Westell CSI110-01 Bidirectional Amplifier User Manual Rev C Manual

Westell, Inc. Bidirectional Amplifier Rev C Manual


Rev C Manual

1960-0110-003 Rev C05/08/01Cellular Specialties, Inc.Model 110 Miniature In-Building AmplifierOperation and Users Manual
2960-0110-003 Rev C05/08/01Table of Contents1. Product DescriptionBackgroundFunctional DescriptionCircuit DescriptionFunctional Block DiagramOutline Drawing2. General Specifications3. Inspection and InstallationInspection of ContentsPackage ContentsInstallationSafety
3960-0110-003 Rev C05/08/011. Product DescriptionBackgroundThe performance of a cell phone can be easily degraded when in enclosedstructures where signals from a local cell site are not sufficient for reliablephone operation.  The Model 110 Miniature In-Building Amplifier (Mini-IBA) was developed by Cellular Specialties, Inc. (CSI) to enhance cellularperformance within these enclosed structures.  Specifically, the Mini-IBA isdesigned to cover small areas such as home offices, small workshops, etc.Functional DescriptionThe Mini-IBA boosts the cellular performance by providing amplification ofboth transmit and receive signals.  The unit receives the portable phone’ssignal through an inside antenna, amplifies it and then sends it to an outsideantenna.  This signal is referred to as the “Uplink”.  The Mini-IBA alsoreceives signals from the Cell Site base station through the outside antenna.This signal is amplified and re-radiated to the portable phone and is referredto as the “Downlink”.  It is necessary that sufficient signal be available at theoutside antenna.The outside antenna is usually a directional type such as a “Yagi”, howeveran Omni-directional antenna may be used when the structure is located inclose proximity to one or more cell sites.  Inside antennas are usually Omni-directional although other types, such as low profile wall or ceiling mount,may be used for special installations.As shown in Figure 1, there are 2 stages of RF gain in both the Downlinkand Uplink for maximum gains of 30 dB and 40 dB respectively.  Themaximum linear output power for the Uplink is 300 milli-Watts and 25milli-Watts for the Downlink.An LED indicator on the unit shows the application of power.
4960-0110-003 Rev C05/08/01Circuit DescriptionUplinkThe uplink rf circuit consists of two stages of gain.  Each gain stage is amonolithic integrated circuit (mmic) mounted to a printed circuit board(PCB).  The signal received by the inside antenna is directed to the 1st mmicstage by a frequency diplexer, which separates the uplink frequency (806-824 MHz) from the downlink frequency (851-869MHz).  This signal isamplified by both mmic stages and directed to an identical diplexer at theoutput of the 2nd stage.  Both stages are biased for linear operation.  Theoverall gain from the inside antenna terminal to the outside antenna terminalis nominally 40 dB.  Each diplexer provides 60 dB of rejection between theuplink amplifier chain and the downlink.DownlinkThe downlink circuit is similar in operation to the uplink, in that it also usestwo stages of mmic amplification.  The major differences are the downlinkfrequency (851-869 MHz), the overall gain (30 dB) and signal flow in theopposite direction.Power SupplyAll the mmic amplification stages, in both the uplink and downlink, operatefrom a single supply voltage of +5 Vdc.  A linear regulator is used toprovide the 5 volts from an input of 12 Vdc.  All internal dc circuits arefiltered and de-coupled from the rf circuits.  A 115 Vac to 12 Vdc “Wall”supply is provided as part of the unit.  The overall current at 12 Vdc is lessthan 1.0 Amp.
5960-0110-003 Rev C05/08/01FIGURE 1   Functional Block DiagramFIGURE 2    Outline Drawing
6960-0110-003 Rev C05/08/012. General SpecificationsAll specifications stated as typical unless otherwise noted.  Cellular Specialties, Inc.reserves the right to change these specifications at any time without prior notice.Downlink UplinkFrequency Band 851-866 MHz 806-821 MHzLinear Gain (dB) 25 min / 30 max 35 min / 40 maxTypical Power Out (max)        1 dB Compression +17 dBm +27 dBm        Linear +14 dBm +25 dBmNoise Figure 6 dB 6 dB3rd Order Intercept +43 dBm +27 dBmPropagation Delay <1 microsecond <1 microsecondVSWR <2:1 <2:1Passband Ripple (max) 2 dB pk-pk 2 dB pk-pkConnectors Mini-UHFPower Requirements +12 Vdc, 1.0 ADimensions 3.5”x4.0”x1.2”Weight 1 lbs.Indicator LED “Power-On”
7960-0110-003 Rev C05/08/013. Inspection and InstallationInspectionInspect the equipment as soon as possible after purchase.  If any part of theequipment has been damaged in transit, report the damage to thetransportation company and also to the company where purchased.ContentsThe unit package contains the following:Model 110 Mini-IBAPower Transformer, 110 volt to 12 volt – model number (         )User ManualOptional AccessoriesAccessories are available directly from Cellular Specialties, Inc. or any ofCSI’s distributors.Outside High Gain Antenna – model number (         )Inside Omni Antenna – model number (            )InstallationNote:The Installer should refer to the Safety Precautions, in the following section,for proper antenna selection and installationThe installation of the Mini-IBA is relatively simple.  If possible,measurements of the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) should berecorded as close as possible to the proposed outside antenna location.Optimum performance will be obtained with RSSI readings greater than –85dBm.With the exact location of the outside antenna and the coordinates of the cellsites closest to the building in which the unit is being installed, the distanceand bearings to each of the local cells can be determined.  The first choicewould be the closest site unless there is blockage in the form of buildings orterrain.  If blockage exists, an alternate site may be available.
8960-0110-003 Rev C05/08/01If coordinates are not available, measure the RSSI at the outside antennaoutput by connecting a phone to the outside antenna and slowly rotating theantenna until a maximum reading is obtained.The Mini-IBA and inside antenna should be centrally located, keepingcoaxial cable runs to a minimum.  A maximum length of 100 feet of low losscable is recommended.  The actual coax used should be RG-8 type with aflame retardant rating as a minimum.  If the coax is run through an areawhere heating and/or cooling air is channeled, a plenum rated coax shouldbe used.  When mounting the amplifier, take care to avoid areas of high heator extreme cold.  In general, do not place the unit on or near the top of highceilings, by heaters or in cold storage areas.During installation, care must be taken to provide the maximum isolationbetween inside and outside antennas.  This isolation should be in the order of70 dB to prevent any re-generative feedback in the system.  Feedback of thisnature may cause the amplifier to emit a continuous signal at maximumamplitude and could, in some cases, interfere with the normal operation ofthe cell site.There are no installation or user adjustments or tuning on this unit.
9960-0110-003 Rev C05/08/01Safety Precautions CAUTIONFor INDOOR use, an Omni-Directional Antenna with a maximum gain of 3dBi isauthorized for use with this unit.Inside antennas must be positioned to observe minimum separation of 20 cm.(~ 8 in.) from all users and bystanders. For the protection of personnel workingin the vicinity of inside (downlink) antennas, the following guidelines forminimum distances between the human body and the antenna must beobserved.The installation of an INDOOR antenna must be such that, under normalconditions, all personnel cannot come within 20 cm. (~ 8.0 in.) from anyinside antenna. Exceeding this minimum separation will ensure that theemployee or bystander does not receive RF-exposure beyond theMaximum Permissible Exposure according to section 1.1310 i.e. limits forGeneral Population/Uncontrolled Exposure.For OUTDOOR use, a Directional Antenna up to a maximum gain of 11dBd isauthorized for use with this unit.The Outside antenna must be positioned to observe minimum separation of120 cm. (~ 4 ft.) from all users and bystanders. For the protection of personnelworking in the vicinity of outside (uplink) antennas, the following guidelines forminimum distances between the human body and the antenna must beobserved.The installation of an OUTDOOR antenna must be such that, under normalconditions, all personnel cannot come within 120 cm. (~ 4 ft.) from theoutside antenna. In all installations, the antenna should never be mountedsuch that the main beam is directed toward an area where workers orbystanders may be present.  Exceeding this minimum separation willensure that the worker or bystander does not receive RF-exposure beyondthe Maximum Permissible Exposure according to section 1.1310 i.e. limitsfor General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure.!!!!!!!!

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