Widex A S UFA UNIQUE-FASHION U-FA Hearing aid User Manual

Widex A/S UNIQUE-FASHION U-FA Hearing aid Users Manual

Users Manual

Your Widex® hearing aidTo be filled out by the hearing care professional)Your hearing aid series:2
PROGRAM Universal  Audibility Extender Quiet  Audibility Extender Transport  Audibility Extender Urban  Audibility Extender Party  Audibility Extender Music  Audibility Extender T  Audibility Extender M+T  Audibility ExtenderSPECIAL PROGRAMS Zen  Audibility Extender3
PROGRAM Phone  Audibility ExtenderSMARTTOGGLE PROGRAMS Zen+  Audibility Extender Phone+  Audibility ExtenderNOTERead this booklet and the booklet "Ear-sets for Widex hearing aids"carefully before your start using your hearing aid.4
CONTENTSYOUR WIDEX HEARING AID....................................................................7Welcome to Widex..........................................................................................7Important safety information.......................................................................10THE HEARING AID................................................................................. 13Indications for use ......................................................................................... 13Intended use................................................................................................... 14The battery......................................................................................................14Sound signals.................................................................................................20How to tell right from left.............................................................................22Turning the hearing aid on and off..............................................................23Putting on and removing your hearing aid................................................25Sound adjustment......................................................................................... 27Programs.........................................................................................................31Using a phone with hearing aids................................................................. 37CLEANING.............................................................................................38Tools................................................................................................................385
Cleaning the hearing aid...............................................................................38ACCESSORIES........................................................................................41Accessories......................................................................................................41TROUBLESHOOTING.............................................................................43REGULATORY INFORMATION...............................................................47FCC and IC statements and EC directives...................................................47SYMBOLS..............................................................................................536
Your Widex Hearing AidWelcome to WidexCongratulations on your new hearing aid.Use your hearing aid regularly, even if it takes some time gettingused to it. Infrequent users don’t usually get the full benefit of ahearing aid.NOTEYour hearing aid and its accessories may not look exactly as illustra-ted in this booklet. We also reserve the right to make any changeswe consider necessary.7
Your hearing aid at a glanceThe illustration shows your hearing aid without the ear-set. Forfurther information on the ear-set see the ear-set manual. Theear-set consists of a tube and an ear-tip or earmould, and it is thepart of your hearing aid that you wear inside your ear.1234 & 561. Microphone openings2. Volume control8
3. Program button4. Battery lid with nail grip5. On/off switch6. LED9
Important safety informationRead these pages carefully before you begin using your hearingaid.●Take your hearing aids out when you are not using them. Thiswill help to ventilate the ear canal and prevent ear infections.●Contact your doctor or hearing care professional immediately ifyou suspect you may have an ear infection.●Do not expose your hearing aids to extreme temperatures orhigh humidity, and dry them quickly if they get wet, or if youperspire heavily.●Remove your hearing aids before showering, swimming or us-ing a hair dryer.10
●Do not wear your hearing aids when applying perfume, spray,gels, lotion or cream.●Do not dry your hearing aid in a microwave oven - this will ruinit.●Never use other people’s hearing aids and never allow others touse yours, as this could damage your hearing.●Never use your hearing aids in environments where there maybe explosive gases, such as in mines, etc.●Keep hearing aids, their parts, accessories and batteries awayfrom children.●Never try to open or repair the hearing aid yourself. Contactyour hearing care professional if you need to have your hearingaid repaired.●Your hearing aid is very powerful and it can play sounds thatexceed a level of 132 dB. There may therefore be a risk ofdamaging your remaining hearing.11
Your hearing instruments should be stored and transported with-in the temperature and humidity ranges of -20°C to +40°C (-4°Fto 104°F) and 10%-95% rH.Storage and transportation up to 60°C (140°F) with 10%-95% rHcan be accepted in shorter periods (duration of max. of 2 weeks).Your hearing instruments are designed to operate from 0°C(32°F) to 50°C (122°F).12
The hearing aidIndications for useThe hearing aids are indicated for individuals with a range ofhearing loss from minimal (10dB HL) to severe-to-profound (100dB HL)] and all hearing loss configurations.They are to be programmed by licensed hearing care professio-nals (audiologists, hearing aid specialists, otolaryngologists) whoare trained in hearing (re)habilitation as well as tinnitus manage-ment.13
Intended useThe hearing aids are intended as air conduction amplification de-vices to be used in everyday listening environments. The hearingaids may be equipped with the Zen program intended to providea relaxing sound background (i.e. music/noise source) for adultswho desire to listen to such a background in quiet.The batteryUse a type 312 zinc-air battery for your hearing aid.Always use a fresh, new battery that is precisely the kind recom-mended by your hearing care professional.14
NOTECheck that the battery is completely clean and free of any residuebefore inserting it in the hearing aid. Otherwise your hearing aidmay not function as expected.Dispose of used batteries as indicated on the packaging and takenote of the expiry date.●Never attempt to recharge your hearing aid batteries, as theycould explode.●Never leave a flat battery in the hearing aids while storingthem. It could leak and ruin your hearing aid.15
Low battery indicationWhen the battery is flat, a sound signal will play. If the batterydrains suddenly there may however be no warning. We recom-mend carrying a spare battery with you wherever you go.Changing the batteryTo change the battery, do as follows:Use the nail grip to gently swingthe battery door open and re-move the old battery.16
Take the adhesive tab off thenew battery and make surethere is no sticky substance lefton it. Let it "breathe" for 60 sec-onds.17
Now place the new battery in the drawer as shown.Close the drawer. If it doesn't close easily, the battery is notplaced correctly.If you are not using the hearing aid for a few days, remove thebattery.18
NOTEAvoid dropping your hearing aid - hold the hearing aid above a softsurface while changing the battery.Tamper-resistant battery drawerIf the hearing aid is going to be used by a child, you can ask yourhearing care professional to provide it with a tamper-resistantbattery drawer.19
To open battery drawer, use thespecial tool you've received, anddo as illustrated.Sound signalsYour hearing aid plays sounds to inform you that certain featureshave been activated or that you have changed programs. Thesesounds may be spoken messages or tones, depending on yourneeds and preferences.20
Program 1 Message/one short beepProgram 2 Message/two short beepsProgram 3 Message or three short beepsProgram 4 Message/one short and one long beepProgram 5 Message/one long beep and two short beepsZen+ Message/toneAsk your hearing care professional to turn these sounds signalsoff if you don't need them.Lost partner(Only available in wireless 440-series)21
Your hearing care professional can turn on a feature in your hear-ing aid that warns you whenever it loses contact with the hearingaid in the opposite ear. You will hear a spoken message in yourear.How to tell right from leftThe hearing aid for your right ear has a red mark. The hearing aidfor your left ear has a blue mark.22
Turning the hearing aid on and offTo turn the hearing aid on, close the battery lid. The hearing aidwill play a sound signal to indicate that it is on, unless your hear-ing care professional has deactivated this function.23
To turn off the hearing aid, push the battery lid downwards.NOTEYou can also cup the hearing aid in your hand to verify that it isturned on. If it's on, it will whistle.Don't forget to turn off the hearing aid when it is not in use.24
Putting on and removing your hearing aidInsert the ear-set in the ear while holding the lower part of thetube. Pulling the outer ear upwards and backwards at the sametime can be helpful.Then place the hearing aid behind the ear. The hearing aid shouldrest comfortably on the ear, close to your head.25
Your hearing aid can be fitted using different types of ear-sets.See the separate ear-set manual for more information about yourear-set.NOTEIf the hearing aid doesn't feel comfortable, or if it doesn't fit proper-ly, causing irritation, redness or the like, contact your hearing careprofessional.Removing the hearing aidStart by removing the hearing aid from behind the ear.26
Then take the ear-set carefully out of the ear canal while you holdthe lower part of the tube.Sound adjustmentYour hearing aid adjusts the sound automatically according toyour sound environment.27
You can also adjust the sound manually to achieve more comfortor more audibility, depending on your needs and preferences. Formore information on how this works, consult your hearing careprofessional.Depending on the hearing aid settings and features, any soundadjustment you make will affect both hearing aids.Each time you operate the volume control, you will hear a beep-tone unless your hearing care professional has deactivated thisfunction. When you reach the maximum or minimum setting, youwill hear a steady tone.To mute your hearing aid do as follows:28
+-●Keep pressing the lower part of the volume control until youcan hear the steady soundTo turn the sound on again:●Press the upper part of the volume control or●Change program29
Any adjustment of the volume will be cancelled when you turn offyour hearing aid or if you change program.30
ProgramsPROGRAM USEUniversal For everyday useQuiet Special program for listening in quiet en-vironmentsTransport For listening in situations with noise fromcars, trains, etc.Urban For listening in situations with changingsound levels (in supermarkets, noisyworkplaces or similar)Party For listening in situations with manypeople talking at the same time31
PROGRAM USEMusic For listening to musicT With this program you listen through thehearing aid's telecoil, which allows youto listen directly to the sound withoutbackground noise (requires a teleloopsystem)M+T This program is a combination of thehearing aid's microphone and the tele-coil. You listen to the sound source, butcan also hear other soundsSPECIAL PRO-GRAMS32
PROGRAM USEZen Plays tones or noise for tinnitus reliefPhone This program is designed for listening tophone conversationsSMARTTOGGLEPROGRAMSZen+ This program is similar to Zen but allowsyou to listen to different types of tonesor noise33
PROGRAM USEPhone+ This program lets you listen to the phoneand avoid the surrounding sounds. Oneof your hearing aids transmits the phoneconversation to the other, so that youcan listen with both earsNOTEYou can only have one SmartToggle program on your hearing aid.Depending on your hearing loss, your hearing care professionalcan activate the Audibility Extender feature. Ask your hearingcare professional if you could benefit from this.If your needs and preferences change over time, your hearingcare professional can easily change your program selection34
Changing programsTo change programs, simply push the program button.NOTEThe Phone+ program can't be accessed using a remote control.Zen+35
To access this program, press and hold the program button formore than one second. A quicker press then allows you to cyclethrough the available Zen styles. To exit the program, press andhold down the program button for more than one second.Phone+To access this program, press and hold the program button formore than one second. To leave it repeat the same procedure.36
Using a phone with hearing aidsWhen you use a phone, hold it against yourhead at an angle above your ear, ratherthan directly against the ear.37
CleaningToolsYou will receive the following cleaning tools with your hearingaid. Use them as indicated in the Cleaning section.3.2.1. 4. 5.1. Cloth2. Brush3. Long wax removing tool4. Short wax removing tool5. Battery magnetCleaning the hearing aidCleaning your hearing aid every day will make it more efficientand more comfortable to wear.38
Wipe the hearing aid with a softcloth (for example the cloth youreceived from your hearing careprofessional).If the microphone openings arestill blocked, contact your hear-ing care professional.Dry your hearing aid quickly if it gets wet, or if you perspire heav-ily. Some people use a special dehumidifier like Widex Dry-Go tohelp keep their hearing aids dry and clean. Ask your hearing careprofessional if this is right for you.Leave the battery compartment open to ventilate the hearing aid.For information on how to clean your ear-set, see the ear-setmanual.39
●Do not use any kind of liquid or disinfectant to clean yourhearing aid.●Clean and inspect your hearing aid every day after use tocheck that it is not broken. If the hearing aid breaks while youare wearing it, leaving small fragments in your ear canal, con-tact your doctor. Never try to take out the fragments yourself.40
AccessoriesAccessoriesYou can use a variety of accessories with your hearing aid. To seewhether you could benefit from using these accessories, ask yourhearing care professional.Name UseRC-DEX remote controlTV-DEX for listening to TV and audioPHONE-DEX* for easy landline useFM+DEX for streaming audio and FM signals41
Name UseT-DEX for connecting hearing aids to mobile phonesvia a telecoilUNI-DEX for connecting hearing aids to mobile phonesCALL-DEX for easy wireless connection to mobilephonesCOM-DEX for wireless connection to mobile phones andother devices via bluetoothAccessories*Available in some countries only.42
TroubleshootingThese pages contain advice on what to do if your hearing aidstops working or if it doesn't work as expected. If the problempersists, contact your hearing care professional.Problem Possible cause SolutionThe hearing aid iscompletely silentIt is not turned on Make sure the bat-tery drawer iscompletely closedThe battery doesnot workInsert a new bat-tery43
Problem Possible cause SolutionThe hearing aidvolume is not pow-erful enoughYour ear is blockedby earwaxContact your doc-torYour hearing mayhave changedContact your hear-ing care professio-nal/doctorThe hearing aidwhistles continu-ouslyYour ear is blockedby earwaxContact your doc-torYour two hearingaids are not work-ing in synchronyThe connection be-tween the hearingaids is lostTurn them off andon again44
Problem Possible cause SolutionThe hearing aids donot respond with acorrespondingchange in volumeor program to thecontrol devicea. The device is usedbeyond the trans-mission rangeb. Strong electro-magnetic interfer-ence in the vicinityc. The device andthe hearing aids arenot matcheda. Move the devicecloser to the hear-ing aids.b. Move away fromknown source ofEM interferencec. Check with yourhearing care pro-fessional to makesure the device ismatched withhearing aids45
Problem Possible cause SolutionYou hear “interrup-ted” speech (onand off) from thehearing aids or nospeech (muted)from the transmit-ting hearing aid.a. The battery in oneof the hearing aidshas expiredb. Strong electro-magnetic interfer-ence in the vicinitya. Replace batteryin one or bothhearing aidsb. Move away fromknown sources ofinterferenceNOTEThis information covers only the hearing aid. See the “Ear-sets forWidex hearing aids” user manual for information specific to yourear-set. If the problems persist, contact your hearing care professio-nal for assistance.46
Regulatory informationFCC and IC statements and EC directivesFCC and IC statementsFCC ID: TTY-UFAIC: 5676B-UFAFederal Communications Commission StatementThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.NOTE:47
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with thelimits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency ener-gy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc-tions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur ina particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful in-terference to radio or television reception, which can be deter-mined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encour-aged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the fol-lowing measures:— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.48
— Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician forhelp.NOTE:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits setforth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must notbe co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antennaor transmitter.Changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly ap-proved by Widex could void the user’s authority to operate theequipment.Industry Canada Statement / Déclaration d’industrie Canada49
Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may on-ly operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser)gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antennatype and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotrop-ically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary forsuccessful communication.This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSSstandard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference, including interfer-ence that may cause undesired operation of the device.50
Conformément à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada, le présentémetteur radio peut fonctionner avec une antenne d’un type etd’un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l’émetteur par In-dustrie Canada.Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectrique àl’intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d’antenneet son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équiva-lente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas l’intensité nécessaire à l’établisse-ment d’une communication satisfaisante.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada ap-plicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitationest autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :(1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et51
(2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioé-lectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compro-mettre le fonctionnement.Hereby, Widex A/S declares that this U-FA is in compliance withthe essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Direc-tive 1999/5/EC.A copy of the Declaration of Conformity according to 1999/5/ECcan be found at:http://widex.com/docN2634652
SymbolsSymbolsSymbols commonly used by Widex A/S in medical device label-ling (labels/IFU/etc.)Symbol Title/DescriptionManufacturerThe product is produced by the manufacturer whosename and address are stated next to the symbol. Ifappropriate, the date of manufacture may also bestated.53
Symbol Title/DescriptionCatalogue numberThe product’s catalogue (item) number.Consult instructions for useThe user instructions contain important cautionaryinformation (warnings/precautions) and must beread before using the product.WarningText marked with a warning symbol must be readbefore using the product.54
Symbol Title/DescriptionWEEE mark“Not for general waste”When a product is to be discarded, it must be sent toa designated collection point for recycling and re-covering to prevent to prevent the risk of harm tothe environment or human health as a result of thepresence of hazardous substances.CE markThe product is in conformity with the requirementsset out in European CE marking directives.55
Symbol Title/DescriptionRCM markThe product complies with electrical safety, EMC andradio spectrum regulatory requirements for productssupplied to the Australian or New Zealand market.InterferenceElectromagnetic interference may occur in the vicini-ty of the product.56
WIDEX A/S Nymoellevej 6, DK-3540 Lynge, Denmarkwww.widex.comManual no.:Issue:2015-08-17 95140316001

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