Wonders Technology DOSSP5 Stereo Bluetooth headset User Manual 15 SW05 UserMan

Wonders Technology Co., Ltd. Stereo Bluetooth headset 15 SW05 UserMan

15_SW05 UserMan

Download: Wonders Technology DOSSP5 Stereo Bluetooth headset User Manual 15 SW05 UserMan
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Wonders Technology DOSSP5 Stereo Bluetooth headset User Manual 15 SW05 UserMan
Document ID3209266
Application IDs8wxQPDdwRzGWhdwVHHPzQ==
Document Description15_SW05 UserMan
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize60.16kB (752046 bits)
Date Submitted2016-11-28 00:00:00
Date Available2016-11-28 00:00:00
Creation Date2016-11-28 11:20:12
Producing SoftwareAdobe PDF library 10.01
Document Lastmod2016-11-28 11:21:16
Document TitleSW-05 说明书 SIZE 82.5 X 128MM 128G铜版 彩色印刷 装订 36P 打样5PCS
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows)

User Manual
Span Tone, charge came, 2 sets of srlrcone ups (S/L),
removabre came managemem chp, and user gurde
Please read and follow this user guide thoroughly
before using the Sporl Tone.
0 0
I. Power/Phone/Pause
2. Vorurne up
3. Vohlme down
4. Charge port
Frequency response 20 Hz 7 20 kHz
Dnuer srze 11mm
\mpedance: wen
Sensmvny: magma
Bluemom v4 0, up w a so fact vansmrssron range
Banery capacny: 100mm
Pray nrne Up m 4 5 hours based on usage
Chargehme 2 hours
Button functions
NOTE: Bufion functlons may vary per dcvlcc
power/phone/pause bunon
-Prcss and neld for al least 4 seconds lo power on lne
soorl Tone, press and nold for al leasl 4 seconds lo
power omne SperlTone
.wnen playrng muslc, press and release le pause muslc,
press and release agalrl le play muslc.
.wnen reccrurng an rneomrng call, press and release lo
answer. press and release agaln to end we call
-Prcss (wlce ouicklyle call lasl numoer draled
.Dunng lne nrslume setup, you musl nold lne pewer/
pnene bunon down for al leasl 8 seconds unlrl lne LED
rndrealorrlasnes red and blue ln order le pair ycuvdevlcc
lo Eluelooln Afievthc rmlral palrlng. you can lel go oflhc
power/phone button when lne LED rndrcalor
rlasnes blue.
-wnen playmg muslc and a call comes ln, lne muslc le
pause and you le near a ringlone Tne muslc le resume
wnen (no call ls ended. Dcvlcc‘s nnglone may vary
Volume up/lrack lorward button
-Prcss and release lo raise lhe volume.
-Prcss and neld to go lo lne ncvaack
NOTE: The uolume up/down ounons may conlrol lne
volume on your device Dcvlcc's resulls may uary
Volume down/track back button
-Prcss and release lo lower lne uolume
-Prcss and neld to go lo lne bcglnmrlg oflhc currenl lrack
NOTE: The Vo‘ume up/down outtons may contm‘ the
vomme on your devwcet Deyroe's resu‘ts may vary
Charging your Sport Tone
NOTE: Make sure your Spon Tone \S 6tu charged oeVore
usmg K We (Tm “met
I. Gemly p‘ug the MlcrorUSB end ovthe mcmded charge
come We the charge port
2. ng \he USE A end onhe came mm a powered USB
port, such as a computer, \amop, or USB AC adapter
(nm mcmded)
:. The LED power rndroator \ocaxed next \0 \he vo‘ume
up/trackiorward bmmn wru hght up sohd red Once \he
headset rs 6tu charged, the LED power rndroator wm
turn oxue‘
NOTE: The LED power mdlcamr wm ught up red whue
chargmg eyen Tithe Sport Tone IS oft
Connecting via Bluetooth® (first time
I. Press and he‘d \he power/phone button rot at \eas\ 4
seconds to turn the headset on
NOTE: Dunno the first hrne seHIp, you rnust he‘d the
power/phone button down for at \eask 3 seconds mm the
LED mdlcamr flashes red and plue m orderto paw your
dewce to B‘uemom Anerthe mma‘ pamng, you can let go
or the power/phone button when the LED rndroator
Hashes blue
2. Open the semngs on your Bmetooth dewce [Bmemom
musx be enabled)
:. Se‘ecK "Sport Tone" irorn the MSK o1 B‘uemom oevuoes
4. Once pawed, The LED power mommor ngm wm flash
owe s‘ow‘y‘
5. To mm omne Span Tone, press and Mom The
power/phone bmmn (or at least 4 seconds
-Upon use oiyour Spon Tone me vomme musK be
adjusted ‘0 your oesneo \eve‘.
-Your dewee wm amommany find and paw wnn me
Spon Tone afier me mma‘ pamng‘ wow dewce does not
automancaHy paw, mm omne neaosex ano repeex
s\eps 174‘
-Tne Spun Tone wm amommany paw to me ‘35!
dewee connemed
-Tne vomme up/down buncns on me Span Tone may
convoT (he vomme on your device‘ Dewce‘s resmxs
may vary
Cable management
To loosen me removab‘e
came managemem chp‘
To Tighten the mmovame
came managemom one
Issue: My Sport Tone doesn‘t turn on
Solm .Trythe ioiiowrng:
Make sure the Sport Tone is charged
Make sure the yoiurne is (umed up on your device and
the Spoil Toner
Make sure you press and hoid the power/phone biman
for at ieasi 5 seconds.
Issue: My Sport Tone is not charging
Solufin Trytheioiiowrng:
Make sure the charge cabie is iuiiy insened in the
Sport Toner
Make sure that the charge port on the headset is tree
irom dust and debris.
Make sure that you are using the charge capie that came
with your Sport Toner
- Make sure there is power coming horn the power source
Issue: My Sport Tone isn’i syncing to Biueiooihr
Solut .Trythe ioiiowrng:
Make sure you hoio the power/phone bimori down untri
red and oiue hght flash
- Make sure (hat (he Biueloom Semrig is (umed "on” on
your deyroe
-checkto see it another user is connected to the
Sport Tone
-Reier to the user guide of your device ior Biuetooth
syncing insimclionsr
issue: My Sport Tone volume is turned ah the way up, our
the yoiurne is stiii very iow.
Solmin .Trythe ioiiowrng:
-Make sure your soon Tone and audio device are charged,
-Make sure (he voiume is (urned up on your device and
(he Spori Tone,
Issue: The person on (he o(her Irrie canno( hear me
very weH.
Solution: Tiy(he roiioWing:
-Make sure your soon Tone and phone aie charged,
-Make sure (here is no(hing covering (he microphone on
(he comroi box,
-Make sure you have seivice wr(h your phone provider,
Safety warning
-Do no( hsten a( a high voiume \evei, Exxended nigh
voiume ieveis can read (o permanent hearing loss,
-S(ar( wi(h se((ing (he vomme \evei anhe iowes( voiume
and adiusx unm you reach a comioriapie voiume \evei,
-Tampering or removing (he battery can resuix in damage
(o your producx, void or wairan(y, and couid
cause WWIES.
-Do no( use when a falmre (o hear your surroundings
couid be dangerous, such as WhHe driving, or when
biking, warring or iogging where (iaflic is presen( and
acciden(s may occur.
-Do no( use whiie sweeping, as acciden(s may occur.
-H you experience any ringing in your ears, (ry lowering (he
voiume, inhe ringing persisis, visi( your physician,
Important safety precautions
-incoirec( use or incompatibiiity wixh your device may
resuix in reduced battery performance or damage (o
your device,
-Do no( a((emp( (o disassernole produc(,
-Tampevmg or removing We bancvy can rcsun m damagc w
your product vowd ofwarramy. and cou‘d causc \murwcs
- Do noK aHow Wis produc‘ (e have conKacK wmh hqmds.
-S&orc and opcvam chwccn 32¢ , 113T.
-Do noK p‘acc 1N5 pvodum near a neax source or flame
- Do noK ‘hrow or shake
-Do noK opora‘c n ix nas been subjcmcd m shock
or damage.
- Do noK crush or puncmvc me bancry
-Rccnavgc mc bancvy every 3 momns wncn nm m usc m
keep banevy m besK condmon.
- Usc sofl c‘mh ‘0 c‘can We cncv‘ov Do nm use harsh
chemwcals or svong c‘camng sch/ems
-Thc mtcma‘ bancry mus! bc vecyc‘ed or dwsposcd of
pvopcny. Comac‘ your \oca‘ wasw managcmcm omcc for
mfovmanon on (nc pvopcr dwsposa‘ or vccyclmg
FCC information
Thws cqmpmcm nas bcen ‘estcd and found ‘0 comp‘y
wnmnc \imwsfora mass B Dwgna‘ Dcvicc. pursuanuo
Pan15 loc FCC Ru‘cs These lwmns arc dcsigncd (o
pvowdc rcasonab‘e pmwchon agamst hava
\mcvfcvcncc m a veswdcmia‘ ms‘aHanon Tms cqmpmcm
gcncraxcs, uscs. and can vadwatc vadwo frcqucncy energy
and, if no! mstchd and used m accordance wwh Mc
msvucncns, may causc havmiu‘ chicvenccm rams
commumcahcns Howcvcmhcve is no guaramcctnax
mtcrfcvcncc wiH noxcccuv in a pamcu‘av insxauancn
\ths cqmpmcm does cause havmfu‘ mtcvfcvcncc w vadwo
ovtc‘cvwswon vcccpxion. whwch can be dctcvmmcd by
(uming (he cqumcm off and on, We uscr is cncouvagcd
(o ny 1c corvcc‘ (hc \mcrfcrcncc by one or move oflne
foHowmg measures
- Reorrent cr rerocate tne recervrng antenna
-rncrease the separatrcn between the edurprnent
and recewer
- Connect the edurprnent to an outret on a crrcurt drflerent
from that to Much the recewer rs connected
-Consurt the dealer or an expenenced radrc/Tv technrcran
rcr herb
ans eqmpmem comphes wrth Part 15 ortne FCC Rmes
Operatron rs subrect to the voucwrhg two condmons‘
I. Thrs eqmpmem may not cause narrntur rnterterence
2. Thrs edurpment must accept any rnterrerence recerued,
rncrudrng rnterverehce that may cause
undesrred cperatron
Mcdrncatrbhs not authonzed by the manuvacturer may
yord the user’s autncrrty to operate thrs deyrce Thrs
edurpment ccrnplres wrtn FCC RF radratrch exposure
rrmrts set rcrth rcr an uncontrcned enyrronntent Thrs
transmmer must not be coerocated or operatrng m
ccnruhctron wrth any other antenna or transmrtter
Warranty information
AH ISDund products corne wrth a urnrted warranty and
have been subrected to a thorough serres or tests to
ensure the nrghest revel or dependabmty and
ccrnpatrbmty H rs unhkerythat you er experrence any
probrern, but Ira detect shank} become apparent durmg
the use thrs product, rSound warrants to the orrgrnar
consumer purchaser that tnrs product er be Vree from
deiems rh matenar and workmansmp for a perrod or 120
days from the date 01 your ongrnar purchase Na detect
covered by thrs warranty occurs, r.Sound, at rts optron, wru
reparr or reprace the product purchased at no charge or
retund the original purchase price it a repiacement is
necessary and your product is no longer availaoie, a
comparaoie product may oe suostituted at the soie
discretion ot iiSouridi
This warranty does not cover normai wear and tear,
abusive use or misuse, moditication, tampering or by any
other cause not reiated to either materials or workmanr
Shipi This warranty does not apply to products used tor
any industriai, protessionai or commerciai purposes
Service information
For servtce on any defective product under the ‘izorday
warranty poiicy, piease contact Consumer Support to obtain
a Return Authorization Numoen i.5ound reservesthe right
to require the return oi the detective product and proof
of purchase
NOTE: iSound Wili not process any detective claims
Without a Return Authorization Numbeh
Consumer support hotline
577799973732 (us and Canada oniy)
or 310722271045 (internationai)
Consumer support email
Save a tree, register online
iSound is making the ecoJriendly choice to have aii
products registered On‘lnei This saves the printing oi
physwca‘ paper regwskrauon cards A” We mformauan you
need (0 regwster your recent I Sound purchase ‘5 avaHab‘e
av www.isound.com/pmducn-reginmion

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Title                           : SW-05 说明书 SIZE 82.5 X 128MM 128G铜版 彩色印刷 装订 36P 打样5PCS
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