Wave Wireless SL9202 Wireless LAN User Manual allPH900manual

Wave Wireless Corporation Wireless LAN allPH900manual

users manual

             SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                            Part Number 34357-MNL Rev. 03                           Last Revised: 10/7/04
 P-Com Copyright Statement (c) 2004.P-Com Inc. provides this Installation Guide without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not lim-ited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. P-Com Inc. may make improvements and changes to the product described in this manual at any time and without any notice. P-Com Inc. assumes no respon-sibility for its use, nor any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that would result. This publication may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Periodic changes are made to the information contained herein. These changes, and mechanical corrections, will be incorporated in subsequent revision levels of the publication.No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or reproduced in any way, including but not limited to photocopy, photograph, magnetic or other records, without the prior written permission of P-Com Inc.All other brand and product names are the trademarks of their respective holders.P-ComSarasota Office7020 Professional Parkway EastSarasota, FL  34240 Technical Support941-907-2300 (phone)941-355-0219 (fax)
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                 Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Contents-1                                                                                                                                                                        CHAPTER 1 - IntroductionFeatures and Benefits ................................................................................................................. 1-2SPEEDLAN 9200 Features................................................................................................... 1-2ISP Functionality................................................................................................................. 1-3IP Router Functionality ........................................................................................................ 1-3Configuration Management ................................................................................................ 1-4SPEEDManage................................................................................................................... 1-4Features (and Benefits)........................................................................................................ 1-4Priority Queuing................................................................................................................. 1-5SNMP ............................................................................................................................... 1-6Equipment and Hardware ................................................................................................... 1-6SPEEDLAN 9200 Mesh Protocol -- How It Works in Mesh Cells ..................................................... 1-6SPEEDLAN’s Mesh Cell Architecture..................................................................................... 1-8SPEEDLAN 9200 Mesh Core Components ........................................................................... 1-9Neighbor Discovery .................................................................................................... 1-9Topology Updates ...................................................................................................... 1-9Routing.................................................................................................................... 1-10Why SPEEDLAN Outperforms Other Routing Equipment............................................... 1-10Document Changes/Corrections............................................................................................... 1-11What’s New for Firmware ................................................................................................. 1-11Contacting Technical Support ................................................................................................... 1-12 CHAPTER 2 - 9200 HardwareRooftop and Tower Installations Warning..................................................................................... 2-2Regulatory Information ............................................................................................................... 2-2Declaration of Conformity for RF Exposure................................................................................... 2-3General Safety Requirements for Installation of SPEEDLAN 9200 Models........................................ 2-3Hardware Overview ................................................................................................................... 2-4Tips for Antenna Alignment.......................................................................................... 2-5Drawings of Outdoor, Remote-Mounted Components .................................................................. 2-6Indoor Junction Box............................................................................................................ 2-6The SPEEDLAN 9201/9204 with an Integrated Omni-Directional........................................... 2-7Bottom View of SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204  .............................................................. 2-8System Description ............................................................................................................. 2-8 Package Contents ............................................................................................................. 2-8Installation Steps for the SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204 .................................................. 2-9Installation Diagram of the SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204 ............................................ 2-11The SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203 with External Antenna ..................................................... 2-12Bottom View of SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203 ............................................................. 2-13System Description ........................................................................................................... 2-13Package Contents ............................................................................................................ 2-14Installation Steps for the SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203 ................................................ 2-15SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203  Installation Diagram  ................................................... 2-21
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide Contents-2 CHAPTER 3 - General Functions of the ConfiguratorManual Initial Configuration of the SPEEDLAN 9200 .................................................................... 3-2Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 3-2Connecting a SPEEDLAN 9200 and a Client PC ................................................................... 3-3Configuring the SPEEDLAN 9200 ........................................................................................ 3-6Wireless Interface IP Address Assignment.............................................................................. 3-6Automating the Configuration of Multiple SPEEDLAN 9200s .................................................. 3-6Completing Configuration .................................................................................................. 3-6Adding Additional SPEEDLAN 9200s to the Wired Network ................................................... 3-7Overview of the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator General Main Menu ............................................. 3-7How the Configurator Menu is Structured ..................................................................... 3-7Network menu............................................................................................................ 3-7System menu.............................................................................................................. 3-8Routing menu............................................................................................................. 3-8Wireless menu............................................................................................................ 3-8Diagram of SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator Main Menu................................................ 3-10Logging on the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator ........................................................................... 3-10Classes of Users (and Passwords) ...................................................................................... 3-11Logging On..................................................................................................................... 3-12Logging Off.....................................................................................................................3-13Understanding the Security Alert Screens ............................................................................ 3-13After Logging On ............................................................................................................. 3-16Helpful Information to Know... ..................................................................................................3-17How do you select the router? ........................................................................................... 3-17References on Setting Up the Router .................................................................................. 3-17Caching - viewing the most recent version of a page........................................................... 3-18Session Activity................................................................................................................. 3-18SPEEDLAN 9200 Firmware Updates, SPEEDManage or Other Utility Programs...................... 3-18If You Need a Temporary IP Address.................................................................................. 3-19The Configuration Menu ..........................................................................................................3-19Network Menu ........................................................................................................................ 3-19Network Interfaces ........................................................................................................... 3-19IP Address Configuration .................................................................................................. 3-19CIDR Table (For Netmask Information Purposes) ......................................................... 3-21Alias IP .................................................................................................................... 3-22Virtual Addresses.............................................................................................................. 3-23System Menu........................................................................................................................... 3-25Configuration Summary.................................................................................................... 3-25SNMP ............................................................................................................................. 3-26Version............................................................................................................................ 3-29Host Name...................................................................................................................... 3-29Password......................................................................................................................... 3-30Reboot ............................................................................................................................ 3-31Routing Menu.......................................................................................................................... 3-31Def Gateway ................................................................................................................... 3-32RIP2 Setup....................................................................................................................... 3-32RIP Settings...................................................................................................................... 3-33
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                 Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Contents-3                                                                                                                                                                       Authentication on RIP-2 MD5 .................................................................................... 3-34Route Table .....................................................................................................................3-36Static Route ..................................................................................................................... 3-37Configuring the Radio Parameters............................................................................................. 3-38Configuration .................................................................................................................. 3-38Max Tx Retries and Signaling Rate Fallback ........................................................................ 3-41Signaling Rate Fallback ............................................................................................. 3-41Max Tx Retries .......................................................................................................... 3-43Max Throughput (Regulating Bandwidth) ............................................................................ 3-43DHCP Server Menu.................................................................................................................. 3-44How DHCP Assigns an IP Address ..................................................................................... 3-44Setting Up DHCP and DHCP Relay ........................................................................................... 3-45Important Note about DHCP ..................................................................................... 3-45Setting Up DHCP ............................................................................................................. 3-46Subnets to Serve Section............................................................................................ 3-46Adding a New DHCP Subnet............................................................................................. 3-47Adding a Known Client..................................................................................................... 3-48Adding a DHCP Client...................................................................................................... 3-49Configuring DHCP Relay .................................................................................................. 3-50Viewing Log Messages...................................................................................................... 3-51Forwarding Menu .................................................................................................................... 3-51Priority Queuing............................................................................................................... 3-52Explanation of this feature ......................................................................................... 3-53Services........................................................................................................................... 3-53Creating an Advanced Service ................................................................................... 3-55Three Features of NAT ............................................................................................................. 3-56Address Sharing ............................................................................................................... 3-58Internal Servers ................................................................................................................3-601:1 NAT.......................................................................................................................... 3-62Firewall................................................................................................................................... 3-63IP Sessions .............................................................................................................................. 3-68Diagnostics Menu (Troubleshooting the Network) ....................................................................... 3-68Special Note about Link & Ping Tests:......................................................................... 3-68Interface Statistics............................................................................................................. 3-69Wireless Statistics...................................................................................................... 3-69Inbound & Outbound ............................................................................................... 3-70ARP Table........................................................................................................................ 3-71ICMP Statistics .................................................................................................................3-71Admin Menu ........................................................................................................................... 3-74User Configuration Passwords ........................................................................................... 3-74Software Update .............................................................................................................. 3-75Proxy Mode Warning ................................................................................................ 3-75Support ........................................................................................................................... 3-76Reset to Factory Default .................................................................................................... 3-76Current Sessions .............................................................................................................. 3-77
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide Contents-4 CHAPTER 4 - Using the Configurator to Set Up Special Parameters for Mesh RoutersNetwork Menu .......................................................................................................................... 4-2Interfaces for Mesh Mode ................................................................................................... 4-2Mesh Nodes ......................................................................................................................4-3Enabling Network Security................................................................................................... 4-4A. Enabling Encryption Between SPEEDLAN 9200 Routers .............................................. 4-4B. Enabling WEP Security Between a SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client and SPEEDLAN 9200.... 4-5Enabling/Disabling the SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client............................................................... 4-6Wireless menu........................................................................................................................... 4-7Request to Send (RTS) / Clear to Send (CTS)......................................................................... 4-8Receive (Rx) Threshold Parameter ........................................................................................ 4-9Blocked Links...................................................................................................................4-10Link Expiration .................................................................................................................4-11Admin Menu ........................................................................................................................... 4-12Remote Control ............................................................................................................... 4-12Software Update .............................................................................................................. 4-12Updating the Local Router ......................................................................................... 4-12Updating the Software on a Local Router and Remote Router ............................................... 4-13 CHAPTER 5 - Basics of IP AddressingBasics of IP Addressing............................................................................................................... 5-2What is an IP address? ....................................................................................................... 5-2Internet Address Classes ..................................................................................................... 5-2In fact, IP defines five classes: ...................................................................................... 5-3Subnetting a Network ......................................................................................................... 5-5What is a Subnet? ...................................................................................................... 5-5What is a Subnet Mask?.............................................................................................. 5-5Diagram of Subnetting a Network ................................................................................ 5-6How does a network administrator assign an IP address? ...................................................... 5-7What is DHCP?.................................................................................................................. 5-8Figure of DHCP Addressing ......................................................................................... 5-9What is NAT? ....................................................................................................................5-9NAPT .............................................................................................................................. 5-10Diagram of Outgoing NAT ............................................................................................... 5-11Diagram of Incoming NAT ................................................................................................ 5-12Basics of Routing ..................................................................................................................... 5-13Glossary for Standard Data Communications.....................................................................Glossary-2
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                 Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Contents-5                                                                                                                                                                       AppendicesChanging the Router's Topology Mode ........................................................................................ A-2SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator Passwords .................................................................................... B-2Rooftop and Tower Installations Warning .............................................................................C-2General Safety Requirements for Installation of SPEEDLAN 9200 Models ................................C-2Manufacturer Information...........................................................................................................C-3Radio Approvals ........................................................................................................................C-4Radio Approval Table for Models SL920x .....................................................................C-4Minimum Receive Sensitivity (in dBm) for SL920x ...........................................................C-4SPEEDLAN 9200 Technical Specifications....................................................................................D-2................................................................................................................................................D-2List of Acronyms......................................................................................................................... E-2Channels for IEEE 5GHz OFDM (UNII upper band)..................................................................... G-22.4GHz DSSS Channels & 2.4GHz OFDM Channels .................................................................. G-2Software License AgreementP-Com LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENTReturn Policies and Warranties
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide Contents-6Notes:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Chapter 1Introduction
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 1-2Features and Benefits SPEEDLAN 9200 FeaturesThe SPEEDLAN 9000 series introduces the second generation of wireless routers. The SPEEDLAN 9200 offers the following new features:•New Wireless Mode parameters (e.g., 5GHz OFDM, 2.4GHz DSSS or 2.4GHz OFDM), Preamble, Tx power and SSID).  For more information, see Configuring the Radio Parameters, page 3-38.•Double the transmission rate with turbo mode, up to 108Mb/s for 5GHz OFDM. For more information, see Configuring the Radio Parameters, page 3-38.•You can allow a mesh node in a 9200 network to communicate with a SPEEDMesh-enabled client in adhoc mode. For more information, see Enabling/Disabling the SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client, page 4-6.•Provide network security between SPEEDMesh-enabled clients (PDAs and laptops) and SPEEDLAN 9200 routers via WEP. In a SPEEDLAN 9200 network, you can authenticate a SPEEDMesh-enabled client with a standard security mechanism called Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). WEP encrypts data that is transmitted over the wireless LAN. WEP protects the wireless link between clients and access points. Network administrators can control access via standard 802.11 client using WEP. For more information, see B. Enabling WEP Security Between a SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client and SPEEDLAN 9200, page 4-5.•Improve WLAN performance with Request to Send / Clear to Send (RTS/CTS). For more information, see Request to Send (RTS) / Clear to Send (CTS), page 4-8.•Provide DHCP relay: This first release of the SPEEDLAN 9200 shall use the DHCP relay function to forward DHCP requests from non-SPEEDLAN wireless clients to one or more DHCP servers. Those DHCP servers maybe suitably configured SPEEDLAN 9200 routers (in which they won’t relay), or they may be dedicated servers, reachable through the Ethernet interfaces of one or more of the SPEEDLAN 9200 routers. To configure DHCP relay, see Configuring DHCP Relay, page 3-50.•Support for DC input sources: Devices that lack AC power will require DC-to-DC supply. •At this time, star mode (i.e., base, point-to-point and CPE) is not available. Only mesh mode is available.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                              Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      1-3                                                                                                                                                               The SPEEDLAN 9200 offers the network manager unsurpassed flexibility in meeting the challenges of designing, building and managing today's wireless broadband networks. In a mesh topology, the SPEEDLAN 9200 routes traffic around physical limitations, eliminating the line-of-sight (LOS) issue present in star topology-only networks. Each  mesh router will communicate with other mesh routers in a radius of up to 2 miles depending upon the model and signaling rate selected. This creates a multi-hop IP routed cell: self-healing, load balancing, and scalable network. By removing LOS issues caused by large buildings, hills, and other obstructions, service providers can reduce network deployment costs while maximizing their broadband wireless investment and reach new markets that could otherwise not be served. For more information about mesh, see SPEEDLAN 9200 Mesh Protocol -- How It Works in Mesh Cells, page 1-6.ISP FunctionalityThe SPEEDLAN 9200 products are tailored to fit the needs of Internet Service Providers and Broadband Telecommunications Providers. Two features particularly useful to Internet Service providers are Network Address Translation (NAT) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). NAT helps to ensure network security and allows an entire company to share a single global IP address for communication on the Internet. This enables companies to communicate with other devices on the Internet. DHCP servers provide efficient use of IP addresses by assigning them dynamically or statically to the wireless router location. DHCP allows network administrators to dynamically assign IP addresses for the period of time needed to connect to the Internet or network. IP Router FunctionalityThe SPEEDLAN 9200 is a highly configurable wireless IP router which supports mesh topologies. In addition to being configurable via a standard web browser, the SPEEDLAN 9200 also contains a firewall to control incoming and outgoing traffic, preventing unauthorized access.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 1-4Configuration ManagementThe SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator is a web-based management tool that allows a network manager to configure routers. For more information, see General Functions of the Configurator, page 3-1. SPEEDManageThe SPEEDManage suite offers network management tools to help you troubleshoot and resolve network issues to keep your network running. Packaged in SPEEDManage are SPEEDView®, SPEEDSignal® and IP Recover:•SPEEDView® is a flexible Windows®-based management tool that allows you to quickly isolate and resolve network problems. SPEEDView gives you an "at-a-glance" view of your network, presenting you all of the nodes on the network. Network managers can monitor local and remote SPEEDLAN 9200 nodes from a central location, or from any location on the network. SPEEDView also allows you to troubleshoot network bugs and non-existent physical connections. You can also perform bandwidth and diagnostic tests. •SPEEDSignal® allows you to communicate with SPEEDLAN 9200 routers via their wireless or wired interface. This software makes it easier for installers to troubleshoot antenna alignment problems in the field.   •IP Recover is an application that allows you to temporarily change the IP address on the router if you forgot it. You can also locate the configured IP address of a router’s Ethernet interface.For information about SPEEDMange, see the SPEEDManage User Guide.Features (and Benefits)•2.4GHz DSSS, 2.4GHz OFDM and 5GHz OFDM License-free ISM band (No lengthy licensing delays).•Mesh topologies (Maximum network flexibility).•NAT & DHCP server/client (Secure and efficient network).•SPEEDManage suite for antenna alignment (via SPEEDSignal), troubleshooting network problems and viewing nodes on a network (via SPEEDView) and creat-ing a temporary IP address (via IP Recover).•Web-based configuration.•Multihop, Self-healing (Increased network stability and performance).•Polling base station (Robust performance).
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                              Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      1-5                                                                                                                                                              •Hardware AES 128-bit encryption for security between SPEEDLAN 9200 routers.•You can recover lost IP addresses. (Use IP Recover in SPEEDManage.)Note: Advanced Encryption Standard was adopted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in October of 2000. AES presents a new level in computer networking security, especially important in wireless communications because wireless circuits are easier to tap than their hard-wired counterparts. AES is more difficult to crack than its predecessor Data Encryption Standard. These routers use an AES 128-bit encryption key.Encryption Note! A Web browser must support 128 bit encryption in order to be used with the Configurator. For more information about AES, visit http://www.nist.gov.  This User Guide explains how encryption works with 9200 products in A. Enabling Encryption Between SPEEDLAN 9200 Routers, page 4-4 and B. Enabling WEP Security Between a SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client and SPEEDLAN 9200, page 4-5.Priority QueuingDespite having two physical interfaces, a SPEEDLAN 9200 router can experience congestion. That is because the interfaces' bit rates are not matched.  Specifically, packets can ingress (enter) the Ethernet interface faster than they can egress (exit) the wireless interface.  If this occurs briefly, it is called short-term congestion, which can cause increased packet delay and/or jitter. If congestion lasts too long, it can cause packet discard ("loss"). Long-term congestion in a SPEEDLAN 9200 will typically only occur when it receives excessive unthrottled UDP traffic at its Ethernet interface. TCP traffic will self-throttle, typically experiencing only short-term congestion, if any.A SPEEDLAN 9200 mitigates short-term congestion by providing priority egress queuing at its wireless interfaces. With priority queuing, packets may be transmitted in a different order than they were received. This allows favoring network management, VoIP and SCADA, over SMTP, ftp, and NNTP (for example).        How does Priority Queuing work? The packets are prioritized into a hierarchy of queues, based on class of traffic. The highest priority queue packets are serviced first. When the highest queue is emptied, the next lower queue is serviced. The SPEEDLAN 9200 has four levels of priority queues.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 1-6Queue 1 (the highest queue serviced) contains "management" traffic (i.e., RIP, Mesh, K2, SNMP). Queue 2, the next lower queue serviced, contains "real-time" traffic (i.e., VOIP, Video, SCADA). Queue 3, the next lower queue serviced, contains "non-real time interactive" traffic (i.e., HTTP, SSH and Telnet). Queue 4 (the lowest level queue serviced) contains all traffic that doesn't fit into one of the first three queues. There are no matching or requirements for this queue; it is simply the default queue if the packet doesn't qualify for one of the first three queues.SNMPThe SPEEDLAN 9200 contains a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Agent that provides a remote Network Management System (NMS) with read-only ("get") access to certain configuration and status parameters. For more information, see SNMP, see SNMP, page 3-26.Equipment and HardwareFor information about equipment and hardware, see SPEEDLAN 9200 Hardware, page 2-1.SPEEDLAN 9200 Mesh Protocol -- How It Works in Mesh CellsFigure 1-1: SPEEDView illustrating a mesh network (in SPEEDManage suite)
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                              Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      1-7                                                                                                                                                              SPEEDLAN 9200 routers provide the unique ability to "self-heal" the wireless network as the topography changes over time, thereby increasing the overall stability and performance of the network while allowing traffic to reach buildings blocked by obstructions of line-of-sight. What is happening in Figure 1-1 on page 1-6?  •You will notice negative numbers next to the routers, or referred to as nodes on the network diagram. These numbers represent the receive signal strength (expressed as dBm) for the links in the network diagram. •The black dots in a mesh network diagram indicate a trace route, which maps out the current data flow between the selected pair of nodes. A user would select the trace feature to view the data flow between a node pair (for mesh networks only). This illustration also shows that every router in the mesh cell can be heard by every other router in the cell, except for the blocked link indicating that there is no signal between those two nodes. SPEEDView allows you to block traffic over any link in the cell. When you block a connection, the node pair will not be able to communicate. The advantage of blocking a connection is verifying that the path can be re-routed for suc-cessful connectivity. (This is done using the "Block" feature in SPEEDView. The broken [or disconnected] link will appear as a red line. This link also appears when there is no signal between two nodes.)  •SPEEDView can also be used to perform bandwidth, link and ping tests.  Routing Around ObstaclesFigure 1-2: Routing around obstacles Obstacle A E BC D
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 1-8Explaining this scenario on the simplest level (using the Mesh protocol as shown in Figure 1-2 on page 1-7). A can route a packet to B, despite the tree obstruction (block of trees) within the path. How does this procedure work? 1A has line-of-sight to C but not to B.2C has line-of-sight to A and to B.The most efficient path in this case is to hop from A to C to B. Note: No manual programming is required because A automatically detects its neighboring router (in this case C, and B and detect a clear path to C). Therefore, the packet is successfully routed around the obstacle between B and A. This process creates a more scalable, flexible, and extended wireless network (as shown in Document Changes/Corrections, page 1-11). SPEEDLAN’s Mesh Cell ArchitectureSeparate multi-user and residential models (SPEEDLAN 9201 for business and residential use, as well as the SPEEDLAN 9204 for residential use) are specifically designed to meet the connectivity demands for everyone from single users to large corporations. SPEEDLAN 9201 and SPEEDLAN 9204 are mesh units. These models will communicate with every other mesh router within an unobstructed radius of 1/2 mile for SPEEDLAN 9201 and 1/4 mile for SPEEDLAN 9204.     Figure 1-3: An example of a mesh network
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                              Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      1-9                                                                                                                                                              SPEEDLAN 9200 Mesh Core ComponentsSPEEDLAN 9200 Mesh protocol includes three central components which are neighbor discovery, topology updates, and routing.Neighbor DiscoveryNeighbor discovery occurs when each router sends a broadcast "hello" message to detect those routers to which it has line-of-sight. The "hello" sender acknowledges those replies, whereupon the sender and the neighboring router add each other to their respective active neighbor lists. Neighbor discovery protocol messages are sent by each router on startup and periodically thereafter. The periodic messages are required to determine when a former neighbor can no longer be reached, whereupon it is removed from the active neighbor list. Neighbor discovery messages are relatively short and are sent infrequently enough that they don't constitute significant overhead.Topology UpdatesWhen a router adds or deletes a neighbor to or from its active neighbor list, it propagates that information to the rest of the routers in the wireless mesh LAN. Unlike  classic wired routing protocols, topology update notifications are not flooded. Instead they are sent via a spanning tree, such that each router receives only one notification of a particular event. (A brief explanation of the spanning tree algorithm is explained in the note below.) This approach also conserves bandwidth for use in forwarding user traffic. Since each router knows the topology of the entire wireless LAN, it can determine the shortest path to each peer router in the wireless LAN.Note: In short, the spanning tree algorithm enables units to dynamically locate a subset of the topology that is loop-free. The spanning tree algorithm determines the best path a unit can use to send a message.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 1-10RoutingRouting is simply the act of forwarding a received Internet Protocol (IP) datagram (a block of data) toward its destination. The router compares the destination IP address to entries in its routing table. If the destination is a wireless neighbor or a node connected to the router's wired LAN, the router sends the datagram directly to the destination.  Otherwise, it sends the datagram to another router, which must be on the wired LAN or be a wireless neighbor.In wired broadcast LANs, all routers on the LAN can hear each other. Therefore, a datagram only passes through a router when it is moving from one LAN to another LAN along the path to its destination. In a mesh wireless LAN, not all routers can hear each other. Therefore, a router within a wireless LAN may forward a datagram to a neighbor router within the same wireless LAN, in order to send the datagram toward its destination. For each datagram, the routing algorithm minimizes the number of router-to-router hops within the wireless LAN, thereby also conserving bandwidth for other user traffic.Why SPEEDLAN Outperforms Other Routing EquipmentThe SPEEDLAN 9200 outperforms other routers because the SPEEDLAN 9200 routing table broadcasts only the information that changed, such as when new routes are added or old routes are removed from the network. This information is sent to the router's immediate neighbors along the most efficient path to the end destination. This process helps conserve bandwidth. If an existing path is modified in some way, by the addition or deletion of a router, a SPEEDLAN 9200 using the Mesh protocol can monitor its routing table to decide if a secondary path should be taken. One could call this a "self-healing" network, which means it finds a secondary route through the network without manually reprogramming the routers.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                              Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      1-11                                                                                                                                                              Document Changes/Corrections •Removed SPEEDLAN 9205 references. Refer to Chapter 2, beginning on SPEEDLAN 9200 Hardware, page 2-1 for more information•2.4GHz OFDM and DSSS references have been added to this User Guide. This means that the preamble setting is now functional.   •The List of MIBs supported by SPEEDLAN 9200 table has been corrected to display the right version. For more informaton, see Table 3-1, “List of MIBs supported by SPEEDLAN 9200,” on page 3-28.•TX power level drop-down list has been added on the Wirelesss Configuration page. See Configuration, page 3-38. Also, the default value for the SSID on the Wireless Configuration page is "SPEEDLAN9200" instead of "SP9200".•Default values for Maximum Throughput were added for 2.4GHz OFDM and 2.4GHz DSSS values. For more information, see Max Throughput (Regulating Bandwidth), page 3-43.•The Glossary has been improved. The following terms were revised: attenua-tor, CSU/DSU, channel spacing, dB, DHCP, E1, MAC, MIB, MTBF, passive repeater, polarization, QAM, raditaion, refraction, reliability, sidelobe andsystem gain. For more information, see the Glossary. •2.4GHz OFDM and 2.4GHz DSSS values have been added to the Minimum Receive Sensitivity table in Appendix C-4.The section below, "What’s New," displays the firmware’s recent changes.  Changes prior to the version listed below can be found in Previous Firmware Changes, Appendix F-1.What’s New for Firmware•The TX power level drop-down list has been added to the Wireless Configuration page. See Configuration, page 3-38.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 1-12Contacting Technical SupportFor more information, contact P-Com at:7020 Professional Parkway EastSarasota, FL 34240941-907-2300 (phone)941-355-0219 (fax)Note: Registered customers should check our web site on a regular basis for updates, router firmware, SPEEDView, and other utility programs. If you haven't registered your products yet, you may do so by visiting the "www.wavewireless.com/support" directory.
Chapter 2SPEEDLAN 9200Hardware
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 2-2Rooftop and Tower Installations Warning Rooftop, tower, and other mounted location equipment installations are extremely dangerous and incorrect installation can result in property damage, injury or death.Regulatory InformationInstall this device in accordance with the instructions provided in this User Guide. To determine the type of device you should use in your country, see the Radio Approval Table Radio Approvals, Appendix C-4. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits of a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a residential environment. This equipment generates, uses, and radiates radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause interference. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the installer should correct the interference by one of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from which the receiver is connected.•Consult the professional installer or an experienced radio/TV technician.Note: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.             !!!!!!!!
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      2-3                                                                                                                                                              Warning! This part 15 radio device operates on a non-interference basis with other devices operating at this frequency when using the following antennas:  •  2.4GHz: 9dBi external omni or 18 dBi directional grid antenna. •5GHz: 10dBi external omni or 29dBi directional dish antenna or 23dBi sector flat panel antenna.•Integrated omnis are 8dBi for SPEEDLAN 9201 and 5dBi for SPEEDLAN 9204. For more information, see 9200 Hardware Configuration Table, page 2-5.Declaration of Conformity for RF ExposureThe radio module has been evaluated under FCC Bulletin OET65C and found compliant to the requirements as set forth in CFR 47 Sections 2.1091, 2.1093, and 15.247 (b) (4) addressing RF Exposure from radio frequency devices. The radiated output power of this wireless LAN device is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, this device shall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized. When using this device, a certain separation distance between the antenna and nearby persons must be maintained to ensure RF exposure compliance. In order to comply with RF exposure limits established in the ANSI C95.1 standards, the distance between the antenna and your body or nearby persons should not be less than 20cm (8 inches) for the 10dBi external omni antenna or 2m (6.5 feet) for the 29dBi directional dish antenna.      General Safety Requirements for Installation of SPEEDLAN 9200 Models1The AC power socket outlet should be installed near the switching power supply and junction box.2It is recommended that replacement of the battery which is soldered to the PC board should be done by manufacturer or professional installer. CAUTION: THERE IS RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACED BY INCORRECT TYPE. DISPOSE USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO INSTRUCTIONS.!!!!
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 2-43During installation of SPEEDLAN 9200 on a tower, pole or wall, the necessary clearance from the power and lightning conductors should be maintained and proper grounding provided. The installation should be done in accordance with National Electrical Code:•NEC Article 725 – CEC Rule 16•NEC Article 800 – CEC Section 60 and•NEC Article 810 – CEC Section 54.  Hardware OverviewThe SPEEDLAN 9200 offers all the equipment you need to meet your connectivity requirements:•SPEEDLAN 9201: A router used in a non-line-of-sight pico cell (using the Mesh protocol). This router contains an integrated 8 dBi, omni antenna (for 2.4 GHz only) which is directly attached on the top. You do not need an additional external antenna. The parameters are configured with the Mesh protocol in the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator. This type of self-healing Mesh topology process helps you reach buildings that do not have a clear line-of-sight back to a base station without the possibility of interference from hidden transmitters. For more information on this topic, see SPEEDLAN 9200 Mesh Protocol -- How It Works in Mesh Cells, page 1-6.•SPEEDLAN 9202: This model can be configured as Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) at one end of the point-to-point or point-to-multipoint link. It can be used with a 2.4GHz or 5GHz external antenna. •SPEEDLAN 9203: This model is pre-configured as a base station but can be reconfigured to function as a CPE router or as one end of a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint link. It can be used with a 2.4GHz or 5GHz external antenna.•SPEEDLAN 9204: This model provides the same functionality as a SPEEDLAN 9201, but it uses an integrated 5 dBi omni (for 2.4GHz only). The SPEEDLAN 9204 is intended for more densely populated cells.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      2-5                                                                                                                                                              Table 2-1: 9200 Hardware Configuration Table The SPEEDLAN 9200 is housed in a waterproof, cast enclosure that mounts outside the building, on a mast, or tower. The SPEEDLAN 9200 allows up to 300’ of specialized, outdoor Ethernet cable to be used between the LAN and the RF device, without loss of any radio signal. This increases the effective wireless link distance and reduces or even eliminates the need for an amplifier.Tips for Antenna AlignmentYou are encouraged to use the transmit power test during installation if you have a spectrum analyzer or power meter to measure the output for the antenna alignment. For more information, see the SPEEDManage User Guide. The SPEEDSignal application will also help installers align or position antennas on SPEEDLAN 9200 units. 9200 ModelMode Integrated antenna External antenna9201 mesh 2.4GHz only N/A9202 flexnode N/A 2.4 & 5GHz9203 base station  N/A 2.4 & 5GHz9204 mesh 2.4GHz only N/A
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 2-6Drawings of Outdoor, Remote-Mounted ComponentsIndoor Junction Box Figure 2-1: Indoor junction box for SPEEDLAN 9200  WARNING!: Make sure the network is plugged into the LAN interface, and that the radio is plugged into the radio interface. If you do this procedure wrong, the voltage that is meant to go to the radio can damage a device on the network. When the green light is illuminated, the DC voltage is being injectedDC jack to external power supplyTo LAN To RadioGrounding - Groundthe wire to the nearestearth ground. Indoorground plug will be installed here.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      2-7                                                                                                                                                              The SPEEDLAN 9201/9204 with an Integrated Omni-Directional Figure 2-2: SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204 installationThe installation steps for the SPEEDLAN 9201 and SPEEDLAN 9204 are similar, but the SPEEDLAN 9201 uses a larger omni and the SPEEDLAN 9204 uses a smaller omni- directional antenna.Integrated outdoor CAT5 cable to*Pole/tower legGrounding wire (optional)junction boxV-bolt       Router               omniV-bolt  *Note: The minimum outsidediameter of the pole is 1.25 inches.The maximum outside diameterof the pole is 2.5 inches.to appropriate outdoorground
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 2-8Bottom View of SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204 Figure 2-3: Bottom view of caseSystem Description  These are high-speed, long range wireless LAN outdoor, remote-mounted units/routers that provide building-to-building connectivity in a mesh cell.        Package Contents  •SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204 •CD containing: Adobe Acrobat Reader, SPEEDManage software & User Guide, this User Guide, Installation Diagram booklet and Getting Started Guide•Indoor junction box•Power supply•Integrated, omni-directional antenna  •V-bolt kit which includes the following •Bolt, V, Tower Mount, Stainless Steel (quantity 2)•Nut, 1/4"-20, Serrated Flange, Stainless Steel (quantity 4)•V-Bracket, Tower Mount, Aluminum (quantity 2)The following items are included with the installation kit, which can be purchased separately:            Power/Ethernet (CAT5 down to junction box)
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      2-9                                                                                                                                                              •Hardware ties •Specialized CAT5 cableCustomer Sourced / Other•Combination wrench or socket wrench (7/16") to tighten the nuts on the V-bolts (customer sourced only)•Other tool accessories that can be purchased separately from P-Com are: cable, connectors, crimpers, spectrum analyzer, shrink wrap, putty, aluminum 2" pole, extendable mast, ballast mount, peak roof mount, extra v-bolts, nuts, grounding rod clamps, wall mountsInstallation Steps for the SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204 To install your SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204, follow the steps below: Step 1: Mounting the SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204  This router will have an omni directly attached. No additional steps are needed for this step. Go to Step 2. Step 2: Mounting the SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204 on the Pole•Pole Mount: Attach the router to the mounting pole using the two V-bolted clamps and aluminum bracket, one on top of the router and the other on the bottom of the router. Make sure you tighten the nuts for the clamps securely to prevent shifting of the router after antenna alignment.Step 3: Running the Cabling 1Run outdoor CAT5 cable (from bottom of router) down to junction box located inside the building. 2Secure grounding wire by running this wire to a suitable "earth" ground and fasten it securely in place. See the installation diagram following these directions.3Install proper indoor ground plug into the junction box. Connect the outdoor CAT5 Ethernet to the "radio" jack. Connect the LAN Ethernet cable to the "LAN" jack of the junction box.  Install the power supply DC connector to the junction box. Plug the external power supply into the wall outlet.(The VAC power outlet’s input voltage of this universal adapter can vary from 100 to 250 VAC.) Connect the DC output of the adapter to DC jack on the indoor junction box.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 2-104  Connect the wireless SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204 to the customer's Ethernet LAN or PC by connecting the RJ-45 plug on a standard Ethernet CAT5 cable to the  RJ-45 port connector, marked as "LAN" on indoor junction box. Connect the other end of the Ethernet CAT5 cable to your Ethernet hub, switch or router.Important Note: Waterproofing the External Connectors!Make sure you waterproof all the connectors, as follows: Apply two layers of electrical tape to the connector (covering three inches of cable past the connector), and leave approximately 3 inches of cable exposed on either side of the connector. An alternative is to begin at the lowest point, so the tape overlaps from bottom to top creating a shingled effect. (This creates an effective barrier against runoff.) Apply this "shingle effect" to each layer of the sealing process. Then, apply one layer of insulation putty over the top of the electrical tape, and leave at least one inch of the cable jacket to ensure a good seal. Do not stretch the putty, as this causes thinning and reduces the effectiveness of a good seal. Finally, apply five layers of electrical tape over the insulation putty and extend at least one (1) inch past the putty. This is the most important step in a creating a watertight seal. Make sure that there are no wrinkles in the tape, and the final wrap must be completed from bottom to top.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      2-11                                                                                                                                                              Installation Diagram of the SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204The diagram below displays where the main components are located for the SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204 with an integrated omni.  Figure 2-4: SPEEDLAN 9201/SPEEDLAN 9204 installation diagram Antenna(Integrated omni)RouterGrounding wireCable with combined Ethernetand DC voltageAC wall outletJunction box Ethernet / hubEthernetor switchto appropriate outdoorground
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 2-12The SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203 with External AntennaFigure 2-5: SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203 installationExternal antenna V-bolt  V-bolt Lightning arrestor10’ cable3’ pigtailGrounding wireoutdoor CAT5 cable tojunction box*Pole/  tower legGrounding wire Grounding clamp Router*Note: The minimum outsidediameter of the pole is 1.25 inches.The maximum outside diameterof the pole is 2.5 inches.to appropriate outdoor ground
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      2-13                                                                                                                                                              Bottom View of SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203Figure 2-6: Bottom view of caseSystem Description    The SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203 routers are high speed, long range wireless LAN routers that provide connectivity to remote Ethernet networks. Input/OutputDC Output to Amp Power/RTNC RF Ethernet (RF Signal)
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 2-14Package Contents The following items are included in the package contents:•SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203 router•CD containing: Adobe Acrobat Reader, SPEEDManage software & User Guide, this User Guide, Installation Diagram booklet and Getting Started Guide•Indoor junction box•3’ pigtail •V-bolt kit which includes the following •Bolt, V, Tower Mount, Stainless Steel (U-bolt) (quantity 2)•Nut, 1/4"-20, Serrated Flange, Stainless Steel (quantity 4)•V-Bracket, Tower Mount, Stainless Steel (quantity 2)•Power supplyThe following items are included with the installation kit, which can be purchased separately:•Hardware ties •Lightning arrestor  •Electrical tape•Waterproof putty tape •Specialized CAT5 cable•10’ RF cable•Grounding rod clamps*Note: Antenna for the router are purchased separately.Customer Sourced / Other•Combination wrench or socket wrench (7/16") to tighten the nuts on the V-bolts (customer sourced only)•Other tool accessories that can be purchased separately from P-Com are: cable, connectors, crimpers, spectrum analyzer, shrink wrap, putty, aluminum 2" pole, extendable mast, ballast mount, peak roof mount, extra v-bolts, nuts, grounding rod clamps, wall mounts
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      2-15                                                                                                                                                              Installation Steps for the SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203Generally, these routers follow the same general installation steps. Some installation instructions are specific to customers who purchased Installation Kits from P-Com. To view a diagram of the installation listed below, see Figure 2-9 on page 2-21.  If you are having trouble and need a full site installation, contact P-Com for services and fees. Antenna Selection Tip: Use a high-gain omni or sectoral antenna for a base station (SPEEDLAN 9203), and use a grid or directional antenna for a CPE or point-to-point router (SPEEDLAN 9202).  To install your router with an external antenna, do the following: Step 1.Verifying Line-of-Sight Before installing the antenna and router, make sure a clear line-of-sight exists between the two points. Line-of-sight can be defined as each antenna clearly seeing the other antenna, and seeing the remote locations when viewing from the central base location. Be sure to look at the center of origin of the transmission (i.e., the middle of the antenna). Repeat this procedure from the remote location. Any disruption of the signal path due to trees, building, or any other obstructions may cause the link to function incorrectly. Make sure at least 60 percent of the RF signal is unobstructed by any path blockages. Figure 2-7: Line-of-sight (LOS) diagramVisual Line of Si hFresnel Zone diObstruction HihAbove Mean Sea Ll)Earth Tower HihAbove MSL)
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 2-16Note: For long distances, additional antenna height is often required to overcome signal diffraction and to provide clear Radio LOS. For Radio LOS, a clear Fresnel(Freh-nel) zone is required to minimize diffraction effects. The Fresnel zone is shaped like an elongated football. The most clearance is required at the mid-point between the two sites.Beyond approximately 10 miles, the curvature of the earth can also become significant.  At these longer distances, visually sighting the remote site can be difficult or impossible due to atmospheric haze. Terrain data (map or differential GPS) must be relied upon for determining path clearance. Elevation data determined with these methods is above Mean Sea Level; and does not account for curvature of the earth. Both the curvature of the earth and the Fresnel clearance numbers can be combined to determine the additional clearance required above any natural or man-made obstructions along the path. Obtaining this clearance can be accomplished by raising the antenna height at one or both sites. If this is not practical, then consider relocating one or both sites to locations with higher elevations. Another option is to add a third site to go over or around the obstacle.If you see any obstructions between two antennas, move one or both antennas to another location. Step 2. Mounting the Antenna Follow the instructions below to mount the antenna. a  On a side-building mount, position the bracket so there will be at least three feet (one meter) above the roof line where the pole is attached. This enables room for the antenna and reduces signal loss from building reflection. Note:  It is not recommended to mount the antenna onto any unstable object.     bAllow for as much space between the wall brackets as possible while maintaining the appropriate antenna height. For extended poles, additional wall brackets may be necessary. cAssemble the antenna and mount it to the pole using the included V-bolt antenna mounting hardware. For a semi-parabolic grid type antenna, align the grid to run parallel with the grid on the tip of the antenna horn.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      2-17                                                                                                                                                              A horizontal grid should be horizontal (or parallel to the ground). A vertical grid should be perpendicular to the ground. Make sure all bolts and screws are fastened tightly. See also Tips for Antenna Alignment, page 2-5.Figure 2-8: Grid antennasdFasten the pole to the brackets. Position the antenna, point it in the appropriate direction, and tighten the screws. Then, aim the antenna so it is pointed toward the receiving antenna on the other building. The radio signal radiates from the end of antenna like a wide-beamed flashlight. For optimal performance, you may need to test your link using both horizontal and vertical-oriented polarities. This configuration option varies with each location, as well as RF signals that may be present in the area.  Step 3.  Mounting the SPEEDLAN Router Select one of two options below: •Option A: Pole Mount On a pole mount, position the router 5 to 10 feet below the antenna. Then, attach the router to the mounting pole using two included V-bolt clamps, one on the top of the router and the other on the bottom. Make sure you tighten the nuts for the clamps on the back of the pole mount. Horizontal-Oriented Grid                                              Vertical-Oriented Grid
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 2-18OR •Option B: Wall or Concrete Mount On a side building mount, position the router 5 to 10 feet below the antenna. Then, attach the SPEEDLAN router to the wall or concrete by using the concrete or wood mounting screws. Make sure it is securely mounted on the wall. Step 4. Running and Securing All Cable The installation kit includes two cables with ready-made connectors to fit your particular installation needs such as: •3’ RF cable •10' antenna cable (attaches to antenna one end and to lightning arrestor other end) •Lightning arrestor (attaches to pigtail and to antenna cable) aAttach the 3’ RF cable to the RF port on the router. bAttach the 10' length of cable to the antenna. Next, attach the lightning arrestor to the lower end of the antenna cable. cAttach the other end of lightning arrestor to 3’ RF cable.   dRun the main length of the specialized outdoor Ethernet cable from the router to the indoor junction box located inside the building. eSecure the cable (i.e., to the pole) with zip ties or cable clamps during this procedure.  Note: When running the cable through walls or obstructions, make sure that there is ample room for the connector to pass through the opening without being damaged. Also, do not create extra pressure that would cause the cable to kink or be stretched or cut (i.e., pulling cable through tight locations). fCreate a proper weatherproofing seal on all outdoor connections by wrapping it with electrical tape and sealing it with putty. This is the most crucial step of the installation. If this procedure is not completed, long-term and complex
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      2-19                                                                                                                                                              problems could occur. For more information on implementing this procedure, see Weatherproofing Connectors, page 2-19. gNext, ground the lightning arrestor. For more information, see Grounding the Lightning Arrestor, page 2-19. You can also ground the router case to the ground, as shown in the installation diagrams in this chapter.Step 5. Grounding the Lightning Arrestor aMount the lightning arrestor to a solid surface. bRun the grounding wire from the lightning arrestor to a proper ground source such as a grounding rod or roof ground wire. The lightning arrestor is NOT waterproof. The next series of steps will show you how to effectively seal the lightning arrestor and its cables.Step 6. Weatherproofing Connectors aSeal the entire lightning arrestor with the black waterproof sealant insulation putty that is included in the installation kit.  bApply two layers of electrical tape to the connector, and leave approximately 3 inches of cable exposed on either side of the connector. An alternative is to begin at the lowest point, so the tape overlaps from the bottom, below the bottom connector over the lightning arrestor and beyond the upper connector, to top creating a shingled effect. (This creates an effective barrier against water runoff). Apply this "shingle effect" to each layer of the sealing process. cApply one layer of insulation putty over the top of the electrical tape, and leave at least one inch of the cable jacket to ensure a good seal. Do not stretch the putty, as this causes thinning and reduces the effectiveness of a good seal. dApply five layers of electrical tape over the insulation putty and extend at least one (1) inch past the putty. This is the most important step in creating a watertight seal. Make sure that there are no wrinkles in the tape and the final wrap must be completed from bottom to top.Step 7. Connect the Router to Customer's Ethernet LAN aConnect the RJ-45 connector on a standard Ethernet CAT5 cable to the "LAN" RJ-45 port on the indoor junction box.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 2-20bConnect the other end of the Ethernet CAT5 cable to your Ethernet hub, switch or router.    Step 8. Connect the Wireless Router to the Power Supply aConnect the DC output of the adapter (24-36 Vdc) to DC jack on the indoor junction box.bConnect power cord of AC-DC 24-36 Vdc adapter to 110 or 220 VAC power outlet (the input voltage of this universal adapter can vary from 100 to 250 VAC). Step 9. Adding Additional Routers Repeat the steps above for SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203 routers that will be communicating with this one.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      2-21                                                                                                                                                              SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203  Installation Diagram Figure 2-9: SPEEDLAN 9202/SPEEDLAN 9203 installation diagram *Note: The sectoral, grid (directional) and high-gain omni antennas all follow the same installation instructions.You can ground the router case to the ground. You can ground the lightning arrestor as well.  Router 3’ cableLightning arrestorGrounding wireAC wall outletEthernetEthernet 10’ cable*Antenna (e.g., grid,JunctionboxCable with combined Ethernetand DC voltagesectoral orhigh-gain omni)hub/switchPowersupplyGroundto appropriate outdoor ground
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 2-22Notes:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 3General Functions of theConfigurator This chapter covers general functions when configuring any SPEEDLAN 9200 router, such as:•General Information: Manual Initial Configuration of the SPEEDLAN 9200, page 3-2, Logging on the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator, page 3-10 and Logging Off, page 3-13•Network menu: IP Address Configuration, page 3-19, Alias IP, page 3-22 and Virtual Addresses, page 3-23•System menu: Configuration Summary, page 3-25, SNMP, page 3-26, Version, page 3-29; Host Name, page 3-29; Password, page 3-30 and Reboot, page 3-31•Routing menu: Def Gateway, page 3-32; RIP2 Setup, page 3-32 and RIP Settings, page 3-33; Authentication on RIP-2 MD5, page 3-34, Route Table, page 3-36 and Static Route, page 3-37•Wireless menu: Configuring the Radio Parameters, page 3-38 (i.e., setting the SSID, wireless mode, chan-nel, signaling rate, turbo mode, Tx power and pream-ble); Max Tx Retries and Signaling Rate Fallback,
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-2page 3-41; Request to Send (RTS) / Clear to Send (CTS), page 4-8; and Max Throughput (Regulating Bandwidth), page 3-43)•DHCP Server menu: Setting Up DHCP, page 3-46; Adding a New DHCP Sub-net, page 3-47, Adding a DHCP Client, page 3-49, Configuring DHCP Relay, page 3-50, Viewing Log Messages, page 3-51 and Forwarding Menu, page 3-51•Forwarding menu: Forwarding Menu, page 3-51, Priority Queuing, page 3-52,  Three Features of NAT, page 3-56, Firewall, page 3-63 and IP Sessions, page 3-68•Diagnostics menu: Interface Statistics, page 3-69; ARP Table, page 3-71 and ICMP Statistics, page 3-71•Admin menu: User Configuration Passwords, page 3-74;Software Update, page 3-75; Software Update, page 3-75, Support, page 3-76 and Current Sessions, page 3-77Note: For more information on how the Configurator menu and this chapter is structured, see Overview of the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator General Main Menu, page 3-7.Manual Initial Configuration of the SPEEDLAN 9200Each SPEEDLAN 9200 is produced with a default configuration that renders it usable in many applications. However, if you need to manually configure your SPEEDLAN 9200 router, follow the directions below.Prerequisites Configuration of the SPEEDLAN 9200 is done through the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator. In order to access the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator, you must have:!!!!Warning! Do not forget your password. Keep it in a safe place.If you lose your full access password, there is no way to recover it without returning the router back to the manufacturer.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-3                                                                                                                                                              •a client workstation (e.g., PC, Mac, Sun),•a compatible browser (Netscape Navigator 4+ or Internet Explorer 5+), and•a TCP/IP connection to the SPEEDLAN 9200.A TCP/IP connection to the SPEEDLAN 9200 can be made through its wireless interface or through its wired interface. If the default configuration creates a wireless LAN that is compatible with the target inter-network, the network administrator can connect to the individual SPEEDLAN 9200 router through that wireless LAN. The following section assumes that a SPEEDLAN 9200 router is being configured via its wired interface, possibly before it is installed at its intended physical location.Connecting a SPEEDLAN 9200 and a Client PCA connection between a SPEEDLAN 9200 and a client PC may be established using either:1one crossover cable, or  2two straight-through cables (also called patch cables) and a hub or a switch.•If you select option # 1, connect one end of the crossover cable to the client PC and the other end to the junction box.Figure 3-1: Using one crossover RJ-45 Ethernet cableRouterJunction boxClient PCTo radioTo L A N
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-4Figure 3-2: Crossover cable and pin out diagramNote: The crossover cable actually crosses the transmit and receive pairs of wires so that direct communications can take place between devices. Use a crossover cable anytime you need to interconnect two computers or two devices in the same location when a hub or a switch is either unavailable or not practical.•If you select option # 2, connect a straight-through cable from both the client PC and the junction box to the hub or a switch.Figure 3-3: Using two straight-through RJ-45 Ethernet cablesUpon power up, a SPEEDLAN 9200 router that is not configured attempts to obtain an IP address for its Ethernet LAN interface from a DHCP server. This is done by broadcasting a "DHCPDISCOVER" message on that interface. If a suitably configured Either end of the crossover cable can connect to the client PC or junction box.To  r a d i oTo L A NClient PCHubRouter
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-5                                                                                                                                                              and reachable DHCP server replies within 30 seconds, the SPEEDLAN 9200 will use the IP address, netmask, (etc.) that the DHCP server provides. Otherwise, the unconfigured SPEEDLAN 9200 will adopt a private network IP address and a /24 netmask ( a DHCP server is not used, it is recommended that the SPEEDLAN 9200 router and the client PC be on the same subnet. Otherwise, the ability to configure intervening routers may be required.  If the SPEEDLAN 9200 that is not configured and the client PC are on the same LAN, their IP address should be configured compatibly (same IP network and netmask). This can be accomplished by either:1The client PC obtaining its IP address from the same DHCP server as the SPEEDLAN 9200.2Statically set the client's PC IP address to 192.168.69.x (x is in the range of 2 - 254) and its netmask to /24 ( •If you selected option #1 above, follow these general directions: Open the Control Panel, and then double-click the Network and Dial-up Connections icon. Go to TCP/IP Protocol Properties to select the Obtain an IP address from a DHCP server option. Then, accept changes and close this dialog box. Then, restart your computer. •If you selected option #2 above, follow these general directions: Open the Control Panel, and then double-click the Network and Dial-up Connections icon. Go to TCP/IP Protocol Properties to verify that your PC is on the same network as the router 192.168.69.x  (x is in the range of 2 - 254), and the subnet mask should be /24 ( If you made changes, accept the changes and close this dialog box. Then, restart your computer.         Before continuing you should verify that the client PC has TCP/IP connectivity with the SPEEDLAN 9200. The most common way to do this is to run 'ping' (or the DHCP assigned address) at a command-line prompt. This ping command is available in a Windows 9x DOS prompt, a Windows 2000 / NT / XP command prompt, or any Unix console.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-6Configuring the SPEEDLAN 9200Once your PC can access the SPEEDLAN 9200, you can open the client's browser and enter the IP address of the SPEEDLAN 9200 router. If using DHCP and DNS, it may be possible to refer to the SPEEDLAN 9200 router by its name. Note: SPEEDView gives you a "management" view of the network. You will use the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator (web browser) to configure the SPEEDLAN 9200 routers. If you want to configure a router in SPEEDView, just double-click any router and it will open the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator. For more information about SPEEDView, see the SPEEDManage User Guide.Wireless Interface IP Address AssignmentIf the wireless interface does not already have a statically configured IP address, it will assume the 10.x.y.z/8 address, where x, y, and z are the decimal representations of the least significant three octets of the IEEE 802 MAC address of the SPEEDLAN 9200’s wireless interface. This method is used to ensure uniqueness. Because the last three octets of the IP address are variable, a /8 netmask ( is used in order for the SPEEDLAN 9200s to communicate on this network.  Automating the Configuration of Multiple SPEEDLAN 9200sIn mesh mode, some of the configuration parameters for the SPEEDLAN 9200 are common to all SPEEDLAN 9200s in the same network, for instance the channel and signaling rate of the wireless interface.  Completing ConfigurationCertain configuration parameters require a reboot after they have been changed.  Therefore, to ensure all changes have been activated, each SPEEDLAN 9200 should be rebooted when its configuration is complete. Multiple SPEEDLAN 9200 routers can be rebooted at the same time from either the SPEEDView application or the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator. To reboot the router in the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator, choose Reboot from the System menu (see Reboot, page 3-31).
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-7                                                                                                                                                              Adding Additional SPEEDLAN 9200s to the Wired NetworkIf you need to add an additional SPEEDLAN 9200 to the wired network, do the following:•Connect the additional SPEEDLAN 9200 routers to a hub or switch on the network and have DHCP assign IP addresses dynamically. •Connect additional SPEEDLAN 9200 routers to a hub or switch on the network one at a time, changing the wired IP address of each router as it is added, to an address other than (to avoid duplicate IP addresses).  If you need help, contact your system administrator.Overview of the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator General Main MenuHow the Configurator Menu is StructuredBase stations, CPE routers, point-to-point routers and mesh routers all use the same main menu, as shown in Figure 3-4 on page 3-10. However, some of the submenus are limited depending on which mode you are operating, such as base station mode, CPE mode, point-to-point (primary and secondary), and mesh mode. Any configuration that is common for the base station, CPE, point-to-point, and mesh router is located in this chapter. At this time, star mode (base, point, CPE) is not available. Only mesh mode is available.  Network menuUse this menu to view a list of the interfaces that exist on the router, such as wireless interfaces, fixed interfaces, or both. This is where you would assign either a static or dynamic Internet address for the router. You will also be able to define the display name for the wireless or fixed device and add an Alias IP. For more information, see IP Address Configuration, page 3-19. •If you need to view mesh routers currently on the network, Mesh Nodes, page 4-3. To authenticate your mesh routers and enable security for SPEEDMesh-enabled clients, see Enabling Network Security, page 4-4.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-8To enable AES encryption in your network, see A. Enabling Encryption Between SPEEDLAN 9200 Routers, page 4-4. To enable WEP security on a SPEEDMesh-enabled client, see B. Enabling WEP Security Between a SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client and SPEEDLAN 9200, page 4-5. To allow a mesh node in a 9200 network to communicate with a SPEEDMesh-enabled client, see Enabling/Disabling the SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client, page 4-6.System menuUse this menu to define information about the host, view information about the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator, set the current password and reboot the SPEEDLAN 9200 router. For more information see, System Menu, page 3-25. To view a configuration summary of the units on the network, see Configuration Summary, page 3-25. The SPEEDLAN 9200 contains a Simple Network  Management Protocol (SNMP) Agent that provides a remote Network Management System (NMS) with read-only ("get") access to certain configuration and status parameters. For more information, see SNMP, page 3-26.Routing menu  Use this menu to view and set routing configuration. For more information, see Routing Menu, page 3-31. This is also where you can set RIP-2 MD5 Authentication (see Authentication on RIP-2 MD5, page 3-34).Wireless menuUse this menu to configure the wireless parameters. •If you choose Configuration, you will be able to set the following radio parameters: SSID, wireless mode, channel, signaling rate, turbo mode, Tx power and preamble. For more information, see Configuration, page 3-38 for more details.•If you choose Tx Retries, you will be able to set the Transmit Retry Limit and Signaling Rate Fallback. For more information, see Max Tx Retries and Signaling Rate Fallback, page 3-41.•If you choose Max Throughput, you will be able to set the Max Transmit Data Rate in Kb/s. For more information, see Max Throughput (Regulating Bandwidth), page 3-43.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-9                                                                                                                                                              Other specialized parameters not common under the Wireless menu for mesh routers:•RTS/CTS has been added to this chapter. See Request to Send (RTS) / Clear to Send (CTS), page 4-8.•If you choose Rx Threshold, you will be able to set the threshold for each mesh router on the network. For more information, see Receive (Rx) Threshold Parameter, page 4-9 for details.•If you choose Blocked Links, you will be able to block or unblock mesh routers. For more information, see Blocked Links, page 4-10 for more details.•If you want to enter the number of times that a neighbor node can fail to reply to a neighbor discovery probe before it is declared unreachable, see Link Expiration, page 4-11.•DHCP Use this menu to configure a DHCP server on one or more of the wired interfaces. You can also view log messages and view the interfaces being serviced with DHCP. For more information see, DHCP Server Menu, page 3-44. You can also enable DHCP Relay and set the parameters as needed.•ForwardingUse this menu to control how traffic is forwarded through this router. For more information, see Forwarding Menu, page 3-51.•DiagnosticsUse this menu to troubleshoot your SPEEDLAN 9200 network. For more information, see Diagnostics Menu (Troubleshooting the Network), page 3-68.•AdminUse this menu to perform administrative tasks, such as setting up user password and permission information. You can also remotely control the SPEEDLAN 9200 routers on the network, update software, reset all configuration to the factory default, enable or disable SPEEDSignal, and enable manufacturer access to the router for advanced troubleshooting. For more information, see Admin Menu, page 3-74.•If you need to remotely reboot or turn off the SPEEDLAN 9200 mesh routers, see Remote Control, page 4-12.•If you need to remotely reboot a mesh router, see Remote Control, page 4-12. If you need to update the software on the mesh routers, see Software Update, page 4-12.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-10Diagram of SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator Main MenuFigure 3-4: Main menua   Main menu: Contains the following menus: Network, System, Routing, Wire-less, DHCP, Forwarding, Diagnostics and Admin.bRefresh button: Click to Refresh data on the web page.cLog Off link: Click to close a user session.dConfig Summary link: Click to view a summarized list of the configuration on the routers (units). For more information, see Configuration Summary, page 3-25Note: If you want to learn more about IP addressing, see Basics of IP Addressing, page 5-2.Logging on the SPEEDLAN 9200 ConfiguratorTo access the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator, open your web browser and enter the URL (https://) or IP address of the router you want to configure. The factory default IP address is Note: The SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator can be accessed at the standard web (HTTP, port 80) and secure web (HTTPS, port 443) locations.  If you have forwarded either of those ports to internal network nodes, you can still reach the configurator at an alternate location: •port 6590 - server alternate HTTPS (for example, type "")dabcd
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-11                                                                                                                                                              Classes of Users (and Passwords)All software including the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator and SPEEDManage share the same password(s). The only place where you change the password for all of these is in the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator.  For more information about SPEEDManage, see the SPEEDManage User Guide.There are five classes of users on the SPEEDLAN 9200. The classes are as follows with their default passwords:  •Full Access (also known as a superuser): "wave_full" (this is also the only access password for IP Recover in the SPEEDManage suite). Use this option when changing passwords.  You cannot change the password to an existing password.Note: "Full Access" does not show up in "Admin/Users" because the user will not be able to change its permissions and it has write permission on everything.  •Wired Admin: "wave_wired_admin" (account for the private Ethernet network)•Wired Read: "wave_wired" (account for the private Ethernet network)•Wireless Admin: "wave_wireless_ad" (account for the wireless SPEEDLAN 9200 network)•Wireless Read: "wave_wireless" (account for the wireless SPEEDLAN 9200 network)Notes:The minimum password length is 8 characters. The maximum password length is 16 characters (including the underscore character or spacebar). Any characters over the maximum length (16) will be truncated. This rule applies for the Configurator and the SPEEDManage suite.Admin accounts have administration rights to their appropriate network (wired or wireless), and Read Only accounts have only read only access.If you are a network administrator and want to modify the default passwords and settings for any of the users, choose the Admin menu. For more information, see Admin Menu, page 3-74.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-12Logging OnFollow these steps (starting on the following page) to log on to the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator.1Make sure you entered the correct URL or IP address of the router. For more information, see Logging on the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator, page 3-10.Figure 3-5: Login page2Enter the password in the Password text box. To know which password (from 8 to 16 characters) you should enter, see Classes of Users (and Passwords), page 3-11. 3Login by clicking Login. 4When you login for the first time, the Security Alert dialog box will appear. Follow the directions under Understanding the Security Alert Screens, page 3-13.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-13                                                                                                                                                              Logging OffIf you need to log off the Configurator, click the Log Off link (as circled in red in the figure below).Figure 3-6: Logging OffUnderstanding the Security Alert ScreensIn order to avoid a security alert each time the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator is accessed, you must install its security certificate into Internet Explorer. If the SPEEDLAN 9200's host name changes, you will have to repeat this process. Follow the steps beginning on the next page:1When the Security Alert dialog box appears, click View Certificate (right most button on bottom of Security dialog box). The following dialog box will appear.Figure 3-7: Security Alert screen
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-142Click Install Certificate. Figure 3-8: Certificate screen3The Certificate Import Wizard will appear.  Figure 3-9: Certificate Import Wizard screen 1
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-15                                                                                                                                                              4   Click Next.5The following dialog box will appear.Figure 3-10: Certificate Import Wizard screen 26Click Next again.7The following dialog box will appear.Figure 3-11: Certificate Import Wizard screen 38Click Finish. A message will appear asking you "if you want to add a certifi-cate to the Root Store." Click Ye s.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-169You will see a confirmation stating that the import was successful. Click OK. Click OK again. If the Security Alert dialog box appears, click Yes.Figure 3-12: Certificate Import Wizard message boxYou should not get the Security Alert the next time you access this site. The SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator web site will appear.After Logging OnAfter you log on, you will see the Network Interfaces page, as displayed below.Figure 3-13: 1st screen after logging onElements to know on the Network Interfaces page:•If you click the interface link, Ethernet, you will jump to the IP Addresses page.•The "Interface Type" drop-down list is where you select the type of router. To select a different mode, select it and click Apply. The Configurator will log you out, and the next time you log in the mode will be available.•Click the Refresh button to refresh data.•The name you enter in the Network Name text box (shown in Figure 3-13 on page 3-16) determines what the interfaces are called on the network. For instance, you can enter, "Star Net" in the Network Name text box to represent
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-17                                                                                                                                                              the "Star CPE" interface. This option just gives the user control over the name of the interface. What are enable and disable forwarding?•Enable Forwarding: Select the Enable Forwarding option to enable the forwarding of IP packets from the wired interface to the wireless interface and vice-versa.•Disable Forwarding: Select the Disable Forwarding option to disable the forwarding of IP packets from the wired interface to the wireless interface and vice-versa.Helpful Information to Know...How do you select the router?As shown in Figure 3-13 on page 3-16, select the type of router (e.g., mesh) from the Interface Type drop-down list. Then, click Apply. The SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator will then recognize the router you selected and allow you to make modifications as needed.  Note: If you need to change the router's topology mode (base station, CPE, point-to-point or mesh) from or to another topology mode (base station, CPE, point-to-point or mesh), see Changing the Router's Topology Mode, Change Topology Mode, Appendix A-2. (Directions are also described in the previous figure, see Figure 3-13 on page 3-16.)References on Setting Up the RouterThe next step is to set up your router. Follow this chapter to set up the IP address, set routing information, set DHCP, set NAT information, troubleshoot network errors (diagnostic information), and enter basic Administrative information. Make sure you see the section called, Overview of the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator General Main Menu, page 3-7. This section will tell you which functions are common to all routers and which functions are specialized. This will help you locate the proper section in the manual more quickly.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-18Caching - viewing the most recent version of a pageImportant Note: If you do not see the changes you made on a configurator page, click the Refresh button, as shown in Figure 3-13 on page 3-16. Then, the changes will appear.If the above procedure does not work, follow these steps below:1Go to your Internet browser. (These directions are for Internet Explorer.)2From the Tools menu, choose Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box appears. Click the Delete Files button. Then, click OK.3On the Internet Options dialog box, click the Settings button. The Settings dialog box appears. Select the Every visit to the page option. This makes sure that the new information is displayed the next time you visit the configurator web page, and the new information will also be added on the SPEEDLAN router. Session ActivityIf you receive this message during your configuration session, "Sorry, the maximum number of sessions has been reached. Try to login later," this is because the maximum log on is 32 consecutive sessions.If you receive this message during your configuration session, "Your session has expired due to inactivity or because another user has made configuration changes that affect your session, " this is because the configuration session’s default time is 30 minutes.SPEEDLAN 9200 Firmware Updates, SPEEDManage or Other Utility ProgramsRegistered customers should check our web site on a regular basis for updates to router firmware, SPEEDManage, and other utility programs. If you haven't registered your products yet, you may do so by visiting "www.wavewireless.com". Then, click the "Support" directory. For more information about SPEEDManage, see the SPEEDManage User Guide.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-19                                                                                                                                                              If You Need a Temporary IP Address•See the IP Recover chapter in the SPEEDManage User Guide. OR•If after learning the IP address of the Ethernet interface, you cannot log on to the router using the HTML Configurator (SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator), then you will be able set a temporary Ethernet IP address so that a connection can made.The Configuration MenuNetwork Menu•Choose Interfaces to select the router you need.•Choose IP Addresses from the Network menu to assign an IP address (manually or dynamically via DHCP).•Choose Virtual Addresses from the IP Addresses submenu (under the Network menu) to create a public IP address that can be mapped to a private IP address.  Network InterfacesChoose the type of router as shown in Figure 3-13 on page 3-16. Then, click Apply.IP Address ConfigurationThis is where you would assign IP Addresses either Manually (static) or via DHCP (dynamic).  For DHCP, you may also enter the hostname of the client.  To activate this page, choose IP Addresses and then the name of the interface (i.e., Ethernet, Star Net, Mesh Net) from the Network menu.  The following page will appear.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-20The following page similar to the following will appear. (This is showing a Mesh interface.)Figure 3-14: IP Addresses pageAfter you choose the appropriate interface, you will be able to view the following parameters:   •Hardware (MAC) Address: In a LAN environment each network interface contains its own Medium Access Control (MAC) address which is the embedded and unique hardware number.     •IP Address: This address tells the network how to locate the computers or network equipment connected to it.  •Netmask: The netmask is a 4-byte number that masks the network part of the Internet Protocol IP address, so only the host computer part of the address remains. •Mode: "Static" or "DHCP."
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-21                                                                                                                                                              CIDR Table (For Netmask Information Purposes)Figure 3-15: CIDR information page•Restart Interface: Click to restart the interface.•Additional IP Addresses: Click this button to add an Alias IP. (You can add an alias IP address to the Ethernet interface.) This allows you to assign more than one IP address to an Ethernet interface. For more information, see Alias IP, page 3-22.•Restore Factory Default: Click to revert to factory default settings for this interface.•Use DHCP: Select this option if you want to dynamically acquire an IP address or DHCP from a DHCP server. The DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration CIDR LengthCIDR LengthCIDR LengthCIDR Length   MaskMaskMaskMask   # Networks# Networks# Networks# Networks   # Hosts# Hosts# Hosts# Hosts  /8 1 A 16,777,214 /9 128 B 8,388,352 /10 64 B 4,194,176 /11 32 B 2,097,088 /12 16 B 1,048,544 /13 8 B 524,272 /14 4 B 262,136 /15 2 B 131,068 /16 1 B 65,534 /17 128 C 32,512 /18 64 C 16,256 /19 32 C 8,128 /20 16 C 4,064 /21 8 C 2,032 /22 4 C 1,016 /23 2 C 508 /24 1 C 254 /25 2 Subnets 124 /26 4 Subnets 62 /27 8 Subnets 30 /28 16 Subnets 14 /29 32 Subnets 6 /30 64 Subnets 2 /31 none none /32 1/256 C 1
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-22Protocol) server assigns the IP address to each computer as the computer connects to the network. If a computer moves to a new network, it must be assigned a new IP address for that network. DHCP can be used to manage these assignments automatically. Then, click Apply. Optional: If you prefer, you can enter the client name of the host in the Client Hostname text box (under "Use DHCP"). The limit of the Client Hostname is 16 characters. (See also Important Note about DHCP, page 3-45.)•Use this static address:  Select this option if you want to statically assign an IP address to the interface. For example: you may want to assign a "static" (per-manent) address to a computer that will always be used as a server. This enables other computers to connect to it. Static addressing is also beneficial to users that need to maintain a "constant" connection to the Internet. Then, click Apply. Note: If you selected the "Use this static address" option, enter the Internet address that you want to assign to the interface in the IP Address text box. You will also enter the subnet/netmask for the IP address. Select the appropriate netmask in the Netmask drop-down list. After you change the Internet address for an Ethernet or directly connected interface, you must restart the interface. Otherwise, the information will not be updated. If you follow this step correctly, the next time you open the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator, these changes will be updated. Alias IP  Note: Alias IP addresses can only be created for the Ethernet interface. They are not for the wireless interface.To add an Alias IP, do the following:
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-23                                                                                                                                                              1Choose IP Addresses + Ethernet from the Network menu. Next, click the Additional IP Addresses button on the IP Address Configuration (Ethernet) page. The IP Addresses Configuration (for Ethernet) page will appear:Figure 3-16: Adding an Additional IP Address (Alias IP)2Aliased addresses cannot be dynamically assigned from the DHCP server, so you must manually type in the Alias IP in the text box, circled above. Verify the netmask and click Add. Repeat this step for each Alias IP you add to the Ether-net interface. Other elements on this window are described below:•# - (Address Number):  The first address is the primary IP address on the Ethernet interface. Addresses numbered 2 or higher are aliases. •IP Address: Lists the IP address of the primary or alias address.•Netmask: Lists the netmask of the primary or aliased address.•Network: Lists the network number of the primary or aliased address.•Broadcast: Lists the broadcast address of the primary or aliased address.Virtual AddressesChoose Virtual Addresses from the IP Addresses submenu (under the Network menu) to create a public IP address that can be mapped to a private IP address.  Virtual addresses are IP addresses (usually public) that the SPEEDLAN 9200 router can use in addition to the IP addresses assigned to each of its network interfaces.  Virtual addresses are normally used to preserve public IP addresses when a limited number is available.  Previously, virtual addresses were implicitly created when referenced in a
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-24NAT rule.  Version 3.0 and higher requires explicit creation of a virtual address prior to referencing it.  Virtual addresses can be used to access the SPEEDLAN 9200 router for configuration, or in NAT functions like Address Sharing, Internal Servers, and 1:1 NAT. Virtual addresses are particularly useful when using 1:1 NAT, where you need more than one public IP address. The virtual addresses do not need to belong to a network assigned to one of the SPEEDLAN 9200's interfaces.  The existence of these addresses will be advertised with RIP, providing that the RIP filters allow it.  The Virtual Address page will appear when you choose the Virtual Addresses feature. The elements on this page are explained below:•IP Address: In this text box, enter the virtual address you want to add. Click Add to add the new virtual address. (In the next figure, the user entered "" in the IP Address text box. Next, the user will click Add.)Notes: You cannot apply an IP address from the Ethernet port’s subnet.             All virtual addresses have a netmask of /32 ( Virtual AddressesThis list contains all defined virtual addresses.•To remove a virtual address, select it and click Delete Selected. (In the next figure, if the user wants to remove virtual address "". Then, the user would select the check box next to it and click Delete Selected.)•To select all addresses, click All.  To clear all selections, click None. If an entry has "(In Use)" instead of a check box (as shown in the next figure to the right of virtual address ""), this means the virtual address is "in use" and cannot be removed.   Figure 3-17: Virtual address
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-25                                                                                                                                                              Note: If you want to distribute virtual routes, make sure the Static Routes check box is selected on the RIP Global Settings page under the Routing / RIP2 Setup / Global Settings menu.    System Menu•Choose Config Summary to view a summarized configuration of the units.•SNMP: The SPEEDLAN 9200 contains a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Agent that provides a remote Network Management System (NMS) with read-only ("get") access to certain configuration and status parameters. For more information, choose SNMP.•Choose Version to view the current version information.•Choose Host Name to enter a name of the host.•Choose Password to modify the password entries.•Choose Reboot to reboot the system. Configuration SummaryTo view a summarized list of the configuration on the units, choose Config Summary from the System menu. (You can also select the Config Summary link in the upper-right hand corner of each page.) This is very useful tool if you want to capture a screen shot of the summary and email it to technical support.  The Configuration Summary for the Host page will appear displaying a summary which includes the following information:•System Version: Displays the firmware version and uptime for the unit.•SNMP: Displays the read-only SNMP statistics, which are described in SNMP, page 3-26.•Network Interfaces: Displays the interfaces on the network.•Route Table: Displays the routing information between destinations.•Wireless Configuration: Displays the channel, signaling rates, Max Tx Retries, Signaling Rate Fallback, Max Throughput, Rx Threshold andLink Expiration. •   Blocked Wireless Links: Displays blocked links. For more information, see Receive (Rx) Threshold Parameter, page 4-9.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-26•Wireless Security Settings: See Enabling Network Security, page 4-4.•RIP Configuration: The routing table displays routing information between destinations.•Routing Configuration: Indicates if RIP is on or off, lists global settings and send and receive information, authentication and distribute information.•DHCP Server Configuration: Indicates if DHCP Server Configuration is on or off.•DHCP Relay Configuration: Indicates if DHCP Relay Configuration is on or off.•Virtual Addresses: Displays virtual addresses.•NAT: Lists the implementation(s) of NAT: address sharing, internal servers and 1:1 NAT. •Firewall: Displays if the firewall is enabled or disabled. •ARP Table: Displays Address Resolution Protocol statistics.•Statistics: Displays statistics about the wireless inbound and outbound traffic.Note: Select the appropriate feature (noted via blue-underlined hyperlink) to jump to the proper feature page. For example, if you click the Firewall link on the Configuration Summary page, it will bring up the Firewall page where you can modify further information.   There is a short-cut link to the Configuration Summary by clicking the Config Summary Link as circled in the figure below.Figure 3-18: Config Summary LinkSNMPThe SPEEDLAN 9200 contains a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Agent that provides a remote Network Management System (NMS) with read-only ("get") access to certain configuration and status parameters. Those parameters are Management Information Base (MIB) objects.  The currently supported MIBs are identified in table the MIBs.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-27                                                                                                                                                              The SPEEDLAN 9200 supports communications with an NMS using SNMP versions 1, 2 or 3.  Secure communications between NMS and Agent requires use of SNMP version 3. To enable the SNMP Agent, do the following:1Choose SNMP from the System menu. The following page will appear:Figure 3-19: SNMP2Enter the following information, depending on the version(s) of the SNMP protocol supported by your NMS, and the level of security required:•Community Name (v1, v2): This is the read-only password.  This entry is blank by default - you have to create one for the service to work.  (If this entry is left blank, SNMP v1 or v2 service will be disabled.)  The minimum number of characters entered is 1 and the maximum number of characters entered is 30. The default name is "public".  If you want to use SNMP v1 or v2, enter the community name. Otherwise, leave this entry blank.•Security Name (v3): This is the read-only 'user name' used for SNMP v3. This entry should be set to a value that is only known by the network administrator. The minimum number of characters entered is 1 and the maximum number of characters entered is 30.•Security Pass Phrase: This is the 'password' for SNMP v3. The minimum number of characters entered is 8 and the maximum number of characters entered is 30.Note: If you want to use SNMP v3, enter the Security Name and Security Pass Phrase. Otherwise, leave these entries blank.  •System Contact: This field should contain the identification of the contact person for this SNMP-managed node.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-28•System Location: This field should contain the administratively assigned name for this managed node. By convention, this is the node's fully qualified Internet Domain name (e.g., "noc.domain.com").3After you have entered the information described above, click Apply.4Enable SNMP by selecting the Enabled option. When SNMP is enabled, the SPEEDLAN 9200 router will respond to SNMP queries initiated by your NMS. (See the section below for MIBII strings and definitions.)  If you want to disable it, click the Disabled option. (SNMP is disabled by default.)5You will receive a confirmation that your settings have been applied. SNMP is now enabled on the node you want to monitor. 6To view SNMP information, you must now use a NMS.  Consult your NMS software for information on polling and logging the MIB objects.Table 3-1: List of MIBs supported by SPEEDLAN 9200+RFC = Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments  (http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc.html)MIB Name RFC+SPEEDLAN 920x FirmwareMIB-II RFC1213   1SNMPv2-MIB RFC3418   1
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-29                                                                                                                                                              Version This page displays information about the current version. When you choose Version under System menu, the System Version page appears displaying the following information.Figure 3-20: Version page•Firmware Version: The version of the firmware.•Up Time: The time since the last system startup was initialized.  Host NameTo enter the host name of a SPEEDLAN 9200 router, choose Host Name from the System menu. The following page will appear.Figure 3-21: Host Name pageThe hostname should contain the administratively assigned name for this managed host.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-30PasswordThis is where you modify the password for the current account on the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator. To modify password information, choose Password from the System menu. The following page will appear.Figure 3-22: Password pageTo enter a new password, do the following:1Enter the old Password in the Old Password    text box. 2Next, enter the new password in New Password text box. The minimum password length is 8 characters. The maximum password length is 16 characters (including the underscore character or spacebar).3Finally, confirm the new password in the Confirm New Password text box and click Apply. Log OffConfig Summary!!!!Warning! Do not forget your password. Keep it in a safe place.If you lose your full access password, there is no way to recover it without returning the router to the manufacturer.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-31                                                                                                                                                              RebootTo reboot the system, choose Reboot from the System menu. Then, click the Reboot button. After clicking Reboot, it could take a minute for the SPEEDLAN 9200 to become fully operational following a reboot.Routing MenuNote that full interoperability with RIP-1 domains requires that the RIP-2 domain be describable as a collection of classfull networks. This requirement can artificially limit the use of Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM) to support Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR).Figure 3-23: Summary TableThe submenus for general routing are specified below:•Choose Default Gateway to modify the IP address of the default gateway.•Choose RIP2 to enter settings for RIP.•Choose Route Table to view the information in the routing table.•Choose Static Routes to add static routes as additional routes, default routes or routes that the SPEEDLAN 9200 routers do not contain in their routing table.Summary Table of Differences Between RIP 1 and RIP2   RIP Version 1  RIP Version 2 Status  Obsolete  Current Acronyms  RIP, RIP1, RIP-1, RIPv1  RIP2, RIP-2, RIPv2 Internet Standards  STD 34 (deprecated)  STDs 56 and 57 Defining RFCs  1058  2453 and 1722 Routing  Classfull  Classless Subnet Mask  Implicit, fixed length  Explicit, variable length Route Summarizing  No  Yes Authentication None  Optional Updates Distribution  Broadcast  Multicast
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-32Def GatewayIf you want to modify the IP address of the default gateway, choose Def Gateway from the Routing menu. The following page will appear.Figure 3-24: Default Gateway pageDefault Gateway: Enter the IP address of the default gateway. This is the "door" where you want the data to travel. Then, click Apply after modifying information.Note: Setting the default gateway is optional. This setting may be overridden by DHCP.RIP2 SetupTo set up global settings for RIP, from the Routing menu, choose RIP2 Setup + Global Settings. The following page will appear.Figure 3-25: RIP Global Settings pageThe following RIP Global Settings parameters are described below:•Off: Select to disable RIP.•RIP 1: Select to enable RIP 1.•RIP 2: Select to enable RIP 2.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-33                                                                                                                                                              •RIP 1 and RIP 2: Select to enable RIP 1 and RIP 2.Redistribute section:•Static routes: Select this check box to redistribute static routes so all routers know who it has to pass through to get to the destination. Do not select this check box if you do not want other devices on the network to learn its static route. A static route is an IP path from one point on the network to another point on the network. •Connected routes: Select this check box to redistribute connected routes, which tells the network what is connected to it. Do not select this check box if you do not want other devices on the network to know what network(s) the router is connected to.Click Apply when you are finished making changes. RIP SettingsTo set up RIP-2 settings, from the Routing menu, choose RIP2 Setup + the interface (e.g., Ethernet or StarNet). The following page will appear.Figure 3-26: RIP Settings pageThe following RIP Settings parameters are described below:•Off: Select this option to disable RIP.•On: Select this option to enable RIP.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-34•RIP 1 and RIP 2: Select to enable RIP 1 and RIP 2. •Receive: This is from the incoming location.•Send: This is from the outgoing location.Receive and Send options:•Global: Click this option to receive/send RIP 1, RIP 2 or RIP 1 & 2 throughout the entire network.•RIP 1: Click this option to receive/send RIP-1 from/to the interface.•RIP 2: Click this option to receive/send RIP-2 from/to the interface.•RIP 1 and 2: Click this option to receive/send RIP 1 & 2 from/to the interface.Authentication on RIP-2 MD5•None: Select this option when authentication is not needed.•Plain Text: Select this option to enable authentication (security) for legacy systems. •MD5 key: Select this option to enable RIP-2 MD5 authentication for security. It is recommended that you select this option. Note:Note:Note:Note: Both the RIP-2 MD5 authentication key and Plain Text entries are restricted to digits or alphabetic characters. Both are entered like a password, but the characters are visible. The minimum amount of characters entered is 4 and the maximum is 16.What is RIP-2 MD5 Authentication?   Both RIP-1 and RIP-2 are vulnerable to hostile messages and attacks. This is because broadcast (RIPv1) or multicast (RIPv2) packets alone lack authentication.  When RIP-2 is used with an authentication algorithm, such as MD5, network security is increased since the destination receiving the RIP packet knows that it was generated by a reliable source (i.e., the actual sender of the packet).RIP-2 MD5 authentication transmits the output of the authentication algorithm rather than the RIP-2 authentication key. Therefore, the RIP-2 authentication key is never transmitted over the network and cannot be heard by other routers. This means a router can determine exactly who sent the message and not assume which router sent it.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-35                                                                                                                                                              Select one of the following options:Note: You will need to enter the same authentication type and text / key for all participating SPEEDLAN 9200 routers. Click Apply when you are finished making changes. Network Route Filters:•Distribute any routes except for the following:  Select this option to distribute all the network routes, except those which are selected in the Filters box.•Do not distribute any routes except for the following: Select this option to only distribute the selected network routes in the Filters box.•Filters box: Select those filters needed for option 1 or 2 as explained above.•Add: Click this button to add a network route to the Filters box.•Delete: Click this button to remove a network filter from the Filters box.•Add Private: Select the private address from this drop-down list if you want to include a private address in the Network Route Filters list.Note: If you want to create your own network route filter IP address, type them in the four boxes provided below (each box represents the first, second, third and forth octet in the IP address). Then, click the Add button to add the new IP address to the Filters box.Click Apply when you are finished making changes.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-36Route TableThe routing table displays routing information between destinations. To view routing information, choose Route Table from the Routing menu. The following page will appear.Figure 3-27: Route Table pageEach statistic is defined below:•Destination: This is the destination network or host.•Netmask:  The netmask is a 4-byte number that masks the network part of the Internet IP address, so only the host computer part of the address remains. •Gateway: This is a network point that acts as the "entrance door" to another network. This is the first router that takes you to the designated host (i.e., the next hop on the network). •Metric:  Metric is a number indicating the preference of one route link over another. A route link with a lower number will be chosen over one with a higher number.•Interface: This specifies which network interface the route will use. •Source: This lists the how the information is routed to/from the router (e.g., RIP enabled, static or connected route).
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-37                                                                                                                                                              Static RouteThe Static Route page allows you to add static routes that the SPEEDLAN 9200 routers do not contain in their routing table. To open the Static Route page, choose Static Routes from the Routing menu.  Figure 3-28: Static Route pageTerms for this page are defined below:•Type: Select either Network or Host from this drop-down list. •Network: Traffic will be destined either to, from or between network seg-ments. •Host: Traffic will be destined either to, from or between specific hosts.•Destination: The destination network or host.•Netmask: Select the appropriate value for the netmask (also in CIDR format from /8 to /30) in this drop-down list. This is an abbreviated method of entering the netmask. For more information, see CIDR Table (For Netmask Information Purposes), page 3-21.•Interface: Select the appropriate interface from this drop-down list.•Gateway: This is a network point that acts as the "entrance door" to another network. This is the first router that takes you to the designated host (i.e., the next hop on the network). Note: If you do not want to use a current static route, select the routes you want to remove and click Delete Selected. To add a new static route, click Add....
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-38Configuring the Radio ParametersChoose one of the options from the Wireless menu:  •If you choose Configuration, you will be able to set the following radio parameters: SSID, wireless mode, channel, signaling rate, turbo mode, Tx power and preamble. For more information, see Configuration, page 3-38 for more details.•If you choose Tx Retries, you will be able to set the Transmit Retry Limit and Signaling Rate Fallback. For more information, see Max Tx Retries and Signal-ing Rate Fallback, page 3-41.•If you choose Max Throughput, you will be able to set the Max Transmit Data Rate in Kb/s. For more information, see Max Throughput (Regulating Band-width), page 3-43.Note: If you’re looking for mesh-only functions like Blocked Links, Rx Threshold and Link Expiration, see the Wireless menu, page 4-7. If you’re looking for the mesh Remote Control feature, see the Admin Menu, page 4-12. Mesh software/firmware update instructions are also located under the Admin menu section. Configuration 1To set these parameters, choose Configuration from the Wireless menu. The Configuration page will appear:Figure 3-29: Configuration page. To apply settings to remote nodes, selectthem and then clickApply to Selected Nodes. The screen will populatethose fields for the Wireless Mode selected. Therefore, select theWireless mode first.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-39                                                                                                                                                              2Select one of the following from the Wireless Mode list:  •5.8 GHz OFDM •2.4 GHz DSSS •2.4 GHz DSSS/OFDM Note: Extended turbo mode provides up to 108 Mb/s, which is automatically selected when you select 5GHz OFDM. If 5GHz OFDM is not selected, the "Turbo mode" is disabled. The Channel drop-down list will populate the appropriate values for the Wireless Mode you selected.  3You can select a Long, or Short & Long preamble during the transmission process between two or more systems from the Preamble drop-down list.  This parameter specifies the preamble setting in 2.4GHZ DSSS mode. There are two types of preamble, short and long - referring to the length of the sync field. The default setting is Short & Long.  This setting is useful when you cannot determine the field size of the data being sent. The system will sync itself for both short and long. Users should select a Long preamble when there is a lot of interference or noise on the network.  (A short preamble is more likely to be used in stable links with low noise levels.)  The field size of a long preamble is 128 bits and a short preamble is only 56 bits.4Select the appropriate channel from the Channel drop-down list. This is the specific band of frequencies to determine the data path between routers. All SPEEDLAN 9200 routers expected to communicate in a network must have the same channel (frequency).Table 3-2: Channel list 5GHz OFDM  2.4 DSSS/OFDM  2.4 DSSS Channels supported 149 (5.745GHz) 153 (5.765GHz)  157 (5.785GHz) 161 (5.805GHz) 165 (5.825GHz) 1 (2.412GHz)  2 (2.417GHz) 3 (2.422GHz)  4 (2.427GHz) 5 (2.432GHz)  6 (2.437GHz)  7 (2.442GHz)  8 (2.447GHz)  9 (2.452GHz)  10 (2.457GHz)  11 (2.462GHz)   1 (2.412GHz)  2 (2.417GHz) 3 (2.422GHz)  4 (2.427GHz) 5 (2.432GHz)  6 (2.437GHz)  7 (2.442GHz)  8 (2.447GHz)  9 (2.452GHz)  10 (2.457GHz)  11 (2.462GHz)
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-40Note: Valid operating channels for the FCC and IC (Canada) are listed in Channels for IEEE 802.11x, Appendix G-1.5The following transmit power levels are currently available for 5GHz and 2.4: Select the appropriate value from the TX Power drop-down list. Table 3-3: TX Power List6Check the appropriate Signaling Rate check boxes. This setting refers to the wireless signaling rate. The SPEEDLAN 9200 routers have different signaling rates that can be used, depending on the wireless mode selected.  The signaling rate is intended to control the transmit rate, depending on the quality of the link.  If the link is getting better/worse, the signaling rate is auto-matically increased/decreased by one increment.  By default, all the supported signaling rates for the appropriate protocol are selected. An alternative is to select a subset of the supported rates.The table below lists the supported Signaling Rates for the wireless modes offered:Table 3-4: Signaling RatesNote: For information about the minimum receiver sensitivity, see: “Minimum Receive Sensitivity (in dBm) for SL920x” on page 4 of Appendix D.Frequency 5GHz  2.4GHz Specif ic Channels         All  1, 2, 10 and 11  3-9 TX Power supported 10 dBm (10mw) 13 dBm (20mW) 15 dBm (30mW) 17 dBm (50mW)  10 dBm (10mw) 13 dBm (20mW)  10 dBm (10mw) 13 dBm (20mW) 15 dBm (30mW) 17 dBm ( 50mW)  5GHz OFDM  Turbo Mode OFDM  OFDM/DSSS 2.4 OFDM/DSSS  2.4 DSSS Signaling Rates Supported (in M b/s) 6,9,12,18, 24,36, 48, 54 12,18,24,36, 48,72,96,108  1,2,5.5,11 (DSSS)  6,9,12,18, 24,36, 48, 54 (O FD M )   1,2,5.5,11
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-41                                                                                                                                                              7Enter the Service Set Identifier in the SSID text box. This is a sequence of characters that provides a unique name for the wireless network. This field has a maximum limit of 32 characters. The default value for SSID is "SPEEDLAN9200". Max Tx Retries and Signaling Rate Fallback This page includes two features: Max Tx Retries and Signaling Rate Fallback. On the figure below, Max Tx Retries is circled in red and Signaling Rate Fallback is circled in blue. Figure 3-30: Tx Retries and Signaling Rate Fallback pageNote: To apply settings to other remote network nodes, select them and click Apply to Selected Nodes. If you want to select all of the routers, click Select All.The default for Max Tx Retries is 6.Signaling Rate Fallback During the retransmission of a unicast frame, the signaling rate can "fall back" in order to increase the chance of reception. Signaling Rate Fallback can occur multiple times for a single frame. Signaling Rate Fallback occurs from the current rate and will only include those signaling rates selected on the Channel and Rates page. After ten consecutive successful unicast frames, the current rate is restored to the highest selected rate.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-42The Signaling Rate Fallback parameter allows you to control when the signaling rate will drop, depending on the check box(es) you selected. That is, the check box(es) labeled, "Allow signaling rate fallback on retry" (circled in blue on previous figure). The following parameters (check boxes) govern at which point in the re-transmission process the rate may be dropped:•1st retry: Will drop signaling rate on first retry.•2nd retry: Will drop signaling rate on second retry.•3rd retry: Will drop signaling rate on third retry.•4th retry: Will drop signaling rate on forth retry.•5th retry: Will drop signaling rate on fifth retry.•6th retry: Will drop signaling rate on sixth retry.•7th retry: Will drop signaling rate on seventh retry.Here is one example.....2.4GHz DSSS Example:The network administrator has configured the allowable transmit signaling rates to be 11, 5.5, 2, and 1 Mb/s. (These values can be selected on the Channel and Rates page under the Wireless menu.) In addition, the network administrator has selected 7 from the Max Tx Retries drop-down list and set the signaling rate to "fall back" on the second, fourth, and sixth retry attempts (as shown in blue on previous figure). When the intended recipient does not acknowledge a transmitted unicast frame, it will be retransmitted again (after a short timeout) at the current rate (e.g., 11 Mb/s). If this attempt is also unsuccessful (e.g., the receiver did not acknowledge it), the signaling rate will drop to 5.5 Mb/s and another attempt will be made. If after the third retry, the transmission is still not successful, the signaling rate will drop to 2 Mb/s for the fourth and fifth retry, and then to 1 Mb/s for the sixth and seventh retry (if needed).The recipient sends acknowledgements at the same signaling rate at which it receives frames. When a frame is successfully transmitted (acknowledgement received in the case of unicast), the transmitter immediately proceeds to the next frame. The last signaling rate used to transmit (other than acknowledgements) becomes the current rate. After ten consecutive unicast frames, the current rate returns to the highest rate
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-43                                                                                                                                                              selected, if it is not already at that signaling rate. Note that the receiver's signaling rate is not affected (other than returning the acknowledgement at a possibly different rate).  Each transmitter's fallback schedule is independent of the signaling rate used by other transmitters. Max Tx Retries  P-Com recommends that you use this parameter to increase the throughput of your wireless network. This parameter tells a network node the maximum number of times a unicast frame can be retransmitted before it is discarded. (A unicast frame is one that is transmitted to a single node in a network.) This allows a network manager to tune a network for its particular topology and expected traffic characteristics. The network topology, RF environment, number of nodes, throughput requirements, latency requirements, and type of applications are all factors in choosing an appropriate value for this parameter.This parameter can be tuned on a per unit basis in order to optimize network performance. Click Default to get the default value of 7. You can select a value between 0 and 8 from the Max Tx Retries drop-down list.Max Throughput (Regulating Bandwidth)Max Throughput is useful to ISPs that want to regulate the maximum wireless bandwidth provided from each customer. Figure 3-31: Max Throughput pageThe Max Transmit Data Rate (in Kb/s) defaults are 29300 Kb/s for 2.4GHz & 5GHz OFDM modes, and 6500 Kb/s for DSSS. The range is from 100 to 64,800 Kb/s (6.5 Mb/s).  64800(Range: 100 - 64800)
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-44If you want to use these settings on remote routers, select them and click Apply to Selected Nodes. If you want to select all of the routers, click Select All. DHCP Server MenuThe SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator allows you to define a DHCP server on the Ethernet interface. A DHCP server is configured with a table of Ethernet addresses, ranges of IP addresses and maps that are assigned to client network devices asking for the network settings. The DHCP server uses a "lease" to determine the length of time that a device or interface can use the assigned IP address.  Servers that utilize DHCP resolve security issues, costly IP addressing services, and compatibility problems. DHCP is a superset to BOOTP, which reduces the agony of assigning static IP addresses, and also provides advanced configuration options. How DHCP Assigns an IP AddressHow DHCP Assigns an IP AddressHow DHCP Assigns an IP AddressHow DHCP Assigns an IP AddressThis section explains how a DHCP server assigns an address. If you are familiar with this terminology, skip to Setting Up DHCP and DHCP Relay, page 3-45. Figure 3-32: DHCP client and server 1The client asks DHCP server for IP address and configuration if needed. Note: The DHCP server allows IP addresses be assigned dynamically at the remote building. Distributing these administrative functions to each remote building
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-45                                                                                                                                                              significantly reduces the "administrative overhead" traffic that must travel back to the service provider's headquarters. A DHCP server is configured with a table of IP addresses that are assigned to client network devices asking for network settings. The DHCP server uses a "lease" to determine the length of time that a device or interface can use the assigned IP address.2The DHCP server assigns an available IP address to the client. 3The client takes the IP address from DHCP server and requests for additional configuration that is needed. 4DHCP server confirms IP address and configuration. The SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator allows you to assign IP addresses via DHCP on the interfaces. Setting Up DHCP and DHCP Relay These instructions will explain how to:•Configure and Manage the SPEEDLAN 9200 DHCP Server•Configure DHCP RelayImportant Note about DHCPThe DHCP Server serves IP addresses via the wireless interfaces in addition to the Ethernet interface. The DHCP Server does not serve other nodes on the same wireless cell. For example, for Node A's DHCP server to serve IP addresses via its wireless interface, at least one of the following must be true:•Another SPEEDLAN 9200 router on the same cell has DHCP Relay enabled, and configured to use Node A's DHCP server.•Beyond the Ethernet of a SPEEDLAN 9200 router on the same cell, there is a router (wired or wireless) whose DHCP Relay is enabled and configured to use Node A's DHCP server.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-46Setting Up DHCP To set up DHCP, do the following:1Choose DHCP from the main menu. Choose Server from the DHCP menu. This will display the DHCP page, as shown below:Figure 3-33: Setting UP DHCP2This is where you can: •enable or disable the DHCP service•configure the subnet(s) that the DHCP server will manage3Select the following information: •Disabled: Select this option to disable the DHCP server.•Enabled: Select this option to enable the DHCP server.•Apply: Click this button to save the settings. •Add Subnet: Click this button to create a new subnet for the DHCP server to manage. Note: If you have any problems configuring the DHCP server, you can look for logged messages generated by the server. For more information, see Viewing Log Messages, page 3-51.Subnets to Serve Section•Network Address: This is the network address.•Netmask: This is the netmask for the network.•Edit: Click this button to modify the subnet on the DHCP server.•Delete: Click this button to remove the subnet from the DHCP server.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-47                                                                                                                                                              •Known Clients: Click this button if you want to assign specific IP addresses to specific client computers on a given subnet. This feature will also enable you to allow or decline specific client requests. For more information, see Adding a Known Client.Adding a New DHCP Subnet1To add a new DHCP subnet, click Add Subnet on the DHCP page. The following page will appear:Figure 3-34: Adding a New DHCP SubnetNotes: After you have added a subnet, you can click the IP address under the "Ethernet/Mesh Net" Network section, as circled Figure 3-34 on page 3-47, which populates the following information:•Network•Netmask•IP Start•IP End•Default GatewayNotes:In most cases, if you use values that are compatible with the appropriate network, you will only need to change a few values (e.g., the last octet of "IP Start" and "IP End").When you define the range of IP addresses to be assigned, make sure you do not include any of the static IP addresses that you have assigned on the network.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-482Enter the following elements:•Network: Enter the network address.•Netmask: Select the netmask from the drop-down list. This is the 4-byte number that masks the network part of the Internet Protocol address, so only the host computer part of the address remains.•IP Start (Address): This is the start of the block of served IP addresses.•IP End (Address): This is the end of the block of served IP addresses.•Default Gateway: This is the default gateway that will be assigned to DHCP clients.•Lease Time (in minutes): This is the amount of minutes that the interface, computer or device can use the assigned IP address. When the time is up, the IP address will revert to the pool of available addresses and can be reassigned to another computer. The default is 480. (Entering “0” means the lease time never expires.)•Domain Name: This is the internet domain of the organization, such as p-com.com. •Domain Name Servers: Enter the IP address of your DNS server (optional). Prioritize them by listing the DNS to be used first, followed by the second and third DNS addresses.•Click Add to implement the changes. Adding a Known ClientIf you click the Known Client    button on the DHCP page, the following page will appear:Figure 3-35: Adding a Known ClientThe elements on this page are described below:
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-49                                                                                                                                                              •Provide addresses for any requests: Provides addresses to any client.•Provide addresses for known clients only: Provides addresses to the clients that appear in this list only. •Apply: Click to implement changes.•Add Client: Click this button to add a DHCP client. For more information, see Adding a DHCP Client.•Edit:        Click this button to edit a DHCP client. Note: Clicking this button displays similar information explained in the next section, but it allows you to modify the current client information. The fields will be populated, based on the client information entered.•Delete: Click this button to remove a DHCP client.Note: To go back to the main DHCP page, click the Back to Main DHCP Page    link, as shown on the page above.Adding a DHCP ClientWhen you click the Add Client button on the Known Clients for DHCP Subnet page,  the following page will appear:Figure 3-36: Adding a DHCP ClientThis is where you can specify the name of the computer or device, MAC address and its corresponding IP address that should be assigned to that device at all times. The elements on this page are described below:•Hardware (MAC) Address: In a LAN environment each computer contains its own Medium Access Control (MAC) address, which is the embedded and unique hardware number.  •Name: Enter the name of the host.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-50•IP Address: Enter the IP address for the client. Then, click Add    to save changes, or click Cancel to return to the main Known Clients page for this subnet. Note: The above fields (Hardware Address, Name and IP Address can be clicked to automatically populate the textboxes on this page.)If you need to modify this information later, click Edit on the Known Clients for DHCP Subnet page.Note: If you have only one DHCP subnet defined,  the DHCP server will offer addresses from that subnet.  If you have two or more subnets defined, offered addresses will be from the subnet designated as the primary subnet, unless a match is found with a "known client" defined in a non-primary subnet. Configuring DHCP RelayDHCP Relay allows you to configure the SPEEDLAN 9200 to relay (forward) any DHCP requests originating on the Ethernet interface to a remote DHCP server. This allows you to use existing DHCP servers to assign IP addresses and other configuration parameters for SPEEDLAN 9200 routers via their wireless interfaces. If this service is enabled and no DHCP servers are listed, the SPEEDLAN 9200 will relay DHCP requests to the DHCP server that the SPEEDLAN 9200 used to get its interface address. If this service is enabled and the SPEEDLAN 9200 did not use DHCP to get an address for its interface,  there must be at least one DHCP server address listed for this feature to work.To add DHCP Relay information, do the following:1Choose DHCP Relay    from the DHCP menu. The following page will appear:Figure 3-37: Configuring DHCP Relay
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-51                                                                                                                                                              2Enter the following information:•Disabled: Click to disable the DHCP Relay service.•Enabled: Click to enable the DHCP Relay service.•DHCP Servers: To enter a new DHCP server, enter the IP address and click Add. This is the IP address of the DHCP server that is offering IP addresses to its clients. •Delete: Click this button to remove information related to that DHCP server address. 3Once you have set up the SPEEDLAN 9200 router, configure the clients to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server; do this on the PC and not on the router! If the SPEEDLAN 9200 is the DHCP server, it will get the IP address directly from it. If the DHCP server is located beyond the SPEEDLAN 9200 routers, the DHCP request will be forwarded to the DHCP server and then returned to the correct client machine.If a SPEEDLAN 9200 router is serving as a DHCP relay and it has alias IP addresses, the IP network information that the SPEEDLAN 9200 relays to the DHCP server will always be that of the primary Ethernet IP.Viewing Log MessagesIf the DHCP server is not working properly, you can view system log messages by choosing DHCP Server. Then, choose Log Messages. The page will display log messages for the DHCP server.  Timestamps are also reported in client time. Timestamps track the date and time for each event in the log.Forwarding MenuUse this menu to control how traffic is forwarded through this router. These features are available under the Forwarding menu:•Queuing - Use this page to prioritize traffic out its wireless interface. Select the Enabled option to activate the Priority Queuing feature. This feature is enabled by default.  For more information, see Priority Queuing, page 3-52.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-52•Services -  Defines a network service (e.g., web server, FTP and email server) between the client and server nodes on your network. When you create a service, you will be allowed to forward public services inward to the internal (privately addressed) servers on your network. See Services, page 3-53. •Address Sharing - Address Sharing uses Network Address Translation (NAT) to allow you to share public IP addresses with privately addressed network nodes in order for them to access the Internet. See Address Sharing, page 3-58.•Internal Servers - Allows an administrator to make a service available from an IP address, even though the owner of the IP address may not be actually providing the service. See Internal Servers, page 3-60. •1:1 NAT - Allows an administrator to statically map a public IP address to the private IP address of one of the nodes on your network. This is useful when trying to preserve a limited number of IP addresses on the WAN network. See 1:1 NAT, page 3-62.•Firewall - The SPEEDLAN 9200 (via the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator) allows you to control incoming and outgoing traffic. A firewall prevents unauthorized access to a network. Utilizing the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator, SPEEDLAN 9200 routers can increase security and provide additional support to users of the network. See Firewall, page 3-63.•lP Sessions - The SPEEDLAN 9200 firewall offers stateful packet filtering. IP Sessions allows you to view sessions whose state is currently active.  SeeIP Sessions, page 3-68.Priority QueuingUse this page to prioritize traffic out its wireless interface. Select the Enabled option to activate the Priority Queuing feature. This feature is enabled by default. Select Disabled to turn off this feature.  To open this feature, choose Queuing from the Fowarding menu. The following page will appear:Figure 3-38: Setting Up Priority Queuing
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-53                                                                                                                                                              1Select Enabled or Disabled.2Click Apply.Explanation of this featureDespite having two physical interfaces, a SPEEDLAN 9200 router can experience congestion. That is because the interfaces' bit rates are not matched.  Specifically, packets can ingress (enter) the Ethernet interface faster than they can egress (exit) the wireless interface.  If this occurs briefly, it is called short-term congestion, which can cause increased packet delay and/or jitter. If congestion lasts too long, it can cause packet discard ("loss"). Long-term congestion in a SPEEDLAN 9200 will typically only occur when it receives excessive unthrottled UDP traffic at its Ethernet interface. TCP traffic will self-throttle, typically experiencing only short-term congestion, if any.A SPEEDLAN 9200 mitigates short-term congestion by providing priority egress queuing at its wireless interfaces. With priority queuing, packets may be transmitted in a different order than they were received. This allows favoring network management, VoIP, and SCADA over SMTP, ftp, and NNTP (for example). How does Priority Queuing work? The packets are prioritized into a hierarchy of queues, based on class of traffic. The highest priority queue packets are serviced first. When the highest queue is emptied, the next lower queue is serviced. The SPEEDLAN 9200 has four levels of priority queues. Queue 1 (the highest queue serviced) contains "management" traffic (i.e., RIP, Mesh, K2, SNMP). Queue 2, the next lower queue serviced, contains "real-time" traffic (i.e., VOIP, Video, SCADA). Queue 3, the next lower queue serviced, contains "non-real time interactive" traffic (i.e., HTTP, SSH and Telnet). Queue 4 (the lowest level queue serviced) contains all traffic that doesn't fit into one of the first three queues. ServicesNetwork "Services" describe specific sessions between clients and servers, servers and servers, or clients and clients on your network.  Examples of servers that provide services are web servers, FTP servers and email servers.  Service definitions allow you to forward public services inward to the internal (privately addressed) servers on your network.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-54Note: You can also choose to allow or deny such services between networks or individual nodes in the firewall section.  For more information, see Firewall, page 3-63.To use the Services feature, choose Services from the Forwarding menu. The following page will appear:Figure 3-39: Services pageTo enter a service, do the following:1To display a service in the Service text box, you must click the Choose button to select a service (circled in red in the previous figure). The service describes the specific sessions between client and server nodes on yournetwork (e.g., web servers, FTP servers and email servers).2The following pop-up will appear, which lists the known services. Figure 3-40: Choose Service3Select one of the following:•Common Services: This list contains the most common type of network services. (Note: SPEEDView is also listed under this list. It simply lets the user allow SPEEDView access when the firewall is enabled.) Select the appropriate service from this drop-down list. Then, click the Add Service button on the Services page.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-55                                                                                                                                                              •Less Common Services: This list contains less common types of network services. Select the appropriate service from this drop-down list. Your selection will be added to the Services page. Then, click the Add Service button on the Services page. Creating an Advanced ServiceIf you cannot locate the service you want to add, you can define an advanced service by clicking the Advanced link to the right of the "Choose" button (as circled in blue in  Figure 3-39 on page 3-54).  The following pop-up will appear:Figure 3-41: Advanced Services (adding AIM)Advanced services can have one or more IP protocols. Under Advanced Services, you will need to know the name of the service (or it can be unique), the protocol(s) used and the ports needed to operate the service. For the TCP and UDP protocols, you can define specific ports, or a range of ports. Enter the following information:1Service Name: Enter a new name for the service. (In the previous figure, the user entered "AIM" because the user wanted to add AOL Instant Messenger.)2IP Protocol: Select an IP protocol for your service. If you select any protocol other than TCP or UDP, the protocol will be immediately added to the list of protocols for this service. (In previous figure, the user selected "UDP" because it is the protocol for AIM.)3[Port range]:  If you select TCP or UDP, you can specify a port or a port range. Then, click Add Protocol to add that protocol and port to the list. Click Clear to remove the IP protocol list if you need to start over. (In the previous figure, the user entered port "5190".)  If you are only entering a single port, enter it in the left Port Range text box.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-564IP Protocols and Ports: After clicking Add Protocol, this text box will bepopulated with the data, based on what you entered in the IP Protocol, Port number and Port range text boxes. 5Click Add Service to add the service to the Existing Services list on the Services page. Existing ServicesThe Existing Services list shows all defined services. •Service Name: The name of the service. •IP Protocol: The IP protocol by which data sent from one network node to another is classified (e.g., TCP, UDP, ICMP, OSPF).•Port:  A number used in the TCP and UDP protocols to differentiate streams. The number is included in the transmitted packets to link the incoming data to the correct service (e.g., port 80 is used for HTTP).Note: To remove a service, select its check box and click Delete Selected.  Click All to select all of the existing services. Click None to clear all selections.  If an entry has (In Use) instead of a check box, this means the service is in use and cannot be removed. Three Features of NATNAT Background InfoNetwork Address Translation (NAT) occurs when there is a translation from one IP address to another.  There are several implementations of NAT - each with their own purpose.  One would choose the type of NAT that suits the task. The SPEEDLAN 9200 offers 3 features that use NAT: Address Sharing, Internal Servers and 1:1 NAT.  Each is described below.  1. Address Sharing: This feature allows an administrator to share a public IP address with privately addressed nodes.  Typically, this is used to allow outbound connections to the Internet from hosts who do not have IP addresses that can be reached from the Internet.  In implementing Address Sharing, requests to the Internet would be directed
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-57                                                                                                                                                              to the SPEEDLAN 9200.  The SPEEDLAN 9200 would then translate the source address and port to one of its own, and then forward the request on to its destination.  The destination server would return the request to the SPEEDLAN 9200, which would consult its NAT table, determine which host made the request, change the destination address and port, and return the completed request.  Similar to Internal Servers, this process also creates the Network Address and Port Translations (NAPT).  Address sharing is possible when units need to act only as clients and do not need to respond to requests.  This is a useful feature if you have a limited number of public IP addresses. You can use this feature to connect the whole LAN to the Internet using just one public IP address.  Here are some other benefits of address sharing:•reduce costs by using only one Internet account. •protect your information by hiding your workstations IP addresses. •restrict those users you want to access Internet services and resources. The main Address Sharing page allows you to share the IP addresses assigned to the SPEEDLAN 9200's network interfaces with all nodes connected to a different network interface.   2. Internal Servers: This feature allows an administrator to make a service available from an IP address, even though the owner of the IP address may not be actually providing the service.  Typically, this is used to allow access through a firewall to a protected server.  In implementing "Internal Servers," static NAT rules are established that forward requests on a given port to a port on a server.  For example, a client request to port 80 on the SPEEDLAN 9200 would be forwarded to an internal web server on port 80.  The web server would then handle the request and return to the client via the SPEEDLAN 9200 router.  To the client, it would appear that the reply came from the external address.  3. 1:1 NAT: This feature allows an administrator to statically map a public IP address to the private IP address of one of the nodes on the network.  This is useful when trying to preserve a limited number of public IP addresses on the WAN network. Otherwise, you may be forced to split a public network into two smaller networks and incur the penalty of network and broadcast IP address for both of the new networks.  All traffic, regardless of protocol or port, is translated from the external address to the internal address.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-58For example, a client request to any port on the "advertised" IP address would be forwarded to the "internal" IP address of the node.  The node would then handle the request and return to the client the requested data.  To the client, it would appear that the reply came from the external address.  This is also referred to as Static NAT.   Address SharingTo share a public IP address with other computers, choose Address Sharing from the Forwarding menu. The following page will appear: Figure 3-42: Address Sharing pageThe elements on this page are described below:If you want to share an IP address assigned to the wireless or wired network interfaces, select the address from the Address to Share list. (In the previous figure, the user entered ""). The "Share With Nodes" will automatically be selected (for the StarNet interface in this example).Note 1: Addressing Sharing works for connections originating from a host on the "address to share" interface/network. Connections to actual IP addresses can still be made from the outside network; those connections will not use the shared address. To prevent this issue, make sure the firewall is enabled.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-59                                                                                                                                                              Note 2: If changes are made to "address sharing," connections that originated prior to these changes may still use the previous configuration. The only way to ensure this does not happen is to reboot the SPEEDLAN 9200 router. If your WAN interface were the wireless network, you would share the wireless network interface's IP address with nodes on the Ethernet network. For more options, click on the Advanced link to the right of the "Add" button.  The Advanced Address Sharing page will appear: Figure 3-43: Advanced Address SharingDescription of Advanced Address SharingThe Address Sharing page allows you to share an address with all nodes connected to one of the SPEEDLAN 9200's network interfaces.  This page allows you to narrow down the IP addresses to a specific network.•Interface, Host and Network: This table lists the name of the interface, IP address of the wired and wireless host, and the IP address of the network. If you click an IP address, it will populate the Share With text box.•Address(es) to Share: Select a virtual address from this drop-down list. You will need to select an Out Interface if using a virtual address from the Address to Share list. This tells the SPEEDLAN 9200 which interface is acting as the WAN for this operation.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-60•Share With: Do of the following:•enter the wired or wireless private IP address where you want the public IP address to be shared. Select a netmask that specifies a network or host(/32), or•select the interface that the private nodes are connected to(e.g., Ethernet). Click Add to implement this setting. This will also be added to the Existing Shares list on the bottom of this page.Note: Click the Back To Address Sharing link to return to the previous page. Existing SharesThis list displays the public IP addresses that are being shared with the private IP nodes. To remove an existing share, select its check box and then click Delete Selected.  Click All to select all shares. Click None to clear all selections. Internal ServersUse this feature to host public (Internet) services with internal (privately addressed) servers on your network. This allows you to offload services to multiple servers for a given public IP address. To activate this feature, choose Internal Servers from the Forwarding menu. The following page will appear: Figure 3-44: Internal Servers (NAT) page
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-61                                                                                                                                                              The elements on this page are described below:•Interface and Host: This table lists the name of the interface and host IP addresses assigned to the wired and wireless interfaces. If you click on an IP address, it will populate the Internal Server text box.•Service: This is the network service (e.g., HTTP, FTP, etc.) that is provided to the client.  The current services are displayed in the Existing Internal Servers list on the bottom of this page. (Note: If you want to add to the list of services, choose Services from the Forwarding menu. Then, follow the directions for Services, page 3-53.)•External Address: Select the IP address where the service will be hosted.•Internal Server: Enter the IP address of the computer on the network that will host the service. •Internal Port (if applicable): If the port is different than the standard for that service, enter it here.When finished making changes, click Add Server. This will add the server to the existing internal servers list. If the service has multiple TCP or UDP ports defined, a pop up will appear allowing you to map these to ports on the internal server.Existing Internal ServersTo remove an internal server, select its check box and click Delete Selected. Click Select All to select all of the existing internal services. Click None to clear all selections.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-621:1 NATTo access 1:1 NAT settings, choose 1:1 NAT from the Forwarding menu. The following page will appear: Figure 3-45: 1:1 NAT page  Make sure you define at least one virtual address prior to using 1:1 NAT. To define a virtual address, see Virtual Addresses, page 3-23.The elements on this page are described below:•Interface and Host: This table lists the name of the interface and host IP addresses assigned to the wired and wireless interfaces. •External Address: This lists the IP address on the "outside" network. (In the previous figure, the user entered "" for the virtual address.)•Internal Address: Enter the IP address for the inside or private network. This address "hides" behind the public IP address you selected. (In the previousfigure, the user entered "" for the internal IP address.)Existing 1:1 NAT MappingsTo remove a 1:1 NAT mapping, select its check box and click Delete Selected.  Click All to select all 1:1 NAT mappings.  Click None to clear all selections.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-63                                                                                                                                                              FirewallThe SPEEDLAN 9200 (via the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator) allows you to control incoming and outgoing traffic.  A firewall prevents unauthorized access to a network.  Utilizing the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator, SPEEDLAN 9200 routers can increase security and provide additional support to the users of the network. In addition, it may help prevent dangerous packets from intruding on a network that contains sensitive data.  It does this by analyzing the network traffic that is permitted or not permitted to enter the firewall based on pre-established rules. The firewall contains a checklist, and it filters traffic that enters and exits the firewall based on the rules you set (e.g., allowing or denying certain source/destination combinations). When traffic passes through the firewall, the firewall starts at the top of its checklist and looks for the rule that matches its criteria. Traffic that meets the criteria in the checklist will be permitted, and traffic that does not meet the criteria in the checklist will be blocked. This feature allows you to restrict specific network packets from entering or leaving your network.    Tips on Creating Rules for Your Firewall Before you create a rule, make sure you: •Understand the purpose of the rule. For example, will this rule block all IRC traffic from the LAN to the Internet? Will this rule allow a remote mail server to send data at the same time over the Internet to an internal mail server? •Do you want the firewall to allow or deny certain traffic? What type of traffic? What type of IP protocol? •What is the direction of the traffic: from the Internet to the LAN or from the LAN to the Internet? •What IP services will this rule affect? •Which nodes (or workstations) on the LAN will these rules affect? Make a mental note of the IP address (those on the private and public LANs) that these rules will affect. •Consider the security of the network. For example, once you enable this rule, which areas of the network will become more vulnerable?
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-64•Will this rule override any other rules you created?  To control traffic flow through the router, choose Firewall from the Forwarding menu. The following page will appear:Figure 3-46: Firewall pageNote: When DHCP relay is enabled, it may appear as if DHCP requests get through the firewall when they are not explicitly allowed.  The reason for this is that DHCP requests come in as link layer broadcasts (which are not filtered by the firewall) and then the relay server unicasts from the SPEEDLAN 9200 router to the ultimate DHCP server.  These unicasts originate from the SPEEDLAN 9200 and thus are not considered to be "forwarded" by the firewall.  Turning off DHCP relay stops this behavior.The elements on this page are explained below:•Enable Firewall: Select the Enable Firewall option to activate the firewall feature.•Disable Firewall: Select the Disable Firewall option to disable the firewall feature. Click Apply to activate the option you selected.interfacesource IPdestinationIP & netmask& netmaskClick to define an internal server.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-65                                                                                                                                                              Source SectionArriving on: Select one of the following:•the interface or•the IP address/netmask. Then, enter the IP address for the source and select the netmask.Note: If you click the "…" button, the physical addresses of the interfaces will be displayed.Destination SectionSelect one of the following:•Internal Servers: If there are any internal servers defined on this SPEEDLAN 9200, you can choose one as the destination in a rule.  If there are no internal servers defined, this combo box will be disabled and you can click on the Define one link to create an internal server. •Going Out: Select one of the following: the interface for the destination or the IP address/netmask. Then, enter the IP address for the destination and select the netmask.•Service: Select the name of the service if this rule applies to a single service. This is the network service (e.g., HTTP, FTP, etc.) that is provided to the client.Allow or Deny ActionSelect one of the following:•Allow: Select the Allow option to enable that traffic through the firewall.•Deny: Select the Deny option to block that traffic through the firewall.•Add: Click this button to add this rule to the Existing Firewall Rules list.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-66Existing Firewall RulesThis lists the existing firewall rules, and the firewall will run through the checklist as explained in the introduction. To remove a firewall rule from the list select its check box and click Delete Selected.  Click All to select all firewall rules.  Click None to clear all selections.  To change the Default Forwarding Rule, click the link that either says, "Change to Allow" or "Change to Deny".Note: Once you have finished configuring your firewall, reboot the SPEEDLAN 9200 router. This will terminate any undesired connections that may have existed prior to the firewall configuration. You can verify if such undesired connections exist by opening the IP Sessions page, which is last function under the Forwarding menu. For more information, see IP Sessions, page 3-68.Special Rules for Virtual AddressesWhen you create a firewall rule that references a 1:1 NAT mapping or an internal service using a virtual address, you must specify the internal address as the destination. This is important to know because the virtual addresses have already been translated to their defined internal addresses before the firewall examines the packet's destination.Tutorial: What is happening in this firewall rule set?As previously explained, a rule set tells the firewall what it can do. The rule set checklist follows the top-down concept. The first row takes priority, and then follows the second row's criteria, followed by the third, and so on.  Can you explain what is happening in the example below?Figure 3-47: Example of Firewall Rules
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-67                                                                                                                                                              The explanation:Rule 1 (FTP server): This rule will allow incoming traffic coming from the Star Net interface to enter the firewall and go to the FTP server on 2 (Web server): This rule will allow incoming traffic coming from the Star Net interface to enter the firewall and go to the web server on 3 (Mail server): This rule will allow incoming traffic from the Star Net interface to enter the Internet mail server on the Ethernet interface.Note about DHCP Rules 4 and 5: DHCP spans both rules 4 and 5. These rules allow DHCP requests to a DHCP server from the Star Net interface to enter the firewall. The Bootps service support server requests, and the Bootpc service provides client support for DHCP. Rule 4 (DHCP request): This rule allows DHCP requests to a server.Rule 5 (DHCP reply): This rule allows replies to a client.Rule 6 (AOL Instant Messenger: AIM): This rule will allow incoming traffic from the Star Net interface to enter the firewall so clients can run AOL Instant Messenger.Rule 7 (Anywhere): This rule will allow traffic coming from the Ethernet interface to go through the firewall via the Star Net interface. The intention is to go anywhere on the internet or the network).Rule 8 (Deny incoming traffic): This rule will tell the firewall to deny other incoming traffic. The firewall will not allow any incoming traffic to go through the firewall.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-68IP SessionsThe SPEEDLAN 9200 firewall offers stateful packet filtering. IP Sessions allows you to view sessions whose state is currently active.  Choose IP Sessions from the Forwarding menu. The following page will appear:Figure 3-48: IP SessionsThis list includes IP sessions terminating or originating on this router, as well as any forwarded sessions. It is recommended that you open the IP Sessions page after you alter any firewall rules to verify that all sessions comply with the new rules. Existing sessions that are not allowed by the new firewall rules will be terminated. You must reboot the router to remove these types of sessions, or wait for them to finish. Diagnostics Menu (Troubleshooting the Network)Choose Diagnostics to troubleshoot network problems. •Choose Statistics under the Diagnostics menu to view information about inbound and outbound traffic for the interfaces (or routers). •Choose ARP Table to locate systems on the LAN that are configured with incorrect IP addresses.•Choose ICMP Stats to view ICMP messages and errors between the host servers and gateways. Special Note about Link & Ping Tests:Note: If you need to perform a link test to verify that your equipment is communicating properly at the RF level, SPEEDView is an excellent tool. This process will help you with the performance evaluation. For more information on how to perform a link test, see The SPEEDManage User Guide. You can also perform a ping test if need.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-69                                                                                                                                                              Interface StatisticsThe Interface Statistics menu lists the current available network interfaces. To view the statistics of an interface, choose Statistics from the Diagnostics menu. The following page will appear.   Figure 3-49: Interface Statistics pageWireless Statistics Transmitte d •Unicast Frames: Total number of unicast frames transmitted. •Multicast Frames: Total number of multicast frames transmitted.•Deferred Transmission: Total number of frames for which one or more transmission attempt(s) was deferred to avoid a collision.•Single Retries: Total number of frames successfully transmitted after one (and only one) retransmission.•Multiple Retries: Total number of frames successfully transmitted after more than one retransmission.•Retry Limit Exceeded: Total number of frames not transmitted successfully because the retry limit was reached.•Discards: Total number of frames discarded to free up buffer space.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-70Received •Unicast Frames: Total number of unicast frames received.  •Multicast Frames: Total number of multicast frames received.  •Star Topology Frames: Total number of star topology frames received.  •Mesh Topology Frames: Total number of mesh topology frames received.  •Foreign 802.11 Frames: Total number of 802.11 frames received.•FCS Errors: Total number of frames considered to be destined for this station, but received with an FCS error. •Overruns: Total number of frames discarded to free up buffer space.Inbound & Outbound Refer to the definitions below for traffic moving inbound or outbound, depending on the direction of movement. Each inbound and outbound statistic is defined below:•Interface: The interface on which this entry is effective.•IP address: This address tells the network how to locate the computers or network equipment connected to it.•Packets: A unit of data transmitted between a receiver and a sender. Each packet contains embedded information, as well as a place to go on the network (known as the IP address).•Bytes: The length of the packet.•Errors: The number of packets that did not reach their destination due to an error.•Collisions: The number of packets that did not reach their destination because two network nodes tried to transmit at the same time.Note: The statistics are refreshed every time you refresh the web page.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-71                                                                                                                                                              ARP TableARP is the abbreviation for Address Resolution Protocol, which maps an IP address to a machine's hardware address. Network administrators use ARP to locate systems on the LAN that are configured with incorrect IP addresses. This helps diagnose MAC addresses that your router knows about.To open the ARP table, choose ARP Table from the Diagnostics menu. The following page will appear.Figure 3-50: ARP pageThe ARP statistics are defined below:•IP address: The IP address corresponding to the media-dependent 'physical' MAC address.•HW Address: In a LAN environment each computer contains its own Medium Access Control (MAC) address which is the embedded and unique hardware number.  •Interface: The interface on which this entry is effective.ICMP StatisticsICMP is the abbreviation for Internet Control Message Protocol. ICMP supplies messages and error reports for packets that travel between host servers and gateways. The ICMP stats can be used to diagnose a connectivity problem. If you are trying to ping a router and you're not getting a response, you can check the "InMsgs" to see if the ping arrived at the router and just could not get back. This might indicate that the router has no route back to the originator.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-72To view ICMP information, choose ICMP Stats from the Diagnostics menu. The following page will appear.Figure 3-51: ICMP pageThe In Bound statistics are defined below:•Msgs: The total number of ICMP messages which the entity received. Note that this counter includes all those counted by icmpInErrors. •Errors: The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but determined as having ICMP-specific errors (bad ICMP checksums, bad length, etc.).•Dest Unreach: The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received.•Time Exceeds: The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received.•Param Problems: The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received.•Src Quenches: The number of ICMP Source Quench messages received.•Redirects: The number of ICMP Redirect messages received.•Echos: The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received.•Echo Replies: The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.•Timestamps: The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages received.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-73                                                                                                                                                              •Timestamp Replies: The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages received.•Addr Masks: The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages received.•Addr Mask Replies: The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages received.The Out Bound statistics are defined below:•Msgs: The total number of ICMP messages which this entity attempted to send. Note that this counter includes all those counted by icmpOutErrors.•Errors: The number of ICMP messages which this entity did not send due to problems discovered within ICMP such as a lack of buffers. This value should not include errors discovered outside the ICMP layer such as the inability of IP to route the resultant datagram. In some implementations there may be no types of error which contribute to this counter's value.•Dest Unreach: The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent.•Time Exceeds: The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent.•Param Problems: The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages sent.•Src Quenches: The number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent.•Redirects: The number of ICMP Redirect messages sent.•Echos: The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent.•Echo Replies: The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.•Timestamps: The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages sent.•Timestamp Replies: The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages sent. •Addr Masks: The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages sent.•Addr Mask Replies: The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-74Admin MenuIf you want to limit administrative rights to certain users, choose the Admin menu.  •Choose Users to set passwords for the type of account needed. The user now has the ability to selectively enable alternate accounts (i.e., accounts other than Full Access). All alternate accounts will be disabled by default.•Choose Permissions if you want to restrict certain settings to users.•Choose Software Update to update the SPEEDLAN 9200 router.•Choose Support to reset the entire configuration of the SPEEDLAN 9200 factory default settings, enable manufacturer access to the router for advanced troubleshooting, and enable/disable communication with SPEEDSignal. •Choose Current Sessions from the Admin menu to view the status of a session or to terminate it.User Configuration PasswordsWhen logged on with the full-access password, you will see the Users page. To activate this page, choose Users from the Admin menu. The following page will appear.Figure 3-52: User Configuration pageThe classes of users are described in Classes of Users (and Passwords), page 3-11.  The User Configuration page allows you to set a password for each user account in the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator.  The user now has the ability to selectively enable alternate accounts (i.e., accounts other than Full Access). All alternate accounts will be disabled by default.1Do one of the following:•Click Enable to enable the account.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-75                                                                                                                                                              •Click Disable to disable the account2Enter the password for the user account in the textbox provided. The minimum password length is 8 characters. The maximum password length is 16 characters (including the underscore character or spacebar). 3Click Set. To revert to factory default settings, click Reset to Factory Defaults.Software UpdateThe Software Update zip file (found on the www.wavewireless.com web site under the Support + Firmware link) will contain a document describing the recent changes and any other additional information needed to perform the update. The zip file will also include the update (.wwn) file to perform the update. After you have unzipped the file, make sure you extract the update file (.wwn) file to your desktop. Then, follow the directions under the Software Update section for the particular router.•For updating the software on a mesh router, see Software Update, page 4-12.Proxy Mode WarningWarning!  Do not use Proxy mode when performing the update. Update from the location (host) where  you are connected. If you are not directly connected, then you are proxied to another host and the update will not work. There is a limitation of proxy mode that restricts a transaction to 60 seconds.  If the update takes longer than 60 seconds, which it frequently does, the update will be stopped. How do you tell if you are directly connected to the host?  Look in the Address bar on your Internet browser. If you only see one IP address in the Address bar, you are directly connected. However, if you see two IP address in the Address bar, as shown in the following figure, then you are in "Proxy" mode. displays two IP addresses (Proxy mode)
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-76Support This page displays some support function features for Technical Support, Access to SPEEDSignal (for Pocket PC) and Reset to Factory Default. You can access these features by choosing Support from the Admin menu. The following page will appear:Figure 3-53: Support pageThe elements on this page are explained below:Access By Manufacturer's Tech SupportThis is where you can enable the manufacturer to access the router for advanced troubleshooting (by choosing the Enabled option). The factory default is disabled and should remain disabled unless requested by a manufacturer's technical support representative (by choosing the Disabled option).  Click Apply when finished.Access to Wireless SPEEDSignal This feature is used to enable or disable Pocket PC PDAs to communicate with SPEEDSignal. •Click the Enabled option to enable communication with SPEEDSignal.•Click the Disabled option to disable communication with SPEEDSignal.  Click Apply when finished.Reset to Factory DefaultIf you need to reset the entire configuration of the SPEEDLAN 9200 to factory default settings, click Reset All Configuration to the Factory Default.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                    Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      3-77                                                                                                                                                              Current SessionsFigure 3-54: Current SessionsCurrent Sessions is activated by choosing Current Sessions from the Admin menu. This page displays the active actions for the web server. It displays who is logged on and also lets you terminate the session by clicking the Term inate link.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 3-78Notes:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 4Using the Configurator toSet Up Special Parametersfor Mesh RoutersThis chapter covers only those special parameters needed to set up mesh routers, such as:•Network menu: Interfaces for Mesh Mode, page 4-2; Mesh Nodes, page 4-3; A. Enabling Encryption Between SPEEDLAN 9200 Routers, page 4-4; B. Enabling WEP Security Between a SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client and SPEEDLAN 9200, page 4-5 and Enabling/Disabling the SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client, page 4-6•Wireless menu: ; Receive (Rx) Threshold Parameter, page 4-9, Blocked Links, page 4-10 and Link Expira-tion, page 4-11. To set up other wireless configuration parameters, see Configuration, page 3-38 •Admin menu: Remote Control, page 4-12; Software Update, page 4-12; and Updating the Software on a Local Router and Remote Router, page 4-13•
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                             SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 4-2For other common configuration, see Overview of the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator General Main Menu, page 3-7. Network MenuInterfaces for Mesh ModeThe Network Interfaces page will appear when you choose Interfaces under the Network menu. This is where you enter the interface type and network name of the mesh interface.    Figure 4-1: Selecting mesh mode•Network Name: This is the name you assign to the mesh interface.•Hardware Address: In a LAN environment each network interface contains its own Medium Access Control (MAC) address which is the embedded and unique hardware number. •Status:  This is the state of the interface. Up - ready to pass packets; Down - cannot pass packets.•IP Address: This address tells the network how to locate the computers or network equipment connected to it.  •Netmask: The netmask is a 4-byte number that masks the network part of the Internet Protocol IP address, so only the host computer part of the address remains.•Interface Type: Select Mesh from the Interface Type drop-down list. When finished, click Apply. This will tell the configurator that you are in mesh mode.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                              Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      4-3                                                                                                                                                              •Network Name: The type of network for the wireless or fixed router. •Enable Forwarding: Select the Enable Forwarding option to enable the forwarding of IP packets from the wired interface to the wireless interface and vice-versa.•Disable Forwarding: Select the Disable Forwarding option to disable the forwarding of IP packets from the wired interface to the wireless interface and vice-versa.•Apply: Click after making changes.  Mesh NodesThe Mesh Nodes (Network Nodes) page shows you what other routers are currently in your network. This is useful if you do not have SPEEDView on your workstation. This page will appear when you choose Mesh Nodes under the Network menu.    Figure 4-2: Network Nodes page
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                             SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 4-4Enabling Network SecurityThis section is divided into two sections: A) enabling AES encryption between SPEEDLAN 9200 routers, and B) enabling WEP encryption between a SPEEDMesh-enabled client (PDA or laptop) and a SPEEDLAN 9200. Figure 4-3: enabling AES/WEPA. Enabling Encryption Between SPEEDLAN 9200 RoutersAdvanced Encryption Standard was adopted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in October of 2000. AES presents a new level in computer networking security, especially important in wireless communications because wireless circuits are easier to tap than their hard-wired counterparts.   AES is more difficult to crack than its predecessor Data Encryption Standard. SPEEDLAN 9200 routers use an AES 128-bit encryption key.To enable AES between SPEEDLAN 9200 routers, do the following:1Choose Security from the Network menu. The Network Security Configurations page will appear. 2Enter the pass phrase in the Pass Phrase text box. The minimum amount of characters is 8. The maximum number of characters is 32. Enter the pass phrase again in the Confirm text box. Then, click the Change (Currently Not Set) button to apply changes. You will receive a confirmation that the new pass phrase has currently been set.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                              Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      4-5                                                                                                                                                              3To enable encryption on a SPEEDLAN 9200, choose AES from the Encryption Type drop-down list. "None" is selected by default. (If you select None, encryption is disabled.) Click Apply to implement your settings. B. Enabling WEP Security Between a SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client and SPEEDLAN 9200In a SPEEDLAN 9200 network, you can authenticate a SPEEDMesh-enabled client (PDA or laptop) with a standard security called Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). WEP encrypts data that is being transmitted over the wireless LAN. WEP protects the wireless links between clients and SPEEDLAN 9200 routers. Note: WEP is an encryption scheme used to protect wireless data communications. WEP uses 64-bit, 128-bit or 152-bit key sizes to provide access control to wireless network and encryption security for each data transmission. To decode a data transmission, each point in a network must use an identical 64-bit, 128-bit or 152-bit key.To enable WEP security, do the following:1If the Network Security Configurations page is not displayed on your screen, choose Security from the Network menu. On the bottom section of the Network Security Configurations page, choose WEP from the Encryption Type drop-down list. "None" is selected by default. (If you select None, encryption is disabled.) 2Choose Hexadecimal or ASCII Text from the Key Format drop-down list.•"Hexadecimal" is a Base-16 numbering system. The means the 16 sequen-tial numbers are used as a base unit (i.e., "0-9" and "A-F").  •In ASCII text, each numeric, alphabetic or special character is represented with a 8-bit binary number (i.e., a consecution of eight 0s or 1s). 3Select Key 1-3 from the Transmit Key drop-down list. 4Select the length for the Transmit key by choosing either 64 Bits,128 Bits or 152 Bits from the Length drop-down list. Note: 40-bit WEP and 64-bit WEP are two different names for the same encryption method. This level of WEP encryption has been called "40-bit" because it uses a 40-bit secret key along with a 24-bit initialization vector (i.e., 40 + 24 = 64). The same is true for 104-128 bit and 128-152 bit WEP.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                             SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 4-65In the "Key1-3 text" boxes, enter the key value. For hexadecimal: a maximum of "10 "characters for 64 bits, "26" characters for 128 bits and 32 characters for 152 bits). For ASCII: a maximum of "5 characters for 64 bits, "13" charac-ters for 128 bits and 16 characters for 152 bits.)6Click Apply to implement your changes. Note: To enable the SPEEDMesh client, you must select the Enable Mobile Client check box. For more information, see Enabling/Disabling the SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client, page 4-6.If WEP encryption is enabled, then:•All frames are WEP-encrypted, regardless of the packet’s destination address in the case if AES encryption is disabled, and•All non-unicast frames are WEP-encrypted, regardless if AES is enabled or disabled. Enabling/Disabling the SPEEDMesh-Enabled ClientSPEEDLAN 9200 routers allow any 802.11 SPEEDMesh-enabled client (i.e., PC, PDA, laptop) to join the wireless network. Network administrators can control access via WEP. To enable or disable the SPEEDMesh client, do the following:1Choose Mobile Client from the Network menu. The Mobile Client page will appear:Figure 4-4: Enabling/disabling the SPEEDMesh client
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                              Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      4-7                                                                                                                                                              2To enable the SPEEDMesh client, select the Enable Mobile Client check box.3Select the nodes you want to enable for SPEEDMesh-enabled client mode node via one node, all nodes (via Select All) or unselect all nodes (via Clear All).4Click Apply to Selected Nodes to active the SPEEDMesh client(s). Note: If you forgot to enable WEP security, see B. Enabling WEP Security Between a SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client and SPEEDLAN 9200, page 4-5.Wireless menuChoose one of the options from the Wireless menu:  •If you choose Configuration, you will be able to set the following radio parameters: SSID, wireless mode, channel, signaling rate, turbo mode, Tx power and preamble. For more information, see Configuration, page 3-38 for more details.•If you choose Tx Retries, you will be able to set the Transmit Retry Limit and Signaling Rate Fallback. For more information, see Max Tx Retries and Signal-ing Rate Fallback, page 3-41.•If you choose Max Throughput, you will be able to set the Max Transmit Data Rate in Kb/s. For more information, see Max Throughput (Regulating Band-width), page 3-43.•If you choose RTS/CTS and enable RTS/CTS for a particular node, it will refrain from sending a unicast data frame until the node completes the "RTS/CTS handshake" with the receiving node. For more information, see Request to Send (RTS) / Clear to Send (CTS), page 4-8.•If you choose Rx Threshold, you will be able to set the threshold for each mesh router on the network. For more information, see Receive (Rx) Threshold Parameter, page 4-9 for details.•If you choose Blocked Links, you will be able to block or unblock mesh rout-ers. For more information, see Blocked Links, page 4-10 for more details.•If you want to enter the number of times that a neighbor node can fail to reply to a neighbor discovery probe before it is declared unreachable, seeLink Expiration, page 4-11.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                             SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 4-8Receive (Rx) Threshold ParameterFrom a single mesh unit connected to a mesh network, you can set the receive threshold (given in dBm), for every mesh router in the network. The receive threshold specifies the minimum acceptable receive level for a datagram (defined for signaling rates, depending on the Wireless Mode you selected on the Wireless Configuration page). Any datagrams received below these levels will be discarded. This will provide better network stability for networks containing marginal links, since link state changes (and the corresponding routing changes) will be avoided for marginal links which are not capable of consistent communication. By clicking the Defaults button, the values will go to their default values. If you enter a value of 0 (zero), you are turning the receive threshold parameter off. Figure 4-5: Rx Threshold pageThe current Rx thresholds for your wireless mesh router(s) are listed in the Current Rx Thresholds section. Their signaling rates are also listed, as described above.     If you click Default, it will load the current default setting for the Configurator. Click Apply when finished.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                              Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      4-9                                                                                                                                                              Blocked LinksFigure 4-6: Blocking Mesh RoutersThis feature allows you to block all traffic from a specific hardware address. This is most often used when a marginal signal exists between two nodes in a mesh network, such that the network functions more reliably when no direct communication occurs between the nodes. To completely block a link you must perform the same action on the remote node. Note: If you blocked a mesh router, the next time it is rebooted it will remain blocked. If you want to unblock the router, make sure that the Blocked check box is not selected.Note: Click Apply when finished.Select the checkboxunder Blocked to blocka mesh router. Leave itunselected when youwant leave the meshrouter unblocked.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                             SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 4-10Link ExpirationThis page is only available for mesh routers.To use this feature, choose Link Expiration from the Wireless menu. The following page will appear:Figure 4-7: Link ExpirationNeighbor Expiration Threshold:  The number of consecutive missed neighbor discovery probes that cause the direct link formed by two neighbors to be declared unusable.  If bi-directional traffic becomes possible in the future, the link will again become eligible for use. The range for this parameter is 3-15. The default is 7.   After selecting a value for the parameter described above, select the nodes to which this value will be sent (via the Select All or Apply to Selected Nodes buttons). Then, click Apply.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                              Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      4-11                                                                                                                                                              Admin MenuRemote ControlTo remotely reboot or turn off the SPEEDLAN 9200 mesh routers, choose Remote Control from the Admin menu. The following page will appear.Figure 4-8: Remote Control for mesh modeSelect the mesh routers you want to reboot and click Reboot Selected Nodes. If there are remote nodes, select them and click Select All or Clear All.  Software UpdateNote: The Software Update zip file (found on www.wavewireless.com/support + Firmware link) will contain a document describing the recent changes and any other additional information needed to perform the update. The zip file will also include the update (.wwn) file to perform the update. After you have unzipped the file, make sure you extract the update file (.wwn) file to your desktop. Then, follow the directions below.To update the software on the local router or on the remote mesh routers, choose Software Update from the Admin menu. The Software Update page will appear. Updating the Local RouterIf you only need to update the software on a local router, choose Local (under the Software Update submenu).Figure 4-9: Updating the software for mesh local router
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                             SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 4-12This operation is a two-step process:1Upload the Software Update file. Locate the latest software file (by clicking Browse) and click Upload Software Update File.2Install the Software Update. Note: All units are automatically rebooted after a successful upgrade. Updating the Software on a Local Router and Remote RouterTo update the software on a location router and on a remote router, choose it under the Software Update submenu (e.g., MeshNet).Figure 4-10: Updating the software for a local mesh and remote routerThis operation is a two-step process:1Select the remotes where you want to update the software. (The IP addresses that are selectable are active. If only a MAC address is listed, or a bunch of zeros, then these represent inactive devices. 2Upload the Software Update file. Locate the latest software file (by clicking Browse) and click Upload Software Update File to Selected Nodes.3Install the Software Update.
Chapter 5Basics of IP AddressingMain sections in this chapter:• What is an IP address?, page 5-2•Internet Address Classes, page 5-2•How does a network administrator assign an IP address?, page 5-7•What is DHCP?, page 5-8•What is NAT?, page 5-9•NAPT, page 5-10•Diagram of Outgoing NAT, page 5-11•Diagram of Incoming NAT, page 5-12•Basics of Routing, page 5-13
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 5-2Basics of IP Addressing IP Addressing is important because it tells the network how to locate the computers or network equipment connected to it. IP addresses are given so each computer or equipment on the network has a unique routable address. IP addressing provides the following information: •Provides communication between different platforms and diverse systems •Provides universal data transfer over large geographic distances •Has been "adopted" as a standard in the computer industry What is an IP address? An IP address is a unique 32-bit identifier that contains: •Four octets (e.g., decimal •Two sections: the network address and the node address (also known as the host address).The following examples show the conversion of the same IP address into several different formats:                                                                                            •Hexadecimal (82.39.1E.38)•Binary (10000010.00111001.00011110.00111000). Internet Address Classes Understanding this methodology is difficult; therefore, let's explain this in easier terms. The first octet(s) defines the "class" of the address, which is the only method to tell the size of the network (how big) and where the internet address belongs. There are three main classes: •Class A: •Class B: •Class C: -non-bolded text = Part of network address-bolded text = Part of local address (node section)
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      5-3                                                                                                                                                              This specification simplifies the way routers handle the messages (packets) and speed up the forwarding process. In fact, IP defines five classes:•Class A addresses uses 1 octet for the network portion and 3 octets for the node (or host) section of the address. This provides up to 128 networks with 16.7 million nodes for each network. •First octet is assigned as network address •Remaining octets used for node addresses •Format: network, node, node, node •In IP address, "49" is network address and "22.102.70" is the node address—all machines on this network have the "49" network address assigned to them •Maximum of 16,777,216 node addresses •Class B addresses uses 2 octets for the network portion and 2 octets for the node (or host) section of the address. This provides up to 16,384 networks with 64,534 nodes for each network. •First 2 octets are assigned as network address •Remaining octets used for node addresses •Format: network, network, node, node •In IP address, "130.57" is the network address, and "30.56" is the node address •Maximum of 65,534 node addresses •Class C addresses use 3 octets for the network portion and 1 octet for the node (or host) section of the address. This provides 16.7 million networks with 256 nodes for each network. •First three octets are assigned as network address •Remaining octet used for node address •Format: network, network, network, node •In IP address, "192.0.2" is the network address, and "102" is the node address  •Maximum of 28 or 254 node addresses
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 5-4•Class D •Range is to •Used for multicast packets (i.e., host sends out router discovery packets to learn all of the routers on the network) •Netmask = /32•Class E •Range is to  •Reserved for future use Note:  Class D & E should NOT be assigned to network assignment of IP addresses. In addition, the first octet, 127, is reserved. In each network definition, the first node number (i.e., "0") is used to define the network (i.e., "255"). The last number is known as the broadcast address.Note:  Public addresses can include a network address assigned from the net-work administrator or from the IP provider. Also, there is one network in each class that is defined for private use, allowing the creation of internal networks. These addresses are Class A:, Class B:, and Class C:
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      5-5                                                                                                                                                              Subnetting a NetworkThe increasing number of hosts and networks make large impractical address blocks that are not smaller than 255. In order to keep the IP address block small, so routers can manage them more efficiently, a smaller network definition is created. This is called a subnet. Subnets are intended to: •Reduce network traffic •Optimize performance •Simplify management •Create more effective and efficient addresses for large geographic distances Default Subnet masks•Class A:   •Class B:  •Class C:  Note: Subnet mask is bolded and corresponds to the network portion of the IP address. What is a Subnet? A subnet allows you to create multiple networks within one Class A, B, or C network. Each subnet contains a netmask that helps routers identify the subnet beginning and size. What is a Subnet Mask?A subnet mask allows you to mask section(s) (depending on the class specified) of the octets in the network address. Each octet used in the subnet mask is assigned to a data link. The leftover octet(s) are assigned to the remaining nodes. For more information on subnetting, see the example below and Diagram of Subnetting a Network, page 5-6.Example of Subnetting: For example, a Class C network contains three masked octets (255.255.255). The last octet (0) identifies nodes (i.e., computers).
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 5-6If Router D is reading IP Addresses (let's call this IP Address 1) and (let's call this IP Address 2) on this Class C network, it would send IP Address 1 to Subnet A and IP Address 2 to Subnet B. The remaining nodes in each subnet (A through D) on this network can contain up to 254 pieces of network equipment (computers, printers, fax machines, bridges or routers, etc.). Diagram of Subnetting a NetworkFigure 5-1: Subnetting diagramStill confused? An easier method to explain this concept is to use the classic "mailing" analogy used in IP addressing. Consider that this network, called Long Street, is four blocks long. There are 254 houses on Long Street, and each block contains 64 houses. Houses 1 to 63 reside on Block A. Houses 64 to 127 reside on Block B. Houses 128 to 191 reside on Block C. Houses 192 to 254 reside on Block D. Think of each block as a subnet. This InternetRouter DRouter BRouter CComputer ComputerComputerComputerComputer Computer ComputerComputer Computer ComputerLong StreetSubnet AIP Address: Mask: BIP Address: Mask: CIP Address: Mask: DIP Address: Mask: A
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      5-7                                                                                                                                                              means that Blocks A, B, C, and D are all part of Long Street, which is also known as the network in this example. The mailman would organize the letters (or IP addresses for network equipment) by creating four piles (one for each block, or subnet). As soon as the mailman picks up pile A in his hand, he knows which block to turn on. This same reasoning applies to piles B, C, and D as well. Router D knows exactly which subnet to transfer (or turn) the packets to by reading its IP and subnet mask address. Note that each subnet on this network is Why is 192 the last octet in the subnet mask and not 64? The last octet, 192, is the mask that allows 64 "houses" to reside on the street. Note: If the network is managed by a Simple Network Management Protocol for local or Internet access, each interface must contain a unique IP Address. This is a benefit of static or dynamic addressing.    How does a network administrator assign an IP address? IP addresses are supplied by the network administrator, the ISP, or hosting company. The two types of IP addressing—manual (static) and automatic (dynamic) addressing—are described below.  •Manual (static) Addressing - Is ’Manually Configure’ option on Interfaces Parameters page of SPEEDLAN 9200 ConfiguatorEach device connected to the Internet must have its own unique IP address. Also, if a computer is being used as a server, you will assign it a permanent IP address. This enables other computers to connect to it. Static addressing is also beneficial to users that need to maintain a "constant" connection to the Internet. This will enable users to easily access the IP address. •Automatic (dynamic) Addressing - Is ’Use DHCP’ option on Interface Parameters page of the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator.A DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server assigns the IP address to each computer as the computer connects to the network. If a computer moves to a new network (i.e., great for temporary employees or mobile users), it must be assigned a new IP address for that network. DHCP can be used to manage these assignments automatically. DHCP is described in further detail below.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 5-8What is DHCP? Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows network administrators to assign dynamic IP addresses for the period of time needed to connect to the Internet. Think of DHCP as leasing an apartment. A prospective tenant may not need to live in an apartment for two years, maybe just a year. Therefore, the tenant will only sign a one-year lease agreement. For example, each time a computer is set up to connect to the Internet, the network administrator uses DHCP to automatically assign the computer a unique IP address. That computer will give up its IP address when it is no longer needed (when the lease has ended) allowing new a computer (or a new tenant) on the same network to use it. This benefits educational and corporate settings where users often log on to different computers. In this case more IP addresses outnumber computers because you can quickly reconfigure the network if needed from a centralized location. Servers that utilize DHCP resolve security issues, costly IP addressing services, and compatibility problems. DHCP is an alternative to BOOTP, which reduces the agony of assigning static IP addresses and also provides advanced configuration options. Note:  The figure on the next page may help you understand how DHCP assigns and IP address.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      5-9                                                                                                                                                              Figure of DHCP Addressing   Figure 5-2: DHCP client and server1The client asks DHCP server for IP address and configuration if needed. 2The DHCP server assigns an available IP address to client. 3The client takes IP address from DHCP server and requests any additional configuration needed. 4DHCP server confirms IP address and configuration. What is NAT? Network Address Translation (NAT) is the conversion of an Internet Protocol address (IP address) used within one network to a different IP address within another network. One network is designated the inside network and the other is the outside network. Network Address Translation (NAT) occurs when there is a translation among an Internet Protocol (IP address) used within one network (designated as inside network) to a different IP addresses within another network (designated as outside network). Network Address Translators (NATs) allow companies to decrease the number of global
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 5-10IP addresses. This enables companies to communicate with other devices on the Internet with a single global IP address (or more than one IP address). For example, a company can provide its clients with one IP address, allowing access to the company's firewall only. This IP address is not a "real" address on the company's internal network, but it is successfully translated to the correct IP location through NAT (i.e., NAT router). Therefore, the company controls access through firewalls and provides multiple IP addresses to outside customers without excessive limited resources, or "global" Internet IP protocols.  NAPT What differentiates NAPT from NAT? NAPT (or Network Address Port Translation) not only translates the IP address but also the transport layer port. Thus, if an inbound packet was addressed to a web server port on 80, the NAPT device would translate and pass to the packet to the private network's web server. Without port translation, the NAT device has no means of knowing which host in the private network can pass packets to other devices. For an example see, Diagram of Incoming NAT, page 5-12.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      5-11                                                                                                                                                              Diagram of Outgoing NATFigure 5-3: Outgoing NATAs the packet is transmitted from the private network (in Building B) across the public network (public address in Building A and the Internet), the packet will be re-addressed as (public address). When the packet returns to Building B, the packet will be re-addressed to the IP address of the private network by using the MAC address contained in the header to identify the destination.  Inbound Port 80 request is re-addressedto Private address Then, it isforwarded across the private networkEthernet                               Router                                        192.0.2..1Private Address on Local Interface10.            Address on Remote Interface192.0.2.3Building A Building BSPEEDLAN 9000 Router192.0.2.0SPEEDLAN 9000 Router10.0.03–Internet
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 5-12Diagram of Incoming NATFigure 5-4: Incoming NATIncoming NAT allows you to specify ports on the private network (Building B) that you would like to be available on the public network (Building A and the Internet). For example, if a web server (IP Address is being hosted on a private network in Building B, you can create a pair that will specify that all requests on the public IP address, Port 80, be forwarded to IP Address on the private IP address, Port 80.Inbound Port 80 request is re-addressedto Private address Then, it isforwarded across the private networkInternetEthernet                               Router                               Address on Local Interface10. Server10.0.0.3Public Address on Remote Interface192.0.2.3Building A Building BSPEEDLAN 9000 Router192.0.2.0SPEEDLAN 9000 RouterInternet
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      5-13                                                                                                                                                              Basics of RoutingA router connects two or more networks or subnetworks together and decides which direction it should send each packet. A router is typically a gateway (where one network meets another). A router operates at the Network Layer of the OSI model. This means a router sends information based on the packet's IP address instead of the Ethernet (MAC) address (as in bridging).Routing protocols use special metric algorithms when determining the best path for a packet to travel. All of this information is stored in a routing table. Some of this information includes hop count and destination information. The routing table also stores when the receiver gets the packet and lets the sender know that is was received.Note: For more information about routing, see www.whatis.com, http://www.techweb.com/encyclopedia/, http://www.computeruser.com/resources/dictionary/dictionary.html, or search for "basics of routing" on the World Wide Web.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide 5-14Notes:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Glossary for Standard DataCommunications
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide  Glossary-2Glossary for Standard Data CommunicationsAdvanced Encryption Standard (AES)Advanced Encryption Standard was adopted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in October of 2000. AES presents a new level in computer networking security, especially important in wireless communications because wireless circuits are easier to tap than their hard-wired counterparts. AES is more difficult to crack than its predecessor Data Encryption Standard. SPEEDLAN 9200 products use an AES128-bit encryption key. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)ARP is the abbreviation for Address Resolution Protocol, which maps an IP address to a machine's hardware address. Network administrators use ARP to locate systems on the LAN that are configured with incorrect IP addresses.AlignmentIn order to create a successful link, all related equipment should be associated to its respective attachments or equipment.Amplitude The magnitude of a waveform when measured from the mid-point to the peak of the wave.AnalogA signal in the form of a continuously varying quantity such as voltage, frequency or phase.AntennaDevice used to concentrate and direct the energy of a signal into a tight beam. Parabolic or dish, grid, and Yagi are different varieties of antennas.Antenna GainThe ratio of the power radiated by an antenna in a specific direction versus the power required to produce this same strength if an isotropic antenna were used.AttenuationThe measure of the loss of power in a microwave signal as it travels between two points. It is measured in decibels (dB).AttenuatorA device used to reduce the RF signal level.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                               Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Glossary-3AzimuthThis is the direction of antenna pointing relative to true north.BandA portion of the electromagnetic frequency spectrum.BandwidthThe range of frequencies over which a device will transmit information.BitAn abbreviation for binary digits.Bit Error RateA measure of the number of errors in a digital transmission. Typically given as an exponential number that represents the ratio of errors to total bits. Example:  1E-03 = 0.001 = 1.0 x 10-3 and 1.0E-6 = 0.000001 = 1.0 x 10-3. A single element in a binary code. A measure of the number of errors in a digital transmission. Typically given as an exponential number that represents the ratio of errors to total bits.  Example:  1E-03 = 0.001 = 1.0 x 10-3 and 1.0E-6 = 0.000001 = 1.0 x 10-3.BridgeThe function of a bridge is to connect separate networks together. This device operates at the DataLink Layer of the OSI model. Bridges connect different network types (such as Ethernet and Token Ring) or networks of the same type.  ByteA data unit consisting of eight bits.CableA transmission medium of copper wire or optical fiber wrapped in a protective cover.ChannelA specific band of frequencies designated for a specific purpose; the data path between two nodes.Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)This is an abbreviated method of entering the netmask. For more information, see CIDR Table (For Netmask Information Purposes) in Chapter 3.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide  Glossary-4Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit (CSU/DSU)A CSU/DSU is a pair of devices that adapts a dead pair (i.e., an unbiased line) to transmithigh-speed data signals. Of course, the pair is manageable and provides a status, but theirmain function is be a dead-line modem. Latest versions use digital signals over the deadline, but older models did not.Channel SpacingChannel spacing is the spectral space between RF channels; it may be in KHz or MHz, depending on the band.Class (IP Network)There are three main classes are: Class A, Class B, and Class C.•Class A: Net, Node, Node, Node (last three octets are available for equipment)•Class B: Net, Net, Node, Node (last two octets are available for equipment)•Class C: Net, Net, Net, Node (last octet is available for equipment)Coaxial CableA type of transmission line consisting of a center conductor wire surrounded by insulation that is in turn surrounded by a conductive shield made of metal foil or wire braid. Often used to connect the RF unit and modem unit of a wireless system.Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)A system in which all users occupy the same bandwidth. Uncorrelated codes are used to allow for higher bandwidth occupancy. This is also known as the spread spectrum system.Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP)A network management protocol that is consistent with an Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) network communication model.Company nameThis is the name of the company that owns or maintains the radio given to the terminal. ConsoleThis device allows you to communicate through the Telnet client to access the configuration software. CrimpCrimp the connector to secure the conductors.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                               Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Glossary-5Customer Premise Equipment (CPE)Any equipment located at the customer site. Usually in reference to those that are connected to a network.Data Communication Equipment (DCE)A definition of an interface standard that determines how it is connected to another device. For most modems, it resolves issues of interface between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and the network.Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)Hardware that provides for data communications. See also DCE above.dBmDecibels (dB) relative to 1 milliwatt.dBwDecibels (dB) relative to 1 watt.Decibel (dB)The standard unit of measurement for expressing relative signal power. It is dimensionless and is instead referenced to a certain level.DiffractionThe distortion of a wave as it is partially obstructed by an object in its path.Digital Signal Processor (DSP)A specialized computer chip designed to perform speedy and complex operations on digitized waveforms.Direct Sequence (DS)A type of spreading technique that multiplies a higher rate PN code to the signal in order to spread the energy of the narrow band signal over a much wider bandwidth for transmission.  Direct Sequence Speed Spectrum (DSSS)DSSS may be seen as the result of two processes. Data is multiplied with a higher rate digital sequence (spreading code). The sequence has many “chips” for every data bit. The resultant signal modulates the RF carrier.Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)DHCP servers provide efficient use of IP addresses by assigning them dynamically or statically. DHCP is used on the wired interface of the 9000.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide  Glossary-6Digital Signal Processor (DSP)A specialized computer chip designed to perform speedy and complex operations on digitized waveforms.E1An E1 is a full-duplex synchronous digital stream with a signaling rate of 2.048 Mb/s.The electrical characteristics of the digital interface are defined in the recommendationUIT-T G.703 (which by the way also defines it for a T1). Framing structure is defined inITU recommendations G.704 and G.732. Finally, the only countries in the world where E1streams are not regularly used are in U A and Japan.Elevation1. Height above sea level. 2. The vertical angle in degrees between the ground and the direction the antenna is pointed.Encryption The method of converting data into a form that cannot be understood by unauthorized people. Encryption is very important when using wireless communication because wireless circuits are easier to tap into than wired circuits. There is also strong encryption, which means ciphers are used to make uncoding the signal almost impossible, unless you have the decryption keys.ESDElectro-Static Discharge happens when there is a transfer between objects at diverse voltages.EthernetThis is the most popular physical layer LAN technology in use today. Other LAN types include Token Ring, Fast Ethernet, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and Local Talk. Ethernet is popular because it strikes a good balance between speed, cost and ease of installation. Ethernet SwitchThis device helps expand the Ethernet network. LAN switches can link four, six, ten or more networks together, and have two basic architectures. This switch “cuts through” and “stores and forwards” as well. This technique takes more time to examine the entire packet, but it allows the switch to catch certain packet errors and keep them from propagating through the network. A switch also operates between the DataLink and Network Layer of the OSI model. It reads the MAC address and will either bridge it to the Physical Layer or route to the Network Layer.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                               Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Glossary-7Fade MarginThe difference between the receiver signal input level and the receiver sensitivity. Fade margin is usuallyconsidered the safety factor allowing the system to remain operating under additional forms of attenuation.FadingThe loss of signal strength due to changes in the atmosphere. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)Government organization appointed by the U.S. President that regulates interstate communications (by use of licenses, standards, rates, etc.).FirewallA firewall protects resources in a private network from the users on outside networks. It can also restrict unwanted traffic from the private network to the outside. The firewall determines based on a set of rules whether packets should be forwarded to their destination.FirmwareAlterable programs in semitransparent storage (e.g., some type of read-only or flash reprogrammable memory).Forward Error Correction (FEC)The ability of a receiving station to correct a transmission error. The transmitter sends redundant information along with the original bits and the receiver uses this information to find and correct errors. This can increase the throughput of a data link operation.FramingDividing data for transmission into groups of bits, and adding a header and a check sequence to form a frame.FrequencyThe number of complete cycles per second existing in a waveform. Note that frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz).Frequency Hopping (FH)A type of spreading technique using a PN code to change the signal’s frequency between several pre-assigned values (hopping). Although the signal itself looks like a narrow band signal at any given point in time, it acts like a spread signal because of the frequency hopping.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide  Glossary-8Fresnel ZoneAn imaginary ellipse surrounding the direct transmission path formed by all the points from which a reflected wave would have an increased path length of multiple of the transmitted signal’s wavelength. At least 60% of the Fresnel zone must be unobstructed.File Transfer Protocol (FTP)A protocol used to transfer files over a TCP/IP network. Full DuplexIndependent, simultaneous two-way transmission going in both directions.GainThe increase in signal power caused by a device such as a transmitter or antenna.GHzGigaHertz. Billions of Hertz.Ground elevationThis is the approximate mean sea level (AMSL) of the terminal.Half DuplexA one-way directional communication line going in both directions. Only one signal can be transmitted or received at a time    Hertz (Hz)A unit of measurement equal to one cycle per second.Hexadecimal (Hex, or H)A Base-16 numbering system. This means 16 sequential numbers are used as a base unit (i.e., “0-9” and “A-F”).HopA term used to describe a single radio path between two points.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                               Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Glossary-9HostThis term is interchangeable with the definition “node,” which means this is a point on the network. The host is also any device on the network that has two-way communication to any point on the network, as well as the Internet. Hot-standbyA condition whereby when the primary method of communication goes down, the secondary method instantly takes over.HubThis device on a network receives and repeats data to connected destinations on the network. HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP)The communication protocol used to connect servers on the Web.HyperText Transport Protocol Secure (HTTPS)The protocol for accessing a secure Web server. Using HTTPS in the URL instead of HTTP directs the message to a secure port number rather than the default Web port number of 80. The session is managed by a secu-rity protocol.Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)A membership organization that includes engineers, scientists and students in electronics and allied fields. It was founded in 1963.InterfaceThe standard signal for connecting a microwave system to the connecting equipment.InterferenceUnwanted signals that cause performance degradation or loss of information.InternetThis is a system of linked networks that are worldwide in scope and facilitates data communicate service such as remote login, file transfer, electronic mail, the World Wide Web and newsgroups. With the meteoric rise of demand for connectivity, the Internet has become the communications highway for millions of users. The Internet was initially restricted to military and academic institutions in its infancy, but now it is a full-fledged information channel for any and all forms of information and commerce. Internet web sites now provide personal, educational, political and economic resources to every cornet of the planet.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide  Glossary-10IP AddressThis address tells the network how to locate the computers or network equipment connected to it. IP addresses are given so each computer or equipment on the network contains a unique address. There are two methods used when assigning an IP address:• Automatic (dynamic) AddressingA DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server assigns the IP address to each computer as the computer connects to the network. If a computer moves to a new network (i.e., great for temporary employees or mobile users), it must be assigned a new IP address for that network. DHCP can be used to manage these assignments automatically. •Manual (static) AddressingEach device connected to the Internet must have its own unique IP address. Also, if a computer is being used as a server, you will assign it a permanent IP address. This enables other computers to connect to it. Static addressing is also beneficial to users that need to maintain a "constant" connection to the Internet. This will enable users to easily access the IP address.ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Bands)Ranges are 900 to 928 MHz; 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz; and 5.725 to 5.85 GHz. The FCC for unlicensed use allocated these bands with a restriction on the output power.IsotropicUniform in all directions.K2This is a polling protocol used in star networks (line of sight). A base station polls the remote stations (Customer Premise Equipment) and tells when and where CPEs can transmit.Kb/sThousands of bits per second.KHz (KiloHertz)Thousands of Hertz. Each wireless phone call occupies only a few KiloHertz.LAN (Local Area Network)This is a local area network that enables computers, network equipment, or other peripherals to communicate on a small network.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                               Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Glossary-11Last mile Any type of telecommunications technology where data (voice, video, etc.) is traveled within relatively short distances to maintain to highest quality of bandwidth and throughput to the user.LatitudeThis is the geographic latitude of the location of the terminal.LEDThis is a light-emitting diode, which is a semiconductor, that sends out visible light when an electrical current moves through it. An electronic device that emits light with little generation of heat.Line of Sight (radio) (LOS)A condition whereby the antennas of a given link have a sufficient path for communication. It requires that at least 60% of the Fresnel zone between them be unobstructed. (Do not confuse with Loss of Signal.)LoopbackThis is the process of sending out a test signal to the device on the network so that you know if your signal was successful or unsuccessful.Loss of Signal (LOS)The signal from the user’s device does not appear in the DSX or E1 interface. (This is not to be confused with Line of Sight.)MAC address (MAC)A MAC Address requires 12 hex-digits in groups of two that are separated by dashes orsemicolons (i.e., 00:05:D5:12:AF:01).MANThis is a metropolitan network that enables computers, network equipment, other peripherals, and more than one LAN to communicate within the city or nearby limits.Management Information Base (MIB)The MIB is the definition of all standard objects that may be addressed inside a device. The most common protocol to retrieve the information associated to a specific object is SNMP.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide  Glossary-12MDS (RIP2 MD5 Authentication) When RIP2 is used with an authentication algorithm, such as MD5, network security is increased since the destination receiving the RIP packet knows that it was generated by a reliable source (i.e., the actual sender of the packet). RIP2-MD5 authentication transmits the output of the authentication algorithm rather than the RIP2 authentication key. Therefore, the RIP2 authentication key is never transmitted over the network and cannot be heard by other routers. This means a router can determine exactly who sent the message and not assume which router sent it. Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)This is defined by a specific set of calculations. The formula of the system longevity is based on the thermal, electrical and environmental stresses on each component. MHz (MegaHertz)Millions of Hertz.ModulationThe process of varying characteristics of a carrier signal to represent changes in the transmitted information.MOdulator-DEModulator (MODEM)A device that converts a digital signal to analog, or vice versa, and is used to transfer data between computers over communications lines.Mb/sMillion of samples per second.Multi-path fading The condition in which the “true” signal from an antenna reflects off an object (usually the ground) and, as a result, the reflected signal causes destructive interference at the receiving antenna. Multi-path fading affects linearly polarized signals more than circularly polarized signals.Network Address Translation (NAT)NAT helps to ensure network security and allows an entire company to share a single global IP address for communication on the Internet. This enables companies to communicate with other devices on the Internet.NetworkA set of connections that allow them to exchange data with each other, which enables multiple users to share to communicate data through the accepted path(s). Two or more locations tied together with equipment and communications channels.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                               Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Glossary-13NodeThis is a point on the network such as a computer, server, peripheral (printer, scanner, etc). NoiseAny unwanted signal or disturbance that degrades the quality of a transmitted signal.ObstructionAny man-made or natural object that blocks, diffracts, or reflects a transmitted signal.OctetThere are four octets in an IP address. Each octet contains 8 bits, which are equivalent to 1 byte. Each octet is separated by a period (.).Outside Diameter (OD)Outside diameter of pipe for mounting an antenna.PacketA unit of data transmitted between a receiver and a sender. Each packet contains embedded information, as well as place to go on the network (known from the IP address).Part 15 (of FCC rules)The section of the FCC Code of Federal Regulations defines the restrictions regarding the use of Spread Spectrum systems.Passive RepeaterIt is easier to explain this using an analogy of an RF reflecting device, like a mirror. Path LengthThe distance between two ends of a wireless system.Path LossThe decrease in signal power experienced when a signal is transmitted between two points.Path ProfileA drawing of the terrain (including buildings, trees, hills, lakes, etc.) along a transmission path to determine if a given path is viable for the communication link. This is usually done with a computer.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide  Glossary-14Personal Communication Services (PCS)A lower powered, higher frequency competitive technology to cellular.Personal Computer (PC)Any laptop or desktop (e.g., Windows or a Macintosh).PC Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA)This is a standard card for connecting peripherals to portable computers.  PolarizationIt’s the orientation of the electrical vector on an electromagnetic signal. The vector can bepolarized as needed either linear or mixed (i.e., circular).Pole HeightThis is the height of the antenna supporting structure.Power OutputThe power produced by a transmitter. This is measured in decibels per meter (dBm).Processing GainThe ability of the spread spectrum decoder to recover the received signal out of noise. It is essentially the increase in ability to recover the signal in the presence of an interfering carrier of the same or greater level.PropagationThe transmission of a wave along a given path through a medium.ProtocolA network protocol is the standard that allows computers to communicate with each other. A protocol defines how computers identify one another on the network, the form that the data should take in transit, and how this information is processed once it reaches its final destination. Protocols also define procedures for handling lost or damaged transmissions or “packets.” IPX (for Novell Netware), TCP/IP (for UNIX, Windows NT, Windows 95 and 98 and other platforms), DECnet (for networking Digital Equipment Corp. computers), AppleTalk (for main Macintosh computers), and NetBIOS/NetBEUI (for LAN and Windows NT networks) are some of today’s most popular networks.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                               Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Glossary-15Pseudo-random Noise code (PN code)A high rate digital code that mimics random noise-like properties. It is multiplied with a lower rate data signal in order to achieve spread spectrum transmission signals. The receiver then multiplies the same code back into the transmission to recover the data signal.Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)This refers to a worldwide voice telephone network accessible to all those with telephones and access privileges.Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)It’s a high-density modulation that uses phase and amplitude modulation at the same time. It’s used in OFDM, and modulators require a high SNR to provide a stable signal recovery rate.Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)Phase-shift keying in which there are four phase states or positions in the time or frequency domains within a single period.RadiationThe emission of energy from a generator to a transmitter. Radiation PatternAn illustration of the energy level radiated by an antenna in every direction.Radio Frequency (RF)The frequency at which microwave systems transmit.Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)The RSSI Voltage provided at the output of the RF Unit that is used to indicate the RF Input Level.ReflectionThe sharp change in direction of a wave after hitting an obstruction in its path.RefractionThe change on the energy’s propagation direction as it travels through different density medium. ReliabilityA measure of the percentage of time the system is operating. Reliability is usually a measure of both the avail-ability of the signal and the MTBF of the equipment.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide  Glossary-16Responsible personnelThis is the person(s) responsible for maintaining the radio system.RFC (Request for Comments)RFCs are documents that explain specifications for types of technology. They primarily contain published tutorials that help people learn about the specific aspects of the Internet. For more information, see Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) - http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc.html. RF Signal LevelThe strength of the power received by the RF Unit from the antenna.Routing Information Protocol (RIP)RIP determines a route based on the fewest hop count between the source and destination. RIP, a distance vector protocol, routinely sends broadcasting to its neighboring nodes. There are different classes of RIP:RouterThis device filters out network traffic by specific protocol rather than by packet address. This device operates at the Network layer of the OSI model. Routers also divide networks logically instead of physically. An IP router can divide a network into various subnets so that only traffic designated for particular IP addresses can pass between segments. Network speed often increases due to this type of intelligent forwarding. Such filtering takes more time than exercised in a switch or bridge, which only looks at the Ethernet address. In more complex networks, overall efficiency is improved by using routers.Rx (Receiver)This is where the packet is going.Summary Table of Differences Between RIP 1 and RIP2   RIP Version 1  RIP Version 2 Status  Obsolete  Current Acronyms  RIP, RIP1, RIP-1, RIPv1  RIP2, RIP-2, RIPv2 Internet Standards  STD 34 (deprecated)  STDs 56 and 57 Defining RFCs  1058  2453 and 1722 Routing  Classfull  Classless Subnet Mask  Implicit, fixed length  Explicit, variable length Route Summarizing  No  Yes Authentication None  Optional Updates Distribution  Broadcast  Multicast
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                               Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Glossary-17ServerA computer that is responsible for tracking, as well as receiving and sending requests from other computers connected to it (on the same network).SidelobeSidelobes are the spurious emissions caused by the antenna's geometrical irregularities. They are significantly lower than the main lobe (i.e., common when around 20dB under the main lobe).Signal levelThis is the value of the signal level at the receiving end of the transmission path.Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)The standard protocol for TCP/IP network management that has the most common worldwide use.Site ID (Unique)This is the alphanumeric site address given to the terminal by you (the user).SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)SMTP is the standard e-mail protocol used in the Internet.  SMTP is a TCP/IP protocol, and it defines themessage format and message transfer agent, which is used to store and forward the mail. Spread Spectrum Technology (SST)A method of encoding (with a PN code) a digital signal in a transmitter so as to spread it over a wide range of frequencies so that the average signal power is close to the noise floor. The same code is known to the receiver and is used to decode the signal. Keeping the code secret provides communications security.StarA topology (in the K2 polling protocol category) that includes point-to-point or point-to-multipoint activity, as long as those routers are within line-of-sight of each other.Subnet maskThis term allows you to mask section(s) (depending on the class specified) of the octets in the network address. Each octet used in the subnet mask is assigned to a data link. The leftover octet(s) are assigned to the remaining nodes.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide  Glossary-18SubnetThis term allows you to create multiple networks within one Class A, B, or C network. Each data link (octet) contains its own unique identifier also known as the subnet. Also, each node on the same data link must belong on the same subnet as well.Symbol ThresholdAfter a signal has been acquired, the acquisition algorithm in the spread-spectrum chip continues to run a cross-correlation between the expected PN sequence and the received signal, but now uses the Symbol Threshold for comparison. If the result of the cross-correlation drops below the Symbol Threshold, the signal is considered to have been lost, and the algorithm begins trying to acquire the signal again.System GainThe sum of the transmitter power output and the receiver sensitivity. System gain is an important measure of a system’s ability to overcome attenuation and perform to a satisfactory level. These are measured in decibels per meter (dBm).TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)TCP is a user datagram type of protocol that ensure that the message was sent accurately.TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)This is an Internet protocol, and it ensure that the data was sent accurately from one host to another.Tx (Transceiver)This is where the packet is coming from.UDP (User Datagram Protocol)A protocol within the TCP/IP protocol suite that is used in place of TCP when a reliable delivery is not required.WANA wide-area metropolitan network is a connection between LANs, which may be privately owned or rented.Wired A network interface connected by wire to other nodes in the network.WirelessA network interface that uses radio to communicate to other nodes in the network.
Appendices (A-F)The Appendices include:•Appendix A: Changing the Router’s Topology Mode•Appendix B: Passwords for the SPEEDLAN 9200 Con-figurator•Appendix C: Declarations of Conformity and Regula-tory Information•Appendix D: SPEEDLAN 9200 Technical Specifications & Product Model Information•Appendix E: Acronyms•Appendix F: Firmware History•Appendix G: Channels for IEEE 802.11x. This appen-dix lists the valid operating channels for FCC and IC (Canada).
SPEEDLAN 8100 & 8200 Installation and Operation User Guide  -2 Appendices (A-F)
Appendix A -Changing the Router’sTopology Mode
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide A-2                                                                                                Changing the Router's Topology Mode This tutorial tells you how to change the router's topology mode (base station, CPE, point-to-point or mesh) from or to another topology mode (base station, CPE, point-to-point or mesh).1Enter the correct URL or IP address for the router in your web browser. 2Enter the correct password and click Login. 3After logging in, the Network Interfaces page will appear. Select the new mode (e.g., Mesh) from the Interface Type drop-down menu. Then, click Apply.4The system will reboot the router.
Appendix B -Passwords for theSPEEDLAN 9200ConfiguratorThis appendix provides the passwords needed for the SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                            SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide B-2SPEEDLAN 9200 Configurator PasswordsThere are five classes of users. The classes are as follows with their default passwords:•Full Access (also known as a superuser): "wave_full" Note: "Full Access" does not show up in "Admin/Users" because the user will not be able to change its permissions and it has write permission on everything.  •Wired Admin: "wave_wired_admin" (account for the private Ethernet network)•Wired Read: "wave_wired" (account for the private Ethernet network)•Wireless Admin:  "wave_wireless_ad" (account for the wireless SPEEDLAN 9200 network)•Wireless Read: "wave_wireless" (account for the wireless SPEEDLAN 9200 network)Admin accounts have administration rights to their appropriate network (wired or wireless), and Read Only accounts have only read only access.Note: If you are a network administrator and want to modify the default passwords and settings for any of the users, choose the Admin menu. For more information, see Admin Menu, page 3-74.
Appendix C -Declarations of Conformityand Regulatory InformationThis appendix provides declarations of conformity and regulatory information for P-Com’s SPEEDLAN 9200 products.This appendix contains the following sections:•Safety Instructions•Manufacturers Canadian Declaration of Conformity Statement•European Telecommunications Standards Institute Statement of Compliance Information to User•Radio Approval Table
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                              SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide C-2Safety InstructionsRooftop and Tower Installations Warning Rooftop, tower, and other mounted location equipment installations are extremely dangerous and incorrect installation can result in death, injury, or property damage.General Safety Requirements for Installation of SPEEDLAN 9200 Models1The AC power socket outlet should be installed near the switching power supply and junction box.2It is recommended that replacement of the battery which is soldered to the PC board should be done by manufacturer or professional installer. CAUTION: THERE IS RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACED BY INCORRECT TYPE. DISPOSE USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO INSTRUCTIONS.3During installation of SPEEDLAN 9200 on the tower or on the wall, the necessary clearance from the power and lightning conductors should be maintained and proper grounding provided. The installation should be done in accordance with National Electrical Code:•NEC Article 725 – CEC Rule 16•NEC Article 800 – CEC Section 60, and•NEC Article 810 – CEC Section 54.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                              Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      C-3                                                                                                                                                              Manufacturer InformationManufacturer/Importer Name: P-Com 7020 Professional Parkway EastSarasota, FL  34240 Phone: 941-907-2300Fax: 941-355-0219
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                              SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide C-4Radio ApprovalsTo determine the correct device you are allowed to use in your country, refer to the tables below:Minimum Receive Sensitivity (in dBm) for SL920xRadio Approval Table for Models SL920x Country Commission Model SL920x & Certification NumberUnited StatesFCC  KINSL9201, KINSL9202  Frequency dBm & Mb/s5GHz OFDM-65dBm @ 54Mb/s-82dBm @ 6Mb/s2.4GHz OFDM-65dBm @ 54Mb/s-82dBm @ 6Mb/s2.4GHz DSSS-80dBm @ 11Mb/s-87dBm @ 1Mb/s
Appendix D -SPEEDLAN 9200 TechnicalSpecifications & ProductModel InformationThis appendix provides specifications and product model information for the SPEEDLAN 9200 products.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                             SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide D-2SPEEDLAN 9200 Technical Specifications
Appendix E - Acronyms
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                             SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide E-2List of AcronymsAANSI (American National Standards Institute)ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)CCDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)CMIP (Common Management Information Protocol)CPE (Customer Premise Equipment)CSU/DSU (Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit)DdB (Decibel)dBm (DeciBels below 1 Milliwatt) DCE (Data Communication Equipment)Decibels (dB) relative to 1 milliwatt.DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)DOS (Disk Operating System)DS (Direct Sequence)DSP (Digital Signal Processor)DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)EE1ESD (Electro-Static Discharge)FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)FFCC (Federal Communications Commission)FEC (Forward Error Correction)FH (Frequency Hopping)FTP (File Transfer Protocol)GGHz (GigaHertz)GUI (Graphical User Interface)HHex or H (Hexadecimal)HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol)
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                              Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      E-3                                                                                                                                                              HTTPS (HyperText Transport Protocol Secure)Hz (Hertz)IICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)IMAP (Interactive Mail Access Protocol)IP (Internet Protocol Address)IP (Internet Protocol)ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Bands)KK2  (Star Protocol)Kb/s (Kbits/sec)KHz (KiloHertz)LLAN (Local Area Network)LED (Light-Emitting Diode)LIU (Line Interface Unit)LOS (Line of Sight)MMAC (Medium Access Protocol) addressMAN (Metropolitan Area Network)Mb/s (MegaBytes per SECond)MD5 (RIP2 MD5 Authentication)MIB (Management Information Base)MODEM (MOdulator-DEModulator)MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure)NNAT (Network Address and Port Translation)NAT (Network Address Translation)OOD (Outside Diameter)PPC (Personal Computer)PCMCIA (PC Memory Card International Association)PCS (Personal Communication Services)PD (Public Domain)PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)PDF (Adobe’s Portable Document Format)
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                             SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide E-4PN (Pseudo-random Noise code)POP (Post Office Protocol)PPP (Point-to-Point)PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)QQAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying)RRAM (Random Access Memory)RF (Radio Frequency)RF (Radio Frequency)RFC (Request for Comments)RIP (Routing Information Protocol)ROM (Read Only Memory)RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator)Rx (Receiver)SSMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)SST (Spread Spectrum Technology)STD (Standard)TTCP (Transmission Control Protocol)TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)Tx (Transceiver)UUDP (User Datagram Protocol)USB (Universal Series Bus)WWAN (Wide Area Network)WWW (World Wide Web)
Appendix F -Firmware HistoryThis appendix lists history of any prior firmware notes.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                        SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide F-2There is no information to report at this time.
Appendix G -Channels for IEEE 802.11xThis appendix lists the valid operating channels for FCC and IC (Canada).
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                             SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide G-2Channels for IEEE 5GHz OFDM (UNII upper band)2.4GHz DSSS Channels                        2.4GHz OFDM Channels Channel Information  Regulatory Domains Channel Number Frequency   FCC       149  5.745 GHz  9  153  5.765 GHz  9  157  5.785 GHz  9  161  5.805 GHz  9  165  5.825 GHz  9  Channel Information  Regulatory DomainsChannel  Frequency  FCC   1   2412   9  2   2417   9  3   2422   9  4   2427   9  5   2432   9  6   2437   9  7   2442   9  8   2447   9  9   2452   9  10   2457   9  11   2462   9   Channel Information  Regulatory DomainsChannel Frequency  FCC   1   2412   9  2   2417   9  3   2422   9  4   2427   9  5   2432   9  6   2437   9  7   2442   9  8   2447   9  9   2452   9  10   2457   9  11   2462   9
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                            Product License Agreement It is important for users of P-Com hardware and software to take time to read this License Agreement associated with this software PRIOR TO ITS USE. The Customer or Reseller has paid a License fee to P-Com for use of this software on one router. This License does not extend to any copyrights to the program nor does it license use of the program on more than one router nor to make copies of the program for distribution or resale. A product registration card is included with the product manual. Please complete the card within 10 days of receipt of the software/hardware and return it to P-Com. Registration is required for warranty service, technical support and notification of product updates and revisions.  The Customer or Reseller is granted a non-exclusive License to use the licensed program on a single router subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in this agreement. The Customer or Reseller may not copy, modify or transfer the reference manual or other documentation or any copy thereof except as expressly provided in this agreement. The Copyright and all intellectual/industrial rights of this program and associated material remain the property of P-Com. THE CUSTOMER OR RESELLER MAY NOT USE, COPY, SUBLICENSE, ASSIGN OR TRANSFER THE LICENSED MATERIALS OR ANY COPIES THEREOF IN WHOLE OR IN PART, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. The Customer or Reseller shall not reverse assemble or reverse compile the Licensed product or any copy thereof in whole or in part.   Software License AgreementThe installation and use of this SOFTWARE indicates your understanding and acceptance of the following terms and conditions. This license shall supersede any verbal or prior written, statement or agreement to the contrary. If you do not understand or accept these terms, or your local regulations prohibit “after sale” license agreements or limited disclaimers, you must cease and desist using this product immediately. The following terms govern your use of the enclosed Software:License Grant P-Com (hereafter referred to as P-Com) grants you a license to Use one copy of the Software on one single-user PC, notebook, or laptop computer. It may not be installed on multiple devices and may not be shared by more than one individual while in use on a single device.  “Use” means storing, loading, installing, executing or displaying the Software. You may not modify the Software or disable any licensing or control features of the Software. Uses of this software other than those expressly defined herein are forbidden.  P-Com does not provide support for, nor will it accept return of, this Software if it is used in any manner other than those outlined here.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide Ownership The Software is owned and copyrighted by P-Com or its third party suppliers. Your license confers no title or ownership in the Software and is not a sale of any rights, other than the limited right of Use defined above, in the Software. P-Com and P-Com’s third party suppliers may protect their rights in the event of any violation of these License Terms. Copies and Adaptations You may only make copies or adaptations of the Software for archival purposes or when copying or adaptation is an essential step in the authorized Use of the Software. You must reproduce all copyright notices in the original Software on all copies or adaptations. You may not copy the Software onto any bulletin board or similar system. No Disassembly or Decryption You may not disassemble or decompile the Software unless P-Com’s express prior written consent is obtained except in those jurisdictions where P-Com’s consent is not required for disassembly or decompilation. Upon request, you will provide P-Com with reasonably detailed information regarding any disassembly or decompilation. You may not decrypt the Software for any reason. Transfer Your license will automatically terminate upon any transfer of the Software or equipment containing the Software. Upon transfer, you must deliver the Software, including any copies and related documentation, to the transferee. The transferee must accept these License Terms as a condition to the transfer. Termina tion P-Com may terminate your license upon notice for failure to comply with any of these License Terms. Upon termination, you must immediately destroy the Software, together with all copies, adaptations and merged portions in any form. Export Restriction You agree that you will not export or re-export the PRODUCT in any form without the appropriate government licenses. Your failure to comply with this provision is a material breach of this AGREEMENT.U.S. Government Restricted Rights The Software and documentation have been developed entirely at private expense and are provided as “Commercial Computer Software” or “restricted computer software”. They are delivered and licensed as “commercial computer software” as defined in DFARS 252.227-7013 (Oct 1988), DFARS 252.211-7015 (May 1991) or DFARS 252.227-7014 (Jun 1995), as a “commercial item” as defined in FAR 2.101 (a), or as “Restricted computer software” as defined in FAR 52.227-19 (Jun 1987) (or any equivalent agency regulation or contract clause), whichever is applicable. You have only those rights provided for such Software and Documentation by the applicable FAR or DFARS clause or the P-Com standard software agreement for the product.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                            P-Com LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENT 1.P-Com warrants to you, the end-user customer, that P-Com hardware, software, accessories and supplies, will be free from material defects in materials and workmanship for one year after the date of purchase. If P-Com receives notice of such defects during the warranty period, P-Com will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective. 2. P-Com does not warrant that the operation of P-Com products will be uninterrupted or error free. P-Com products may contain remanufactured parts equivalent to new in performance or may have been subject to incidental use.  3. The limited Warranty does not apply to defects resulting from (a) improper or inadequate maintenance or calibration, (b) software, interfacing, parts or supplies not supplied by P-Com, (c) unauthorized specifications for the product, or (d) improper site preparation or maintenance. 4. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS LIM-ITED TO THE DURATION OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE. Some states or provinces do not allow limitations on the duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitation or exclusion might not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you might also have other rights that vary from state to state, or province to province. 5. THE REMEDIES IN THIS WARRANTY STATEMENT ARE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES. EXCEPT AS INDICATED ABOVE, IN NO EVENT WILL P-COM BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF DATA OR FOR DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING LOST PROFIT), OR OTHER DAMAGE, WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE. Some states or provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide Return Policies and Warranties Initial One Year Warranty TermEach P-Com product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. During the warranty period P-Com will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be defective. If equipment fails, the Customer or Reseller shall notify P-Com and request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to P-Com. All returns to P-Com MUST have a valid RMA number written clearly on the outside of the box or the shipment will be refused. The buyer shall pay all return shipping charges during the one-year warranty. Return for Credit All returns to P-Com MUST have a valid RMA number written clearly on the outside of the box or the shipment will be refused. No returns for credit after 30 days will be approved. Products must be returned undamaged and in original packaging and will be subject to a minimum 20% restocking/refurbish-ing fee. Return freight charges must be prepaid. At the option of P-Com, products may be returned for repair or replaced provided the goods have not been modified or repair attempted by someone other than P-Com. Limitation of WarrantyThe foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by the buyer, buyer supplied interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance. Systems must be protected from electrical brownouts and surges by a quality UPS such as an APC Smart brand or Tripp Lite Omni or similar, or warranty shall be null and void. Warranties do not apply to any product that has been (i) altered, except expressly approved by P-Com in accordance with its instructions, (ii) damaged by improper electrical power or environment, abuse, misuse, accident, or negligence. Repairs in the case of damage from "acts of God" are covered on a time and materials basis. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. No statement, including, without limitation, representations regarding capacity, suitability for use or performance of products, whether made by P-Com employees or otherwise, shall be deemed to be a warranty by P-Com for any purpose or give rise to any liability for P-Com unless expressly contained in writing. Resellers will have complete responsibility and liability for performance of its agreements with its customers and Resellers shall indemnify and hold P-Com harmless from and against allliability arising out of such agreements.
SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide                                                                   Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                            P-Com warrants that the firmware for use with the unit will execute its programming instructions when properly installed on the unit. P-Com does not warrant that the operation of the unit or firmware will be uninterrupted or error-free. P-Com shall not be obligated to remedy any software defect that cannot be repeated. P-Com is not responsible for equipment non-performance due to outside radio interference caused by any source. Exclusive Remedies The remedies provided herein are the buyer's sole and exclusive remedies. P-Com shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort or any legal theory.
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                                  SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide Notes:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
SPEEDLAN 9200 Series User Guide                                                  Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Index-1                                                                                                                                                              IndexAAddress Sharing 3-58Admin menu 3-74Factory reset 3-76Permissions 3-75Software update 3-75User configuration 3-74Alias IP 3-22Authentication 3-34CConfigurationchanging the channel 3-39channels 3-38configuring a mesh node 4-6preamble setting 3-39setting the signaling rate 3-39turbo mode 3-39wireless modes (2.4 and 5.8GHz) 3-38Configuration menu 3-7DHCP Server menu 3-44Logging On 3-10Network menu 3-19Routing menu 3-31Security alert 3-13System menu 3-25Configuring in base station modeAuthentication 4-3Configuring data and channel rate 4-6Interfaces 4-2Remotely controlling 4-10Upgrading software 4-10Configuring in mesh mode 4-1Creating an Advanced Service 3-55DDHCP Relay menu 3-51DHCP Server Menu 3-44adding a Known Client 3-48adding a New DHCP Subnet 3-47adding DHCP Client 3-49adding known client 3-48adding new subnet 3-47configuring DHCP Relay 3-50setting Up DHCP 3-46Diagnostics menu 3-68ARP table 3-71
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 Series User Guide Index-2ICMP 3-71Interface statistics 3-69EEquipment features 1-6FFeatures 1-2Firewall 3-63Forwarding 3-51Forwarding Menu 3-55Internal Servers 3-60Forwarding menu 3-511:1 NAT 3-62Address sharing 3-58Firewall 3-63General NAT info 3-56Internal servers 3-60Services 3-53Fowarding Menu 3-62Firewall 3-63IP Sessions 3-68Services 3-53HHardware configuration table 2-5Indoor junction box 2-6IInstallation StepsInstallation Diagram 2-21Installation Steps for 9201/9204 2-9Installation Steps for 9202/9203 2-15Internal Servers 3-60IP Sessions 3-68ISP 1-3MManual Configuration 3-2Mobile clientaddiing security 4-5NNAPT 3-62NATAddress Sharing 3-58Network management 1-4Network menuTCP/IP 3-19RRouterchanging the router’s topology mode A-1Common functionality 3-1
SPEEDLAN 9200 Series User Guide                                                  Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03      Index-3                                                                                                                                                              Mesh mode 4-1Routing MenuAuthentication on RIP-2 MD5 3-34Routing menuDefault gateway 3-32Route table 3-36RTS/CTS 4-8Static route 3-37SSecurityauthentication on a mesh network 4-4enabling encryption between a PDA/laptop and SPEEDLAN 9200 routers 4-5enabling encryption between SPEEDLAN 9200 routers 4-4WEP 4-4Setting Up DHCP and DHCP Relay 3-45SNMP 3-26SPEEDMesh-enabled 4-5SPEEDMesh-enabled clientenabling/disabling 4-6System menuHost name 3-29Password 3-30Reboot 3-31Version 3-29VVirtual Addresses 3-23WWEP 4-5types of WEP keys 4-5
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03                                                   SPEEDLAN 9200 Series User Guide Index-4

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