Wintop Electronics BT-568 Bluetooth sport headset User Manual BT 568

Wintop Electronics Co., Limited Bluetooth sport headset BT 568

User Manual

材质:85g 速写纸 正反印刷 折页尺寸:60x70mm關於耳 機 產品參 數 連接手機步驟1指示燈功能特 點1- V+键(音量加大,上一曲调节)2- 多功能键(开、关机,配对,启动,暂停,接听,挂断,拒接,重播)3- V-键(音量减小,下一曲调节)4- LED灯(显示耳机状态)5- 耳腔(对吸功能)6- 耳翼 (佩戴防止脱落)7- USB防尘胶塞(内藏Micro USB充电器接口)型號:BT-568A藍牙版本:BT V4.1電池容量:鋰電池,3.7V,80mAh聲道系統:双耳立體聲充電時間:約2小时時通話時長:長達5小時(80%的音量)音樂時長:長達4小時(80%的音量)支援協定:A2DP、AVRCP、HSP、HFP輸入充電標準:Micro USB,DC5V500mA藍牙工作頻率:2.402MHz-2.480MHz最大傳輸距離:10米支援藍牙連接高清晰通話支援控制暫停/播放,上/下曲,音量大/小,接聽/掛斷支援iOS及安卓系統耳機電量指示關機狀態          :紅、藍燈無熄滅藍牙耳機開機時:藍燈閃1次藍牙耳機關機時:紅燈閃1次配對狀態          :紅、藍燈交替閃爍待機狀態          :藍燈每10秒閃1次低電待機狀態   :紅燈每5秒閃3次充電狀態          :紅燈長紅充電完成          :紅燈熄滅、藍燈亮手機來電          :藍燈每10秒閃1次支援一拖二功能,可同時連接兩個設備語音提醒功能,可中英文語音切換操作1、請將藍牙耳機和手機(或其他的連接設備)的距離在1米的範圍內,越近越好。2、確保耳機在關機狀態,長按多功能鍵約3秒直到紅/藍燈交替閃爍,此時進入配對狀態,等待連接;3、啟動用戶手機藍牙功能,並搜索藍牙設備,選擇搜索到的耳機BT-568,並輸入0000,成功配對連接後,指示燈轉為藍色閃動,表示配對連接成功!此時可以進行手機聽歌,電話了!連接手機步驟2配對 2:一拖二功能(同時連接兩個藍牙設備)1、確保耳機已成功連接第一台手機(在連接狀態)2、將耳機多功能鍵長按使耳機重新進入配對狀態(紅/藍燈交替閃爍),啟動另一台手機藍牙功能,並搜索藍牙設備,選擇BT-568 耳機進入配對並連接成功(參考步驟1方法)3、再打開第一台手機藍牙功能,將已有連接記憶的BT-568耳機點選進入連接,連接成功,此時耳機已同時連接兩台手機,進行一拖二功能 。連接電腦的步 驟首先下載安裝一個通用的藍牙驅動軟件    成功安裝好後,您的電腦右下角會有一個灰色的小圖示    然後插上藍牙適配器,這時電腦的右下角圖示會變成藍色*注:筆記型電腦有藍牙功能的,則不需要外接藍牙適配器,且適配器須用戶另行購買。    右鍵點擊,選擇“顯示經典界面” 在藍牙耳機關機狀態,長按多功能鍵,直到出現紅藍燈交替閃爍(配對狀態),此時耳機已進入被搜索狀態    右鍵點擊電腦界面,選擇“搜索設備”,此時耳機一定要在配對狀態(紅藍燈交替閃爍),這時電腦會搜索到附近所有的藍牙設備    按兩下電腦搜索到的BT-568藍牙耳機溫馨提示:已經成功配對過的手機,在耳機重新開機後會自動與上一次配對的手機進行連接,無須再次配對!部分手機配對連接後,還須手動選擇耳機服務功能(手機藍牙連接介面右邊有個按鈕,把裡面選項打勾即可),手機藍牙版本是2.1或更高時,配對時,無需配對密碼(0000)即可使用耳機。藍牙耳機的配對時間最長240秒鐘,超出此時間會退出配對狀態,如果你仍未配對成功,請重複配對步驟再次連接。耳機在未連接(閒置)狀態時,若6分鐘內無操作會自動關機。    右鍵點擊BT-568並選擇“藍牙高品質音訊”,輸入密碼“0000”(初始密碼均為0000)   到這裡,恭喜您,藍牙耳機已和電腦成功連接,現在可以進行電腦聽歌,語音了!1、藍牙耳機不能與手機配對?答:請檢查耳機是否處於配對或回連模式,以及檢查手機藍牙搜索功能是否已打開;並檢查設備上的藍牙功能表並刪除/取消耳機,按說明書將耳機重新連接。2、藍牙耳機啟動不了?答:請檢查耳機的電量。3、藍牙耳機能否更換電池?答:不可以,本耳機使用不可拆卸式鋰聚合物電池。4、開車時能否使用藍牙耳機?答:可在駕駛時使用通訊類耳機。但不建議在駕駛途中使用頭戴式耳機。5、藍牙耳機與手機在10米斷開連接?答:由於藍牙是一種無線技術,因此對耳機與已連接設備間的物體很敏感,請檢查在連接範圍內是否有金屬或其他影響連接的物件。6、耳機連接電腦或手機後,聽不到聲音?答:請檢查電腦輸出聲道是否已設為藍牙音訊裝置以及電腦的藍牙是否支援A2DP協定。並檢查電腦/手機的音量。7、藍牙耳機與手機連接後,可以用耳機控制手機上的應用程式嗎?答:設備應用程式的軟件設定或有所不同,令個別應用程式的功能不支援由耳機操控。常見問題解答:BT-568蓝牙耳机Model:BT-5684562314562311 - V + Key (the volume increase, a regulation)2  Multifunction Button (open and shut down, matching, start,      pause and answer, hang up, resisted, replay)3 - V - Key (the volume decreases, and the next adjustment)4 - LED Lights (headset)5 - Ear Cavity (to suction function)6 - Ears Wearing prevent loss7 - USB Dustproof Stopper (built-in Micro USB charger interface)H-f state: lightOff: red, blue lights without outBT headset boot: blue class 1 timesBT ear organ machine: the red light flash onceMatching status: red, blue lights flashingStandby: blue light flash once every 10 secondsLow power standby mode: the red light flash 3 times every 5 secondsCharging status: red light redCharging: red, blue lights outPhone calls: blue light flash once every 10 secondsOperation descriptionMachine: requirements in shutdown state, long press the multifunction button for 4 seconds, BT headset will enter boot mode, open face prompt, BT headset speaker blue light ShanYi times,Close machine: long multifunction button for 4 seconds in the standby mode, BT headset will enter shutdown mode, BT headset speaker shutdown prompt list, the red light ShanYi timesMatch (connection BT - 568) : in shutdown state, long press the multifunction button for 4 seconds, BT ear will enter the boot mode, boot prompt, BT headset speaker rolled into pairing mode automatically, blue and red light flash alternately.Mute (send words close your keys) : in the call, double-click the multifunction button quicklyAnswer: / hang up when the phone call, short press the multifunction button to answer calls, when BT headset in call state, short press the multifunction button to hang up the phone.Call reject: when the phone call, long press the multifunctional key for 2 seconds to decline a call.Heavy dial the telephone: requires BT headset in the condition of standby or play music, short press the multifunctional key 2 times in a row, the BT headset is allocated at the end of the phone will automatically redial one set of the phone. Volume adjustment: BT headset during calls and play music mode, short press V + and V - keys to adjust the volume, in music playback mode or call mode, short press V +, mobile phone volume increase simultaneously.Requirements in the music playback mode or call mode, short press V -, mobile phone volume decrease simultaneously.Music playback pause/continue to broadcast operations: short press the multifunction button once suspended, short press the multifunction button once again to continue playingOn one/one song: music playback, press V - long, play one song on music;Long press V + key, play the song music. 操作描述開 機:要求在關機狀態下,長按多功能鍵4秒,藍牙耳機將進入開機模式,藍牙耳機喇叭發出開面提示音,藍燈閃壹次,關 機:要求在待機狀態下長按多功能鍵4秒,藍牙耳機將進入關機模式,藍牙耳機喇叭發出關機提示音 ,紅燈閃壹次配對(連接BT-568):在關機狀態下,長按多功能鍵4秒,藍牙耳將進入開機模式,藍牙耳機喇叭發出開機提示音,開機後自動進入配對模式,藍紅燈交替快閃。Mute(送話閉音鍵):在通話中,快速雙擊多功能鍵接聽/掛斷:當手機來電時,短按多功能鍵來接聽來電,當藍牙耳機在通話狀態時,短按多功能鍵掛斷電話。來電拒接:當手機來電時,長按多功能鍵2秒拒接來電。重撥電話:要求藍牙耳機在待機或播放音樂狀態下,連續短按多功能鍵2次,藍牙耳機將自動重撥手機撥出的最後壹組電話。 音量調整:藍牙耳機在通話和播放音樂模式下,短按V+或V-鍵調節音量,要求在音樂播放模式或通話模式下,短按V+鍵,手機音量同步加大。要求在音樂播放模式或通話模式下,短按V- 鍵,手機音量同步減小。音樂播放時暫停/繼續播放操作:短按多功能鍵1次暫停,再短按多功能鍵1次為繼續播放上壹曲/下壹曲:音樂播放時,長按V-鍵, 播放上壹曲音樂;長按V+鍵,播放下壹曲音樂。BT-568A80mAh2                                                                                     BT devices,Double-click the vomputer and search for BT-568 BT headset.Right-click the BT-568 and seect “BT high quality audio” enter the password “0000” (0000 initial password). Here ,  congratulations,BT headset has been successfully connected with computer , and now you can listen to the music and have a voice conversation! BTBTBT version:BT V4.1BT matching steps 1BT matching steps 2FCC声明:这个装置符合FCC规则的第15部分。操作有以下两个条件:(1)该装置不造成有害干扰,(2)该设备必须接受接收到的任何干扰,包括可能导致不希望的操作的干扰。警告:对遵守规定的责任方未明确批准的更改或修改,可能会使用户失去操作设备的权力。注:本设备经检验符合《FCC规则》第15部分的规定,符合B级数字设备的限制。这些限制旨在为住宅安装中的有害干扰提供合理的保护。该设备产生使用和辐射射频能量,如果不按照说明书安装和使用,可能会对无线电通信造成有害干扰。但是,不能保证在特定的安装中不会发生干扰。如果该设备确实对无线电或电视接收造成有害干扰,可通过打开和关闭设备来确定,则鼓励用户通过以下一项或多项措施纠正干扰:    调整接收天线的方向或位置。    增加设备和接收器之间的分离。    将设备连接到不同电路插座上,接收器连接。    咨询经销商或有经验的无线电/电视技术人员。FCC STATEMENT : This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply withthe limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipmentgenerates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:      Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.      Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.      Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that     to which the receiver is connected.     Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

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