Yaesu Musen FT-817 Scanning Receiver User Manual instruction manual

Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. Scanning Receiver instruction manual

instruction manual

FT-817OPERATING MANUAL1Front Panel Control & SwitchesFront Panel Control & SwitchesFront Panel Control & SwitchesFront Panel Control & Switches(1) PWR SwitchPress and hold in the PWR switch for one second to turn to the transceiver on or off.(2) AF KnobThis (inner) VOL knob adjusts the receiver audio volume level presented to the speakeror external speaker. Clockwise rotation increases the volume level.(3) SQL/RF KnobIn the USA version, this (outer) SQL/RF knob adjust the gain of the receiver’s RF and IFstage. Using Menu Selection 45, this control may be changed to function as a Squelchcontrol, which may be used to silence background noise when no signal is present. Inthe other versions, its default setting is squelch control.(4) LOCK KeyPressing this key locks the so as to prevent accidental frequency change.(5) V/M KeyPressing this key switches frequency control between the VFO and Memory System.(6) TRANSMIT/BUSY IndicatorThis LED glows green when the squelch open, and turns red during transmit.(7) MAIN DIALThis is the main tuning dial for the transceiver. It is used both for frequency tuning aswell as “Menu” setting in the transceiver.(8) F KeyPressing this key to changes the SEL knob which is selecting the FUNC key functions.Press and hold this key for one second to activate the menu function.(9) FUNC KeysThese three keys select many of the most important operating features of thetransceiver. When pressing the [F] key, the current function of that key appears aboveeach of the [A], [B], [C] keys (along the bottom of the LCD); rotating the SEL knobscrolls the display through eleven rows of functions available for use via the [A], [B], [C]keys.The available features are shown in chart below.[A] Key [B] Key [C] Key1A/BPress the [A] key to switch betweenVFO-A and VFO-B on the display.A=BPress and hold the [B] key for 1/2second to copy the contents ofVFO-A into the VFO-B register, sothat the two VFOs’ contains willbe identical.SPLPress the [C] key to activates Splitfrequency operation between VFO-A andVFO-B.2MWPress and hold the [A] key for 1/2second to transfer the contents of theVFO into a Memory register.MCPress the [B] key to designatesthe current Memory channel to be“skipped” during scanning.TAGPress the [C] key to select the display type(Frequency or Alpha-numeric Tag) duringMemory operation.3STOPress the [A] key to store the contentsof the VFO into a QMB register.RCLPress the [B] key to recall theQMB Memory.PMSPress the [C] key to activates theProgrammable Memory Scan.4RPTPress the [A] key to select the directionof the uplink frequency shift (“–,” “+,” orsimplex) during FM repeater operation.Press and hold the [A] key for 1/2second to recall Menu #42 (for settingthe shift frequency).REVPress the [B] key to reverse thetransmit and receive frequencywhile working through a repeater.TONPress the [C] key to activate the CTCSS orDCS operation.Press and hold the [C] key for 1/2 second torecall Menu #48 (for selecting the CTCSStone frequency).5SCNPress the [A] key to initiate scanning(in the direction of higher frequency).PRIPress the [B] key to activate thepriority scan.DWPress the [C] key to activates the DualWatch system.6SSM SCH ART
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL2Press the [A] key to activate theSpectrum Scope feature.Press and hold the [A] key for 1/2second to recall Menu #43 (for selectingthe sweep mode).Press the [B] key to activateSmart SearchTM operation.Press the [C] key to initiate the Auto-Range Transponder mode.Press and hold the [C] key for 1/2 second torecall Menu #09 (for selecting the ARTSbeep option).7IPOPress the [A] key to bypass the receiverpreamplifier, thereby causing InterceptPoint Optimization for improvedcharacteristics.The IPO feature does not function on144/430 MHz.ATTPress the [B] key to engage thereceiver front-end attenuator,which will reduce all signals andnoise by approximately 10 dB.The ATT feature does not functionon 144/430 MHz.NARPress the [C] key to activate the “Narrow”filter mode in the CW (optional YF-122Crequired) and SSB (optional YF-122Srequired) mode.On FM mode, it also select the low-deviation mode required for HF FMoperation on 29 MHz.Press and hold the [C] key for 1/2 second torecall Menu #38 (for Enable/disable theoptional filter).8NBPress the [A] key to activate thereceiver’s IF noise Blanker.AGCPress the [B] key to select therecovery time (FAST, SLOW, orAUTO) for the receiver’s AGCsystem.–9PWRPress the [A] key to select thetransmitter power output level (LOW 1,LOW 2, LOW 3, or HIGH).MTRPress the [B] key to select thedisplay function of the meter inthe transmit mode (Power, ALC,SWR, or MOD indication).–10 VOXPress the [A] key to enable the VOX(voice-operated transmitter switchingsystem) in the SSB, AM, and FMmodes.Press and hold the [A] key for 1/2second to recall Menu #51 (for settingthe VOX Gain level).BKPress the [B] key to activate CWBreak-in operation.Press and hold the [B] key for 1/2second to recall Menu #17 (forsetting the CW Delay time).KYRPress the [C] key to activate the built-inElectronic Keyer.Press and hold the [C] key for 1/2 second torecall Menu #21 (for setting the Keyerspeed).11 CHGPress the [A] key to initiate the batterycharging.Press and hold the [A] key for 1/2second to recall Menu #11 (for selectingthe Charging period).VTLPress the [B] key to display thecurrent battery voltage.DSPPress the [C] key to switches displaybetween Large Character and SmallCharacter mode.*The Operating Function number in this column does not appear on the LCD.(10) BAND(DWN)/BAND(UP) KeyPressing one of these keys momentarily will cause the frequency to be moved up ordown by one Frequency Band. The selections are available are:… 1.8 MHz ! 3.5 MHz ! 7.0 MHz ! 10 MHz ! 14 MHz ! 15 MHz ! 18 MHz ! 24MHz ! 28 MHz ! 50 MHz ! 88 MHz ! 108 MHz ! 144 MHz ! 430 MHz ! 1.8MHz …(11) MODE(!)/MODE(") KeyPressing one of these keys momentarily will cause the operating mode. The selectionsare available are:… USB ! LSB ! CW ! CWR ! AM ! DIG ! PKT ! USB …(12) HOME KeyPressing this key momentarily to recalls a favorite “Home” frequency memory.(13) SEL Knob
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL3This detented rotary switch is used for many tuning, Memory selection, and Functionselection for the [A], [B], [C] keys of the transceiver.(14) CLAR KeyPress this key momentarily to activate the Receiver Classifier feature. When thisfeature is activated, the SEL knob is used to set a tuning offset of up to ±9.99 kHz.Press and hold this key for 1/2 second to activate the IF Shift feature, which allows youto use the SEL knob to adjust the center frequency of the IF filter’s passband response.(15) ANT JackConnect the supplied 50/144/430 MHz rubber flex antenna (or another antennapresenting a 50Ω impedance).In its default setting, this jack does not function on HF band. If you want to enable thisjack on HF band, recall and changes the Menu #07 settings.Side Panel Switch & Side Panel Switch & Side Panel Switch & Side Panel Switch & ConnectorsConnectorsConnectorsConnectors(1) MIC JackConnect the supplied MH-31 Hand Microphone.(2) SP/PH JackThis 3.5-mm, 2-pin jack provides variable audio output for an external speaker (4Ω ~16Ω impedance) or Earphone. This audio level varies according to the setting of thefront panel’s AF knob.Important NoteImportant NoteImportant NoteImportant Note: When insert the Earphone plug into this jack, the slide SP-PH switchlocated on the right side of this jack MUST BEMUST BEMUST BEMUST BE slide to the “PH” position to prevent theinjure your ear.(3) SP-PH SwitchIf you use the Earphone with this transceiver, move this switch to the “PH” positionbefore inserting the Earphone plug into the SP/PH Jack, to prevent the injure your ear.Rear Panel Rear Panel Rear Panel Rear Panel ConnectorsConnectorsConnectorsConnectors(1) INPUT:13.8V JackThis is the DC power supply connection for the transceiver when operate thetransceiver external power supply. Use the supplied DC cable to connect this jack to thecar battery or base station DC power supply, which must be capable of supplying atleast 2A @8 ~ 16 VDC. This jack is also use the battery charging for the optional FNB-72battery pack.(2) GND Ter min alFor best performance and safety, this Ground lug should be connected to a good earthground using a short, heavy, braided cable.(3) KEY JackThis 3.5-mm, 3-pin jack is used for connection to a CW keyer paddle or a straight key.(4) DATA JackThis 6-pin, mini-DIN jack accepts AFSK or FSK input from a Terminal Node Controller(TNC) or Terminal Unit (TU); it also provides fixed-level Receiver Audio Output, Push-To-Talk (PTT), and ground lines.(5) ACC JackThis 8-pin, mini-DIN jack is used for interfacing to a personal computer for control ofthis transceiver using the CAT System. It is also used for Transceiver-to TransceiverCloning.(6) ANT JackConnect your HF and/or 50 MHz antenna’s 50 Ω coaxial cable to this M-type (“SO-239”)connector.In its default setting, this jack does not function on 50/144/430 MHz bands. If you wantto enable this jack on 50/144/430 MHz bands, recall and changes the Menu #07 settings.
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL4OperationOperationOperationOperationTurning the Transceiver On and OffTurning the Transceiver On and OffTurning the Transceiver On and OffTurning the Transceiver On and Off1. To turn the transceiver on, press and hold the PWR switch for one second.2. To turn the transceiver off, again press and hold the PWR switch for one second.Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Supply Voltage DisplayDisplayDisplayDisplayWhen you turn on the transceiver, the dc supply voltage is indicated on the upper rightcorner of the LCD for two seconds. After this interval, the display will resume its normalindication of the operating mode (VFOa, VFOb, or Memory Channel Number). To view thesupply voltage at any time during operation:1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob to select Operating FunctionRow [CHG, VLT, DSP] on the display.2. Press the [B](VLT) key momentarily to display the supply voltage on the upper rightcorner of the LCD.3. To cancel the supply voltage display, again press the [B](VLT) key.Operating Band SelectionOperating Band SelectionOperating Band SelectionOperating Band SelectionThis transceiver covers an incredibly wide frequency range, over which a number ofdifferent operating modes are used. Therefore, this transceiver’s frequency coverage hasbeen divided into different operating band, each of with has its own ore-set channel stepsand operating modes. You can change the channel steps and operating mode later, of course,per the next section.To change the operating bands, press either the BAND(DWN) or BAND(UP) Key to move tothe next higher or lower operating band, respectively.… 1.8 MHz ! 3.5 MHz ! 7.0 MHz ! 10 MHz ! 14 MHz ! 15 MHz ! 18 MHz ! 24MHz ! 28 MHz ! 50 MHz ! 88 MHz ! 108 MHz ! 144 MHz ! 430 MHz ! 1.8MHz …Mode SelectionMode SelectionMode SelectionMode SelectionPress either MODE(!) or MODE(") key to move among the eight settings for the operatingmodes, respectively.… USB ! LSB ! CW ! CWR ! AM ! DIG ! PKT ! USB …Adjusting the Audio Volume LevelAdjusting the Audio Volume LevelAdjusting the Audio Volume LevelAdjusting the Audio Volume LevelRotate the AF knob to set a comfortable listening level.Note 1Note 1Note 1Note 1: When operating in the “DIG” or “PKT” modes, you may set the AF knob to anycomfortable setting, or even all the way off, because the output from the DATA jack is afixed-level audio signal.Note 2Note 2Note 2Note 2: Start with the AF knob set fully counter-clockwise, especially when using FM (thebackground noise on FM can be surprisingly loud)!Setting the Operating Setting the Operating Setting the Operating Setting the Operating FrequencyFrequencyFrequencyFrequency1. In the “SSB/CW/DIG” modes, rotate the DIAL knob to set the frequency. Clockwiserotation of the DIAL increase the operating frequency.2. In the “AM/FM/PKT” modes, rotate the SEL knob to set the frequency. Clockwiserotation of the SEL increase the operating frequency.3. You may also use the SEL knob to adjust the operating frequency in the “SSB/CW/DIG”modes.4. Rotate the SEL knob after pressing the SEL knob, change the operating frequency in 1MHz step, allowing quick excursions around the band.NoteNoteNoteNote: Both the synthesizer’s steps and the tuning rate (the number of steps per rotation ofthe DIAL) can be adjusted.Stacked Stacked Stacked Stacked VFO SystemVFO SystemVFO SystemVFO System1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [A/B, A=B, SPL] on the display.2. Now press the [A](A/B) key to toggle between the “AAAA” and “BBBB” VFO. There are two suchVFOs provided on each Amateur band, so you may set VFO-A to the CW sub-band, and
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL5VFO-B to the SSB sub-band, if you like. The operating mode will be preserved, alongwith the frequency information, on each VFO.Receiver AccessoryReceiver AccessoryReceiver AccessoryReceiver AccessoryClarifier (Receiver Incremental Tuning)Clarifier (Receiver Incremental Tuning)Clarifier (Receiver Incremental Tuning)Clarifier (Receiver Incremental Tuning)The Clarifier (RIT) allows you to set an offset of up to ±9.99 kHz of the receive frequencyrelative to your transmit frequency. To achieve wider offset, you may use the “split”operating mode, described later.1. Press the [CLAR] switch momentarily to activate the Clarifier function.2. Turn the SEL knob, which allows the receiver frequency to be varied over a range of9.99 kHz.3. When offsets the receiving frequency higher than transmit frequency, appear the “"”icon at the right of the frequency display. Similarly, when offsets the receivingfrequency lower than transmit frequency, appear the “#” icon at the right of thefrequency display.4. When the receiving frequency equal transmit frequency (Clarifier offset is zero) whilethe Clarifier is activated, appear the “–” icon at the right of the frequency display.5. To turn the Clarifier off, again press the [CLAR] switch momentarily.6. To reset the Clarifier offset to zero, turn the Clarifier off, then turn the DIAL by anyamount. The Clarifier will reset to zero after the first “step” of the DIAL.IF SHIFTIF SHIFTIF SHIFTIF SHIFTThe receiver’s IF SHIFT feature is an effective interference-reduction tool, which allows youto shift the passband response higher or lower without changing the pitch of the incomingsignal.1. Press the [CLAR] switch for one second to activate the IF SHIFT feature. A “$”, “#,” or“$” icon will appears at the right of the frequency display to inform the IF SHIFT’scurrent position.2. Rotate the SEL knob, as needed, to reduce or eliminate interference.3. To turn the IF SHIFT feature off, again press the [CLAR] switch for one second. Thelast setting of the IF SHIFT control will be retained until you change it again.AGC (Automatic Gain Control)AGC (Automatic Gain Control)AGC (Automatic Gain Control)AGC (Automatic Gain Control)The receiver recovery time constant may be modified to match your operating needs.1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [NB, AGC] on the display.2. Press the [B](AGC) key to toggle the AGC recovery time constant among the followingselection:AGCauto % AGCfast --. AGCslow % AGCauto …where “AGCauto” represents “AGCfast” on CW and DIG(AFSK), and “AGCslow” on thevoice modes.Noise BlankerNoise BlankerNoise BlankerNoise BlankerThe IF Noise Blanker may be useful in reducing or eliminating some types of impulse noise.1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [NB, AGC] on the display.2. Press the [A](NB) key to activate the Noise Blanker. The “!” icon will appears at theright of the “NB” indicate.3. Press the A](NB) key again to turn the Noise Blanker off.IPO (Intercept Point Optimization)IPO (Intercept Point Optimization)IPO (Intercept Point Optimization)IPO (Intercept Point Optimization)The IPO feature bypasses the receiver RF preamplifier, thereby eliminating the preamp’sgain. This feature is not available on the 144 MHz and 430 MHz.1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [IPO, ATT, NAR] on the display.2. Press the [A](IPO) key to bypass the receiver input preamplifier. The “!” icon willappears at the right of the “IPO” indicate.
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL63. Press the [A](IPO) key once more to re-activate the preamp.ATT (Front End Attenuator)ATT (Front End Attenuator)ATT (Front End Attenuator)ATT (Front End Attenuator)The Attenuator all signal (and noise) by 10 dB, and it may be used to make reception morepleasant under extremely noisy conditions. This feature is not available on the 144 MHz and430 MHz.1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [IPO, ATT, NAR] on the display.2. Press the [B](ATT) key to activate the Attenuator. The “!” icon will appears at the rightof the “ATT” indicate.3. Press the [B](ATT) key once more to switch the Attenuator out of the receiver front endcircuit.AM/FM DIALAM/FM DIALAM/FM DIALAM/FM DIALIn the AM and FM modes, the DIAL knob is locked out (via Menu setting) so as to allow“channelized” tuning on these modes. To adjust the operating frequency rotate the SELknob.If you wish to enable the DIAL for tuning in the AM and FM modes, change the setting ofMenu #04.1. Press and hold the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode.2. Rotate the SEL knob to recall Menu #04 (AM&FM DL).3. Rotate the DIAL knob to set this feature (“AM&FM DL”) to “ENABLE.”4. Press and hold the [F] key for one second to save the new setting and exit to normaloperation.Automatic Power-Off FeatureAutomatic Power-Off FeatureAutomatic Power-Off FeatureAutomatic Power-Off FeatureThe APO feature helps conserve battery life by automatically turning the transceiver offafter a user-defined period of time within which there has been no dial or key activity. Theavailable selections for the time before power-off are 1 ~ 6 hours, as well as APO Off. Thedefault condition for the APO is OFF, and here is the procedure for activating it:1. Press and hold the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode.2. Rotate the SEL knob to recall Menu #08 (APO TIME).3. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the desired time period after which the radio willautomatically shut down.4. Press and hold the [F] key for one second to save the new setting and exit to normaloperation.Once you have programmed a time interval, the APO countdown timer will start wheneversome front panel action (tuning, transmission, etc.) ends.When activate the APO, appear the “TIMER” icon at the center bottom on the LCD. If thereis no action by you within the time interval programmed, the microprocessor will shut downthe radio automatically. Just press and hold the PWR switch for one second to turn it backon, as usual.Transmitter OperationTransmitter OperationTransmitter OperationTransmitter OperationSSB TransmissionSSB TransmissionSSB TransmissionSSB TransmissionBasic Setup/Operation1. Press the MODE(!)/MODE(") key so to select the SSB (LSB/USB) mode. If you areoperating on the 10 MHz or lower bands, to select the LSB mode. If you are operating onthe 14 MHz or higher bands, to select the USB mode.2. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [PWR,  MTR] on the display, then press the [B](MTR) key to select the“ALC” meter function (appear “alc” at the right side of the “MTR” icon.).3. Press the microphone’s PTT switch, and speak into the microphone in a normal voicewhile watching the meter. The ideal audio input level to the transmitter from themicrophone will cause ???????????? “segment” of indication on the ALC meter. Release the PTTswitch to return to receive mode.4. If the ALC meter is too high, or too low, you may need to reset the Microphone Gain:
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL7(1) Press and hold the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode.(2) Rotate the SEL knob to recall Menu #46 (SSB MIC).(3) Close the PTT switch, and while speaking into the microphone rotate the DIAL untilthe proper ALC indication is achieved on voice peaks.(4) When done, press and hold the [F] key to save the new setting for the MicrophoneGain.VOX OperationThe VOX system provides automatic transmit/receive switching based on voice input to themicrophone. With the VOX system enabled, you do not need to press the PTT switch in orderto transmit.1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [VOX, BK, KYR] on the display.2. Press the [A](VOX) key to activate the VOX circuitly. The “!” icon will appears at theright of the “VOX” indicate.3. Without pressing the PTT switch, speak into the microphone in a normal voice level.When you start speaking, the transmitter should be activated automatically. When youfinish skeaking, the transceiver should return to the receive mode (after a short delay).4. To cancel VOX and return to PTT operation., again press the [A](VOX) key. The “!” iconis disappeared.5. The VOX Gain may be adjusted, so as to prevent accidental transmitter activation in anoisy environment. To adjust the VOX Gain:(1) While still in Operating Row [VOX, BK, KYR], press and hold the [A](VOX) key forone second. This instantly recall Menu #51 (VOX GAIN).(2) While speaking into the microphone, rotate the DIAL to the point where thetransmitter is quickly activated by your voice, without causing background noise toactivate the transmitter.(3) When you have selected the optimum setting, press and hold the [F] key for onesecond to save the new settings and return to normal operation.6. The “Hang-Time” of the VOX system (the transmit-receive delay after the cessation ofspeech) may also be adjusted via the Menu. The default delay is 1/2 second. To set adifferent delay time:(1) Press and hold the [F] key for one second to activate the Menu mode.(2) Rotate the SEL knob to select Menu #50 (VOX DELAY).(3) Rotate the DIAL while saying a brief syllable like “Ah” so as to set the desired delaytime.(4) When you adjustment is complete, press and hold the [F] key for one second to savethe new setting and return to normal operation.CW TransmissionCW TransmissionCW TransmissionCW TransmissionOperation using Straight Key/External Keying DeviceWhen using a straight key, an external electronic keyer, or a computer-generated keyingdevice, please follow the instructions in this section.1. Insert your key’s (three-conductor) plug into the rear-panel KEY jack.2. Press the MODE(!)/MODE(") key, as needed, to select the CW (CW/CWR) mode.3. Press the [F] key momentarily, then then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, untilOperating Function Row [VOX, BK, KYR].4. Press the [B](BK) key, as needed, to activate “Semi Break-In” operation. The “!” iconwill appears at the right of the “BK” indicate.5. The CW hang time can be adjusted using Menu #17 (CW DELAY). To adjust the CWhang time:(1) Press and hold in the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode.(2) Rotate the SEL knob to select Menu #17 (CW DELAY).(3) Rotate the DIAL to select a longer or shorter delay time (default: 250 ms). Thistransceiver was not designed for “full QSK” operation, the minimum setting of thisMenu (CW DELAY) will be very close to full break-in performance.
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL8(4) When done, press and hold the [F] key for one second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.6. To practice your CW sending, press the [B](BK) key to disappear the “!” icon. Now,pressing the key will cause the CW sidetone to be heard, but your radio will not betransmitting a signal on the air.7. You can adjust the CW sidetone volume level via Menu #44 (SIDETONE). To adjust theCW sidetone volume level:(1) Press and hold in the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode.(2) Rotate the SEL knob to select Menu #44 (SIDETONE).(3) Rotate the DIAL to select a new level; on the arbitrary scale of “0” ~ “100,” thedefault value is “50.”(4) When done, press and hold the [F] key for one second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.8. You also can adjust the CW sidetone pitch using Menu #20 (CW PITCH). Thisadjustment also controls the BFO offset (actual pitch of your transmitted signal relativeto your current receive frequency). To adjust the CW sidetone pitch:(1) Press and hold in the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode.(2) Rotate the SEL knob to select Menu #20 (CW PITCH).(3) Rotate the DIAL to select a new pitch tone/BFO offset. The available offset range is300 ~ 1000 Hz (default value is “700 Hz”).(4) When done, press and hold the [F] key for one second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.Operation using Built-in Electronic KeyerThe built-in Electronic Keyer provides a convenient method of generating CW. TheElectronic Keyer includes weight and speed adjustment.1. Connect your keyer paddle’s cable to the KEY jack on the rear panel of the transceiver.2. Press the MODE(!)/MODE(") key, as needed, to select the CW (CW/CWR) mode.3. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [VOX, BK, KYR].4. Press the [C](KYR) key to activate the Electronic Keyer. The “!” icon will appears at theright of the “KTR” indicate.5. The Keyer speed may be adjusted using Menu #21 (CW SPEED). To adjust the Keyerspeed:(1) Press and hold in the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode.(2) Rotate the SEL knob to select Menu #21 (CW SPEED).(3) Press the SEL knob to select between “cpm” and “wpm.”(4) Rotate the DIAL knob, while sending, to set the desired sending speed.(5) When done, press and hold the [F] key for one second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.6. The CW hang time, CW sidetone volume level, and CW sidetone pitch may all beadjusted as described previously.7. The Dot:Dash weight ratio may be adjusted via Menu #22 (CW WEIGHT). To adjust theDot:Dash weight ratio:(1) Press and hold in the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode.(2) Rotate the SEL knob to select Menu #22 (CW WEIGHT).(3) Rotate the DIAL knob, while sending, to set the desired weight.(4) When done, press and hold the [F] key for one second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.8. You may select normal or reverse the paddle polarity via Menu #19 (CW PADDLE).When this feature The default setting for this feature is “NOMAL.” To change thepaddle polarity:(1) Press and hold in the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode.(2) Rotate the SEL knob to select Menu #19 (CW PADDLE).(3) Rotate the DIAL knob to select a new setting.
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL9(4) When done, press and hold the [F] key for one second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.9. You also can adjust the CW sidetone volume and pitch via Menu Item describedpreviously.FM TransmissionFM TransmissionFM TransmissionFM TransmissionBasic Setup/Operation1. Press the MODE(!)/MODE(") key so to select the FM mode.2. Press the microphone’s PTT switch, and speak into the microphone in a normal voice.3. Release the PTT switch to return to receive mode.4. If you get reports that your voice is too high or too low, you may need to adjust the FM-mode microphone gain. The procedure is similar to that used on SSB:(1) Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, untilOperating Function Row [PWR, MTR] on the display, then press the [B](MTR) key toselect the “Deviation” meter function (appear “mod” at the right side of the “MTR”icon.).(2) Press and hold the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode.(3) Rotate the SEL knob to recall Menu #29 (FM MIC).(4) Close the PTT switch, and while speaking into the microphone rotate the DIAL untilthe proper MOD indication is achieved on voice peaks.(5) When done, press and hold the [F] key to save the new setting for the FM-modemicrophone gain.5. The VOX feature is operational during FM transmission. From Operating FunctionRow [VOX, BK, KYR], press the [A](VOX) key to activate/deactivate VOX.Repeater Operation1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [RPT, REV, TON].2. Press the [A](RPT) key to activate repeater operation. One press of the [A](RPT) key willhave set the transceiver for “Minus Shift” operation. In this situation, you will observethe “–” indicator on the display. The transmitter frequency will be shifted down by adefault value so as to access the repeater input frequency. If your repeater uses apositive shift (instead of negative), press the [A](RPT) key again; the “+” indicator willreplace the “–” indicator on the display.3. If the default repeater shifts is not appropriate for your area, it may be setindependently for each band*. To change the repeater shifts:(1) Press and hold the [A](RPT) key for one second. This instantly recalls Menu #42(RPT SHFT).(2) Rotate the DIAL knob to select the desired shift frequency.(3) When done, press and hold the [A](RPT) key for one second so save the new settingand exit to normal operation.4. Press the [C](TON) key to activate the CTCSS tone encoder to repeater access tone. Onepress of the [C](TON) key will activate the CTCSS tone encoder. In this situation, youwill observe the “T” indicator on the display.5. If the default repeater access tone are not appropriate for your area, it also may be setindependently for each band. To change the repeater access tone:(1) Press and hold the [C](TON) key for one second. This instantly recalls Menu #48(TONE FREQ).(2) Rotate the DIAL knob to select the desired CTCSS frequency.(3) When done, press and hold the [C](TON) key for one second so save the new settingand exit to normal operation.6. Set the transceiver’s receiver to the repeater output (downlink) frequency.7. Close the PTT switch and speak into the microphone. You will observe that thetransmitted frequency has shifted according to the setting of the [A](RPT) key with alow level CTCSS tone.8. Release the PTT switch to return to the Receive mode.
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL109. With repeater shift activated, you can temporarily reverse the transmit and receivefrequencies by pressing the [B](REV) key. The “–” icon will blinks while “Reverse” shiftis activated. Press the [B](REV) key again to revert to the “Normal” shift direction.10. When finish a repeater operation, set the repeater shift to simplex by pressing [A](RPT)key, and disable the CTCSS tone encoder by pressing [C](TON) key.11. On many transceiver versions, the Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS) feature is enabledat the factory. This feature automatically activates the appropriate repeater shift whenyou are operating inside the designated 144 MHz or 430 MHz FM repeater sub-bands inyour country. If you wish to change the settings for the ARS, use Menu #01 (144 ARS) orMenu #02 (430 ARS) (see page ??).If your local repeaters need a 1750-Hz burst tone for access (typically in Europe), press andhold the [HOME] key to transmit the burst tone.CTCSS Encoder and Tone Squelch OperationMany repeaters require a CTCSS Encode or 1750 Hz Burst Tone in order for the repeater tobe activated. The CTCSS Tone Squelch feature (CTCSS “Decoder”), moreover, allows you tomonitor silently for calls on busy channels, with your receiver’s Squelch only opening upwhen a signal bearing the matching CTCSS tone appears on your frequency.1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [RPT, REV, TON].2. Press and hold the [C](TON) key for one second to recall the Menu # 48 (TONE FREQ),then rotate the DIAL knob to select the CTCSS tone frequency, as needed. When done,press and hold the [C](TON) key for one second so save the new setting and exit tonormal operation.3. Press the [C](TON) key once to activate the Tone Encoder (the “T” icon will appear onthe display). When you transmit, the Subaudible tone will be superimposed on yoursignal, allowing repeater access.4. For CTCSS Encode/Decode operation, press the [C](TON) key once more; the “TSQ”indicator will replace the “T” indication on the display. The receiver will become silent,unless a station bearing a CTCSS tone matching that of your transceiver appears onfrequency. When this happens, the Squelch will open and normal reception willcommence.5. Press the [C](TON) key once mode to cancel CTCSS Tone Squelch operation (the “TSQ”icons will disappear).DCS OperationAnother form of tone access control is Digital Code Squelch, or DCS. It is a newer, moreadvanced tone system that is less susceptible to false triggering than CTCSS. A DCSEncoder/Decoder is built into your transceiver, and operation is very similar to that justdescribed for CTCSS.1. Set the desired DCS code via Menu #23 (DCS CODE).2. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [RPT, REV, TON].3. Press the [C](TON) key three thimes to activate the DCS Encoder/Decoder (the “DCS”icon will appear on the display). The receiver will remain muted until a matching DCScode is received on an incoming signal.4. Press the [C](TON) key once to cancel the DCS (the “DCS” icon icons will disappear).ARTSTM (Auto Range Transpond System) OperationThe ARTSTM system uses DCS signaling to inform you when you and another ARTS-equipped station are within communications range.1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [SSM, SCH, ART].2. Press the [C](ART) key to activate the ARTS.3. Your display will change to “out range” to indicate the beginning of ARTS operation.Every 15 seconds, your radio will transmit a “polling” call to the other station. Whenthat station responds with its ARTS polling signal, your display will change to “in
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL11range” to confirm his response.4. To cancel ARTS operation, press the [C](ART) key again (the “out range” or “in range”will disappear from the LCD).The ARTS feature offers a choice of beep options to alert you to the current status of ARTSoperation. Check out MENU #09 (ARTS BEEP) on page 85.CW Identifier SetupThe ARTS feature includes a CW identifier. The radio can be instructed to send “DE (yourcallsign) K” in Morse code every ten minutes during ARTS operation.To program the CW IDer, use Menu #31 (ID), as described on page ??. And to activate the CWIDer, use Menu #18 (CW ID).Split Frequency OperationSplit Frequency OperationSplit Frequency OperationSplit Frequency OperationThis transceiver provides convenient split-frequency operation, using the VFO-A and VFO-B, for DX working and other operating situations requiring unique split frequency pairs.The example below will describe a split-frequency DX situation on the 20-meter band, with aDX station transmitting on 14.025 MHz, listening 10 kHz higher in the band.1. With the VFO-A set to 14.035.00 MHz CW (DX station’s listening frequency).2. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [A/B, A=B, SPL].3. Pess the [A](A/B) key momentarily to VFO-B.4. Tune the VFO-B frequency to 14.025.00 MHz (DX station’s transmitting frequency).5. Press the [C](SPL) key momentarily. The transceiver will now transmit using the VFO-A frequency, and will receive using the VFO-B frequency. The “S” icon will appear onthe display.6. To listen to the pile-up calling the DX station (so as to align your frequency more closelyto that of the station being worked by the DX), the VFO-B will be tuning in the vicinityof 14.035 MHz, and you can zero in on the DX station’s listening frequency by tuning inon the station in QSO with the DX.7. Press the [C](SPL) key once more to cancel split operation, and the “S” icon willdisappear from the display.Time-Out TimerTime-Out TimerTime-Out TimerTime-Out TimerMost often used on FM, the transmitter’s Time-Out Timer (TOT) feature disables thetransmitter after a user-defined period of transmission. This feature may be useful inpreventing a “stuck microphone” (accidental closure of the PTT switch) from causinginterference to other users.To activate the Time-Out Timer:1. Press and hold the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode.2. Rotate the SEL knob to recall Menu #49 (TOT TIME).3. The default setting for this feature is “off.” Rotate the DIAL knob to set a new settingfrom 1 minute to 20 minutes.4. When you have made your selection, press and hold the [F] key for one second to savethe new setting and exit to normal operation.Memory OperationMemory OperationMemory OperationMemory OperationQMB ChannelQMB ChannelQMB ChannelQMB ChannelQMB Channel Storage1. Tune in the desired frequency and set the operating mode and bandwidth.2. Press and hold the [V/M] key until a double “beep” is heard. The double beep providesaudible confirmation that the data is stored into memory.QMB Channel Recall1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [STO, RCL, RCL].2. Press the [B](RCL) key momentarily to recall the QMB memory. The “QMB” will appearat the upper right corner on the LCD.3. Press the [B](RCL) key once more to return to the previous frequency (either a VFO
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL12frequency or a Memory channel).NoteNoteNoteNote: If you move the DIAL knob or SEL knob while in the QMB mode, you can changefrequencies as if you were in a “VFO” mode. You also can change operating mode by pressingMODE(!) or MODE(") key. When this is done, the “MTQMB” will appear in the display.Press the [B](RCL) key once more to return to the originally-stored QMB frequency.Memory Operation on Memory Operation on Memory Operation on Memory Operation on ““““RRRRegularegularegularegular”””” Memory Channels Memory Channels Memory Channels Memory ChannelsNormal (“Simplex”) Memory Storage1. Tune in the desired frequency, and set the operating mode and bandwidth.2. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [MW, MC, TAG].3. Press the [A](MC) key momentarily to enter the “Memory Check” mode, which is used tofind an unused memory channel. The frequency stored (if any) on the current memorychannel will be shown in the display.4. Rotate the SEL knob to select the channel on which you wish to store the currentfrequency data.5. Press and hold in the [A](MC) key for one second until you hear a double beep, whichconfirms that the frequency information was successfully stored.Split-Frequency Memory StorageYou can also store “Split” frequencies, such as when operating on a repeater system notutilizing a “standard” offset. This procedure may also be used for DX work on 7 MHz SSB,etc.1. In the VFO mode, set the desired Receive frequency and mode.2. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [MW, MC, TAG].3. Press the [A](MC) key momentarily to enter the “Memory Check” mode, which is used tofind an unused memory channel. The frequency stored (if any) on the current memorychannel will be shown in the display.4. Rotate the SEL knob to select the channel on which you wish to store the currentfrequency data.5. Press and hold in the [A](MC) key for one second until you hear a double beep, whichconfirms that the Receive frequency data is now stored.6. Now, set the desired Transmit frequency and mode.7. Press and hold the [A](MC) key for one second; do notdo notdo notdo not rotate the SEL knob!8. While “memory channel number” is blinking, press and hold the PTT switch, againpress and hold the [A](MC) key for one second. The double “beep” will confirm thatindependent Transmit frequency data is now stored. You may release the PTT switch.NoteNoteNoteNote: In step 8 above, pressing the PTT switch does not activate the transmitter. It simplysends a signal to the microprocessor that an independent Transmit frequency is being storedon the same channel as a previously-stored Receive frequency.Memory Channel Recall1. If you currently are in the VFO tuning mode, press the [V/M] key once to enter the“Memory” mode (“memory channel number” will appear on the display placed by“VFOa” or “VFOb”).2. To select another memory channel, turn the SEL knob.3. When your memory channels are partitioned into Memory Groups via Memu Item #34,to change Memory Groups; press the SEL knob momentarily (a Group Number (“a” ~“j”) will blinks), then turn the SEL knob to step through the channels until you enteranother. You may now press the SEL knob once more to restrict memory channel accessto the newly- selected Group.4. Once you are operating on a memory channel, you may tune off of the originally-memorized frequency (as though you were in the VFO mode). Just rotate the DIALknob; the “Memory Channel Number” will be replaced by one which indicates “MTUNE,”indicating that you have now shifted into the “Memory Tuning” mode. When operatingthe Memory Tuning mode, if you find another frequency you wish to store into another
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL13memory channel, just press the [A](MC) key momentarily, select a new memory channelvia the SEL knob, then press and hold the [A](MC) key until you hear the double beep.5. To exit the Memory Tuning mode, press the [V/M] key as follows:& One touch of the [V/M] key returns you to the original memory frequency.& A second touch of the [V/M] key will cause you to exit the Memory mode and returnto the VFO mode (the “memory channel number” will be replaced by “VFOa” or“VFOb”.NoteNoteNoteNote: When operating on a “Split” frequency memory, the “+,–“ indication will appear on theLCD.Memory Operation on Memory Operation on Memory Operation on Memory Operation on ““““HOMEHOMEHOMEHOME”””” Channel Memory Channel Memory Channel Memory Channel MemoryFour Special one-touch “Home” channels are available, for special frequencies you use often.Either “simplex” or “split” frequency/mode data may be stored in the “Home” channellocations. Special “Home” channels are available for HF (any frequency between 1.8 and29.7 MHz), 50 MHz, 144 MHz, and 430 MHz.These memories may prove particularly useful for monitoring propagation beacons,providing one-touch recall of the beacon frequency for quick checks of band condition.HOME Channel Storage1. Tune the desired frequency, and set the operating mode.2. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [MW, MC, TAG].3. Press the [A](MW) key momentarily to enter the “Memory Check” mode.4. Press and hold the [HOME] key for one second. This stores the frequency data into the“Home” channel location.5. If you wish to store a “Split” frequency pair into the “Home” channel, store the Receivefrequency in steps 1 ~ 4 above. Now set the desired Transmit frequency.6. Once more, press the [A](MW) key momentarily.7. Press and hold the microphone’s PTT switch; while holding the PTT switch, again pressand hold the [HOME] key for one second. This stores the transmit frequency data intothe “Home” channel location.HOME Channel Recall1. Press the [HOME] key momentarily to recall the Home Channel on the band groupwhere you currently are operating (HF, 50 MHz, 144 MHz, or 430 MHz). The “HOME”will appear on the display.2. Press the [HOME] key once more to return to the previously-used frequency (either aVFO frequency or a memory channel).Memory Mode AccessoryMemory Mode AccessoryMemory Mode AccessoryMemory Mode AccessoryLabeling MemoryYou may wish to append an alpha-numeric “Tag” (label) to a memory or memories, to aid inrecollection of the channel’s intended use (such as a club name, etc.). This is easilyaccomplished using the Menu mode.1. Recall the memory channel onto which you wish to appended a label.2. Press and hold the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode.3. Rotate the SEL knob to recall Menu #35 (MEM TAG).4. Press the SEL knob to enable the programming of the label.5. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the first character (number, letter, or symbol) in thename you with to store, then rotate the SEL knob clockwise to move to the nextcharacter.6. Again rotate the DIAL knob to select the next number, letter, or symbol, then rotate theSEL knob clockwise to move to the next character’s slot.7. Repeat step 6 as many times as necessary to complete the name tag for the memory,then press and hold the [F] key for one second to save the A/N (Alpha-Numeric) nameentry and exit to normal operation.During “MR” (Memory Recall) operation, press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SELknob, as needed, until Operating Function Row [MW,  MC,  TAG]. Press the [C](TAG) key
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL14momentarily to activate the alpha-numeric Tag. Repeatedly press this key will toggleoperation between “Frequency” display and “Tag” display.NoteNoteNoteNote: You can recall the Menu #35 (MEM TAG) instantly by press and hold the [C](TAG) keyfor one second.SSSSpectrum Scope Operationpectrum Scope Operationpectrum Scope Operationpectrum Scope OperationThe Spectrum Scope allows viewing of operating activity on 5 channels above and 5 channelsbelow the current operating channel in the VFO mode.The display indicates the relative signal strength on channels immediately adjacent to thecurrent operating frequency.Two basic operating modes for Spectrum Scope are available:CONT: In this mode, the transceiver sweeps the current band repeatedly until theSpectrum Scope is turned off.CHK:  In this mode, the transceiver sweeps the current band one cycle every 10seconds.Setting the Spectrum Scope ModeSetting the Spectrum Scope ModeSetting the Spectrum Scope ModeSetting the Spectrum Scope Mode1. Press and hold the [F] key for one second to enter the Menu mode2. Rotate the SEL knob to select Menu #43 (SCOPE).3. Rotate the DIAL to select the desired sweep mode (see above).4. When you have made your selection, press and hold the [F] key for one second to savethe new setting and exit to normal operation.Activate the Spectrum ScopeActivate the Spectrum ScopeActivate the Spectrum ScopeActivate the Spectrum Scope1. Set the transceiver to the VFO mode in the desired band.2. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [SSM, SCH, ART].3. Press the [A](SSM) key momentarily to start the Spectrum Scope.4. When the Spectrum Scope is in operation, the relative signal strength of stations onchannels immediately adjacent to the current frequency will be indicated on the display.5. To disable the Spectrum Scope, press the [A](SSM) key once more.NoteNoteNoteNote: The receiver’s audio output and S-meter are disabled when using the Spectrum Scope.SSSSmart Searmart Searmart Searmart Searcccch Operationh Operationh Operationh OperationThe Smart SearchTM feature automatically stores frequencies where activity is encounteredon the current band. When Smart SearchTM is engaged, the transceiver quickly searchesabove your current frequency, storing active frequencies as it goes (without stopping onthem even momentarily). These frequencies are stored in a special Smart SearchTM memorybank, consisting of 50 memories. This feature available on the FM and AM modes. Thisfeature is especially helpful when traveling, as you can instantly store active FM repeaterfrequencies without having to look up the frequencies in a reference book.1. Set the SQL knob to the point where background noise is silenced. A typical setting, foreffective Smart SearchTM operation, will be at 12 o’clock or slightly clockwise from thisposition.2. Set the VFO frequency on which you wish to begin the search (the Smart SearchTMfeature is available on the VFO mode only).3. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [SSM, SCH, ART].4. Now press the [B](SCH) key momentarily, the blinking “SRCH” appear on the LCD andthe transceiver will sweep upward on the current band, loading channels on which itencounters a signal strong enough to open the squelch.5. All channels where activity is present (up to 50 channels) will be loaded into the SmartSearchTM memories. Whether or not all 50 memories are filled, the search will stop afterone sweep.6. Now you can turn the SEL knob to select the Smart SearchTM memories.7. To disable Smart SearchTM operation, press the [B](SCH) key momentarily.
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL15NoteNoteNoteNote: These memories are so-called “soft” memories; they will be lost if you initiate a newSmart SearchTM sweep of the band.ScanningScanningScanningScanning Operation Operation Operation OperationThis transceiver contains a wide variety of scanning capabilities. Whether you are in theVFO mode or one of the memory modes, scanning operation is fundamentally identical in allconfigurations, but with the following differences:' In the VFO mode, scanning causes the transceiver to sweep up or down the band,pausing or halting on any signal encountered;' In the Memory mode, the scanner will scan the programmed memories, and can beinstructed to skip certain memories during scanning;' In the Programmable Memory Scan (PMS) mode, the scanner will scan the bandwithin user-programmed frequency limits.ScanningScanningScanningScanning Operation Operation Operation Operation1. Set the SQL knob to the point where background noise is silenced. A typical setting, foreffective scanning operation, will be at 12 o’olock or slightly clockwise from thisposition.2. Set the transceiver into the operating configuration in which you wish to scan (VFO orMemory: PMS describe later).8. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [SCN, PRI, DW].3. Press the [A](SCN) key momentarily to start upward scan (toward higher frequencies orhigher memory channel numbers).You may also press and hold in either the [UP] or [DWN] key on the microphone for ½second to initiate upward or downward scanning, respectively, if Menu #37 (MINSCAN) set to “ON.”4. Rotate the DIAL knob counterclockwise to toggle the scanning direction downward.5. The scanner will now cause the transceiver to increment in the chosen direction until asignal is detected. When a signal is encountered which opens the Squelch, the scannerwill pause until the signal disappears (at the end of the other station’s transmission), atwhich point the scanner will resume. While the transceiver is in the “Pause” condition,the decimal points in the frequency display area will blink. See “Scan-Resume Choices”on page ?? for details of how to customize the resumption of scanning.6. Press the PTT switch on the microphone to cancel scanning.Scan Skip Programming (Memory Mode Only)Scan Skip Programming (Memory Mode Only)Scan Skip Programming (Memory Mode Only)Scan Skip Programming (Memory Mode Only)Among the memories you have programmed, there may be some stations which you do notwish to scan. For example, weather broadcasts (which are transmitted continuously) willcause the scanner to stop, and such channels may be skipped so as to avoid thisinconvenience.To remove a channel from the scanning loop:1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [MW, MC, TAG].2. Recall the memory channel to be skipped.3. Press the [B](MC) key momentarily. The “hyphen” in the memory channel numberchanges to “dot”; this shows that this channel is now not included in the scanning loop.4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as many times as necessary to skip all the channels you do notwish to scan.5. Initiate memory scanning, you will observe that the channels you marked to be skippedare not included in the scanning loop.6. Press the PTT switch to stop the scan; you may now use the SEL knob to step throughthe channels manually - one at a time - and you will observe that the “Skipped”channels are, nonetheless, available for recall by manual means.7. You may restore a previously-skipped channel to the scanning loop by selecting thechannel manually, then pressing the [B](MC) key momentarily so that the “dot” changes
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL16to “hyphen.”Programmable Memory Scan (PMS) OperationProgrammable Memory Scan (PMS) OperationProgrammable Memory Scan (PMS) OperationProgrammable Memory Scan (PMS) OperationTo limit scanning (or tuning) within a particular frequency range, you can use theProgrammable Memory Scanning (PMS) feature, which utilizes special-purpose memorypair (“M-PL” and “M-PU”). The PMS feature is especially useful in helping you to observe anyoperating sub-band limits which apply to your Amateur license class.PMS setup is simple to complete;1. Store the upper and lower frequency limits of the range in a PMS memory pair (“M-PL”and “M-PU”).2. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [STO, RCL, PMS].3. Press the [C](PMS) momentarily, appear “PMS” at the upper left corner on the LCD andactivate PMS feature. Tuning and scanning are now within the limits of the selectedPMS memory pair, keeping operation inside this programmed range.Example: Limit tuning & scanning to the 17-m band1. Press the [V/M] key, as necessary, to recall the VFO mode. Tune to the low edge of the17-m band (18.068 MHz) and select the desired mode (probably USB or CW).2. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [MW, MC, TAG].3. Press the [A](MW) key momentarily, then turn the SEL knob to select memory channel“MRPL.”4. Press and hold the [A](MW) key for one second to write the VFO frequency (18.068MHz) into “MRPL.”5. Tune to the high edge of the 17-m band (18.168 MHz), leaving the mode unchanged.6. Press the [A](MW) key momentarily, then turn the SELECT knob to select the memorychannel “MRPU.”7. Press and hold the [A](MW) key for one second to write the VFO frequency (18.168MHz) into “MRPU.”8. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob one click clockwise to recallOperating Function Row [STO, RCL, PMS].9. Press the [C](PMS) key momentarily. Tuning and scanning are now limited to the18.068 ~ 18.168-MHz range until you press the [V/M] key to return to memory or VFOoperation.Scan-Resume ChoicesScan-Resume ChoicesScan-Resume ChoicesScan-Resume ChoicesScanning operation requires that you have the transceiver’s audio squelched. Thetransceiver then “assumes” that the opening of the squelch corresponds to the discovery of asignal you may wish to listen to.Once the scan has been halted, the transceiver pauses on the signal and stays locked on itsfrequency for five seconds. Thereafter, scanning will resume whether or not the otherstation’s transmission has ended. The scan resume interval (default: five second) can beselect from 3/5/10 seconds and off (continuously halted; To re-start the scanner press the[A](SCN) key twice) via Menu #41 (RESUME) see page ??.Dual Watch OperationDual Watch OperationDual Watch OperationDual Watch OperationDual Watch is similar, in some respects, to scanning. In Dual Watch, however, thetransceiver monitors (squelched) on the VFO-A frequency while periodically checking VFO-B for activity (or vice-versa). A typical example might be for you to set VFO-A to 50.110 MHz,watching for DX stations who might call CQ on that frequency, while periodically checking28.885 MHz for stations reporting band openings on 6 meters.To activate Dual Watch:1. Set up transmit and receive operation on VFO-A, establishing your primary monitoringfrequency. Set up the frequency to be checked periodically on VFO-B.2. Recall VFO-A, then rotate the SQL control until the background noise is just silenced.3. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the SEL knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [SCN, PRI, DW].
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL174. Press the [C](DW) key momentarily to activate Dual Watch operation (the “DW” iconwill appears at the bottom left corner on the LCD.5. The transceiver will continue to monitor (squelched) on the current (VFO-A) frequency,but every five seconds will switch briefly to VFO-B frequency, looking for activity.6. If a station is detected on the VFO-B frequency, the transceiver will pause on the VFO-B frequency (blink the decimal points).7. Press the [C](DW) key again to cancel Dual Watch operation (“DW” icon will disappear).Note that pressing the PTT switch on the microphone does not cancel Dual Watchoperation.Menu OperationMenu OperationMenu OperationMenu OperationThe Menu System allows you to customize a wide variety of transceiver performance aspectsand operating characteristics.Menu SelectionsMenu SelectionsMenu SelectionsMenu Selections1. Press and hold the [F] key for one second. The Menu Item number and a brief title forthe Menu Item will appear in the display.2. Rotate the SEL knob to select the Menu Item you wish to work on.3. When you have chosen the desired Menu Item number, rotate the DIAL knob to changethe value or condition for the Menu Item.Press the [HOME] key momentarily, reset its setting to the default4. When you have made your selection, press and hold the [F] key for one second to savethe new setting and exit to the normal operation.Menu Item 01 [144 ARS]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Activate/deactivate the Automatic Repeater Shift when operating on the 144 MHz band.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/ONDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: ON (depends on transceiver version)Menu Item 02 [430 ARS]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Activate/deactivate the Automatic Repeater Shift when operating on the 430 MHz band.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/ONDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: ON (depends on transceiver version)Menu Item 03 [9600 MIC]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Adjust the audio input level from the TNC during 9600 bps Packet operation.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 0 ~ 100DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 50Menu Item 04 [AM&FM DL]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Enabling/disabling the DIAL knob on the AM and FM mode.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: ENABLE/DISABLEDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: DISABLEMenu Item 05 [AM MIC]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Adjust the microphone gain level for the AM mode.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 0 ~ 100DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 50Menu Item 06 [AM STEP]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the tuning step for the SEL knob on the AM mode.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 2.5/5/9/10/12.5/25kHzDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 5 kHz (depends on transceiver version)Menu Item 07 [ANTENNA]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the antenna connector to be used on operating band.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: FRONT/REARDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: HF: REAR, 50/144/430 MHz: FRONTMenu Item 08 [APO TIME]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the Auto Power Off time (time before power goes off).Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/1h ~ 6hDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: OFFMenu Item 09 [ARTS BEEP]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the ARTS beep mode.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/RANGE/ALL
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL18DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: RANGEOFF: No alert beeps sound; you must look at the display to determine current ARTS status.RANGE: A high tone beep will sound when the transceiver first detects that you are within range, and a low beepwill sound when the other station goes out of range.ALL: A high tone beep will sound every time a polling transmission is received from the other station, and a lowbeep will sound once when the other station goes out of range.Menu Item 10 [BACKLIGHT]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the LCD lamp mode.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/ON/AUTODefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: AUTOOFF: Disable the LCD lamp.ON: Illuminates the LCD lamp continuously.AUTO: Illuminates the LCD lamp for five second when any key is pressed.Menu Item 11 [BATT-CHG]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the battery charging time.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 6/8/10 hDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 10 hMenu Item 12 [BEEP FREQ]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the beep frequencyAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 440/880 HzDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 880 HzMenu Item 13 [BEEP VOL]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the beep volumeAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 0 ~ 100DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 50Menu Item 14 [CAT RATE]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the transceiver’s circuitry for the CAT baud rate to be used.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 4800/9600/38400 bpsDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 4800 bpsMenu Item 15 [COLOR]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the illumination color for the LCD backlight.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: COLOR1(Blue)/COLOR2(Amber)DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: COLOR2(Amber)Menu Item 16 [CONTRAST]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Setting of the display contrast level.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 1 ~ 12DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 5Menu Item 17 [CW DELAY]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the receiver recovery time during pseudo-VOX CW semi-break-in operation.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 10 ~ 500 msecDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 250 msecThe recover time may be adjusted in steps of 10 msec. A longer delay may be preferable if you pause frequentlywhile sending.Menu Item 18 [CW ID]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Enables/disables the CW identifier during ARTS operation.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/ONDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: OFFMenu Item 19 [CW PADDLE]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the keyer paddle operating mode.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: NORMAL/REVERSEDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: NORMALNORMAL: Keyer paddle polarity is normal. The “dot” paddle produces dots and the “dash” paddle produces dashes.REVERSE: Keyer paddle polarity is inverted. The “dot” paddle produces dashes and the “dash” paddle producesdots.Menu Item 20 [CW PITCH]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Setting of the pitch of the CW sidetone, BFO offset, and CW filter center frequencies.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 300 ~ 1000 HzDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 700 HzThe CW pitch may be adjusted in steps of 50 Hz.
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL19Menu Item 21 [CW SPEED]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the sending speed for the built-in Electronic keyer.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 4wpm ~ 60 wpm/20cpm ~ 300 cpmDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 12wpm(60cpm)This transceiver can be set the sending speed by two units (wpm: ward per minutes or cpm: character per minutes),but does not independently.To switch the units between “wpm” and “cpm,” just press the SEL knobMenu Item 22 [CW WEIGHT]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the Dot:Dash ratio for the built-in electronic keyer.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 1:2.5 ~ 1:4.5DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 1:3.0Menu Item 23 [DCS CODE]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Setting the DCS code.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 104 Standard DCS codesDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 023Menu Item 24 [DIG DISP]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Define the displayed frequency offset during DIG (USER-L or USER-U) mode operationAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: –3000 ~ +3000 HzDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 0 HzMenu Item 25 [DIG MIC]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Adjust the audio input level from the equipment (such as TU or PSK-31 sound board) during DIG modeoperationAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 0 ~ 100DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 50Menu Item 26 [DIG MODE]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the mode and sideband (if applicable) in the DIG mode.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: RTTY/PSK31-L/PSK31-U/USER-L/USER-UDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: RTTYRTTY: AFSK RTTY operation on the LSB modePSK31-L: PSK-31 operation on the LSB modePSK31-U: PSK-31 operation on the USB modeUSER-L: User-programmed costume operation based on LSB modeUSER-U: User-programmed costume operation based on USB modeIn the USER-L and USER-U modes, determine the display frequency offset and carrier frequency offset by menuItem #24 (DIG DISP) and #27 (DIG SHIFT).Menu Item 27 [DIG SHIFT]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Define the carrier frequency offset during DIG (USER-L or USER-U) mode operationAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: –3000 ~ +3000 HzDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 0 HzMenu Item 28 [EMERGENCY]: USA Version onlyFunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Enable Tx/Rx operation on the Alaska Emergency Channel, 5167.5 kHz.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/ONDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: OFFWhen this Menu Item is set to “ON,” the spot frequency of 5167.5 kHz will be enabled. To get to this frequency, usethe SEL knob to navigate; the Alaska Emergency Channel will be found between the Memory channel “M-PU” and“M-001.”NoteNoteNoteNote: Use of this frequency is restricted to amateurs operating in (or within 92.6 km of) the U.S. State of Alaska,and it is to be used for emergency communications only (involving the immediate protection of life or property).Menu Item 29 [FM MIC]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Adjust the microphone gain level for the FM mode.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 0 ~ 100DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 50Menu Item 30 [FM STEP]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the tuning step for the SEL knob on the FM mode.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 5/6.25/10/12.5/15/20/25/50 kHzDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 5 kHz (depends on operating band and transceiver version)Menu Item 31 [ID]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Store the CE identifier callsign. Up to eight characters may be stored. The storage procedure is asfollows:
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL201. Press the SEL knob momentarily to initiate callsign storing (appear the under bar on the first characterof the callsign).2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the first letter/number of your callsign, then rotate the SEL knob oneclick clockwise to save the first letter/number and move to the next entry position.3. Repeat the previous step as necessary to complete your callsign.4. Press the SEL knob to save your completed callsign and exit.DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: YAESUMenu Item 32 [LOCK MODE]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the operation of the front panel’s [LOCK] keyAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: DIAL/FREQ./PANELDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: DIALDIAL: Lock DIAL knob onlyFREQ.: Locks front panel keys and knobs which is regarding the frequency controls (such asBAND(DWN)/BAND(UP) key, [A](A/B) key. Etc.).PANEL: Locks all front keys and knobs (except [PWR] key and [LOCK] key)Menu Item 33 [MAIN STEP]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Setting pd DIAL speed.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: FINE/COARSEDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: FINEYou may choose between two speeds for the DIAL knob. Selecting “COARSE” cuts the tuning rate in half comparedto the default value.Menu Item 34 [MEM GROUP]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Enable/disable the memory group featureAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/ONDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: OFFWhen this Menu Item is set to “ON,” the 200 “standard” memory channels are partitioned into ten Memory Groups,each holding up to 20 memory channels.Menu Item 35 [MEM TAG]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Store Alpha-Numeric “Tags” for the memory channels.Up to eight characters may be stored. The storage procedure is as follows:1. Recall the memory channel on which you wish to append a label.2. Recall this Menu Item (Menu #35 [MEM TAG]).3. Press the SEL knob momentarily to initiate callsign storing (appear the under bar on the first characterof the callsign).4. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the first character (number, letter, or symbol) in the name you with tostore, then rotate the SEL knob clockwise to move to the next character.5. Again rotate the DIAL knob to select the next number, letter, or symbol, then rotate the SEL knobclockwise to move to the next character’s slot.6. Repeat step 5 as many times as necessary to complete the name tag for the memory7. Press the SEL knob to save the A/N (Alpha-Numeric) name and exit.Menu Item 36 [MIC KEY]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Enable/disable the CW keying by the microphone’s [UP]/[DWN] keys.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/ONDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: OFFWhen this Menu Item is set to “ON,” press the microphone’s [UP] key to send a “dot,” and press the microphone’s[DWN] key to send a “dash” while built-in electronic keyer operation.Menu Item 37 [MIC SCAN]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Enable/disable the scanner by the microphone’s [UP]/[DWN] keys.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/ONDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: ONMenu Item 38 [OP FILTER]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Enable the CW signal path via the optional CW-N filter or enable the AM signal path via the optional AMfilter.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/SSB/CWDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: OFFWhen the optional filter is installed, this Menu Item set to the corresponding value.Menu Item 39 [PKT MIC]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Adjust the audio input level from the TNC during 1200 bps Packet operation.
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL21Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 0 ~ 100DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 50Menu Item 40 [PKT RATE]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the transceiver’s circuitry for the Packet baud rate to be used.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 1200/9600 bpsDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 1200 bpsMenu Item 41 [RESUME]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the delay time for scanner.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/3/5/10 secDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 5 secWhen this Menu Item set to “OFF,” the scanner stops continuously until press again the SCAN key.Menu Item 42 [RPT SHIFT]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the magnitude of the Repeater Shift.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 0 ~ 99.99 MHzDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: Depends on transceiver versionMenu Item 43 [SCOPE]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the Spectrum Scope mode.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: CONT/CHKDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: CONTCONT: The Spectrum Scope sweeps continuously.CHK: The Spectrum Scope sweeps one cycle every 10 seconds.Menu Item 44 [SIDETONE]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Adjust the CW sidetone volume level.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 0 ~ 100DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 50Menu Item 45 [SQL/RF-G]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the operation of the front panel’s SQL/RF knob.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: RF-GAIN/SQLDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: Depends on transceiver versionMenu Item 46 [SSB MIC]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Adjust the microphone gain level for the SSB mode.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 0 ~ 100DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 50Menu Item 47 [SSB STEP]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the tuning step for the SEL knob on the SSB mode.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 1/2.5/5 kHzDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 2.5 kHzMenu Item 48 [TONE FREQ]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Setting the CTCSS Tone Frequency.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 50 Standard CTCSS tonesDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 88.5 HzMenu Item 49 [TOT TIME]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select the Automatic Power Off time (time before power goes off).Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/1 ~ 20 minDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: OFFMenu Item 50 [VOX DELAY]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the “hang tome” for the VOX circuitly.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 100 ~ 2500 msecDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 500 msecMenu Item 51 [VOX GAIN]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the gain of the VOX circuitry’s input audio detector.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: 1 ~ 100DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 50Menu Item 52 [EXTEND]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Enable/disable the extended Menu Item.Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: OFF/ONDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: OFFMenu Item 53 [DCS INV]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Select “Normal” or “Inverted” DCS code.
FT-817OPERATING MANUAL22Available ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: Tn-Rn/Tn-Riv/Tiv-Rn/Tiv-RivDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: Tn-RnMenu Item 54 [R LSB CAR]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the Rx Carrier Point for LSBAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: –300 ~ +300 HzDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 0 HzMenu Item 55 [R USB CAR]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the Rx Carrier Point for USBAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: –300 ~ +300 HzDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 0 HzMenu Item 56 [T LSB CAR]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the Tx Carrier Point for LSBAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: –300 ~ +300 HzDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 0 HzMenu Item 57 [T USB CAR]FunctionFunctionFunctionFunction: Set the Tx Carrier Point for USBAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable ValuesAvailable Values: –300 ~ +300 HzDefaultDefaultDefaultDefault: 0 Hz

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