Xmi XAM47 LIBERTY User Manual XAM37 X mini LIBERTY User Manual 090818 final v2
Xmi Pte Ltd LIBERTY XAM37 X mini LIBERTY User Manual 090818 final v2
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User Manual
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The chargin dock batey levelnccator wl bo it Insertthe earod mo is respectve Lert /moht es femove and pt on the earpods you wl ho the "Power on‘ vice prompt The capod willentr ino uts Trve Winiess No poiing sage. Youvdl haa te *Gonnected,lot channa / igh channal" veice prompts. or is ime st u, connmcion of LR earpods takes 10 20 sconds. You wl hear th ‘Paring® voice prompt. Goto your deven‘s Blustooth settings and seanisurch for avalable devies. Selet "Knin UBERTY® to intat connecion o your davice Note: i your devie promptsfor connection code, enter code "0000® t proeeed. The aarpod wil ato power ffater S minstes of no eonnection actviyto any devic. Onen comectin s uccesfi, you wil hear the "Pating successu‘" voice promp: Note in event wherepaing is unsuccessfi, imertboth earpods back Into thecharging dock Closethe cadle to sito power of watt for 510 seconds, repent Stp 1. Eioy your Xnin LBERTY with your fovote unes Subsequent Reconnection ... Manual Power ON fepostStep 1—2. @ es and hok th buson on Thoxcmin Loeiy w borh earpodsfo fow seconds aitomaticaly connectto it tontate ower oN. The conmected darc witin ow earpodswit ertr uto paiina prountt, You ho the hod,Falow Stap 3—5to "Paiing mecessta" vice conmectyou davce pronp: Manual Power OFF O Press andhold th buton on your devie‘s Blustooth withrmarpodsfo ow seconds setings and intiate to ntite Poner OFF You wil comection by selecing har te rovar off vice "cmin ussim. ponps wireless, free with The xemint Standalone Mode Each eaod has ts dedieted mcrophone Left/right armods can e used separately as a standalon for phone comversatons 2 2 Hteme 6 mospone @. Remove ethersideofthe earos fom chargig dock @. MansalPover ON by hlding the burton for 6 You il hear th "Paing® voce ponpt Go toyour dvers Blustoth setings andscan/serch for malable devces Selct Ymin UBERTY® to ntate connectonto your dve, Nat l y devceponats o comctin codn arlar s tw to pocsd Oner conmecton is successal you wl haa he Paiing succestul" voice prompt Nots in event ho paig i omuceutt HanaalPowt OfF m epestsup2. Charging Mode Chirging of Earpods @ Whenyou hesr "Battoy lvl ow voee prompt, charge the earpod as scon aspossble @ Inertboth eapodsinto the chrging erde 0 LEDindexor wl ight ue WTE ED indcaror w uht uo BLUE when he earpodl ar fulycharged ® LED inclcwor wilastomatcaly wrn offer 10 —20s Charging of Charging Dock Binking BLWE LED incater Charge the chrging dock as soonas possble asw | sox 75% . 100% enmtyith ceanith oradyih anmaria Not: aconeetfom clrsing src uho uty mt To upe h eatci e wenebl, hoh uho 30 aterdurgey onde i laty Td Wearing Selct the approprte oaip sze B detait, micize s fired Check the LEFT /RGHT incicatons beforensering them into your cas Insertthe eapod withth carip facing towardsyour car carl Tistgordy un it ts comforably and fon!secare in your can & play. Music Controls A lay / Play / P ©@ @e ..33fzm.~ & of the earpode t play o paose «! » 0 0 Skip Previous Pss button wice Pressbatton thice on RIGHT eamos on RGHT eaoto to tip tack playprovis vack Call Controls A & °(@ °(@ o Answer / End Reject Redial Prom button once Pres and holdbutton . Proibuttontice eniEt eapodto . |. for roneTaaped 1. onEFT eapfer onswer/and csl tomistincoming call | . lastnumberrecal o o Activate Al Pros and old button for ts on ather id o the earpods on tosctvate/ desatvce A.
Source Exif Data:
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