Xiaoyi Technology YAS1117 Yi Lite Action Camera User Manual 1
Shanghai Xiaoyi Technology Co., Ltd. Yi Lite Action Camera 1
Users Manual
IfiEFs b _ i’x‘i‘l‘? > _ IEE 1. Camera kit 2‘ Getting to know the camera a ’F if ’ 3, Insert/remove MicroSD Card (Sold Separately) 4. Battery Insertion and Removal 5. Battery Charging ’ leepehlheyeuee em elm-yum «:1 then pmhelldeldeelldelwmeemdlmellel 1y re lhml me new l eehhea memee hemwllmmhmmnemmusa ewe \ ‘ . l rn apenlhe Emery ems phagmuwhmm nnn'ad maw mu dlaelhhe dlmmn atmsm "Mll‘glwmmlw walla: rake St le me numerals {mew an 1) run-sen mlmsuum 1 heeeeeeeucdlleeeeelewd hlemuledeeeledeem 2 Yheredslalmlqlv heme 0N mehemmeeem l 5| Swehmfll'vtothensmslatwlththellheltacnqlhe/ramotmzusury Yhecardwlllulcklnwnlacc 3 rmeeemehneryedyehamendsd.lhemmhewedededleewhmoephhmm Mm 3 Yheredglxlmlqh yhlllllmowwllehheeederylnllyeheded ,7 , l W, m“ mm menee«mlylemeeewelme w R7 ~ . I ‘ d m l ’ ‘ \ J 7 l 2y 1. remover!!! 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EDEU£§S05mm SCALE 1:1 [gs-5 > m $41”; > 6099Jll tJJD Eifi 15)] FE 353 *SS dflfl xlaoy|.com 2017-06-01 V1.6 EEAE Efiifib FEEE» EEIE» umlg> memm» fiBll‘Exll’fi b EHAE mega» ¥M§E>
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