Yaesu Musen VXR-1000U User Manual 8

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Document ID78616
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize16.82kB (210198 bits)
Date Submitted1999-12-29 00:00:00
Date Available1998-08-21 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-07 18:02:36
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-05-07 18:02:38
Document Title8

VXR- 1000
0 vertex 0
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The VXR-IOOO Series was designed to provide
extended handheld coverage by repeating
tarnsmissions in both directions through an existing
high power mobile radio
Reliability is assured by a highly integrated surface
mount circuit design and an aluminum extrusion
chassis, Important channel freqency data is stored in
EEPROM, and IS easily programmable by dealers
using a personal computer and the Yassu VPL—l
Programming Cable and CE-ZZ Soft—ware
Please take a few minutes to read this manual
carefully. The information presented here will allow
you to derive maximum preformance from your radio,
After reading it, keep the manual handy for quick
reference, in case questions arise later on.
We're glad you joined the Yaesu beam. Call on us any
time, because our business is communications, Let us
help you get your message across.
This is deVice complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules,
Operation is subject to the condition that this device
does not cause harmful interference.
quiicn ‘Rnngil 450A iTiiiihy
Number of Channels 10 Channels
Channel Spin mg 12.5 / zaknz
Suppii vultngu lvi.8\ lJC
Ambient Tnipunnun- Range A int, Li) Hint
Frequent-i Slahilih
iii: input—Output iniuodnnuu
nuiiui Output impuiinm
Cirquii riuu
Dmihlc (‘niu L l'allill Sliptii’l’mlmmh llt'
OPERATING MANUAL (2. 983(d)(8))
i-ZlA lZdB SINAD 0.35/1V
20dB Quicting 0.45 [L v
Threshhold Squelch 0.2 “V m zm‘
Adjacent Channel Selectivity GUdB
Intermudulation Rejection [30cm
Spurinus and Image Rejection suns
Conducted Spurious Emissions 757mm
Audio Output iw mm 8 Ohms W/<5% THD
Hum and Noise 40dB
Power Output 512.5/1 (0.5W
Modulation lGKOFSE /llKOF3E
Maximum Deviation t5khz /1—2 5
Conducted Spurious Emissions GUdBc
PM Hum and Name And“
Dimension 25.4mm(n)>< lllmm(\v))( lilem(d)
Weight 400g
Front panel
(D Microphone J ack
Connect the microphone plug to this jack.
®v0LUME Knob
This knob adjusts the receiver volumet
®CHANNEL Selector Knob
This knob select the operating channel,
When on,indicates that the unit is at priority count
zero and will repeat all transmissions.
C5) TX
When on,Repeater is transmitting to the handheld
t / COR
This lamp blinks red when Repeater is receivmg
carrier from a handheld, and glows red while
Repeater is sub-audible tone from the handheld
if MBL
This lamp blinks red when Mobile is receiving
signal from repeat base, and glows red While Mobile
is transmitting to the repeat base.
Proper operation of the repeater
®Antenna Socket
The 50-ohm BNC antenna connector
®EXT SP (External Speaker)
External loudspeakers may be connected to this 2
contact, 3.5-mm mini-phone jackv
®DSUB 9-Pin Accessory Connector
External TX audio line input,PTT,and external RX
audio line output signal may be obtained from this
connector for use With accessories
When the user leaves the vehicle, they activate the
radio Via their mobile radio front panel or a separate
switch. When the mobile radio is receivmg carrier
and proper tone, the radio will begin transmitting on
the handheld's receive frequency, The user is able to
hear and respond to all radio traffic,including other
handhelds at the site. The radio can be programmed
to give the handhelds priority in a conversation by
priodically sanpling for handheld activitytcarriei' and
proper tone) during base to handheld transmissions,
key the mobile radio and repeat handheld to base
The radio has a fixed 3 minute time out timer for
base to handheld tramsmissmns. If the mobile COR
is active for more than 3 minutes it Will send a error
blip and c ‘e transmission until the mobile COR is
inactive.The 3 minute time-out is in affect regardless
of whether the radio is programmed for priority
sampling or not.
There are no Us eryiceable points inSide this
transceiver. ;\Il senite JObS must be referred to
your Authorized Service Center or Network
Alivninisti‘ati \'
I l . C .
When the radio is connected to a trunking mobile
and the handheld operator wishes to access the
system, they key their handheld briefly then
release.The radio will attempt to acquire a voice
channel on the trunking system by keying the mobile
for ZOGmS and monitoring the on-air detect hne from
the mobile. If it does not see the radio transmit at all
(system is busy ), it will send a low tone to the
handheld operator to alert them that the system is
busy.The radio will automatically retry every 5
seconds and send busy tone to the handheld with
each unsuccessful attempt to indicate progress of the
call attempt, If unsuccessful after 30 seconds,the
radio will transmit inercept tone to alert the
handheld operator that the call attempt failed.
When the radio detects that the mobile is
it will continue to monitor the on-air line until the
transmitter remains keyed for at least 250mS to
ensure that the radio is merely handshaking or
retrying. After successful acquisition of a voice
channelit will motions to hold the mobile PTT active
for 2 seconds and transmit a go-ahead blip to the
handheld operator. The user then keys their
handheld to speak on the voice channel If the user
does not key up within the 2 seconds period, the
radio will unkey the mobile and send intercept tone
as before.
Optiona Anggesnges
MH-25A8J Microphone
MSL- 100 External Loudspeaker
V'PL-l Programming Cable
CT~29 Programming Interface Box
(DE-22 Programming Software (for IBM
PC/compatibles only)
CT752 T9101482 Programming
T91014ll Radio-to-Radio Cloning
Connection Cable
I 20 2 Shliluiiimiuku(ll-i—AuJuho l min)“.
1'210l3iwim | mumrwwi I'Sr\
in "H1 iNrEim nomu.oivxsiowlnn
~ N“ lthm 5mm: uni-urtiuz
mum-g K mum Si’hipllul TlirNrrlievimulu
. yum» Hmi'r- Bunny‘s rmm
rm Ilh 4m untiiwvrnmimui
[i—h'rifl l N hmdlmrh Hm mom
lruco Central A s" Aim-nun
Am “mum“... u
mh F'lnm Tm. sh m. L'enlev rm mm, m
Tumshn’nuv m anlwu IlungKong
__ K66VXR-1000U ~.
ALIGNMENT (2.983td)(9)) -
VXR- 1 OOOU Alignment
The VXR-IOOO has been aligned at the factory for the specified performance across the
frequency range specified for each version.
Realignment should therefore not be necessary except in the event ofa component failure, or
alteration of version. All component replacement and service should be performed only by an
authorized Yaesu representative or the warranty policy may he voided.
The following test equipment is required for alignment:
' IBM PC/compatible computer w/Yaesu VPL-l cable,FRB—4 and CE-22 channel programming
~ RF signal generator: calibrated output level at 1000 MHz (0 dBp $1.0 pV - closed circuit)
~ Deviation meter (linear detector)
' Oscilloscope
‘ AF millivoltmeter
- SINAD meter
- lnline wattmeter: 1000 MHz
- Regulated DC power supply: adjustable from 10 to 17 V. 3 A
- SO-ohm non-reactive dummy load: 10 W at 1000 MHz
- Frequency counter: 02 ppm accuracy at 1000 MHz
- AF signal generator
~ DC Voltmeter: high impedance
- RF Sampling Coupler (attenuation pad)
Before beginning, connect the transceiver and PC using the VPL-l cable and FRB-4 as
described in the EEPROM Programming chapter, and download the EEPROM data from the
transceiver to the computer.
Store this data in a disk file so that it can be saved and retrieved later. Using the table below.
program the channel. CTCSS, and DCS alignment settings for your transceiver version. Upload this
file to the transceiver.
Alignment Channel Frequencies (MHz)
Clll CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5
Ver. Freq. 450.00 470.00 460.00 470.00 470.00
POWER 5.0W 5.0W 5.0W 5.0W 5.0W
PLL & Transmitter
Set up the test equipment as shown for Transmitter & PLL alignment. Adjust the supply
voltage to 13.8 V for all steps. Refer to the Tx & PLL Unit Alignment Points photo for alignment
I’LL Reyerenue Frequency
~ Tune the transceiver to the channel 3. connect an attenuator pad and frequency counter betwecn
the ANT connector“. key the transmitter and adjust TC2001 on the RF Unit (i100 Hz).
~ Connect the RF sampling coupler m—Iine between the antenna jack and the RF dummy load.
Connect the frequency counter to the coupler.
' Connect the DC voltmeter between VCV test point TP2006 on the PCB and chassis ground.
- Set the transceiver to Inn hum! edge channel I. Key the transmitter and adjust T2001 on the PCB
for 0 5 V on the voltmeter,
~ Select lug/1 hum/ulna channel 2. and confirm the liigh-cnd VCV is at 3.5 V 1 0.3 V.
liwmmiuer Oil/pm Pun w“
Yaesu Musen Co , Ltd.
~ Select channel 3. transmit and adjust the output power level for 50 watts by the the PC.
CTCSS MuduIalmn Level
- Select band center channel 4, with 15I.4 Hz CTCSS encode Transmit and adjust VRIOO6 on the
PCB for 0.8 kHzt 0.1 kHz deviation as indicated on the deviation meter.
DCS Modulatiun Level,
‘ Select band center channel 5, with DCS 023 enabled. Transmit and adjust VR1009 on the PCB
for 0,85 kHz i 041 kHz deviation as indicated on the deviation meter.
Microphone Audio Modulation Level
~ Select band center channel I. and adjust the AF generator for 40 mV output at I kHz to the MIC
' Transmit and adjust VRIOOS on the PCB for 4.5 kHz 1 0.1 kHz deviation as indicated on the
deviation meter.
Squelclv Threshold
~ Select band center channel 2‘ and adjust 50 level for -8 dBu (0.4 uV).
~ Adjust the squelch threshold level by the PC so that itjust closes (RX LED turns oft)
Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd,
__ I(66VXR—1000U
VXR-IOOOU Circuit Description
Reception and transmission are switched by RXSV/T'XSV from the MPU. The receiver uses
double-super heterodyne circuitry, with a 44.3 MHz Ist lF, and 455 kHz 2nd IF. The Ist LO uses a
44.3 MHz receive IF produced by the PLL synthesizer.
The 2nd LO uses 43.845 MHz (443 MHz-455 kHz) signals oscillated by the crystal. The 2nd
mixer and other circuits use a custom 1C to convert and amplify the 2nd IF, and detect FM to obtain
demodulated signalsDuring transmit, the above synthesizer oscillates the desired frequency
directly, for amplification to obtain RF power output. During transmit, voice modulation and
CTCSS (or DCS) modulation are applied to this synthesizer.Transceiver functions, such as tx/rx
control, PLL synthesizer settings, and channel programming, are controlled using the MPU.
incoming RF signals from the antenna connector is delivered to the MAIN UINT and passes
through a low-pass filter (LPF) consisting of coils L2001,L2002,L2004 & L2024, capacitors
C2002,C2004,C2009,C21ll,C2112,C2113 84 C2114 and antenna switching diodes D2001, D2002
and D2013 to the receiver front end.
The signal is then band—pass filtered and amplified by 02001 (25C3356)i The signals are then
input to lst MIXER 02004 (SGM2016M) where unwanted frequencies are stripped. The 443
MHz 1st mixer product then passes through monolithc crysral filter XF200] & XF2002, and is
amplified by 02010 (25C2714Y) and input to [F IC 02013 (MC3372ML), This IC contains the
2nd mixer, zt local oscillator, limiter amplifier, FM detector, and audio amplifier. The 2nd L0 in the
lF-IC is produced front crystal X2002 (431845 MHz), and the lst IF is convened to 455kHz by the
2nd mixer and stripped of unwanted components by BPF CF2001,CF2002. After passing through a
limiter amplifier, the signal is demodulated by the FM detector.
Demodulated receive audio from the lF-IC passes through LPF and HPF 01005 (NJM2902M)
within IC Q1016 (MXISSCDW), and after volume adestment by VRIOlll, is amplified by SP
AMP 01003 (LA4425A) and Output to the SP jack.
I’LL synthesizer
The 1st [D maintains stability from the PLL synthesizer by using 12.8 MHz reference signal
from crystal XZOOI. PLL synthesizer [C 02009 (MC145191 F) consists of a prescaler, reference
counter, swallow counter, programmable counter, a serial data input port to set these counters based
on the external data , a phase comparator, and charge pump.
The PLL—1C divides the l2.8 MHz reference signal by 1,280 using the reference counter (10.0
kllz comparison frequency). The VCO output is divided by the prescaler, swallow counter and
programmable countcn These two signals are compared by the phase Comparator and input to the
charge pump. A voltage proportional to their phase difference is delivered to the low—pass filter
circuit, then fed back to the VCO as a voltage with phase error, controlling and stabilizing the
oscillating frequency. This synthesizer also operates as a modulator during transmit.
The VCO is comprised of 02008 (25C3356) and D2003 (HVU350), and oscillates at 44.3
MHz during receive, and at the fundamental frequency during transmit, with direct FM-modulation
using varactor diode D2004 (HVU350). The vco output passes through buffer amplifier 02011
(2303356), and a portion is input to the PLL 1C, and at the same time amplified by 02016
(25C3356) to obtain stable outputr The VCO DC supply is regulated by Q2017 (25C2812).
Synthesizer output is switched to the 1st MIXER by diode switch DZOIl) (185184) during receive,
and to drive amplifier 02015 (yPC2710) for transmit The reference oscillator utilizes the PLL
synthesizer, and is composed of crystal X200t (12.8 MHz), the temperature compensation circuit
D2007 (185353, '[‘H2()()1,TH2002), and transmit (DCS) modulation circuit D2005, D2006
Yaesu Musen Cot, Ltd.
Voice audio from the microphone or external inputs, after passing through LPF 01005
(NJM2902M), limiter amplifier , and LPF 01006 (NJMZSOZM), is adjusted for optimum
deviation level and delivered to the next stage.
Voice input from the microphone or external inputs and CTCSS are FM-modulated to the VCO
of the synthesizer, while DCS audio is modulated by the reference frequency oscillator of the
synthesizer. Synthesizer output, after passing through diode switch D2010 (155184) and being
attenuated by the ATP, is amplified by driver (22015 (HP02710) and power module 02003
(M67799H) to obtain full RF output. This then passes through ANT SW D2001, D2002 and a LPF
circuit and finally to the antenna connector,
RF output power from the final amplifier is sampled dy C2117,C2118 and is rectified by
D2017(155321)4The resulting DC is fed through Automatic Power Controller 02018
(TA75501 F) to transmitter RF amplifier 02003 and thus the power output.
Generation of spurious products by the transmitter is minimized by the fundamental carrier
frequency being equal to the final transmitting frequency, modulated directly in the transmit VCO.
Additoinal harmonic suppression is provided by a low-pass filter consisting of
[2001,L2002&L2024 and C2002,C2004,C2009,C2Ill,C2112,C2113&C2114, resulting in moer
than 60dB of harmonic suppression prior to delivery to the antenna.
DCS Demodulator
DCS signals demodulated from the RF-UNIT, and are applied to LPF 010403, 010404
(NJM2902M) and limiter comparator 01040-1 (NJM2902M).
CTCSS wonder/decoder
Generation, demodulation, and detection of the CTCSS tones are carried out by [C 01014
Operation is controlled by B-bit MPU lC 01039 (HD64F3334YTF). The system clock uses a
9.8304 MHz crystal for a time base lC 01015 (RHSVL45AA) resets the MFU when the power is
on and monitors the voltage of the regulated 5V power supply line.
This retains Tx and Rx data for all 16 channels, CTCSS data, DCS data, prescaler dividing, IF
frequency. local oscillator injection side (upper/lower), and REF oscillator data (internal/external).
Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd.

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Create Date                     : 2001:05:07 18:02:36
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