WowWee Group 0215A R/C Rock Climber User Manual users manual
WowWee Group Limited R/C Rock Climber users manual
users manual
m: TOTALLY EXTREME ROCK CLIMBEF OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS "925741, Contents : 1. Hand held remote controller. 2‘ Ceiling Hook. 3. Rock Climber action figure. 4. Belay Rope. 5‘ Climbing Wall x 5. 6. Door Hook x 2. Assembling the climbing wall 0—9 A. clip in. five ncflons 01 wall (ogamev as shown ln (he Wm. Threading the belay rope: LT 5. Attach ma dew hooks in (he (Op 0! the crrmbing will. A. carefully mruo my run-y mp- Waugh m. climb-rs b'll hook. a. Thread (he baluy rape through the hack on ma ailing c Cavemlly mam m Elimbing wall in me am using mu hmbmdip Wm" law an”. dour! _ c, mum in. helay mp- n-uuuh mu |ah hole on the comma” wound m. bony flwiw ma back through the thlhnle. 0. Everything is set up. Wu should nnw be randy w pl!) Ilem no.ut1= TOTALLY EXTREME ROCK CLIMBER OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS lig2 5 7 Alt rlAND CONTROLLER OPERATION: The Red Buttons control the climber‘s arms - the direction is marked with arrows. 1. mt um control. press hulton Ado mm in. in am up and 2, Right cnn control: pun hmtorl c to move tha righl inn up press button a to mow the loft m down. (560 martin) and puss button a to move tho right am down. 1599 diagram) The Blue Buttons control the number's leg: - the direction is marked with arrows. a. Ltil lag annual: arm button E in mm the lm log up no 4, light log eonbel' pr»- Men 5 to mm tho right Ilg up and arm omen F to rnm tn. lcrt lea m. is" 4mm) arm button H to mm tho right loo sown. (Sn clcgrun) errllrla : Chlngal or modification: to (tilt urlil not expretsly unarmed By the party rmonsuo bi compliance could void in. tram authority to sperm tn. oqulpmont. mm“ Imlfi WIN “WSW." HY awn BATTERV&ON/OFF DIAGRAM umnummuln ' . Em“, “mum" "W“ ""‘"‘" lMPORTANT BA'I'I’ERY INFORMATION ‘Rernwelhc eatery sompumnenlewer «1an @ 'Do not mix old and new batteries. - acrewnrivcru "town. 7 "’ ‘Du not mix alkaline, standard (Carbon ‘ "W" WW“ “WY '" "W" "' “l'sf'm- zinc) or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) l making It"! In match the pal-my til-action. bamfiss ‘Repllce ms canary cum. BATTERV BETAILS: Exlllm' Hot-My mum 4 x wv (CHARACTER) 1 x av- lcomnottsnl "Rechargeable batteries not recommended. ‘Batteries should be replaced by adults because 01 small pans. Batteries are to be inserted with correct polarity. Non»rechargeable batteries are not to be recharg Only batteries at the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used. Exhausted batteries are to be removed irorn thel The supply terminals are not to be shori-circuitel: This device complies with Part 15 ot the FCC Hulesteralion is subiecl to the lollowing two conditions:(1)This device may not cau harmiul interierence,and (2)This device must accept any interlerence received. including interlerence that may cause undesired operatiOl NOTE: This equipment has been test and lound to comply with the limits [or a Class 8 digital device, pursuant tu Part 15 of the FCC RulesThese limits 4 deslgned to provide reasonable protection against narmlul interference in a residential insiallation.Thls equipment generates. uses and can radiate ra lrequency energy and, it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interterence to radio communications. However. there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a panicular installation." this equipment does cause harmful interterence in radio lelevlsion reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment 0“ and on, the user ls encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or ml or lollowirrg measures: Monufactur-o and Dlsfilbul-d by: . . . a man Wow-Wu [natal] CetIdQ-Llus' Rearlent or relocate the recelvlng antenna. um um,“ um m1 . All It hh nlcwofl. 3 increase the sepamlion between the equipment and receiver. " M d l hl t Connect one equipment into an outlet on a circuit dil'lerentlrom tnaiio ' ° " ° "' We. . . . Wow-Wu lnt’l.. Unlt 3&1 C, a which the receiver IS needed. $2 Granville .T,S.T. Elst. KMODH,H.K, 4} Wee ~°§ Consult the dealer or an experienced radlorrv technician lor help. mpwwmmym we. we- al - 4
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