WowWee Group 5102 Radio Control Toy User Manual
WowWee Group Limited Radio Control Toy Users Manual
Users Manual
(“in sum a. PEEVWEIWSF. - Do not operate where there are water plants, rubbish, or other obstacles In the pond. This could causte propeller damage. 0 Do not play Wh it there is a strong water current or when the wind Is blowing strongly. - Do not play on doors durlng thunderstorms. - Nevertouch th propeller while It ls splnnlng. - Bring Deep S.E. . back to shore before the power runs out. - Deep S.E.A. she I not be operated In water without battery compartment cover. IIATI'EIIY or II!!!“ SWITCH IIIAGIIAIA urn-v timin- ex-rw Ballerina (Deep 3.5.x um) t x‘QV' Ball-W (la-mm canlrollui’) sum... ner includ .. unzip! “munch ~ Romnn the battery companm-ni err-r by ilmitiiq count-r» duet-rise lupnrnx. llz inch m l mi, ihurr pull out. . innit run-ct binary-n "lawn in ttuqurnmnaltlnq In" to mulch the pnlunly dilution - main. in- mmty cot-t M: ' ll ts-lltlilt Mi MW! the kmzmn I“ I II“ aiding alum-intro“ (In. vegetable oil) mind the trim min- rim. - willydruml median nraytietemute WMHHIEW Bottom nfDEEP S.E.A. "MW" (anN: MIEI' em: in: awe u 5.54. rennin III belted-s trnrn tin irrdfltm. and duln luv wmr tit-t nu ltflllillllled bisldd. Molsmre allowed to lemlln inside flit Bmmdwfll “Mlle the all: Nulz compliments and hollerlu. Shire (M produzt min the hllfl'fl/ mmnlflmlnl nor even to II“! the cnmvnflmem (u my nomnletllv. ----- --- --------------- uunoNiu children ill-yin; with til : toy should be supervised by an AM“, u wltn my products mane-l in he used in in lrouild water. in prevent mist-hi- ”elation Deep SEA. sli It! not he muted hi water “Wis that exceed 3.519“ (um I III). ATTENTION III III ORTAN'I' BATTERY INFORMATION Um drity lmh button" on inquired llm and ucurmrendcd type Do not mix old and non neuerlcr. ditlererrt typen dl halter-cs (ulam‘lam alkaline, mmcfizlgsahle). ur vechnrgaeble beiurleo M dI event mum". we wagon irr- we at llklllne bomrhmr but results. Thls cevtee nompllas with an 15 ut the FCC Rutce Opezalion is subject to the rationing m commons; (tmris device may not cause haimful interference, and (ZlThis d vice mud accept any lmerterence received, including Interference that may cause unite-trad operalsori. NOTE; This equipmenl hasiueen test-d Ind mum to mpwwmi the Ilmitz hr: Clau a dlgllal ems, pursuant In Pm 15 of the FCC Rules. These imiue are Myriad to prwlae nettle proledtan agalnu harmlul inlerterence in a ruinenliat inshtallnn. Th's equ'vmenl generates. uses and can radiate radio nequeriw on-rgy and lfnot irretaltud and used in scmldsnu with the instmdiom. my entire liormliil lrnerlerenee tn ndlo conururnicnliom. Harmer, there Is no gtlata be that iniertarsncc will not occur in a palm-alter Imlallat‘nn. it nu; equipment do» cause harmful lntertersnca to radio or television recspthn. which n he den-mired by turning the equipment all Ind on, the user 1; encouraged to try to correct the intertsrenm by one or more dime forming in res: - Canned one equipment r to an cuttet on a iimuit amount from matte Mitch the recelvef it needed. use-“$5512 - Consult the duller or an a pulenced radio [TV tecmldan tar hatp. Mahmud and martin-ted rm "nus PRODUCT | : nssmusn FOR rooLs AND nouns unflifimi no not use TH - DEEP 5.5.41. IN SALT WATER. m ”mmfi": WARNING' Mfiofiffilfifi Changes at mail; til] to this unit not eupressty app'med by the party ' tflfififi'fliflfifi responstbte to’ no iarca cautd void the users authority to operate the equipment. ‘ cmmflymflmlfl Primed inchin- & SAFETY PRECAUTlDNS Lrlnse read Instru-tlons uremllv uetnre uneratlnu Beep Z.Adl1lt supervlslmfl recummended. Keep on o' reazll uf very vounn childre . 3.(hlldr=n should be mafia aware n! the dangers associated with playlng near ater. 4. In: propeners 0! II en S.E.A. rotlte It very high speeds. KEEP FINGERS C EAR OF PluPEI—LERS AY ALL TIME!- ' Press thls butttm fur Power on and to an 0 ‘ln nnvlglte h a let! dlrettlon. press and . hold LEFl. um nmznu Ilumlnled reel mm STIHTIIIE TIE IIIIEIWII'EH ll'lHT-IE: lurn the rwerta on. man hold and submerge Deep 51A. In the water wllll your Iind, until the ill bunblu have stopped. Now let no 111 new S.E.A. In the water In! use me Mute cantrnller to nlvlulle. 0 To ascend, press - rllm me last treasure In the water. and hold thls huttnn. - To "Mme h a fight this button. 7! the land mnuollerlnldlsihaflne hillummllu‘hh ullutlnl um- stl. Enueurune: Go on a Deep s.E. . underwater adventure! Navia te your Aqua—Sub to search and explo for lost treasure. Find the treasure ches dlver’s helmet, lantern and steerl 9 wheel! ITEM NO 5102 MIND/waflfllflelllflm 000W] Wants q” landmdflndanyatarl - l To astend, press and hold this button. SAFETY FEATURE: A SAFETY DEWIE PREVENTS UNCONTROLLED NAVIGATION. DEEP SEA. AUTOMAHCALLY ST OPS WHEN THE REMOTE CONTROLLER'S RANGE IS EXCEEDED. " fllrettlnn, press-1nd hum ' Nevis-tetra the site and hook the kcflverv ‘ Ann lrnund the piece. “m trvtn resurface wmmnx Inn-a It! 1
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2002:03:14 11:56:14+08:00 Create Date : 2002:03:14 11:55:48+08:00 Creator : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Producer : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Page Count : 2EXIF Metadata provided by