Yamaha PSS A50 MIDI Reference Pssa50 En Mr A0

User Manual: Yamaha PSS-A50 MIDI Reference

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MIDI Reference
Référence MIDI
Referencia MIDI
PSS-A50 MIDI Reference
MIDI Functions
The explanations here cover the settings necessary for performing MIDI communication. For instructions on making these settings,
refer to page 12 in the Owner’s Manual.
Panel settings (Voices, etc.) of this instru-
ment will not be affected by MIDI mes-
sages received from a computer.
This instrument cannot play back MIDI
data (received from a computer) that
includes Voices that are incompatible with
this instrument.
In order to perform MIDI communication between this instrument and a computer, it is necessary to
match the corresponding MIDI out channel. By setting the MIDI out channels on this instrument, the set-
ting of the keyboard or Arpeggio sequence or the program change can be transmitted over the channel
number corresponding to a specified channel on the computer.
Transmit data and Channel settings
The data in the list below are transmitted over the channel number(s) automatically set based on the
transmit channel for the keyboard Voice.
“Local Control” refers to the fact that, normally, the keyboard of the instrument controls its internal tone generator,
allowing the internal Voices to be played directly from the keyboard. This situation is “Local Control On,” since the internal
tone generator is controlled locally by its own keyboard. Local control can be turned off, however, so that the keyboard of the instru-
ment does not play the internal Voices, but the appropriate MIDI information is still transmitted via the 5V DC / USB TO HOST termi-
nal when notes are played on the keyboard.
The information related to Voice changes is called “program change” in MIDI. Transmitting and receiving program change messages
can be enabled or disabled as desired on this instrument. For example, if the relevant transmit and receive parameters are set to on,
Voice change information in this instrument can be transmitted to or received from a computer.
(However, the Voice as played from the keyboard is maintained and does not change.)
Information related to non-note expressive changes is called “control change” in MIDI. Transmitting and receiving control change
messages can be enabled or disabled as desired on this instrument. For example, if the relevant transmit and receive parameters are set
to on, performance information on this instrument can be transmitted to or received from a computer. (However, the performance infor-
mation from the instrument is maintained and does not change.)
For instructions on how to connect this instrument to a computer, refer to the page 6 in the Owner’s Manual.
MIDI Out Channel Selection
Keyboard Voices Setting range: 01–16, oFF
Default setting: 01
Arpeggio sequence Keyboard Voices channel number +1
Keyboard performance recorded to
this instrument Keyboard Voices channel number +2
Arpeggio sequence recorded to this
instrument Keyboard Voices channel number +3
Selecting the next channel number from channel 16 returns to channel 1.
No data is transmitted if the transmit channel for the keyboard Voice is set to “oFF.”
For instructions on recording to this instrument, refer to page 10 in the Owner’s Manual.
Local Control ON/OFF
Program Change ON/OFF
Control Change ON/OFF
PSS-A50 MIDI Reference 3
Precautions when Using the 5V DC / USB TO
HOST Terminal
When connecting the computer to the 5V DC / USB TO HOST terminal (page 6 in the Owner’s Manual), make sure to observe the fol-
lowing points to avoid freezing the computer and corrupting or losing the data.
Use an A-micro B type USB cable of less than 3 meters. USB 3.0 cables cannot be used.
Execute the following before turning the power to the instrument on/off or plugging/unplugging the USB cable to/from the 5V DC /
USB TO HOST terminal.
Quit any open application software on the computer.
Make sure that data is not being transmitted from the instrument. (Data is transmitted only by playing notes on the keyboard or
playing back a song.)
While the computer is connected to the instrument, you should wait for six seconds or more between these operations: (1) when turn-
ing the power of the instrument off then on again, or (2) when alternately connecting/disconnecting the USB cable.
If the computer or the instrument freezes, restart the application software or the computer OS, or turn the power to the instrument off
then on again.
MIDI Data Format
1 By default (factory settings) the instrument ordinarily func-
tions as a 16-channel multi-timbral tone generator, and incom-
ing data does not affect the panel voices or panel settings.
However, the MIDI Master Tuning affects the panel voices and
recorded data.
<GM System ON>
F0H, 7EH, 7FH, 09H, 01H, F7H
This message automatically restores all default settings for
the instrument, with the exception of MIDI Master Tuning.
<MIDI Master Volume>
F0H, 7FH, 7FH, 04H, 01H, ll, mm, F7H
This message allows the volume of all channels to be
changed simultaneously (Universal System Exclusive).
The values of “mm” is used for MIDI Master Volume. (Val-
ues for “ll” are ignored.)
<MIDI Master Tuning>
F0H, 43H, 1nH, 27H, 30H, 00H, 00H, mm, ll, cc, F7H
This message simultaneously changes the tuning value of all
The values of “mm” and “ll” are used for MIDI Master Tun-
The default value of “mm” and “ll” are 08H and 00H,
respectively. Any values can be used for “n” and “cc”.
3 When the recording or playback of the recorded phrase is
started, an FAH message is transmitted.
When recording or playback of the recorded phrase is stopped,
an FCH message is transmitted.
4 Local ON/OFF
<Local ON> Bn, 7A, 7F
<Local OFF> Bn, 7A, 00
Value for “n” is ignored.
This instrument does not support the GM format.
PSS-A50 MIDI Reference
YAMAHA [ Digital Keyboard ] Date: 23-April-2019
Model PSS-A50 MIDI Implementation Chart Version: 1.0
Transmitted Recognized Remarks
Basic Default 1 - 16 1 - 16
Channel Changed 1 - 16 x
Default 3 3
Mode Messages x x
Altered ************** x
Note 0 - 127 0 - 127
Number : True voice ************** 0 - 127
Velocity Note ON o 9nH,v=1-127 o 9nH,v=1-127
Note OFF x 9nH,v=0 x
After Key’s x x
Touch Ch’s x x
Pitch Bend o o 0 - 24 semi
Prog o 0 - 100 o 0 - 127
Change : True # **************
System Exclusive o o
: Song Pos. x x
Common : Song Sel. x x
: Tune x x
System : Clock o x
Real Time: Commands o x
:All Sound Off o o(120,126,127)
Aux :Reset All Cntrls o o(121)
Mes- :Local ON/OFF x o(122)
sages:All Notes Off o o(123-125)
:Active Sense o o
:Reset x x
0,32 o o Bank Select
1,5,7,11 o o
10 x x Pan
6 o o Data Entry (MSB)
38 x o Data Entry (LSB)
Control 64 x o Sustain
Change 65 o o Portamento Switch
71,72,73,74 o o Sound Controller
84 x o
Portamento Control
91,93 o o Effect1,3 Depth
96,97 x o RPN Inc,Dec
100,101 o o RPN LSB,MSB
MIDI Implementation Chart
Manual Development Group
©2019 Yamaha Corporation
Published 07/2019 PO-A0
Mode 1 : OMNI ON , POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON ,MONO o : Yes
Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 4 : OMNI OFF,MONO x : No

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