WowWee Group 0232B 49.82-49.90 MHz WIRELESS R/C-RX User Manual users manual

WowWee Group Limited 49.82-49.90 MHz WIRELESS R/C-RX users manual

users manual

Download: WowWee Group 0232B 49.82-49.90 MHz WIRELESS R/C-RX User Manual users manual
Mirror Download []WowWee Group 0232B 49.82-49.90 MHz WIRELESS R/C-RX User Manual users manual
Document ID409116
Application IDVuvgYHsjlUHRs3dnDXx9YQ==
Document Descriptionusers manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize122.55kB (1531928 bits)
Date Submitted2004-03-26 00:00:00
Date Available2004-03-25 00:00:00
Creation Date2004-03-18 05:06:00
Producing SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Elements for Windows
Document Lastmod2004-03-18 05:07:06
Document Titleusers manual
Document CreatorAdobe Photoshop Elements 2.0

0 Vehlcle: 1 x "9.6V' Recommended
woo-nan to WA" rechargeable
battery (Battery not included)
eCor-troller: l 1 9V GLRM Battery (Battery
not included)
Baton you begin to play. screw-in the
transmitter antenna about 3 inchea Into the
transmitter. For lurther detalls m Battery
and Power ONIOFF Diagram.
Power Indlcator Light
Onion Switch
1) Plug the charger into a wall outlet.
2] Attach the charger to the battery pact: as shown in the diagram. Male
cure that the connectors are attached the rloht way up. they should slide
into place mothly and the retention cl'n should engage.
3] When the battery pack la firat charged It will take aroutd 12 hours.
Charglng tlmaa alter the lint charge will take arm-id 3 hours.
a) Iii-connect the battery pack from the charger by pres-Ins down on the
Mantle-t clle and all“ the connector- apart. The battery pact I- now
Carelully unpack the spellers from the packaging and attach to the
side of the turboiets as shown in the diagram. Make sure that you
attach the right spoiler to the right slde. see dlaorarn for detalls.
Battery Compartment
2) Attnh the (ll-truer to the battery path as shown In lhe dlaamm Mllkl- wn- lhal coy"
the mnnotton arr allathetl the rich! way up. they would sllde Into plate
smoothly and lln- rptpnnan (lip would engage.
1) when the battery Ddtk ls l'lr'sl (horned ll will lair artmlnt l? llnur's (ltm‘qltlg
times alter the nut (haroe will take around 3 hours
4) Distonnett the battery path [mm the charger by pressing down on the
rr-lrnlltm l hp and pullmg tlm t mun-1 lur\ apart the ham-n pad h now ready
n. m- in\t.|II¢-|l ln m.» m r."
Battery Compartment
l) Plug the (harvrr lnlo a wall outlet, a
| Cover
Attentlon: Important Battery Information
' Utl' ullly ’l"'\ll hallt‘rtm "I "I" rt‘qulri'fl “I? and rm Dtllmrlloed In)?
' DD not I'll! old and new ballt‘l‘k‘s dtlll‘r‘l‘ul lypt's ul hallvrllfllflmltlflrtl Allallnt'
ur rt‘t natal-able). (11 r('( harqthfltll‘ lulll'rh~\ nl (tillvrt'rll l anal ||tt~\ Wr‘
recommend the use ol retharqeable hatterles,
0 Remove rm horoeahle hour-rum lrom tnr toy hrlort- ft‘t turning them
- It-(harun-ahk halti-rtm arr- lull) to In- (harem! nndrr adult supervmnn
' Please rt‘spt’fl (he (OWL-(l uolnrlty (tiantH )
. Do not dismantle ballerles or any type
' Do not lrv to (home non—rfl harqednlo ballerles
' Do nol throw hallt‘rlt‘s lulu lht‘ llrt'
' Replatr all bdllt'rltfl ullhe mm? type'hrand dl the same llnw
- Do not short- (lrtuit the battery (onuuts
rmuvr l'llmlnlrd hath-rim lrum lht‘ In»
' Mltt'rltn should be remitted by ddulh bt’tduso 0! small pdrh
' lemve batted“ ll the toy It not going to be plaved wtlh lor some tlme.
Driving the Jet Car
Push Forward to ‘ Push Reverse to .. 1 While pushing
make the Jet Car make the Jet Car . ~ - . Forward or Reverse.
move forwards. _ ., move backwards. 7. ,»' ‘ . push Right to make
' ' ‘ the Jet Car turn to
the right.
If you find that the Jet Car steers to the left or
right while driving forwards or reverse, use the
Steering Alignment Knob to correct the steering.
If the Jet Car steers to the left. turn the Steering
Alignment Knob in a counter-clockwise
If the Jet Car steers to the right. turn the
Steering Alignment Knob in a clockwise
. _ . direction.
While pushing I Remember that when you adjust the Steering
Forward or Reverse, ‘ .. Alignment Knob you are looking at the car from
PUSh Left ‘0 make the “ .' -" ~ underneath so turning the knob left will make
fie" Car “If" 1° the .’ J‘ 3 the Jet Car turn to the right and vice versa.
e t. ' ‘ ‘
Dr ving & Safety T p
The rear wheel lenders are designed to break
off in the event of a crash. They can easily be
reattached as shown In the diagram. 00 not
use excessive force to put them into place.
The rear lender can slide off under heavy side
impact. If this happens slide it hack into place
as shown In the diagram.
The turbojets are very powerful. Keep loose The bumpers will absorb a lot of impact but
clothing. hair and small objects away from the please avoid any direct collisions with heavy
jets while they are operating. objects.
0 When you have finished playing. make sure that you turn the On/Off switch on the controller and the Jet Car to "20W
0 Remember that when the vehicle is coming towards you. it will steer in the opposite direction to the way you turn the wheel. Try to Imagine that you are In the
driver‘s seat to work out the direction it will turn in,
- Keep lingers, hair and loose clothing away from the tires and wheels while the vehicle is In motion.
0 Never drive your Jet Car on the streets.
0 Do not pick up the vehicle while it is in motion.
' Do not drive the vehicle through water.
' For best results. hold the antenna up. not pointing down towards the vehicle. 0
This device complies with Part 15 of the FC( Rules. Operation Is subject to the following two conditions: ( I) This device may
not cause harmful interference. and (2) This device must accept any Interference received. Including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and lound to comply with the limits for d (lass a digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of (“02320501
the F(( Rules. These "units are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference In a residential
installation. This equipment generates. uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not Installed and used In
accordance with the Instructions. may cause harmful Interference to radio communications, However, there Is no A" RI hts Hr 10,3-
guarantee that interference will not occur In a particular Installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to Wowit'gflAsm ~0mtw
radio or television reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment oil and on. the user ls encouraged to try
to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
. Reoriont or relocate the receiving antenna.
0 Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
0 Connect the equipment Into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is needed.
' Consult "it dealer “Oil QMI‘ICM I‘m/W tethftitidl‘l for help.
rmnmnm if m ivmimmm .. , m ..
(Martin's w lYll)liiiIf,-Illllll\ to this il'ill nut v\prvssh approved m the party ' _ . , , . - _ Pat Itaqnn‘ Pv Illii d Ill d‘tl ma
mu nw um- ., anti-mm, in“ mn-int-cumwumr ' " ' ' ‘ ' Prunun .\ It] (um s may .nr.
We "( ( NIT“ ml that .r:-i ri- l.||n
Piaswiw- ‘tst'll‘\l"JLlIl>'I\.J~.ii‘i“. tbflttllllI'Tllltlrltl‘l‘.itiivlr'liuiftlll “m and; m “U” H ,,, m“.

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