Wistron TP00065A Tablet PC User Manual 2

Wistron Corporation Tablet PC Users Manual 2


Users Manual 2

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Document DescriptionUsers Manual 2
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Date Submitted2014-10-01 00:00:00
Date Available2015-03-30 00:00:00
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Document TitleUsers Manual 2
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ThinkPad Regulatory Notice
About this manual
This manual contains regulatory information for the ThinkPad® Helix.
Read first - regulatory information
Read this document before using your tablet. This tablet complies with the radio
frequency and safety standards of any country or region in which it has been
approved for wireless use. Install and use your tablet according to the following
The latest Regulatory Notice manual is available on the Lenovo Web site. To
download the manual, go to http://www.lenovo.com/support, and then follow
the instructions on the screen.
Veuillez lire le présent document avant d'utiliser votre ordinateur. Cet ordinateur
est conforme aux normes de fréquence radio et de sécurité de tous les pays ou
régions dans lesquels son utilisation sans fil a été homologuée. Installez et utilisez
l'ordinateur en respectant les instructions qui suivent.
La dernière version du manuel Regulatory Notice est disponible sur le site Web de
Lenovo. Pour la télécharger, rendez-vous sur http://www.lenovo.com/support et
suivez les instructions à l'écran..
USA - Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
This tablet contains the following wireless devices and underwent the certification
process of FCC CFR 47 Part 2 section 1093, Part 15 Subpart C and Subpart E,
Part 27, Part 22 Subpart H, and Part 24 Subpart E under each respective FCC ID
below. The FCC ID is indicated on the rear cover of your tablet.
FCC ID: PU5-TP00065A
Wireless LAN/Bluetooth combo module (model: 7265D2W)
Wireless WAN module (model: EM7345 and model: 7265D2W)
Note: The wireless LAN modules marketed in the U.S.A. do not support or
function in the extended channels (12ch, 13ch).
The preinstalled wireless LAN/Bluetooth combo module (model: 7265D2W) also
has been tested and found to comply with the limits for the Class B digital device
regarding FCC Part 15 Subpart B. Refer to “Electronic emissions notices” on page
7 Also the device underwent the certification process for the Part 15 Subpart C
under the FCC ID: PD97265D2.
The wireless module is preinstalled by Lenovo®, and is not removable by you.
You are prohibited to replace it with any other wireless modules. If the wireless
module requires replacement during warranty, it must be serviced by a Lenovo
authorized servicer.
Preinstalled NFC feature
If you find the FCC ID: MCLT77H519 on the bottom cover of your tablet, your
tablet integrates a Near Field Communication (NFC) device (Model: T77H519).
The NFC device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for the Class
B digital device regarding FCC Part 15 Subpart B. Refer to “Electronic emissions
notices” on page 7 . Also the device underwent the certification process for the
Part 15 Subpart C under the FCC ID: MCLT77H519.
Digitizer function
If you find the FCC ID: PU5-TP00065AWD on the bottom cover of your tablet, your
tablet employs a digitizer function which is able to sense the Digitizer Pen shipped
associated with your tablet. The digitizer emits extra low power radio frequency
and complies with the FCC Part 15 Subpart C.
Also the digitizer has been tested and found to comply with the limits for the Class
B digital device regarding FCC Part 15 Subpart B. For more information, refer to
“Electronic emissions notices” on page 7 .
FCC RF exposure compliance
The radiated output power of your tablet is below the FCC radio frequency
exposure limits. Nevertheless, it should be used in such a manner that the
potential for human contact is minimized during normal operation of your tablet.
The radiated energy from the antennas conforms to the FCC limit of the SAR
(Specific Absorption Rate) requirement regarding 47 CFR Part 2 Section
1093, when the tablet operates in the conventional setting. The SAR is
determined to measure at the highest power level in each frequency band.
However, the actual SAR level of your tablet in the operation bands is well
below the maximum value in some measurement plots. The ThinkPad Helix
tablet can adjust the cellular transmission power automatically, based
upon the proximity to the human body and orientation. Namely, the closer
distance from your body to the tablet will lower the cellular transmission
power level. The tablet has been tested and found to meet the FCC RF
exposure guidelines.
To know the location of transmission antennas for the wireless LAN module, see
“Locating the UltraConnect™ wireless antennas” in the User Guide.
Emergency calls
The wireless WAN module does not support voice calls, hence their use for
essential communication is not possible, including emergency calls regarding
the E911 rule.
Simultaneous use of RF transmitters
Your tablet is approved for simultaneous use of the integrated wireless LAN and
Bluetooth transmitters.
Make sure of the following conditions when you use any other external wireless
option device:
When you use any other RF option device, you are requested to confirm that
the device conforms to the RF Safety requirement and is approved to use for
your tablet.
You must follow the RF Safety instructions of wireless option devices that are
included in the user manual of the RF option device.
If wireless options are prohibited to use in conjunction with another
transmitters, you must turn off all other wireless features in your tablet.
Radio Frequency interference requirements
Each device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device pursuant to FCC Part 15 Subpart B. Refer to “Electronic emissions
notices” on page 7 .
When you use a wireless LAN adapter in the 802.11 a/n transmission mode, note
that high power radars are allocated as primary users of the 5250 to 5350 MHz
and 5650 to 5850 MHz bands. These radar stations can cause interference with
and/or damage this device.
Canada - Industry Canada (IC)
IC certification number
Your tablet contains the following wireless devices, and the IC certification number
for the wireless device is as below. The IC certification number is indicated on
the rear cover of your tablet.
IC: 4182A-TP00065A
Wireless LAN/Bluetooth combo module (model: 7265D2W)
IC: 4182A-TP00065AUC
Wireless WAN module (model: EM7345 and model: 7265D2W)
Note: The wireless LAN modules marketed in Canada do not support or function
in the extended channels (12ch, 13ch).
The preinstalled wireless LAN/Bluetooth combo module (model: 7265D2W) also
has been tested and found to comply with the limits regarding IC RSS-210,
Low-power Licence-exempt Radio communication Devices.
The wireless module is preinstalled by Lenovo, and is not removable by you.
You are prohibited to replace it with any other wireless modules. If the wireless
module requires replacement during warranty, it must be serviced by a Lenovo
authorized servicer.
Preinstalled NFC feature
If you find an indication “IC: 2878D-T77H519” on the bottom cover of your tablet,
your tablet integrates a Near Field Communication (NFC) device (Model: T77H519).
The NFC device has been tested and found to comply with the limits regarding IC
RSS-210, Low-power Licence-exempt Radiocommunication Devices.
Digitizer function
If you find an indication “IC: 4182A-TP00065AWD” on the bottom cover of your
tablet, your tablet employs a digitizer function which is able to sense the Digitizer
Pen shipped associated with your tablet. The digitizer emits extra low power radio
frequency and complies with the IC standard (RSS-210).
Low power license-exempt radiocommunication devices
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
This device may not cause interference.
This device must accept any interference, including interference that may
cause undesired operation of the device.
The transmitter devices have been designed to operate with the antennas
integrated in the tablet, and having a maximum gain of within 3 dBi.
The maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the 5250-5350 MHz,
5470-5725 MHz, and 5725-5825 MHz bands complies with the e.i.r.p. limit in
section A9.2 of RSS-210.
When you use a wireless LAN adapter in the 802.11 a/n transmission mode:
The devices for the band 5150–5250 MHz are only for indoor usage to reduce
potential for harmful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems.
High power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority)
of 5250–5350 MHz and 5650–5850 MHz and these radars could cause
interference and/or damage to LELAN (Licence-Exempt Local Area Network)
Exposure of humans to RF fields (RSS-102)
The tablets employ low gain integral antennas that do not emit RF field in excess of
Health Canada limits for the general population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable
from Health Canada's Web site at http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/
The radiated energy from the antennas connected to the wireless modules
conforms to the Canada Portable RF exposure limit regarding IC RSS-102 Issue 4
clause 4.1 set forth for an uncontrolled environment, and are safe for intended
operation in the conventional setting. The further RF exposure reduction can be
achieved if the product can be kept as far as possible from the user body or set
the device to lower output power if such function is available.
Canada - Industrie Canada (IC)
Numéro de certification IC
Votre tablette contient les dispositifs sans fil suivants, dont le numéro de
certification IC figure ci-dessous. Le numéro de certification IC se trouve sur
le couvercle arrière de votre tablette.
IC: 4182A-TP00065A
Carte combinée sans fil LAN/Bluetooth (modèle : 7265D2W)
IC: 4182A-TP00065AUC
Carte réseau étendu sans fil modèle: EM7345 et modèle: 7265D2W)
Remarques : La fonctionnalité de réseau local sans fil offerte au Canada ne prend
pas en charge les canaux étendus (12ch et 13ch).
La carte combinée sans fil LAN/Bluetooth préinstallée (modèle : 7265D2W) a été
testée et déclarée conforme aux limites des appareils de radiocommunication
basse tension sans licence d’utilisation définies par la norme CNR-210 d’Industrie
Cette carte sans fil est préinstallée par Lenovo®; vous ne pouvez pas la retirer. Il
vous est interdit de la replacer par une autre carte sans fil. Si la carte sans fil doit
être remplacée durant la période de garantie, le remplacement doit être effectué
par un préposé à l’entretien agréé par Lenovo.
Carte à puce sans NFC contact préinstallée
Si la mention « IC : 2878D-T77H519 » figure sur le carter inférieur de votre tablette,
cela implique qu'elle est dotée d'un dispositif NFC (Near Field Communication)
(modèle : T77H519).
Le dispositif NFC a ététestéet déclaréconforme aux limites des appareils de
radio-communication basse tension IC CNR-210 sans licence d'utilisation.
Fonction numériseur
Si la mention « IC : 4182A-TP00065AWD » figure sur le carter inférieur de votre
tablette, cela implique qu'elle est dotée d'une fonction numériseur capable de
détecter le stylet livré avec votre tablette. Le numériseur émet une fréquence radio
de très faible puissance et est conforme à la norme IC (CNR-210).
Appareils de radio-communication basse tension sans licence
d'utilisation (CNR-210)
Le fonctionnement de ce type d'appareil est soumis aux deux conditions
suivantes :
Cet appareil ne doit pas perturber les communications radio.
Cet appareil doit supporter toute perturbation, y compris les perturbations qui
pourraient provoquer son dysfonctionnement.
Les appareils émetteurs ont étéconçus pour fonctionner avec les antennes
intégrées àla tablette et avoir un gain d'antenne maximal de 3 dBi.
Le gain d'antenne maximal autorisépour les appareils dans les bandes de
fréquence 5250-5350 MHz, 5470-5725 MHz et 5725-5825 MHz est conforme àla
limite p.i.r.e (puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente) définie dans la section
A9.2 du CNR-210.
Lorsque vous utilisez une carte de réseau local sans fil dans le mode de
transmission 802.11 a/n :
Les appareils destinés àla bande 5150–5250 MHz devront être
exclusivement utilisés en intérieur afin de réduire les risques de perturbations
électromagnétiques gênantes sur les systèmes de satellite mobile dans un
même canal.
Les radars àforte puissance sont désignés comme les utilisateurs principaux
(c'est-à-dire qu'ils sont prioritaires) des bandes 5250-5350 MHz et
5650-5850 MHz. Ils peuvent provoquer des perturbations électromagnétiques
sur les appareils de type LELAN (réseau de communication local sans licence)
ou les endommager.
Conformité des appareils de radiocommunication aux limites
d'exposition humaine aux radiofréquences (CNR-102)
L'ordinateur utilise des antennes intégrales à faible gain qui n'émettent pas un
champ électromagnétique supérieur aux normes imposées par Santé Canada
pour la population. Consultez le Code de sécurité 6 sur le site Internet de Santé
Canada à l'adresse suivante : http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/
L'énergie émise par les antennes reliées aux cartes sans fil respecte la limite
d'exposition aux radiofréquences émises par les appareils portables au Canada
telle que définie par Industrie Canada dans la clause 4.1 du document CNR-102,
version 4 pour un environnement non contrôlé et permet d'affecter sans danger
le produit à l'usage auquel il est destiné. La réduction de l'exposition aux
radiofréquences est possible si le produit peut être conservé aussi loin que
possible du corps de l'utilisateur ou en définissant une puissance de sortie plus
faible si une telle fonction est disponible.
Electronic emissions notices
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaration of
The following information refers to the ThinkPad Helix (machine types 20CG and
20CH) with WWLAN, digitizer, and NFC features.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
• Consult an authorized dealer or service representative for help.
Lenovo is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by
using other than specified or recommended cables and connectors or by
unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes
or modifications could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
Responsible Party:
Lenovo (United States) Incorporated
1009 Think Place - Building One
Morrisville, NC 27560
Phone Number: 919-294-5900
Usage environment and your health
Wireless feature (such as Wireless WAN, Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, and so on)
emits radio frequency electromagnetic energy like other radio devices. However,
the level of energy emitted is far much less than the electromagnetic energy
emitted by wireless devices like for example mobile phones.
Due to the fact that wireless feature operates within the guidelines found in radio
frequency safety standards and recommendations, Lenovo believes they are
safe for use by consumers. These standards and recommendations reflect the
consensus of the scientific community and result from deliberations of panels
and committees of scientists who continually review and interpret the extensive
research literature.
In some situation or environment, the use of wireless feature might be restricted
by the proprietor of the building or responsible representatives of the organization.
These situations and areas might for example include:
Using the integrated wireless modules on board of airplanes, in hospitals or
near petrol stations, blasting areas (with electro-explosive devices), medical
implants or body-worn electronic medical devices, such as pace makers.
• In any other environment where the risk of interference to other devices or
services is perceived or identified as harmful.
If you are uncertain of the policy that applies to the use of wireless devices in a
specific organization (such as airport or hospital), you are encouraged to ask for
authorization to use wireless feature prior to turning on the computer.
Precautions against electrostatic discharges (ESD) in
inserting or removing the micro-SIM card
Do not touch the micro-SIM card connectors. As a precaution, always make sure
that your tablet is in your hand before you insert or remove the micro-SIM card.
The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other
countries, or both:
ThinkPad logo
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks
of others.
First Edition (November 2014)
© Copyright Lenovo 2014.
LIMITED AND RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE: If data or software is delivered
pursuant a General Services Administration “GSA” contract, use, reproduction, or
disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in Contract No. GS-35F-05925.
Printed in China
(1P) P/N: SP40G54970

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