Wavetrend Technologies LTG100 Domino Tag, L-TG100 User Manuals User Guide

Wavetrend Technologies Limited Domino Tag, L-TG100 Users Manuals User Guide

Users Guide

Another Superior Product from:USER GUIDEVersion 1.03For use with Link-IT Version 3.x
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 2Version 1.03INDEX1Getting Started ......................................................................................................................... 31.1 Contents of the Link-IT package. ...................................................................................................31.2 Overview......................................................................................................................................31.2.1 Compatibility.........................................................................................................................31.2.2 Basic Description...................................................................................................................31.3 Installation....................................................................................................................................31.3.1 System Requirements ...........................................................................................................41.3.2 Connecting the system..........................................................................................................41.3.3 Installation of the software......................................................................................................42Using the Link-IT system.....................................................................................................132.1 Starting the Link-IT system..........................................................................................................132.2 The Link-IT System in operation ..................................................................................................132.2.1 Viewing System Status........................................................................................................132.2.2 View or change Settings ......................................................................................................142.2.3 Suspending the Application..................................................................................................182.2.4 Un-Installing the Application.................................................................................................182.2.5 Closing the Application........................................................................................................183Notes on installation.............................................................................................................203.1 Effects of Mechanical shielding....................................................................................................203.2 Adding Additional Software Security ............................................................................................203.2.1 Setting Your Boot Sequence................................................................................................204Encryption Error ....................................................................................................................215Power requirements of the Link-IT system.....................................................................225.1 Link-IT Reader............................................................................................................................225.2 Identification Tag........................................................................................................................226Hot keys ...................................................................................................................................236.1 “Right” Mouse button (Display on-line menu)................................................................................236.2 Screen Saver override................................................................................................................237General Problems..................................................................................................................247.1 The Screen saver will not go away...............................................................................................247.2 Obtaining additional Tags............................................................................................................247.3 Email and Internet addresses ......................................................................................................248Licence.....................................................................................................................................259AIT Offices...............................................................................................................................26
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 3Version 1.031 GETTING STARTEDThank you for purchasing the AIT “Link-IT” system. The Link-IT system will provide you withunequalled protection of your Computer and its data. The package includes all the necessarycomponents needed to install and operate the Link-IT system. The product you havepurchased provides access protection to your Computer and it’s data.1.1 CONTENTS OF THE LINK-IT PACKAGE.On opening your package please check that the following items are included:• 1 * Link-IT reader• 1 * Personnel RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Tag including card holder and clip• 1 * CD with all the necessary software and user documentationPlease check the contents of the “Link-IT package” and report any inconsistency to the dealerfrom which the product was purchased. Alternatively, mail any AIT office with the nature of theproblem together with a copy of your purchase Invoice. (Refer to the last page for addressesof AIT offices in your country)1.2 OVERVIEW1.2.1 CompatibilityThis product is designed to work with Computer’s running one of the following Microsoft®operating systems: Windows® 95/ 98 ,Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000.1.2.2 Basic DescriptionThe Link-IT system is an RFID system that automatically protects your computer fromunauthorised access when you or an authorised user is away from the workstation.This is achieved with three easy to install components, these being:• A tag reader connected to your workstation• The protection software• An active (regularly transmitting) identification tagWith the tag reader connected to your workstation via a serial communications port (RS232),the protection software interrogates the tag reader to determine whether the reader can readthe transmissions from your registered identifying tag. If your tag can be read then yourworkstation is enabled for normal operation. If however the reader cannot read your tag thesoftware will display a screen saver that cannot be removed until the tag reader can onceagain see your tag. This effectively locks your computer in your absence.The protection software works at a very low level inside your workstation thereby providingprotection from operations such as [Ctrl][Alt][Del], even switching the workstation “Off” and“On” has no neutralising effect on the screen saver. In the event that you lose your tag orhave left it at home the system provides for override via a password.1.3 INSTALLATIONBefore installing the Link-IT system you should decide whether the installation will be for anAdministrator or a User.ADMINISTRATOR LEVEL INSTALLATION: Has the rights to change any property in theLink-IT system. This includes adding or removing Users. The Administrator entry to the
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 4Version 1.03system is recognised by the administrator password.  The administrator may change theusers settings ie. Password lock, changing boot key functionality etc.USER LEVEL INSTALLATION:  Is a single user system gives the user all rights and there isno need for the administrator password.Please note in an administration installation the admin password is required to suspend orclose the program, in the user level installation the users password will suffice for all systemoperation.1.3.1 System Requirements• The Link-IT system is designed to protect computers running Microsoft® operatingsystems. You therefore require one of the following operating systems on your computer.Windows® 95, 98, NT or Windows 2000.• A spare serial communications port.• A CD Rom drive for loading the software.• Disk space  required :  5MB1.3.2 Connecting the system• Turn off the computer and remove all power.• Look for the open serial communication port at the back of your computer.• Insert the Link-IT reader into the open port.• Restore the power to your computer.Figure 1: Installation1.3.3 Installation of the softwareCD InstallationInsert the Link-IT Software CD into your CD-ROM drive. The software will now auto-install. Ifthe auto-install does not initialise refer to “Installing the software” below.Installing the softwareIf  your computer is configured to open an ‘autorun’ CD the software will automatically  openthe Link-IT set-up program, however if this is not configured to do so  click on “My Computer”(Usually on top left corner of your desktop), click on the CD-ROM icon. You should then seethe icons, which are on the CD. Double click on the “Setup.exe” icon and the set-upprocedure will begin.Licence AgreementThe first screen displayed during the installation is the license agreement and is shown inFigure 1.0 below.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 5Version 1.03Figure 2: License AgreementPlease read the licence agreement carefully!For the installation to continue it is necessary to accept the license agreement and thereafterpress [Next >]. Following the acceptance of the License agreement the installation willcontinue.Installation OptionsThe next step in the installation is to select whether you are installing as a User (default) or asan Administrator. The primary difference between the two options is that the Administratorhas control over relevant system settings while the User option only allows for the User tooverride the screen saver in the event that the User has mislaid their Link-IT tag.Figure 3: Installation OptionsOnce you have selected either Administrator or User installation press [Next >] to continue.Administration InstallationSelecting the Administration installation option will require you to register an Administratorpassword as well as a User password. The following two screens are displayed:
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 6Version 1.03Figure 4: Administration InstallationThe Administration password must not be forgotten, as access to the system settings will notbe possible without this password. Once the Administration password has been entered youwill be required to enter a User password. The following screen is displayed for the entering ofa User password.Figure 5: User InstallationWhen entering a User password as an administrated level installation you have the option oflocking the system.  Should the user attempt to use their password more than the allocatedamount the user password will be rendered invalid. The locking mechanism is a simplecounter that counts user password entries. Should the counter reach the pre-set count theUser password will become inactive and you will have to get the Administrator to unlock thesystem. By presenting the primary user tag the lock out count will also be reset. Go directly toparagraph Hardware InstallationUser InstallationIf the User Installation option was selected in the paragraph above the installation willcontinue with the following screen.WARNING !DO NOT FORGET THEADMINISTRATORPASSWORD AS YOURCOMPUTER WILL BERENDERED USELESSWITHOUT THEPASSWORD, OR THE TAGWARNING !IF NO ADMINISTRATOR ISREGISTERED FOR YOURSYSTEM AND YOU FORGETYOUR PASSWORDYOU WILL NEED YOUR TAGTO UNLOCK YOURCOMPUTER
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 7Version 1.03Figure 6: Primary User InstallationIt is only necessary to insert a User password in this screen. See the Figure aboveHardware InstallationFigure 7: Hardware InstallationHardware installation is the process of selecting a communications port for your Link-ITSystem. By default the selected COM  port is 1. Comm port addresses 1 through to 16 arevalid. You should select the COM port into which the Link-IT reader has been inserted. TheHardware Installation screen also provides a test of the selected comm port. The test functionnot only tests the communications to the COM  port, it also registers all tags currently beingseen by the Link-IT reader. All tags registered in this way are also available for selection asuser tags by the system. During the testing of the   COM port the following window will bedisplayed: This window is displayed for 10 seconds while the reader searches theenvironment for tags.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 8Version 1.03Figure 8: Detecting TagsOnce the test is completed the Hardware Installation screen will show any tags detectedduring the test as shown in Figure 1.7 below.Figure 9: Detected TagsUser ConfigurationOnce passwords have been set-up and the Hardware installation completed it is necessary toassign Tags to the User/s of the system. Prior to assigning a tag, check the Identity number ofyour tag. The Tag ID is a two- part number and is printed on your tag. Refer to the Figure 1.8Figure 10: Tag ID numberOnce you have identified your tag number you can proceed with the adding of users to thesystem. In the following screen (Figure 1.9) select [Add Primary User]
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 9Version 1.03Figure 11: User ConfigurationAdd Primary UserSelecting Primary User will display the screen shown in the Figure below.The first step is to type in your “User Name” example Joe Bloggs.The next step is to assign your tag ID number to your User Name. This can be achieved inone of two ways:1. Type your Tag Identity Number into the text box provided for this number. (This approachis NOT recommended as the relatively large identity number could easily be typedincorrectly)2. Look for your tag identity number in the “Auto Detected Tags” list. If no tags are displayeduse the [Back] command button to return to the “Hardware Configuration” screen andselect the [Test] command button. This will read all the tags currently in the environment.Once the Reader has completed you can simply page forward using the [Next] commandbutton until you return to the “User Configuration” screen. Once you find your tag in the“Auto Detected Tags” list, select this tag, by positioning the mouse cursor on the list entryand pressing the [left mouse button]. Once selected, press the [Assign Tag ID] button.The registration is only completed once the [Apply] button is pressed.Figure 12: Primary User Details
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 10Version 1.03If for any reason you do not find your tag in the “Auto Detected Tags” list.• Check that the Reader is installed into a serial  COM port.• Check that the correct  COM port is selected in the “Hardware Installation” screen• Check that the tag is within one meter (3 feet) of the reader.• Redo the test function in the “Hardware Installation” screen.If you can still not identify your Tags identity, cancel the installation by pressing “Cancel” andrefer the problem to the distributor from whom you purchased the product.Add UserThe “User Configuration” screen also allows for the registration of additional Users. Thisfunctionality provides for up to 10 additional Users to be registered with User rights only. Thefunction is intended at allowing Users such as Managers, Secretaries, etc to have access toyour computer. Each of these Users must have their own Link-IT tag.  Additional Users areadded by pressing the [Add User] button on the “User Configuration” screen. The aboveprocess must be repeated for each additional User that is to be added to the system. This willresult in the following screen being displayed. See Figure below.Figure 13: Other User DetailsThe process of registering additional Users is identical to that of registering the primary User.This process is repeated below for clarity:The first step is to type in your “User Name”The next step is to assign the additional tag ID number to the User Name. This can beachieved in one of two ways:1. Type the additional Tag Identity Number into the text box provided for this number. (Thisapproach is NOT recommended as the relatively large identity number could easily betyped incorrectly)2. Look for the additional tag identity number in the “Auto Detected Tags” list. If no tags aredisplayed use the [Back] command button to return to the “Hardware Configuration”screen and select the [Test] command button. This will read all the tags currently in theenvironment. Once the Reader is completed you can simply page forward using the[Next] command button until you return to the “User Configuration” screen. Once you findthe additional tag in the “Auto Detected Tags” list select this tag by positioning the mousecursor on the list entry and press the [left mouse button]. Once so selected press the[Assign Tag ID] button. The registration is only completed once the [Apply] button ispressed.Once the User configuration is complete press the [Next] button to continue the installation.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 11Version 1.03System SettingsThe final step in installing the Link-IT system is setting of system settings. At this stage theinstallation program is aware of whether you have selected to install as an Administrator or asa User. The installation therefore displays the systems set-up screen applicable to the type ofinstallation being done.System Settings for UsersThere is only one System Setting that a User can set namely the Screen Saver Delay time.This is the time that must elapse between the last reading of a valid User Tag and when thescreen saver is activated. (Computer in disabled mode). One of the following 6 settings canbe selected: 30 seconds, or 1,2,3,4, or 5 minutes.Figure 14: System Settings for UsersSystem Settings for AdministratorsThe system settings for an Administrator is exactly the same as for Users, refer to theparagraph above, and include registration of a location tag and the enabling or disabling ofFunction keys.Figure 15: System Settings for AdministratorsLocation TagA location Tag is an additional tag that can be registered in the system for the purpose oftesting whether a Machine is operating in its designated physical position. This location tagwould normally be mounted (often secretly) in the physical environment in which the computeris to be used. The Link-IT system then checks if both the User Tag and the Location Tag can
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 12Version 1.03be read. If either tag is missing the computer will be disabled. The location tag is registered ina two step procedure:1. Select the [Enable Location Tagging] check box.2. Select a tag from the “Tag List” and press the [Assign Tag ID] button.Enable / Disable [Fx] keysWhen starting your computer in a Windows environment the operating system can beinterrupted using [Function] keys. Enabling these function keys provides a loophole throughwhich your PC could be accessed even with the Link-IT system installed. To prevent this TheAdministrator can disable the function keys.Set-up CompleteThe final step in setting up your Link-IT product is to press [Next] on the “Set-up Complete”screen.Please note that this is your last chance to review your set-up by scrolling through the variousscreens using [Back] and [Next] buttons. Pressing [Finish] while on the “Set-up Complete”screen will initiate the copying of files to your hard drive.Figure 16: Set-up Complete
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 13Version 1.032 USING THE LINK-IT SYSTEM2.1 STARTING THE LINK-IT SYSTEMThere are three ways of starting the Link-IT system namely:1. The system will start automatically after installation.2. The system will start automatically after power switch on.3. If an Administrator stopped the system, it can be restarted by clicking on the Link-IT icon under the Link-IT Section in the Start Menu.2.2 THE LINK-IT SYSTEM IN OPERATIONWhen the Link-IT system is in operation the Link-IT icon is included in theWindows task Bar.Figure 17: MenuPositioning the computer mouse pointer over the Link-IT icon and pressing the [Right MouseButton] will display a menu pop-up as shown in Figure 2.0 opposite.This menu provides the User with a mechanism to view the status of the system, to view andalter system setting via the Properties, and to close the application down.2.2.1 Viewing System StatusTo view system status select the  “Show Status” menu item or press [S] while the pop-upmenu is being displayed. The status window shown in the Figure below will be displayed:Figure 18: Status WindowThe Status Window provides the User with the following information:1. A “Green light”, when illuminated, indicates that power is being supplied to theLink-IT reader.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 14Version 1.032. A “Red light” is illuminated each time the Link-IT reader reads a valid Tag. (Avalid Tag is any Link-IT Tag which is in the read range of the Reader).3. “Remaining Time” displays in digital form the time remaining until the Link-ITscreen saver will be displayed and the system disabled.4. “Reader Activity” provides the User with an indication as to how busy the readeris.5. “Loc. Tag” is a bar graph showing how long the Location Tag has been missing.This bar graph is only active if the system has been set-up to include a LocationTag. Should the bar grow to full size the computer will be disabled until a validLocation tag is seen again.6. “User Tag” is a bar graph showing how long the User Tag has been missing.Should the bar grow to full size the computer will be disabled until a valid Usertag is seen againThe Status window includes a [Hide] button to close this window.2.2.2 View or change SettingsSelecting the “Properties” menu option will result in aprompt for your password. Either the User or theAdministrator passwords may be entered. If the Userpassword is entered you will not have access to theAdministration settings. The Administrator Passwordgives full access to all settings. Once a valid passwordhas been entered and accepted the system will displaythe Properties Environment screen.Figure 19: Password Prompt2.2.2.1 EnvironmentIf you have entered the “Properties” with a User password the screen shown opposite inFigure  19: Password Prompt will be displayed. This screen allows the User to modify the“Screen Saver Delay Time”. The time is altered by repeatedly pressing the up and downarrows of the spin control. The available options are 10,20,30 seconds, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5minutes.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 15Version 1.03To Enable or Disable the Location tag simply check the “Enable Location Tagging” check box.If you are registering a location tag for the first time or changing to a different tag you mustselect a tag in the list box and then assign the tag by pressing the [Assign Tag ID] button. Ifyour location tag is not displayed in the list box you will need to refresh the data. Refer toparagraph below. PasswordsSelect the “Passwords” tab at the top of the “Properties screen”. The screen displayed willdepend on whether you are signed on as a User or an Administrator.Figure 20: User PasswordIf you are a User then the screen shown opposite will be displayed. The User can changetheir password at any time by typing a new password into the “Enter User Password” text box.Note all Password changes must be confirmed by typing the password into the “Confirm UserPassword” text box.Entering the Passwordscreen as anAdministrator enablesyou to alter both theAdministrator as well asthe User passwords.The counter lock is afacility by which theadministrator can limitthe amount of userpassword attempts willbe allowed.Figure 21: Administrator Password
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 16Version SystemSelect the “System” tab at the top of the “Properties screen”. This will display the “System”screen as shown in the Figure below.The only function that can be performed in the “System” display is the testing of the Link-ITreader. The testing of the reader does also read any tag in the environment and registersthese into the available tags list.If at any time you require to assign a tag to a User or an additional user see paragraphs2.2.2.1 “Environment” and ”Tag Setup” it is essential that you first perform the readertest so that the system is aware of any new tags in the environment.Figure 22: System Settings2.2.2.4 Access LevelSelect the “Access Level” tab at the top of the “Properties screen”. This will display the“Access Level” screen as shown in the Figure below.Figure 23: Access LevelThe only property that can be changed in the “Access Level” screen are User or Administratorlevel.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 17Version 1.03The following rules apply:1. If there has never been an Administrator then a User can change to anAdministrator.2. If there is a registered Administrator and you are signed on as a User then youcannot change to an Administrator.3. An Administrator can make any change. Tag SetupSelect the “Tag Setup” tab at the top of the “Properties screen”. This will display the “TagSetup” screen as shown in the Figure below. The Tag set-up screen allows for the adding ofUsers to the system. Adding a Primary User replaces the existing Primary user.For instruction on how to add users please refer to the paragraph above (Tag Setup).Figure 24: Tag Setup
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 18Version Logo SetupSelect the “Logo” tab, this will display an option to add another picture to the Link-ITscreensaver.  Click on the “Use additional Logo” box then click on the “Select” button thenfind the selected file, the file name will be displayed along with the preview of the imageselected.  If you would like to see how the logo looks in screensaver mode press the“Preview” button.  After selection click the “Apply” button to save settings.Figure 25: Logo Setup2.2.3 Suspending the ApplicationSelecting the “Suspend” option the Link-IT system will release the selected comm port andthe screensaver will be suspended.  After selecting this option the caption for this option willchange to “Resume”.  Selecting the “Resume” will enabled the comm port again and thescreensaver will continue with normal operation.  If an administrated installation is used theadministrator password will be required to suspend the Link-IT system.2.2.4 Un-Installing the ApplicationOn the CD-ROM provided there is a Un-Install application.  First close the Link-IT SecurityModule (refer to 2.2.5). Then double click on the Uninstall icon, this will completely removethe Link-IT system from your computer.2.2.5 Closing the ApplicationSelecting the “Close” menu option will result in you being prompted to supply your password.Typing the correct password will result in the Link-IT system being shut down. Password overrideWhile the Link-IT system is running and the screen saver is active there are two ways todeactivate the screen saver:1. By bringing the Tag within reading distance of the Link-IT reader2. By password override.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 19Version 1.03To override the screen saver press any key while the screen saver is on. The system willprompt you to enter your password. Entering your password will disable the screen saver andallow you access to your computer. The override will remain active until the system is shutdown OR, until the system once again sees its master tag. After either of these events thesystem returns to its normal operational state.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 20Version 1.033 NOTES ON INSTALLATION3.1 EFFECTS OF MECHANICAL SHIELDINGThe Link-IT tag uses low power Radio Frequency transmissions to communicate with theLink-IT reader plugged into your computer. These transmissions can be adversely effected bythe environment especially the presence of metal. The result would be loss of range on yourLink-IT system. Repositioning your computer can rectify this situation. Should this approachnot rectify the situation, an extension cable is available from AIT as an accessory. Pleasecontact your supplier for more information. (Product code L-EC100)3.2 ADDING ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE SECURITY3.2.1 Setting Your Boot SequenceIt is important to set your boot sequence so that the system first boots from your primary harddisk to ensure that the Link-IT software will be running. This is easy to set, just follow thesteps below:NB: This sequence might not apply to your system, if your system is different and you can notfind the boot sequence consult your PC users manual or contact your supplier.• Switch off the system (Shut Down)• Switch the system on (Power Up)• Press the delete button “Del” (some systems use “F1”, some use F2, some use Ctrl-Esc)to go to “CMOS Setup”• Choose “Bios Features Setup”• Choose “Boot Sequence” eg. A, C, SCSI• Change the sequence so that your primary boot device boots first or that your primaryboot device is your only boot device.• Press “Esc”, go to “Save Settings And Exit”The system will now restart, booting from your hard disk first. For additional security youshould password protect your CMOS settings.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 21Version 1.034 ENCRYPTION ERRORLink-IT Tags include an encryption mechanism that is checked by the Link-IT software. Thismechanism is unique to every tag. The encryption mechanism protects your system fromaccess by a fraudulent tag with the correct tag identity. Should your system detect such a tagthe following message will be displayed.Figure 26: Encryption ErrorThe encryption error requests you to reregister your User Tag ID (in the Figure 4.1 above tagID 4278612-1774 is used as an example) This is because the system can no longer decipheryour tag data. If you are the authorised user you will know the password to override thesystem and reregister your tag.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 22Version 1.035 POWER REQUIREMENTS OF THE LINK-IT SYSTEM5.1 LINK-IT READERThe Link-IT reader derives its entire power requirement directly from the RS232 serial port.5.2 IDENTIFICATION TAGThe Identification Tag includes a non-replaceable lithium battery. The battery is warranteedfor 12 months and has an expected life of 5 years.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 23Version 1.036 HOT KEYS6.1 “RIGHT” MOUSE BUTTON (DISPLAY ON-LINE MENU)When the mouse is positioned over the Link-IT icon (located in the Windows task bar) the“right mouse button is used to display the Link-IT on-line menu options as shown in figure 6.1below:Figure 27: Hot Keys6.2 SCREEN SAVER OVERRIDEWhile the screen saver is active, pressing any key will prompt you for the override password.Typing in the correct password will override the screen saver.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 24Version 1.037 GENERAL PROBLEMSPlease contact your administrator or visit our web site www.ait-linkit.com.7.1 THE SCREEN SAVER WILL NOT GO AWAY1. Click the mouse and press the any key and enter your password.2. Try re-booting the systemShould this problem persist please contact your supplier or e-mail AIT at help@linkit.co.za.7.2 OBTAINING ADDITIONAL TAGSAdditional tags can be purchased from your Link-IT  supplier or by contacting AIT athelp@linkit.co.za.7.3 EMAIL AND INTERNET ADDRESSESEmail: help@linkit.co.zaInternet: www.ait-linkit.com
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 25Version 1.038 LICENCELink-IT™ Link-IT. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENTBY INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE Link-IT PRODUCT HARDWAREAND OR SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL OF THE TERMS ANDCONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT.Upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Licence Agreement, AIT grants youthe right to use the Link-IT™ Link-IT product in the manner provided below.All intellectual rights to the product are owned by AIT and are protected by copyright law andseveral patents. Therefore you must treat this product and its various components like anyother copyright material, except that you may make one copy of the software for backup orarchival purposes. The software may be transferred to a single hard disk provided you keepthe original solely for backup or archival purposes. Except as provided you may not transfer,rent, lease, lend, copy, or modify, translate, time-share or electronically transmit or receive thesoftware, media or documentation. Any attempt to reverse engineer the product will bedeemed an infringement of the Licence agreement.THE Link-IT™ Link-IT PRODUCT IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANYKIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE THE PRODUCT AT YOUR OWNRISK. AUTOMATED IDENTIFICATION TECHNOLOGIES (PTY) LTD. WILL NOT BE LIABLEFOR ANY DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY KIND OF LOSS WHILEUSING OR MISUSING THIS PRODUCT.
Link-IT “User Guide” Page 26Version 1.039 AIT OFFICESAutomated Identification Technologies Ltd.Unit 6Amber Business VillageAmber CloseTamworthStaffordshireB77 4RPUnited KingdomAutomated Identification Technologies (Pty) Ltd.P.O. Box 490,Parklands, 2121Republic of South Africa

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