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Document ID | 40108 |
Application ID | 2oT9uCN5YezJYPJexFIaVA== |
Document Description | 8 |
Short Term Confidential | No |
Permanent Confidential | No |
Supercede | No |
Document Type | User Manual |
Display Format | Adobe Acrobat PDF - pdf |
Filesize | 51.25kB (640603 bits) |
Date Submitted | 1999-06-03 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 1999-04-06 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2001-06-18 17:17:11 |
Producing Software | Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows |
Document Lastmod | 2001-06-18 17:17:13 |
Document Title | 8 |
2.1033(db (3) MANUAL
Operating Manual
Frequency Range
Channel Step:
Frequency Stability:
Mode of Emission:
Antenna impedance:
Supply voltage:
Current Constrmptionfiypicul):
Operating Temperature Range:
Case Sizc(Wi ID):
Output Power:
Modulation Type:
Maximum Deviation:
SEurious Radiation:
Microphone ltnpedoncc'
Circuit Type:
Sensitivrty (for 12dB SINAD):
Selecti now-mas):
IF Rejectinn:
image Rej lion:
Maximum Alf Output:
Tx144~l48 MHz
Rx 144~ 146 MHZ or 134~l74 MHz
5‘10,12,5,15.20,25&50 kHz
< i 10 ppm-20 to +60°C}
F3 (0313)
13.8 V DC t 10 %.negat1ve ground
—20 to +60 7C
160 m|n(W)><'~1() mnr(li)>< 160 mm(DJ (w/o knobs)
1 4 kg
Variable Reactance
is kliz/ i115 kHz
less than —6() dB
Double Conversion Snperheterodyne
21.7 kii7 & 450 kl 11
better than 02 11V
I! / 30 kl 12
better titan 70 dB
better than 70 dB
3 5 W tmn 4-ohms @10 % THD
Spycificufium’ xii/rival m v/itmge nil/mm HUIVLL‘ m‘ air/(whim
Hand MIC
DTMF Keypad Mic
External Loudspeaker
AC Power Supply
MH-JZBG M30900098
FP— 1 025A
Controls & Connector
“i ”l i
Q j E D
of f N i
(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (l6) (1) (18)(l9)
(8) (10)(”)(|2) (13) (I4)
(1) Power I VOL Knob
l‘um this control clockuisc to turn the radio on and to increase the volume.
Turn’it counterclotkuisc into the click-stop to turn the rndiu nl'f, “
(2) Microphone Jack
This 6-contact modular jack accepts transmit audio. tone call (burst) or dial / memory selection and
scanning control from the microphone.
Pin 1: SW 2
Pin 2: Clotting
Pin 3' +9V
Pin 4: GND
Pin 5: Microphone Input
Pin 6: SW 1
(3) MHZ Key
This button allous tuning in l—MHZ steps (the Mill digits blinks (m the displat).li' receivingy on a
memory. pressing this button the first time activates the Memory Tune (Ml) modew and pressing it
again enables l-Ml 17 steps
Press and hold this key for H: second, to activate the Set Mode.
(4) REV Key
During split—frequent) operation. such as through a repeater. this button reverses transmit and
receive Frequencies.
Press and hold this key for 1/2 second. to activate the transmitter pou er output lc\cl' HIGH (60W)->
LOW! (25W) -> LOW? (10W) v> LOW} {SW} -> lllGHtéOW).
(5) Am Ke)
While receiving on a mentor), pressingi this button toggles the displa} between frequent} and
alphanumeric name
Press and hold this key for IKE second. to ElClHdlL‘ the Prinrit) Monitoring. described in the Operation
chapter (PR) displa} ed instead ofthc llle‘llml" number in the upper left ol'ihe frequency).
(e) D/MR KC)
This button witches operation bemecn the two main tuning modes: dial and tneniory,
(7) MAIN DIAL Knob
This ”O-pnsition detected rutan snitch is used fur tuning. memory selection and most function
settings The microphone UP/DWN buttons duplicate the functions ul'this knob.
(8) BUSY/TX Indicator
This lamp glmw green “hen the channel is busy and red burring transmi>sion by the radio.
(9) Displa}
The main digits on the display ma} shun operating frequent}. memor) name. or an) of man)
parameters during setting,
Mil-36 Microphone
Note: ACC Pl . and P2 buutm functions can be changed Vlfl the Menu system. See page XX.
(10) PTT Snitch
Press this snitch to transmit. telease to receive.
(l iiKEYPAD",
The desired operating h’cquenq mu) be entered diicctl) from the kc} pad.
(12) DWN Bulmn
Press lhlf- button to turn dtmn in the default Slop >i/c. hold this button to Slart scanning
(13) UP Button
Press this button to turn up inth default step SIZE. hold this button to start scanning.
(l-l) LOCK Snitch
Slide this snitch uphurd I0 lock the micmphnne buttons.
(15) LAMP Snitch
(IMACC Bum)“ (T—BURS I')
U7) P Button (DJMR)
(18) P1 Bullon (SQL Ol-F)
(19) P2 Button (SSRCH)
«20> (21) (22>
(20) ANT Coaxial Socket
Connect a 144-Ml lz antenna to this t) pe-M ($0439) socket using 50-nhm coaxial cable and a type»
M (pl-259) plug Male sure the antenna is designed specifically for use on the operating frequency.
(th t3,sv DC Cable Pigtail w/Fuse
This Is the potter supply connection for the transceiver. Use the supplied DC cable to connect this
pigtatl to the car battery or other DC power supply capable ofat least 10 Atnpetes (continuous duty).
Make cettain that the red lead connects to the positive side of the supply. The fuse is lS—A. Fast»
bio“, '
(22) EXP SP Jack
23) DSUB Q-Pin Data Connector
This 2—Contnct mini 3,5—mm mini phone jacks provide receiver audio output for an optional external
speaker. The audio impedance is 4—ohm. and the level varies according to the sening of the front
panel's VOL control. Inserting a plug into this jack disable audio from the transeciver's Internal
External I'ransmit Audio inputl PTT (Push To Talk). Squelch. and Receive Audio output signals
ma) he obtained from this connector for use \\ ith accessories such its a data transtnission/reception
modem. etc.
:Squeich Signal Output
: Packet Rx Output
: Packet Tx input
'No| Used
: Ground
: Accessor) Dulpul
. External PTT Signal input
: DC 13.8V0u1put
’ Not Used
Po\\e| ON/OFF
Turn the Power I VOL Knob clock“ ise to turn on the radio.
The channel indicated \‘\I|| he the same one mt “hich you “ere (tpcl'klllllg uhett the radio was last turned
Suppl) Voltage Displa}
When }Oll turn on the radio. the current DC suppl) voltage is indicated on the display for one second.
After this interval. the display will resume its normal indication of the operating frequency,
To vie“ the supply voltage at any time during operation. use the following procedure:
Press and hold the [MHz] key for 1/2 second. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select the
"10 DC IN",
Press [MHz] ke). the current DC supply voltage is indicated mt the display.
Press and hold the [MHzl LC) for 1/2 second to exit to normal operation.
Adjusting the Volume and Sqttelclt
Rotate the VOL control adjust recalxer volume.
To change the Sqneleh Setting. a little past the point \\ here hand noise is muted,
Press and hold the [MHz] he) for 1/2 second. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select “28 SQL“.
Press the lMHZJ he). then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select the squelch threshold level (OFF,
1 to l5l.
Press and hold the [MHz] key for lt’2 second to save your nan setting and exit to nonttal operation.
A special RF Squelch feature is provided on this radio. This feature nllotts )ou to set the squelch so that
onh signals exceeding a S-meter level uill open the squelch. to set up the RF squelch circuit for
operation use the t'nllouing procedure:
Press and hold the [MHz] ke} for If: second. then rotate the MAIN DlAL knob to select "22
Press the lMHzJ he). then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select the desired stgnal strength
le\el for the squelch threshold (OFF, 5-3, 5-5, S-7,S-9 or S-FULL),
Press and hold the [MHz] he} for H3 second to sate _\tntr ne\\ selling and exit to normal
I-inully Czll'L‘fllII) enhance the SQL conltul such [hill both edge segments of the S-nteter scale begin
to blink.
“l'lns adjustment can he set independentl} for etieh band See the instructions regarding band change
[fruit/ting Imp/mm when you pretx a button
the panel man he "locked" (this feature is nortnulb used to prment accidental changes to the settings of
controls and witches). To unlock the front panel. use the lbllmting procedure
(I) Press and hold the [MHz] kc) for 1/2 second. Ihcn rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select "17
(2) Press the [MHz] key. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select the display to "OFF".
(3) Press and hold the [MHzJ key for NZ second to save your new setting and exit to normal
To re-Iock the front panel. select to "ON" in step (2) above.
Keypad Beeper
A key’hutton beeper provides useful audible feedback ohenexer a button is pressed. Each key and
button has a different beep pitch. and each function has a unique beep combination.
It‘you want to turn the beeper ot't‘tor back on again):
Press and hold the [MHZ| ke) for one second. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select "05
Press the [MHz] he). then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select the display to "OFF”.
Press and hold the [MHZ| ke) for 1/2 second to save )our new setting and exit to normal operation
Display Brightness ; _
The Omni—Glou displa) illumination has been speciall) engineered to provide high visibtlity “with
minimal disruption ot‘ tour "night tision" “hile wu are driving The brightness of the display is
manuall) adjustable. using the foliewlltg proceduret
(1) Press and hold the [MHZ] key for 1/3 second. then rotate IIIL’ MAIN DIAL knob to select "09
(2) Press the [MHz] ke_\. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select a comfortable brightness level
(D1, D2, D3, D4. and OFF)
(3) Press and hold the [MHZ] ke) for It] second to save )our neo settiniar and exit to normal operation.
Tuning: the “Dull" (VFO) Mode
This mode ts used for selecting a frequenc) uithin the selected band of operation. In the "VI'()“ mode.
the MAIN DIAL knob and microphone [UP] und [DWN] buttons allo“ the Variable Frequency
Oscillator (Vt-”Oi to tune in the selected l MH/ step ~iZe. When scanning in the VI-O mode. the same
step size are used as in manual tuning
'I o Select the I MHZ range In “hich tou “ish to operate. press tlte [MHZ] ke) momentarily. then rotate
the MAIN DIAL knob, The I MHZ digit of the t'rcuttene} dlSpI'd) \\ill blink while "I MHZ Inning“ is
enabled press the [MHZ] ke) again (ntomcntarih ll )ou ma) rotnte (ht: MAIN DIAL knob to tune around
the band in the selected stntheswer steps.
Channel Step Selection
Tuning steps are factor} present to default increments which lIl'L’ appropriate for the Country to which
this radio is e\ported. To change to anothct step size as t‘olloning:
Press and hold the [MHZ] key for one second. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select "29
Press the [MHz] key. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select the desired step size
(SD/10.0/12.5/15.0/20.0/25.0/50.0 kll7).
Press and hold the [MHZ] kc) for otte second to save your new setting and exit to normal operation.
To transmit. simpl) close tlte PTT (Push To Talk) s\\itch on the microphone when the frequency is clear.
Hold the microphone approximately 25 mm (1") from }0til mouth. and speak into the microphone in a
normal voice level. when _\nur transmission is cotnplete. relettse the PTT switch. the transceiver will
reven to the receive mode
During transmission the Bar Graph deflects in the display. According to the power Output selected.
The “hite keys (“ith numbers. letters. or tlte Wt characters printed on them) on the microphone may be
used for normal sending ot‘D‘I'MF tones for nutopatelt or repeater control use. Just press the PTT switch.
and hold tt in. \\ hilt: pressing the desired k-eys
In the European \ersion. press the [ACC] button on the microphone to transmit a I750 112 Burst “lone
for repeater access.
Pu“ er Output Setting
Four poner output levels are mailuble on this Il’flflSCClVCl'Z 5 “atts (Low 3). [0 watts (Low 2). 25 “ans
{Low Hand 50 watts (High),
to change the ptmer level. press and hold the [REV| kc) to select one of four p0\\ er setting The power
level ma) be stored in a memory register. it‘desired.
PTT Locking
The P'I'I' circuitr) ma) he locked nut. so as to prevent unuutltori7ed or othcmise undesired transmission.
Tn lock out the PTT and pre\ent transmission as lbllntt mg:
Press and hold the lMHz] ke) (or Ill second. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select "16
Press the [MHz] Le). tlten rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select the displa) to "ON”.
Press and hold the IMHZ] he) for ID second to save _\our he“ settingt and exit to normal operation.
’I o cancel P l"l lock. select to “OFF" in step (2) above.
Repeater Splits
This transceher offers three methods of setting up spllt frequenC) operation on repeaters:
Manual selection ot'prtzset repeater shifts:
Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS). providing automatic activation of repeater shitts during
designated repeater frequency subbands: and
Independently stored transmit and receive frequencies (typically not corresponding to
established repeater frequency shifts).
[1] Standard Repeater Shift
Tn activate the standard shift manually. as folltming,
Press and hold the [MHZ] kc) for I/2 second. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select "23
Press the [MHZ] Ice). then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select the desircd shift direction
(SHIFT—. SHIFT+. or OFF (Simplexi),
Press and hold the [MHZ] ke) tor 1/2 sccond to save _\our new setting and exit to normal
With repeater shitt activated. too can temporarily reverse the transmit and receive frequencies by
pressing the Programmable he} (or Button). iffin are assigned. Use this feature to display the transmit
frequene) wit/mm Irwin/trifling. and to check the strength ofsignals on a repeater uplink frequency (50 as
to determine nhether or not a pamettlar station is “ithin "Simplex" range. for example).
The repeater offset is fixed to 600 kHz on the V) II" hand from the I'actur}. Ynu can change the offset by
folloning procedure ifneeded
Press and hold the [MHz] he) for U2 second. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select "26
Press the [MHz] ke). then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to set the desired ut‘t‘set. Note that the
resolution (tithe "standard" repeater shift IS to the nearest 50 kH7 multiple
Press and hold the [MHZ] he} for 1/2 second to save )mtr he“ setting and exit to normal
|.. Autumatic Repeater Shift
the ARS (Automatic Repeater Shift] feature in this transceiier allons easy and convenient repeater
operation b} automatically actuatingt the repeater shift function nheneter you tune to a standard
repeater sub band The ARS function is preset 41 the factor) to conform (O the standards for the country
to “Inch it Is c\pnrted.
the ARS function is Uriah/ml at the factor). to dim/MU it:
Press and hold the [MHz] her for It? second. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select “03 ARS".
Press the [MHz] he). then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to change the display to "OFF".
Press and hold the [MHz] kc) tin i'l second In sane }(t\tl nu“ setting and exit to normal operation
» To enable the ARS function again. select to "ON" in step (2) above.
[3] Separate Transmit Frequency Memories
All memory channels can store independent receive and transmit frequencies, to accommodate
occasional non-standard offsets with greater frequency resolution than is available using the "standard"
shift feature.
First store the rccciic (repeater output) frequency, In the VFO mode tune the transceiver to the
desired receiye frequency, Non press and hold the [DIMR| key on the for l/2 second.
Within five seconds oi pressing the [D/MR] key: use the MAN DIAL knob or microplrone's
[UF]/[DWN] buttons to select the desired memory for storage (The occupied memory channel will he
appears memorized frequency).
No“ press the lD/MR] key momentarily to store the receive frequency into the selected memory.
Ne\t store the ll‘tlnultH (repeater input) frequency. .. ncc you are still in the VFO mode. tune the
transceiver to the desired transmit frequency
Non press and hold the [DIMRl key for 1/2 second.
Press and hold the PTT snitch and press the [DIMR] key momentarily while holding in the PTT
switch. This “ill not cause transmission. but rather it “ill instruct the transceiver that you are
programming a separate transmitfruqucuty into memory.
Memory Storage
To store a frequency into memory:
in the Vl-‘O mode. select the desired frequency. repeater shift. C lCSS tone. TX power level. and. if
this is a packet channel. the desired baud rate [1200’9600t
Press and hold the [DIMR] key on the microphone for 1/2 second A memory number or letter “ill
appear blinking in the display,
Within the seconds of pressing the [DIMR| k y. use the MAIN DIAL knob or microphones
[UPl/[DWN] buttons to select the desired memory for storage (‘I he occupied memory channel yyill he
appears memorized frequency).
Press the [DIMR] key again. this tune momentarily. to store the displayed data into the selected
memory channel slot. [its memory lnhcl uiII stop blinkingt for 3 second then will disappear (since you
are still operating in the VFO mode).
To name a memory:
You “ill notice the first entry's place blink. Within the AW entry mode. press the |MHz] key. then
rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select ulmmctem: and pressing the [DIMR] key to move the character‘s
entry place to the right.
MAIN DlAL knob to select the desired number. letter. or symbolr then press the [DIMR] key to
move the next character's place.
Do this as necessar) to complete a name tag for your memory. then press and hold the [MHZ] key
for 1/2 second to save the AfN name entry and exit to normal operation,
To turn on the memory name display
Press the |A/N] ks) to change.
Recalling Memories
From the VFO mode. momentarll) press the [D/MR] key on tlte activates tlte memory mode,
When more than one memory has been stored. use the MAIN DIAL knob to select a memory for
’operat|on. AlIErllfllHEI). nticrnphone‘s [UPJ or |DWN] buttonmay be used to stop or scan through the
available memories. When usim:r the microphonc’s buttons. press and release the button to move one
step up or doun: press and hold the [UP] or [DWNl button for 1/2 second to begin memory scanning
Home Channel Memory
Convenient one-touch "Home" channel memor) I\' ' atlahlc to simplify return to your most—often-used
frequenq This memory do not appear in the regular mentor) banks. simpllf) operation
To recall the Home channel.ju5t press the |DIMR] kc) on the momentarily.
The factor} default frequenq for the Home channel is 1-15.0th MHL, You can reprogram the Home
channel in a manner identical to that used {or the regular memorics‘
[from the VFO mode. tune in the frequent} yin wish to store. and set all repeater shifts and
other dnlajust the tin) )ou do tor "nortttal" memory channel storage
Press and hold the [D/MR| ke) tor lr'. seCOlld. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select
Press the |DIMR] key on the return to tour lair-mud frequent) tVFO or Memory),
Naming and Displaying Memories
You can name stores memories “ith an alphanumeric lagtup to seven characters) tor easy reference.
To name a mentor)-
Recall the l‘ncltlttl’} to be named
Pre~s and hold the [MHz] ke) for l’l second. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select "01
You will no e the first entry‘s place blink. Within the Am entry mode, press the [MHz] key. then
rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select drummer-u and pressing the [DIMR] key to move the character’s
amt) place to the right.
MAIN DIAL knob to select the desired number. lener. or symbol. then press the [DIMR] key to
mnve the next character‘s place.
Do this as neccssary to complete a name tag for your memory. then press and hold the [MHz] key
for 1/2 second to save the MN name entry and exit to normal operation.
To turn on the memory name display.
(6) Press the [AIM] key to change.
Memory Tuning
Once you have recalled a particular memory channel. you may easily tune off that channel. as thuugh
you acre in the VFO mode.
With the FT—ZGOUM in the Memory Recall mode. select the desired memory channel.
Press the [MHZ] key momentaril‘ ~
Rotate the MAN DIAL knobs as desired. to tune It) anew
IF you “ish to return to the original memory frequency. pr ..
the [DIMR] key momentarily,
You can no“ tune around the ori "nal memorized frequency.
Memory-Only Mode
Once memory channel programming has been completed. you may place the radio in a "Memory Only"
mode. “hereby VFO nperation lS iinptrss'ihle this may be particularly useful during public-service
e\ents “here a number of opetzttors may he usrng the radio for first time, and ultimate simplicity Of
channel selection is desired
To place the radio into the Memory Only mode. turn it off. No“ press and hold in the [D/MR] key on
the 1/2 \\hI|E turning the radio on.
in return to normal operation. repeat the abate potter—on procedure.
Masking and Recovering Memories
With 174 total memories amiluble. there frequently are situations \\|tere you mu) desire m "Mask"
certain mommies temporarily (except the Memory Channel "l“l,
This feature is different from “Memmy Skip Scanning" described later: Masking hides the memory
contents duringY scanning and manual operation. “hile Memory Skip Scanning hides the memory
contents unit duringmmumg.
Tu mask a memnr) ‘
Recall the memory to be masked.
Press the IAIN] button. This \\lii cause the display to Memory Channel "I and the previously
selected memory to be masked (not accessible during scanning nor by manual selection).
Important Nate The masked memory channel can not be tin-hidden.
Before activating the anner. make sure that the Squelch is set to squelch off the background noise
“hen no signal is present.
Scanning may be staned or stopped \\ith the microphones [UP] or [DWN] button. The following
techniques are used for scanning:
Press and hold either the [UP] or [DWN] button for one second in the VFO made will causes
upuard or dourmard hum! scanning. respectively, to begin
Press and hold either the [UP] or [DWN] button for one second in the .’\1€I11()l}‘1710d6 will causes
memnr} channel scanni «1 touard a higher- or [Omit-numbered rue/7mm channel. respectively.
Scanning pauses “hen 11 signal opens the squelch. and the decimal point on the display will blink,
You cun choose one nfm'o scan-resume modes (descrtbcd later).
To holt the scan manually. the easiest nu) is to push the PTT switch on the microphone
momentarily (no transmission “ill occur tthilc ton are scanning). the scan may also be halted manuall)
h) pressing the microphones [UP] or [DWN] button. or the [D/MR] [microphones [VFOIMR] button).
Scfln~Resume Option
Tuo scarHestttne modes are available on the radio:
In the BUSY mode. the scanner ttill remain halted for as long as there is carrier present on the
ion. the scanner will resume.
channel: after the carrier dtops at the end ofthe other stattun‘s trunsnt
in the TIME mode. the scanner \\iII halt for fixe seconds IJ/l/l. alter uhich scanning “ill resume
(“herher or not the other station is still transmission)
l'o change the scan—resume mode. as folio“ ing'
Press and hold the [MHz] he} for IE second. then rutttte the MAIN DIAL knob to select "24
Press the [MHZ] kc}. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select the desired scan-resume mode
Press and hold the [MHZ] he) lbt 1/2 second to save _\our nett setting and exit to normal operation,
Memory Skip Scanning
When }ou have some continuoush-actixe channels in memories. ion ma) wish to tkzp them ("or
scanning. but still have them available for lnanuu/sulwlitm.
To mask a memory to be skipped during scanning. as following:
(44) Recall the memon channel to be skipped.
(45) Press and hold the [MHz] ker for 1/2 second then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select“ 26
(46) Press the [MHZ] key. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob [0 select "SKIP".
(47) Press and hold the [MHz] key for 1/2 second to save and exit to normal operation.
To r‘e-enable a“ skipped menron channel select to STOP in slept 3) above.
Programmable Band—Scan Limits
Besides band and memory scanning. this radio can be set to tune or scan only the frequencies between
user-defined loner and upper limits. These limits are stores in special "Sub-Band Limit Memories"
labeled PMS- 1L. PMS-1L]. PMS-2L. and PMS-ZU. “ith "L" and "U“ designations representing the
Loner and Upper limit respectitelr lo utilile this tenture. uset he IollowinEy steps:
Store the IntrerAedge of the desu'ed scanning/tuning range in memory "PM§-1L" and the upper
eedg in mernon PMS-lU" (or. alterttativel). iir memories “PMS-2L“ and "PMS-ZU ).
With an) of these memories recalled. press the lMHz] kc) momentarily. to activate the
Programmable Band-Sean Limits. The frequencies stored in memories "L" and "U" will no“ serve as
tunine and scanning limits thus creating a tuninu sub band
l'n cancel the sub band limits and return to normal mcmon operation. press the [D/MR] key on the
rnmnentair ily
Smart Search Operation
The Smart Search feature may be used to load » automatically rrith no operator intervention — a special
bank of up to 50 memory channels (per band) based on activit). Smart Search “ill sweep either the
entire hand or the portion of the hand mthin the Programmable Bond—Scan Limits and will load the
special nrernor) bank rt ith the freqtienc) and other data pertaining to those channels (in nhich activity is
found. The channels are loaded in the order in uhrch the) are encountered. not according to signal
strength or b_\ ascending liequerrc}.
the Smart Search feature is especiall) useful “hen visiting a err) for the first time. “here _\ou mu) be
unfamiliar \\ ith the repeater frequencies: Smart Search discovers “here the local activity is to be found.
ulld (rurornaticall) loads those frequencies toriou.
Smart Search operation is simple to activate:
Press the [P2] he}.
the Smart Search process “ill non cause the radio to scnn tip\\1|l“d on current band. loading
channels on \\hich it encounters a signal snout:v enough to open the squelch
When 50 channels are loaded or scanner is reached band edge. the scanner will stop and the
transceiver will revert to the starting frequency.
To recall the Smart Search Memories just stored. rotate the [P2] key
Press the [DIMR] key momentarily to exit the Smart Search mode.
Note that these memories are so-called "soft" memories: they Will be lost it' you initiate a new Smart
Priority Channel Monitoring
The Priority function allows automatic checking for activity on a particular memory every' five seconds
ttltile operating on the VFO or a different tnemory. When the receiver detects a signal on the designated
“Priority" memory operation automatically shifts to that memory nhilc the signal is present (plus a few
seconds). ifyrou transmit while “paused" on the priority channeL priority monitoring will cease. and the
transceiver will "hold" indefinitely on the priority channel.
We recommend that Memgry Channel t is reserved by you as the ”Priority" channel. as t.he transceiver
nill only check Memory Channel I as the priority channel if you are operating in the memory mode.
However. if you are operating in the VFO mode. priority operation will define the lust—used memory
t‘ltumw/ as the priority channel,
To set up for priority monitoring:
Preset the SQL control to silence the background noise on at clear channel. then store the
frequency to be the "Priority" channel into u memory location (this must be Mental-y- Channel I if you
utll be operating on other manna-rm during priority tnonitorin ).
Press the [DIMR] key to operate in the VFO mode II'yon are in the memory mode. select the
memory on “hich you \\iSii to operate (other than the priority channel).
Press the {MN} key momentarily to stan the priority monitoring
In the priority monitoring the displayed frequency \\ill shut to the priority memory briefly about every
five seconds. “hile the recciyer checks for the presence ofa s vnul
When no signal appears on the priority memory (causing the squelch to open). you can tune transmit
and receiye on the VH). or select and operate on other memories; ltoucyer. you cannot scan (except
manually. Using the micropltone's [UP] and IDWN| buttons). as the scanning logic circuits are already
dedicated to the priority scanning activities.
It" a station you t\ish to talk tyilh appears on the priority memory. press the PTT snitch momentarily
while reeeiyi g their signal (no transmission nill occur) to null priority scanning. Otherwise. “hen a
signal appears on the priority channel. priority monitoring “iii pause and the decimal on the display will
blink. Priority monitoring “1” resume hasetl on tltc setting of the regular scanning-resume mode — either
after a 5-second pause. or after the carrier drops out.
To cancel the priority monitoring. press the [DIMR] key momentarily.
A few other rules govern priority operation:
You may use any available tnetnory as a priority channel in the above procedure when you are
operation in the VFO mode Vou may not, however. switeh from the memory mode to the VFO mode or
vice—versa. “ithout t‘trst canceling priority monttoring.
You can not scan operatton during priority operation.
The priority function is not disabled by switching the transceiver oil". Ifyou were engaged in priority
monitoring at the moment you tttrned the radio off. it will assume that you will want to continue priority
monitoring during your next operating session. and will come up still in the priority trrode when the
transeciy er is 5“ itched back ”IL
Tone Squeleh Modes
These systetns allo“ silently monitoring until a call directed to you is received. and offer privac‘y on an
Olhcmise busy channel.
CTCSS E my] lQIlS one t‘oded Sguelch Svstetn
This imposes a coetaneous. subaudible (one on your transmitted ilttdifl When decoded at the other
station. this allous their squelch to open and receive your Irztnsm . ion, Some "closed“ repeaters ttse
this to limit access. or to prevent signals intended for other repeaters (“ttlt the some input frequency)
in frtnge areas from locking tip the repeater, There are 47 selectable C l'( S tones.
12! S Digtfi t‘ode Sguclch
DCS operation modulates a suhaudiblc tone according to a digital protocol (continuous 32-bit
synchronous code) DCS is nidely used in the commercial land—mobile industry because of its
superior performance and its Ifl-l unique codes oft"
eater privacy than ("TCSS.
I‘D use either CTC 'S or DCS. both stations must be on the same frequency. and have selected the same
CTCSS tone or DCS code.
To select and activate CTCSS or DCS operation:
Press and hold the [MHZ] key for l/‘l second then rotate the MAN DIAL knob to select "29
Press the [MHzl key. then rotate the MAN D|AL knob to select the desired squelch type from
the following
"ENC" tencode) appears \\ hen the CR SS tone generator is activated for n-ummi [on only.
"ENC/DEC“ tettcotle & decode) appears \\ hen thc (' I'CSS tone squelch is ttetivated for both
TX & RX (only signals "encoded" uith the matching tone open tlte squelch).
"DCS" (digital code squelch) appears when digital code squelch system (TX & RX) is active.
Press and hold the [MHZ] he) for 1/2 second to save your new setting and exit to the normal
Next. select the CTCSS tone. or DCS code that you and the other station have both agreed to use:
0 If”ENC“ and "ENC/DEC" is selected:
Press and hold the [MHz] kc) for 1/2 second. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select "30
Press the [MHZ] he). then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to choose the desired CTCSS tone,
Press and hold the [MHz] key for U: second to save your new setting and GM! to the normal
It" "DCS" is scleeted:
(1) Press and hold the [MHz] key for NZ second, then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select "11_
DCSN". f f
(2) Press the [MHZ] he). then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to choose the desired DCS code.
(3) Press and hold the [MHz] key for H: second to save tour new setting and exit to the normal
CTCSSJDCS settin;r tire stored in each iiteinor) in the same manner and at the some tone as storing
frequencies, To change the programmed tone/code or state. just recall it. reset the tone or function. and
store the mentor} again. If you activate CTCSS/DCS on a PMS inemor). it will be active when that
mentor) pair is used to start PMS scanning or tuning
CTCSS Tone Search Scanning
ln operating situations \\heie _xou don't kiiovt the t” I’CSS tone being used by another station Wu can
command the radio to listen to the incoming signal and scan in search oftlie tone being used.
To scan for the CTCSS tone in use:
Set the radio tip for the CTCSS operation.
Press the [AC] button on the microphone iiionienttiril). to stiirt scanning for the incomingY C'I'CSS
When the radio detects the eorieei tone it halts on that tone. and audio is allotted to pass.
(4) Press and hold the [MHZ] key for H2 second to exit in normal operation.
DCS Tonc Search Scanning
In operatingr situations “here 3ou don't knmt the DCS tone being‘ used by another station you can
command the radto to listen to the incoming signal and scan tn search ol‘the tone being used.
To scan for the DCS tone in ttse:
Set the radio up for the DCS operation.
Press the [AC] button on the microphone momentarily. to start scanning, for the incoming DCS
When the radio detects the correct tone. it halts on that tone. and audio is allowed to pass.
Press and hold the [MHZ] key for ll2 second to exit to normal operation.
CTCSS Bcll Paging
Bell Paging adds an alert ringer to (”TCSS tone squelch operation. for added convenience. When you
receite a call ttith a matching C l'CSS tone. the ringer sounds to alert ton to the call.
(I) Press and hold the [MHZ] he) for I/2 second. then rotate the MAIN DlAL knob to select "06
(2) Press the [MHz] ketr then rotate the MAJN DIAL knob to change the display to "ON".
(3) To activate the C ICSS Bell operation. select to "OFF" in step (2) above.
AS before. culls \\ithout a matching C fCSS tone is ignored. Thul “illi it matching [one cause the
transceiver to ring as the squelch opens nhilc the caller transmits Note that other stations do not need to
have the CTCSS Bell function to cull tou: they can Just use standard C1 C55 encoding
When you repel to a CTCSS Bell C11|i.)0uma} wont to turn ot‘l‘tltc Bell functton. or else the transceiver
\\ill tint:y evet) time your squelch opens
You can store the CTCSS Bell Pagtng in at mentor}. along \\ith different (7 l'CSS tone and
encode/decode stillcs
ARTS Auto Range Trunspond System
I'his ststem uses DCS signalinéY to inform gou “hen )ou and tiliU/llc'l‘ MIT-equipped tm/wn are within
communications range. Both stations must Iirst select DCS operation using> the some DCS code.
Whenever )ou press the PT'I'. or ever} 30 seconds otter ARTS is uctitatcd. your radio transmits zt
(subuudtble) DCS signal. [l‘ the other rttdto is in range. the beeper sound (il‘cnublc) and "ARTS |N" will
appears on the displzt).
Whether }ou talk or not. the radio continue to poll each other uter) 30 seconds while ARTS is activated.
tou can also lntte your radio transmit tour cztllsign viu CW er} nine minutes. to comply “llh
identification requirements.
It >ou move out range l'or mote than one minute (tn o polls). )our radio senses that no signal has been
receited. Sounds the beep and the displa) changes to "ARTS OUT“ (out of range). Ifyott move back
into range. }t)lll' tudio again beeps. 11nd the tltsplett changes back to "ARTS IN".
During ARTS operation. you never change the operatingl frequency or other settings; you must first
terminate ARTS to resume normal operation. This is a safety feature to prevent accidental loss ofcontact
due to channel change. etc.
Here is how to activate ARTS'
(4) Press and hold the [MHZ] key for 1/2 second. then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select “04
(5) Press tlte [MHZ] key then rotate the MAIN DIAL knob to select the ARTS operating mode: "RX
(receive-only)" TX (transmit-onh)“. "TRX (transceivel" or "OFF", The operating descriptions
assume both radio are set to "TRX"
(6) Press and hold the [MHZ] kc) for 1/2 second to save the entry and exit. The display now shows
"ARTS OUT“ After tuo pollings (one minute). a response is not detected. ”ARTS OUT"
appears continuously othernisc "ARTS IN" is displayed as long as both stations remain in range.
t7] To cancel ARTS operation. select to "OFF" in step t2) above
ARTS film/es ..
[n the previous ARTS description. both transceivers uete set to the “TRX” (transceive) mode. There are
too other AR TS modes available from MENU function. as outlined below:
RX — Use this mode ili3ott onl) nan! your radio to listen. and not poll the other station (in \\lticlt ease
their radio should be
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