Wave Wireless Networking SLTMA Wireless LAN User Manual SPEEDLAN manual

Wave Wireless Networking Wireless LAN SPEEDLAN manual

users manual

SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Version 1.0 / Last Revised August, 2000
Wave Wireless Networking
a SPEEDCOM Wireless Company
1748 Independence Blvd. C-5
Sarasota, FL 34234
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200
Installation and Operation User Guide
Version 1.0 / Last Revised September, 2000
Wave Wireless Networking
a SPEEDCOM Wireless Company
1748 Independence Blvd., C-5
Sarasota, FL 34234
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200. Copyright ©2000.Wave Wireless Networking, a SPEEDCOM Wireless Company. All rights
reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or trans-
lated into any language in any form by any means without the written permission Wave Wireless, a SPEEDCOM Wireless
Wave Wireless Networking, a SPEEDCOM Wireless Company, shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for inci-
dental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Wave Wireless
Networking, a SPEEDCOM Wireless Company, reserves the right to revise this publication from time to time and make
changes in content without obligation to notify any person of such revision changes.
Contents of this publication may be preliminary and/or may be changed at any time without notice and shall not be
regarded as a warranty.
Wave Wireless Networking's name and all trademarks in this document are property of SPEEDCOM Wireless, except for
Microsoft® Corporation Windows 95®, Windows 98®, and Windows NT®.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Chapter 1 - Introduction .................................................................................. 1-1
Features and Benefits .................................................................................................................1-2
Transparent Ethernet Bridging with Advanced Filtering for Security and Network Reliability ........1-2
IP Routing with Advanced Filtering for Security.......................................................................1-2
SNMP Management............................................................................................................1-3
SNMP Features...................................................................................................................1-3
SNMP Management............................................................................................................1-3
IP-Router Features ..............................................................................................................1-3
Encryption Features (Add-on Option)....................................................................................1-3
Wireless Multipoint Protocol ................................................................................................1-4
Additional Functionality for SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 ...........................................................1-4
Chapter 2 - Quick Start .................................................................................... 2-1
System Description .....................................................................................................................2-2
Rooftop and Tower Installations Warning..............................................................................2-2
Package Contents......................................................................................................................2-2
Installation Steps........................................................................................................................2-3
Installation Diagram...................................................................................................................2-8
Polarizations on a Grid Antenna.................................................................................................2-9
Vertical Polarity & Horizontal Polarity....................................................................................2-9
Chapter 3 - Hardware....................................................................................... 3-1
Drawings of Components....................................................................................................3-2
Overview of SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 (Tower Mount)............................................................3-2
Front and Back of Indoor Junction Box ...............................................................................3-3
Bottom View of SPEEDLAN 4100/4200.............................................................................3-3
Updating the Firmware...............................................................................................................3-4
Chapter 4 - Overview of Configurator ............................................................ 4-1
Installation and Setup.................................................................................................................4-2
Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Configurator ............................................4-2
Toolbar and Menus....................................................................................................................4-2
File Menu ..........................................................................................................................4-2
Configuring a SPEEDLAN Brouter.................................................................................4-2
Configuring a Saved Configuration File ........................................................................4-3
Exporting and Importing a Configuration.......................................................................4-3
The Toolbar .......................................................................................................................4-4
The Menu Bar ....................................................................................................................4-4
Quick Overview of Other Menus..................................................................................4-5
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Chapter 5 - Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200......................................... 5-1
General Setup ...........................................................................................................................5-2
Interface & Advanced Interface Setup..........................................................................................5-4
Interface Setup ...................................................................................................................5-4
Advanced Interface Setup....................................................................................................5-5
The Setup Buttons ......................................................................................................................5-6
Setup 1 Button - Ethernet Setup............................................................................................5-6
Setup 2 Button - 11 Mb RF Interface Setup ...........................................................................5-7
Transport Methods ......................................................................................................5-7
Advanced Button - 11 Mb RF Interface Setup.................................................................5-9
Frequency Button - 11 Mb Frequency Setup ................................................................5-10
Security Button - 11 Mb RF Security Setup ...................................................................5-11
Chapter 6 - Bridging Setup.............................................................................. 6-1
Bridge Setup..............................................................................................................................6-2
Protocol Filtering ................................................................................................................6-3
Edit Button - Ethernet Protocols.....................................................................................6-3
MAC Filtering.....................................................................................................................6-4
Advanced Features Button...................................................................................................6-5
Storm Thresholds Button......................................................................................................6-7
Tunnel Partners Button ........................................................................................................6-8
Chapter 7 - Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup) ............................ 7-1
Part I - Quick Overview of IP Addressing......................................................................................7-2
What is an IP address?........................................................................................................7-2
Internet Address Classes......................................................................................................7-3
In fact, IP defines five classes:......................................................................................7-3
Subnetting a Network..........................................................................................................7-5
What is a Subnet?.......................................................................................................7-5
What is a Subnet Mask? ..............................................................................................7-5
Diagram of Subnetting a Network.................................................................................7-7
How does a network administrator assign an IP address?.......................................................7-8
What is DHCP?..................................................................................................................7-8
Figure of DHCP Addressing .........................................................................................7-9
What is NAT?...................................................................................................................7-10
Part II - Setting Up the IP Address...............................................................................................7-10
Enabling the DHCP Client and Choosing the Appropriate Interface......................................7-11
Assigning a Static IP Address..............................................................................................7-12
Chapter 8 - IP-Router Setup ............................................................................ 8-1
IP Routing Setup.........................................................................................................................8-2
Add/Direct Button...............................................................................................................8-3
More Button - RIP Routing ...................................................................................................8-5
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Chapter 9 - SNMP Setup.................................................................................. 9-1
SNMP Setup ..............................................................................................................................9-2
Chapter 10 - System Access Setup.............................................................. 10-1
System Access Setup.................................................................................................................10-2
Chapter 11 - SNMP Monitoring ..................................................................... 11-1
Remote Statistics ......................................................................................................................11-2
Interface Monitor .....................................................................................................................11-5
Ethernet-like Interface Monitor...................................................................................................11-8
Campus PRC Station Entries....................................................................................................11-10
11Mb RF Interface .................................................................................................................11-12
SNMP Monitor.......................................................................................................................11-14
SNMP Messages Received...............................................................................................11-14
SNMP Messages Sent......................................................................................................11-16
IP Monitor .............................................................................................................................11-17
IP/TCP/UDP Monitor..............................................................................................................11-20
ICMP Monitor........................................................................................................................11-23
ICMP Messages Received................................................................................................11-23
ICMP Messages Sent.......................................................................................................11-24
Chapter 12 - Tables........................................................................................ 12-1
System Information...................................................................................................................12-2
Bridge Learn Table...................................................................................................................12-3
IP ARP Table............................................................................................................................12-4
IP Route Table .........................................................................................................................12-6
IP/TCP Connection Table..........................................................................................................12-8
IP/UDP Listener Table...............................................................................................................12-9
Local IP-Address Table............................................................................................................12-10
Chapter 13 - Analyzing Wireless Equipment............................................... 13-1
Select Another Device...............................................................................................................13-2
Analysis Polling Interval.............................................................................................................13-3
Wireless Link Test.....................................................................................................................13-3
Antenna Alignment...................................................................................................................13-8
Glossary for Standard Data Communications .................................Glossary-1
Glossary for Standard Data Communications....................................................................Glossary-2
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses.....................................Appendix-1
Common Ethernet Protocols............................................................................................ Appendix-2
Common Ethernet Vendor Addresses ............................................................................... Appendix-4
Common Ethernet Multicast Addresses........................................................................... Appendix-14
Common Ethernet Broadcast Addresses ......................................................................... Appendix-15
Product License Agreement ............................. Product License Agreement-1
Chapter 1
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
1-2 Introduction
Features and Benefits
SPEEDLAN 4100 and 4200 are wireless Ethernet brouters. Similar in function to other SPEEDLAN
products, the 4100 and 4200 differ in how they are installed. Using a unique pole mount design,
the 4100 and 4200 allow up to 300 feet of cable to be run from the connection point to the
network up to the RF device, without introducing loss of any radio signal. This increases the effective
wireless link distance and reduces or even eliminates the need for an amplifier in the system.
The outdoor mounted 4100 and 4200 are connected to the network using an indoor junction box.
This small box combines the Ethernet signal and DC power which is then run over a single Teflon
jacketed Ethernet cable up to the RF device.
These radios operate in the 2400MHz to 2483.5MHz ISM band, contain 11 user selectable RF
channels. The radios use direct sequence spread spectrum with a QPSK modulation, and employ 11
dB of processing gain.
The SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 brouters also contain transparent Ethernet bridging and IP routing as
described below.
Transparent Ethernet Bridging with Advanced Filtering for Security and
Network Reliability
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 brouters support what is known as Transparent Ethernet Bridging with no
Spanning Tree or Source Routing support. Since the SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 provide network
security between a local LAN and a campus or enterprise wide network, and since using multiple
bridges in a Spanning Tree could compromise this security, the Spanning Tree scenario is not
supported. In addition, the SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 can filter packets based on protocol type or
MAC address pairings. These features can add a significant measure of security and network
reliability to a network interconnection.
IP Routing with Advanced Filtering for Security
The SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 support IP Routing in addition to bridging. It can be used to add
routing capability when an IP router may be a more appropriate choice.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Introduction 1-3
SNMP Management
SNMP wireless and wired link management may be administered from any Ethernet network or
remotely from the Internet. The SNMP MIB II, Bridge MIB, and Ethernet-Interface MIB come with the
brouters, so you can use SNMP to monitor a number of SPEEDLAN parameters, including RF-signal
quality and noise level.
SNMP Features
IP "ping" Support
IP SNMP Support (MIB II, Ethernet, Interface, SNMP, and Bridge MIB)
IP SNMP Trap Support
SNMP Access Lists
SNMP Management
SNMP wireless and wired link management may be administered from any Ethernet network or
remotely from the Internet. The SNMP MIB II, Bridge MIB, and Ethernet-Interface MIB come with the
bridges, so you can use SNMP to monitor a number of SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 parameters,
including RF-signal quality and noise level.
IP-Router Features
IP Static Routing with Direct and Static Routes
ICMP Messages, Default Router, and Subnet Support
SNMP Support for All Router-Related MIB Variables
RIP Support
Encryption Features (Add-on Option)
Data Encryption of Wireless Packets
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
1-4 Introduction
Wireless Multipoint Protocol
Campus Cell PRC features provide multipoint networking, improved performance, and increased
reliability. In multipoint networks, a SPEEDLAN 4100 acts as a central base station with responsibility
to manage the flow of data within the radio cell. When necessary, packets are repeated or
retransmitted by this brouter, allowing communications between multiple remote networks by using
Additional Functionality for SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200
RF cable loss is negligible
Brouters can be mounted in more remote locations because Ethernet cable is connected to
the brouters
Increased RF power to the antenna will mean longer links are possible without using an
10BASE-T Ethernet interface
SPEEDLAN 11 Mb Wireless Radio
Bridging Features
Protocol Transparent Bridging
IP Routing
Filtering by Ethernet Multicast, Broadcast and Bad Packets
Filtering by Protocol
Filtering by Ethernet Address Pair
Generic Ethernet Tunneling through IP Networks
Learned Table Lockdown
Expanded IP ARP Support
Automatic Broadcast Storm Protection and Notification
Chapter 2
Quick Start
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
2-2 Quick Start
System Description
The SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 are high speed, long range wireless LAN brouters that provide
connectivity to remote Ethernet networks. For single point-to-point links, a SPEEDLAN 4200 can be
used in each building to create a wireless communication link. For multipoint links, a SPEEDLAN
4100 acts as the central base station, which controls the communication between multiple
SPEEDLAN 4200 brouters acting as CPE. The local brouter communicates with a remote brouter on
another LAN. This effectively creates an extended wireless network, spanning sites situated up to 25
miles apart. This enables a central Ethernet LAN to be connected with one or more branch office
LANs. A single brouter with an omnidirectional antenna, may communicate with multiple brouters to
create multipoint wireless site-to-site connectivity.
Rooftop and Tower Installations Warning
Rooftop, tower and mounted equipment (brouters) installations are extremely dangerous and
incorrect installation can result in death, injury, or property damage. These installations must be
performed by professional antenna installers only.
Package Contents
Certain items are only available when purchased with the SPEEDLAN Installation Kit.
4100 or 4200 SPEEDLAN brouter
SPEEDLAN 4100 or 4200 mounting hardware
Product registration card
SPEEDLAN CD containing:
Product manual
Configuration management software
*Electrical tape
*Cable sealant putty
*Lightning arrestor
*Specialized CAT5 cable
10’ RF cable
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Quick Start 2-3
24" proprietary pigtail cable
*Grounding clamps
*Ethernet surge protector
*Wire zip ties
*Antenna (specialized upon request)
* Note:
Items can be purchased separately or as part of an Installation Kit.
Installation Steps
Some installation instructions are specific to customers who purchased Installation Kits from Wave
Wireless. To view a diagram of the installation listed below, see Installation Diagram, page 2-8.
The directions below contain installation procedures for the items included in the SPEEDLAN 4100 &
4200 antenna (and amplifier) kit. If you do not have an item included in the instructions below,
contact Wave Wireless.
If you are having trouble and need a full site installation, contact Wave Wireless Networking for
services and fees.
To install the SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200, do the following:
Step 1.Verifying Line-of-Sight
Before installing the antennas and brouters, make sure a clear line-of-sight exists. Line-of-sight can
be defined as each antenna clearly seeing the other antenna, and seeing the remote locations when
viewing from the central base location. Be sure to look level with the center of origin of the
transmission (i.e., the middle of the antenna). Repeat this procedure from the remote location. Any
disruption of the signal path due to trees, building, or any other obstructions may cause the link to
function incorrectly. If you see any obstructions between two antennas, move one or both antennas
to another location.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
2-4 Quick Start
Step 2. Mounting the Antenna
Follow the instructions below to mount the antenna.
Note: You can use a 24db grid antenna to achieve a link as long as the remote brouter can
hear it.
a) On a side-building mount, position the bracket so there will be at least three feet (one
meter) above the roof line where the pole is attached. This enables room for the antenna
and reduces signal loss from building reflection.
Note: It is not recommended to mount the antenna onto any unstable object. For more infor-
mation on antennas, see Polarizations on a Grid Antenna, page 2-9.
b) Allow for as much space between the wall brackets as possible while maintaining the
appropriate antenna height. For extended poles, additional wall brackets may be necessary.
c) Assemble the antenna and mount it to the pole using the included U-bolt antenna mounting
hardware. For a semi-parabolic grid type antenna, align the grid to run parallel with the
grid on the tip of the antenna horn. Preferably, the grid should be horizontal (or parallel to
the ground). Make sure all bolts and screws are fastened tightly.
d) Fasten the pole to the brackets. Position the antenna, point it in the appropriate direction,
and tighten the screws. Then, aim the antenna so it is pointed toward the receiving antenna
on the other building. The radio signal radiates from the end of antenna like a wide-
beamed flashlight. For optimal performance, you may need to test your link using both
polarities. This configuration option varies with each location, as well as RF signals that may
be present in the area.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Quick Start 2-5
Step 3. Mounting the SPEEDLAN 4100 or 4200 Brouter
Select one of two options below:
Option A: Pole Mount
On a pole mount, position the brouter 5 to 10 feet below the antenna. Then, attach the
brouter to the mounting pole using two included U-bolt clamps, one on the top of the
brouter and the other on the bottom of brouter. Make sure you tighten the screws on the
back of the pole mount.
Option B: Wall or Concrete Mount
On a side building mount, position the brouter 5 to 10 feet below the antenna. Then,
attach the brouter to the wall or concrete by using the concrete or wood mounting screws.
Make sure the brouter is secured.
Step 4. Running and Securing All Cable
The installation kit includes two cables with ready-made connectors to fit your particular installation
needs such as:
Pigtail (12" adapter from brouter)
(1) 5-10' antenna cable (attaches to antenna one end and to lightning arrestor other end)
Lighting arrestor (attaches to pigtail and to antenna cable)
a) Attach the 24" pigtail to the SPEEDLAN brouter to the appropriate port.
b) Attach the 10' length of cable to the antenna. Next, attach the lightning arrestor to the lower
end of the antenna cable.
c) Attach the other end of lightning arrestor to 24" pigtail.
d) Run the main length of the specialized Ethernet cable from the SPEEDLAN brouter to the
indoor junction box located inside the building).
e) Secure the cable with zip ties or cable clamps during this procedure.
When running the cable through walls or obstructions, make sure that there is ample room for
the connector to pass through without being damaged. Also, do not create extra pressure that
would cause the cable to kink or be stretched or cut (i.e., pulling cable through tight locations).
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
2-6 Quick Start
f) Create a proper weatherproofing seal on all outdoor connections by wrapping it with
electrical tape and sealing it with putty. This is the most crucial step of the installation. If this
procedure is not completed, long-term and complex problems could occur. For more infor-
mation on implementing this procedure, see Weatherproofing Connectors, page 2-6.
g) Next, ground the lighting arrestor. For more information, see Grounding the Lightning Arres-
tor, page 2-6.
Step 5. Grounding the Lightning Arrestor
a) Mount the lightning arrestor to a solid surface.
b) Run the grounding wire from the lightning arrestor to a proper ground source such as a
grounding rod or roof ground wire. The lightning arrestor is NOT waterproof.
Step 6. Weatherproofing Connectors
a) Seal the entire lightning arrestor with the black waterproof sealant insulation putty that is
included in the installation kit.
b) Apply two layers of electrical tape to the connector, and leave approximately 3 inches of
cable exposed on either side of the connector. An alternative is to begin at the lowest point,
so the tape overlaps from bottom to top creating a shingled effect. (This creates an effective
barrier against water runoff). Apply this "shingle effect" to each layer of the sealing process.
c) Apply one layer of insulation putty over the top of the electrical tape, and leave at least one
inch of the cable jacket to ensure a good seal. Do not stretch the putty, as this causes thin-
ning and reduces the effectiveness of a good seal.
d) Apply five layers of electrical tape over the insulation putty and extend at least one (1) inch
past the putty. This is the most important step in creating a watertight seal. Make sure that
there are no wrinkles in the tape and the final wrap must be completed from bottom to top.
Step 7. Connect the Wireless SPEEDLAN Brouter to the Power Supply
a) Connect power cord of AC-DC 18 Vdc adapter to 110 or 220 Vac power outlet (the input
voltage of this universal adapter can vary from 100 to 240 Vac).
b) Connect the DC output of the adapter (18 Vdc) to DC jack on the indoor junction box.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Quick Start 2-7
Step 8. Connect the Wireless SPEEDLAN Brouter to Customer's Ethernet LAN
a) Connect the RJ-45 connector on a standard Ethernet CAT5 cable to the RJ-45 port (color of
port is white) on indoor junction box.
b) Connect the other end of the Ethernet CAT5 cable to your Ethernet hub, switch or router.
Step 9. Adding Additional Brouters
Repeat the steps above for all of The SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 brouters that will be communicating
with this one.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
2-8 Quick Start
Installation Diagram
The diagram below displays where the main components are located.
All outdoor cable connections and lightning arrestors must be insulated with waterproof
electrical putty.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Quick Start 2-9
Polarizations on a Grid Antenna
The antenna must be aimed so that when you look out from the center of the antenna it is pointing
toward the receiving antenna on the other building. The radio signal radiates from the end of the
antenna like a wide-beamed flashlight.
Vertical Polarity Horizontal Polarity
In order for the antennas to operate correctly, the polarities must match!
For most applications we have found that horizontally polarized antennas work best. This is because
most other signals that may cause interference are vertically polarized. If you use horizontal
polarization, you can reduce the interference caused by those other signals.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
2-10 Quick Start
Chapter 3
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
3-2 Hardware
Drawings of Components
Overview of SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 (Tower Mount)
SPEEDLAN 4100 / 4200
24 " Coax Pigtail
To Antenna
To Ground
Grounding Wire
To Indoor
Junction Box
Outdoor CAT5 Cable
Lightning Arrestor
Mounting Pole
U-bolt Brackets 10 ' Antenna Coax Cable
Ethernet Bulkhead
RTNC Bulkhead
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Hardware 3-3
Front and Back of Indoor Junction Box
Bottom View of SPEEDLAN 4100/4200
Chassis To AC/DC
Power Supply
White Orange
Ethernet Bulkhead
(Ethernet & DC
RTNC Bulkhead
(RF Signal)
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
3-4 Hardware
Upgrading the Firmware
You will need to update your firmware if the old one is damaged or additional functionality has been
added. To upgrade the firmware, do the following:
1Turn the SPEEDLAN unit off.
2Connect the PC to the brouter using a crossover Ethernet cable, or using 2 Straight-through
cables and a hub.
3Under the Network Neighborhood on your PC, change the IP address to
and assign a Subnet Mask of You will also need to remove any gateways
that were defined in your TCP/IP properties.
4You will be asked if you want to re-boot your PC. Click Yes.
5On your PC, start the SPEEDLAN Configurator.
6From the File menu, select Open Config. Then, select the appropriate .Bin file.
7Then from the File menu, choose Upload Software. A dialog box will appear with an IP
address in it. Click Scan; this will bring up another dialog box with the IP Address of the
SPEEDLAN. This IP Address will be At this point click OK, and confirm the
IP Address in the first dialog box is Then, click OK again.
8Next a menu will appear requesting a MAC Address, as well as a Passkey. You can only
receive these from Wave Wireless. You will enter these two variables and click the OK but-
ton. There will be a sequence of dialog boxes, which will warn you that you are about to
reload the Flash ROM with a new .Bin file. Click OK for all of them. This will cause the
brouter to reboot.
9Allow the brouter to reboot normally.
10 The brouter has now been updated with a new .Bin file. You may now configure the brouter
to operate on your network.
Chapter 4
Overview of
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
4-2 Overview of Configurator
Installation and Setup
Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Configurator
To install the SPEEDLAN Configurator, do the following:
1Shut down all programs and applications.
Note: The SPEEDLAN Configurator uses library files, which reside on your Windows 95/98/
NT 4.0 PC. If a program or application is open, the Setup will not install correctly. If the
Configurator is not installed correctly, the brouter could be rendered and inoperable
after saving a configuration.
2Insert the CD into your floppy drive (i.e., Drive E, F, etc.).
3If the setup.exe program does not execute automatically, click Start + Run. The Run dia-
log box appears. Click Browse and locate the setup.exe where your CD-ROM drive is
located. Then, click Open and OK.
4Follow the installation prompts.
5After the installation is complete, restart your computer.
Toolbar and Menus
File Menu
The Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 Configurator will configure either a remote Flash ROM in the brouters
or configure a SPEEDLAN file saved on your computer. You can configure a SPEEDLAN file on your
computer and download it to the brouters later after you have verified that all settings are correct.
This can make reconfiguring your brouter a quick operation if you have the completed configuration
already saved to your computer.
Configuring a SPEEDLAN Brouter
To configure a remote (network attached) brouter, you can use the Open Remote Config and Save
functions. You must have a brouter configuration opened with the Configuration Utility before any
configuration functions are performed. After you have opened the remote device and configured it,
you can then save your configuration back to the open device. When you `Save' back to the remote
device, its Flash ROM will be erased and reprogrammed with the new configuration. After you save
the configuration, wait the required 15-second period. This allows the Flash ROM to be fully
programmed and enables the brouter to reboot with the new configuration.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Overview of Configurator 4-3
Turning off the brouter, or otherwise interrupting the reprogramming of the Flash ROM, will
damage the programming of the brouter, and render it inoperable.
Note: Anytime you make changes in Frequency, IP Routing, or Network ID, start with
the brouter furthest away from your current location. This will allow you to
complete your changes without having to physically go to each location.
Configuring a Saved Configuration File
To configure a saved CNF file (configuration file), open it from the File menu by using the Open
function. Then, configure the file just as if you were configuring a remote brouter. When you are
finished configuring the file, save it to disk from the File menu using the "Save Config File As..."
function. The "Open Remote Config..." and "Save Config" functions are used for accessing and
saving directly to the brouter without using a file saved on diskette. Be careful when you save the
configuration file that you do not save the configuration directly to the SPEEDLAN; otherwise, you
will be configuring the brouter and may not be able to re-access it after uploading the incorrect
configuration to it.
Exporting and Importing a Configuration
Once you have opened a remote brouter, you can take a "snapshot" of the current configuration with
the "Save Config File As..." function. This function will result in creating a CNF file. The extension
.CNF is used to denote the special exported binary configuration file. The CNF file created with the
"Save Config File As..." function can later be imported into another brouter by using the "Import
Config File..." function, then saving the configuration to the brouter using the "Save Config" function.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
4-4 Overview of Configurator
The Toolbar
Note: The functions on the toolbar can also be accessed from the menus on the Configurator
(i.e., Save can be accessed from the File menu).
The Menu Bar
The File Menu - This is the most common menu and is used to perform the following func-
Open Config File - This opens a configuration file from disk.
Open Remote Config - This opens the configuration file directly from a remote device.
Save Config - This saves the configuration you are working on to the place where you
opened it.
Save Config File as - This saves the current configuration into a file on disk. This file will
have the extension .CNF.
Import Config File - This opens a configuration file from disk. This function is used when
you are going to save the configuration from disk to a remote brouter.
Upload Software - This enables you to load a raw and unconfigured binary file to the
brouter. This is done only in the event that the brouter's firmware has been damaged.
Reboot Remote - This is used to reboot a brouter from a remote location.
Exit - This closes the SPEEDLAN Configurator.
Open Open Save
Save Select
RemoteDevice Upload
Software System
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Overview of Configurator 4-5
Quick Overview of Other Menus
View Menu - This menu is used to change the display of the Configurator's various items.
Setup Menu - This menu is used to modify all aspects of the brouter.
Monitor Menu - This menu is used to monitor the brouter's performance and monitor
another brouter.
Analyze Menu - This menu is used to select another brouter and perform various tests (i.e.,
interval test, wireless link test, or antenna alignment test)
Help Menu - This menu is used to troubleshoot questions pertaining to the SPEEDLAN
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
4-6 Overview of Configurator
Chapter 5
Configuring SPEEDLAN
4100 & 4200
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
5-2 Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200
General Setup
This dialog box activates the features to configure your brouters. To select this dialog box, choose
General Setup from the Setup menu of the SPEEDLAN Configurator. Select the appropriate check
boxes as described below:
Enable Bridging
The transparent bridging function will be enabled when this is item is selected. If you want
the brouters to perform the bridging function, you must select this check box. When
bridging is enabled, the Bridge Setup dialog box will be accessible. Bridging should be
enabled for nearly all applications of the brouter. The default is ON.
Enable IP Routing
The transparent routing function will be enabled when this is item is selected. IP Routing will
work properly only if the routes are set up in the IP Route dialog box. If the routes are not
set up properly before you save the configuration, the router will become
inoperable. The default is OFF.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 5-3
Enable Data Encryption
This optional feature allows you to encrypt wireless data transmissions on top of the
encryption provided by the radio. It provides 56-bit DES encryption. It is not shipped
standard as part of the brouter. If you did not purchase it when you originally bought the
brouter, it can be purchased later as a software upgrade. Data encryption is disabled by
default. Select the box labeled Enable Encryption to enable the encryption features. You
will still need to define at least one encryption key before your wireless traffic will be
transmitted using wireless data encryption. To do this, return to the drop-down menu
presented when you click on Setup. Now you will see a Data Encryption Setup item added
to the menu list. Select Data Encryption Setup. Click the DES Encryption button and
enter an 8 digit alhpanumeric string in the range of "a-z", "A-Z", and "0-9".
Alphanumeric: a5F2z4wK
Warning: This setting must be set to the same value for the brouters that will be communicating
together. Failure to set them to the same value will prevent any communications from
taking place. For example, in order to use a multipoint link, you must use the same
Encryption setting on the base station (SPEEDLAN 4100) and on the CPE brouter
(SPEEDLAN 4200).
Enable Remote Bridging using IP Tunnels
SPEEDLAN brouters support a special feature which will enable Ethernet packets of any
protocol type to be encapsulated in IP packets and sent to other brouters (purchased from
Wave Wireless) for de-encapsulation. This method can be used to setup virtual Ethernet
LANs between several points using an IP network as the transport layer.
Enable Advanced Network Monitoring Support
This option is not available at this time.
Enable IP Security Counter Measures
This option is not available at this time.
Enable Access Control
This option is not available at this time.
Enable Digital Alarm Monitoring and Reporting
This option is not available at this time.
*Enable Outgoing Network Address Translation
This option is only available for the SPEEDLAN 8000 series.
*Enable Incoming Network Address Translation
This option is only available for the SPEEDLAN 8000 series.
*Enable DHCP Server
This option is only available for the SPEEDLAN 8000 series.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
5-4 Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200
Enable Access Point Radius Authentication
This option is not available at this time
Enable CampusPRC Radius Authentication
This option is not available at this time.
Enable IP/UDP/TCP Security Filters
This option is not available at this time.
Enable AppleTalk Security Filters
This option is not available at this time.
Enable Novell Security Filters
This option is not available at this time.
Enable Watchdog Reboot Timer
This feature instructs the brouter to reboot in the event that the brouter fails to receive any
incoming packets, from any port, for a period of 10 minutes. The brouter will assume an
error has occurred and will reboot. If, after the brouter reboots, it does not receive an
incoming hello signal, the bridge will listen for the hello signal until the user reboots the
brouter manually. The Watchdog will recognize when a signal has been re-established and
will reset the timer accordingly.
*Note: These check boxes are only active for customers that purchased the SPEEDLAN 8000
series which include the DHCP server, Outgoing NAT, and Incoming NAT.
Interface & Advanced Interface Setup
Interface Setup
To set up the basic interface, choose Interface Setup from the Setup menu on the SPEEDLAN
Configurator. The interfaces that are installed in your brouter will be represented on this dialog box.
The Remote check box is used to designate which interfaces will be considered local and remote.
The local interface is considered to be the interface that connects directly to the local LAN
with respect to the brouter. The remote interface is considered to be the interface that
connects with the remote LAN. The set up buttons are used to access the portion of the
configuration which controls how the individual interfaces are configured.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 5-5
Advanced Interface Setup
To set up the advanced interface, choose Advanced Interface Setup from the Setup menu on the
SPEEDLAN Configurator. The Advanced Interface Setup contains a few more advanced settings, but
they are set up in the same manner. Note that the Max Tx rate is available on both the Interface
Setup and Advanced Interface Setup. Max Tx Rate is useful to ISPs that want to regulate the
maximum bandwidth provided to each customer. These settings should not be changed without the
assistance of a Wave Wireless Networking Technical Support Engineer. Backup and Perm are not
used with the SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 products. These fields must remain empty.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
5-6 Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200
The Setup Buttons
Setup 1 Button - Ethernet Setup
To modify the Ethernet Setup, click the Setup 1 button on the Interface Setup or Advanced Interface
Setup dialog box. SPEEDLAN 4100/4200 brouters come standard with a 10 Base-T interface to
connect to your wired network.
Clicking the Setup buttons (1 and 2) on the Interface & Advanced Interface Setup dialog box will
open the Setup dialog box (for the interface selected).
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Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 5-7
Setup 2 Button - 11 Mb RF Interface Setup
To modify the 11 Mb RF Interface Setup, click the Setup 2 button on the Interface Setup or
Advanced Interface Setup dialog box. This dialog box displays the configuration settings that control
the individual interfaces and how they communicate with each other. On the next page, you will find
a description of the settings, as well as how they affect the brouter's performance of the interfaces.
Transport Methods
The industry compatible method of transmitting and receiving data over wireless networks will cause
data packets to frequently be lost. This is due to the fact that a wireless network does not have the
ability to detect collisions like a wired Ethernet network. On an Ethernet network, collisions can be
detected by the hardware and are automatically retransmitted. Ethernet is referred to as CSMA/CD
(Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection). Wireless networks are CSMA/CA (Carrier
Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance). Collisions cannot be detected because wireless
cannot receive and transmit at the same time. This means brouters are not able to listen for
collisions. A brouter that is operating properly in a point-to-point network will loose, due to
collisions, less than 1% of the transmitted packets. This packet loss is not normally a problem with
protocols such as Novell IPX (without the Burst Mode NLM), but may cause networks using most
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
5-8 Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200
other protocols to experience poor performance. Campus Cell PRC helps to alleviate this problem
by placing multiple packets into one larger packet, which saves bandwidth by eliminating the extra
overhead. The transport methods are described below:
Campus Cell PRC Mode (No Base Station/Brouter)
This method of transportation is used only for point-to-point links. If any of the brouters are
unable to see each other, a base station must be used to repeat traffic from one brouter to
next brouter in line. This point-to-point mode utilizes Campus Cell PRC packet bundling,
which reduces the amount of overhead caused by sending smaller individual packets across
the wireless network. This greatly improves the performance of the connection.
Campus PRC Mode (This is a Non-Polling Base Station/Brouter)
This setting should be used if this is the only base station in the wireless network cell.
SPEEDLAN has a special mode where one wireless brouter can be configured as a base sta-
tion (a SPEEDLAN 4100) and each additional wireless node is setup as a CPE brouter (a
SPEEDLAN 4200). In this configuration the only requirement is that each SPEEDLAN 4200
be able to communicate directly with the SPEEDLAN 4100. The SPEEDLAN 4100 is respon-
sible for repeating packets that need to travel between the SPEEDLAN 4200. The Non-Poll-
ing Base does not dynamically allocate bandwidth to each remote brouter.
The performance of this approach is greatly improved if the SPEEDLAN 4100 is connected to the
heaviest network or network server.
Campus PRC Mode (This is a Polling Base Station/Brouter)
This is the recommended mode of operation for a wireless base station. When the number
of CPE exceed 3 or 4, the non-polling base station may not be able to keep up with the
wireless traffic that needs to be forwarded. The polling base station alleviates this problem
by continuously communicating with every SPEEDLAN 4200 in its cell. It is also responsible
for dynamically assigning how much bandwidth is allocated to each remote site based on
the network traffic load.
This greatly improves the performance of a SPEEDLAN 4100 wireless network cell. As the number of
SPEEDLAN 4200 brouters increase, the importance of a polling base station increases and efficiency
is proportionately improved.
Campus PRC (This is a Remote Station/Brouter)
This is the configuration required for remote brouters that will be installed as CPE into a
multipoint wireless network (e.g., a SPEEDLAN 4400). In this mode, a SPEEDLAN 4200 will
only communicate with a base station. This cannot be used for point-to-point links.
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Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 5-9
Advanced Button - 11 Mb RF Interface Setup
The Advanced button is located to the left of the Frequency button. Clicking this button will open a
new dialog box that allows you to change the Network ID and rate of the interface.
Network ID
The Network ID is a security setting that allows the brouter to reject packets from other
wireless brouters in the area. Although the bridging or routing table would reject the packet
once it was processed, the Network ID allows the brouter to reject the packet with less
processing. This improves the performance of the brouters in installations where many
wireless brouters are co-located in the same area or where other organizations may be
running wireless bridges of their own. The default setting is 0 and the valid range is 0 to 15.
This setting must be set to the same value for the brouters that will be communicating together.
Failure to set them to the same value will prevent any communications from taking place. For
example, in order to use a multipoint link, you must use the same Network ID setting on the base
station (SPEEDLAN 4100) and on the CPE brouter (SPEEDLAN 4200).
This setting refers to the RF data rate. The SPEEDLAN 11 Mbps radios have four data rates
that can be used:
This is the full 11 Mbps data rate. The interface default to this value and it is recom-
mended that you operate using it for most installations. The receiver sensitivity of the
radio with this setting is -82 dBm.
This setting limits the card to providing 5.5 Mbps of bandwidth. The receiver sensitivity
of the radio with this setting is -85 dBm.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
5-10 Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200
This setting limits the card by providing 2 Mbps of bandwidth. The receiver sensitivity of
the radio with this setting is -89 dBm.
This setting limits the card by providing 1 Mbps of bandwidth. The receiver sensitivity of
the radio with this setting is -92 dBm.
Warning: This setting must be set to the same value for the brouters that will be communicating
together. Failure to set them to the same value will prevent any communications from
taking place.
Frequency Button - 11 Mb Frequency Setup
The Frequency button is located to the right of the Advanced button. Clicking this button will open a
new dialog box that allows you to change the operating frequency of the interface. All of the
brouters expected to communicate with this device must be configured with the same frequency.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 5-11
Security Button - 11 Mb RF Security Setup
The Security button is located to the right of the Frequency button. Clicking this button will open a
new dialog box that allows you to change the security options of the interface. These settings are
used to encrypt data that will be transmitted by the 11 Mb RF port and also to decrypt data that is
received by 11 Mb RF port. You may define up to 4 encryption keys to be used for decrypting
incoming data and one key for encrypting outgoing data.
Check the box labeled Enable Encryption to enable the encryption features. You will still need to
define at least one encryption key before your wireless traffic will be transmitted using wireless data
The Encryption Key can be defined using either:
5 alphanumeric characters in the range of "a-z", "A-Z", and "0-9"
A 10 digit hexadecimal value using the range "A-F" and "0-9". If you choose to use the
hexadecimal method, use the prefix "0x" (zero, x) in defining the key
Alphanumeric: a5F2z
Hexadecimal: 0xA95F2BR39K
Write down the values you enter as Encryption Keys and store them in a secure place. The values you
enter will only be visible when they are entered for the first time. Each time this option is displayed
after the initial setup, the values will appear only as "xxxxxxxxxx"
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
5-12 Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200
Warning: This setting must be set to the same value for the brouters that will be communicating
together. Failure to set them to the same value will prevent any communications from
taking place. For example, in order to use a multipoint link, you must use the same
Encryption setting on the base station (SPEEDLAN 4100) and on the CPE brouter
(SPEEDLAN 4200).
There is also an option to Deny non encrypted Data. This feature is disabled by default and is
designed primarily for multipoint SPEEDLAN installations where it may not be necessary to run using
data encryption at all locations. If you enable this option, any data received by this brouter will not
be passed to the wired network interface.
Chapter 6
Bridging Setup
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
6-2 Bridging Setup
Bridge Setup
Each SPEEDLAN brouter contains an IEEE 802.3 MAC-layer bridging engine. The bridge can be
configured to filter or pass any 802.3 frame type protocols, including Novell IPX, TCP/IP, AppleTalk,
etc. The brouter can also be configured to filter packets by their destination and origin. This is done
using the unique MAC (Media Access Control) addresses that all network interface devices have
assigned to them at the factory. Bridge Setup is accessed from the main Setup menu of the
SPEEDLAN Configurator.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Bridging Setup 6-3
Protocol Filtering
By default, the brouter is configured to pass all network protocols. When you click Edit, you will be
presented with a list of protocols which you can select for filtering. After selecting the protocols,
highlight them on this dialog box. Then, click Bridge or Deny to determine how each protocol will
be treated. The radio buttons in the Protocol Filtering box determine how unselected protocols are
Edit Button - Ethernet Protocols
Some common Ethernet protocols and their associated ID numbers have been placed in this table.
Select one from this list if you want to set a filter for it.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
6-4 Bridging Setup
If the protocol you want to filter is not presented here, click Custom, Add and enter the hex ID for
that protocol.
MAC Filtering
By default, the brouter is configured to pass all traffic between all MAC-Address pairs. To add an
address pair into the filter, click Add on the MAC Filtering box. First, enter the Remote Address,
which will be the MAC Address that resides on the remote side of the brouter. Second, enter the
Local Address, which will be the MAC Address that resides on the local side of your connection. The
local and remote interfaces are defined on either the Interface Setup or Advanced Interface Setup
dialog box. It is recommended that you define the RF port as the Remote Interface (default setting).
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Bridging Setup 6-5
Advanced Features Button
Clicking Advanced displays this dialog box. Select the appropriate check box for your network. The
check boxes are described below:
Pass Bad Ethernet Source
The standard Ethernet bridges we have tested will pass Ethernet packets with a broadcast or
multicast address as their source (i.e., packets with their first bit set to 1). The Ethernet
specification for Transparent (i.e. Non-Source-Routing) bridges does not allow these types
of packets, which are considered bad packets. Our studies have shown that a common
failure mode of many Ethernet interfaces and networking software is to transmit packets like
these. If you do not need to permit Source-Routing packets, we suggest that you deny these
packets. The default setting is selected to permit these packets.
Pass Unseen Ethernet Source
Standard Ethernet bridges will always forward packets with destination addresses that have
not been learned (i.e., have not previously been seen as a source address of a packet). This
characteristic is needed in order for the Ethernet bridge to operate correctly. The downside
to this, as our studies have shown, is the failure mode of many Ethernet interface cards will
send out erroneous packets with good CRCs but with random Ethernet destination and
source addresses. Standard bridges will permit these erroneous packets because they have
not "learned" the random destination, and then add this packet's random source address to
their finite learned table. This situation is not uncommon and can greatly hinder the
operation of standard bridges. If you choose to deny unlearned packets, the brouter will not
forward unicast packets to Ethernet addresses that have not already been seen as a source
address. This scheme works for most protocols because it relies on the characteristics of
most upper-layer protocols to transmit ARP requests or hello packets. After careful testing
and consideration, only qualified network engineers should select the Deny option.
The default value for this setting is selected.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
6-6 Bridging Setup
Enable Learned-Table Lockdown
A standard bridge watches the source address of each packet it receives on any of its
interfaces. As new addresses are seen, entries are added to the learned table that con-
tains each source address and the interface number that address was received on. If a
source address is later seen on a different interface, the bridge will immediately change
the interface number in the learned-table entry. This condition could happen in a net-
work that is operating well if someone moved a computer to a different part of the net-
work. This could also happen if someone was trying to capture network packets by
fooling the bridge. Enabling learned-table lockdown will prevent the interface number
from being changed once the source address has been seen. A standard bridge will
also time-out the learned-table records every 10 minutes. If learned-table lockdown is
enabled, these records will not be timed out. Once a record is learned, it will not
change or be deleted until either the bridge reboots or the learned table become com-
pletely filled and needs to be reset. (NOTE: A typical SPEEDLAN learned table can con-
tain over 12,000 records.) The default value for this setting is disabled.
Enable Expanded IP ARP Support
Enabling this feature will cause the bridge to also watch the IP/ARP packets that occur
on the network. The SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 brouters take no action in response to
IP/ARP packets (since that is the role of an IP router) except to add the IP address to its
IP/ARP table. This feature is helpful on an IP network because it will build a database of
MAC-layer-address-to-IP address pairs. An SNMP monitoring program, such as the
SPEEDLAN Configurator, can at any time extract this information. NOTE: 1) The IP/ARP
table is never timed out in this mode. 2) This feature is not available if the brouter is
routing IP. The default value for this setting is disabled.
Permit Ethernet Broadcasts
Standard Ethernet bridges will always forward broadcast packets. Many protocols do not
use broadcasts (e.g., AppleTalk Phase II, DECnet, and others). However, IP/ARP does use
broadcasts. If you do not use IP or any other protocol that requires broadcasts, you can
deny them. Shutting off broadcast packets will reduce the traffic being sent across your wire-
less network link. This will also greatly reduce the number of interrupts that each computer
connected to your network experiences. Networks with a high number of broadcasts will
slow down the processing of all attached computers, even those that aren't using the net-
Permit Ethernet Multicasts
Standard Ethernet bridges will always forward multicast packets. Some protocols do not use
multicast packets, such as TCP/IP and Novell IPX. If you do not use protocols that use mul-
ticast packets, you can drop them by disabling multicast on the brouter. This will reduce the
traffic that is sent across the wireless network link. In addition, it reduces the number of
interrupts that each computer connected to your network experiences.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Bridging Setup 6-7
Storm Thresholds Button
Click Storm Thresholds to keep broadcast and multicast storms from spreading throughout the
network. Network storms are common and can cause bridges, routers (brouters), workstations,
servers, and PCs to slow down or crash. Storms occur if network equipment is configured incorrectly,
if network software is not functioning properly, or if poorly designed programs such as network
games are used. These settings are disabled by default.
Address Threshold
This setting determines the maximum number of broadcast or multicast packets that can
occur during a one-second period before a storm condition is declared for a particular
Ethernet address (host). Once it is determined that a storm is occurring, any additional
broadcast or multicast packets from that host address will be denied until the storm is deter-
mined to be over. The storm will be determined to be over when 30 seconds have passed in
which every one-second period has less then the stated threshold in broadcast or multicast
packets. The settings for broadcast packets and multicast packets are configured indepen-
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
6-8 Bridging Setup
Interface Threshold
This setting determines the maximum number of broadcast or multicast packets that can
occur during a one-second period before a storm is declared for the assigned interface.
Once it is determined that a storm is occurring, any additional broadcast or multicast pack-
ets received on that interface will be denied until the storm is determined to be over. The
storm will be determined to be over once a one-second period has occurred with no broad-
cast or multicast packets received on that interface. The settings for broadcast packets and
multicast packets are configured independently.
Preset Button
This button sets the broadcast and multicast storm thresholds to the recommended values.
These values have been determined to offer good protection without interfering with the
operation of the typical network. These values may need to be tuned for your particular
Tunnel Partners Button
Click Tunnel Partners to encapsulate Ethernet packets received from the local interface in an IP/
UDP packet and then send them to one or more tunnel partners. Tunneling can be used to set up
virtual Ethernet networks. In the General Setup dialog box, if the Remote Bridging using IP
Tunnels is enabled, Tunnel Partners can be set up. This dialog box specifies the IP addresses of each
of the bridge/routers that are to participate in the tunnel group. Specify the addresses of all the
bridges that are participating in the tunnel group but DO NOT specify the IP addresses on this
Encrypt Bridge Tunnel Packets
If purchased, a brouter (from Wave Wireless) may contain a special software-encryption
algorithm that is distinct from the optional SPEEDLAN encryption chip on the brouter. If
Data Encryption is enabled on the General Setup dialog box and if an Encryption Key is
set up in the Data Encryption menu, enabling encryption here will cause all Ethernet packets
transmitted to tunnel partners to be encrypted and encapsulated inside IP packets. The IP
packet itself cannot be encrypted because industry-standard IP routers, like those on the
Internet, would not be able to forward the encrypted packets.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Bridging Setup 6-9
Generic Ethernet Tunneling
(Through an IP Network)
Internet or
Campus IP
Standard Ethernet Packet
Ethernet Packet
Encapsulated in IP/UDP
Ethernet Packet
Encapsulated in
Ethernet Packet
Remote Interface
The three brouters are set up to tunnel one
or more protocols and each is a tunnel
partner to the other two brouters. This
configuration allows LAN A, LAN B, and
LAN C to become a virtual private Ethernet
network with the Internet as the transport
mechanism for data between them. The
encapsulated data packets can be optionally
encrypted to make the virtual private
network more secure.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
6-10 Bridging Setup
Chapter 7
Setting Up the
IP Addresses
(IP Host Setup)
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
7-2 Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup)
If you do not understand the basics of IP addressing, DHCP, or NAT, please read the next section,
Part I - Quick Overview of IP Addressing below. Otherwise, skip to Part II - Setting Up the IP Address,
page 7-10.
Part I - Quick Overview of IP Addressing
IP Addressing is important because it tells the network how to locate the computers or network
equipment connected to it. IP addresses are given so each computer or equipment on the network
contains a unique address. In addition, network addresses and node addresses, depending on the
Class (A, B, C, etc.), contain their own unique address as well. IP addressing provides the following
Provides communication between different platforms and diverse systems
Provides universal data transfer over large geographic distances
Has been "adopted" as a standard in the computer industry
What is an IP address?
An IP address contains 32 bits of information, which is divided into the following:
Two sections: the network address and the node address (also known as the host address)
To keep it simple, lets call it four bytes (octets)
Note: Each octet contains 8 bits, which are equivalent to 1 byte. Each octet is separated by a
period (.).
The following examples show the conversion of the same IP address into several different formats:
Decimal (
Hexadecimal (82.39.1E.38)
Binary (10000010.00111001.00011110.00111000).
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup) 7-3
Internet Address Classes
The first octet defines the "class" of the address, which is the only method to tell the size of the
network (how big) and where the internet address belongs. There are three main classes:
Class A:
Class B:
Class C:
-non-bolded text = Part of network address
-bolded text = Part of local address (node section)
This definition is not random; it is based on the fact that routers, by reading just the first three bits of
the address field, designate which network class it belongs to. This selection simplifies the way
routers handle the messages (packets) and speed up the forwarding process.
In fact, IP defines five classes:
Class A addresses use 8 bits (1 octet) for the network portion and 24 bits (3 octets) for the
node (or host) section of the address. This provides up to 128 networks with 16.7 million
nodes for each network.
First byte is assigned as network address
Remaining bytes used for node addresses
Format: network, node, node, node
In IP address, "49" is network address and "22.102.70" is the node
address—all machines on this network have the "49" network address assigned to them
Maximum of 224 or 16,777,216 nodes
Class B addresses use 16 bits (two octets) for the network portion and 16 bits for the node
(or host) section of the address. This provides up to 16, 384 networks with 64,534 nodes
for each network.
First two bytes are assigned as network address
Remaining bytes used for node addresses
Format: network, network, node, node
In IP address, "130.57" is the network address, and "30.56" is the node
Maximum of 216 or a total of 65,534 nodes
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
7-4 Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup)
Class C addresses use 24 bits (3 octets) for the network portion and 8 bits (two octets) for
the node (or host) section of the address. This provides 16.7 million networks with 256
nodes for each network.
First three bytes are assigned as network address
Remaining byte used for node address
Format: network, network, network, node
In IP address, "198.21.74" is the network address, and "102" is the
node address
Maximum of 28 or 254 node addresses
Class D
Range is to
Used for multicast packets (i.e., host sends out router discovery packets to learn all of
the routers on the network)
Class E
Range is to
Reserved for future use
Note: Class D & E should NOT be assigned to net assignment of IP addresses. In addition,
the first octet, 127, is reserved. In each network definition, the first node number (i.e.,
"0") is used to define the network, as well as the last number (i.e., "255"). The last
number is known as the broadcast address.
Public IP addresses can be obtained from the following address:
Network Solutions
InterNIC Registration Services
505 Huntmar Park Drive
Herndon, VA 22070
Note: Non-public addresses can include a network address assigned from the network
administrator or from the IP provider. Also, there is one network in each class that is
defined for private use, allowing the creation of internal networks. These addresses are
Class A:, Class B:, and Class C:
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup) 7-5
Subnetting a Network
The increasing number of hosts and networks make impractical address blocks that are not smaller
than 245. In order keep the IP address small, so routers can manage them without changing the
whole protocol, a smaller network definition is created. This is called a subnet. Subnets are intended
Reduce network traffic
Optimize performance
Simplify management
Create more effective and efficient addresses for large geographic distances
Default Subnet masks
Class A:
Class B:
Class C:
Note: Subnet mask is bolded.
What is a Subnet?
Subnetting allows you to create multiple networks within one Class A, B, or C network. Each data
link (octet) contains its own unique identifier also known as the subnet. Also, each node on the same
data link must belong on the same subnet as well.
What is a Subnet Mask?
A subnet mask allows you to mask section(s) (depending on the class specified) of the octets in the
network address. Each octet used in the subnet mask is assigned to a data link. The leftover octet(s)
are assigned to the remaining nodes.
For more information on subnetting, see the example below and Diagram of Subnetting a Network,
page 7-7.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
7-6 Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup)
Example of Subnetting:
For example, a Class C network ( contains three masked octets (255.255.255). The
last octet (0) is leftover for remaining nodes (i.e., computers).
If Router D is reading IP Addresses (let's call this IP Address 1) and (let's
call this IP Address 2) on this Class C network, it would send IP Address 1 to Subnet A and IP Address
2 to Subnet B. The remaining nodes in each subnet (A through D) on this network can contain up to
254 pieces of network equipment (computers, printers, fax machines, bridges or routers, etc.).
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup) 7-7
Diagram of Subnetting a Network
Still confused?
An easier method to explain this concept is to use the classic "mailing" analogy used in IP
addressing. Consider that this network, called Long Street, is four blocks long. There are 254 houses
on Long Street, and each block contains 64 houses. Houses 1 to 63 reside on Block A. Houses 64
to 127 reside on Block B. Houses 128 to 191 reside on Block C. Houses 192 to 254 reside on
Block D. Think of each block as a subnet. This means that Blocks A, B, C, and D are all part of Long
Street, which is also known as the network in this example. The mailman would organize the letters
(or IP addresses for network equipment) by creating four piles (one for each block, or subnet). As
soon as the mailman picks up pile A in his hand, he knows which block to turn on. This same
reasoning applies to piles B, C, and D as well. Router D knows exactly which subnet to transfer (or
turn) the packets to by reading its IP and subnet mask address. Note that each subnet on this
network is Why is 192 the last octet in the subnet mask and not 64? The last
octet, 192, is the mask that allows 64 "houses" to know that the mailman (or router) is coming in
advance. The "houses" will know it's mailman "Jim" by looking at the IP number.
Router D
Router B
Router C
Computer Computer
Computer Computer Computer
Computer Computer Computer
Long Street
Subnet A
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Subnet B
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Subnet C
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Subnet D
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Router A
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
7-8 Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup)
Note: If the network is managed by a Simple Network Management Protocol for local or
Internet access, each brouter must contain a unique IP Address. This is a benefit of
static or dynamic addressing.
How does a network administrator assign an IP address?
IP addresses are supplied by the network administrator, the ISP, or hosting company.
The two types of IP addressing—manual (static) and automatic (dynamic) addressing—are described
Manual (static) Addressing
Each device connected to the Internet must have its own unique IP address. Also, if a
computer is being used as a server, you will assign it a permanent IP address. This enables
other computers to connect to it. Static addressing is also beneficial to users that need to
maintain a "constant" connection to the Internet. This will enable users to easily access the IP
Automatic (dynamic) Addressing
A DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server assigns the IP address to each com-
puter as the computer connects to the network. If a computer moves to a new network (i.e.,
great for temporary employees or mobile users), it must be assigned a new IP address for
that network. DHCP can be used to manage these assignments automatically. DHCP is
described in further detail below.
What is DHCP?
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows network administrators to assign dynamic IP
addresses for the period of time needed to connect to the Internet. Think of DHCP as leasing an
apartment. A prospective tenant may not need to live in an apartment for two years, maybe just a
year. Therefore, the tenant will only sign a one-year lease agreement. For example, each time a
computer is set up to connect to the Internet, the network administrator uses DHCP to automatically
assign the computer a unique IP address. That computer will give up its IP address when it is no
longer needed (when the lease has ended) allowing new a computer (or a new tenant) on the same
network to use it. This benefits educational and corporate settings where users often log on to
different computers. In this case more IP addresses outnumber computers because you can quickly
reconfigure the network if needed from a centralized location.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup) 7-9
Servers that utilize DHCP resolve security issues, costly IP addressing services, and compatibility
problems. DHCP is an alternative to BOOTP, which reduces the agony of assigning static IP
addresses and also provides advanced configuration options.
Note: The figure on the next page may help you understand how DHCP assigns an IP
Figure of DHCP Addressing
1 The client asks DHCP server for IP address and configuration if needed.
2The DHCP server assigns an available IP address to client.
3The client takes IP address from DHCP server and requests any additional configuration
4DHCP server confirms IP address and configuration.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
7-10 Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup)
What is NAT?
Network Address Translation (NAT) is the conversion of an Internet Protocol address (IP address)
used within one network to a different IP address within another network. One network is designated
the inside network and the other is the outside network.
Network Address Translation (NAT) occurs when there is a translation among an Internet Protocol (IP
address) used within one network (designated as inside network) to a different IP addresses within
another network (designated as outside network). Network Address Translators (NATs) allow
companies to decrease the number of global IP addresses. This enables companies to communicate
with other devices on the Internet using a single IP address (or more than one IP address).
For example, a company can provide its clients with one IP address, allowing access to the
company's firewall only. This IP address is not a "real" address on the company's internal network, but
it is successfully translated to the correct IP location through NAT (i.e., NAT router). Therefore, the
company controls access through firewalls and provides multiple IP addresses to outside customers
without excessive limited resources, or "global" Internet IP protocols.
Part II - Setting Up the IP Address
Note: Before you begin, confirm that you have properly read the configuration from the
SPEEDLAN brouter you want to configure. Then, perform the following tasks: Open the
SPEEDLAN Configurator. From the File menu, choose Open Remote Config.... Then,
click Scan. The Scan dialog box appears. Select the appropriate brouter and click OK.
Click OK again. A message box appears confirming that the "Configuration has been
read from the Bridge" (i.e., Click OK.
To set up the IP address, do ONE of the following:
Enable DHCP client for dynamic addressing. For more information, see Enabling the DHCP
Client and Choosing the Appropriate Interface, page 7-11,
Assign a static IP address. For more information, see Assigning a Static IP Address,
page 7-12.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup) 7-11
Enabling the DHCP Client and Choosing the Appropriate Interface
Note: Before you begin, confirm that you have properly read the configuration from the
SPEEDLAN brouter you want to configure. Then, perform the following tasks: Open the
SPEEDLAN Configurator. From the File menu, choose Open Remote Config.... Then,
click Scan. The Scan dialog box appears. Select the appropriate brouter and click OK.
Click OK again. A message box appears confirming that the "Configuration has been
read from the Bridge" (i.e., Click OK.
To enable the DHCP client and choose the appropriate interface, do the following:
1From the Setup menu, choose IP Setup. The IP Setup dialog box appears.
2Select the Obtain an IP address from DHCP Server option.
3Next, select the interface for Ethernet or wireless network from the Using Interface drop-
down list. Make sure that you select the interface where the DHCP server is located.
Note: The information for Default TTL should already be entered. The IP host on the Internet
sends out each packet with a default "Time to Live" parameter. If you want to override
the factory default of 64 attempts, you can specify your new default here. This
parameter should not be changed less you are very familiar with IP functionality and
how the Time to Live parameter will affect how packets are treated by your network, as
well as the network to which you are bridged (or routed).
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
7-12 Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup)
Assigning a Static IP Address
Note: Before you begin, confirm that you have properly read the configuration from the
SPEEDLAN brouter you want to configure. Then, perform the following tasks: Open the
SPEEDLAN Configurator. From the File menu, choose Open Remote Config.... Then,
click Scan. The Scan dialog box appears. Select the appropriate brouter and click OK.
Click OK again. A message box appears confirming that the "Configuration has been
read from the Bridge" (i.e., Click OK.
To assign a static IP address, do the following:
1From the Setup menu, choose IP Setup. The IP Setup dialog box appears.
2Select the Specify an IP address option. Enter the following information:
Our IP Address
The unique number assigned by the network administrator, ISP or host provider. This
tells network the location (IP address) of the this device on the Internet (i.e.,
Our Subnet Mask
This term allows network administrators to mask section(s) (depending on the class
specified) of the octets in the network address. Each octet used in the subnet mask is
assigned to a data link. The leftover octet(s) are assigned to the remaining nodes.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup) 7-13
Note: For more information, see Subnetting a Network, page 7-5. Once the packet has trav-
eled to the appropriate network, it goes through a masking process. A subnet mask is
composed of zeros (0s) and ones (1s). This tells the router which addresses to look
under and which ones not to look under. Therefore, subnet masking allows the router
to transfer the packet traffic more quickly than a network without a subnet. Again, this
address is obtained from the network administrator, IP host, or host provider.
Default Router IP
If you have an established network, use the IP address for the router already set up for
that network. If you do not have an established network, leave this entry blank.
Default TTL
This information should already be entered. The IP host on the Internet will send out
each packet with a default "Time to Live" parameter. If you want to override the factory
default of 64 attempts, you can specify your new default here. This parameter should
not be changed unless you are very familiar with IP functionality and how the Time to
Live parameter will affect how packets are treated by your network, as well as the net-
work to which you are bridged (or routed).
Note: Click Select to view the IP Mask List. Select the appropriate IP Mask and click OK.
3After you have finished entering the appropriate information, click OK.
4Now save the changes to the brouter. From the File menu, choose Save Config.
5A message box appears informing you that the information will be saved to the brouter (i.e., Click Yes.
6The Configurator confirms that the configuration has been saved. Click OK. The computer
will reboot at this point.
Note: You are finished with this section.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
7-14 Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup)
Chapter 8
IP-Router Setup
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
8-2 IP-Router Setup
IP Routing Setup
IP Routing in the General Setup dialog box must be enabled for this dialog box to appear. Then,
choose IP Routing Setup from the Setup menu on the SPEEDLAN Configurator. This dialog box
must be completed before saving any configuration in which IP Routing has been enabled. Saving
the configuration with incomplete entries in the route table will render the SPEEDLAN 4100
& 4200 inoperable. Enter the appropriate information as described below:
Default Router (IP Address)
This entry should be set to the IP address of the default router that the SPEEDLAN 4100/
4200 is to use when it does not know where to route a particular IP packet.
Default Router Interface
This entry should be set to the interface to which the default router is connected.
Preferred IP Address
From time to time routers will transmit unsolicited IP packets such as SNMP Traps, Syslog,
RIP, or IP ARP packets. Most routers randomly use one of the IP addresses from one of the
router's interfaces as the source IP address for these packets. On the brouter you can specify
the source IP address that you prefer to use for these packets.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
IP-Router Setup 8-3
Default TTL
IP hosts on the Internet send out packets with a default "Time To Live" parameter. If you want
to override the factory default of 64 attempts, specify your new default value here.
Disable ARP-Cache Aging
Use this option if you want to keep a permanent record of the IP to Ethernet addresses table
for each computer directly connected to an interface on the brouter. This feature is helpful
when used in conjunction with a corporate-wide SNMP monitoring tool to create a
database of all Ethernet-to-IP address combinations on your network. A standard IP router
and the bridge will age their ARP cache entries. It will time out and delete the ARP entries
after a certain specified period (usually 10 minutes). The brouter has the option of not
aging (deleting) any ARP cache entries. This will not normally cause any IP network
problems, but this could result in a large ARP cache table. Since the typical brouter can
hold over 10,000 ARP entries, this is not normally a problem.
Add/Direct Button
Click this button to specify the direct routes for each of the interfaces on the brouter. Direct routes
are those that are directly connected to the interfaces. As an example, if Interface 1 is to have subnet connected to it and an IP address of with a subnet mask of, an entry in this dialog box should be set up as: IP Address =; IP
Mask = FFFFFF00; and Interface = 1.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
8-4 IP-Router Setup
Click this button to specify the indirect routes for this brouter. These routes are sometimes referred to
as static routes. You can use indirect routes to define the way to get to subnets that are attached to
other routers in your network. As an example, if subnet is attached to router, in order for this brouter to route packets to you should specify an
entry that is set up as: IP Address =; IP Mask = FFFFFF00; Next Hop = with Cost = 1.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
IP-Router Setup 8-5
More Button - RIP Routing
Click this button on the IP Router Setup dialog box to enable RIP. Wave Wireless brouters support
what is known as RIP (Routing Information Protocol). RIP allows users to permit network equipment to
communicate with each other to handle the routing plan of your network. Select the appropriate
check boxes as described below:
Send RIP Default Route
Enabling this feature instructs the brouter to inform the network (via RIP) that it is the default
router for that network. This feature should only be enabled if this brouter is the only
default router on the local network.
Send RIP Routes
Enabling this feature instructs the brouter to forward all route information gathered and
stored by this brouter through the interface(s) selected. This is normally used in conjunction
with Listen to RIP which instructs the brouter to gather RIP information from other RIP devices
on your network.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
8-6 IP-Router Setup
Listen to RIP
This function enables the brouter to listen for and update its RIP information. The routes
gathered in this manner come from other RIP-enabled routers on your network. This feature
is normally used in conjunction with Send RIP Routes, which instructs the brouter to pass
along all RIP information it has gathered to other RIP devices on your network.
Enable Proxy ARP
This feature allows the brouter to be used as the proxy host for users on the local network.
This instructs the brouter to act as a "proxy" for the local destination host. This is used in
circumstances that require connections not normally permitted for individual users on a
Enable BOOTP/DHCP Forwarding
This feature allows the brouter to pass BOOTP and DHCP requests across the wireless net-
Forwarding Host
Defines the IP address of the device configured to act as the forwarding host for BOOTP
and DHCP messages in a routed network.
Accept RIP For the Following Routes
Normally RIP instructs the brouter to forward all route information gathered to all RIP
devices located on you network. Specifying devices in the RIP Access List allows you to limit
which devices will be sent RIP. The devices specified in this list will be the only devices to
receive RIP, while all other devices will be denied the RIP information stored on this brouter.
Chapter 9
SNMP Setup
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
9-2 SNMP Setup
SNMP Setup
Choose SNMP Setup from the Setup menu of the SPEEDLAN Configurator to set up SNMP.
Read Password
This is the read-only password used for SNMP support. It is the SNMP password needed to
read the Flash ROM Configuration and SNMP MIB variables. The factory-default value for
this variable is the string "public".
Read/Write Password
This is the read/write password used for SNMP support. It is the SNMP password needed to
write the Flash ROM configuration and SNMP MIB variables into the brouter. The string
should be set to a value that is known only by you. The factory-default value for this variable
is the string "public" and should be changed to a string known only to you.
System Contact
This field should contain the identification of the contact person for this SNMP-managed
node, together with information on how to contact this person.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Setup 9-3
System Name
This field should contain the administratively assigned name for this managed node. By
convention, this is the node's fully qualified Internet Domain name (e.g.,
System Location
This field should contain the physical location of this node. (e.g., "telephone closet, 3rd
Trap Host IP Address
This is the IP address of a network-connected host that is set up to receive SNMP Trap mes-
sages from this brouter. If you do not have an SNMP Trap Host, set this to
Trap Host Password
This is the SNMP read/write password (community name) of the host that is set up to receive
SNMP Trap messages. This field is ignored if the Trap Host IP Address described above is
SNMP IP Access List
You can optionally set up a list of networks, subnets, and hosts that are authorized to access
the brouter via SNMP.
To modify the SNMP Access List, click Add, Delete, or Edit.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
9-4 SNMP Setup
Chapter 10
System Access Setup
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
10-2 System Access Setup
System Access Setup
Choose System Access Setup from the Setup menu of the SPEEDLAN Configurator to enter a
password for the System Access Pass Phrase. This will enable you to create a connection between the
equipment or wireless brouters. The default for the Pass Phrase is "public".
All wireless units connected to the brouter are restricted to systems based on the System Access Pass
Phrase. Any wireless brouter that does not have the correct System Access Pass Phrase will not be to
establish a wireless data connection.
Chapter 11
SNMP Monitoring
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-2 SNMP Monitoring
To monitor the SNMP results, choose the appropriate selection by choosing Monitor (on the
SPEEDLAN Configurator)+ Advanced + your selection.
Remote Statistics
In the Remote Statistics dialog box, you are presented with information regarding the way a brouter
handles packets as they are passing through an interface. Below you will find many useful items for
diagnosing and gathering traffic statistics for each interface.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Monitoring 11-3
Unicast packets in
The number of subnetwork-unicast packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
Unicast packets out
The total number of octets (bytes) transmitted out of the interface, including framing
Non-Unicast packets in
The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets
delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
Non-Unicast packets out
The total number of octets (bytes) transmitted out of the interface, including framing
Bytes in
Total number of octets (bytes) received on the interface, including framing characters.
Bytes out
The total number of packets that have higher-layer protocols requested be transmitted to a
non-unicast (i.e., a subnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) address, including those
that were discarded or not sent.
Bridge in discards
The count of valid frames that have been received which were discarded (i.e., filtered) by
the forwarding process.
Bridge out packets
The number of frames that have been transmitted by this port to its segment. Note that a
frame transmitted on the interface corresponding to this port is not counted by this object
unless it is for a protocol being processed by the local bridging function.
In errors
The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being
deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
In discards
The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though they were
deliverable. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer
In Alignment Errors
A count of frames received on a particular interface that are not an integral number of
octets in length and do not pass the FCS check.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-4 SNMP Monitoring
In FCS Errors
A count of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in
length, but do not pass the FCS check.
Out Errors
The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
Out Carrier Sense Errors
The number of times that the carrier-sense condition was lost or never asserted when the
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 attempted to transmit a frame on a particular interface.
Out Collisions
A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is
inhibited by exactly one or more collisions, plus the number of times that a collision is
detected on a particular interface later than 512 bit-times into the transmission of a packet.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Monitoring 11-5
Interface Monitor
The interfaces table contains information on the brouter's interface(s). Each interface is thought of as
being attached to a `subnetwork'. Note that this term should not be confused with `subnet' which
refers to an address-partitioning scheme used in the Internet suite of protocols.
The type of interface, distinguished according to the physical-link protocols immediately
below the network layer in the protocol stack. The possible types are: other, regular1822,
hdh1822, ddn-x25, rfc877-x25, ethernet-csmacd, iso88023-csmacd, iso80024-tokenbus,
iso88025-tokenring, iso99026-man, starLan, proteon-10Mbit, proteon-80Mbit,
hyperchannel, fddi, lapb, sdlc, ds1, e1, basicISDN, PrimaryISDN, propPointToPointSerial,
ppp, softwareloopback, eon, ethernet-3Mbit, nsip, slip, ultra, ds3, sip, frame-relay.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-6 SNMP Monitoring
A textual string containing information about the interface. This string should include the
name of the manufacturer, the product name, and the version of the hardware interface.
MIB specific definator
A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular media being used to realize the
interface. For example, if the interface is being realized by an Ethernet, then the value of this
object refers to a document defining objects specific to the Ethernet. If this information is not
present, its value will be set to 0.
Physical Address
The interface's address at the protocol layer immediately below the network layer in the
protocol stack. For interfaces which do not have such an address (e.g., a serial line), this
object should contain an octet string of zero length.
Last Change
The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state. If the
current state was entered prior to the last reinitialization of the local network-management
subsystem, then this object contains a value of zero.
Operational Status
The state of the interface. The testing state indicates that no operational packets can be
passed. Up - ready to pass packets; Down - cannot pass packets; testing - in some test
Admin Status
The desired state of the interface. The testing state indicates that no operational packets can
be passed.
An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in bits per second. For interfaces which do
not vary in bandwidth or whose bandwidth can't be accurately estimated, this object should
contain the nominal bandwidth.
Max packet size
The size of the largest datagram which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in
octets. For interfaces used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest
network datagram that can be sent on the interface.
In octets (bytes)
The total number of octets (bytes) received on the interface, including framing characters.
In unicast packets
The number of subnetwork-unicast packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
In non-unicast packets
The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets
delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Monitoring 11-7
In discards
The number of inbound packets to which were chosen to be discarded even they were
deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet
could be to free up buffer space.
In errors
The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being
deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
Unknown protocols
The number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an
unknown or unsupported protocol.
Out octets (bytes)
The total number of octets (bytes) transmitted out of the interface, including framing
Out unicast packets
The total number of packets that higher-layer protocols requested be transmitted to a sub-
network-unicast address, including those that were discarded or not sent.
Out non-unicast packets
The total number of packets that higher-layer protocols requested be transmitted to a non-
unicast (i.e. a subnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) address, including those that
were discarded or not sent.
Out errors
The number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being
transmitted via this interface.
Output queue length
The total number of octets (bytes) waiting to be transmitted via this interface.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-8 SNMP Monitoring
Ethernet-like Interface Monitor
This displays information on the interfaces available for the device selected for Ethernet monitoring.
Alignment Errors
These alignment errors appear when the station discards the transmission alignment. Errors
received on the Ethernet interface that are not an intergral number of octets in length and
do not pass the FCS check. This also applies to FCS Errors below.
FCS Errors
These are data link protocols used with the frame check sequence, which allows the
receiver to detect collisions.
SQE Test Errors
These test errors appear in the System Quality Evaluation process of the interface.
Deferred Transmissions
These are the number of packets that were tossed.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Monitoring 11-9
Carrier Sense Errors
These are errors appearing when two devices are trying to transmit at once. Therefore, a
collision occurs and is detected by all sense devices, and the transmission is delayed.
Frames Too Long
This error appears when the data link header is too long.
Single Collision Frames
Packets that had a single collision during transmission requiring a single re-transmission.
Multiple Collision Frames
Packets that had a multiple collision during transmission requiring a multiple re-
Late Collisions
A packet that was not delivered to the transceiver on time.
Internal MAC Transmit Errors
An internal error within the Medium Access Protocol during the transmission process.
Internal MAC Receive Errors
An internal error within the Medium Access Protocol during the receiving process.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-10 SNMP Monitoring
Campus PRC Station Entries
This displays the wireless stations connected to the brouter.
Station Name
Name of system assigned in the SNMP Setup for a brouter or in the Network Control Panel
for Single Device Adapters (Note: Single Device Adapters will only communicate with a
SPEEDLAN 8000 series base station. They will appear on the Wireless Remote Entries
dialog box of a 4000 series base station, if the base can hear their RF signal.)
Valid entries are: Base, Remote, Peer, and Offline.
Number of transmissions from the wireless station.
Number of re-transmissions from the wireless station.
G-Link Base 207,568 601 0
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Monitoring 11-11
Note: A high number of re-transmit errors usually indicates that the signal quality is poor.
Number of transmission failures from the wireless station.
Note: Click RF Stats to view the radio frequency statistics for the wireless station connected to
the brouter (as shown below). Then, click Back to return to this dialog box.
Station Name
Name of the brouter.
The higher the Signal Level, the better. This ratio should be between 50 to 70%. In order for
the link to be successful, you should have approximately 20 points higher than the noise.
The higher the Signal Level, the better. This ratio should be between 50 to 70%. In order for
the link to be successful, you should have approximately 20 points higher than the noise.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-12 SNMP Monitoring
SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio)
Number of the signal divided by the number of noise. The higher the SNR is, the better.
Excellent, Good, Low
This displays the packet transmission rate. The packet count should be 98% or better.
Note: Click Back to return to the Campus PRC information.
11Mb RF Interface
This displays the interface(s) connected to the brouter.
Transmitted Fragment Count
The number of frames transmitted.
Multicast Transmitted Frame Count
The number of multicast frames transmitted.
Failed Count
The number of frames that did not transmit.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Monitoring 11-13
Multiple Retry Count
The number of multiple attempts to resend a frame.
Received Fragment Count
The number of frames received.
Multicast Received Frame Count
The number of multicast frames received.
FCS Error Count
The number of data link protocols used with the frame check sequence, which allows the
receiver to detect collisions.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-14 SNMP Monitoring
SNMP Monitor
This displays the SNMP messages that are received or sent.
SNMP Messages Received
Total Messages
The total number of SNMP messages received.
Unsupported Version
The total number of SNMP messages which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and
were for an unsupported SNMP version.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Monitoring 11-15
Unknown Community
The total number of SNMP messages delivered to the SNMP protocol entity which used an
SNMP community name not known to the brouter.
Invalid Operations
The total number of SNMP messages delivered to the SNMP protocol entity which
represented SNMP operations not allowed by the SNMP community named in the message.
ASN.1/BER parse errors
The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered by the SNMP protocol entity when
decoding received SNMP messages.
Error-status `too big'
The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protocol entity for which the value
of the error-status field was `too big'.
Error-status `noSuchName'
The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protocol entity for which the value
of the error-status field was `noSuchName'.
Error-status `badValue'
The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protocol entity for which the error-
status field was indicated `badValue'.
Error-status `ReadOnly'
The total number of valid SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protocol entity for which the
value of the error-status field was `ReadOnly'. It should be noted that it is a protocol error
to generate an SNMP PDU which contains the value `ReadOnly' in the error-status field;
use this field to detect incorrect implementations of SNMP.
Error-status `genErr'
The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protocol entity for which the error-
status field was `genErr'.
Total requested variables
The total number of MIB objects retrieved successfully by the SNMP protocol entity as the
result of receiving valid SNMP Get-Request and Get-Next PDUs.
Total variables set
The total number of MIB objects altered successfully by the SNMP protocol entity as the
result of receiving valid Set-Request PDUs.
Get requests
The total number of SNMP Get-request PDUs accepted and processed by the SNMP proto-
col entity.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-16 SNMP Monitoring
Get next requests
The total number of SNMP Get-next PDUs accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
Set requests
The total number of SNMP Set-request PDUs accepted and processed by the SNMP proto-
col entity.
Get responses
The total number of SNMP Get-response PDUs accepted and processed by the SNMP pro-
tocol entity.
The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.
SNMP Messages Sent
Total Messages
The total number of SNMP messages passed from the SNMP protocol entity to the transport
Error-status `tooBig'
The total number of SNMP PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol entity for which the value
of the error-status field was `tooBig'.
Error-status `noSuchName'
The total number of SNMP PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol entity for which the value
of the error-status field was `noSuchName'.
Error-status `badValue'
The total number of SNMP PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol entity for which the value
of the error-status field was `badValue'.
Error-status `genErr'
The total number of SNMP PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol entity for which the value
of the error-status field was `genErr'.
Get requests
The total number of SNMP Get-request PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
Get next requests
The total number of SNMP Get-next-request PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
Set requests
The total number of SNMP Set-request PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
Get responses
The total number of SNMP Get-response PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Monitoring 11-17
The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
Authentication Failure Traps
Indicates whether the SNMP agent process is permitted to generate authentication-failure
IP Monitor
The brouter keeps the standard SNMP MIB II statistics on IP type protocols as indicated below.
Forwarding Status
Indicates whether this entity is acting as an IP gateway in respect to the forwarding of data-
grams received by, but not addressed to this entity. IP gateways forward datagrams, and IP
hosts do not (except those source-routed via the host). Note that for some managed nodes,
this object may take on only a subset of the possible values.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-18 SNMP Monitoring
Default TTL
The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of datagrams
originated at this entity, whenever a TTL value is not supplied by the transport-layer
Datagrams received
The total number of IP datagrams received by the host.
Header errors
The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers, including bad
checksum errors, version-number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded,
errors discovered in processing their IP options, etc.
Invalid destinations
The number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's
destination field was not a valid address for this entity to receive. This count includes invalid
addresses (i.e., and addresses of unsupported classes (i.e., Class E). For entities
which are not IP gateways and therefore do not forward datagrams, this counter includes
datagrams discarded because the destination address was not a local address.
Unknown protocols
The number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of
an unknown or unsupported protocol.
Input Discards
The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their
continued processing, but which were discarded anyway (e.g., for lack of buffer space).
Note that this counter does not include any datagrams discarded while awaiting re-
The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols.
Output requests
The total number of IP datagrams that are user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in-
requests for transmission. Note that this counter does not include any datagrams counted in
Datagrams forwarded.
Output discards
The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their
transmission to their destination, but which were discarded anyway (e.g., for lack of buffer
space). Note that this counter would include datagrams counted in Datagrams forwarded if
any such packets met this (discretionary) discard criterion.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Monitoring 11-19
Unknown routes
The number of IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them
to their destination. Note that this counter includes any packets counted in Datagrams
forwarded which meet this `no-route'criterion, as well as any datagrams which a host
cannot route because all of its default gateways are down.
Reassembly timeout
The maximum number of seconds that received fragments are held while they are awaiting
reassembly at this entity.
Reassembly fragments
The number of IP datagrams received which needed to be reassembled at this entity.
Good Reassemblies
The number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled.
Failed Reassemblies
The number of failures detected by the IP reassembly algorithm (for whatever reason - timed
out, errors, etc.). Note that this is not necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments since
some algorithms (notably the algorithm in RFC 815) can lose track of the number of
fragments by combining them as they are received.
Datagrams fragmented
The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented at this entity.
Fragment failures
The number of IP-datagram fragments that have been discarded because they needed to be
fragmented at this entity but could not be because the datagram's "don't fragment" flag was
Fragments created
The number of IP-datagram fragments that have been generated as a result of
fragmentation at this entity.
Datagrams forwarded
The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination, as a
result of which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final
destination. In entities which do not act as IP gateways, this counter will include only those
packets which were Source-Routed via this entity, and for which Source-Route option
processing was successful.
Routing discards
The number of routing entries which were chosen to be discarded even though they were
valid. One possible reason for discarding such an entry could be to free up buffer space for
other routing.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-20 SNMP Monitoring
IP/TCP/UDP Monitor
The brouter keeps the standard TCP/UDP statistics on IP protocols as indicated below.
Rto Algorithm
The algorithm used to determine the timeout value used for retransmitting unacknowledged
octets, which can be: "other" - none of the following; "constant" - a constant rto; "rsre" - MIL-
STD-1778, Appendix B; "vanj" - Van Jacobson's algorithm.
Rto Minimum
The minimum value permitted by a TCP implementation for the retransmission timeout,
measured in milliseconds. More refined semantics for objects of this type depend upon the
algorithm used to determine the retransmission timeout. In particular, when the timeout
algorithm is "rsre", an object of this type has the semantics of the LBOUND quality
described in RFC 793.
Rto Maximum
The maximum value permitted by a TCP implementation for the retransmission timeout,
measured in milliseconds. More refined semantics for objects of this type depend upon the
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Monitoring 11-21
algorithm used to determine the retransmission timeout. In particular, when the timeout
algorithm is rsre, an object of this type has the semantics of the LBOUND quality described
in RFC 793.
Maximum connections
The limit on the total number of TCP connections the entity can support. In entities where
the maximum number of connections is dynamic, this object should contain the value -1.
Active opens
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state
from the CLOSED state.
Passive opens
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to SYN-SENT state
from the LISTEN state.
Attempts failed
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state
from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP
connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state.
Establish resets
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the closed state from
either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.
Current establishes
The number of TCP connections for which the current state is either ESTABLISHED or
Segments received
The total number of segments received, including those received in error. This count
includes segments received on currently established connections.
Segments sent
The total number of segments sent, including those on current connections but excluding
those containing only retransmission octets.
Segments retransmitted
The total number of segments retransmitted -- that is, the number of TCP segments
transmitted containing one or more previously transmitted octets.
Segments in error
The total number of segments received in error (i.e., with bad TCP checksums).
Segment sent with RST
The number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-22 SNMP Monitoring
Datagrams received
The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users.
No such port
The total number of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the des-
tination port.
Datagrams in error
The number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for a reason other than
the lack of an application at the destination port.
Datagrams sent
The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this entity.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Monitoring 11-23
ICMP Monitor
The brouter keeps the standard statistics on ICMP as indicated below.
ICMP Messages Received
Total messages
The total number of ICMP messages which the entity received. Note that this counter
includes all those counted by received Errors.
The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but determined as having ICMP-
specific errors (bad checksums, bad length, etc).
Destination unreachable
The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-24 SNMP Monitoring
Time exceeded
The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received.
Parameter problems
The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received.
Source quench
The number of ICMP Source Quench messages received.
The number of ICMP Redirect messages received.
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received.
Echo reply
The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.
Time stamp
The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages received.
Time stamp reply
The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages received.
Address mask
The number of ICMP Address Mask (request) messages received.
Address mask reply
The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages received.
ICMP Messages Sent
Total messages
The total number of ICMP messages which this entity attempted to send. Note that this
counter includes all those counted by ICMP out Errors.
The number of ICMP messages which this entity did not send due to problems discovered
within ICMP, such as a lack of buffers. This value does not include errors discovered outside
the ICMP layer such as the inability of IP to route the resultant datagram. In some imple-
mentations there may be no types of errors which contribute to this counter's value.
Destination Unreachable
The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent.
Time exceeded
The number of ICMP Time exceeded messages sent.
Parameter problems
The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages sent.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
SNMP Monitoring 11-25
Source quench
The number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent.
The number of ICMP Redirect messages sent.
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent.
Echo Reply
The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.
Time Stamp
The number of ICMP Time Stamp (request) messages sent.
Time Stamp Reply
The number of ICMP Time Stamp Reply messages sent.
Address mask
The number of ICMP Address Mask (request) messages sent.
Address mask reply
The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11-26 SNMP Monitoring
Chapter 12
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
12-2 Tables
To monitor the SNMP results, choose the appropriate selection by choosing Monitor (on the
SPEEDLAN Configurator)+ Advanced + your selection.
System Information
System Information displays information about the brouter's Management Information Base Group.
The brouter keeps the standard SNMP MIB II statistics on system-related information as indicated
An administratively-assigned name for this managed node. By convention, this is the node's
fully-qualified domain name.
The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor').
The name/position of the contact person for this managed node, together with information
on how to contact this person.
This value contains the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type,
software operating system, and network software.
Up time
The time since the network-management portion of the system was last re-initialized.
The number of services handled by the brouter.
Object ID
The identification number of the brouter.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Tables 12-3
Bridge Learn Table
This table contains information about unicast entries for which the brouter has forwarding and/or
filtering information. This information is used by the transparent bridging function to determine how
to propagate a received frame.
A unicast MAC address for which the brouter has forwarding and/or filtering information.
Either the value 0 (zero), or the interface number on which a frame has been seen. A value
of 0 (zero) indicates that the interface number has not been learned but the brouter does
have some forwarding/filtering information about this address.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
12-4 Tables
The status of this entry. The meanings of the values are:
None of the following.
This entry is no longer valid, but has not been flushed from the table yet.
This entry was learned, and is being used.
This entry represents one of the brouter's addresses. The interface value indicates which
of the brouter's interfaces has this address.
This entry is also the value of an existing instance in the static table.
IP ARP Table
The IP ARP Table contains the IP-Address-to-`physical'-(MAC)-Address equivalences.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Tables 12-5
The interface on which this entry is effective.
IP Physical Address
The media-dependent `physical' (MAC) address. An example would be the MAC address of
the Ethernet interface.
IP Address
The IP address corresponding to the media-dependent `physical' (MAC) address.
Media Type
The type of mapping:
none of the following
an invalidated mapping
a mapping that can change with circumstances
a mapping which does not change
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
12-6 Tables
IP Route Table
The brouter keeps the standard SNMP MIB II statistics on the IP routing table, which contains an
entry for each route presently known.
The local interface through which the next hop of this route should be reached.
The destination IP address of this route. An entry with a value of is considered a
default route. Multiple routes assigned to a single destination can appear in the table, but
access to such multiple entries is dependent on the table-access mechanisms defined by the
network-management protocol in use.
Next Hop
The IP address of the next hop of this route.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Tables 12-7
Subnet Mask
Indicates the mask to be a logical-ANDed with the destination address before being com-
pared to the value in the Destination field. For systems that do not support arbitrary subnet
masks, an agent constructs the value of the Subnet Mask by determining whether the value
of the correspondent Destination field belongs to a Class A, B, or C network.
Route Type
Type of route. This can be:
none of the following
an invalidated route
route to directly connected (sub-)network
route to a non-local host/network/subnetwork.
Route Protocol
The routing mechanism by which this route was learned. Inclusion of values for gateway-
routing protocols is not intended to imply that hosts should support those protocols. The
values are as follows:
none of the following
non-protocol information
entries set via a network-management protocol
obtained via ICMP (e.g., ICMP `redirect')
all gateway-routing protocols
all gateway-routing protocols
Route Metric
The primary routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the
routing protocol specified in the route's Route Protocol value. If this metric is not used, its
value should be set to -1.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
12-8 Tables
IP/TCP Connection Table
This table reports the states of the TCP connections and contains the following fields as indicated
Local Address
The local IP address for this TCP connection. In the case of a connection in the listen state
which is willing to accept connections for any IP interface associated with the node, the
value is used.
Local Port
The local port number for this TCP connection.
Remote Address
The remote IP address for this TCP connection.
Remote Port
The remote port number for this IP connection.
The state of this TCP connection, which can be one of the following: closed, listen, synSent,
synReceived, established, finWait1, finWait2, closeWait, LastAck, closing, timeWait,
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Tables 12-9
IP/UDP Listener Table
This table reports the states of the UDP connections and contains the following fields as indicated
Local Port
The local port number for this UDP connection.
Local Address
The local IP address for this UDP connection. In the case of a connection in the listen state
which is willing to accept connections for any IP interface associated with the node, the
value is used.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
12-10 Tables
Local IP-Address Table
The table displays addressing information that is relevant to the entity’s IP addresses.
The interface to which the entry is applicable.
IP Address
The IP address to which this entry's addressing information pertains.
Subnet Mask
The subnet mask associated with the IP address of this entity. The value of the mask is an IP
address with all the network bits set to 1 and all the host bits set to 0.
Broadcast Address
The value of the least-significant bit in the IP broadcast address used for sending datagrams
on the logical interface associated with the IP address of this entry. For example, when the
Internet standard all-ones broadcast address is used, the value will be 1. This value applies
to both the subnet- and network-broadcast address used by the entity on this logical
Reasm Max
The size of the largest IP datagram which this entity can re-assemble from incoming IP
fragmented datagrams received on this interface.
Chapter 13
Analyzing Wireless
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
13-2 Analyzing Wireless Equipment
Select Another Device
Use this feature to select another pair of bridges, routers or remote brouters. This is a helpful
feature when running a wireless link test. Note that you must scan the brouter before selecting
another device.
To select another wireless device, do the following:
1From the Analyze, menu, choose Select Another Device.
2The Enter IP Address dialog box appears.
3Verify the information in the Enter IP Address dialog box and click Scan. This opens the
Scan dialog box, which allows you to select the new pair.
4Select the pair and click OK. Verify the Remote and IP Address and Read/Write Password in
the Enter IP Address dialog box. Then, click OK. The SPEEDLAN Configurator confirms that
the device was located. Click OK again. You have successfully selected another device and
test the pair as needed.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Analyzing Wireless Equipment 13-3
Analysis Polling Interval
Use the feature to set the rate at which the SPEEDLAN Configurator polls the brouter during analysis.
Note that you must scan the brouter before setting the interval rate.
To set the rate of the interval, do the following:
1From the Analyze menu, choose Analysis Interval. The Analysis Polling Interval dialog box
2Use your mouse and move the interval to the rate of your specification. Then, click OK.
Wireless Link Test
Run the wireless link test to verify that your equipment is communicating properly at the RF level. This
test can be performed when you are performing a bench test for the brouter or from the actual link.
This process will help you during your performance evaluation. If you already scanned the brouter
(or bridge pair), skip to Step 5.
To initialize a link test, do the following:
1From the File menu, choose Open Remote Config. Then, click Scan.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
13-4 Analyzing Wireless Equipment
2Select the name of the brouter that you want to initialize.
3Click OK to confirm that the IP address is correct.
4Click OK again. You should receive the following message: "Configuraton has been read
from the Bridge (ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)."
5From the Analyze menu, choose Wireless Link Test. The Select a Remote Link Partner (for
your bridge pair) appears.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Analyzing Wireless Equipment 13-5
6 Select the Station Name or (name of bridge pair) of the brouter or clients that you want to
Description of Wireless Link Test Window
Name of the initiator station of the wireless link test.
Initiator station brouter type and firmware version.
Location of the initiator station. (This is only available if entered in the SNMP Setup options
by selecting SNMP Setup from the Setup menu.)
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
13-6 Analyzing Wireless Equipment
Up Time
Amount of time that the initiator station has been running since the last reboot.
Station Name
Name of the remote partners that are currently communicating with the initiator station.
MAC address of the interface of the remote partner.
The interface of the initiator station that the remote partner is communicating to.
Radio Type
The type of radio specified in the Remote Partner.
7Next, click Link Test. The wireless link test should begin as displayed on the next page.
Note: For more detailed information, click Details (located near the bottom of the Remote
Link Test dialog box).
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Analyzing Wireless Equipment 13-7
Important Wireless Statistics
Some of the most important wireless statistics are the following:
Link Quality
This displays the quality of the link.
Green = Good activity
Yellow = Acceptable activity
Red = Poor activity
SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio)
Number of the signal subtracted by the number of noise. The higher the SNR is, the better.
The ratio of the standard deviation of the signal to the standard deviation of the noise.
Since the spread spectrum signals run clearly, the noise level is usually very low. The lower
the noise, the better.
This displays the percentage of test packets successfully received at each end. A higher per-
centage is better.
If you are loosing a large percentage of packets, try realigning the antenna or
changing its polarization (keeping in mind tht the antenna polarization must be the
same at both ends of the wirless link. Then, run the wireless link test again.
You can log the results of the link test into an ASCII text file. You can run the performance
over time and create a graphic to view the past to current results.
8To exit this test, click Quit. Rerun the wireless link test after you have configured each
brouter or implemented any antenna alignments to verify that all equipment is communicat-
ing successfully.
9Fine tune antennas to maximize signal level at each site and repeat the link test again to
confirm good performance.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
13-8 Analyzing Wireless Equipment
Antenna Alignment
Use this feature to continuously broadcast packets in order to test optimum antenna alignment. Note
that you must scan the brouter before running this test.
WARNING! This test will broadcast a large amount of test packets across the wireless link. It will
interfere with normal wireless network operation.
To run the antenna alignment test, do the following:
1From the Analyze menu, choose Antenna Alignment. The Antenna Alignment dialog box
2 Enter the following information:
Interface to run test on
Each brouter contains serveral network interfaces to which it may be connected. The
network interfaces are numbered (i.e., 1,2,3...). The number of inteface can be found
by choosing Interface Setup from the Setup menu.
Seconds to run test (0=Stop)
This is simply the length (in seconds) of the antenna alignment test.
Transmit Rate
This is the speed (measured in Hertz) of the signal transmission.
Glossary for Standard Data
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Glossary for Standard Data Communications
In order to create a successful link, all related equipment should be associated to its respective attachments or equipment.
The magnitude of a waveform when measured from the mid-point to the peak of the wave.
A signal in the form of a continuously varying quantity such as voltage, frequency or phase.
Device used to concentrate and direct the energy of a signal into a tight beam. Parabolic or dish, grid, and Yagi are dif-
ferent varieties of antennas.
Antenna Gain
The ratio of the power radiated by an antenna in a specific direction versus the power required to produce this same
strength if an isotropic antenna were used.
The measure of the loss of power in a microwave signal as it travels between two points. It is measured in decibels (dB).
Attenuators simulate antennas during bench tests.
This is the direction of antenna pointing relative to true north.
A portion of the electromagnetic frequency spectrum.
The range of frequencies over which a device will transmit information.
An abbreviation for binary digits.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Bit Error Rate
A measure of the number of errors in a digital transmission. Typically given as an exponential number that represents the
ratio of errors to total bits. Example: 1E-03 = 0.001 = 1.0 x 10-3 and 1.0E-6 = 0.000001 = 1.0 x 10-3. A single ele-
ment in a binary code. A measure of the number of errors in a digital transmission. Typically given as an exponential
number that represents the ratio of errors to total bits. Example: 1E-03 = 0.001 = 1.0 x 10-3 and 1.0E-6 = 0.000001
= 1.0 x 10-3.
The function of a bridge is to connect separate networks together. This device operates at the DataLink Layer of the OSI
model. Bridges connect different network types (such as Fast Ethernet and Ethernet) or networks of the same type. Bridges
allow only necessary traffic to pass through the designated segments. When the bridge receives a packet, the bridge deter-
mines the destination and source segments. If the segments are the same, the packet is dropped, or filtered. If the seg-
ments are different, then the packet is “forwarded” to the correct segment. Additionally, bridges do not forward bad or
misaligned packets. Bridges are also called “store-and-forward” devices because they look at the whole Ethernet packet
before making filtering or forwarding decisions. Filtering packets, and regenerating forwarded packets enables bridging
technology to split a network into separate collision domains.
This device is a combination of a router and a bridge in one product.
A data unit consisting of eight bits.
A transmission medium of copper wire or optical fiber wrapped in a protective cover.
A specific band of frequencies designated for a specific purpose; the data path between two nodes.
Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit (CSU/DSU)
Manages digital transmission and monitors signals for problems. Performs many functions similar to a modem with the
exception of converting digital signals to/from analog since the end device and transmission facility are both digital.
Channel Spacing
The amount of space signals can flow through.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Understanding this methodology is difficult, even for customers. Therefore, let’s explain this in easier terms. The first octet
(or octets) defines the “class” (indicated by the word “net” in this example) of the address, which is the only method to tell
the size of the network (how big) and where the internet address belongs. The remaining octets indicate availability for net-
work equipment (i.e., computer or other network equipment). The three main classes are: Class A, Class B, and
Class C.
Class A: Net, Node, Node, Node (last three octets are available for equipment)
Class B: Net, Net, Node, Node (last two octets are available for equipment)
Class C: Net, Net, Net, Node (last octet is available for equipment)
Coaxial Cable
A type of transmission line consisting of a center conductor wire surrounded by insulation that is in turn surrounded by a
conductive shield made of metal foil or wire braid. Often used to connect the RF unit and modem unit of a wireless
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
A system in which all users occupy the same bandwidth. Uncorrelated codes are used to allow for higher bandwidth occu-
pancy. This is also known as the spread spectrum system.
Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP)
A network management protocol that is consistent with an Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) network communication
Company name
This is the name of the company that owns or maintains the radio given to the terminal.
This device allows you to communicate through the Telnet client to access the configuration software.
Crimp the connector to secure the conductors.
Customer Premise Equipment (CPE)
Any equipment located at the customer site. Usually in reference to those that are connected to a network.
Data Communication Equipment (DCE)
A definition of an interface standard that determines how it is connected to another device. For most modems, it resolves
issues of interface between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and the network.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)
Hardware that provides for data communications. See also DCE above.
Decibels (dB) relative to 1 milliwatt.
Decibels (dB) relative to 1 watt.
Decibel (dB)
The standard unit of measurement for expressing relative signal power. It is dimensionless and is instead referenced to a
certain level.
The distortion of a wave as it is partially obstructed by an object in its path.
Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
A specialized computer chip designed to perform speedy and complex operations on digitized waveforms.
Direct Sequence (DS)
A type of spreading technique that multiplies a higher rate PN code to the signal in order to spread the energy of the nar-
row band signal over a much wider bandwidth for transmission.
Direct Sequence Speed Spectrum (DSSS)
DSSS may be seen as the result of two processes. Data is multiplied with a higher rate digital sequence (spreading code).
The sequence has many “chips” for every data bit. The resultant signal modulates the RF carrier.
European Standard also used in South American nations, among others. Speed is 2.048 Mega bits per second (Mbps).
Uses the G.703 data interface.
1. Height above sea level. 2. The vertical angle in degrees between the ground and the direction the antenna is pointed.
Electro-Static Discharge happens when there is a transfer between objects at diverse voltages.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
This is the most popular physical layer LAN technology in use today. Other LAN types include Token Ring, Fast Ethernet,
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and Local Talk. Ethernet is popular because it
strikes a good balance between speed, cost and ease of installation. These benefits, combined with wide acceptance in
the computer marketplace, create the ability to support virtually all-popular networks and make Ethernet an ideal network-
ing technology for most computer users today. The Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) defines the Ether-
net as IEEE Standard 802.3. This standard defines rules for configuring an Ethernet, as well as specifying how elements in
an Ethernet network interact with one another. By adhering to the IEEE standard, network equipment and network proto-
cols will communicate efficiently.
Ethernet Switch
This device helps expand the Ethernet network. LAN switches can link four, six, ten or more networks together, and have
two basic architectures. This switch “cuts through” and “stores and forwards” as well. This technique takes more time to
examine the entire packet, but it allows the switch to catch certain packet errors and keep them from propagating through
the network. A switch also operates between the DataLink and Network Layer of the OSI model. It reads the MAC address
and will either bridge it to the Physical Layer or route to the Network Layer.
Fade Margin
The difference between the receiver signal input level and the receiver sensitivity. Fade margin is usually considered the
safety factor allowing the system to remain operating under additional forms of attenuation.
The loss of signal strength due to changes in the atmosphere.
This section of the browser gives the user a detailed list of alarm activity. Along with the alarm activity, the Event Log also
time stamps an alarm, so the user is able to determine when an event occurred, and at what time the event cleared. The
date and time fields are derived from the time read by the radio on the network time server.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Government organization appointed by the U.S. President that regulates interstate communications (by use of licenses,
standards, rates, etc.).
Alterable programs in semitransparent storage (e.g., some type of read-only or flash reprogrammable memory).
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Forward Error Correction (FEC)
The ability of a receiving station to correct a transmission error. The transmitter sends redundant information along with
the original bits and the receiver uses this information to find and correct errors. This can increase the throughput of a
data link operation.
Dividing data for transmission into groups of bits, and adding a header and a check sequence to form a frame.
The number of complete cycles per second existing in a waveform. Note that frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz).
Frequency Hopping (FH)
A type of spreading technique using a PN code to change the signal’s frequency between several pre-assigned values
(hopping). Although the signal itself looks like a narrow band signal at any given point in time, it acts like a spread signal
because of the frequency hopping.
Fresnel Zone
An imaginary ellipse surrounding the direct transmission path formed by all the points from which a reflected wave would
have an increased path length of multiple of the transmitted signal’s wavelength. At least 60% of the Fresnel zone must be
Full Duplex
Independent, simultaneous two-way transmission going in both directions.
The increase in signal power caused by a device such as a transmitter or antenna.
GigaHertz. Billions of Hertz.
Ground elevation
This is the approximate mean sea level (AMSL) of the terminal.
Half Duplex
A one-way directional communication line going in both directions. Only one signal can be transmitted or received at a
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Hertz (Hz)
A unit of measurement equal to one cycle per second.
Hexadecimal (Hex, or H)
A Base-16 numbering system. This means 16 sequential numbers are used as a base unit (i.e., “0-9” and “A-F”).
A term used to describe a single radio path between two points.
This term is interchangeable with the definition “node,” which means this is a point on the network. The host is also any
device on the network that has two-way communication to any point on the network, as well as the Internet.
A condition whereby when the primary method of communication goes down, the secondary method instantly takes over.
This device on a network collects, receives, and repeats data to its forwarded destination on the network. A hub is also
known as a switch.
This provides you details of the internal configuration of the ODU. In the HyperTerminal, you can also change the port set-
tings for the modem connection and adjust the settings to make a call.
Indoor Unit (i.e., Modem Unit).
IF Cable
In an SPEEDCOM system, this is the coaxial cables that connects the modem unit to the RF unit. These cables are termi-
nated with male TNC-type connectors at both ends.
The standard signal for connecting a microwave system to the connecting equipment.
Unwanted signals that cause performance degradation or loss of information.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Intermediate Frequency (IF)
The frequency to which a microwave signal is converted to permit signal processing. This range is typically around 70 to
200 MHz.
This is a system of linked networks that are worldwide in scope and facilitates data communicate service such as remote
login, file transfer, electronic mail, the World Wide Web and newsgroups. With the meteoric rise of demand for connectiv-
ity, the Internet has become the communications highway for millions of users. The Internet was initially restricted to mili-
tary and academic institutions in its infancy, but now it is a full-fledged information channel for any and all forms of
information and commerce. Internet web sites now provide personal, educational, political and economic resources to
every cornet of the planet.
IP Address
This address tells the network how to locate the computers or network equipment connected to it. IP addresses are given
so each computer or equipment on the network contains a unique address.
ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Bands
Ranges are 900 to 928 MHz; 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz; and 5.725 to 5.85 GHz. The FCC for unlicensed use allocated these
bands with a restriction on the output power.
Uniform in all directions.
Thousands of bits per second.
KHz (KiloHertz)
Thousands of Hertz. Each wireless phone call occupies only a few KiloHertz.
This is a local area network that enables computers, network equipment, or other peripherals to communicate on a small
Last mile
Any type of telecommunications technology where data (voice, video, etc) is traveled within relatively short distances to
maintain to highest quality of bandwidth and throughput.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
This is the geographic latitude of the location of the terminal.
This is a light-emitting diode, which is a semiconductor, that sends out visible light when an electrical current moves
through it.
Left arrow
This is the left arrow
key on your keyboard.
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
An electronic device that emits light with little generation of heat.
Line Interface Unit (LIU)
The first unit inside the modem units encountered by signals from the user.
Line of Sight (radio) (LOS)
A condition whereby the antennas of a given link have a sufficient path for communication. It requires that at least 60% of
the Fresnel zone between them be unobstructed. (Do not confuse with Loss of Signal.)
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
The display on the Modem Unit used to configure and monitor the system.
Local Area Network (LAN)
A short distance data communications network used to link together computers and peripheral devices (such as printers)
under some form of standard control.
This is the process of sending out a test signal to the device on the network so that you know if your signal was successful
or unsuccessful.
Loss of Signal (LOS)
The signal from the user’s device does not appear in the DSX or E1 interface. (This is not to be confused with Line of
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
MAC address
In a LAN environment each computer contains its own Medium Access Control (MAC) address which is the embedded and
unique hardware number. For computers on Ethernet LANs, this is the same number as its Ethernet address. This address is
controlled at the DataLink Layer of the OSI model, and is in a hexadecimal format separated by four octets (i.e.,
Major alarm
Indicates that the alarm may cause service interruption.
This is a metropolitan network that enables computers, network equipment, other peripherals, and more than one LAN to
communicate within the city or nearby limits.
Management Information Base (MIB)
A database of network parameters used by SNMP and CMIP to monitor and change network device settings. It provides a
logical naming of all information resources on the network pertinent to the network’s management.
Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
A measure of the theoretical times a component or device will operate without failing.
MHz (MegaHertz)
Millions of Hertz.
Minor alarm
Indicates that the radio is placed in a condition that may affect the 100 Mb throughput, but can be restored (i.e., turning
off loopback functions).
The process of varying characteristics of a carrier signal to represent changes in the transmitted information.
MOdulator-DEModulator (MODEM)
A device that converts a digital signal to analog, or vice versa, and is used to transfer data between computers over com-
munications lines.
Million of samples per second.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Multi-path fading
The condition in which the “true” signal from an antenna reflects off an object (usually the ground) and, as a result, the
reflected signal causes destructive interference at the receiving antenna. Multi-path fading affects linearly polarized sig-
nals more than circularly polarized signals.
A set of connections that allow them to exchange data with each other, which enables multiple users to share to communi-
cate data through the accepted path(s).
Two or more locations tied together with equipment and communications channels.
This is a point on the network such as a computer, server, peripheral (printer, scanner, etc).
Any unwanted signal or disturbance that degrades the quality of a transmitted signal.
Any man-made or natural object that blocks, diffracts, or reflects a transmitted signal.
There are four octets in an IP address. Each octet contains 8 bits, which are equivalent to 1 byte. Each octet is separated
by a period (.).
Outside diameter of pipe for mounting an antenna.
Outdoor Unit
The Outdoor Unit (ODU) provides the baseband and RF signal processing required to convert the 100Base-T signal from
the CPI to an RF frequency at 23, 26, 29, or 38 GHz. The ODU mounts to an antenna through an integral “Quick-Fit
connection that does not require any external waveguide. The ODU housing is ruggedized to protect the RF and modem
electronics contained inside. It is capable of simultaneously transmitting and receiving 100 Mbps of data traffic over the
A unit of data transmitted between a receiver and a sender. Each packet contains embedded information, as well as place
to go on the network (known from the IP address).
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Part 15 (of FCC rules)
The section of the FCC Code of Federal Regulations defines the restrictions regarding the use of Spread Spectrum systems.
Passive Repeater
A re-radiation device associated with a transmitting/receiving antenna system that re-directs intercepted radio frequency
energy without boosting or processing the signal.
Path Length
The distance between two ends of a wireless system.
Path Loss
The decrease in signal power experienced when a signal is transmitted between two points.
Path Profile
A drawing of the terrain (including buildings, trees, hills, lakes, etc.) along a transmission path to determine if a given path
is viable for the communication link. This is usually done with a computer.
Personal Communication Services (PCS)
A lower powered, higher frequency competitive technology to cellular.
The direction of the amplitude of a radio wave. Polarization is usually horizontal or vertical.
Pole Height
This is the height of the antenna supporting structure.
Power Output
The power produced by a transmitter. This is measured in decibels per meter (dBm).
Processing Gain
The ability of the spread spectrum decoder to recover the received signal out of noise. It is essentially the increase in abil-
ity to recover the signal in the presence of an interfering carrier of the same or greater level.
The transmission of a wave along a given path through a medium.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
A network protocol is the standard that allows computers to communicate with each other. A protocol defines how com-
puters identify one another on the network, the form that the data should take in transit, and how this information is pro-
cessed once it reaches its final destination. Protocols also define procedures for handling lost or damaged transmissions or
“packets.” IPX (for Novell Netware), TCP/IP (for UNIX, Windows NT, Windows 95 and 98 and other platforms), DECnet
(for networking Digital Equipment Corp. computers), AppleTalk (for main Macintosh computers), and NetBIOS/NetBEUI
(for LAN and Windows NT networks) are some of today’s most popular networks. Although each network protocol is differ-
ent, they all share the same physical cabling. This common method of accessing the physical network allows multiple pro-
tocols to peacefully coexist over the network media, and allows the builder of the network to use common hardware for a
variety of protocols. This concept is known as “protocol independence,” which means that devices that are compatible at
the physical and data link layers allowing the user to run many different protocols over the same medium.
Pseudo-random Noise code (PN code)
A high rate digital code that mimics random noise-like properties. It is multiplied with a lower rate data signal in order to
achieve spread spectrum transmission signals. The receiver then multiplies the same code back into the transmission to
recover the data signal.
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
This refers to a worldwide voice telephone network accessible to all those with telephones and access privileges.
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
A method for modulating a signal by which more than one bit can be sent simultaneously.
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)
Phase-shift keying in which there are four phase states or positions in the time or frequency domains within a single period.
The flow of electromagnetic energy from a transmitter.
Radiation Pattern
An illustration of the energy level radiated by an antenna in every direction.
Radio address
This is the physical location (street name) of the terminal. This is also displayed at the bottom of the web page.
Radio Frequency (RF)
The frequency at which microwave systems transmit.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
The RSSI Voltage provided at the output of the RF Unit that is used to indicate the RF Input Level.
The sharp change in direction of a wave after hitting an obstruction in its path.
The bending of a wave as it moves from one medium to another.
A measure of the percentage of time the system is operating. Reliability is usually a measure of both the availability of the
signal and the MTBF of the equipment.
Responsible personnel
This is the person(s) responsible for maintaining the radio system.
RF Signal Level
The strength of the power received by the RF Unit from the antenna.
Right arrow
This is the right arrow
key on your keyboard.
This device filters out network traffic by specific protocol rather than by packet address. This device operates at the
Network layer of the OSI model. Routers also divide networks logically instead of physically. An IP router can divide a
network into various subnets so that only traffic designated for particular IP addresses can pass between segments.
Network speed often decreases due to this type of intelligent forwarding. Such filtering takes more time than exercised in a
switch or bridge, which only looks at the Ethernet address. In more complex networks, overall efficiency is improved by
using routers.
Rx (Receiver)
This is where the packet is going.
A computer that is responsible for tracking, as well as receiving and sending requests from other computers connected to
it (on the same network).
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
These are 20 dB lower than the main lobe, and it is critical from a performance standpoint that antennas are aligned with
respect to the main lobe. Failure to do so may cause the radio to be interfered with or the radio may interfere with other
Signal level
This is the value of the signal level at the receiving end of the transmission path.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
The standard protocol for TCP/IP network management that has the most common worldwide use.
Site ID (Unique)
This is the alphanumeric site address given to the terminal by you (the user).
Spread Spectrum Technology (SST)
A method of encoding (with a PN code) a digital signal in a transmitter so as to spread it over a wide range of frequencies
so that the average signal power is close to the noise floor. The same code is known to the receiver and is used to decode
the signal. Keeping the code secret provides communications security.
This term allows you to mask section(s) (depending on the class specified) of the octets in the network address. Each octet
used in the subnet mask is assigned to a data link. The leftover octet(s) are assigned to the remaining nodes.
This term allows you to create multiple networks within one Class A, B, or C network. Each data link (octet) contains its
own unique identifier also known as the subnet. Also, each node on the same data link must belong on the same subnet
as well.
Symbol Threshold
After a signal has been acquired, the acquisition algorithm in the spread-spectrum chip continues to run a cross-correla-
tion between the expected PN sequence and the received signal, but now uses the Symbol Threshold for comparison. If
the result of the cross-correlation drops below the Symbol Threshold, the signal is considered to have been lost, and the
algorithm begins trying to acquire the signal again.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
System Gain
The sum of the transmitter power output and the receiver sensitivity. System gain is an important measure of a system’s
ability to overcome attenuation and perform to a satisfactory level. These are measured in decibels per meter (dBm).
Tx (Transceiver)
This is where the packet is coming from.
A wide-area metropolitan network is a connection between LANs, which may be privately owned or rented.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Protocols & Ethernet
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix-2 Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses
Common Ethernet Protocols
This table contains the protocols that can be specified in
SPEEDLAN's "Ethernet Protocol Menu".
*0600 Xerox NS IDP
0601 XNS Address Translation (3Mb only)
*0800 DOD Internet Protocol (IP)
0801 X.75 Internet
0802 NBS Internet
0803 ECMA Internet
*0804 CHAOSnet
0805 X.25 Level 3
*0806 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) (for IP and for CHAOS)
0807 XNS Compatibility
081C Symbolics Private
0888-088A Xyplex
0900 Ungermann-Bass network debugger
0A00 Xerox IEEE802.3 PUP
0A01 Xerox IEEE802.3 PUP Address Translation
*0BAD Banyan Systems
0BAF Banyan VINES Echo
1000 Berkeley Trailer negotiation
1001-100F Berkeley Trailer encapsulation for IP
1234 DCA - Multicast
*1600 VALID system protocol
1989 Artificial Horizons Aviator dogfight simulator on Sun
3C00 3Com NBP virtual circuit datagram (like XNS SPP) not registered
3C01 3Com NBP System control datagram not registered
3C02 3Com NBP Connect request (virtual cct) not registered
3C03 3Com NBP Connect response not registered
3C04 3Com NBP Connect complete not registered
3C05 3Com NBP Close request (virtual circuit) not registered
3C06 3Com NBP Close response not registered
3C07 3Com NBP Datagram (like XNS IDP) not registered
3C08 3Com NBP Datagram broadcast not registered
3C09 3Com NBP Claim NetBIOS name not registered
3C0A 3Com NBP Delete NetBIOS name not registered
3C0B 3Com NBP Remote adapter status request not registered
3C0C 3Com NBP Remote adapter response not registered
3C0D 3Com NBP Reset not registered
4242 PCS Basic Block Protocol
4321 THD - Diddle
6000 DEC unassigned, experimental
6001 DEC MOP Dump/Load Assistance
6002 DEC MOP Remote Console
6003 DECnet Phase IV, DNA Routing
6004 DEC Local Area Transport (LAT)
6005 DEC diagnostic protocol (at interface initialization?)
6006 DEC customer protocol
6007 DEC Local Area VAX Cluster (LAVC SCA)
6008 & 6009 DEC unassigned
6010-6014 3Com Corporation
7000 Ungermann-Bass download
7001 Ungermann-Bass NIUs
7002 Ungermann-Bass diagnostic/loopback
7003 Ungermann-Bass ??? (NMC to/from UB Bridge)
7005 Ungermann-Bass Bridge Spanning Tree
7007 OS/9 Microware
7009 OS/9 Net?
7020-7029 LRT (England) (now Sintrom)
7030 Racal-Interlan
7034 Cabletron
8003 Cronus VLN
8004 Cronus Direct
8005 HP Probe protocol
8006 Nestar
8008 AT&T/Stanford University local use
8010 Excelan
8013 Silicon Graphics diagnostic
8014 Silicon Graphics network games
8015 Silicon Graphics reserved
8016 Silicon Graphics XNS NameServer, bounce server
8019 Apollo DOMAIN
802E Tymshare
802F Tigan, Inc.
*8035 Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP)
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses Appendix-3
8036 Aeonic Systems
8037 IPX - Novell Netware
8038 DEC LanBridge Management
8039 DEC unassigned (DSM/DTP?)
803A DEC unassigned (Argonaut Console?)
803B DEC unassigned (VAXELN?)
803C DEC unassigned (NMSV? DNA Naming Service?)
803D DEC Ethernet CSMA/CD Encryption Protocol
803E DEC unassigned (DNA Time Service?)
803F DEC LAN Traffic Monitor Protocol
8040 DEC unassigned (NetBIOS Emulator?)
8041 DEC unassigned (MS/DOS?, Local Area System Transport?)
8042 DEC unassigned
8044 Planning Research Corp.
8046 & 8047 AT&T
8049 ExperData
805B VMTP (Versatile Message Transaction Protocol, RFC-1045)
805C Stanford V Kernel, version 6.0
805D Evans & Sutherland
8060 Little Machines
8062 Counterpoint Computers
8065 & 8066 University of Mass. at Amherst
8067 Veeco Integrated Automation
8068 General Dynamics
8069 AT&T
806A Autophon
806C ComDesign
806D Compugraphic Corporation
806E-8077 Landmark Graphics Corporation
807A Matra
807B Dansk Data Elektronik
*807C Merit Internodal (or University of Michigan?)
807D-807F Vitalink Communications
8080 Vitalink TransLAN III Management
8081-8083 Counterpoint Computers
8088-808A Xyplex
* 809B EtherTalk (AppleTalk Phase I over Ethernet)
809C-809E Datability
809F Spider Systems Ltd.
80A3 Nixdorf Computers
80A4-80B3 Siemens Gammasonics Inc.
80C0-80C3 DCA (Digital Comm. Assoc.) Data Exchange Cluster
80C6 Pacer Software
80C7 Applitek Corporation
80C8-80CC Intergraph Corporation
80CD-80CE Harris Corporation
80CF-80D2 Taylor Instrument
80D3-80D4 Rosemount Corporation
80D5 IBM SNA Services over Ethernet
80DD Varian Associates
80DE-80DF TRFS (Integrated Solutions)
80E0-80E3 Allen-Bradley
80E4-80F0 Datability
80F2 Retix
80F3 AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol (AARP)
80F4-80F5 Kinetics
80F7 Apollo Computer
80FF-8103 Wellfleet Communications(Bay Networks)
8107-8109 Symbolics Private
812B Talaris
8130 Waterloo Microsystems Inc.
8131 VG Laboratory Systems
8137 Novell (old) NetWare IPX (ECONFIG E option)
8138 Novell, Inc.
8139-813D KTI
814C SNMP over Ethernet (see RFC1089)
817D XTP
81D6 Lantastic
8888 HP LanProbe test?
9000 Loopback (Configuration Test Protocol)
*9001 3Com XNS Systems Management
*9002 3Com TCP/IP Systems Management
9003 3Com loopback detection
AAAA DECnet? (Used by VAX 6220 DEBNI)
FF00 BBN VITAL-LanBridge cache wakeups
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix-4 Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses
Common Ethernet Vendor
This table contains the Vendor portion of the assigned
Ethernet Addresses. They may be specified in SPEEDLAN
"Ethernet Address Menu".
000002 BBN (internal usage only)
00000C Cisco
00000E Fujitsu
00000F NeXT (Apple Computer)
000010 Hughes LAN Systems (formerly Sytek)
000011 Tektronix
000015 Datapoint Corporation
000018 Webster (?)
00001B Novell
00001D Cabletron
000020 DIAB (Data Intdustrier AB)
000021 SC&C
000022 Visual Technology
000029 IMC
00002A TRW
0000037 Oxford Metrics Limited
00003C Auspex
00003D AT&T
00003F Syntrex Inc.
000044 Castelle
000046 ISC-Bunker Ramo, An Olivetti Company
000049 Apricot Ltd.
00004B A.P.T. Appletalk WAN router
00004C NEC Corporation
00004F Logicraft 386-Ware P.C. Emulator
000050 Radisys Corporation
000051 HOB Electronic GMGH & Co.
000052 ODS
000055 AT&T
000058 Racore Computer Products Inc.
00005A (Schneider & Koch in Europe and Syskonnect)
00005A Xerox 806 (unregistered)
00005D RCE
00005E U.S. Department of Defence (IANA)
000061 Gateway Communications
000062 Honeywell
000064 Yokogawa Digital Computer Corp.
000065 Network General
000068 Rosemount Controls
000069 Silicon Graphics(?)
00006B MIPS00006D Cray Communications, Ltd.
00006E Artisoft, Inc.
00006F Madge Networks Ltd.
000074 Ricoh Company Ltd.
000077 MIPS(?), Interphase(?)
000079 Networth Inc.
00007A Ardent
00007B Research Machines
00007D Cray Research Superservices Inc.
00007F Linotype)
000080 Imagen(?) Also shows as "Harris (3M) (new)"
000081 Synoptics
000084 Aquila (?), ADI Systems Inc.(?)
000086 Gateway (?), Megahertz Corporation(?)
000089 Cayman Systems Gatorbox
00008A Datahouse Information Systems
00008E Jupiter(?), Solbourne(?)
000093 Proteon
000094 Asante
000095 Sony/Tektronix
000097 Epoch
000098 Crossomm Corporation
000099 Memorex Telex Corporation
00009F Ameristar Technology
0000A0 Sanyo Electronics
0000A2 Wellfleet (Bay Networks)
0000A3 Network Application Technology (NAT)
0000A4 Acorn Computers Ltd.
0000A5 Compatible Systems Corporation
0000A6 Network General (internal assign- ment)
0000A7 Network Computing Devices (NCD) X-terminals
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses Appendix-5
0000A8 Stratus Computer, Inc.
0000A9 Network Systems
0000AA Xerox machines
0000AC Apollo
0000AE Dassault Automatismes
0000AF Nuclear Data Acquisition Interface Modules (AIM)
0000B0 RND (RAD Network Devices)
0000B1 Alpha Microsystems Inc.
0000B3 CIMLinc
0000B5 Datability Terminal Servers
0000B6 Micro-Matic Research
0000B7 Dove Computer Corporation
0000BC Allen-Bradley Co. Inc.
0000C0 Western Digital (now SMC)
0000C1 Olicom A/S
0000C6 HP Intelligent Networks Operation
0000C8 Altos
0000C9 Emulex Terminal Servers
0000CC Densan Co. Ltd.
0000CD Industrial Research Ltd.
0000D0 Develcon Electronics, Ltd.
0000D1 Adaptec, Inc. "Nodem" product
0000D2 SBE Inc.
0000D7 Dartmouth College (NED Router)
0000D8 3Com? Novell? PS/2
0000DD Gould
0000DE Unigraph
0000E2 Acer Counterpoint
0000E3 Integrated Micro Products Ltd.
0000E6 Aptor Produits de Comm. Indust.
002015 Actis Computer SA.
002016 Showa Electric Wire and Cable Co.
002017 Orbotech
00201C Excel Inc.
00201E Netquest Corporation
00201F Best Power Technology Inc.
002021 Algorithms Software Pvt. Ltd.
002022 Teknique, Inc.
002024 Pacific Communications Sciences
002025 Control Technology Inc.
002027 Ming Fortune Industry Co. Ltd.
002028 West Egg Systems Inc.
002029 Teleprocessing Products Inc.
00202C Welltronix Co. Ltd.
00202E Daystar Digital
002030 Analog & Digital Systems
002032 Alcatel Taisel
002033 Synapse Technologies Inc.
002036 BMC Software
00203A Digital Biometrics Inc.
00203B Wisdm Ltd.
00203C Eurotime AB
00203F Juki Corporation
002042 Datametrics Corp
0000E7 Star Gate Technologies
0000E8 Accton Technology Corporation
0000E9 Isicad Inc.
0000ED April
0000EE Network Designers Limited(?)
0000EF Alantec
0000F0 Samsung
0000F2 Spider Communications
0000F3 Gandalf
0000F4 Allied Telesis, Inc.
0000F6 A.M.C. (Applied Microsystems Corp.)
0000F8 Digital Equipment Corp. (Compaq Computer Corp.)
0000FB Rechner Zur Kommunikation
0000FD High Level Hardware (Orion, UK)
000102 BBN internal usage (not registered)
000143 IEEE 802
000163 NDC (National Datacomm Corporation)
000168 W&G (Wandel & Goltermann)
0001C8 Thomas Conrad Corp.
000267 Node Runner Inc.
000701 Racal-Datacom
001700 Kabel
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix-6 Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses
002002 Seritech Enterprise Co. Ltd.
002006 Garrett Communications Inc.
002008 Cable & Computer Technology
002009 Packard Bell Elec. Inc.
00200C Adastra Systems Corp.
00200E Satellite Technology Mgmt, Inc.
002011 Canopus Co. Ltd.
002014 Global View Co. Ltd.
002044 Genitech Pty. Ltd.
002045 Solcom Systems Ltd.
002048 Fore Systems Inc.
002049 Comtron Inc.
00204A Pronet GMBH
00204B Autocomputer Co. Ltd.
00204C Mitron Computer Pte. Ltd.
00204D Inovis GMBH
00204E Network Security Systems Inc.
00204F Deutsche Aerospace AG.
002050 Korea Computer Inc.
002051 Phoenix Data Communications Corp.
002053 Huntsville Microsystems Inc.
002056 Neoproducts
00205B Skyline Technology
00205D Nanomatic OY.
00205F Gammadata Computer GMBH
002061 Dynatech Communications Inc.
002063 Wipro Infotech Ltd.
002064 Protec Microsystems Inc.
002066 General Magic Inc.
002068 Isdyne
002069 ISDN Systems Corporation
00206A Osaka Computer Corporation
00206D Data Race Inc.
00206E Xact Inc.
002074 Sungwoon Systems
002076 Reudo Corporation
002077 Kardios Systems Corporation
002078 Runtop Inc.
00207F Kyoelsangyo Co. Ltd.
002082 Oneac Corporation
002083 Presticom Inc.
002084 OCE Graphics USA Inc.
002088 Global Village Communication
002089 T3Plus Networking Inc.
00208A Sonix Communications Ltd.
00208B Lapis Technologies Inc.
00208C Galaxy Networks Inc.
00208E Chevin Software Eng Ltd.
002095 Riva Electronics
002096 Siebe Environmental Controls
002099 Bon Electric Co. Ltd.
00209B Ersat Electronic GMBH
00209C Primary Access Corp.
00209D Lippert Automationstechnik
0020A1 Dovatron
0020A4 Multipoint Networks
0020A6 Proxim Inc.
0020A9 White Horse Industrial
0020AA NTL Advanced Products
0020AC Interflex Datensysteme GMBH
0020AE Ornet Data Communication Tech.
0020AF 3Com Corporation
0020EC Techware Systems Corp.
0020ED Giga-Byte Technology Co. Ltd.
0020EE Gtech Corporation
0020EF U S C Corporation
0020F1 Altos India Ltd.
0020F2 Spectrix Corp
0020F5 Pan Dacom TelecommunicationsGMBH
0020F6 NetTek & WaveBrouter Inc.
0020F8 Carrera Computers Inc.
0020FF Symmetrical Technologies
004001 Zero One Technology Co. Ltd.
004005 Linksys
004009 Tachibana Tectron Co Ltd.
00400C General Micor Systems Inc.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses Appendix-7
00400D Lannet Data Communications Ltd.
004010 Sonic Systems
004013 NTT Data Comm. Systems Corp.
004014 Comsoft GMBH
004015 Ascom Infrasys AG
00401F Colorgraph Ltd.
004020 Pinacl Communications
004023 Logic Corporation
004025 Molecular Dynamics
004026 Melco Inc.
004027 SMC Massachusetts Inc.
0020B0 Gateway Devices Inc.
0020B1 Comtech Research Inc.
0020B3 Scltec Communications Systems
0020B6 Agile Networks Inc.
0020BA Center for High Performance
0020BB Zax Corporation
0020BE LAN Access Corporation
0020BF Aehr Test Systems
0020C2 Texas Memory Systems Inc.
0020C5 Eagle Technology
0020C6 Nectec
0020C8 Larscom Inc.
0020C9 Victron BV
0020CA Digital Ocean
0020CC Digital Services Ltd.
0020CD Hybrid Networks Inc.
0020CE Logical Design Group Inc.
0020D1 Microcomputer Systems (M) SDN
0020D2 Rad Data Communications Ltd.
0020D3 QST (Quest Standard Telematique)
0020D6 Lannair Ltd.
0020DB XNET Technology Inc.
0020DC Densitron Taiwan Ltd.
0020E1 Alamar Electronics
0020E7 B & W Nuclear Service Company
0020E8 Datatrek Corporation
0020E9 Dantel
0020EA Efficient Networks Inc.
004074 Cable and Wireless Communications Inc.
004076 AMP Incorporated
004078 Wearnes Automation Pte Ltd.
00407F Agema Infrared Systems AB
004082 Laboratory Equipment Corp.
004085 SAAB Instruments AB
004086 Michels & Kleberhoff Computer
004087 Ubitrex Corporation
00408A TPS Teleprocessing Sys GMBH
00408C Axis Communications AB
00408E CXR/Digilog
00408F WM-Data Minfo AB
004091 Procomp Industria Electronica
004092 ASP Computer Products Inc.
004094 Shographics Inc.
004095 R.P.T. Intergroups Intl. Ltd.
004096 Telesystems SLW Inc.
00409A Network Express Inc.
00409C Transware
00409D Digiboard Inc.
00409E Concurrent Technologies Ltd.
00409F Lancast/Casat Technology Inc.
0040A4 Rose Electronics
0040A6 Cray Research Inc.
0040AA Valmet Automation Inc.
0040AD SMA Regelsysteme GMBH
0040E5 Sysbus Corporation
0040E7 Arnos Instruments & Computer Systems
0040E9 Accord Systems Inc.
0040EA Plain Tree Systems Inc.
0040ED Network Controls Int'natl Inc.
0040F0 Micro Systems Inc.
0040F1 Chuo Electronics Co. Ltd.
0040F4 Cameo Communications Inc.
0040F5 OEM Engines
0040F6 Katron Computers Inc.
0040F9 Combinet
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix-8 Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses
0040FA Microboards Inc.
0040FD LXE
0040FF Telebit Corporation
00608C 3Com Corporation
008000 Multitech Systems Inc.
008004 Antlow Computers Ltd.
008005 Cactus Computers Inc.
008006 Compuadd Corporation
008007 DLOG NC Systeme
00800D Vosswinkel F.U.
00800F SMC (Standard Microsystem Corp.)
008010 Commodore
008015 Seiko Systems Inc.
008017 PFU
008016 Wandel and Goltermann
008018 Kobe Steel Ltd.
008019 Dayna Communications Inc.
00801A Bell Atlantic
0040AE Delta Controls Inc.
0040B4 3Com K.K.
0040B5 Video Technology Computers Ltd.
0040B6 Computerm Corporation
0040B9 MACQ Electronique SA.
0040BD Starlight Networks Inc.
0040C0 Vista Controls Corporation
0040C1 Bizerba-Werke Wilheim Kraut
0040C2 Applied Computing Devices
0040C3 Fischer and Proter Co.
0040C5 Micom Communications Corp.
0040C6 Fibernet Research Inc.
0040C8 Milan Technology Corp.
0040CC Silcom Manuf'g Technology Inc.
0040CF Strawberry Tree Inc.
0040D2 Pagine Corporation
0040D4 Gage Talker Corp.
0040D7 Studio Gen Inc.
0040D8 Ocean Office Automation Ltd.
0040DC Tritec Electronic GMBH
0040DF Digalog Systems Inc.
0040E1 Marner International Inc.
0040E2 Mesa Ridge Technologies Inc.
0040E3 Quin Systems Ltd.
0040E4 E-M Technology Inc.
00801B Kodiak Technology
008021 Newbridge Research Corp.
008023 Integrated Business Networks
008024 Kalpana Inc.
008026 Network Products Corporation
008029 Microdyne Corporation
00802A Test Systems & Simulations Inc.
00802C The Sage Group PLC
00802D XYLogics Inc.
00802E Plexcom, Inc.
008034 SMT-Goupil
008035 Technology Works
008037 Telefon AB LM Ericsson Crop.
008038 Data Research & Applications
00803B APT Communications Inc.
00803D Surigiken Co. Ltd.
00803E Synernetics
008042 Force Computers
008043 Networld Inc.
008044 Systech Computer Corp.
008045 Matsushita Electric Ind. Co.
008046 University of Toronto
008049 Nissin Electric Co. Ltd.
00804C Contec Co. Ltd.
00804D Cyclone Microsystems Inc.
008051 Fibermux
008052 Network Professor
008057 Adsoft Ltd.
00805A Tulip Computers Internat'l B.V.
00805B Condor Systems Inc.
008062 Interface Co.
008063 Richard Hirschmann GBMH & Co.
008067 Square D Company
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses Appendix-9
008069 Computone Systems
00806A ERI (Empac Research Inc.)
00806B Schmid Telecommunication
00806C Cegelec Projects Ltd.
00806D Centrury Systems Corp.
00806E Nippon Steel Corporation
00806F Onelan Ltd.
008071 SAI Technology
008072 Microplex Systems Ltd.
008074 Fisher Controls
008079 Microbus Designs Ltd.
00807B Artel Communications Corp.
00807C FiberCom
00807E Southern Pacific Ltd.
008082 PEP Modular Computers GMBH
008086 Computer Generations Inc.
008087 Okidata
008088 Victor Company of Japan Ltd.
008089 Tecnetics (Pty) Ltd.
00808A Summit Microsystems Corp.
0080AF Allumer Co. Ltd.
0080B1 Softcom A/S
0080B2 NET (Network Equipment Technologies)
0080BA Specialix (Asia) Pte. Ltd.
0080C2 IEE 802 Committe, Fermi Nat'l Lab
0080C7 Xircom, Inc.
0080C8 D-Link (also Solectek Pocket Adapters)
0080C9 Alberta Microelectronic Centre
0080CE Broadcast Television Systems
0080D0 Computer Products International
0080D3 Shiva - AppleTalk-Ethernet interface
0080D4 Chase Limited
0080D7 Fantum Engineering Inc.
0080D8 Network Peripherals
0080DA Bruel & Kjaer
0080DD GMX Inc. / GIMIX
0080E0 XTP Systems Inc.
0080E7 Lynwood Scientific Dev Ltd.
0080EA The Fiber Company
0080F0 Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co.
0080F1 Opus
0080F3 Sun Electronics Corp.
0080F4 Telemecanique Electrique
0080F5 Quantel Ltd.
0080FB BVM Limited
0080FE Azure Technologies Inc.
00AA00 Intel
00B0D0 Computer Products International
00C000 Lanoptics Ltd.
00C001 Diatek Patient Managment
00C002 Sercomm Corporation
00C003 Globalnet Communications
00C004 Japan Business Computer Co. Ltd.
00808B Dacoll Limited
00808C Frontier Software Development
00808D Westcoast Technology B.V.
00808E Radstone Technology
008090 Microtek International Inc.
008092 Japan Computer Industry Inc.
008093 Xyron Corporation
008094 Sattcontrol AB
008096 HDS (Human Designed Systems) X-terminals
008098 TDK Corporation
00809A Novus Networks Ltd.
00809B Justsystem Corporation
00809D Datacraft Manufactur'g Pty. Ltd.
00809F Alcatel Business Systems
0080A1 Microtest
0080A3 Lantronix
0080A6 Republic Technology Inc.
0080A7 Measurex Corp.
0080AC Imlogix, Division of Genesys
0080AD Cnet Technology Inc.
0080AE Hughes Network Systems
00C005 Livingston Enterprise Inc.
00C006 Nippon Avionics Co. Ltd.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix-10 Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses
00C007 Pinnacle Data Systems Inc.
00C008 Seco SRL
00C009 KT Technology (S) Pte Ltd.
00C00A Micro Craft
00C00B Norcontrol A.S.
00C00D Advanced Logic Research Inc.
00C00E Psitech Inc.
00C00F Quantum Software Systems Ltd.
00C011 Interactive Computing Devices
00C012 Netspan Corporation
00C013 Netrix
00C014 Telematics Calabasas Int'l Inc.
00C015 New Media Corporation
00C016 Electronic Theatre Controls
00C018 Lanart Corporation
00C019 Leap Technology Inc.
00C01A Corometrics Medical Systems
00C01B Socket Communications Inc.
00C01C Systems Information
00C01D Grand Junction Networks Inc.
00C01F S.E.R.C.E.L.
00C020 Arco Electronic Control Ltd.
00C021 Netexpress
00C023 Tutankhamon Electronics
00C024 Eden Sistemas de Computacao SA
00C025 Dataproducts Corporation
00C027 Cipher Systems Inc.
00C028 Jasco Corporation
00C029 Kabel Rheydt AG
00C02A Ohkura Electric Co. Ltd.
00C02B Gerloff Gesellschaft
00C02C Centrum Communications Inc.
00C02D Fuji Photo Film Co. Ltd.
00C02E Netwiz
00C02F Okuma Corporation
00C030 Integrated Engineering B.V.
00C031 Design Research Systems Inc.
00C032 I-Cubed Limited
00C033 Telebit Communications APS
00C034 Dale Computer Corporation
00C035 Quintar Company
00C036 Raytech Electronic Corp.
00C039 Silicon Systems
00C03B Multiaccess Computing Corp.
00C03C Tower Tech S.R.L
00C03D Wiesemann & Theis GMBH
00C03E FA. Gebr. Heller GMBH
00C03F Stores Automated Systems Inc.
00C040 ECCI
00C041 Digital Transmission Systems
00C042 Datalux Crop.
00C057 Myco Electronics
00C058 Data Expert Corp.
00C03E FA. Gebr. Heller GMBH
00C03F Stores Automated Systems Inc.
00C059 Nippondenso Co. Ltd.
00C05B Networks Northwest Inc.
00C05C Elonex PLC
00C05D L&N Technologies
00C05E Vari-Lite Inc.
00C060 ID Scandinavia AS
00C061 Solectek Corporation
00C063 Morning Star Technologies Inc.
00C064 General Datacomm Ind Inc.
00C065 Scope Communications Inc.
00C066 Docupoint Inc.
00C067 United Barcode Industries
00C068 Philip Drake Electronics Ltd.
00C069 California Microwave Inc.
00C06A Zahner-Elektrik GMBH & Co. KG
00C06B OSI Plus Corporation
00C06C Svec Computer Corp.
00C06D Boca Research Inc.
00C06F Komatsu Ltd.
00C070 Sectra Secure Transmission AB
00C071 Areanex Communications Inc.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses Appendix-11
00C072 KNX Ltd.
00C073 Xedia Corporation
00C074 Toyoda Automatic Loom
00C075 Xante Corporation
00C076 I-Data International A S
00C077 Daewoo Telecom Ltd
00C078 Computer Systems Engineering
00C079 Fonsys Co. Ltd.
00C07A Priva B.V.
00C07D Risc Developments Ltd.
00C07F Nupon Computing Corp.
00C080 Netstar Inc.
00C081 Metrodata Ltd.
00C082 Moore Products Co.
00C084 Datalink Corp. Ltd.
00C043 Stratacom
00C044 Emcom Corporation
00C045 Isolation Systems Ltd.
00C046 Kemitron Ltd
00C047 Unimicro Systems Inc.
00C048 Bay Technical Associates
00C04B Creative Microsystems
00C04D Mitec Inc.
00C04E Comtrol Corporation
00C050 Toyo Denki Seizo K.K.
00C051 Advanced Integration Research
00C055 Modular Computing Technologies
00C056 Somelec
00C086 The Lynk Corporation
00C087 UUNET Technologies Inc.
00C089 Telindus Distribution
00C08A Lauterbach Datentechnik GMBH
00C08B Risq Modular Systems Inc.
00C08C Performance Technologies Inc.
00C08D Tronix Product Development
00C08E Network Information Technology
00C08F Matsushita Electric Works Ltd
00C090 Praim S.R.L.
00C091 Jabil Circuit Inc.
00C092 Mennen Medical Inc.
00C093 Alta Research Corp.
00C096 Tamura Corporation
00C097 Archipsel SA
00C098 Chuntex Electronic Co. Ltd.
00C099 Yoshiki Industrial Co. Ltd.
00C09B Reliance Comm/Tec R-Tec
00C09C TOA Electronic Ltd.
00C09D Distributed Systems Int'l Inc.
00C09F Quanta Computer Inc.
00C0A0 Advanced Micro Research Inc.
00C0A1 Tokyo Denshi Sekei Co.
00C0A2 Intermedium A/S
00C0A3 Dual Enterprises Corporation
00C0A4 Unigraf OY
00C0A7 Seel Ltd.
00C0A8 GVC Corporation
00C0A9 Barron McCann Ltd.
00C0AA Silicon Valley Computer
00C0AB Jupiter Technology Inc.
00C0AC Gambit Computer Communica tions
00C0AD Marben Communication Systems
00C0AE Towercom Co. Inc. (PC House)
00C0AF Teklogix Inc.
00C0B0 GCC Technologies Inc.
00C0B2 Norand Corporation
00C0B3 Comstat Datacomm Corpora tion
00C0B4 Myson Technology Inc.
00C0B5 Corporate Network Systems Inc.
00C0B6 Meridian Data Inc.
00C0B7 American Power Conversion Corp.
00C0B8 Fraser's Hill Ltd.
00C0B9 Funk Software Inc.
00C0BA Netvantage
00C0BB Forval Creative Inc.
00C0BD Inex Technologies Inc.
00C0BE Alcatel - Sel
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix-12 Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses
00C0BF Technology Concepts Ltd.
00C0C0 Shore Microsystems Inc.
00C0C1 Quad/Graphics Inc.
00C0C2 Infinite Networks Ltd.
00C0C3 Acuson Computed Sonography
00C0CD Comelta S.A.
00C0D0 Ratoc System Inc.
00C0D1 Comtree Technology Corporation
00C0D2 Syntellect Inc.
00C0D4 Axon Networks Inc.
00C0D5 Quancom Electronic GMBH
00C0D6 J1 Systems Inc.
00C0D9 Quinte Network Confidentiality
00C0DB IPC Corporation (PTE) Ltd.
00C0DC EOS Technologies Inc.
00C0DE Zcomm Inc.
00C0DF KYE Systems Corp.
00C0E1 Sonic Solutions
00C0E2 Calcomp Inc.
00C0E3 Ositech Communications Inc.
00C0E4 Landis & GYR Powers Inc.
00C0E5 Gespac S.A.
00C0E6 Txport
00C0E7 Fiberdata
00C0E8 Plexcom Inc.
00C0E9 Oak Solutions Ltd
00C0EA Array Technology Ltd.
00C0EB SEH Comutertechnik GMBH
00C0EC Dauphin Technology
00C0ED US Army Electronic
00C0EE Kyocera Corporation
00C0EF Abit Corporation
00C0F0 Kingston Technology Corp.
00C0F1 Shinko Electric Co. Ltd.
00C0F2 Transition Engineering Inc.
00C0F3 Network Communications Corp.
00C0F4 Interlink System Co. Ltd.
00C0F5 Metacomp Inc.
00C0F6 Celan Technology Inc.
00C0F7 Engage Communication Inc.
00C0F8 About Computing Inc.
00C0F9 Harris and Jeffries Inc.
00C0FA Canary Communications Inc.
00C0FB Advanced Technology Labs.
00C0FC ASDG Inc.
00C0FD Prosum
00C0FF Box Hill Systems Corporation
00DD00 Ungermann-Bass - IBM RT
00DD01 Ungermann-Bass
00EFE5 IBM (3Com card) Micro Channel interface
020406 BBN internal usage (not registered)
00C0C4 Computer Operational
00C0C5 SID Informatica
00C0C6 Personal Media Corp.
00C0C8 Micro Byte Pty Ltd.
00C0C9 Bailey Controls Co.
00C0CA Alfa Inc.
00C0CB Control Technology Corporation
020701 Racal Datacom (Micom/Interlan)
026060 3Com
026086 Satelcom MegaPac (UK)
02608C 3Com IBM PC; Imagen; Valid; Cisco; Macintosh
02CF1F CMC Masscomp; Silicon Graphics; Prime EXL
02E6D3 BTI (Bus-Tech, Inc.) IBM Main frames
080001 Computer Vision
080002 3Com (formerly Bridge)
080003 ACC (Advanced Computer Communications)
080005 Symbolics LISP machines
080007 Apple Computer Inc.
080008 BBN
080009 Hewlett-Packard
08000A Nestar Systems
08000B Uniisys Corporation
08000D IInternational Computers Ltd.
08000E NCR/AT&T
08000F SMC (Standard Microsystems Corp.)
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses Appendix-13
080010 AT&T [misrepresentation of]
080011 Tektronix, Inc.
080014 Excelan BBN Butterfly, Masscomp, Silicon Graphics
080017 NSC (National Semiconductor Corp.)
08001A Data General
08001B Data General
08001E Apollo
08001F Sharp Corporation
080020 Sun
080022 NBI (Nothing But Initials)
080023 Matsushita Denso
080025 CDC
080026 Norsk Data (Nord)
080027 PCS Computer Systems GmbH
080028 Texas Instruments
08002B DEC
08002E Metaphor
08002F Prime 50-Series LHC300
080030 CERN
080036 Intergraph CAE stations
080037 Fujitsu-Xerox
080038 Bull
080039 Spider Systems Ltd.
08003B Torus Systems
08003E Motorola VME bus processor modules
080041 DCA (Digital Comm. Assoc.)
080044 DSI (DAVID Systems, Inc.)
080046 Sony
080047 Sequent
080048 Eurotherm Gauging Systems
080049 Univation
08004C Encore
08004E BICC
080051 Experdata
080056 Stanford University
080057 Evans & Sutherland (?)
080058 DECsystem-20
08005A IBM
080067 Comdesign
080068 Ridge
080069 Silicon Graphics
08006A ATTst (?)
08006E Excelan
080070 Mitsubishi
080074 Casio Computer Co. Ltd.
080075 DDE (Danish Data Elektronik A/S)
080077 TSL (now Retix)
080079 Silicon Graphics
08007C Vitalink TransLAN III
080080 XIOS
080081 Crossfield Electronics
080083 Seiko Denshi
080086 Imagen/QMS
080087 Xyplex terminal servers
080089 Kinetics AppleTalk-Ethernet interface
08008B Pyramid
08008D XyVision machines
08008E Tandem
08008F Chipcom Corporation
080090 Retix Inc. Bridges
10005A IBM
1000D4 DEC
1000E0 Apple A/UX (modified addresses for licensing)
400003 NetWare (?)
475443 GTC (Not registered!) (This number is a multicast!)
484453 HDS ???
800010 AT&T (misrepresented as 080010?)
AA0000 DEC obsolete
AA0001 DEC obsolete
AA0002 DEC obsolete
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix-14 Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses
Common Ethernet Multicast
This table contains commonly used Ethernet Multicast
Addresses and the Ethernet Protocols they use. They may
be specified in the SPEEDLAN "Ethernet Address Menu".
01-00-1D-00-00-00 -802- Cabletron PC-OV PC discover
01-00-1D-42-00-00 -802- Cabletron PC-OV Bridge discover
01-00-1D-52-00-00 -802- Cabletron PC-OV MMAC discover
01-00-5E-00-00-00 0800 DoD Internet Multicast (RFC-1112) through 01-00-
1-00-5E-80-00-00 DoD Internet reserved by IANA through 01-00-5E-FF-FF-FF
01-00-81-00-00-02 Synoptics Network Management
01-80-C2-00-00-00 -802- Spanning tree (for bridges)
01-80-C2-00-00-01 -802- 802.1 alternate Spanning multicast through 01-
01-80-C2-00-00-14 -802- OSI Route level 1 (within area) IS hello?
01-80-C2-00-00-15 -802- OSI Route level 2 (between area) IS hello?
01-DD-00-FF-FF-FF 7002 Ungermann-Bass boot-me requests
01-DD-01-00-00-00 7005 Ungermann-Bass Spanning Tree
03-00-00-00-00-10 80D5 (OS/2 1.3 EE + Communications Manager)
03-00-00-00-00-40 80D5 (OS/2 1.3 EE + Communications Manager)
09-00-02-04-00-01? 8080? Vitalink printer messages
09-00-02-04-00-02? 8080? Vitalink bridge management
09-00-07-00-00-00 -802- AppleTalk Zone multicast addresses through 09-
09-00-07-FF-FF-FF -802- AppleTalk broadcast address
09-00-09-00-00-01 8005 HP Probe
09-00-09-00-00-01 -802- HP Probe
09-00-09-00-00-04 8005? HP DTC
09-00-0D-xx-xx-xx -802- ICL Oslan Multicast
09-00-0D-02-00-00 ICL Oslan Service discover on boot
09-00-0D-02-0A-38 ICL Oslan Service discover on boot
09-00-0D-02-0A-39 ICL Oslan Service discover on boot
09-00-0D-02-0A-3C ICL Oslan Service discover on boot
09-00-0D-02-FF-FF ICL Oslan Service discover on boot
09-00-0D-09-00-00 ICL Oslan Service discover as required
09-00-1E-00-00-00 8019? Apollo DOMAIN
09-00-26-01-00-01? 8038 Vitalink TransLAN bridge management
09-00-2B-00-00-00 6009? DEC MUMPS?
09-00-2B-00-00-01 8039 DEC DSM/DTP?
09-00-2B-00-00-02 803B? DEC VAXELN?
09-00-2B-00-00-03 8038 DEC Lanbridge Traffic Monitor (LTM)
09-00-2B-00-00-04 DEC MAP End System Hello?
09-00-2B-00-00-05 DEC MAP Intermediate System Hello?
09-00-2B-00-00-06 803D? DEC CSMA/CD Encryption?
09-00-2B-00-00-07 8040? DEC NetBios Emulator?
09-00-2B-00-00-0F 6004 DEC Local Area Transport (LAT)
9-00-2B-00-00-1x DEC Experimental
09-00-2B-01-00-00 8038 DEC LanBridge Copy packets
09-00-2B-01-00-01 8038 DEC LanBridge Hello packets
(All local bridges) 1 packet per second, sent by the designated LanBridge
09-00-2B-02-00-00 DEC DNA Level 2 Routing Layer ?
09-00-2B-02-01-00 803C? DEC DNA Naming Service Advertise?
09-00-2B-02-01-01 803C? DEC DNA Naming Service Solicitation?
09-00-2B-02-01-02 803E? DEC DNA Time Service
09-00-2B-03-xx-xx DEC default filtering by bridges?
09-00-2B-04-00-00 8041? DEC Local Area SysTransport LAST?
09-00-2B-23-00-00 803A? DEC Argonaut Console?
09-00-39-00-70-00? Spider Systems Bridge Hello packet?
09-00-4C-00-00-00 -802- BICC 802.1 management
09-00-4C-00-00-02 -802- BICC 802.1 management
09-00-4C-00-00-06 -802- BICC Local bridge STA 802.1(D) Rev6
09-00-4C-00-00-0C -802- BICC Rem bridge STA 802.1(D) Rev8
09-00-4C-00-00-0F -802- BICC Remote bridge Adaptive Routing (e.g. to
09-00-4E-00-00-02? 8137? Novell IPX (BICC?)
09-00-56-00-00-00 Stanford reserved through 09-00-56-FE-FF-FF
09-00-56-FF-00-00 805C Stanford V Kernel, version 6.0 through 9-00-56-FF-
09-00-77-00-00-00 -802- Retix Bridge Local Management System
09-00-77-00-00-01 -802- Retix spanning tree bridges
09-00-77-00-00-02 -802- Retix Bridge Adaptive routing
09-00-7C-01-00-01 Vitalink DLS Multicast 09-00-7C-01-00-03 Vitalink DLS
09-00-7C-01-00-04 Vitalink DLS and non DLS Multicast
09-00-7C-02-00-05 8080? Vitalink diagnostics
09-00-7C-05-00-01 8080? Vitalink gateway?
09-00-7C-05-00-02 Vitalink Network Validation Message
09-00-87-80-FF-FF 0889 Xyplex Terminal Servers
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses Appendix-15
09-00-87-90-FF-FF 0889 Xyplex Terminal Servers
0D-1E-15-BA-DD-06 HP
80-01-43-00-00-00 -802- Bridge
80-01-43-00-00-08 -802- Bridge Management
80-01-43-00-00-28 -802- ISO 10589 level-1 Intermediate Stations
80-01-43-00-00-48 -802- Loadable Device
80-01-43-00-00-88 -802- Load Server
80-01-43-00-00-A8 -802- ISO 10589 level-2 Intermediate Stations
80-01-43-00-80-00 -802- FDDI RMT Directed Beacon
80-01-43-00-80-08 -802- FDDI status report frame
90-00-D4-00-00-20 -802- OSI Network Layer Intermediate Stations
90-00-D4-00-00-A0 -802- OSI Network Layer End Stations
AB-00-00-01-00-00 6001 DEC Maintenance Operation Protocol (MOP)
Dump/Load Assistance
AB-00-00-02-00-00 6002 DEC Maintenance Operation Protocol (MOP)
Remote Console 1 System ID packet every 8-10 minutes, by every: DEC DEUNA
interface, DEC DELUA interface, and DEC DEQNA interface
AB-00-00-03-00-00 6003 DECnet Phase IV end node Hello packets 1 packet
every 15 seconds, sent by each DECnet host
AB-00-00-04-00-00 6003 DECNET Phase IV Router Hello packets, 1 packet
every 15 seconds, sent by the DECnet router
AB-00-00-05-00-00 through Reserved DEC
AB-00-03-00-00-00 6004 DEC Local Area Transport (LAT) - old
AB-00-04-00-xx-xx Reserved DEC customer private use
AB-00-04-01-xx-yy 6007 DEC Local Area VAX Cluster groups System Commu-
nication Architecture
C0-00-00-00-00-01 -802- Active Monitor
C0-00-00-00-00-02 -802- Ring Parameter Monitor
C0-00-00-00-00-04 -802- Network Server Heartbeat
C0-00-00-00-00-08 -802- Ring Error Monitor
C0-00-00-00-00-10 -802- Configuration Report Server
C0-00-00-00-00-20 -802- Synchronous Bandwidth Manager
C0-00-00-00-00-40 -802- Locate - Directory Server
C0-00-00-00-00-80 -802- NETBIOS
C0-00-00-00-01-00 -802- Bridge
C0-00-00-00-02-00 -802- IMPL Server
C0-00-00-00-04-00 -802- Ring Authorization Server
C0-00-00-00-08-00 -802- LAN Gateway
C0-00-00-00-10-00 -802- Ring Wiring Concentrator
C0-00-00-00-20-00 -802- LAN Manager
C0-00-00-00-80-00 -802- user-defined through C0-00-40-00-00-00 -802
CF-00-00-00-00-00 9000 Ethernet Configuration Test protocol (Loopback)
FF-FF-00-60-00-04 81D6 Lantastic
FF-FF-00-40-00-01 81D6 Lantastic
FF-FF-01-E0-00-04 81D6 Lantastic
Common Ethernet Broadcast
This table contains common uses for the Ethernet
Broadcast Address and the Ethernet Protocols that use it.
This table is for reference only.
FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 0600 XNS packets, Hello or gateway search?
6 packets every 15 seconds, per XNS station
FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 0800 IP (e.g. RWHOD via UDP) as needed
FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 0806 ARP (for IP and CHAOS) as needed
FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 1600 VALID packets, Hello or gateway search? 1 packet
every 30 seconds, per VALID station
FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 8035 Reverse ARP
FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 807C Merit Internodal (INP)
FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 809B EtherTalk Phase I
FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 9001 3Com (ex Bridge) Name Service
FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 9002 3Com PCS/TCP Hello,approximately 1 per minute per
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Appendix-16 Appendix Protocols & Ethernet Addresses
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Add/Direct Button 8 - 3
Add/Indirect 8 - 4
Adding Additional Brouters 2 - 7
Additional Functionality for SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 1 - 4
Advanced Button - 11 Mb RF Interface Setup 5 - 9
Advanced Features Button 6 - 5
Advanced Interface Setup 5 - 5
Analysis Polling Interval 13 - 3
Analyzing Wireless Equipment 13 - 1
Antenna Alignment 13 - 8
Back and Front View of Indoor Junction Box 3 - 3
Bridge Learn Table 12 - 3
Bridge Setup 6 - 2
Bridging Setup 6 - 1
Campus PRC Station Entries 11 - 10
Configuring a Saved Configuration File 4 - 3
Configuring a SPEEDLAN 4200 4 - 2
Configuring SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 4 - 1
Connect the Wireless SPEEDLAN Brouter to Customer's Ethernet LAN 2 - 7
Connect the Wireless SPEEDLAN Brouter to the Power Supply 2 - 6
Diagram of Subnetting a Network 7 - 7
Drawing Components
Bottom view of indoor junction box 3 - 3
Front and Back of Indoor Junction Box 3 - 3
Drawings of Components
brouter 3 - 2
Edit Button - Ethernet Protocols 6 - 3
Enabling the DHCP Client and Choosing the Appropriate Interface 7 - 11
Encryption Features
Add-on Option 1 - 3
Ethernet-like Interface Monitor 11 - 8
Exporting and Importing a Configuration 4 - 3
Features and Benefits
outdoor brouter 1 - 2
Features 1 - 4
Figure of DHCP Addressing 7 - 9
File Menu 4 - 2
Frequency Button
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
11 Mb Frequency Setup 5 - 10
General Setup 5 - 2
Grounding the Lightning Arrestor 2 - 6
Hardware 3 - 1
Hardware Supported 1 - 4
Hardware, components 3 - 1
How does a network administrator assign an IP address? 7 - 8
ICMP Messages Received 11 - 23
ICMP Messages Sent 11 - 24
ICMP Monitor 11 - 23
In fact, IP defines five classes
7 - 3
Installation and Setup 4 - 2
Installation Diagram 2 - 8
Installation Steps
Installing wireless equipment 2 - 3
Interface & Advanced Interface Setup 5 - 4
Interface Monitor 11 - 5
Interface Setup 5 - 4
Internet Address Classes 7 - 3
Introduction 1 - 1
IP ARP Table 12 - 4
IP Monitor 11 - 17
IP Route Table 12 - 6
IP Routing
Advanced Filtering 1 - 2
IP Routing Setup 8 - 2
IP/TCP Connection Table 11 - 8
IP/TCP/UDP Monitor 11 - 20
IP/UDP Listener Table 12 - 9
IP-Router Features 1 - 3
Local IP-Address Table 12 - 10
MAC Filtering
Adding a filter 6 - 4
Deleting a filter 6 - 4
Editing a filter 6 - 4
Analyze 4 - 5
Help Menu 4 - 5
Monitor Menu 4 - 5
Setup Menu 4 - 5
View Menu 4 - 5
More Button - RIP Routing 8 - 5
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Mounting the Antenna 2 - 4
Mounting the SPEEDLAN 4100 or 4200 Brouter 3 - 5
Overview of Configurator 4 - 1
Package Contents 2 - 2
Part I - Quick Overview of IP Addressing 7 - 2
Part II - Setting Up the IP Address 7 - 10
Physically Assigning a Static IP Address 7 - 12
Horizontal Polarity 2 - 9
Polarizations on a Grid Antenna 2 - 9
Protocol Filtering 6 - 3
Public IP addresses
how to obtain one 7 - 4
Quick Overview of Other Menus 4 - 5
Quick Start 2 - 1
Remote Statistics 11 - 2
Rooftop and Tower Installations Warning 2 - 2
Running and Securing All Cable 4 - 5
Security Button
11 Mb RF Security Setup 5 - 11
Select Another Device 13 - 2
Setting Up the IP Addresses (IP Host Setup) 7 - 1
Setup 1 Button - Ethernet Setup 5 - 6
Setup 2 Button - 11 Mb RF Interface Setup 5 - 7
SNMP Features 1 - 3
SNMP Management 1 - 3
SNMP Messages Received 11 - 14
SNMP Messages Sent 11 - 16
SNMP Monitor 11 - 14
SNMP Monitoring 11 - 1
SNMP Setup 9 - 1, 9 - 2
Storm Thresholds Button 6 - 7
Subnet Mask • - 5
Subnetting a Network 7 - 5
System Access Setup 10 - 1, 10 - 2
System Description
rooftop and tower warning 2 - 2
System Information 12 - 2
Tables 12 - 1
TCP 11 - 20
The Menu Bar 4 - 4
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
The Setup Buttons 5 - 6
The Toolbar 4 - 4
Toolbar and Menus 4 - 2
Transparent Ethernet Bridging
Advanced Filtering 1 - 2
Transport Methods 5 - 7
Campus Cell PRC 5 - 8
Campus PRC - Non-Polling 5 - 8
Campus PRC - Polling 5 - 8
Campus PRC - Remote Station 5 - 8
Tunnel Partners Button 6 - 8
UDP 11 - 22
Updating the Firmware 3 - 4
Verifying Line-of-Sight 2 - 3
Weatherproofing Connectors 2 - 6
What is a Subnet Mask? 7 - 5
What is a Subnet? 7 - 5
What is an IP address? 7 - 2
What is DHCP? 7 - 8
What is NAT? 7 - 10
Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Configurator 4 - 2
Wireless Link Test 13 - 3
Wireless Multipoint Protocol 1 - 4
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Product License Agreement-1
Product License Agreement
It is important for users of Wave Wireless hardware and software to take time to read this License Agreement associated
with this software PRIOR TO ITS USE. The Customer or Reseller has paid a License fee to Wave Wireless for use of this
software on one bridge or bridge/router. This License does not extend to any copyrights to the program nor does it license
use of the program on more than one bridge or bridge/router nor to make copies of the program for distribution or resale.
A product registration card is included with the product manual. Please complete the card within 10 days of receipt of the
software/hardware and return it to Wave Wireless. Registration is required for warranty service, technical support and noti-
fication of product updates and revisions.
License Agreement
The Customer or Reseller is granted a non-exclusive License to use the licensed program on a single bridge or bridge/
router subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in this agreement. The Customer or Reseller may not copy, modify or
transfer the reference manual or other documentation or any copy thereof except as expressly provided in this agreement.
The Copyright and all intellectual/industrial rights of this program and associated material remain the property of Wave
THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. The Customer or Reseller shall not reverse assemble or reverse compile the Licensed prod-
uct or any copy thereof in whole or in part.
Return Policies and Warranties
Initial One Year Warranty Term
Each Wave Wireless product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date
of shipment. During the warranty period Wave Wireless will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be
If equipment fails, the Customer or Reseller shall notify Wave Wireless and request a Return Material Authorization (RMA)
number. For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to Wave Wireless. All returns to Wave Wireless
MUST have a valid RMA number written clearly on the outside of the box or the shipment will be refused. The
buyer shall pay all return shipping charges during the one-year warranty. All outbound shipments will be made
via ground shipment by Wave Wireless or via air courier with the customer's account number with the exception of
Extended / "Spare in the Air" Warranty holders.
Extended Warranty Policies (Includes "Spare in the Air")
At any time during the first year following an equipment purchase, an Extended Warranty Policy may be purchased for 10%
of the original list price. Terms of the Extended Warranty include "Spare in the Air" privileges to allow the use of parts or a
spare unit temporarily.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Product License Agreement-2
"Spare in the Air" Loaner Unit or Parts Replacement Policies
For an additional 10% of list price, the customer may purchase a "Spare in the Air" policy. This policy gives the customer
the right to a loaner replacement unit shipped within 24 hours of acceptance of the RMA by Wave. All outbound shipments
will be made via overnight air courier (during the first year).
"Spare in the Air" Policy Steps for Warranty or Extended Warranty Loaner Service
1. Customer obtains RMA approval
2. Overnight shipment of spare unit or parts to customer within 24 hours of approved RMA. Customer
swaps unit or part(s) with phone assistance, if required.
3. Customer returns part(s) to Wave Wireless. All returns to Wave Wireless MUST have a valid RMA number
written clearly on the outside of the box or the shipment will be refused.
4. After 14 days from the issuance of an RMA, an invoice for the list price of the unit or components will be issued
for any equipment that has not been returned. This will be credited upon the return of the defective
or replacement part or unit to Wave Wireless.
Extended Warranty Pricing Schedule
1st year: 10% of published equipment list price
2nd year: 15% of published equipment list price
3rd year: 15% of published equipment list price
*If all three years are purchased simultaneously, the cost will be 10% per year or 30% of list.
Years 2 & 3 can be purchased during the initial year of coverage if the equipment was under extended warranty during the
first year or if a physical on-site equipment inspection is performed and equipment is evaluated in warrantable condition
by Wave Wireless personnel at prevailing or site service call rates.
Onsite Services
Onsite services for troubleshooting and repair are billed at daily rate, plus expenses, unless otherwise agreed upon. Use of
spectrum analyzers or other test equipment may raise the daily rate.
Rental Unit Loaner
Customer may rent a unit at an agreed upon daily rate, plus shipping expenses, in lieu of purchasing a spare or "Spare in
the Air" policy. Rental days are counted from date shipped until the date the unit is received in return by Wave Wireless.
Refurbishing Fees
Any product returned that requires refurbishing, is damaged due to inadequate or improper packaging protection, or that
has not been returned with original packing materials may be subject to a refurbishing fee.
Bench Test and Repair Time
A unit is returned as defective and through bench testing is determined that the unit is not defective, Wave Wireless, at its
discretion, may charge bench test time at a rate of $85 U.S. per hour for testing and troubleshooting. Out of warranty
repairs will be performed at a rate of $85 U.S. per hour plus parts. All shipping charges will be the responsibility of the
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Product License Agreement-3
Return for Credit
All returns to Wave Wireless MUST have a valid RMA number written clearly on the outside of the box or the
shipment will be refused. No returns for credit after 30 days will be approved. Products must be returned undamaged
and in original packaging or they will be subject to a minimum 20% restocking/refurbishing fee. Return freight charges
must be prepaid. At the option of Wave Wireless, products may be returned for repair or replaced provided the goods
have not been modified or repair attempted by someone other than Wave Wireless.
Limitation of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by the buyer, buyer
supplied interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the
product, or improper site preparation or maintenance. Systems must be protected from electrical brownouts and
surges by a quality UPS such as an APC Smart brand or Tripp Lite Omni or similar, or warranty shall be null and
void. Warranties do not apply to any product that has been (i) altered, except expressly approved by Wave Wireless in
accordance with its instructions, (ii) damaged by improper electrical power or environment, abuse, misuse, accident, or
negligence. Repairs in the case of damage from "acts of God" are covered on a time and materials basis. The warranty
shall not apply if Wave Wireless prebuilt U.S. FCC approved antenna assemblies have been altered and installed by any
persons other than professional wireless installers.
No statement, including, without limitation, representations regarding capacity, suitability for use or performance of prod-
ucts, whether made by Wave Wireless employees or otherwise, shall be deemed to be a warranty by Wave Wireless for any
purpose or give rise to any liability for Wave Wireless unless expressly contained in writing. Resellers will have complete
responsibility and liability for performance of its agreements with its customers and Resellers shall indemnify and hold
Wave Wireless harmless from and against all liability arising out of such agreements.
Wave Wireless warrants that the firmware for use with the unit will execute its programming instructions when properly
installed on the unit. Wave Wireless does not warrant that the operation of the unit or firmware will be uninterrupted or
error-free. Wave Wireless shall not be obligated to remedy any software defect that cannot be repeated.
Wave Wireless is not responsible for equipment non-performance due to outside radio interference caused by any source.
Exclusive Remedies
The remedies provided herein are the buyer's sole and exclusive remedies. Wave Wireless shall not be liable for any direct,
indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort or any legal theory.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Product License Agreement-1
Product License Agreement
It is important for users of Wave Wireless hardware and software to take time to read this License Agreement associated
with this software PRIOR TO ITS USE. The Customer or Reseller has paid a License fee to Wave Wireless for use of this
software on one bridge or bridge/router. This License does not extend to any copyrights to the program nor does it license
use of the program on more than one bridge or bridge/router nor to make copies of the program for distribution or resale.
A product registration card is included with the product manual. Please complete the card within 10 days of receipt of the
software/hardware and return it to Wave Wireless. Registration is required for warranty service, technical support and noti-
fication of product updates and revisions.
License Agreement
The Customer or Reseller is granted a non-exclusive License to use the licensed program on a single bridge or bridge/
router subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in this agreement. The Customer or Reseller may not copy, modify or
transfer the reference manual or other documentation or any copy thereof except as expressly provided in this agreement.
The Copyright and all intellectual/industrial rights of this program and associated material remain the property of Wave
THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. The Customer or Reseller shall not reverse assemble or reverse compile the Licensed prod-
uct or any copy thereof in whole or in part.
Return Policies and Warranties
Initial One Year Warranty Term
Each Wave Wireless product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date
of shipment. During the warranty period Wave Wireless will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be
If equipment fails, the Customer or Reseller shall notify Wave Wireless and request a Return Material Authorization (RMA)
number. For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to Wave Wireless. All returns to Wave Wireless
MUST have a valid RMA number written clearly on the outside of the box or the shipment will be refused. The
buyer shall pay all return shipping charges during the one-year warranty. All outbound shipments will be made
via ground shipment by Wave Wireless or via air courier with the customer's account number with the exception
of Extended / "Spare in the Air" Warranty holders.
Extended Warranty Policies (Includes "Spare in the Air")
At any time during the first year following an equipment purchase, an Extended Warranty Policy may be purchased for
10% of the original list price. Terms of the Extended Warranty include "Spare in the Air" privileges to allow the use of parts
or a spare unit temporarily.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Product License Agreement-2
"Spare in the Air" Loaner Unit or Parts Replacement Policies
For an additional 10% of list price, the customer may purchase a "Spare in the Air" policy. This policy gives the customer
the right to a loaner replacement unit shipped within 24 hours of acceptance of the RMA by Wave. All outbound ship-
ments will be made via overnight air courier (during the first year).
"Spare in the Air" Policy Steps for Warranty or Extended Warranty Loaner Service
1. Customer obtains RMA approval
2. Overnight shipment of spare unit or parts to customer within 24 hours of approved RMA. Customer
swaps unit or part(s) with phone assistance, if required.
3. Customer returns part(s) to Wave Wireless. All returns to Wave Wireless MUST have a valid RMA number
written clearly on the outside of the box or the shipment will be refused.
4. After 14 days from the issuance of an RMA, an invoice for the list price of the unit or components will be issued
for any equipment that has not been returned. This will be credited upon the return of the defective
or replacement part or unit to Wave Wireless.
Extended Warranty Pricing Schedule
1st year: 10% of published equipment list price
2nd year: 15% of published equipment list price
3rd year: 15% of published equipment list price
*If all three years are purchased simultaneously, the cost will be 10% per year or 30% of list.
Years 2 & 3 can be purchased during the initial year of coverage if the equipment was under extended warranty during the
first year or if a physical on-site equipment inspection is performed and equipment is evaluated in warrantable condition
by Wave Wireless personnel at prevailing or site service call rates.
Onsite Services
Onsite services for troubleshooting and repair are billed at daily rate, plus expenses, unless otherwise agreed upon. Use of
spectrum analyzers or other test equipment may raise the daily rate.
Rental Unit Loaner
Customer may rent a unit at an agreed upon daily rate, plus shipping expenses, in lieu of purchasing a spare or "Spare in
the Air" policy. Rental days are counted from date shipped until the date the unit is received in return by Wave Wireless.
Refurbishing Fees
Any product returned that requires refurbishing, is damaged due to inadequate or improper packaging protection, or that
has not been returned with original packing materials may be subject to a refurbishing fee.
Bench Test and Repair Time
A unit is returned as defective and through bench testing is determined that the unit is not defective, Wave Wireless, at its
discretion, may charge bench test time at a rate of $85 U.S. per hour for testing and troubleshooting. Out of warranty
repairs will be performed at a rate of $85 U.S. per hour plus parts. All shipping charges will be the responsibility of the
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Product License Agreement-3
Return for Credit
All returns to Wave Wireless MUST have a valid RMA number written clearly on the outside of the box or the
shipment will be refused. No returns for credit after 30 days will be approved. Products must be returned undamaged
and in original packaging or they will be subject to a minimum 20% restocking/refurbishing fee. Return freight charges
must be prepaid. At the option of Wave Wireless, products may be returned for repair or replaced provided the goods
have not been modified or repair attempted by someone other than Wave Wireless.
Limitation of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by the buyer, buyer
supplied interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the
product, or improper site preparation or maintenance. Systems must be protected from electrical brownouts and
surges by a quality UPS such as an APC Smart brand or Tripp Lite Omni or similar, or warranty shall be null and
void. Warranties do not apply to any product that has been (i) altered, except expressly approved by Wave Wireless in
accordance with its instructions, (ii) damaged by improper electrical power or environment, abuse, misuse, accident, or
negligence. Repairs in the case of damage from "acts of God" are covered on a time and materials basis. The warranty
shall not apply if Wave Wireless prebuilt U.S. FCC approved antenna assemblies have been altered and installed by any
persons other than professional wireless installers.
No statement, including, without limitation, representations regarding capacity, suitability for use or performance of prod-
ucts, whether made by Wave Wireless employees or otherwise, shall be deemed to be a warranty by Wave Wireless for
any purpose or give rise to any liability for Wave Wireless unless expressly contained in writing. Resellers will have com-
plete responsibility and liability for performance of its agreements with its customers and Resellers shall indemnify and hold
Wave Wireless harmless from and against all liability arising out of such agreements.
Wave Wireless warrants that the firmware for use with the unit will execute its programming instructions when properly
installed on the unit. Wave Wireless does not warrant that the operation of the unit or firmware will be uninterrupted or
error-free. Wave Wireless shall not be obligated to remedy any software defect that cannot be repeated.
Wave Wireless is not responsible for equipment non-performance due to outside radio interference caused by any source.
Exclusive Remedies
The remedies provided herein are the buyer's sole and exclusive remedies. Wave Wireless shall not be liable for any direct,
indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort or any legal theory.
SPEEDLAN 4100 & 4200 Installation and Operation User Guide
Product License Agreement-4
FCC Statement (For USA Only)
Federal Communications Commission
Radio Frequency Interference Statement for Spread Spectrum Devices
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If it is not installed and used in accordance with
the instruction manual, it may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable
protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a resi-
dential area will probably cause interference, in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever
measures may be required to correct the interference.
This is a 2.4 GHz point-to-point system. The conducted output is 30mW with Gant = 24 dBi. This system is used
exclusively for fixed point-to-point operations. Its is prohibited to transmit the same information from multiple co-
located antennas.
This equipment must be professionally installed
In order to comply with FCC RF Exposure requirements, this device must be installed in such
that a minimum separation distance of 2 meters is always maintained between the
antenna and all persons.
The operator and professional installer are responsible for ensuring that the system is used
exclusively for fixed point-to-point operations.
Electronic Emission Notices
All the spread spectrum devices sold in this catalog comply with Part 15 of the FCC rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
If this equipment causes interference to radio reception (which can be determined by unplugging the power cord from the
equipment) try these measures: (1) Re-orient the receiving antenna, (2) Relocate the equipment with respect to the
receiver, (3) Plug the equipment and receiver into different branch circuits, or (4) Consult your dealer or an experienced
technician for additional suggestions.
DANGER!!! Rooftop or tower antenna installations are extremely dangerous and incorrect installation may
result in injury, damage, or death. Rooftop and tower installations must be performed by professional antenna
installers only.

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