Yaesu Musen 20665X20 DUAL BAND ANALOGUE SCANNING RECEIVER - AMATEUR RADIO User Manual Operating Manual


User Manual

VHF/UHFDUAL BAND TRANSCEIVERFT-65R/EOperating ManualYAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.Tennozu Parkside Building2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0002 JapanYAESU USA6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.YAESU UKUnit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall CloseWinchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
COntentsAccessories & Options ..................................................................................................................................... 1Supplied Accessories ..................................................................................................................................... 1Available Options  .........................................................................................................................................1Control & Connections (Top & Front Panel) ................................................................................................ 2Control & Connections (Side Panel) .............................................................................................................. 3Installation of Accessories ............................................................................................................................... 4Antenna Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 4Installation of SBR-25LI Battery Pack .......................................................................................................... 4Battery Charging ............................................................................................................................................ 5Low Battery Indication .................................................................................................................................. 5Operation .......................................................................................................................................................... 6Switching Power On and Off ......................................................................................................................... 6Adjusting the Audio Volume Level and Squelch Setting .............................................................................. 6Selecting the Operating Band ........................................................................................................................ 6Frequency Navigation.................................................................................................................................... 7Transmission .................................................................................................................................................. 8Advanced Operation ........................................................................................................................................ 9Keypad Locking ............................................................................................................................................ 9Repeater Operation........................................................................................................................................10Repeater Shifts ............................................................................................................................................. 10Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS) ................................................................................................................. 10Manual Repeater Shift Activation ............................................................................................................... 10CTCSS/DCS Operation ................................................................................................................................. 12CTCSS Operation ........................................................................................................................................ 12DCS Operation ............................................................................................................................................ 13Memory Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 14Memory Storage .......................................................................................................................................... 15Memory Recall ............................................................................................................................................ 15HOME Channel Memory Recall ................................................................................................................. 16Deleting Memories ...................................................................................................................................... 16Weather Broadcast Channels (U. S. Version) .............................................................................................. 16FM Broadcast Receiving ............................................................................................................................. 17Scanning .......................................................................................................................................................... 18VFO Scanning ............................................................................................................................................. 18Memory Scanning........................................................................................................................................ 19Weather Alert Scan ...................................................................................................................................... 21Miscellaneous Settings ................................................................................................................................... 23Changing the Channel Steps ........................................................................................................................ 23Reset Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 24Set (Menu) Mode ............................................................................................................................................ 25Specications .................................................................................................................................................. 27Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
aCCessOries & OptiOnssupplied aCCessOries SBR-25LI  7.4 V, 2,000 mAh    Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery Pack SAD-20B AC Adapter (for USA/EXP model) SAD-20C/U AC Adapter (for European model) SBH-22 Rapid Charger  Belt Clip Antenna  Operating Manual  Warranty Cardavailable OptiOns  SBR-26LI  7.4 V, 2600 mAh    Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Large-Capacity Battery PackAvailability of accessories may vary. Some accessories are supplied as stan-dard per local requirements, while others may be unavailable in some regions. This product is designed to perform optimally when used with genuine Yaesu accessories. Yaesu shall not be liable for any damage to this product and/or accidents such as re, leakage or explosion of a battery pack, etc., caused by the malfunction of non-Yaesu accessories. Consult your Yaesu dealer for details regarding these and any newly-available options. Connection of any non-Yae-su-approved accessory, should it cause damage, may void the Limited Warranty on this apparatus.1FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
COntrOl & COnneCtiOns (tOp & FrOnt panel)Antenna Jack Connectthesuppliedrubberexantenna(oranotherantennapresentinga50-Ohm impedance) here. Emergency Switch  • Pressing this switch shortly turns on the LED Flash-Light.  • Pressing and hold it for 3sec enables the Emergency Alarm beep functions.  • Press  the  F/Wkeyonthekeypadrst,then press this switch to blink the LED Flash-Light for SOS TX/BUSY Indicator Lamp  This indicator glows green when the squelch opens, and turns red during transmit. PWR/VOL Knob  Turn this control clockwise to turn the radio on and to increase the volume. Counter-clockwise rotation into the click-stop will turn the radio off. Speaker  The internal speaker is located here. Microphone  The internal microphone is located here. LED Flash-Light LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)  The display shows current operating condition. Keypad  These 18 keys select many of most important operating features on the FT-65R/E.   2FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
COntrOl & COnneCtiOns (side panel) PTT (Push To Talk) Switch  • Press this switch to transmit, and release it (to receive) after your transmis-sion is completed.  • In the Set mode, press this switch to save the new setting and return to normal operation. MONI/T.CALL Switch(selectable version from Set mode)  USA/EXP Version:  Pressing this switch opens the noise squelching action, allowing you to hear very weak signals near the background noise level temporarily.  Europe Version:  Pressing this switch activates the T-CALL (1750 Hz) for repeater access. F/W key  • Press this key, then press [0 SET] to activate Set mode.  • Press this key, then press the [6] key to lock out the keypad. SP  Jack   This three-conduc-tor miniature jack provides connection pointsforexternalspeaker. MIC  Jack  This three-conduc-tor miniature jack provides connection points for microphone audio, earphone au-dio, PTT, and ground.3FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
installatiOn OF aCCessOriesantenna installatiOnThe supplied antenna provides good results over the entire frequency range of the transceiv-er. However, for enhanced reception on certain non-Amateur frequencies, you may wish to con-nect an antenna designed specifically for that frequency range, as the supplied antenna is necessarily a compromise outside the Amateur bands, and cannot be expected to provide highperformance at all frequencies.To install the supplied antenna, hold the bottom end of the antenna, then screw it onto the mating connector on the transceiver until it is snug. Do not over-tight-enbyuseofextremeforce.Notes:  Never transmit without having an antenna connected.  When installing the supplied antenna, never hold the upper part of the an-tenna while screwing it onto the mating connector on the transceiver.Ifusinganexternalantennafortransmission,ensurethattheSWRpresent-edtothetransceiveris1.5:1orlower,toavoidexcessivefeedlineloss.installatiOn OF sbr-25li battery paCkThe SBR-25LI is a high-performance Li-Ion battery providing high capacity in a compact package. Under normal use, the SBR-25LI may be used for approx-imately300chargecycles,after whichoperatingtimemaybeexpectedto de-crease. If you have an old battery pack which is displaying capacity which has become diminished, you should replace the pack with a new one.Installation of the battery is easy and quick:  Insert the battery pack into the battery compartment on the back of the radio while tilting the Belt Clip outward, then close the Battery Pack Latch until it locks in place with a “Click.”  To remove the battery, turn the radio off and remove any protective cases. Open the Battery Pack Latch on the bottom of the radio, then slide the battery downward and out from the radio while tilting the Belt Clip out of the way.4FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
battery ChargingIf the battery has never been used, or its charge is depleted, it may be charged by connecting the SAD-20 AC adapter to the SBH-22 desktop charger, and place the FT-65R/E in the desktop charger cradle.A fully-discharged pack will be charged completely in 10 hours. Disconnect the SAD-20 from the EXT DC jack and the AC line outlet. If you use the SBH-22 Rapid Charger, a fully-discharged pack will charge completely in 2.5 - 3 hours (de-pending on the battery being charged).Important Note The SAD-20 is not designed to power the transceiver for operation (re-ception or transmission). Do not leave the SAD-20 connected to the transceiver for continuous periods in excess of 24 hours. Long term overcharging can degrade the Li-Ion battery pack and signicantly shorten its useful life (European and Asian versions). Please be advised that the SAD-20 may contribute noise to TV and ra-dio reception in the immediate vicinity, so we do not recommend its use adjacent to such devices.lOw battery indiCatiOn  As your battery discharges during use, the voltage will gradually become lower. When the battery voltage is becoming too low for reliable operation, the “ ” icon will blink on the LCD display, indicating that the battery pack must be recharged before further use.  Avoid recharging Li-Ion batteries before the “” indicator is observed, as this can degrade the charge capacity of your Li-Ion battery pack.AC line outletFT-65R/E / SBH-22 with SAD-205installatiOn OF aCCessOriesFT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
OperatiOnswitChing pOwer On and OFF  Be sure the Battery Pack is installed, and that the battery is fully charged. Connect the antenna to the top panel Antenna jack.  Rotate the top panel’s PWR/VOL knob out of the click-stop to turn on the radio. The current DC supply voltage will be indicated on the display for 2 seconds. After this 2 second interval, the dis-play will resume its normal indication of the oper-ating frequency.  To turn the radio off, turn the PWR/VOL knob fully counter-clockwise into the click stop position.adjusting the audiO vOluMe level and squelCh setting  You may rotate The PWR/VOL knob to adjust the receiver level for a comfortable listing level, using the background noise as a reference.  To set the squelch level, press F/W key and then press  MONI/T.CALL Switch to open the SQ LEVEL mode. Press the [] or [] key to select the level which the background noise is muted. Press PTT switch to save the squelch setting and back to the normal operation.seleCting the Operating band  Press the [#BAND] key repetitively. This key tog-gles frequency control between 144 MHz Band and 430 MHz Band each time you press the [#BAND] key.  Once you have selected the desired band, you may initiate manual tuning (or scanning) per the discussioninthenextchapter.Frequency RangeRX TX RX TXUSA model 136-174 MHz 144-148 MHz 400-480 MHz 430-450 MHzEU model 136-174 MHz 144-146 MHz 400-480 MHz 430-440 MHzEXP model 136-174 MHz 136-174 MHz 400-480 MHz 400-470 MHz6FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
FrequenCy navigatiOnThe FT-65R/E will initially be operating in the “VFO” mode, a channelized sys-tem which allows free tuning throughout the currently-selected operating band.Three basic frequency navigation methods are available on the FT-65R/E:1) Tuning FrequencyPressing the [] or [] key allows tuning in the pre-programmed steps estab-lished for the current operating band. [] key causes the FT-65R/E to be tuned toward a higher frequency, while [] key will lower the operating frequency.2) Direct Keypad Frequency EntryThe desired operating frequency may be entered directly from the keypad.To enter a frequency from the keypad, just press the numbered digits on the keypad in the proper sequence. Examples:  To enter 145.560 MHz, press [1]  [4]  [5]  [5]  [6]  [0]3) ScanningPress and hold in either the [] or [] key for one second to initiate upward or downward scanning, re-spectively (Manual VFO Scan).For scanning within a limited sub-band range, from the VFO mode, press and hold in the [#BAND] key for one second and  to begin scanning toward a high-erfrequencywithinthepreviously-denedsub-band(ProgrammedVFOScan).If you wish to reverse the direction of the scan (i.e. toward a lower frequency, instead of a higher frequency), just push the [] key while the FT-65R/E is scanning. The scanning direction will be reversed. To revert to scanning toward a higher frequency once more, push the [].The scanner will stop when it receives a signal strong enough to break through the Squelch threshold. The FT-65R/E will then hold on that frequency accord-ing to the setting of the “RESUME” mode (Set Mode Item 25: RESUME). Press the PTT switch momentarily to cancel the scanning. This only stops the scan; it does not cause transmission to occur.7OperatiOnFT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
transMissiOnOnce you have set up an appropriate frequency inside one of the 144 MHz or 430 MHz Amateur bands on which the FT-65R/E can transmit, you’re ready to go on the air! These are the most basic steps; more advanced aspects of transmitter operation will be discussed later.  To transmit, press the PTT switch, and speak into the front panel micro-phone (located in the lower left-hand corner of the speaker grille) in a nor-mal voice level. The TX/BUSY indicator will glow red during transmission.  To return to the receive mode, release the PTT switch.  During transmission, the relative power level will be indicated on the bar graphatthebottomoftheLCD;fullscaledeectionconrms“High Power” operation,whiledeectionofonebarindicates“Low Power” operation. Five bars indicates “Medium Power” operation. Additionally, the “LOW” icon will appear at the bottom of the display while operating on the “Low Power” and “Medium Power” settings.Changing the Transmitter Power LevelTo change the power level:  Press the F/W key, then press the [3] key. The LCD shows the current pow-er output level. Press the [] or [] key to select the desired power output level. Available selections are “HI ” (5 W), “MID” (2.5 W), and “LOW” (0.5 W).  When you have made your choice, press the PTT switch to save the new setting and return to normal operation.8OperatiOnFT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
advanCed OperatiOnNow that you’re mastered the basics of FT-65R/E operation, let’s learn more about some of the really neat features.keypad lOCkingIn order to prevent accidental frequency change or inadvertent transmission, various aspects of the FT-65R/E’s keypad may be locked out. The possible lock-out combinations are:Display OperationKEY Just the front panel keypad is locked outPTT The PTT switch is locked out (TX not possible)P+K Both the PTT switch and keypad are locked outTo lock out the keys:1. Press the F/W key, then press the [0 SET] key to enter the Set mode.2. Press the [] or [] key to select Set Mode Item 15: KEY LOCK.3. Press the F/W key momentarily to enable adjustment of this Item.4. Press the [] or [] key to choose between one of the locking schemes as outlined above.5. When you have made your selection, press the PTT switch to save the new setting and return to normal operation.To activate the locking feature, (1) press and hold in the [6] key for one second, or (2) press the F/W key, then press the [6] key. The “ ” icon will appear on the LCD. To cancel locking, repeat this process.9FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
repeater OperatiOnRepeater stations, usually located on mountaintops or other high locations, pro-vide a dramatic extension of the communication range for low-powered hand-held or mobile transceivers. The FT-65R/E includes a number of features which make repeater operation simple and enjoyable.repeater shiFtsYour FT-65R/Ehasbeencongured,atthefactory,fortherepeatershiftscus-tomary in your country. For the 144 MHz band shift will be 600 kHz; on the 430 MHz band, the shift may be 1.6 MHz, 7.6 MHz, or 5 MHz (USA version).Depending on the part of the band in which you are operating, the repeater shift may be either downward () or upward ( ), and one of these icons will ap-pear at the top of the LCD when repeater shifts have been enabled.autOMatiC repeater shiFt (ars)The  FT-65R/E provides a convenient Automatic Repeater Shift feature, which causes the appropriate repeater shift to be applied automatically whenever you tune into the designated repeater sub-bands in your country. These sub-bands are shown below.If the ARS feature does not appear to be working, you may have accidentally disabled it.To re-enable ARS: 1.  Press the F/W key, then press the [0 SET] key to enter the Set mode.2. Press the [] or [] key to select Set Mode Item 24: REPEATER.3.  Press the F/W key to enable adjustment of this Item.4. Press the [] or [] key to select “ARS”, then press the F/W key.5. Press the [] or [] key to select “ARS. ON”, then press the F/W key.6.  When you have made your selection, press the PTT switch to save the new setting and return to normal operation.Manual repeater shiFt aCtivatiOnIf the ARS feature has been disabled, or if you need to set a repeater shift di-rection other than that established by the ARS, you may set the direction of the repeater shift manually.To do this:1.  Press the F/W key, then press the [4] key to enable selection of the repeater shift direction.The [4] key is a “short-cut” to Set Mode Item 24: REPEATER.2.  Press the F/W key to enable adjustment of this Item.10 FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
3. Press the [] or [] key to select “ARS”, then press the F/W key.4. Press the [] or [] key to select “ARS. ON”, then press the F/W key.5. Press the [] or [] key to select “MODE“, then press the F/W key.6. Press the [] or [] key to select “–REP,” “+REP” and “SIMPLEX”, then press F/W key.7. Press the [] or [] key to select “SHIFT”, then press the F/W key.8. Press the [] or [] key to set the SHIFT frequency, then press the F/W key.7.  When you have made your selection, press the F/W key, then press the PTT switch to save the new setting and return to normal operation.11repeater OperatiOnFT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
CtCss/dCs OperatiOnCtCss OperatiOnMany repeater systems require that a very-low-frequency audio tone be super-imposed on your FM carrier in order to activate the repeater. This helps prevent false activation of the repeater by radar or spurious signals from other transmit-ters. This tone system, called “CTCSS” (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch Sys-tem), is included in your FT-65R/E, and is very easy to activate.1.  Press the F/W key, then press the [1] or [0] key to enable selection of the CTCSS/DCS mode.2. Press the  [] or [] key so that “TONE” indication appears on the dis-play; this activates the CTCSS Encoder, for access to repeaters requiring a CTCSS tone.3. Pressing the [] or [] key one more “click” in step “2” above will cause the “TSQL” notation to appear. When “TSQL” is displayed, this means that the Tone Squelch system is active, which mutes your FT-65R/E’s receiver until it receives a call from another radio sending out a matching CTCSS tone. This canhelpkeepyourradioquietuntilaspeciccallisreceived,whichmaybehelpful while operating in congested areas of the band.4.  When you have made your selection of the CTCSS tone mode, press the PTT switch to save the new setting.5.  Press the F/W key, then press the [2] key to enable adjustment of the CTCSS frequency.6. Press the  [] or [] key until the display indicates the Tone Frequen-cy you need to be using (ask the repeater owner/operator if you don’t know the tone frequency).7.  When you have made your selec-tion, press the F/W key momentarily to save the new settings and exit tonormal operation. This is different than the usual method of restoring normal operation, and it applies only to the conguration of the CTCSS/DCS fre-quencies.CTCSS TONE FREQUENCY (Hz)   67.0    69.3    71.9    74.4    77.0    79.7    82.5    85.4    88.5    91.5    94.8    97.4 100.0 103.5 107.2 110.9 114.8 118.8 123.0 127.3 131.8 136.5 141.3 146.2 151.4 156.7 159.8 162.2 165.5 167.9 171.3 173.8 177.3 179.9 183.5 186.2 189.9 192.8 196.6 199.5 203.5 206.5 210.7 218.1 225.7 229.1 233.6 241.8 250.3 254.1 – – – –12 FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
dCs OperatiOnAnother form of tone access control is Digital Code Squelch, or DCS. It is a newer, more advanced tone system which generally provides more immunity from false paging than does CTCSS. The DCS Encoder/Decoder is built into your FT-65R/E, and operation is very similar to that just described for CTCSS. YourrepeatersystemmaybeconguredforDCS;ifnot,DCSisfrequentlyquiteusefulinSimplexoperationifyourfriend(s)usetransceiversequippedwiththisadvanced feature.Just as in CTCSS operation, DCS requires that you set the Tone Mode to DCS and that you select a tone code.1.  Press the F/W key, then press the [1] key to enable selection of the CTCSS/DCS mode.2. Press the [] or [] key until the “DCS” indication appears on the display; this activates the DCS Encoder/Decoder.3.  Press the PTT key to save the new setting.4.  Press the F/W key, then press the [2] key to enable adjustment of the DCS code.5. Press the  [] or [] key to select the desired DCS Code (a three-digit number), then press [F/W] key to enter the select item.  Ask the repeater owner/operator if you don’t know DCS Code; if you areworkingsimplex,justsetuptheDCS Code to be the same as that used by your friend(s).6.  When you have made your selec-tion, press the F/W key momentarily tosavethenewsettingsandexittonormaloperation.DCS CODE 023 025 026 031 032 036 043 047 051 053 054 065 071 072 073 074 114 115 116 122 125 131 132 134 143 145 152 155 156 162 165 172 174 205 212 223 225 226 243 244 245 246 251 252 255 261 263 265 266 271 274 306 311 315 325 331 332 343 346 351 356 364 365 371 411 412 413 423 431 432 445 446 452 454 455 462 464 465 466 503 506 516 523 526 532 546 565 606 612 624 627 631 632 654 662 664 703 712 723 731 732 734 743 754 – – – – – –13CtCss/dCs OperatiOnFT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
MeMOry MOdeThe FT-65R/E provides a wide variety of memory system resources. These in-clude:  200 “Standard” memory channels, numbered “001” through “200.”  2 “Home” channels, providing storage and quick recall of one prime frequen-cy on each operating band.  10 sets of band-edge memories, also known as “Programmable Memory Scan” channels, labeled “L01/U01” through “L10/U10.”  10 Memory Banks, labeled “BANK 1” through “BANK10.” Each Memory Bank can be assigned up to 1000 channels from the “standard” and “PMS” memory channels.  10 “Weather Broadcast” Channels.Standard Memory Channels(200 channels)PMS Memory Channels(10 Sets)Memory Banks(10 banks)Weather Broadcast Channels(10 channels)HOME Channels(2 channels)4321198199200L1/U1L2/U2L3/U3L4/U4L8/U8L9/U9L10/U10Memory Bank 1Memory Bank 2Memory Bank 3Memory Bank 4Memory Bank 5Memory Bank 6Memory Bank 7Memory Bank 8Memory Bank 9Memory Bank 10WX 1WX 2WX 3WX 4WX 9WX 10144 MHz Band430 MHz Band14 FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
MeMOry stOrage1.  Select the desired frequency, while operating in the VFO mode. Be sure to set up any desired CTCSS or DCS tones, as well as any desired repeater offset. The power level may also be set at this time, if you wish to store it.2.  Press and hold in the F/W key for one second.3.  Within ten seconds of releasing the F/W key, you need to make a decision regarding channel storage. The microprocessor will automatically select the next-available“free”channel(amemoryregisteronwhichnodatahasbeenstored), so you may not wish to make any change; if this is the case, pro-ceed to step 4. If you wish to select a different channel number into which to store the data, press the [] or [] key to select the desired memory chan-nel. You may jump 100 memory channels, if you’re in a hurry (101  201  301 …) by pressing the [#BAND] key (multiple times, if necessary).4.  Press the F/W key once more to store the frequency into memory.5.  You still will be operating in the “VFO” mode, so you may now enter other frequencies, and store them into additional memory locations, by repeating the above process.MeMOry reCall1.  While operating in the VFO mode, press the [* V/M] key twice to enter the Memory mode.2. Press[▲]or[▼]keytoselectthedesiredchannel.3.  To return to the VFO mode, press the [* V/M] key.When the radio is already set to the Memory mode, an easy way to recall mem-ories is to key in the memory channel number, then press the F/W key.  For example, to recall memory channel #14, press [1]  [4]  F/W.You may also recall the Memory Channel #000 and Programmable Memory channels (“L1/U1” through “L10/U10.”) using the following numbers: Memory Channel #000 = “200,” Programmable Memory channels #L1 = “201,” U1 = “202,” L50 = “209,” and U50 = “210.”15MeMOry MOdeFT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
hOMe Channel MeMOry reCall“HOME” channel is available for each of operating bands, to allow quick recall of a favorite operating frequency on each band.Home Channel is simple to accomplish:1.  Press the F/W key, then press [P1] key.  The following default home channels is displayed.2. Press F/W key, then press [P1]keytoexittonormaloperation.3.  You may repeat this process on the another operating band..deleting MeMOriesYou may desire to delete the memories (except the Memory Channel “1” andHome Channel). The procedure for deleting a channel is quite simple.1. Press F/W key ,then [0 SET] key to enter the Set mode.2. Press[▲]or[▼]keytoselectSetModeitem“18: MEM DEL”.3. Press F/W key.3. Press[▲]or[▼]keytoselectthememoryyouwanttodelete.4. Press F/W key to delete selected memory channel5. Press PTT Switch to return to normal operation.Important Notice! Once deleted, the channel data cannot be recovered!weather brOadCast Channels (u. s. versiOn)The VHF Weather Broadcast Station Memory Channel Bank has been pre-pro-grammed at the factory, for quick selection of NOAA weather information sta-tions.1. Press and hold in the [1] key for one second to recall the Weather Broadcast Memory Bank.2. Press the  [▲] or [▼] key to select the desiredWeather Broadcast channel.3.  If you want to scan this Weather bank to search for strong stations, just press the PTT Switch.   When the SCAN pauses on a station, press the PTT Switch once to stop the scan, or press it again to restart the scan.deFault hOMe ChannelsbandFrequenCyUSA Version EXP/EU Version144 MHz Band 146.520 MHz 144.000 MHz430 MHz Band 446.000 MHz 430.000 MHzCH0102030405CH0607080910FrequenCy162.550 MHz165.400 MHz162.475 MHz162.425 MHz162.450 MHzFrequenCy162.500 MHz165.525 MHz161.650 MHz161.775 MHz163.275 MHz16MeMOry MOdeFT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
4. Toexittonormaloperation,pressthe[* V/M] key, or press and hold in the [1] key againSevere Weather AlertIn the event of extreme weather disturbances, such as severe thunderstormsand hurricanes, the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) sends a weather alert accompanied by a 1050 Hz tone and subsequent weather report on one of the NOAA weather channels.FM brOadCast reCeivingFM Broadcast Radio can input the VFO-B and Memory Mode only.(Not setting in VFO-A)Frequency RangeVFO-A 136-174MHz 136-174MHzVFO-B 65-108MHz(WFM) 136-174MHz 400-480MHzTo activate the FM Broadcast1.  Press [*V/M] key repeatedly to select the VFO-B.2.  Press the numeric key to input the desired frequency.To set FM Broadband Radio(WFM) mode ON/OFF1. Press F/W key and then press [0 SET] key to enter the Set mode.2. Press[▲]or[▼]keytoselectthe“37: WFM RCV”, then press F/W key3. SettheWFMmodeON/OFFbypressingthe[▲]or[▼]key.WFM ON Enable FM Broadcast Radio to input on VFO-BWFM OFF Not Receiving the FM Broadcast Radio and inputting WFM in VFO-B.17MeMOry MOdeFT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
sCanningThe FT-65R/E allows you to scan just the memory channels, the entire operat-ing band, or a portion of that band. It will halt on signals encountered, so you can talk to the station(s) on that frequency, if you like.Scanning operation is basically the same in each of the above modes. Before you begin, take a moment to select the way in which you would like the scanner to resume scanning after it halts on a signal.Setting the Scan-Resume TechniqueThree options for the Scan-Resume mode are available:BUSY: In this mode, the scanner will halt on a signal it encounters. One seconds after the carrier has dropped because the other station(s) ceased trans-mission, the scanner will resume. In the case of constant-carrier signals like Weather Station broadcasts, the scanner will likely remain on this frequencyindenitely.HOLD: In this mode, the scanner will halt on a signal it encounters. It will not re-start automatically; you must manually re-initiate scanning if you wish to resume.TIME:  In this mode, the scanner will halt on a signal it encounters, and will hold thereforveseconds.Ifyoudonottakeactiontodisablethescannerwithin that time period, the scanner will resume even if the stations are still active.To set the Scan-Resume mode:1.  Press the F/W key, then press the [0 SET] key to enter the Set mode.2. Press[▲]or[▼]keytoselectSetModeItem“25:RESUME”.3. Press F/W key to enable adjustment of this Set Mode Items.4. Press[▲]or[▼]keytoselectthedesiredscan-resumemode.5.  Press [PTT]Switchtosaveandexittonormaloperation.The default condition for this Set Mode Item is “BUSY”.vFO sCanningThe  FT-65R/E provides two VFO scanning functions: “Manual VFO Scanning” and “Programmed VFO Scanning.”Manual VFO Scan1.  Press the [* V/M] key to set the VFO mode, if neccesary.2. Pressandhold[▲]or[▼]keyforonesecondtoinitiateupwardordown-ward scanning,respectively.3. Press and hold in either the [] or [] key for one second to initiate upward or downward scanning, respectively.4.  If and when the scanner encounters a signal strong enough to open the squelch, the scanner will halt temporarily; the decimal point of the frequency display will blink this “Resuming” condition.18 FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
5.  The scanning will then resume according to the Scan-Resume mode select-ed in the Set Mode Item “25:RESUME”.6. To cancel scanning, press the PTT switch or [▲]or[▼] key.Programmed VFO Scan1.  Press the [* V/M] key to set the VFO mode, if neccesary.2.  Press and hold in the [#BAND]keyforonesecond,thenpress[▲][▼]keyto select the bandwidth for the Programmed VFO scanner.  Available selections are below.Display OperationBAND The scanner will sweep frequencies only on the current band.±1MHz The scanner will sweep frequencies within the ±1MHz frequency.±2MHz The scanner will sweep frequencies within the ±2MHz frequency.±5MHz The scanner will sweep frequencies within the ±5MHz frequency.ALL The scanner will sweep all frequencies.PMS channels(1-10)The scanner will sweep frequencies within the currently-selected PMS frequency pair.3.  Press the [#BAND]keymomentarilytosavethenewsettingandexittonor-mal operation.4. Press and hold the [* V/M] key for one second to start scanning.  PMS icon will appear on the LCD.5.  If and when the scanner encounters a signal strong enough to open the squelch, the scanner will halt temporarily; the decimal point of the frequency display will blink during this “Pause” condition.6.  The scanner will then resume according to the Scan-Resume mode select-ed in the Set Mode Item “25:RESUME”.7.  To cancel scanning, press the PTT switch, [* V/M]key,[▲][▼]key,[#BAND], or [MONI] key.MeMOry sCanningMemory scanning is similarly easy to initiate:1.  Press the [* V/M] key to set the Memory mode, if neccesary.2.  Press and hold in either the [] or [] key for one second to initiate upward or downward scanning, respectively.  During Scanning memory number will blink this “Resuming” condition.3  To cancel scanning, press the PTT switch or [* V/M]key,[▲][▼]key,[#BAND], [MONI] key.How to Skip (Omit) a Channel during Memory Scan OperationAs mentioned previously, some continuous-carrier stations like a Weather Broadcast station will seriously impede scanner operation if you are using the “Carrier Drop” Scan-Resume mode, as the incoming signal will not pause long enough for the transceiver to resume scanning. Such channels may be “Skipped” during scanning, if you like:19sCanningFT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
1.  Recall the Memory Channel to be skipped during scanning.2.  Press the F/W key, then press the [0 SET] key to enter the Set mode.3. Press[▲][▼]keytoselectSetModeItem“29: SKIP”4.  Press the F/W switch momentarily to enable adjustment of this Set Mode Item.5. Press[▲][▼]keysoastoselect“SKIP.”thenpressF/W switch.  The current Memory Channel will now be ignored during scanning and black color.6.  If skipped memory select then press F/W switch, will be not skip during the memory scanning.7  When you have made your selection, press the [PTT] switch to save the set-tingandexittonormaloperation.To re-institute a channel into the scanning loop, select “OFF” in step 5 above (the “Skipped” channel will, of course, still be accessible via manual channel selec-tion methods using[▲]or[▼]key in the MR mode, whether or not it is locked out of the scanning loop).Preferential Memory ScanThe FT-65R/E also allows you to set up a “Preferential Scan List” of channels whichyoucan“ag”withinthememorysystem.Thesechannelsaredesignatedby a blinking “” icon when you have selected them, one by one, for the Prefer-ential Scan List.Here is the procedure for setting up and using the Preferential Scan List:1.  Recall the Memory Channel which you wish to add to the Preferential Scan List.2.  Press the F/W key, then press the [0 SET] key to enter the Set mode.3. Press[▲]or[▼]keytoselectSetModeItem29: SKIP.4.  Press the F/W key momentarily to enable adjustment of this Set Mode Item.5. Press[▲]or[▼]keysoastoselect“ONLY.”6.  When you have made your selection, press the PTT key to save the settings andexittonormaloperation.7.  To remove a channel from the Preferential Scan List, just repeat the above procedure,pressing[▲]or[▼]keytoselect“OFF”instep5above.In the factory default conguration, you may recall Set Mode Item 29: SKIP by pressing F/W  [8(P2)].To initiate Preferential Memory Scan:1.  Press the F/W key, then press the [0 SET] key to enter the Set mode.2. Press[▲]or[▼]keytoselectSetModeItem######.3.  Press the F/W key momentarily to enable adjustment of this Set Mode Item.4. Press[▲]or[▼]keysoastoselect“ONLY.”5.  Press the PTTkeytosavethesettingsandexittonormaloperation.20sCanningFT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
6.  Now, press and hold in either the [(MHz)] or [(MHz)] key for one second to initiate the Preferential Memory Scan. Only the channels which have the blinking “” icon appended to the channel number will be scanned.7.  To cancel the Preferential Memory Scan, just repeat the above procedure, pressing[▲]or[▼]keytoselect“MEM” in step 4 above.Memory Bank ScanWhen the Memory Bank feature is engaged, the scanner sweeps only memory channels in the current Memory Bank. However, if the Memory Bank Link Scan feature is enabled, you may sweep the memory channels in several Memory Banks which you have selected.To enable the Memory Bank Link Scan feature:1.  Set the radio to the Memory mode by pressing the [* V/M] key, if necessary.2.  Press and hold in the [[#BAND]]keyforonesecond,thenpress[▲]or[▼]keytoselecttherstMemoryBank(“BANK 1” ~ “BANK10”) you wish to sweep using Memory Bank Link Scan.3.  Press the F/W key momentarily. The current Memory Bank will now be swept during Memory Bank Scan. A “decimal point” will be appended be-tween the “N” and “K” of the Memory Bank number indication (such as BAN.K 2).4.  Repeat steps 2 and 3 above, to append the “decimal point” to any other Memory Banks you wish to sweep.5.  Now, press and hold in the [* V/M] key for one second to initiate the Memory Bank Link Scan.6.  To remove a Memory Bank from the Memory Bank Link Scan, repeat steps 2 and 3 above, to delete the “decimal point” from the Memory Bank number indication.weather alert sCanThis feature allows you to check the Weather Broadcast Memory Channels for the presence of the NOAA Alert Tone while operating using VFO scan or Memo-ry channel scan.When the Weather Alert Scan feature is engaged, the FT-65R/E will check the WeatherBroadcastMemoryChannelsforactivityeveryvesecondswhilescan-ning. If you watch the display carefully, you’ll observe the scanner periodically shifting to the Weather Broadcast bank, scanning the Weather channels quickly in search of the Alert Tone, after which regular scanning will resume for another veseconds.To enable the Weather Alert Scan feature:1. Press F/W key then press [0 SET] key to enter the Set mode.2. Pressthe[▲]or[▼]keytoselectSetModeitem“39: WX ALERT”.21sCanningFT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
3.  Press the F/W key momentarily to enable adjustment of this Set Mode Item.4. Press[▲][▼]keytoselectthe“ALT.ON”.5.  When you have made your selection, press the [PTT] switch to save the set-tingandexittonormaloperation.6.  To disable the Weather Alert Scan feature, select “ALT.OFF” in step 4 above.22 FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
MisCellaneOus settingsChanging the Channel stepsThe  FT-65R/E’s synthesizer provides the option of utilizing channel steps of 5/6.25/10/12.5/15/20/25/50/100 kHz per step, as well as an automatic step selection based on the current operating frequency (“AUTO”), any number of which may be important to your operating requirements. The FT-65R/E is set up at the factory in the “AUTO”conguration,whichprobablyissatisfactoryformost operation. However, if you need to change the channel step increments, the procedure to do so is very easy.1.  Press the F/W key, then press the [0 SET] key to enter the Set mode.2. Pressthe[▲]or[▼]keytoselectSetModeItem“31: STEP”.3.  Press the F/W key momentarily to enable adjustment of this Item.4. Press[▲][▼]keytoselectthenewchannelstepsize.5.  When you have made your selection,press the PTT switch to save the new setting and return to normal operation.23FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
reset prOCeduresIn the event of erratic operation of the transceiver, it is possible that data on the microprocessor may have become corrupted. While this is a highly unusual sit-uation, the only path to recovery may involve resetting of the microprocessor. Here’s how to do this:1.  Turn the radio off.2.  Press and hold [MONI] and [PTT] switch and turn the radio on simultane-ously.3. Press[▲][▼]keytoselectonechoicefromtheresetmenu:Display OperationF1 SET RESET Reset the Set Mode settings to factory defaults.F2 MEM RESET Clear the Memory settings to factory defaults.F3 BANK RESET Clear the Memory Bank assignments.F4 ALL RESET Clear the All memories and other settings to factory defaults.F5 MEM-ONLY Operation on the Memory only.F6 VHF-ONLY Operation on the VHF Band only.F7 UHF-ONLY Operation on the UHF Band only.F8 FM-ONLY Operation on the FM-RADIO only.F9 CLONE Clone mode.4.  Press the F/W key momentarily to complete the reset procedure.24 FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
set (Menu) MOdeThe FT-65R/E Set Mode, already described in parts of many previous chapters, iseasytoactivateandset.Itmaybeusedforcongurationofawidevarietyoftransceiver parameters, some of which have not been detailed previously. Use the following procedure to activate the Set Mode:1.  Press the F/W key, then press the [0 SET] key to enter the Set mode.2. Press[▲][▼]keytoselecttheSetModeItemtobeadjusted.3.  Press the F/W key momentarily to enable adjustment of the Set Mode Item.4. Press[▲][▼]keytoadjustorselecttheparametertobechangedontheSet Mode Item selected in above step.5. After completing your selection and adjustment, press the PTT switch mo-mentarilytosavethenewsettingandexittonormaloperation.No. ITEM Function Values Default Value1 APO Auto power off OFF/0.5H to 12.0H (Step 0.5H) OFF2 ARTS Setting the ARTS function. ARTS BEEP function type. ARTS Polling time (Interval)BEEP= INRANGE / ALWAYS / OFF INT= 25sec / 15secARTS=OFF INT= 25Sec3 BATTSAVE Selects the Receive-mode Battery Saver interval (“sleep” ratio)200 mS / 300 mS /500 mS / 1 SEC / 2 SEC / OFF200mS4 B-CH.L/O Busy Channel Lock-Out B-CH.L/O ON / B-CH.L/O OFF OFF5 BEEP Beep function Enable/Disable KEY+SC/KEY/OFF KEY+SC6 BELL Select the number of CTCSS/DCS Bell ringer repetitions.OFF / 1Time / 3Times/ 5Times / 8Times / CONTINUEOFF7 COMPANDER Voice Compander CMP.ON / CMP.OFF OFF8 CTCSS Setting the CTCSS Frequency TX and RX50 CTCSS tones and OFF TX=OFF RX=OFF9 CW ID CWidentierduringARTSoperation. Transmission every 10 minutes.TX= ON/ OFF ID=****** (6cara)TX= OFF ID= blank10 DC VOLT Indicate Battery DC Voltage.  11 DCS CODE Setting the DCS CODE TX and RX104 DCS CODEs TX=OFF RX=OFF12 DTMF SET Setting the DTMF autodialer sending delay time and Speed and Delay time.MODE= Manual / Auto Delay= 50mS / 250mS / 450mS / 750mS / 1000mS Speed= 50mS / 100mSM=Manual D=450mS S=50mS13 DTMF WRT Programing to DTMF autodialer.14 EDG.BEEP Enables/Disables the Band-edge beeper while selecting the frequency via the [▲]or[▼]key.BEEP OFF / BEEP ON BEEP OFF15 KEY LOCK Keyboard Lock function KEY / PTT / P+K KEY16 LAMP Selects the LCD/Keypad Lamp mode.5secKEY / 10secKEY / 30secKEY / CONT / OFF5secKEY17 LED Selects the active or disable TX/BUSY LED function.TX= ON / OFF BUSY= ON/ OFFTX=ON BUSY=ON18 MEM DEL Delete Memory Channel mode Select Delete memory19 MON/T-CL Selects the MONI switch function. MONI / T-CALL1750 / T-CALL2100 / T-CALL1000 / T-CALL1450MONITOR20 NAME TAG Stores Alpha-Numeric “Tags” for the Memory channels.-25FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
21 PAGER Enables/disables the Enhanced CTCSS Paging & Code Squelch function. TX CTCSS of 2 tone RX CTCSS of 2 tone Enables/Disables the Answer Back (acknowledgement) function. CODE for 2tone.PAGER: ON / OFF RX: ** ** TX: ** ** ACK : ON / OFFPAGER=OFF RX=05 47 TX=05 47 ACK=OFF 22 PASSWORD Enables/disables the Password featurePWD.OFF / PWD. ON / WRITE PWD.OFF23 PRI.RVT Enables/disables the Priority Revert feature.RVT.OFF / RVT. ON RVT.OFF24 REPEATER ARS/MODE/SHIFT function setting ARS= ON / OFF MODE= +RTP / -RTP / SIMPLEX SHIFT=xx.xxMHzARS ON MODE SIMPLEX SHIFT=1.60M25 RESUME Selects the Scan Resume mode. BUSY/HOLD/TIME BUSY26 RF SQL Adjusts the RF Squelch threshold level.S-1 / S-2 / S-3 / S-4 / S-5 / -6 / S-8 / S-FULL / OFFOFF27 SCN.LAMP Enables/Disables the Scan lamp while paused.ON / OFF ON28 SCRABLE Inversion scrambling (Encryption) SCRB.ON/SCRB.OFF SCRB.OFF29 SKIP Selects the Memory Scan “Skip” channel-selection mode.Selective Skip MEM30 SQL TYPE Selects the Tone Encoder and/or Decoder mode.OFF / TONE / TSQL / REV TN / DCS / ECSOFF31 STEP Setting of the synthesizer steps. 5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 / 100 kHz, or AUTOAUTO32 TOT Setting of the TOT time. 1min - 30min or OFF 3min33 TX PWR Select TX Power LOW(0.5W) / MID(2.5W) / HI(5W) HI(5W)34 TX SAVE Enables/Disables the Transmitter Battery Saver.SAVE OFF / SAVE ON SAVE OFF35 VFO.SPL Enables or disables “VFO Split” operation.VSP.OFF / VSP.ON VSP.OFF36 VOX Enable / Disable VOX function. VOX OFF / VOX ON VOX OFF37 WFM.RCV Broadband FM Radio(WFM) function Enables/Disables WFM.ON / WFM.OFF / WFM.OLY WFM.ON38 WIDE/NAR Select Wide (±5 kHz) or Narrow (±2.5 kHz) TX Deviation.WIDE / NARROW WIDE39 WX ALERT Enables/Disables the Weather Alert Scan feature.ALT.OFF / ALT. ON ALT.OFF26 FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
speCiFiCatiOnsGeneralFrequency Ranges:  RX  65 - 108 MHz (FM Broadcast),    136 - 174 MHz (FM)    400 - 500 MHz (FM)  TX 144-148 MHz or 144-146 MHz    430-450 MHz or 430-440 MHzChannel Steps:  5/6.25/10/12.5/15/20/25/50/100 kHzFrequency Stability:  ±5 ppm @ 14 °F to 140 °F (–10 °C to +60 °C)Repeater Shift:  ±600 kHz (144 MHz), ±1.6/(5.0)/7.6 MHz (430 MHz) (5.0 MHz: USA)Emission Type:  F2D, F3EAntenna Impedance: 50 Supply Voltage:  Nominal: 7.4 V DC, Negative Ground(Negative Ground) Operating: 6.0 ~ 9.0 V DCCurrent Consumption:  125 mA (Receive)(Approx.@7.2V) 115mA(144MHz,Standby,SaverOff)  115 mA (430 MHz, Standby, Saver Off)  40 mA (Standby, Saver On)  0.8 mA (Auto Power Off)  1.6 A (5 W TX, 144 MHz)  1.8 A (5 W TX, 430 MHz)Operating Temperature:  –4 °F to 140 °F (–20 °C to +60 °C)Case Size: 2.3”(W)x4.3”(H)x1.2”(D)(58x109x30mm)  (W/O knob, antenna, and belt clip)Weight:  13.05 Oz (370 g) with FNB-83, and antennaTransmitterRF Power Output: 5.0W(High)/2.5W(Middle)/0.5W(Low)(Approx.)Modulation Type:  Variable Reactance F2D, F3EMaximum Deviation:  ±5.0 kHz (F2D, F3E)Spurious Emission:  At least 60 dB down (@ High and Middle power)  At least 40 dB down (@ Low power)Microphone Impedance:  2 kReceiverCircuit Type:  Double-Conversion SuperheterodyneIntermediate Frequencies:  1st: 47.25 MHz, 2nd: 450 kHzSensitivity :  0.2 µV for 12 dB SINAD (136-174 MHz, FM)(Cellular Blocked) 0.2 µV for 12 dB SINAD (400-480 MHz, FM)Selectivity:  12 kHz/35 kHz (–6 dB /–60 dB)AF Output:  400 mW @ 8 W for 10 % THD (@ 7.5 V)Specications are subject to change without notice, and are guaranteed within the 144 and 430 MHz amateur bands only. Frequency ranges will vary according to transceiver version; check with your dealer.27FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
1.ChangesormodificationstothisdevicethatarenotexpresslyapprovedbyYAESUMUSENcouldvoid the user’s authorization to operate this device.2. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference including received, interference that may cause undesired operation.3. The scanning receiver in this equipment is incapable of tuning, or readily being altered, by the User to operate within the frequency bands allocated to the Domestic public Cellular Telecommunications Service in Part 22.This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subjectto the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radioexemptsdelicence.L’exploitationestautoriséeauxdeuxconditionssuivantes:(1)l’appareilnedoitpas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.DECLARATION BY MANUFACTURERThe Scanner receiver is not a digital scanner and is incapable of being converted or modified to a digital scanner receiver by any user.WARNING: MODIFICATION OF THIS DEVICE TO RECEIVE CELLULAR RADIOTELEPHONE SERVICE SIGNALS IS PROHIBITED UNDER FCC RULES AND FEDERAL LAW.28 FT-65R/E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20
Printed in Japan1609x-XXCopyright 2016YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.All rights reserved.No portion of this manualmay be reproduced without the permission ofYAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620665X20 / IC: 511B-20665X20

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