CODE93  1 n  255 0 d  127 73 CODE128  2 n  255 0 d  127
http://www.woosim.com 60    8) Be sure to keep spaces on both right and left sides of a bar code.     Spaces are different depending on the types of the bar code. [Reference] GS h, GS w, GS H, ESC L, ESC W, ESC FF GS H n                                                                                 [Name]    Turn HRI characters print mode ON/OFF [Format]   ASCII  GS  H  n   HEX 1D 48 n   Decimal 29 72 n [Range]    n = 0, 1 [Description]  GS H n turns HRI characters print mode on or off.     When the LSB(least significant bit) of nis 1, HRI       characters print mode is turned on; When it is 0, HRI       character print mode is turned off.       The default setting is n=0. ESC Z m n k d d1…dn                                                                    [Name]    Print 2D barcode [Format]    ASCII  ESC  Z  m  n  k  d  d1…dn     HEX  1B  5A  m  n  k  d  d1…dn     Decimal  27  90  m  n  k  d  d1…dn [Range]   1  m  7   0  n  8   2  k  5   1  d  65535 [Description]  Print 2D bar code (PDF417 format). mspecifies column number of 2D bar code. n specifies security level to restore when bar code image is damaged. k is used for define horizontal and vertical ratio. d is consist of 2 byte. 1st byte is lower number. And 2nd byte is upper number.
http://www.woosim.com 6177..88..MMaaccrrooFFuunnccttiioonnCCoommmmaannddss..The PORTI- SM40 supports the following macro function commands; CCoommmmaannddNNaammeeGS :   Start/end macro definition GS ^   Execute macro GS :                                                                         [Name]   Start/End macro definition  [Format]   ASCII  GS  :   HEX 1D 3A   Decimal 29 58  [Description]  Starts ends macro definition. [Notes]    1) Macro definition starts when this command is received during normal operation.       Macro definition ends when this command is received during macro definition.       2) When GS ^ is received during macro definition, the printer ends macro definition       and clears the definition.     3) Macro is not defined when the power is turned on.     4) The defined contents of the macro are not cleared by ESC @.     Therefore, ESC @ can be included in the contents of the macro definition.       5) If the printer receives GS : again immediately after previously receiving GS : the       printer remains in the macro undefined state.     6) The contents of the macro can be defined up to 2048 bytes. If the macro       definition exceed 2048 bytes, excess data is not stored. [Reference]  GS ^
http://www.woosim.com 62GS ^ r t m                                                                             [Name]   Execute macro.  [Format]    ASCII  GS  ^  r  t  m  HEX  1D  5E  r  t  m  Decimal  29  94  r  t  m  [Range]    0 <= r <= 255   0 <= t <= 255   m = 0, 1   [Description] Executes a macro.  [Notes]    1) r specifies the number of times to execute the macro.   2) t specifies the waiting time for executing the macro.  t fuction is not available now.ଖ  3) m specifies macro executing mode.       When LSB of m = 0       The macro executes r times continuously at the interval specified by t.     When LSB of m = 1       After waiting for the period specified by t, the ERROR LED indicators blink and the     printer waits for the FEED button to be pressed. After the button is pressed, the       printer executes the macro once. The printer repeats the operation r times.     4) The waiting time is t x 100 ms for every macro execution.       5) If this command is received while a macro is being defined, the macro definition       is aborted and the definition is cleared.     6) If the macro is not defined or if is 0, nothing is executed.     7) When the macro is executed (m=1), paper always cannot be fed by using the     FEED button.  [Reference]  GS :
http://www.woosim.com 6377..99..MMiisscceellllaanneeoouussffuunnccttiioonnccoommmmaannddss..The PORTI- SM40 supports the following miscellaneous function commands; CCoommmmaannddNNaammeeESC @     Initialize printer ESC L    Select page mode ESC S   Select standard mode CAN   Cancel print data in page mode ESC @                                                                                [Name]   Initialize printer.  [Format]   ASCII  ESC  @   HEX 1B 40   Decimal 27 64 [Description]  Clears the data in the print buffer and resets the printer mode to the mode that was n     effect when the power was turned on.   [Notes]    1) The data in the receive buffer is not cleared.     2) The macro definition is not cleared.   ESC L                                                                                 [Name]    Select page mode   [Format]   ASCII  ESC  L   HEX 1B 4C Decimal 27  76 [Description]  Switches from standard mode to page mode. [Notes]    1) This command is enabled only when processed at the beginning of a line in        standard mode.       2) This command has no effect in page mode.       3) After printing by FF is completed or by using ESC S, the printer returns to        standard mode.
http://www.woosim.com 64      4) This command sets the position where data is buffered to the position specified         by ESC T within the printing area defined by ESC W.       5) This command switches the settings for the following commands (in which the         values can be set independently in standard mode and page mode) to those for page        mode;       Set right-side character spacing : ESC SP         Select default line spacing : ESC 2, ESC 3         6) Only valve settings is possible for the following commands in page mode; these         commands are not executed.       Select justification : ESC a       Turn upside-down printing mode on/off : ESC {       Set left margin : GS L       Set printable area width : GS W       7) The printer returns to standard mode when power is turned on,   the printer is       reset, or ESC @ is used.   [Reference]  FF, CAN, ESC FF, ESC S, ESC T, ESC W, GS $, GS \ESC S                                                                                 [Name]   Select standard mode [Format]   ASCII  ESC  S   HEX 1B 53   Decimal 27 83 [Description]  Switches from page mode to standard mode. [Note]    1) This command is effective only in page mode.     2) Data buffered in page mode are cleared.     3) This command sets the print position to the beginning of the line.     4) The printing area set by ESC W are initialized.     5) This command switches the settings for the following commands (in which the       values can be set independently in standard mode and page mode) to those       for standard mode;
http://www.woosim.com 65    Set right-side character spacing : ESC SP       Select default line spacing : ESC 2, ESC 3       6) The following commands are enabled only to set in standard mode.       Set printing area in page mode : ESC W       Select print direction in page mode : ESC T       7) The following commands are ignored in standard mode.       Set absolute vertical print position in page mode : GS $       Set relative vertical print position in page mode : GS \       8) Standard mode is selected automatically when power is turned on,       the printer is reset, or command ESC @ is used. [Reference]  FF, ESC FF, ESC LCAN                                                                        [Name]    Cancel print data in page mode [Format]   ASCII  CAN     HEX 18    Decimal 24  [Description]  In page mode, deletes all the print in the current printable area. [Notes]    This command is enable only in page mode.       If data that existed in the previously specified printing area also exists in       The currently specified printing area, it is deleted. [Reference]    ESC L, ESC W
http://www.woosim.com 6677..1100..LLiinnee&&bbooxxccoommmmaannddss..The PORTI- SM40 supports the following line & box commands; CCoommmmaannddNNaammeeGS i    Print line & box in page mode GS i                                                                        [Name]    Print line & box in page mode [Format]    ASCII  GS  i   xL  xH  yL  yH  n       HEX  1D  69  xL  xH  yL  yH  n     Decimal  29  105  xL  xH  yL  yH  n [Description]  Print line & box in page mode Horizontal length    : xL + xH *256(dot) Vertical length    : yL+ yH*256(dot)     Line thickness    : n (dot)      If the horizontal length is 0, it becomes vertical line     If the vertical length is 0, it becomes horizontal line [Range]   0  xL, xH, yL, yH  255   0  n  255
http://www.woosim.com 6777..1111..BBllaacckkmmaarrkkddeetteeccttiioonnccoommmmaannddss..ESC P xL xH                                                                       [Name]      Set the movement position from the black mark. [Format]   ASCII       ESC   P   xL  xH HEX   1B  50   Decimal  27  80   [Description]        The movement position will be set when this command is sent to the   printer just once. GiGGsGRGoGQGY\]GOGPGtGwGESC z ESC y                                                                       [Name]         Feed the paper to the movement position. [Format]     ASCII       ESC   z   ESC   y HEX   1B  7A  1B   79 Decimal  27 122 27 121 [Description]      Feed the paper to the movement position.
http://www.woosim.com 6877..1122..MMaaggnneettiiccCCaarrddRReeaaddeerrCCoommmmaannddss..The PORTI- SM40 supports the following magnetic card reader commands; CCoommmmaannddNNaammeeESC M C   Set 2 track card reader mode.   ESC M D    Set 3 track card reader mode.   ESC M E          Set 2,3 track card reader mode. EOT    Cancel card reader mode ESC M C                                                                              [Name]    Set 2 track card reader mode.   [Format]   ASCII  ESC  M   C   HEX 1B 4D 43   Decimal 27 77 67 [Note]   When the ESC M C command is executed, printed nothing before read the       card or executed the EOT command. ESC M D                                                                              [Name]    Set 3 track card reader mode.   [Format]   ASCII  ESC  M   D   HEX 1B 4D 44   Decimal 27 77 68 [Note]   When the ESC M D command is executed, printed nothing before read the       card or executed the EOT command. ESC M E                                                                               [Name]    Set 2,3track card reader mode.   [Format]   ASCII  ESC  M   E   HEX 1B 4D 45   Decimal 27 77 69 [Note]   When the ESC M E command is executed, printed nothing before read the       card or executed the EOT command.
http://www.woosim.com 69EOT                                                                           [Name]    Cancel card reader mode. [Format]   ASCII  EOT   HEX 04   Decimal 4 [Description]  Cancel card reader mode. ଖCard specification The table below summarizes the format of the data stored on each magnetic track. ଖMagnetic Card Data Output FormatڈTrack 2 (ESC M C) 02H 43H 31H 31H 1CH  DATA (37 Characters)  1CH 03H 0DH 0AH ڈTrack 3 (ESC M D) 02H 44H 31H 31H 1CH  DATA (104 Characters)  03H 0DH 0AH ڈTrack 2,3 (ESC M E) 02H 45H 31H 31H 1CH 1CH  DATA(37) 1CH DATA(104) 1CH 03H 0DH 0AH   ISO-2 Track (ABA)  ISO-3 Track (MINTS) Recording Density  75 BPI  210 BPI Recording Capacity  40 characters  107 characters Data Format  Numeric Numeric Data Capacity  37 characters  104 characters
http://www.woosim.com 7077..1133..SSmmaarrttCCaarrddRReeaaddeerrCCoommmmaannddss..The PORTI- SM40 supports the following smart card reader commands; CCoommmmaannddNNaammeeESC N    Enter the Smart Card Reader mode   EOT    Exit the Smart Card Reader mode ESC  N                                                                      [Name]    Smart card reader mode. [Format]    ASCII  ESC    N     HEX  1B     4E     Decimal  27     78 [Description]  Enter the Smart Card Reader mode.                For using the Smart Card Reader, you must use ESC N command.                After ESC N command, use the smart card reader control command.               When this command use, you can see the “SCR MODE” display on LCD. EOT                                                                           [Name]    Exit smart card reader mode. [Format]   ASCII  EOT   HEX 04   Decimal 4 [Description]  Exit smart card reader mode.                   If you want exit smart card mode, you must use EOT command.
http://www.woosim.com 7188..SSmmaarrttCCaarrddRReeaaddeerrCCoonnttrroollCCoommmmaanndd88..11..CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnPPrroottooccoollDDeessccrriippttiioonn88..11..11..CCoommmmaanndd&&RReessppoonnsseeFFoorrmmaatt88..11..22..CCoommmmaannddCCooddeeLLiisstt* X => 0 : CARD       A : SAM1       B : SAM2 * STX : 0x7e * CON : Control byte 0x00 : IC Card Control 0xa0 : SAM1 Control 0xb0 : SAM2 Control 0xX0 : Activation(or Deactivation) command control       Activation Positive response : 0x00       Deactivation Positive response : 0x02 0xX1 : APDU exchange command(or response) control       Positive response : 0x01 0x02 : Error code response(except deactivation response) * LEN : Length of DATA[n] field * DATA[n] : Data bytes (Command, Response, APDU, ATR) * ETX : 0x7e Sends data(APDU) to the accessed card Deactivation  0xX0 0x31 Deactivate card Activation 0xX0 0x30 Activate Card COMMAND  CON DATA  DESCRIPTIONAPDU (n byte)0xX1Exchange APDU STX1 byte CON 1 byte LEN2 byte DATA n byte ETX1 byte
http://www.woosim.com 7288..11..33..EErrrroorrCCooddeeLLiissttNOCARDERR  0x06 No Card ATRFORMATERR  0x10 ATR Format error ATR LE NG THE RR   0x11 ATR Invalid Length ATRPROTOCOLERR  0x12 ATR Unknown Protocol type ATRFIDIERR  0x13 ATR [TA2] FI or DI is out of value ATRTB2ERR  0x14 ATR [TB2] ATR containing TB2 ATRWIE RR   0x15 ATR [TC2] Value of WI is not 10 ATRISFIERR  0x16 ATR [TA3] IFSI is out of value DESCRIPTION STATUS LIST ATRBWIERR  0x17 ATR [TB3] BWI is out of value ATRCWIERR  0x18 ATR [TB3] CWI is out of value ATRTB3ERR  0x19 ATR [TB3] ATR not containing TB3 (T=1) ATRTC3ERR  0x1a ATR [TC3] Invalid value TC3 ATRT CK ER R  0x1b ATR [TCK] Invalid TCK ATRTB1ERR  0x1c ATR [TB1] ATR not containing TB1=0x00 ATRNATRERR  0x20 ATR not received TS ATRSNERR  0x21 ATR ATR data stream Exceeded PARITYERR  0x31 Parity Bit error WTOERR  0x32 Waiting Time Out error
http://www.woosim.com 73TXERR 0x35 Transmission error STATUSERR  0x36 Unsupported Procedure Byte or Status Byte NOTACTERR  0x40 Not Activated APDUFORMATERR  0x41 APDU format error EDCERR  0x42 EDC error (T=1) ABORTERR  0x43 Received Abort request (T=1) SEQERR 0x44 Sequence number error (T=1) NADERR  0x45 NAD error (T=1) DESCRIPTION STATUS LIST EXCESSERR 0x46 Excess error (T=1) LOOPERR  0x4f Program Loop error (T=1) INVALIDFORMAT  0x51 Invalid Format INVALIDCOMMAND  0x52 Invalid Command DCDCFAILERR  0x60 Card VCC Power Fail
http://www.woosim.com 7488..22..CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnDDeettaaiillss88..22..11..AAccttiivvaattiioonn     Activate Card    - Command        * CON : 0xX0 => (X = 0,a,b)    - Positive Response - Negative Response STX CON0x7e 0xX0 0x00 0x01 0x30 0x7eLEN DATA ETXSTX CON0x7e 0x00 0x00 Len ATR[Len]  0x7eLEN DATA  ETXSTX CON0x7e 0x02 0x00 0x01 ERR CODE 0x7eLEN DATA  ETX
http://www.woosim.com 7588..22..22..DDeeaaccttiivvaattiioonn     Deactivate Card    - Command * CON : 0xX0 => (X = 0,a,b)    - Positive Response - Negative Response STX CON0x7e 0xX0 0x00 0x01 0x31 0x7eLEN DATA ETXSTX CON0x7e 0x02 0x00 0x01 0x07 0x7eLEN DATA  ETXSTX CON0x7e 0x02 0x00 0x01 ERR CODE 0x7eLEN DATA  ETX
http://www.woosim.com 7688..22..33..EExxcchhaannggeeAAPPDDUU     Sends data(APDU) to the accessed card    - Command * CON : 0xX1 => (X = 0,a,b)    - Positive Response - Negative Response STX CON0x7e 0x01 Len1 Len2 APDU[Len] 0x7eLEN DATA  ETXSTX CON0x7e 0x02 0x00 0x01 ERR CODE 0x7eLEN DATA  ETXSTX CON0x7e 0xX1 0x00 Len APDU[Len] 0x7eLEN DATA  ETX
http://www.woosim.com 7788..33..EExxaammppllee*Smart Card Reader Mode Start       - 0x1b 0x4e (“SCR MODE” display on LCD) * Activation       - 0x7e 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x30 0x7e (CARD)       - 0x7e 0xA0 0x00 0x01 0x30 0x7e (SAM1) * Deactivation       - 0x7e 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x31 0x7e (CARD)       - 0x7e 0xA0 0x00 0x01 0x31 0x7e (SAM1) * Exchange APDU 1. Select File APDU (1PAY.SYS.DDF01) - 0x7e 0x01 0x00 0x13 0x00 0xA4 0x04 0x00 0x0E 0x31 0x50 0x41   0x59 0x2E 0x53 0x59 0x53 0x2E 0x44 0x44 0x46 0x30 0x31 0x7e (CARD) - 0x7e 0xA1 0x00 0x13 0x00 0xA4 0x04 0x00 0x0E 0x31 0x50 0x41   0x59 0x2E 0x53 0x59 0x53 0x2E 0x44 0x44 0x46 0x30 0x31 0x7e (SAM1) 2. Read Record1 - 0x7e 0x01 0x00 0x05 0x00 0xB2 0x01 0x0C 0x00 0x7e (CARD) - 0x7e 0xA1 0x00 0x05 0x00 0xB2 0x01 0x0C 0x00 0x7e (SAM1) 3. Read Record2 - 0x7e 0x01 0x00 0x05 0x00 0xB2 0x02 0x0C 0x00 0x7e (CARD) - 0x7e 0xA1 0x00 0x05 0x00 0xB2 0x02 0x0C 0x00 0x7e (SAM1) *Smart Card Reader Mode End - 0x04 (Communication mode display on LCD)
http://www.woosim.com 7899..IInnttrroodduuccttiioonnooffPPrroottooccoollBBlluueettooootthh99..11..FFrraammeeSSttrruuccttuurree..SSOOFF(Start Of Frame)  TTOOFF(Type Of Frame) DDAATTAAEEOOFF(End Of Frame) 1 Byte  1 Byte  Variable  1 Byte - Type of frame TTyyppeeooffffrraammeeVVaalluueeDDAATTAAFFiieellddACK 0x06 X NACK 0x15 X ENQ 0x05 X PRINT Data  ‘D’ (0x44) O Response of Printer Status  ‘S’ (0x53) O Inquiry of Printer Status  ‘Q’ (0x51) X EOT 0x04 X ETX 0x03 X During transmission, if C0H, C1H, and/or 7DH are contained in data field, 7DH should be inserted before the data and the data should be XOR with 20H and sent. During reception, if 7DH is encountered, 7DH should be ignored and the next byte should be XOR with 20H and stored.
http://www.woosim.com 7999..22..PPrroocceessssooffGGeettttiinnggtthheePPrriinntteerrSSttaattuuss..99..22..11..FFrraammeeFFoorrmmaatt..HOST PRINTERInquiry of Printer Status Response of Printer Status It is recommended that the host send the same inquiry up to 5 times with 400ms time interval in case of no response from the printer. Inquiry of printer status 0xC0 0x51 0xC1 Response of printer status 0xC0  0x53  Status (1 Byte)  Previous ID # (1 Byte)  0xC1 ୕ IMPORTANT !! This function is not yet implemented fully. Currently the status byte is fixed to 0x02. However, this process can be used to check the communication.
http://www.woosim.com 8099..33..PPrroocceessssooffPPrriinnttiinnggDDaattaa..HOST PRINTERSendingENQ frame SendingACK frame SendingPrint Data frame SendingEOT, ETX frame    Or   SendingNACK frame ResendingPrint Data frame In normal operation, after receiving the print data frame, the printer sends   EOT, prints out the data, and sends ETX. And it will wait for the next frame. Conditions of NACK frame issued 1) Different checksum value 2) No data byte received 200ms after the previous byte received 3) No EOF (End of frame) at the end 4) No predefined number in Data Length field
http://www.woosim.com 8199..33..11..FFoorrmmaattooffPPrriinnttDDaattaaFFrraammee..99..33..22..FFoorrmmaattooffEENNQQFFrraammee..C0H 'D' (0x44)DATA ID Numberkh{hLength Print DATA  CHECKSUM C1H1Byte4ByteskG 2BytesData ID number : ‘0’ ‘9’(0x30~0x39). Every time the host sends a new ૫print data frame, it increases this number. Data Length : “0001”   “9999”. Each number must be an ascii code.૫Checksum : 2 bytes. The first byte is the result of XOR of even number of   data in Print data field and the second byte is that of odd number. (Example) If “SAMPLE TEST” is in Print Data field, the data length will be   “0011 (0x30 0x30 0x31 0x31)” and the first byte of checksum will   be the result of XOR of S, M, L, space, E, and T and the second   byte that of A, P, E, T, and S. It is recommended that the host goes back to the initial stage in case   that it receives neither EOT nor NACK from the printer 1 sec after it has   sent the print data frame. C0H 0x05 C1H It is recommended that the host send the same ENQ frame up to 10 times with 400ms time interval in case of no response from the printer.
http://www.woosim.com 8299..33..33..FFoorrmmaattooffAACCKKFFrraammee..99..33..44..FFoorrmmaattooffNNAACCKKFFrraammee..99..33..55..FFoorrmmaattooffEETTXXFFrraammee..99..33..66..FFoorrmmaattooffEEOOTTFFrraammee..C0H 0x06 C1H C0H 0x04 C1H Printer will send this frame after it receives the print data frame successfully.  IMPORTANT !!ଗIn every frame coming from the printer, 1 Byte of Null is preceded to SOF,   and CR and LF are followed by EOF. For example, the actual data of ETX frame is 0x00, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC1, 0x0D,   and 0x0A. The host can ignore these prefix and suffixes. C0H 0x15 C1H C0H 0x03 Data IDNo. C1HPrinter will send this frame after it finishes all of the requested printing.
http://www.woosim.com 83AAppppeennddiixxA. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES1. Printer mechanism handling1) Do not pull the paper out when the cover is closed. 2) Because the thermal elements of the print head and driver ICs are easy to break, so do not   touch them with any metal objects.   3) Since the areas around the print head become very hot during and just after printing, do not   touch them.   4) Do not use the cover open button except when necessary.   5) Do not touch the surface of the print head because bust and dirt can stick to the surface and   damage the elements.   6) Thermal paper containing Na, K, Cl ions can harm the print head thermal elements. Therefore, be sure to use only the specified paper.   7) If you want to use label paper, please contact your dealer for assistance.   2. Thermal paper handling- Notes on using thermal paper   Chemicals and oil on thermal paper may cause discoloration and faded printing.   Therefore, pay attention to the following;   1) Use water paste, starch paste, polyvinyl paste, or CMC paste when gluing thermal paper.   2) Volatile organic solvents such as alcohol, ester, and ketone can cause discoloration.   3) Some adhesive tapes may cause discoloration or faded printing.   4) If thermal paper touches anything which includes phthalic acid ester plasticizer for a long   time, it can reduce the image formation ability of the paper and can cause the printed image to fade. Therefore, when storing thermal paper in a card case or sample notebook, be sure to use only products made from polyethylene, polypropylene, or polyester. 5) If thermal paper touches diazo copy paper immediately after copying, the printed surface   may be discolored.   6) Thermal paper must not be stored with the printed surfaces against each   other because the printing may be transferred between the surfaces.
http://www.woosim.com 847) If the surface of thermal paper is scratched with a hard metal object   such as a nail, the paper may become discolored.   - Notes on thermal paper storage   Since color development begins at 70°C (158°F), thermal paper should be protected   from high temperature, humidity, and light, both before and after printing.   1) Store paper away from high temperature and humidity.   Do not store thermal paper near a heater or in enclosed places exposed to direct sunlight.   2) Avoid direct light Extended exposure to direct light may cause discoloration or faded   printing.  3. Others Because this printer uses plated steel, the manual cutting edge may be subject to rust.   However, this does not affect the printer performance.

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