Woori Technology WS-100 Bugging Device Detection System User Manual woori manual

Woori Technology, Inc. Bugging Device Detection System woori manual

User Manual

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Date Submitted2000-12-20 00:00:00
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Bulging Deuce Oetnchov‘ Syxlem
Table of Contents
Installation and Setup
A. W common
5. Mn
Basic Connection
Connection ol the mummy“ h PC. Ind omer WaichDog‘"
am.- Opomion
BasiCOporllion Semen
When up Even! Occurs
Howie Liston lo Scum"! Specmc Freqmncy
Advanced Openlion
LEM ma smp
Sam and Configuration
How to Elfl on Configuralion Semen
Hum Io Edi! Fasswoni
How lo Sol Dam and Tlme
How la Ed! IP Address
How m Setup Gate-way
How to Set User Defined Frequency Tame
Mwimnng 00m WalehDog" unit Connected with RS—485
Event Log lnhrmallon
5mm Log Imolmaflm
BMW 30cm: Hmncy'orScu-Nnu and Tina Sputum
EventIanlI Season
mum. EvonlL'utEmry
Evome-d Semen
Evcannd in MSW
Vow/ho EvamTr-nd lmammlm kneaded by 10 would: or by w mimms
Vining anuoncyIMmm-fim nEvcmed In Detail Screen
Applndx l-Monu Table
Appmdlx 2-Alum sum
Appendix 35mm Kay Index
Appendix 4-1‘vouble Shooting
Appmdix s-Toehnical Spocfiufion.
Warranty hibernation
Safeguard Infumauon
38$fi8398 wistzmiztswzssasa
m you tor purer-dug ms WetmDog'“ bugging device detection/mime system
systern.AlterlheoornpleteandtnoroughsweepisperlonnedbyTSCM protessimals. Wow-Dog"
oenbeeuiryeetiplorzl hwrmmltonnglorwirolesswggingdevioee
This manual is organized to get you started quickly and easily. The installation and operation
Your WetetlDog'“ package domains
Alter powered up. WatchDog" searches the whole lrewency range and automatically sets the
relereride trequenwlodetsmrlnevflletnermsreare nnyflugdng Devleesornat
Itdecides vmmtrerornottnerelseny Buggthevloesatleroompdrlng lne preeentlrequenwwitn
the relerence lrequency (the average frequency value llNDl) during the first period alter
wmnog'" is mum and me average frequency value 2 (N02) durlng the latest period).
Hence. WethDog'“ may not detect some Bagging Devices inaalled baton: WatchDogTM runs and
some nigh—price or high-tech Hugging Devloee beyond WatdrlDog'fi detecting ebllltye so. tor the
perlect security environments. you have better take the Sweeping Service belore Installing
WemDog'“ end eonsultthewpedellst rewimtyenoecrlwloeu year.
1 When you get the sweeping service. you can also get the total consulting service tor wlred
eavesdropping equipment Including wireless ones.
I IF you doubt my bugging possibflity. please lntorm the consultant NOT in the very mum you
Features -
Wu whwg
“ . »
fl ' ‘ J
J. V" " “(A
414“ ““
mix“ ’
common analyt'ut llgorilhm. ltalerts user the mantle presence olwirelen hm dams,
indulingriddenvideocamere.ltsdstecfimmngeisuptolomeq.lt. '
Your watehDog" will:
. Scan and examine lreouencies extensively in lhe range ol 1.7 MHz to 2.4 GHz by 50m:
signals wrllt its bum in speaker.
- Delm me presence olweax lrarremltllng mar device 01 Mien range in between 4le and
~ Peflofm scanning tor lrequendes thermal ram Zlepedlic range defined by user.
- Be customized to exclude a certain "swam/(sum as broadcasting frequency. normal RF by
olfice equipmer! etc) specified by user.
‘ Pedorm Low bend. thtt Bend Synd'tronous seaming.
~leeuel Mesolmmbeseoonlrequemymmgawmelysrs.
. Be conlrollebte in a remote location
. Perlorm advmcea inlerlece wilh your current secunty. suweiflence syslern. lntemel. and
. Provde real lime lrequemy Wm“ lnlotmalron to you on MCD screen.
~ Ferlorm automatic set up and sell diagnosis.
~Letyou heattle demodtlaled signal with newt-one set at the mpecled lrequenwdslacted.
~ Various typo ol mum Interface
-RS-485:Wllm"cflnbecolltmdluolhetwmdog“uploifl unit:
- nszazc 1 Cemented to PC
~ Ethernet 1 Cornplrvy LAN Ind/or Imam
- Control portiDiwete IIO) :Connecled to security system.
Typical Configurntlon
A. Typical Configuration
1. Key Pad
(1) ACK(Acknowfedgment Key) 1:5}
When alarm goes off by detecting suspicious frequency“ different type of Alarm Safus
from analysis of the frequency), press ACK key to acknowledge the event.
® Cursor Dlmfon Key: (086)
To move cursor to different directions in Event List, Frequency Tabfe, Tlme set up,
Event Trend, Real-time spectrum screen.
® Menu Key @
When pressed, “Main menu' appears. From this "Main menu screen‘, you can seiect
one of the main functions F1 (real time spectrum screen), F2(Event List). F3(Event
Trend) and F4fSefup).
0 Enter Key
Press when you complete the entry of specific numbers and vafues.
® ESC Key
Cancel the previous action/entry or to return to the previous screen. f)Wnen “Main
Menu" appears, pressing ESC key will make "Main Menu“ disappears. 2)When you are
at the first screen of each main functions. Pressing ESC key has no effect.
(0 (Function key)F1. F2, F3. F4 Key
To perform each functions. press corresponding key.
Inmlletlon and Setup
(D Number Key
To enter numbers
0 (not) key I]
To enter the decimal point of numeric values.
9 DEL Key [E]
To erase the numeric entry by one digit drto delete the entry in Event List
0) Alarm LED
On or OFF based on Alarm Status
0 Power LED
When pwrer is on. the LED lit
2. Earphone Jack
(D Earphone Jlelt
When rhere ls an “Event". you can hear sound of the specmc lrequency with earphone
set(not Induced)
Typical Conner-tum
3. Mlcrophone & Speaker
CD Spain-r
To issue alarm sound when he even! occurred, It is also used to send an "swapping
sound slgur to detect VOXNoiee Actlvabd) type bugging device.
w Wubmhone)
To "sun to summing sounds and duloct VDX type bugging device.
Irmollation and Setup
4. External Connections
For the connection to PC
(D Ethernet Port
For the connection to LANtLocal Area Network)
When WatchDog'" is counseled to each other with HS-435 port, you can set up each
Watch Dog" ID(identification numberjwith this pot! to attenuate each WetettDog'“
G) VOL(Voiume witch)
To conuoi ltte voiume or the speaker
QRS-“S Pan
0 Input/0M Port
- Input iack : Dina and Dint
~ Outwtjeok: DigitaloutputJack. ThereareZiackstoDmncand Doutt.
~ GND(gnuund) : To be used for both Dino and Dint
<9 ANTI mu Arm
Conneetion oi the 2 antennas
Basic (onnectlon
- Connect 2 anlennas to each pod in the back panel,
- Connect the pmr table to the power source.
- Turn the power switch on and it will start amunalic setup and sell diagnosis.
Connection of the WatchDogmto PC, and other
1. WatchDog" to PC with Rsmc
(To monitor multiple WatchDog'" units centrally by PC)
w m. ml. a m wk
-Connec| the cable as shown in the diagram
limitation and snup
2. MhDog" In Emmll Device
(To send out alarm signal to external device (Alarm ligm, speakel, security swam) wlth
Din and Dam pm)
When the event occurred. WatchDog’“ can send lhe signal h; other external alarm
device w‘m this basic connection.
as As1msnas Alarm sum; 1.
in n 4 .
r ill.“ L]
Li: H
E r. l"
_ —. 7
' Do not install lhe equipment on combustible material. such as wood.
- Install the equipment in a location lrae lmm radoactive manuals and combustible
' Inslall the equipment In a location tree lrcm harmful losses and liquids.
- Install the equipment in a location without excessive oscillation.
- Install the equipment in a location free lrom chlondos.
- install the equipment in a locationnot in diract sunlight.
Imulllllon Ind Setup
3. WMDoq" to WetchDog“(vllm Din/Don! port)
~ WalnhDog'“ relays the alarm signal 00 other WalchDog" unlle wnnecled. The alarm
signal lrom unit 01 goes out through Doul pm to WelchDog'“ unit 02 and unit in send
out signal to unil Ila,
~ The in/oul signal relay inlorrnalion appears in “Llnk lnlonnarion Screen‘
4. Wmhbog" tn thog" mm M5 porl
- Using RS-485 pen, you can cannon ether Wathog" unirs. To release the cable.
press position ®
~ These are the maximum length of Ike cable to be used when connect is made
between WatchDog‘s
Type el m- cm Mam um
Shielded mm ran-(Aware) m |
Tm Pun-(mew) m
5. may" Admins-tun
- Unll lD(Address) setup isdone try ADDHO and A005“ swltch h the back panel.
~ You should set dlllerem |D(Mdrees) to mm» unll.
- MM) Ls between 1 and 32
~ Thesewnd dlglt ls setbyturningADDRl switch marrow mark
- The WatchDog" unlt connected to PC by IRS-2320 port Iyp'mlly set to be 1(ID
number 1),
~Altsv all the unlts are Wally connected um othet with RSJes. the other units
(with ID between 2 and 32) can also be conneded to MRS—2320). However. We
may cause some delay in relaying the signal.
Basic Opoufion Semen
Basic Operation Screen
- When the power is on. his screen appears
< Real Time Spectrum Screen >
0) Scanning Fraquamy oi the Lord Band HanganMHz-LZGHz)
® Scanning Frequenq oi the High Band Range(1.ZGHz-2.4GH1)
0 Reel lime Spectrum 01 irequoncy scanned—Lon Band
0 Real time Spectrum oi irequency scananigh Band
Q Densily of the irequencyidBm)
0 Range 01 Frequency(MHz)
® Cursor Mien snows ran at ire uency being scanned. You can move me cursor to
any Frequency range whgzen you qushs to take closer look.
® Funtm’ons which can be invoked in Real Trme Spectrum Screen.
Bulc Operation
When the Event occurs
When the event occurs,
1. ‘Evenl Mann” screen pops up in LCD
2} "Alarm sound' goes on. There are 4 diflemm types of aiann sounds based an “Alarm
smug" .
3. “Alarm LED' either Ninks or Ii].
- Alarm Status WASH-the lad is lit
- ASZIASJIASd—lhe led is bilnking
<£v¢nt Alenn Screen>
0) Frequency of Me Evem
e The date and tlrne of lhe Event
Q Event ID Number
0 Event Demhyvtha density oi lhe frequency mama")
G NDi(Ncnnal Density 1) - The average densily oi the lreqoency tor the Hm 24 hours
after selup,
O NDE(Nom\al Density 2) - The average of density of the frequency detected recently.
(D Alarm Status
How to Listen to Sound at Specific Frequency
i. Piease review "Event Alerrn' Screen iniormetion and confirm the Event Nurnben This
number is used to locate this specific event irom the ‘Event List” »
2. When miner Event occurs before you press ACK keyiAcknowiedge key) tor the
current Event. the “Event Alen'n' screen shows the newer Event after you press ACK
key, Please check the ‘Alerrn Screen" before you press ACK key
3. You can get more information on Events using thEvenl List) and FatEvent
Trendytmction from Main Menu screen by pressing Menu Key.
How to Listen to Sound at Specific Frequency
1. By using "Event List'
- Press Menu Key and then press F2tEvent List) key
- Move cursortothe evenlirequency
- After career is on the desired frequency. press ‘Enter' key and the screen will show
deteited intonnelim oi the Event
~ Press F4 key to ‘Heer On“ status
~ Connect Headphone set to the Jack and you can iIsten to the soundtvoioe)
2. Byaniering specific irequency
~ PreseMenukeyendthen F1 keytoreeltimespeotrurnsoreen
~ Press F1 key again to show ‘Enier Frequencf bot. Enter a specific trequeney using
number Key pedtthe unit is MHz), Then press Enter key
~ When you see ‘Loeked‘ on yourLCDscreer-i. oonnectlhe heawhoneiaoktothe unit
to Istefl.
~ When other keys are pressed. the "Locked" message on the LCD screen wilt
disappear and you can not listen to the sound at the irequency you set.
Edit end Setup
A.Edit and Setup
Setup and Configuration
- WatehDog‘“ has initial configuration setting from the ioctory
- Press ‘MENU‘ keyand “F4(Setup)' key to bring “Configuration screen
< Configuration Screen >
G) Ec1(Event Count)
Number of eventsiASCXAlarm Status 3) or A84) to be counted in order m trigger the
'Aian‘n‘ The value is between 1 and 10.
®Sc|nnlng Reta between specilic range lrequencieeiiocused) and normal range
frequency. 64:1 means 64 times repealed scanning 0! specific rangailocusedl
frequency while pertorming one scanning tor normal range ireeusncy scanning.
Maximum ratio is 64:1
O Alarm urnlt
When the difference at lrequency density between scanned and N01 or N02 is
greater than Alarm Limit value oi either N01 or ND2. the alarm goes oil. The value is
0 Alarm Level
The minimal density of the frequency to initiate the alarm. When more are too many
events, Increase this value. (tor example. Alenn level oi -73dBm will have less events
than Alarm Level oi oadBm)
(B Asztime
Minimum period at time to convert AstiAiarm Statust) to A52. It ranges from 10
Adv-need Operation
secondsto to minutes. ltis setbyme 10 seconds
0 Speaker
ONIOFF status of speaker. On status will enable you to hear alarm sound
(1) VOX Trap
Entrapment sound signal ONIOFF status
0 The Start
Time to start sending entrapment signal. It is between 0 Hr to 23Hr
0) Tue Stor-
Tlme to slap sending entrapment signal. II is between 0 Hr to 23m
Unit IDtAddress) Numberwhen connected Io other units by HHBS cables " indicates
that there is duplicated(same) ID number in the network
49 Date
Time and Date of the system
0 WatchDog" merm Version
How to Edit on Configuration Screen
t) Press F1 keyon Configuration Screen. Password entry be: pops up.
2) In order to edit, you should enter password using numeric keypads.
3) After you enter mnecl password. Password entry box disappear and EC! value will be
shown inverse. Use direction key to move cursor and edit using numeric key pads
ioiiowed by pressing 'Enier‘ key, ii you wani In return to previous selling, prose ‘ESC'
key before you pron Euler kw,
4M! the «ill mode In Configuration Screen, you urinal go to ‘Main Menu“ by
pressing “MENU key. Instead. you have to exiliby pressing F1 key) lo bring ‘Main
Menu' by pressing "MENU‘ key.
5) FZflnIt. VlIut-inilhl VIM or Mull Value)
You can relum lo iaclory selling delanIl value by pressing F2 key. This will cancel all
ihe soils and changes you have madeiinoiuding NDL N02)
0) “(ml by
Alter completion oi edi, press FitExil) key. then ‘ooniinnalion diaiowe box“ pops up.
You can either save changes or cancel
Adv-mod Operation
How to Edlt Password
1)11|sfanoryprcsstpasmord ‘0000'1lourwos)
2) Press ‘MENU‘ key. “(Setup)“ Key.Vou are min "Cor-11mm Screen"
3) Press “F1(ed|l)‘ key. Then. Password dnbgue box pops up. Enter 0000 as your
password. Theo prass ‘F3(Password)' key. This wfll bring his screen royw
4) Enter Mini! password or your choice and press “Enter' key. Humor password for
How to Set Date and "me
1) The Event Iog( dale and time; is lrom ma lime ol lmemel ciodr of WalnhDog'". n is
Important lhal you set current date end time ol your region at “nilial selling
2) Press ‘MENU' key, and “F4(Selup)' key. This will bring “Configuration' screen.
Press 'F1(Edil)' key. enter password then press “(Dale and IP)‘ key
3) Press “Famine!” key In edit firm and date. Move cursor willr ‘direction kéy' to edit
Press ‘F|(Save)' to save mange and exit.
How to Edit IP Address
1) In order WelchDog’" lo communicate with PC MMI(Man-Machine Inlerlaoe) by
Ethernet. unique IF should be assigned to each unit
2) Press "MENU“ key. 'F4(Se1 up)‘ key. This will bring you configuration screen Press
“F1(Edil)' and enter yourt digit password then press “F4(IP)' key
3)The IPuddressshodd be miqueforeedrwnchDog“uniL Pbmoonsunwflyeur
nelwork eornhistralor an get unlcpe IP address number
4) Use ‘Direction keys" to move mom Use numeric keypeds to enter numbers and
press “Enter‘ key
5) Press 'F1(Save)' key to save change and exit Ar ‘Cenflguretlon' Screen please
confirm the changed IP address and Men turn the potter on for 1-2 minutes and turn
power back on. After this, WatsNDog'“ Is working wlm new IP address.
New to Setup Gateway
1) By setting up Gateway, 9 remote control of wmnnog'" is avallable on inlemet and/of
VPNMnual Private Newark)
2) Press ‘MENU' key, 'F4(Set up)’ key This will bring you “Configurafion' screen
press “F1(Edl)' and enter yuur4 digit password Ihen press “F4(IP)' key
3) Alter setting up IP, press ”Ema! key. When you press ”Enter’ key. The first 3 block
addressollPiscopiedmthefiretablookaddressolGotsway. Movecursorbyuslng
directional keys to edit Gateway address. Please cansult with your network
administrator lor Gateway address numbert (T he subnet mask 01 WatchDog'" is
2552552550 and is not subtect to change)
4) Press 'F1(Save)‘ key to save change and exit. At “Configuration Screen‘ please
confirm the changed IP address and then turn the power all tor 1-2 minutes and turn
power back on. After this, WalohDog'“ is working with new Gateway address.
How to Set User Defined Frequency Table
1) Vou can speclly a certain range of frequency to set seaming priorities. WetchDog'“
seen more number at times which has higher priorities
2) There are 3 types ol range.
- Type l-Skip range
. Type z—Fomed range
- Type 3-—-VOX type device
-The rest-"the rest at lrequency range are automatically assigned to normal
scanning range
3) Press “MENU“ key, and 'F4(Setup)' key and ‘thFreq. Table)'key
Advanced Operation

4) F2(Nexl Page Vleu),F1tPrevlous page view) key. There are maxlmum 200 entries or
5) The tell bellorn indicates currentwrsorlocetlcn In thetable,
6) The right Bottom indicates page number or the current screen
7) Ityeuwishtoretrnnto 'Corfllguretlon Screen', press ‘ESC‘ key.
9) In order to edit Frequency Table. press ‘F3(Edt)' key and it requires you to utter
5) Alter entering the correct password. the screen changes to Edit Screen Use
directional key to move cursor. You can use numeric keys to enter value of ttte
lrequencyelnmenmevelueemmdleanl-lzmress ‘F3' key.|li|ish1Ml-lz.prm
'F4' key or "ENTER' key
10) To delete e specific range othequency, move cureorto Type' column etlhal m ol
the Mueney and press "DEL“ key‘ The lnlerrmtlon on that row wil be deleted
11) ll you went to return to Inltlel rectory set value. pm "F2“ key.
sauna Setup
12) After completion of edit. press "Fl(Exil)' key. which will bring this screen. In order to
savechange and exit, prm ‘ENTER' key, ll not. press “Esc' key,
Monitoring other WatchDog'“ unlt connected with its-485
l) When WatchDog’“ units are counseled each other wllh ns4es cables, you can
monilor all lhe units lrom' Link information“ screen lrom any ml
2) Press ‘MENU’ key. ‘F4(Sel up)“ Key. ‘FallJnk Info)“ key This will bring you 'Link
Inlormation' screen.
3) NR(Ncrrnal). NClNot melee). AL(Alarn1) status will show in the screen.
4)NllheWelchDog“ehouldhevedetincllvelD(Mdm)beMeen1em32 lnorderie
communlcete properly. There must be a WelchDog" unit which has 1 as
5) Move cursor lo a spoollic WaldiDog'“ unit and press "ENTER' key. This wil bring
you WeichDog'" status ween'.
Advanced Operation
(1) Event Ntnnber
Most recent event number
Q Alum Status
Indicates alarm status 1 , or 2, or 3 «4
Q Douw Status
Doll] 0 ladt connection status In oft/ell
0 Dorm sum
Dout 1 jack connection status in onluit
G) Dino statue
Din 0 tacit connection status in onleit
0 Dim sum
Din 1 jack connection status In onion
(D LED Statue
~ ON-Atenn goes oft. This intimtes elem status it
- Blink-Alum goes at This indicates alam status 2. 3 or 4
A Off-Alarm is aft
0 Hit: Status
0NIOFF--thie indicates whether microphone is sensing the sounds trom the
‘ In the WatchDog‘" Status Screen. press ‘F1(Prev)‘ key to bring WatchDog"
Status Sam oi previous ID unit. 'F2(Next) will bring you that at next to unit.
~ Frees 'ESC' keytoretumlo “Lhit Imonnetion' screen
Event Log Infon'natlon
1. Up to 100 Events are logged. The record of any Mange/Mudflats on ‘Evm List"
screen is also logged
2. Prose ‘MENU‘ key, mm)". ‘F4(Log)'. This will bring you “Log Inlorrneflon'
< Log Information Screen >
3. Press “F1(Evsm Log)‘ key to bring Event Log screen
< Event Log Scar >
0) Event No.
0 Freq
The frequency nr when the event has occurred.
Adv-need Dpemlon
® Event
Date/flute ot Event occurred
a) As on;
Date/Tlme that alarm status of this event became alarm status 2 "am almm
status L
Date! Ttrne ol ACK key was pressed by user
G) Erased
Date! Time of the event is erased lrom event list.
- Ft (Prev) tor previous event log lnlormatlon. F2(Next) lot next event log screen.
- Press 'ESC' lwy to Mum to Log Information screen
- Press “680“ key to return to "Configuration' screen lrom log Ivflormation' sateen.
System log Information
You can review syslem log inionnation for change you made on Configuration.
Frequency Tehle,1'|me. and Power on ‘
Press “MENU', ‘F4(Sstup)'. 'F4(Log)'. Now you are at Log Iniorrnalion Screen
Press “F2(Sys|em Log)“ key to bring Syslern Log Screen.
< System Log Screen >
I) Incicales the lug number among 100 erm'iesuogs)
2) Description.
3) Detel'l'imedlheaystemlogoocurred,
Jrea F1(prw) key ior previms screen and F2(Next) for next screen
- Press ”ESQ" keybremmleLoglniomrafionecreen
- Press ‘Esc‘ key no return m Cormgurafion Screen 1mm Log Information screen
Advanced Operation
B. Selecting Specific Frequency for
Scanning at Real Time Spectrum
Press MENU' key. ‘F|(Real lime)’ key lo bring real lime Spectrum Screen
< Real tlme Spectrum Screen >
How to Enter a Speclflc Frequency manually
1] Press ‘F1(Freq. Selj' key and enlerirequency manually by using numeric keypads,
2) Press “ESC‘ key to cancoL
Selecting Specific Frequency tor Scanning at Real Time Spectrum
3) 'DEL' key will delete the entry by one digit.
4) Aim completion ul numeric value, press ‘ENTER' keyto complete.
- The entry velue(hequency) will be shown at red time spectrum screen by number
and by cursor( In the range 01 +I- 2 MHz from the entry value)
In the above picture, 89.1 MHz was manually entered.
In the lew Band Frequency, It shows 89.1 MHz. In the Low Band specrmm graph, the
cursor was moved to 89.1MHz. The lelt end 01 the cursor Is read as 89.1 MHz.
I ‘Locked' appear on the screen Indicating that Watchdog“ is sunning a specific
- Press any key and "Locked' message will disappear and WatohDog'" will be back to
scan the entire range at lrequency by 50011 Interval.
How to Locate a Specific Frequency from the Screen
1) Press “Fzmaoe Oll)‘ key In be In Trace 011 Status.
2) Use F3(Zoern lN-200% enlarged view) and “(Zoom out-50th reduced view) and
drectional key lo place Cursor on the spectrum graph.
3) The left end at Ihe cursor is actual lrequency and it will be shown on the screen with
it Low Band Frequency Flange: bean 1.7 MHz and 1200 MHz
5) ngh Band Frequency Range: between 1200 MHz and 2399 MHz.
Adv-nut! Operation
C. Event List Review
Event list is the record or (ha latest 10 swam occurred.
Event List
Press ‘MENU’, ‘F2' mixing ‘Evenl IJstScman‘
0) tr
Evenl Number
The dateme evemocourrod
Q Tine
The time the event occurred
0 Fremont)
Frequoncy that event oowrrod.
0 Asullrrn Ms)
Them are 4 typos ol Alarm Status.
- Use Dkaofim My to move cursor (mm bar) to the targeted event
. Press ‘Enrsr‘ key to bring "Event in Dmil' ween.
Event List Revlew
Event in Detail Screen
(D Event Numberr
(2 Event Frequency
G) Time/Date of Event occurred
G) ND1(Normal Density 1)
The average densw or the frequency for me first 24 hours after setup.
a meme Density 2)
The averageordensityorme frequency detected most recently.
@ ED(Event Density)
The density or lhe lrequency or the event
(3 F1. F2. F3. F4
Fmion key
(D Frequency spectrum atthe moment the event occurrede (1 MHz range from the evenl
- Press ‘F4(Hear ONIOFF)‘ key to "Hear On' to listen to the voice/sound at the
rrequercy. Connefl Mm to heeqmone luck on the WmnDog'" unit.
- Press ‘ESC‘ key to return to Event L151 screen
- You can move to previous or next event screen usng Fthmlous). and F2(Next)
“venue Operetlon
Display Mode
At the Event in Detall Screen. press “F3(th Mode)‘ key to change between Ber graph
and Line Graph. '
Press ‘ESG' key to ram to Event List Screw
How to Delete Event I.lst Entry
There are 10 entries in the Event List. Vou can delete one by one.
- At the Event Llet Screen, nreve cum by using drection keys to select e speclllc
- Press “DEL‘ key and ttis bring Password Box
- Enter the 4 dlglt password and prose ‘ENTER’ key
-Tlreerrtryisdelete¢Hwevet. wherrarremyintneEventIJstlsdeble. ltteefltryat
Event Trend is not deleted automatically.
Event Trend Review
D. Event Trend Review
This is to display the Event Trend with information on frequency densily and its owning
Press “MENU' key ‘FSlEvent Trend)‘. this will bring “Event Trend“ screen.
Event Trend Screen
(D Date: Date at event occurred
Q Time of the event occurred
Q Frequency oi Event downed
QTotei period at time that event the density 0! lrequency is recorded(by every 10
semnds intervelt On the screen, 2h 11m 50s indicates that the density of the event
lrequency is recorded every 10 seconds lor 2 hours 11 minutes 50 seconds.
Maximum period oi tlrne lor this record is 100 hours.
0 Total period of time that event the density 01 frequency is recordedlby every to
minutes interval). Maximum period of time for this record is 8600 minute;
- You can bring Event Trend in Detail screen try using F1-F4 function keys
Advanced Operation
Event Trend In Detall Screen
(1) Frequency 0! the Event occurred
0 Time and Date ot the Event owned
Q Trme Interval at the Event Trend record entered
C) Total period ol time for Event Trend Record
Q NDt(Normel Denslty l)
-The average density ol the lrequency lor the first 24 hours after setup.
0 NDZlNormaJ Density 2)
-The average at density ol the lrequency detected recently.
0 Frequency DensityldBm)
0 Scale ol the pelted at time shown
® Cursor Denstty~lhe density of the lrequency at which time cursor is ImtedoldBm)
O Cursor Time-Actual time a! cursor is located
Vlewlng Event Trend Information recorded by
to seconds or byto mlnutes
- Press ’Merm' ‘F3(Event Tmml)’, "F3“ or ‘F4‘
~ Press ‘F1(10 sec trend)’ keyto bring Event Trend record by every 10 seconds,
~ Press "F100 mlnules)’ key to bring Event Trend record by every 10 minutes.
Evorrl Trend Hm
every10minumMcveCursmoiarrimtemO1Mspocimmtu mmmgmpn
- How in mm Cursor
1)Usadifeciionkeyiorriovupeeificiinauihseventl 1. b)
2) Direction keyiupu wil lake cursormha original location Mambo want receiving
3) Diraclion mum) will take cursor to mom mum
Advanced Operation
- Inform-flan ol til-mule (1mm cur-armoured.
1) Cursor Denst-The densny of the frequency 31 cursor is located.
2) Cursor Turns: Thls indicates actual time at cursor is located, +1d means next day.
Viewlng Frequency Inforrnatlon at Event Trend In
Detall Screen
Press "MENU" key. ”FalEveanrendf 'F3' or 'F4'
Press “F2” key to bring Fine orCoarse display ol the spectrum.
Fine Mode: Cursor shape: A
Coarse Mode: Cursor shape : —
- Cuarse Mode-The spectrum' 5 time lapsedmonznnlel) ls scaled by 10.
~ Flne modems coarse mode scale is lurmer divided from the Coarse mode by 16
small scale.
Event Trend Revlon
~ Cursor Looeiion indicates a specific lime or mo event occurred. When cursor moves
to ullnr location. lire value oi Cursor density and wreor llmaloomei time not lapsed
lime) changes
- The time in lhe Ian and right bottom Indicates lire time lapsed alter the event
~ TheoneuniioihorlzomelscalealCoarsemodeisequivaie/m lsun‘llsolirlaiolfine
1) Usadlrootion keyio rrmespeoificlirrreollileeventitb)
2) Direction key(up)A will lake cursor in the original location where the evenl
recording Md.
Direction kwldowrl) v will lake wrsorio recent location
Adv-need Operation
. CumrLeufion Ind Intommlon
1; Cursor Beauty-the density at the trequency In darn
2) Cursor Ttme: this must time, not tap-ed time atter event occurred. Md means
next day.
- Move Zoom Inmms enlargedf!) lnd Zoom onum reduced. F4) for better
viewing 01th- omen
Press 1550" key to return to “Event Trend“ screen
How to Delete an Entry at Event Trend
At the “Event Trend in Dela!" screen, press “DEL" key and pusword entry be: pops
up Enter the 4 6m password,
All the data In the screen witl be deleted. Alter deletion. the screen will change to “Event
Trend“ screen.
Appendlx I -Menu Table
- Hzrmsa F2 .
F2:Tnoo0n 4—» Two"
— fi—
ream-mm F.
mou- q—F—L» Fin
1&me flzmm1mrw
hmn-m Erma-mm Amt-w
nmm flfl—mfi-
m E
Pam—[namuq I mum.
nun Fifi-
mu-c/m- amm- 23."
Apnendlx Z-Alarm Status
Wmtmumwimd mmnuMmmm-naummzcmsh
nob-3). (501 nknilmft)
Alvm smus can be set with lollwing conditions .
1) Wireless oommunicatlon by emsrgemy vehicle. and Police
2) Amateur Radio mmnication
3) Computer. Home Mime» ONIOFF
4) Others
Appendlx 3-Shortcut Key Index
MW 74"!
Mm to wious west ssc
Balm m—wifim
Team-mm or Alarm Em: 70x
Enltrmn spoon-c luuumcy Var
Sunnndmwam-my mm-aa-mmmmmmfiamm
mung on Enm u: M9542
mmmm ' fame-4mm newsman-n
WWW" Even! Trend mew-4m new-5mm
Emu “mun menu—$34» on n
vav-nm W MEN-43410“ rz—noim
Emu Tuna mum-1m mom-d by
wary |o neon“ or by nmy in
Viewing frequency mam-hon ii
vkm'j—i'aZ-n u Fz—fa NW Mwmi ’
an. Fuzoun MGM sun—Fag”. my. mum
was rim u Ewnfmd 0m
me-imm EMU—Ft
Téui—n—mpnmn «an m in}; mafia»
sun-mum mM—mmmmwmmumup—fl
56mg mum EW-N-F‘llmpmdwfiyHS
suing 11m and Du- IENu—Fl—HW
Edmg uvanofl Frame-icy Tm m‘4lm
WWW manor 5304443
maven. ._ man—+1454:
vmsmm Mam-57454:
Appendlx 4-Trouble Shooting.
"m act-ampmmwmm.
mm «m yml mm service mar
3|7Iln|h Nulwmmmwm
MnflnI-fllm-ul-l ‘I Pun ‘Atx' Wmmmdemm/um
wmbmmm “miliML-IMIEEM
Tammi-human. ”Quail-um. mmeRS-ZSEC. 35-466)
”Wm-0m“ maxim-17mm“
an mad-mmstmwummmumum
Appendix 5-Technlcal Speclflcatlon
n- , W 7 on»
Frequencyw HM»: - 24451}
Ham-mum 4mm - 4mm
0mm mow
Scannmq Slag scam
Sunnlngflnntnflh sun:
. ' ufmu'q'mnziliy? 61nd)
“m" LEGNPUW am
W507 7 ' ' 7
m 2 was: Pull)
D’nulh kw new 2 mm
mm ncsw Mu Wmoun)
vm An- mm) x mm) mm
mm a w: mm) x mm a;
mussm use num-
sum 0.4 wan
Immwmphom (2me
puma-mm mm awning
mm! 0! ha mm
7“ ' MIM" Windm' m
"MM x 68m» 11.0504]
wugm at:
9°: Ivory or m
Pmfimnmpfluu whim
m m-mv, Fm Vang.
Warranty information
Urnitcd Warranty
Woori Tecttnologinoori”) warrants this pmductiincluding any accessories) aga‘mst
detects in material or workmanship as icllows.
ti LABOR : For a period at 90 days trorn the date at purchase, it this Product is
determined to be detective, Woorl will repair or replace the prodm, at its
option, at‘no charge, or pay labor charges to any Woori authorized service
center. Atter the wananty period, you must pay tor all the charges.
2) PARTS : In addition, Woori wilt supply. at no charge, new or rebuilt replacement in
exchange tor detective parts for a period at one year.
To obtain wananty service, you must take the product. or deliver the product irelght
prepaid, in either its original packaging or packaging allording an equal degree of
protection. to any Wocri authorized Service Center,
This wananty does not cover customer instructim installation. setup adhrstments.
This warranty does not cover cosmetic damage or damage due to acts at God.
accident. misuse, or rnodhication cl. or to any pan 0! the product, including antenna.
This warranty does not cover damage due to improper operation or maintenance,
connection to Improper voltage euppty, or attempted repair by any one other than a
lacility authorized by Weorl to service the product. This product does not cover Products
sold “As ls' or with all faults, or consumebiesisuch es tuse or batteries), This warranty
Is valid only in the United States.
This warranty is invalid It the iactcry applied serial number has been altered or removed
from the Product.
Safeguard Information
- To reduce the rislt ol electric shock. do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture.
do not operate Watchbog“ with the cover removed.
. ll the wall plug does not tit into your local power socket. then ask your electrician to
replace your obsolete outlet. Do not modify the wall plug. To do so will void the
salety teatura.
Warning - FCC Regulations state that any unauthorized changes or modifications to this
equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user 5
authority to operate this equipment.
- Only operate your WetchDog" using the included external power supply Use at
other supplies could impair pedon'nance or damage your Watehbog" or could
cause fires.
. Protect and route power cords so they will not he stepped on or pinched by anything
placed on or against them. Be especially cerelut at plug-ins. or cord exit points from
the Watching".
. Do not cover or block ventilation holes in the WetchDog". Doing so may damage
the unit or cause improper operation.
- Avoid excessive humidity. sudden temperature changes or temperature extremes.
- Keep your WatchDogWaway from wet locations such as bathtubs. sinks laundnes,
wet basements and swimming pools.
. Use only accessories recommended by the manutacturer to avoid lire. shock or
- Unplug your WatchDog" batons cleaning. Use a damp cloth for cleaning, Do not
use cleaning tluids or aerosols which could enter the unit and cause damage. fire or
electrical shock. These substances may also mar the finish at your VMchDog".
- Never open or remove covers or make any adjustments not described in this
Attempting to do so could expose you to dangerous electrical shock or other
hazards. it may also cause damage to your Watchbog".
- Do not attempt to service this unit. Instead, disconnect it and corneal Woorio
e WARNING - FCC Regulations state that any unauthorized changes or
modifications to this aqu'pment not expressly approved by the manutaaurer could
void the user' a authority to operate this equipment.
wean tummy. m
WomTG. M., 1595, 8am 7-Dong Kunm—Gu. Sooul, m 15‘ £35
m:@2-2m1(5n.m) FII‘ MIN-5540

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 55
Creator                         : .歯.woori_manual.doc - Microsoft Word
Create Date                     : 2000:10:31 14:02:45
Title                           : .歯.woori_manual
Producer                        : Acrobat PDFWriter 4.0 for Windows
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
FCC ID Filing: PA2WS-100

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