User Manual
rcc smemenz Ylllis equlpmem has been tested and lound to comply my. me llmils for a class B dig-m aeuloe. pursuant \o pan is emle rcc Rules Yhese Ilmlls ire deilgned le pmyule reason-bk woman egeum himlful lnlerfaence u. . resldenhal mstallallml thsequlpmenl genemtes usesand can radlale lama fiequenzy esselgy and, ll not msealleel and used lrl ammlanse with me msvunians, may eause himlful mlerfemze as male communicatlons Howevev, mere ls rm guamnlee um lnlelvelenee wlll not lxcuv ln s panlculav lnslalluxlen If nus eaulpmenl does cause harmlul lrlMemrlzeKD vadlo Drkltvlsmrl mpfion. wlllcll can bedaemlmed by lummg Me equlpmem all m on, me use! ls encnuuged lokrym (Mme lnkmnce by me o! more alme lollawlng mules 7mm"! or rdocametlne :eeelvmg anknna. —rmease me separihnn bemeen me equlpmem and yeceruer —Carmed me equlpmem mus an uullec an a Clrmll dlllelem than m as mm. use recuver ls cannened vCansulk me dealer a! an expuleneed .adlorrv lechrllclin tor help. rcc Statement ths devlse eomplles wall rcc mulanan expowve llmns sec lonh lur an uneonuollea envlmnment 11m mm! eamplles wflh pan :5 all me FCC Rules Opel-nun ls subject tn me lallewmg Mn candluans m nus dance may nal eause ham-NI lnledelence. and (z) llms demo: musl acoepl any lmmmce :eoelved. mcludmg lnleflevencemil may cause undesued opeullun caullanl Any changes or modlilmluns nu! expressly apprvved by If»: pany respunslble lw mmpllanee could mu me useas aumemy us apeme me equlpmeul um: was um» PLEASk’ leE OUR m1 Sim n WZAGGle/WI In m . uume euuem we 'lnlumll’llv: nu.» me am as me «am macam/sucmn/cammhb I qummuQI-ggm Immune; [9244] l mumu;3aos hunk-1mm Mm ra. unsala-eue sum um" «amylase ue MW use 5 muesxliwi ems~ 2013 me In: Al Wm: M warm mama l was: n65 l muss m (was mu, wales “u mu Ire «gum mam M we use ma, mums“, m megs" ma re um a. ”WWW MUM [AL ms«mew-umwnISMmeFCCRufiDwmssuwmmMm-wmcommns x lns am: my nos sause mm: Imam: 3M 2 ms em mm xnmifly lnkrfame vecelved, lnsludlng lnkerfuence mas may nuse undesued opemlorl Z‘XGGQK E v a Mini FOLIO 'wuznmrv nealsmnlou Your ZAGerys- Falls comes Wlm a aneyeel manufanmér‘s warlanty ul Mel m eeeluale me warlanty. you muss reglsser your Folln as well as keep you! purchase lecelm llyou nuvmaSEE your ZAGGkays Fella mam ZAGG cum ZAGG' has already veglsteved K and has a saw ufyow maalulaurcnase NEED non: HELP? PLEASE SEE om: no sscncm AY: www ZAGG sum/la: |N_S_LD_E_LEFT lNSl-DERJGHT INSERTING/REMOVING YOUR iPADg TROUBLESHOOTING To insert your IPad mini Into the Folio, Start with the Palms keyboard facing you. Then, with your iPad in landscape mode and the volume control buttons facing out (the Home button is on your right) set the bottom half of your lPad in the Follo, maklng sure lt ls settled (you may need to apply light pressure to your IPad to ensure it is settled at the bottom of the cover) Next, snap the top half into the Folio Check all corners to make sure they have seated properly as well. When your iPad is secure in the Folio, you can close it, and cleverly placed magnets will activate your iPad'S sleep/wake feature to help preserve battery life. simply open your Folio to wake your l'Pad. To easily remove your iPad, simply grasp the top of the Folio's Cover in the middle and apply a light pressure to the back of your 'lPad. Grasp your iPad‘s exposed slde and lift/pull away from the Follo. FOLD if your leaow does not respond to your Folio there may be a simple explanation such as a dead battery or an unsuccessful pairing Please use the following to help troubleshoot your situation. If none of the following solve your issue, then please contact ZAGG customer service and one of our trained professionals will be happy to assist you. 1. Restart your iPad by holding down the home and power button simultaneously until it restarts. Let go of the buttons when you see the Apple logo. 2. Turn your Folio off and back on. Vou should see the LED status light illuminate briefly, if not, charge your Folio. 3 After charging, turn your Folio on. if the LED status light does not illuminate. and your keyboard doesn't operate correctly, please contact ZAGG's customer support. 4 Forget and re-palr your Folio On your lPad. select' Settings > General > Bluetooth > On. if you see "ZAGeryS Folio" listed as an available device, touch the arrow to the right of It and choose to have your ipao forget the deVlce. 5 Push the PAlR button on your Folio and Watch For the LED status light to flash blue. 6. Your iPad should display ”ZAGerys Folio" as an available device Select it. 7. If your lPad owes you an error message. repeat the pairlng process. 8. If you still can't get your Folio to palr, It ls posslble your Wad needs to have Its software updated. To update your iPad's software. follow these steps: 1. Plug your iPad into your computer, and open lTurles" 2. ln iTuneS, select your iPad 3 Choose to check for software updates. it an update ls available, please lnstall lt. This Will take a few minutes to download from Apple“ 5 After your update is complete, repeat the troubleshooting process‘. PAGE 4 THE FUNCTION (fn) KEY PAGEl POWERING ON AND OFF The In key operates all key functions listed below To activate these functions, hold the fn key down and press the desired key For keys wlth two runction symbols, the rn key operates the bottom symbol Holding SHlFT and the ff? key Simultaneously operates the upper symbol sHIFT FH v sHIFT sHIFT FM 9 sHIFT FM 9 sHIFT DEFAULT DEFAULT FN DEFAULT FN PM can: FN + CAPS - Activates the CAPS Lock feature. When CAPS Lock is on a blue indicator light Will remain lit until it is turned off. To turn CAPS Lock off. simply hold the In key and press CAPS again. ® FN + World Symbol , Toggles between international keyboards (when activated in your iPaow's settings) i FN + Battery symbol - Indicates remaining battery lire :a: FN + eackliglit On , Activates your Folio’s backlight feature Pressing this key once will turn on the backlights at their dimmest setting, pressing it twice Will brighten the lights, and pressing it three times WI” brighten them to their brightest setting. o FN + Backlight on - Dims the backlights according to their selected brightness until they turn oft. For example, it your lights are at their brightest setting, you would press this button once to dim the lights, We: to set them at their dimmest setting, and three times to tum the backlights off. Es) FN + sacklight Color Palette , Press to select your preferred backlight color Press repeatedly to cycle through available Colors. FOLD To turn your Folio on, sWitch the POWER button to the ON position. A red LED light Will illuminate briefly while the keyboard powers up. To turn your Folio orf, simply sWitch the POWER button to the OFF position. POWER BUTTON LED LlGHT ON PoslTloN PAIRING YOUR ZAGerys’” FOLIO Pairing your Folio with your lPad‘ is easy It should only need to be paired once, using the rollowmg directions. it the connection between your iPad and Folio is ever lost, simply repeat these steps 'l. on your lPad Select: SETTINGS > GENERAL > ELUETOOTH > ON. 2 Press the PAIR button on your Folio keyboard A blue LED light Will flash until your Folio arid IPad are paired. 3 Your iPad will display "ZAGerys Folio" as an available device Select this option to complete pairing. PAlR BUTTON LED LlGHT PAGE 2 CHARGING PAGF 3 BATTERY LIFE your Follo features a powerful llthlum-oolymer battery that lasts for up to three months of normal use~ oetween charges. lt comes WIth a charglng cable you can use to charge your keyboard quickly and converllerltly. To charge your Follo, slmply follow these steps: 1. Plug the mlcro use connector lnto the chargmg port. 2. Plug the regular use connector lnto any use outlet (includlng a ZAGGsparq'“, your computer, your iPad‘. etc.) 3 A red LED Ilght near the charglng port WIII lllumlnate to lndlcate the Follo ls charglng Walt untll thls llght turns off, lndlcatmg a full charge. lt usually takes 2-4 hours to completely charge your Follo. 4 Remove the Mlcro use connector and enloy your Follo for up to three months before you need to charge It agaln . Normal use lS approxlmately 273 hours of use per day without the backllt feature. Using the backllt feature wlll impact battery We and may requlre more frequent charging fi‘w CHARGING PORT LED LIGHT FOLD As mentloned, the Falls features a powerful. rechargeable battery that lasts up to three months between charges‘. To check your Folio‘s remalnlng battery power. Slmply hold down the function (fn) key and press the battery key (also the alt key). The LED lndlcator Wlll flash one of three ways. l. Three green flashes indicate 50% or more battery hfe remaining. 2. Three yellow flashes Indicate between 25%-so% battery llfe remalnlng. 3. Three red flashes Indlcate less than 25% battery llfe remalnlrlg. When your Follo reaches Crltlcal battery level, the LED backhghts wlll not functlon‘ and the red llght wlll flash once every five mlnutes To help preserve battery life. your Folio will enter sleep mode if left on and not used for several mlnutes. To wake your Folio, simply press any key The Follo’s battery has no memory and therefore may be charged Whenever you WIsh. For optlrrlal battery life, we recommend turnlng your Follo off when ldle for a prolonged tlme. ‘ Thls ls a safeguard to conserve power until the battery is charged. SPECIAL FUNCTION KEYS Your Folio keyboard has been de5lgned with the following special function keys to give you more control of your lPad'. E] Home - Dlsplays your IPad'S home screen i Lock - Activates and deactlvates your lPad'S sleep mode 1 Mi: , Activates sln‘ from your keyboard Keyboard Hide/Show - Hldes or shows your lPad'S on-screen keyboard Copy , Cooles selected text to your cllpboard 3': Paste , Pastes clipboard content in your selected field « Previous Track - skips to the prevlous track on your current playllst Ml Play/Pause , Starts or stops your current playllst » Next Track , Sklps to the next track on your current olaylist ‘ Mute - Mute: your lPad'S audlo 1) Volume Down a Decreases your lPad’s volume 1») Volume up a lncreases your lPad's volume
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