YICHE TECHNOLOGY KD900 Remote Generator User Manual

SHENZHEN YICHE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Remote Generator Users Manual

Users Manual

     Remotes can be generated are divided into 5 main categories by area, you can choose the remotes by the origin of the car brand.a. EuropeRemotes can be generated:Kd900 Remote Maker User ManualPlease read this manual carefully before using this deviceI. Device Introduction:    KD900 is a powerful car/civil remote generation tool which developed by KEYDIY company .The remote key has no repeat code and stable quality characteristics.    KD900 has subtly resolved the compatibility issues among the various types of remote  keys  by adopting  the  super  chips  which  Infineon  and  NXP  company  developed. Not only greatly save locksmith and modification shops’consumable cost ,but also solve the locksmiths’ time cost. KD900 is upgraded based on the KD200, it’s more portable and more human.      Currently, KD900 is able to generate car remotes including Audi, Volkswagen, Skoda, Xi Yete, Honda, Kia, Hyundai, Mazda, and other models cars. It’s easy to generate remotes. We make a detailed description in the following content from the  KD900  driver  installation,  program  running,  remotes  generation  ,  device software updating , tokens recharging, various of applicable models, detailed sub-machine style, etc.  The power supplied by 4 *AA battery or DC 5V by USB Port.II. Car Models Supported1:VW: 1J0959753AH,1J0959753AM,1J0959753A,1J0959753B,1J0959753CT,1J0959753DA,  1J0959753DC,VW Passat 753DJremote, 1J0959753F,Passat, Bora  753N  remote,  1J0959753P,1J0959753T、 1K0959753G、1K0959753L、1K0959753P、5K0-VW-315、 VW FOX BRAZIL.2:Skoda:1J0959753AG、 1J0959753AH、 1JO959753A、 1J0959753B、1J0959753CT、 1J0959753DA、 1J0959753N、 1J0959753P、 1K0959753G、1K0959753N。3:Seat:1J0959753AG、 1J0959753A、 1J0959753CT、 1J0959753DA、1J0959753B、1J0959753N、1J0959753P、1K0959753N、1K0959753G。4:Audi:4D0837231、4D0837231A、old A6 231E remote、4D0837231K、old Audi A6 231M remote、old Audi A6 231N remote、old Audi A6 231P remote、4D0837231R。5:BMW:BMW ews-315、  BMW EWS-4336:Jaguar:Jaguar 315、  Jaguar 4331.... ....
4:Hyundai:Hyundai 2012 Yuet flip remote、Hyundai IX35 flip remote、Yuet split remote 315MHz, Hyundai Sonata split remote 315MHz, Hyundai I30 flip remote, Hyundai Elantra 315 MHz b. AmericaRemotes can be generated:1:Ford:F3-AUTOWINDOWS、Focus Flip remote、F1-315-3A、F1-315-3B、F1-315-4A、F1-315-4B、F1-315-5A、old Mondeo, Fiesta remote、F2-433-3B.2:GMC:GL8 、GM2-3、Buick Regalc. AsiaRemotes can be generated:1:Mazda:Mazda3 split remote/Mazda6 flip remote、old Mazda6 split remote 41840、2011 Mazda 3 433MHz remote、Mazda2 flip remote、41846-3-TW、41805-4-TW、41805-4BUTTON、41846-3BUTTON、Mazda5 flip remote2:KIA:315-hy4-Cerato、KIA Forte split remote、KIA K2 flip remote、KIA new Sportage remote、KIA new Sportage flip remote、KIA K5 flip remote、KIA new CARENS 315、new CARENS 4333:Toyota Lexus:toyota-old-304.4、 tyt-old-314.4、 tyt-old-315.1、 Toyota Prado Lexus 315MHz 48110 remote、Toyota Camry Prado 433Mhz、tyt-old-314, TWBBX5:Honda:Honda CRV、Honda Accord 2003~2007, HD22.4、6:Nissan:Nissan VDO、N5VD07:Subaru:Subaru Forester,Outback8:Suzuki:Tianyu Remotes can be generated:d. China1:Cherry: CherryA5-315/4332: BYD: Cherry F3 remote before 2011III、Device Configuration:The device includes a special kit, a key maker(KD900), a PC data  line, 2 remote data lines, 3 type remotes, 25 key blades and 1000 tokens inside the machine. 2.... ....
Spare Remote Data Cable3 Commonly Used Remotes25 Commonly Used KeybladesRemote Data CableMachine PC Data CableIV、Device Use:1、Appearance1)Machine KeysSignal LightPower Light Function KeyArrow Keys and Enter KeyFrequency Check AreaReturn KeyMachine Obverse SideThere is signal lights ( blue ) and the power indicator ( red )on the upper left of the front side , left is remote frequency identification zone , the middle is the display screen, the right top is the function key (Fn), down is return key (ESC), on the right side is the four arrow keys and the Enter key (OK).3.... ....
2)Machine Back and Battery BoxBattery Box CoverDealer  Contact InformationMachine Reverse SidePlease insert 4 AA batteries after open the battery box, note about the positive and negative.4 AA batteriesThere is a battery box and a service card, there will be distributor information on the card for you to contact if any problems. It needs 4 AA batteries in the battery box for power of the device, please note about the positive and negative when put the batteries into the battery box. We recommend that you try to choose rechargeable batteries, thus it can work longer time and can be reused, it is more environmental.3)Side of the MachineThe top side is power button(black button on the left), PC connecting port(middle port) and remote connecting port(right).4.... ....
Power Button PC connecting portRemote connecting portMachine Top Side2、Starting upAfter turning on the machine, the signal light on the top-left will flash one time, then the red power led will be on, it shows the machine is working properly. The start interface Boot menu shows dealer informationPower light keep lighting means power supplied normally, can work wellMachine Obverse SideBoot site 2: Disclaimer5.... ....
3、Main MenuThe main menu includes frequency test, remote make, other function and system setting. Press the right button of the machine to move up and down, press OK button to select option. Machine Obverse SideThe First Item: Frequency Test1)Frequency testAfter entering frequency test, the screen will show the frequency unit, then please put the remote control which needs to be tested to the “Check area”, and press any button of the remote control.Frequency Test SitePut the remote on the frequency check area and press any button The frequency will be showed in the screen middle6.... ....
Then the machine will show the frequency of the remote control.Frequency test function of KD900 is very convenient for locksmiths, because when locksmiths are far away from their shop or far away from the city center, they neither need to bring with so many testing equipments, nor need to worry about the power of the workplace.2)Remote makeThe Second Item: Remote MakeMove to remote make area and press OK button to enter, the main screen will display the car model, you can press up and down button on the right side of the machine to select car model.Enter to the brand menuAfter selecting the car model then press “OK” button to enter and select the remote model.Press the up and down keys to flip7.... ....
Press the up and down keys to flipRemote  Part  Number  Menu After Entering the Brand MenuAll remotes of the KD900 are shown by KD code, that is the KDEYDIY software Encodes the remotes. If you have known the KD code of the remote that you want to  match,  just  press  up  and  down  button  to  choose  the  remote  that  you need.While if you do not know the car’s specific remote model, you can enter the remote models to check its scope.Press the up and down keys to flipRemote Information Site After Part Number ChooseFCC CodeCars Remote Work ForTokens CostFrequencyAfter entering the remote models, you will see the specification of the remotes, including FCC code(FCCID is the certification number of wireless electronic products internationally) ,the frequency of the remote, deducted tokens to make the remote and the scope.8.... ....
Press the up and down keys to flipPress OK Button To Enter The Key Make MenuRemote MakeSimulate With RemoteSimulate With MachineRemote Judge Takens costConfirm the remote model that is the one you need, press “OK” to enter operation interface, there will be 5 options for you to choose, remote simulate, device simulate, remote judge, remote make and remote help. On the right side of the interface, you will see how many tokens to be deducted to make the remote. What’ more, all simulation operation is free.RemotePlease  note  that  the remote has no battery inside when connecting to the PCConnecting CableSimulate remote do not cost tokensTokens leftSuccessfully Simulate Remote9.... ....
①Before simulating the remote, you need to connect the machine to the remote, please notice to take out the battery when connecting to the machine, otherwise it will not connect successfully. After connecting machine to remote, choose remote simulate to press “OK” ,then you will find the deducted tokens to make the  remote  and  the  left  tokens,  and  if  the  machine  reminds  you  that  the operation is successful, that means you have successfully simulated the remote that you chose. Notice: under the simulation condition, the remote can be pressed by 50times, if over 50times, it will not work, so please do not succeed the limited times when you are matching the remote, and after matching the remote successful, just make the remote and use it directly.Error Tips: No Remote Found, Please Check Whether The Remote Is Connect To The Machine Correctly. If you haven’t taken out the battery or haven’t  connected to the remote, the screen will show “remote not find”Enter The Device Simulate Site②Select device simulate to enter the interface.10.... ....
Device Simulate SiteTrunkLockPanicUnlockNow The Device Can Be Programmed To The Car As Remote.Arrows Keys Work As Remote KeysAfter entering the device simulate interface, you will find four direction buttons: ↑ means  “ lock”  ,  ↓   means  “ unlock”,  ←   means  “ Trunk”  →   means “Panic”,KD900 has already had these functions, so you can use it to match the car.  And even the remote with you has no power or is not working,  you  can work properly. In a word, you can treat the KD900 as the remote to match the car. The function of device simulate is the latest function of KD900 and it will not only make you work properly but also make you more professional.Enter the Remote Judge Site③Select remote judge to enter the interface.11.... ....
Remote Judge SitRemote Frequency TestAfter entering the remote judge interface, it will show you the frequency of the remote and provide the basis for you to confirm the simulation data.Enter The Remote Make Site④Select remote make to enter the interface.Before entering remote make interface, please confirm the deducted token and re-confirm the remote model that you want to make is correct or not, because after  entering  the  remote  make  interface,  the  remote  will  be  made automatically and the tokens will be deducted automatically too.Please do remember to take out the battery when connecting the remote to the machine, otherwise, it will not connect. After connecting machine and remote, please choose remote simulate and press “OK” to enter.12.... ....
RemoteConnecting CablePlease  note  that  the remote has no battery inside when connecting to the PCNotice: Tokens will be cost when make remotes,  see  how  many  tokens  cost  in the remote detail informations.Tokens costTokens LeftIn this site you can see tokens cost and left. In the bottom it writes successful, this mean you have make remote you chose successfully.Notice: If you have programmed the remote to car after simulating it, you do not need to program it again after making it.The Last Item: Remote Help⑤Enter the Remote Help site Enter Remote Help to see detail remote information including FCC code, remote frequency, tokens cost and fit cars13.... ....
The Third Item Other Function3)Other Function, Select other function to enter the menu.Enter the Other Function SiteTo Connect PC for Software UpdateDevice InformationToken ChargeTo Find Which Remotes Have Been Made By The DeviceIn the Other Function site are: PC Connect, System Info, Recharge, History.14.... ....
Connect to the PC USB, and Software On①Connect the machine to PC and open the software, you will see the machine and PC are connected, if not connected, please check whether the data line is connected well.System Information② Enter  the  System  Info  site  to  see  detail  information  including  SID,  version, Language, tokens left, and distributor information.This function is for software updating, update process will be showed in another seperate manual.15.... ....
System Information Contains The Following ContentsFirmware IDLanguageVersion InformationTokens LeftPress the up and down keys to flipSID  is exclusive number for  each machine,  and you can  see whether it’s  the newest version by the version information. Tokens shows you how many tokens left in the machine.Press the up and down keys to flipPermission levelsSales InformationsDealer InformationRank is sale information which is put in by manufacturer.16.... ....
Press the up and down keys to flipQQ Dealer QQDealer TelDealer MailPress the up, down buttons to see distributors’ detail information. Press the up and down keys to flipSerial Number Will Be Needed When Update And Token RechargeThe serial number is for token charge and system update.Enter The Token Recharge Site17.... ....
③Enter the Recharge site to charge tokens.Put  in  the  Serial  Number  The  Supplier Giving to You after Pay Token Recharging, Tokens will be Charged.Put in the charging serial number on the recharge site, recharge will be down, do not need to connect PC.If there is no tokens, please contact our distributors to charge.Enter the History Site④Enter the History site to see the key make records.18.... ....
All Remotes Made By The Device Will Be Showed By Making Date.In the History site , you can see all the remotes generated by the machine.Enter The System Setting SiteEnter system setting site, there you can adjust button tone, brightness, grayscale and see the battery voltage.4)System SettingButton Tone Site To Set Tone19.... ....
①Enter to set button tone.Button Tone Setting SitePress left, right button to adjust sound volume.Press left, right button to adjustTo Set Screen BrightnessEnter to set screen brightness.Brightness Setting SitePress  left,  right  buttons  to  adjust  the  screen  brightness  after  entering  the brightness site.Press left, right button to adjust20.... ....
Enter to Set Grayscale.②Enter to Set Grayscale.Grayscale Setting SitePress  the  left,  right  buttons  to  adjust  screen  contrast  after  entering  the grayscale site.Press left, right button to adjustEnter to See Battery Voltage③Enter to Battery Voltage SitexA21.... ....
Battery Voltage SiteWhen enter the Battery Voltage site, the screen will show you the  voltage, please check it before making remotes to avoid low battery.All the remotes and key-blades of KD200 and KD900 are universal. IV. Device PartsRemotes       There are several types remotes: Passat B05(B-01), Audi A6L(B-02),  Phaeton(B-03)、Hyundai(B-04)、Toyota(B-05).  All the remotes can be generated to different frequency remotes,  with our machine and remote you can save stock,  save lots of cost,  and it’s more cheaper than the original remotes.  Our remotes can be generated to different remotes by our machine,  then you can program the remotes generated to the car.KD200/900 RemotesModelB01-B5-3+1B01-B5-2+1B01-B5-3B01-B5-3B02-A6LB03-PhaetonB04-HyundaiB05-3ButtonB05-4ButtonA06AppearancePassat B05Passat B05Passat B05Passat B05Audi A6LPhaetonHyundaiToyotaToyota分体酷炫款Button3+1 Button Panic2+1 Button3 Button3 Button3 Button3 Button3 Button4 Button3 Button2 Button22.... ....
For remotes, see below pictures: B01-3+1B01-B523.... ....B01-3B03-PhaetonPhaeton obverse side  Phaeton reverse sideVI:Key-blades    Special remotes key-blades for KD200/900. There are many key-blades in the market,  but  most  of  those  blades  can  not  be  insert  into  our  remotes,  so  we produce  some high quality blades for our remotes, please contact the distributor for detail information.
Keyblades specially made for our remote24.... ....
Note:This device is power supplied by 4 *AA battery or DC 5V by USB Port      FCC ID: RPB-KD900:This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment。  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

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