Wulfsberg Electronics Division RT-138FN Airborne Transceiver 138 to 174 MHz User Manual

Wulfsberg Electronics Division Airborne Transceiver 138 to 174 MHz Users Manual

Users Manual

INTRODUCTIONThis Operator's Manual contains detailed information toassist you in the proper operation of the C-1000/SControl Head.Refer to the picture on the following page as you readthe operating instructions.
PURPOSE OF EQUIPMENTThe C-1000/S control unit is designed for use with Wulfsberg'sFlexcomm communication systems.  Flexcomm provides FMcommunications in low band VHF, high band VHF, UHF andVHF AM.  Flexcomm provides total flexibility for interagencycommunications.  The units provide channeling capability for allthe FM bands plus the air traffic control band.The C-1000/S is a fully frequency-agile control unit.  It providesthe ability to thumbwheel control all of the authorized Flexcommsystem channels.  It also provides 30 programmable presetchannels.  And the programming capability to change any of thepreset channel frequencies is built into the control unit.  Thisbuilt-in operator programming capability can be disabled if theuser desires.  Transceivers must be used only on your specificallyauthorized frequencies.NOTE:  The C-1000/S Control Unit has shop accessible mode ofoperation selector switches.  The configuration of the switchesalters the operation of the control and the configuration must beknown to properly utilize the features of the C-1000/S.Features and capabilities of the C-1000/S that may be internallyenabled/disabled are:! THUMBWHEEL LIGHTING - normally the thumbwheels areback-lit continuously for night use but may be internallydisabled.! FREQUENCY AND TONE DISPLAY - normally the displayis off except when the present RCV/XMT switch is depressedeither to preset channel frequency and tone information or tore-program the channel information.  The display may beconfigured internally for the display to be on continuously.! GUARD CHANNEL PROGRAMMING - may be internallydisabled.! PAGE A AND B CHANNEL PROGRAMMING – may beinternally disabled for page A or page B channels or both.! MANUAL SIMPLEX CHANNEL - may be internallyrestricted to receive only.! CHANNEL MEMORY DISCRETE OUTPUTS – may beshop programmed with each channel to provide control ofexternal accessory equipment.  Should the operatorre-program a channel without access to the internal switches,pre-programmed channel memory discrete information maybe lost.  If the unit has been modified for narrow/wide bandoperation, memory discrete number two will not be a user-defined discrete output.DESIGN FEATURES! The C-1000/S is designed for ease of operation, maintenanceand installation.! Channel Memory retention maintained with no powerapplied.  Some restrictions may apply with S versioninstallations.! All Flexcomm control units are interchangeable within thesystem wiring.! Guard channel transmit frequencies and tones.! Five Channel Memory Discrete Outputs (four when modifiedfor narrow band); shop programmable with each channel.! Direct/Repeat feature.! Integral front panel lighting.
FREQUENCY SELECTIONAND DISPLAYPlease note that the international aircraft standard is used in thefrequency selection and frequency presentation of the 0.5 kHzfrequencies.  That is:154.320 reads 154.320154.3225 reads 154.322464.325 reads 464.325464.3275 reads 464.327CONTROL OPERATIONThe following describes the operation of each operator accessiblecontrol knob, switch or indicator:! PRESET CHANNEL SELECTORS:  Allows selection of 30channels of pre-programmed frequencies, tones and ChannelMemory Discretes.! TEST/LOAD Switch:  Disables the receiver squelch, also,when activated simultaneously with the Preset switch, loadspreset frequencies, tones and five Channel Memory Discretes.! PRESET - RCV/XMT Switch:  Used in conjunction with theLOAD/TEST Switch, selects either receive or transmit half ofchannel memory.  Activates seven segment frequency andtone LED displays.! MAIN RECEIVER Squelch Lamp:  Indicates signal on MainReceiver.  Dims automatically.! GUARD RECEIVER Squelch Lamp:  Indicates signal onGuard Receiver.  Dims automatically.! ON/OFF/VOLUME Control! TONE - ON/OFF/MNL Switch:  Allows manual selection oftransmitted tone by way of thumbwheel TONE selectors inMNL position, allows Main and Guard tone squelches tooperate in the ON position, and allows Main and Guardreceiver tone squelches to be disabled in either the MNL orOFF positions.  In either the OFF or MNL positions thereceiver's squelches operate via their noise squelch circuitry.! T/R SELECT Switch -MAIN/BOTH/GUARD:  In the MAINposition - enables the Main Receiver only and transmits onthe main channel selected.  In the BOTH position - enablesboth the Main and Guard Receivers and transmits on eitherthe main or guard channel (dependent on the XMTR-MN/GDswitch); in the GUARD position - enables only the GuardReceiver and transmits on the selected guard channel.! XMTR - MN/GD Switch:  Selects either main channel orguard channel during transmitter operation only if theT/R-MAIN/BOTH/GUARD switch is in the BOTH position.! XMTR Lamp:  Indicates transmitter operating, dimsautomatically.! RPT/DIR Switch:  Selects transmitter to operate on differentfrequency than receiver (RPT) or same frequency as receiver(DIR) during main channel operation.  Selects one of twoguard channels during guard channel transmitter operationand during guard transmit channel programming.! FREQUENCY and TONE Selectors:  Internally lightedthumbwheels used in manual selection and programming offrequencies and tones.  Lighting may be disabled by means ofan internal switch.! N/W SWITCH:  Selects either Narrow or Wide Bandoperation.  When N is selected and the channel selectorswitch is on M, an LED lights in the lower right corner of thekHz display.  The LED also lights when a preset memorychannel has been programmed for narrow band.
PRESET CHANNELPROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONSTurn the equipment On by rotating the MAIN ON/OFF volumecontrol clockwise.  Aircraft or vehicle power must be available tothe unit by operating the appropriate switches and/or circuitbreakers.To hear the audio, the appropriate audio select switches, if any,must be in the proper position and the volume control set to theappropriate level.  The volume level can be tested setting thebackground noise level generated when the TEST/LOAD button isdepressed.NOTE: To optimize system performance, allow five minutes forwarm-up.  Two and one-half minutes warmup is required to insurethe transmitter frequency is within the FCC requirements.The programming procedures described in detail in the followingsteps consist of(1) Selecting the channel to be programmed.(2) Setting up the channel frequency, tone and narrow/wide bandmode if the unit has the narrow band modification.(3) Selecting receive or transmit with the PRESET switch.(4) Pressing the TEST/LOAD Button while holding the PRESETswitch.(5) Verification of proper load.NOTE: Internal switches are provided to prevent control unitprogramming or manual transmit frequency selection by operatorsnot having an FCC second class, or higher, commercial operatorlicense.MAIN RCV/XMT FREQUENCY1. Select the desired channel (page and number) to beprogrammed on the channel selectors.2. Set up the XMT frequency and CTCSS tone on thethumbwheels.  If no tone is desired, set the CTCSS selector tothe OFF position.  To choose the proper tone code to be used,refer to the Tone Selection Chart.  If the unit has the narrowband modification, set the N/B switch to the desired setting.3. Set the T/R - MAIN/BOTH/GUARD to MAIN.4. Operate the PRESET switch to the XMT position and hold.5. Push and release the LOAD button.  The XMT frequency isnow loaded for the selected channel.6. Set up RCV frequency and CTCSS tone on the Thumbwheels.7. Operate PRESET switch to the RCV position and hold.8. Push and release LOAD button.  The RCV frequency is nowloaded for the selected channel.
GUARD XMT FREQUENCY1. Set the T/R MAIN/ BOTH/GUARD Switch to GUARD.2. Any channel may be selected for the Guard frequencyprogramming operation.3. Set XMTR RPT/DIR Switch to RPT.4. Set up the Guard XMT repeater frequency and CTCSS toneon the thumbwheels.  If the unit has the narrow bandmodification, set the N/B switch to the desired setting.5. Operate PRESET Switch to XMT position and hold.6. Push and release LOAD button.  The Guard XMT Repeaterfrequency is now loaded.7. Change the XMTR RPT/DIR Switch to DIR and repeat steps5 through 7 to load the Guard XMT direct or simplexfrequency.  If the guard channel is not configured for talkaround or Repeat/Direct operation, program the same XMTfrequency for both positions of the XMTR RPT/DIR switch.TONE CODESCTCSS TONE CODESTONEFREQHZEIATONECODEFLEXCOMMTONECODETONEFREQHZEIATONECODEFLEXCOMMTONECODE67.0 XZ 01 118.8 26 2171.9 XA 02 123.0 3Z 22744 WA 03 127.3 3A 2377.0 XB 04 131.8 36 2479.7 SP 05 136.5 4Z 2582.5 YZ 06 141.3 4A 2685.4 YA 07 146.2 4B 2788.5 YB 08 151.4 5Z 2891.5 ZZ 11 156.7 5A 3194.8 ZA 12 162.2 5B 3297.4 ZB 13 167.9 6Z 33100.0 1Z 14 173.8 6A 34103.5 IA 15 179.9 6B 35107.2 IB 16 186.2 7Z 36110.9 2Z 17 192.8 7A 37114.8 2A 18 203.5 M1 38
FREQUENCY REVIEWTo review main channel information, set the T/RMAIN/BOTH/GUARD to the MAIN position or if the T/RMAIN/BOTH/GUARD Switch is in the BOTH position, set theXMTR MN/GD Switch to MN.  The TONE Switch can be ineither the ON or OFF position, but should not be in the MNLposition.  To review the XMT half of the memory, place thePRESET Switch to the XMT position.  To review the RCV half,place the PRESET Switch to the RCV position.  The frequencyand tone code stored in memory will be displayed.To review guard channel information, set the T/RMAIN/BOTH/GUARD Switch to the GUARD position or if theT/R MAIN/BOTH/GUARD Switch is in the BOTH position, setthe XMTR MN/GD Switch to the GD position.  Place the PRESETSwitch in the XMT position.  To select between the repeater(duplex/channel 1) or the direct (simplex/channel 2) guard transmitfrequency, use the XMTR RPT/DIR Switch.MANUAL OPERATION1. Rotate the Channel Selector Switch to the M channel.2. Set the thumbwheels to the frequency and tone desired.  Theselected frequency and tone is common to both transmit andreceive operation.3. If modified for narrow band operation, set to either ‘N’ or‘W’ depending on whether narrow or wide band operation isdesired.NOTE: The operator of a C-1000/S control unit must hold a FCCSecond Class, or higher, Commercial Operator's License to utilizethe manual channel frequency selector mode of operation or theoperator channel programming feature for FM channels.  WhenVHF-AM frequencies are selected in the manual channelfrequency mode, the transmitter is automatically enabled regardlessof the operator restrictions for FM channels.  Internal switches areprovided to prevent operation in the manual ("M") mode.TONE SQUELCHThe CTCSS tone squelch may be preset to one of 32 possible tonefrequencies on each of the 30 programmable channels.  Thetransmit and receive tones may be different.  Receive tone squelchmay be disabled for open receiver operation independent ofprogrammed tone via the "TONE OFF" switch.  Transmitter tonesare not effected.  Manual selection of the transmitted tone onlymay be made via the "TONE MNL" switch and the thumbwheelTone Selector.CHANNEL MEMORY DISCRETESFive electronic switches (four if the unit has the narrow bandmodification) for each channel are provided and are shopprogrammable for each transmit and receive frequency.  They canbe configured to activate or deactivate features or accessory unitsas part of the Flexcomm System.
C-1000/S FREQUENCY CHARTPage APage APage APage ACTCSS CTCSS   ChannelChannel Transmit   Tone Receive   Tone Designator1                                                                                                          2                                                                                                          3                                                                                                          4                                                                                                          5                                                                                                          6                                                                                                          7                                                                                                          8                                                                                                          9                                                                                                          10                                                                                                          11                                                                                                          12                                                                                                          13                                                                                                          14                                                                                                          15                                                                                                          "GUARD DIRECT'                      'GUARD REPEATER'                      Page BPage BPage BPage BCTCSS CTCSS   ChannelChannel Transmit   Tone Receive   Tone Designator1                                                                                                          2                                                                                                          3                                                                                                          4                                                                                                          5                                                                                                          6                                                                                                          7                                                                                                          8                                                                                                          9                                                                                                          10                                                                                                          11                                                                                                          12                                                                                                          13                                                                                                          14                                                                                                          15                                                                                                          "GUARD DIRECT'                      'GUARD REPEATER'
6400 Wilkinson Drive  Prescott, AZ  86301Tel. (520) 708-1550  FAX (520) 541-7627

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