WowWee Group 0213 Remote Control Toy User Manual
WowWee Group Limited Remote Control Toy
User manual
R & D ITEHSIIBJI213 fllll’fllflfflflflflll 0551075001771”, ”00“ fllllflfllflfl llflfllflWlll‘fllll CYBER DOLPHIN OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 0 Press this button to swim in a left direction. ammonia m: cvnzn ngmlmi; ”— Because different brands of batteries are not of the same weight, a problem of unequal weight distribution may arise. This could affect how the item balances in the water and therefore impair its performance. On the inside of the battery compartment lid are several slols into which the user can insert a few small weights (supplied). Weights can be inserted or removed as required until the dolphin is balanced LEVEL in the water. The dolphin is best balanced when the water level covers the dolphin's body, leaving only the top fin visible above the water sunacei To improve diving performance, simply add a few weights. cybvr nelenln naulm: 1x~nv' Butt-w u-u- lam-n.- (Dulnhln uml) wsv- eenewy (Fungi. eenlrel) emenee nel lnelueee IATTER'V INHVALLAHON o - Harem m. Bmvymmpmmanl um: um; . ecummm n shown 'lllsan cone: may . a: snewn ln clear-m. Q mung sur- le mm. eelurly alrecnen ‘_/ ~ firem- m bunny my on I arr swncn cAu'rlou =Aitsl each use el me Cybev Dolphin remcwe all ballenes from lhe preeue, and dram any waterlhal has accumuleled inside. Melslure allowed le lemain inside me pmeuel will damage the eleclmm mpunenls and batteries. Slele the prequel wnh lhe battery compartment door open la allow lhe mmpnnmem to dry oemplelely cAuTloNlu cnlleren nllylng wan me my should be supemsed by an ADUL‘E es wnn erry pmdlm mes-gem le be used m m mum wller Te prevent unstable enemlnn yam cyner dollpllm should ml be eperelee ln wnlu depths mat exceed 3 5M ATTENTION Ill lie-alum" n‘rrskv mmnuAfluu Use only neeh hellelles 0! me requlrea slze and recarnmenaen xype. Do ml mlxold and new benenee elllerem lypes ol eenelles (slundeld alkallne, er rechargeable), er merge-me bun-nee er alflemnt Cwacmfls We euggeel me useol ellrellne banerlee In! em mull: Plume lespeel llle currscl ealnrlly @ And 9 00 ml lry la recnmge bananas, nor (0 (men mam 00 m' {Now butane: lmo me me Remove vechugnhlo bell-nu lrem we lay belere ewe allergen Runnable Defiance are only le be chllgod under ldull suoerwenn Use cnly lhe bellery lypes IS recommended Reelm ell beam: ol slme lye-mane e the AIM. unl- De ml men-comm llle emery cements H'mlwe exhausleo hlnenu mm me my ------...- I------- This devnce compiles With Part |5 ol the FCC Rules. Operallon la subjecl lo mlollowmg Iwe commons: (1) Thu device may no! cause harmful inlenereflcel and (2) Tm devlce musl accepl any lnlerlerence received. lncludlng lmerlaence lml mey cause undeslled bpemflon Warning: onengee or modillcallans u lhle unll nel expressly approved by the puny responSlble lal cemellence souls void lne users emnerlly le cperele (he equipment NOTE: The equlpmenl has been lesled and lound lo comply with lhe limits for a Class B dgnal devlce, pursuanl la Pan 15 0! lhe FCC Rules. These Ilmile are designed to plevnae reeevnabls prolecllon egelnsl nermlul Imellerenoe in a residenllal inslallauen. Thls eeulpmenl genelelee, uses and can radlele lidln lrequency energy end. ll nol lnmllee and use: in mmance wlln me lnelruenens, may cause nermlul lnlerlerence In (5610 cummunlcsllcns Haw-yer, meme no gueremee lnal mlenerenee wIII nel occur in e penlculer inmallalion. II Ihls eqwernenl dean cause harmlul lnlelferenca ln radio or lelsvislcm receeuen. when cen ee delelmlned by lurnlng me equpmem on and on. me user le encouraged lo lly la correcl lhe lnlenerence by one w more at me lollowlng measures: Heenenl er relecme ll-e reoelvmg enlenne, lncveese lne seperellon between me equlpmenl and receiver Connecl lhe equlprnenl lnle an eullel an a circun awlerenl from that le whlch me recelver ls needee, Consull me eealer or an experienced ladle/TV lecllnlclan lor help. THIS PRODUCT IS DESIGNED FOR POOLS AND PONDS DO NOT USE THE CYBER DOLPHIN IN SALT WATER. WARNING: Manufactured and Dlwllmled by; Changes cl mudlllcatlnlls ©2001 WWW“ la lllls unll llal expressly All ngm. reeerved. applcved by the pally WowW-e, Unn am e, leSpOnSlble for compliance 92 Granville Rd. T.S.T Eml, Kowloon, H.K. could veld the usel s aulhcrlly webelle: hupihmwmmwm la opala‘le lhe equlpmem MADE IN emu
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2001:04:17 16:56:06+08:00 Create Date : 2001:04:17 16:55:51+08:00 Creator : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Producer : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Page Count : 2EXIF Metadata provided by