WowWee Group 5102B Radio Control Toy User Manual Manual
WowWee Group Limited Radio Control Toy Manual
0 Do not operat where there are water plants, rubbish, or other obstacles In the pond. This could cau e propeller damage. a Do not play wh n there Is a strong water current or when the wind Is blowing strongly. - Do not play ou doors during thunderstorms. - Never touch t propeller whlle It is spinning. - Bring Deep S.E . back to shore before the power runs out. a Deep S.E.A. sha I not be operated in water wlthout battery compartment cover. BATTERY lg NIIIFF SWITBII IIIIIIEIIANI; urn-em math-ass" Ax'AA" Bun-flab (Deep LEA um) ix-dv- E-Iul’y ‘ (Romain acumen-n Hamlin! net lnnluda ell-rem lMSTALLATlmI - Reuters in. urn-ry crmpsrimni rev-i or "utility tannin» rlucimre lepprcx. tr: inch in t ml.1hlli pull out - insert wruzl biliary-ax rnwn rn diagrammmiking sure to mien tnn pullmy dlrlollon - Replace in: lilllmy cover, Note- Wlklflmmrellmlfillhlmrym,ldlliqm (gilt): oil-walk nll (ls. vegetable ulllarollndllie Milli ow: ‘ . seal-ruin. ENIDFHF . Malta-tinnitus“ rncydcteduralc when buttery 5m“ Bottom ofDEEP S.E.A. W'm‘ cAullott: mere-ci- use cl in SLA. remove all hmmeslmm the pmdurt, and drun any water that has xcumutmd inside. Mnisture uiiuwed to remain Inslne the pmllm villl illllllfle the 1 null mmnnllullx and Mtllrlls Sin?! Ill. Dmfluflwnh (Ill buttery thmpll‘hllelll door open to llhvl the camp-mam to dry completely. ailment! I Children pleylnp wiih t is my should be supervlsed by .n mun, ls with any products designed to be used in or eruund water. in pro-VIM unstable ' l on-rldon Deep su. Ill uid not he epcnsun in mtcr dcpuu tn-t mud 3.5 tut tnppmx. i m). l ATTENTION II! I“ ORTANT MTTERV INFORMATION : ' Use only iresh Immune oi e rammed size and recommended lypo. Do not mlx old and new bdnellu. onicrent typos olbumrles lstnmurd cikenne, or recrmigeable), or | l mchemlhll emu-nee at ere-it capacities. We suspect the use or alkallm helleiiu lcrceex results. Ploul leaps?! the wheel dumyQandO l Domwwuchnmablm enerteopenmm. n . Do not Ihmw batteries into he tire I I Remove rem-wale up e- trern the ray tasters using emrged. . nets-creme menu ere N m be charged um!!! cdun supervetrm I ' Uln only the celery tin-s men-narrated | I kept-cs n» batteries oi wpommno ltltte urn- time, Do not shut-circuit iine l ----- ----- ----- .---------- ------ This devlce complies with art 15 oi the FCC Rules. Opsfillun Is euciect to the fcllming lwo conditions: (1)‘This devloo may not muse nermlul interlerenee, and (2)Th|s d vice must accept any lnlerterence received, including interference that may cause undesired operation, NOTE: This equipment its been $5le and build to calmly wilh the limits for a Clues B dlglhl den/ice, pursuant in Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are deslgneo tn provide , mecie pron-men against harmful Interference In - miduillll Imiallatlon. Thll equipment generates. users end can radiate radlo frequency Margy an- . if not Installed and used In accordance with the Instruments, may cause hennhil Interference tn tadlfl communications. However. there II no gua . . that utter-lemme will not occur In a particular lreetziieticn, it this equipment does cause nanniul interferenw to radio or television rec-mien, which 7 n be determined by Iumiig the equipment of! end on. the user is encouraged to try tc correct the interference by one or morecfthe lolbwirig mce res: - Reorientwrelocale the ceiviiw antenna. r 2 I - Increase the separation .~ , : the equipment and receiver. - connect one equipmenlr to en outlet en e oitcllil itinerant from matte which his receiver is needed, men‘s-117°; ~ Oonlult the dular or an peflencsd radio [TV lunhnleln for help. ”anew"... “mum c m wow/wee THIS PRODUCT I DESIGNED FOR POOLS AND PoNDs All rlmlsimrved. DO NOT USE TH - DEEP S.E.A. IN SALT WATER. w””’"““' W“) WARNING: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party unit mil-c, 9: Grumle rid. r.“ mt. miupn, Me wmee tNonnAmefln uiiire) «lo cut- as Limeslme 320. min. wen-c. not an. uned- Ennsulller manners“) mush mpJ/wwwmwmrum Printed in china responsible for compllame could void the user‘s authority to operaie the equipment. ITEM NO 5102 SEAR-H AND EX I l M » LIE fill/Inimflanalflamam can”! Works pl) unflandllndepyater! L SAFETY PRECAUTIONS I.Plense read lnstrutluns carefully nefnre onerutlng been 2.Adul( supervlslnn I recnmmendefl. Keen nut nI rench of very vnunn chlldrn. 3,(l|lldren shuuld he made aware of me dangers associaled wlth nlnylnn near ater. 4. The propellers a! D ep S.E.A. rutne at very Illgh 502915. KEEP FINGERS c Ell OF PROPELLERS AT ALI. TIMES. START] HG TII E II IIEIIIHA'I’EI'I IIHIEI'I'IIH E: Turn the Power to ON. Then hull iml suhmerue Beep 5.5.x In the wllerwlth vuur hand. unlll lhe alr huhhles hive stowed. an let 90 M Deep SLA. ll "I! water ind use the meme controller to fliVlli‘lI 0 Pres tnls button far I - ‘Iu descend, pm I ' Tn ascend, press and Power On and to go ~ ‘ and lmld Inis nuttrm‘ held me humm. SAFETY FEATURE: A SAFETY DEVICE PREVENTS UNCONTROLLED NAVIGATION DEEP SEA AUTOMATICALLY STOPS WHEN THE REMOTE CONTROLLERS RANGE IS EXCEEDED. n c a w /\.',00 . ”a saw ‘dé - ‘In mandate In a rlunl - Tn nnvlgnle In a left dlmflnn. press and , ', dlrectlon, mess and hold nuId LEFI. lhls humm. nusenoleznemumlmlmmmoum nammlmnmnmswme mu zumllerlsln mm. IIEEF SEA. “mung: Go on a Deep S.E. . underwater adventure! Navlg te your Aqua-Sub to search and explo for lost treasure. Find the treasure chesf, diver’s helmet, lantern and steer ng wheel! . Place ene Inst treasure In the water. - Nevin-new me site and Imok the heaven, Arm around me piece. men Wm resurface witnuut lasing In
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