Wintime Electronics WP906 Digitizing Tablet User Manual Manual 1

Wintime Electronics Corp. Digitizing Tablet Manual 1


 P P P P Pen-Ten-Ten-Ten-Ten-Tababababablet User Manlet User Manlet User Manlet User Manlet User ManualualualualualModel No. WP-906Model No. WP-906Model No. WP-906Model No. WP-906Model No. WP-906
Chapter 1Chapter 1Chapter 1Chapter 1Chapter 1 Introduction ..........................................Introduction ..........................................Introduction ..........................................Introduction ..........................................Introduction .......................................... 11111Suggested uses for Paint Pal Deluxe ....... 1System Requirements ............................. 2Package Contents .................................. 2Chapter 2Chapter 2Chapter 2Chapter 2Chapter 2 Installing the HarInstalling the HarInstalling the HarInstalling the HarInstalling the Har dddddware .........................ware .........................ware .........................ware .........................ware ......................... 33333Getting familiar with Paint Pal Deluxe ....... 3Connecting to Desktop system ................ 5Connecting to Notebook Computer ......... 7Chapter 3Chapter 3Chapter 3Chapter 3Chapter 3 Installing the Software ..........................Installing the Software ..........................Installing the Software ..........................Installing the Software ..........................Installing the Software .......................... 88888Installing the Driver .................................9Chapter 4Chapter 4Chapter 4Chapter 4Chapter 4 Customizing the PCustomizing the PCustomizing the PCustomizing the PCustomizing the Pen en en en en  TTTTTababababablet ..................let ..................let ..................let ..................let ..................1111111111Finding the Pen Table icon .......................11AppendixAppendixAppendixAppendixAppendix A. Taking care of y our Tab let ...................14B. Questions & Answ ers .........................15C. Specifications ....................................16D. FCC Compliance Statement ................ 1 7E.  W arr anty and Trademarks ..................18TTTTTababababable of Contentsle of Contentsle of Contentsle of Contentsle of Contents
IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionChapter 1Chapter 1Chapter 1Chapter 1Chapter 1Congratulations on your purchase of  Paint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal Deluxe!Paint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal Deluxe is the perfect tool for creating art onyour computer. PPPPPaint Paint Paint Paint Paint P al Deluxal Deluxal Deluxal Deluxal Delux eeeee  replaces a tr aditionalMouse with a flexible pen tablet, giving you a morenatur al w ay to dr a w , trace, write , and design. PPPPPaint Paint Paint Paint Paint P alalalalalDeluxeDeluxeDeluxeDeluxeDeluxe also comes bundled with advanced drawing soft-w are that will get y ou star ted r ight aw ay.Suggested uses for Paint Pal DeluxeSuggested uses for Paint Pal DeluxeSuggested uses for Paint Pal DeluxeSuggested uses for Paint Pal DeluxeSuggested uses for Paint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal Deluxe is a powerful aid in creating com-puter graphics and for any application that requiresthe accuracy of hand held writing tools. Possible usesfor Paint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal Deluxe include:uDrawing and graphic designuHandwritinguSignaturesuComputer-aided designuImage EditinguCAIuPicking commands on a templateWelcome !Welcome !Welcome !Welcome !Welcome !- 1 -
System requirementsSystem requirementsSystem requirementsSystem requirementsSystem requirementsIntel Pentium level computer or compatible.Windows 95/98 operating system.32MB RAM80 MB hard disk space256 color VGA display adapter(Hi-color or True-color preferred)Serial portCD-ROM drivePackage contentsPackage contentsPackage contentsPackage contentsPackage contentsAfter you open the box, please check the packagecontents carefully. You should have the f ollowingitems:1. Tablet with Com/PS2 port cable2. Cordless Stylus Pen3. Cordless Stylus Mouse4.  AT to PS/2 Adapter5. Quick Installation Guide6. Driver, Manual & Art Dabbler CDIntroduction- 2 -
Installing the HardwareInstalling the HardwareInstalling the HardwareInstalling the HardwareInstalling the HardwareChapter 2Chapter 2Chapter 2Chapter 2Chapter 2Getting familiar with Paint Pal DeluxeGetting familiar with Paint Pal DeluxeGetting familiar with Paint Pal DeluxeGetting familiar with Paint Pal DeluxeGetting familiar with Paint Pal DeluxeBefore you install  Paint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal Deluxe, take a few minutesto inspect the parts and get familiar with how  Paint PalPaint PalPaint PalPaint PalPaint PalDeluxeDeluxeDeluxeDeluxeDeluxe connects to your computer (see the diagramsbelow).ConntorsConntorsConntorsConntorsConntors1.   AT to PS/2 Adapter2. AT Type Keyboard Connector3. PS/2 Type Keyboard Connector4.  Serial Port (COM Port) Connector- 3 -
Stylus Pen buttonsStylus Pen buttonsStylus Pen buttonsStylus Pen buttonsStylus Pen buttonsThere are three buttons on the Stylus Pen :Button 1Button 1Button 1Button 1Button 1 - Also called “Tip ButtonTip ButtonTip ButtonTip ButtonTip Button”.  This buttonworks like Mouse’s left button.  It is notprogramable.Button 2Button 2Button 2Button 2Button 2 - This button works like Mouse’s rightbutton.  User may set its function inControl Panel (see description onpage 11).Button 3Button 3Button 3Button 3Button 3 - This button works like Mouse’s middlebutton.  User may set its function inControl Panel (see description onpage 11).Installing the Hardware- 4 -Button 3Button 2Tip Button(Button 1)
To TabletTo KeyboardAT to PS/2 AdapterConnecting to a desktop systemConnecting to a desktop systemConnecting to a desktop systemConnecting to a desktop systemConnecting to a desktop systemFollow these simple procedures to connect  Paint PalPaint PalPaint PalPaint PalPaint PalDeluxeDeluxeDeluxeDeluxeDeluxe to a desktop system:1.Turn off your system and any other devices connectedwith the system.2. Paint Pal Deluxe Paint Pal Deluxe Paint Pal Deluxe Paint Pal Deluxe Paint Pal Deluxe needs to connect keyboard andgets pow er from keyboard connector.   Pleaseidentify your keyboard type before you first, there aretw o type of k eyboards, AT and PS/2 type (seediagram below).3.If y our k eyboard is AT type , y ou ma y connect PPPPPaintaintaintaintaintPal DeluxePal DeluxePal DeluxePal DeluxePal Deluxe to your system and to an available serialpor t and AT keyboard connector according todiagrams below :- 5 -PS/2 ConnectorAT ConnectorInstalling the Hardware
To TabletTo KeyboardAT to PS/2 Adapter4. If your keyboard is PS/2 type, you mayconnect  PaintPaintPaintPaintPaintPal DeluxePal DeluxePal DeluxePal DeluxePal Deluxe to your system and to an available serialport and PS/2 keyboard connector according to diagrams below :- 6 -Installing the Hardware
To TabletTo Other PS/2DeviceAT to PS/2 AdapterConnecting to a Notebook computerConnecting to a Notebook computerConnecting to a Notebook computerConnecting to a Notebook computerConnecting to a Notebook computerFollow these simple procedures to connect  Paint PalPaint PalPaint PalPaint PalPaint PalDeluxeDeluxeDeluxeDeluxeDeluxe to a Notebook computer:1.Tur n off y our Notebook and any other de vicesconnected with the Notebook.2. Connect Paint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal Deluxe to an available serial portand PS/2 keyboard connector according to thediag ram below .- 7 -Installing the Hardware
Installing the SoftwareInstalling the SoftwareInstalling the SoftwareInstalling the SoftwareInstalling the SoftwareChapter 3Installing the driverInstalling the driverInstalling the driverInstalling the driverInstalling the driverIf you have previously installed a pen tablet, please firstremove the old driver from your system before install-ing the  PPPPPaint Paint Paint Paint Paint P al Deluxal Deluxal Deluxal Deluxal Delux eeeee driver.Follow these procedures to install  Paint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal Deluxe.1. Make sure Paint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal Deluxe is properly connectedto your computer.2. Star t your computer.3. Insert the  Paint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal Deluxe driver CD4. Paint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal Deluxe is a Plug & Play (PnP) device,your system will detect the hardware and activate thene w device installation procedures automatically.- 8 -
5. Some systems do not suppor t PnP, y o u   m a y go toStartStartStartStartStart , and click on  RunRunRunRunR u n . Then select CD-ROM driveand run Setup.exe6. You will then see a  Window welcoming you to theTablet driver. (see the diag rams below ).  Click NeNeNeNeNextxtxtxtxtwhen you are ready to continue.Installing the Software- 9 -
7. System will ask where that you wish to place thedriver. You can select the default f older b y justclicking Next, or type in your own preference.8. You can then select the f older f or the prog ram iconsthat come with  Paint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal Deluxe.  Click NextNextNextNextNext whenyou are ready to contin ue .  The Tablet driver willthen install.9. After the installation ends, you will need to rebootyour system to start using your  Paint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal DeluxePaint Pal Deluxe.- 10 -Installing the Software
Finding the PFinding the PFinding the PFinding the PFinding the Pen en en en en TTTTTababababablet iconlet iconlet iconlet iconlet iconAfter you have installed your pen tablet, it is easy tocustomize according to your own personal preferences.1. The pen tablet icon can be found under the WindowsControl Panel.     Clic k on this icon, and the  “WP WP WP WP WP TTTTTab-ab-ab-ab-ab-let Settingslet Settingslet Settingslet Settingslet Settings ” par ameter window will appear.2. There are four pages in this window:  InfoInfoInfoInfoInfo , ModeModeModeModeMode,ButtonsButtonsButtonsButtonsButtons, and Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure.  The details as :InfoInfoInfoInfoInfoThis page shows the basic information of the Device,Firmware and Driver (see diagram above).Customizing the PCustomizing the PCustomizing the PCustomizing the PCustomizing the Pen en en en en TTTTTabababababletletletletletChapter 4- 11 -
ModeModeModeModeModeThere are two major settings in this page: OperationMode and Double Click.  In “ Operation ModeOperation ModeOperation ModeOperation ModeOperation Mode” area,you may select Absolute Mode or Relative Mode, youmay also define the sensitivity of the Relative Modehere.  In Double Click” area, you may define thedouble-click speed and double-click area here.  Thereis a testing area for testing the double-click functions.ButtonsButtonsButtonsButtonsButtonsIn this page, you may define the action of Button 2and Button 3 here. There are 25 options for Button 2and 14 options for Button 3.  If you press “ defaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefault ”button, the action of these buttons will back tomanufacturer default settings.  Manufacturer defaultsetting are Button 1 as Mouse’s left button, Button 2as Mouse’s right button and Button 3 as Mouse’smiddle button.Customizing the Pen Tablet- 12 -
PressurePressurePressurePressurePressureYo u   m a y define the pressure sensitivity of Tip Buttonin this page.  There are two elements Force andResponse, are adjustable.  There is a testing areafor testing the pressure sensitivity.Customizing the Pen Tablet- 13 -
TTTTTaking Care of aking Care of aking Care of aking Care of aking Care of YYYYYour our our our our  TTTTTabababababletletletletletAppendix AWWWWWorking enorking enorking enorking enorking envirvirvirvirvironmentonmentonmentonmentonmentPaint Pal Deluxe must be installed at temperaturesbetween 41o F to 104 o F (5 o C to 40 o C), and humidityof 10 to 80 percent.Paint Pal Deluxe may not function properly if theseconditions are not met.HoHoHoHoHow to cw to cw to cw to cw to c lean lean lean lean lean TTTTTabababababletletletletlet1. Be sure to use soft textures and natural cleaners toclean the Tab let.2. Do not use chemicals or gasoline to clean thesurf ace of the Tab let.3. Please do not place anything that is very hot (like acoffee cup) on the Tab let’s surf a c e .- 14 -
Questions and AnswersQuestions and AnswersQuestions and AnswersQuestions and AnswersQuestions and AnswersAppendix BWhat do I need to use Paint Pal Deluxe?What do I need to use Paint Pal Deluxe?What do I need to use Paint Pal Deluxe?What do I need to use Paint Pal Deluxe?What do I need to use Paint Pal Deluxe?The hardware requirements for Paint Pal Deluxe are:n Intel Pentium level computer or compatible.n Windows 95/98 operating system.n 32MB RAMn 80 MB hard disk spacen 256 color VGA display adapter(Hi-color or True-colorpreferred)n Serial portn CD-ROM driveWhat are the buttons on the stylus penWhat are the buttons on the stylus penWhat are the buttons on the stylus penWhat are the buttons on the stylus penWhat are the buttons on the stylus penfor?for?for?for?for?Buttons on the stylus pen are the same as buttons ona mouse.  The Tip-Button is just lik e the left b utton ona mouse.  The Button 2 (one near the tip) is corre-sponds to the button on the right side of a mouse. TheButton 3 (one near the base) is the same as thebutton in the middle of a mouse.Can a pen and mouse be used at theCan a pen and mouse be used at theCan a pen and mouse be used at theCan a pen and mouse be used at theCan a pen and mouse be used at thesame time?same time?same time?same time?same time?As long as you have enough open ports, Paint PalDeluxe and a mouse can be used at the same time.- 15 -
SpecificationsSpecificationsSpecificationsSpecificationsSpecificationsAppendix CModel : WP906Active Area : 9 x 6 inchesResolution : Default 1000, can be set up to2048 lpiAccuracy : +/- 0.5mm / 0.0125 inchesProximity : 0.5 inchReport Rate : Up to 120 per secondPressure Level : 512 levelsTechnology : ElectromagneticCertifications : FCC Class B, CE, BCIQ, ULData Format : Packed binaryInterf ace Type : RS-232CBaud Rate   :   Default 9600Frame   :   1 start bit, 8 data bits, none parity      bit, 1 stop bitDimensions : 255.5 x 317.1 x 15.5 mm(L x W x H)Weight : 800 gOperation Te m p . : 5 o to 40 oC  (32 o to 132  oF)- 16 -
FCC Compliance StatementFCC Compliance StatementFCC Compliance StatementFCC Compliance StatementFCC Compliance StatementAppendix DAppendix DAppendix DAppendix DAppendix DThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits fora Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limitsare designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-ence when the equipment is operated in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency en-ergy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructionmanual may cause harmful interference to radio communications. How-ever, there is no guar antee that interf erence will not occur in a par ticularinstallation.If this equipment causes harmful interference to radio or television re-ception, which can be deter mined by tur ning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or moreof the following measures:l Reorient the receiving antenna.l Increase the separ ation between the equipment and receiver.l Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from thatto which the receiver is connected.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party respon-sible for compliance can void the user's authority to operate the equip-ment.  This product is equipped with a shielded cable.  Extension cable,if used, must be shielded in order to comply with the emission limits.Operation of this device is subject to the following conditions: (1) Thisdevice may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.- 17 -
WWWWWarranty and arranty and arranty and arranty and arranty and TTTTTrademarksrademarksrademarksrademarksrademarksAppendix EAppendix EAppendix EAppendix EAppendix ELimited Limited Limited Limited Limited WWWWWarrantyarrantyarrantyarrantyarrantyWintime warrants that the enclosed Hardware Devicewill be free from defects in materials and workmanshipunder normal use and service for a period of one yearfrom the date of purchase .  Any suppor t ser vices pro-vided by Wintime shall be substantially as described inapplicable written materials provided to you by Wintime.Some states and jurisdictions do no allow limitations ondur ation of an implied w arr anty, so the abo ve limitationmay not apply to y ou.  To the e xtent allo w ed b y applicab lela w , implied w arranties on the Hardware Device , if any,are limited to one years.Should you have any questions concer ning this  W ar-ranty, please contact y our dealer or y ou m a y visit theWintime web site at http://www.wintime .com.twTTTTTrademarks Infrademarks Infrademarks Infrademarks Infrademarks InformationormationormationormationormationWintime and Paint Pal Deluxe are the trademarks ofWintime Electronics Inc.  IBM is a trademark of the In-ternational Business Machine Corporation. Microsoft andthe Windows Logo are registered trademarks and Win-do ws is a trademark of Microsoft Cor por ation.  All brandnames and trademarks are properties of their respectiveowners.- 18 -

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