Winpal Electronics CP-604 User Manual 8

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Document ID30798
Application IDK0VGaoPJqFsetT805Hz1/w==
Document Description8
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize66.39kB (829927 bits)
Date Submitted1999-04-06 00:00:00
Date Available1999-04-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-27 02:08:46
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-06-27 02:08:47
Document Title8

Mouse Tablet
Corded Pen
User Manual
Wintime Electronics Corp.
FCC Notice
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and it not installed and
used in accordance with the manufacturers instructions, it may cause interference
to radio and television reception, This equipment has been tested and certified to
comply with the limits [or a Class B computing device, pursuant to sub-part J of
Part 15 in the FCC Regulations, which are designed to provide reasonable protec—
tion against such interference in a residential installation.
However there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by filming the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
‘ Reorient the receiving antenna.
’ Relocate the computer with respect to receiver.
' Plug the computer into a different power outlet so the computer
and receiver are on different branch circuits.
It necessary, ”we user should consult with the dealer or an experienced radio/
television technician for additional suggestions. The user may find the following
Federal Communications Commission booklet helpful:
“How to identity and Resolve Radio~TV Interference Problems,"
This booklet is available from the US Government Printing Office, Washington DC,
20402, Stock Number 0040004703454.
1993-1999 by Wintime Electronics Corp, This publication may not be reproduced or
transmitted in any form by any means without prior written permission of the
publisher. Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 1 '
Installing the Mouse Tablet hardware
Installing the Corded Pen Tablet hardware
Connecting the hardware to computer
Installation guide for notebook computers
Installing the software
Accessing parameters windows
Adjusting the mapping area
Further configuration controls
Questions and Answers
What do I need to use the tablet?
How do I switch between the pen to the mouse?
What are the buttons on the stylus pen for?
What are absolute and relative coordinators?
How do I remove the driver and PenSun‘er?
The tablet light is not on
The cursor does not respond
The cursor movements are erratic
The cursor tracking is off center
There is no cursor
Other problems
How to take care of the tablet
—__— _ '__. _
Welcome to
the Mouse
Tablet I Corded
Pen Tablet.
uses for the
stylus pen.
The Mouse Tablet/ Pen Tabletis an easy-to-use data
entry device that combines the precision control a! a
stylus pen with the flexibility and comfort of a mouse.
Both the mouse and the pen control the cursor,
The mouse portion of the Mouse Tablet works like any
other mouse, but it does not have a track ball This
makes it more precise and more comfortable
The stylus pen functions like a pen or pencil and a piece
of paper. The pen is capable ofal/ the functions of a
mouse, but it is much more precise. Have you ever tried
to write your name with a mouse? It is close to
impossible, but with the pen it is easy.
The stylus pen is a powerful drawing tool. It will remark-
ably increase the flexibility and possibilities of almost
any software program that involves art, design, or
precision pointing.
’ Free hand drawrng
' Computer-aided design
' Tracing graphics, photographs, or works of art
" Picking commands on a template
' Video and photo editing
’ Desktop publishing
" Calligraphy
‘ Handwriting and signature recognition
‘ Teaching children how to use a computer
' Creating reports, presentations, and graphs.
The following are the
main items that make up
the Mouse Tablet:
Stylus pen
Mouse {Mouse
Tablet only}
Tree in one
part connector
940-25 converter
' IBM-compatible PC with 80456 CPU or higher
' Wndows 95/98 or IMndows NT
' Standard serial port
' At least 16MB of DMM
’ At least 20MB of free hard disk space
‘ The tab/etpictured above may look slightly different
it you have a different model.
' The Mouse Tablet also comes with a set of PS/2
cards (the smaller set of cards) and a pen holder,
' The package should also include a tablet driver on
putting the The Stylus pen, the Mouse, and the IRS-2320 serial
Mouse Tablet port connector need to be plugged rnto the tablet.
together. Warnlng: The three plugs must be placed in the
correct slot. Also be sure that the patterns are facing
the TOP of the tablet. The plugs will lit if they are
upside down, but they will not be able to provide
power to the tablet.
Top oflhe table! Back of the tablet
Make sure the
Stylus Pen, the
Mouse, and the
power cord are
plugged into the
correct slots.
Please see next page to connect the Mouse Tablet to
your computer.
The Mouse
Tablet should
look like this.
Turn off yo ur computer
Unplug the keyboard cable from your computer. (If
you have a notebook computer or another kind of
computer with an internally connected keyboard,
please turn to page 7)
Plug the keyboard cable into the Tree In one
Plug the keyboard/P52 converter into the Tree in
one connector.ex®
Plug the Tree m one connectorinlo the keyboard
interface of your computer ( where the keyboard was
plugged in. )ex®
Plug the H's-2320 serial port connector Into the
COM1 port in the back of the computenexG)
Your computers COM ports may have a 25-pin con-
nection. II this is the case, you will need to use a 9—
lo-25 pln convene-L (Please see next page.)
The Corded Pen
should look like
Step-by-step 1, Turn off your computer.
inStallation 2 U I ”1 k DO (1 bl f 1 'f
. . a ,
QUIde. np ug e ey r ca e romyourcompu er (1
you have a notebook computer or another klnd of
computer with an internally connected keyboard,
please turn to page 7.)
3. Plug the keyboard cab/e into Tree in one connector,
4. Plug the Keyboard/P52 converter into the Tree in
one connector. ex®
5. Plug the Tree in one connector into the keyboard
inter/ace of your computer (where the keyboard was
plugged in) ex@
6, Plug the HS—zazc serial port connector mto the
COM 1 or COM2 port in the back of the computer.
Your computers COM ports may have a 25-pln con-
& nection. ll this Is the case, you will need to use a 9—
to-25 pin converter. (Please see next page.)
Haw to“ fannem‘ : r ' > ' “
‘ne Mouse“
abiet lCorded:
A .
fauccsmwasi ~ , k - , "
fr“ m. ‘f'
mnx' v
"A'fllDCe’. 4 , v ‘
”a“ 113mm acmpurerhasmmpomfin My. ,
9“ youuseLDMlorGGmffimtabMM-Marmcfly. ' -
:= mai- ymmmmmwmv ~,
James rama 25~iflrrmmrlw mflwmt‘v >
‘ " mfl “ :.'_"Ef’~ flit, ‘_ _. “ ‘_‘ r 5 v' f
How to use _, . ' are m ore
the'gv'thE-x . ,’ med” ,
sweeter: ~ '
9—t0~25 pin
._mm“gm—"W“.mm-~m~flwu,, v. . ; . .
guide for note-
book computers.
Installing a Mouse Tablet/ Pen Tablet into most note-
book computers is almost the same as using a regular
The main difference is that you need to use PS/2 cords
these are the smaller set of cords. Also, most note-
book computers usually do not have an external key-
board power cord.
Tree In one 4&Mate
é \®
connector /
/ ,
\\\\ 'I “1;
1. Turn of! your computer
2, Plug the Tree in one connector into the COMt or
COM? serial port ext?
4. Plug the male Tree in one connector into the key;
hoard interface ot your computer. exo
' Your computers COM parts may have a 25-pln con-
nection, If this is the case, use the 9-10-25 pin con-
verter. (See picture on page 6)
' The female Keyboard-Power connector will usu-
ally not be used It is only used when connected to
an external keyboard cable.
Warning before
guide for Plug
and Play (PnP)
tablet driver on
Windows 95 .
lie/ore installing the driver for the Mouse Tablet or pen tablet,
please make sure you do not have a previous pen tablet or
digitizer driver in your system.
I! you have previously installed a pen tablet, you must first
unplug it and delete the old driver from your computer. There
should be instructions for this in your previous tablet user
Tum on your computer
Connect Dl'gilizer to serial port. Be sure that all of the
power cords are property connected
Alter Windows has started, insert the CD—ROM into
your computer ’
If you see the New Hardware Found dialog box,
select ”Driver from disk provided by hardware manufao-
turer“ and press Enter) Type the CD-HOM drive name,
for example D1, and press Enter.
Follow the screen prompts.
lI you have a newerrelease at Windows 95, you should
see the Update Device Driver Wizard. if so, select Next.
The system will then scan your CD-ROM drive and
prompt you to continued your installation. When the Wiz-
ard dialog appears, type the CD-ROM drive name, for
example D1. and press Enter Follow the screen prompts.
If you see the Insert Disk dialog box, please click 0k
button and select same tolder name, for example Dfl,
and press Enter. Follow the screen prompts,
It the Plug and Playdialog did not appear lor Windows
95, please go to steps.
When you want to install Multilanguage control panel
or Pensurter, please go slepH.
Go to your Windows Slat! menu and selet rum/n the run
window, type D (or your CD—HOM drive ) 'lSETUP. Fol-
low the screen prompts
‘Note: FnP Drlversupports Control Panel
Applicatlon for English version Only.
‘Pensun‘er is e 32 bit pen-relate applications for
Windows 95 or Windows N T platfonnst
Warning before
guide for Plug
and Play (PnP)
tablet driver on
Windows 98 .
Before installing the driver for the Mouse Tablet or pen
tablet, please make sure you do not have a previous pen
tablet or digitizer driver in your system.
If you have previously installed a pen tablet, you must
first unplug it and delete the old dn'ver from your computer,
There should be instructions for this in your previous tab
let user guide.
Tum on your computer.
Connect Digitizer tosen‘el port. Be sure that all at the
power cords are properly connected,
After Windows has started, you can see the windows”
Add New Hardware Wizard" and Click new. Then you
can see the Windows wtll search any new Plug and
Play device on your computer.
The Plug and play will find ourtebleorselect our tablet
model that you want install and the click new.
it plug and play of you computer didn't compatible
with our tablet, you must 5/50! the device from our CD7
ROM. I I you want to selet the tablet by yourself, and you
must put the CD—HDM .From our CDJ-‘lOM installing the
After put lng our CD-HOM, you can see the dialog
windows about tablet installing process, you just click
next ,you can finish the installation.
“Note: PnP Driver supporm Control Panel
Application for English version Only.
‘Pensurfer is a 32 bit pen-relate applications for
Windows 95 or Windows NTpIattorms.
Warning before
guide for tablet
driver from our
Before installing the driver [or the Mouse Tablet or
Pen Tablet, please make sure you do nothave a pre-
vious pen tablet or digitizer driver in your system.
If you he ve previous/y installed a pen tablet, you must
first unplug it and delete the old driver from your corna
puter. There should be instructions for this in your
previous tablet user guide.
1. Turn on your computer.
2. Insert the tablet driver CD into your CD-ROM
3. Click on the Start menu and select Run item
If you replaced your mouse with the
& tablet, press Ctrl-Esc to open the Start
menu. Use the arrow keys to select Plan,
and then press Enter,
4. In the dialog box, type D:\SET UP. EXE .ll your
CD-ROM has a different drive letter, type that/et—
ter instead 0! D:, Click OK and follow the screen
5, When finished, close all applications and restart
your computer‘ Alter restarting Windows you will
be able to use the pen to move the screen cursor
on tablet surface.
How to access
the Mouse Tab-
let or Pen Tablet
You can customize the Mouse Tablet in several ways.
Open My Computer I Control Panel ‘1
Look for this icon, g
Mouse Tablet
Double click an the tablet icon to open the
MouseTablet Propertles window.
There are live folders inside the Tablet Properties file:
Information, Pen, Mouse,ContI9uratlon, and
The Information folder (pictured above) displays the be»
sic specifications for the tablet. These specifications
can not be changed.
(Please see next page for information on adjusting the
Tablets parameters)
Adjusting the
mapping area
for the stylus
Adiusting the
mapping area
for the mouse.
(Mouse Tablet
To adjust the Mapping Area for the stylus pen, click
on the Pen folder.
Right coordinates
Len coordinates Mlpp us are:
You can change the mapping, or working, area of the
table! for both the mouse and the stylus pen. By
adjusting the X and Y coordinates for the Lower left
corner, or the Upper right corner, you can customize
the borders of the tablet.
The white area in the middle of the screen is the
tablet mapping area. This will change as the X and Y
coordinates change. See picture below for adjusting
the mouse Mapping area.
Mapping area lor mouse devlu
Adjusting the
Pen Operations Mode:
The stylus pen can be set to operate in absolute or relative
mode The mouse is lixecl in relative mode.
Absolute mode means the tablet corresponds exactly to the
computer screen ll you move the pen to the corner at the
tablet. your cursor will go to the corner of the screen,
Relative positioning is like using a standard mouse, where
the cursor changes according to the relative movement 0!
the pen
Double Click Speed: . .
Double clicking allows you to highlight files. Adjusting the
speed will aflect both the pen and mouse.
Report Rate:
The Full Speed setting increases the rate that the pen and
mouse transmit data. With some software, this will make your
drawings smoother, but the [lies will be largert Halt speed is
the default setting,
Pointer Motion Speed:
Wu's setting alters the way your cursoroorresponds to the move
merit of the pen or mouse,
Swap Button:
This setting switches the functions ol the pen tip with
the button on the pen barrel nearest to the tip.
Adjusting the
(Mouse Tab-
let Only)
You may reset the parameters of NetProbe Intemet-
Direct—Control utility using stylus pen and operate it on
NetProbe template. The functions are introduced as
following :
Functlon - Enable I Disable
You may enable or disable all of the NetProbe functions
here. Disable will get tablet full mapping area.
Scroll Speed
You may change scroll speed by scrolling the button
between Slower and Faster. You must press "Test”
button to enable this change
Browser Category
You may select your active Internet Browser here.
What do i need
to use the Tab-
What are the
buttons on the
stylus pen used
What are abso-
lute and relative
The hardware requirements for the tablet are:
‘ An IBM-compatible PC with 80486 CPU or higher
" Vl/indows 95/98, NT, orhigher
" A standard serial port
‘ At least 16 MB of DRAM
" At least 20 MB of free hard disk space,
Buttons on the stylus pen are the same as buttons on a
mouse. The pen tip is just like the left button on a mouse.
The button on the pen that is near the tip corresponds
to the button on the right side of a mouse. The button
near the base of the pen is the same as the button in
the middle ofa mouse.
An absolute coordinator means that the tablet corre-
sponds completely with the computer monitor,
In other words, when you touch the pen to one corner at
the tablet, the cursor on your computer monitor moves
to mat same corner. It the pen rs touching the middle of
the tablet, the cursor goes to the middle of the monitor.
A relative coordinator is like a mouse. The cursor will
move in a direction from wherever it started from. It the
cursor is at the bottom a! the screen and you push up
with the mouse, the cursor will move upwards
How do I remove
tablet driver from
my system?
Remove Win-
dows 95 PnP
tablet driver.
Remove tablet
driver for Win-
dows 31,95(non-
PnP), NT.
How do l remove
PenSurfer from
my system?
Warning: If you follow these directions, you will have
to reinstall the Mouse Tablet if you want to use it again.
For Windows 95 PnP driver:
1. Press the Start button and select
2. Double click the Add/Remove icon in Control
3. Select the Pentel PnP Tablet Driver option and
click Add/Remove button.
4. Follow the screen prompts.
For Windows 3.1 [95 I 98, and NT drivers:
1. Press the Start button.
2. Select the Programs then click on the program
folder which name is under Programs and
assigned when you install tablet driver
3. Select the Uninstall option.
4. Follow the screen prompts,
5 You must reboot your computer to complete the
removal process.
For Windows 95 I 98, and NT user:
1. Press the Start button.
2. Select the Programs folder and Select
PenSurter option.
Select the Uninstall option,
Follow the screen prompts.
The tablets
light is not on.
The screen
cursor does
not respond.
The cursor
jumps when
the stylus pen
is moved.
'Make sure the male connector of the keyboard adapter
cable is plugged into the keyboard connector.
‘Il the Iightslill does not turn on, you may have a delec-
tive keyboard/power adapter cable. Please contact your
dealer to change the cable with a new one.
"Check power sources. Make sure everything is con-
nected properly.
‘Check to see il your tablets light is on.
‘Make sure the driverand application software have
been installed correctly.
Contact your dealerabout possible faulty equipment.
”T he tablet may be picking up Interference from an-
other electromagnetic source. Move the tablet slightly
away lrom your monitor or any other possible jam—
ming source.
‘Make sure the tablet settings are in accordance with
the driver and application software requirements.
The cursor
tracking is not
There is no
Any other
The tip of the stylus pen may not be fitted prapefly,
Mare sure all the parts of the pen are secure.
The VGA display driver may notbe set properly for
your system. Please check to see if the VGA dis-
play is able tn work with your system.
Check power sources. Make sure everything is
connected properly.
ll the Mouse Tablet still remains non-operative, con-
tact your dealer.
Things you
should do.
How to clean
your tablet.
Make sure the tablet is always stored in an area
between 41 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit, or 5 to 40
degrees Celsius, and between 10 to 60 percent rela-
tive humidity.
The table! may not operate if it is placed in an envi~
ronment that is beyond the operating range stated
Disconnect the tablet from its power source before
' Never immerse any part of the tablet in any kind of
’ Remove dust and stains with soft cloth dampened
with water or neutral detergent.
Do not use volatile or chemical liquids such as thin
ner or benzine to clean the tablet,
§ Never place anythlng hot ( like a coffee cup ) on your
Active Area
6 x 4 inches
152 x 101.6 mm
+/- a. 01 inch {0.25mrn)
0.5 inch for pointers
Report Hate Up to 150 reports per second
late Format
‘ac ed binary or '
Interface Type
Asynchronous 178-2320
Baud Rate
Up to 19200
1 start Err, 8 data Bits, odd parity En, 1 stop Fri
Dimensions: in mm
CP»604: 200 x 133 x 10 mm
(SP-504.“ 212 X188 X 10 mm
MT-604N: 230 x 200 x 9 mm
MT~604FN,'223X 185x 10mm
430. 5 gm
Operation Temp
5°10 40°C (32101134?)
Storage Temp.
40° to saw: (14a to 140’H
10"a to 80% Non-condensing
Stylus pen, mousemn/y MT —604N,MT ~604FN), tablet,
Keyboard/P52 converter, Tree in one connecton9~to-25
pin converterstylus pen ,Dn‘ver disk, Users manual.
iptional Accessories 1
5 V DC PowerAdapter,
9-10-25 F'in Converter

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:06:27 02:08:46
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Modify Date                     : 2001:06:27 02:08:47-04:00
Page Count                      : 23
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