ZOWEE TECHNOLOGY M7854 Internet Tablet User Manual
Users Manual
APEX' DIGITAL TM785CH Internet Tablet Quick Start Guide What's In the Box: new use We In! m to you R: u. M out. ' 715' 1024 x 760 HD Display . Intel 12 GHz Clouertrall . wen Storage: lea RAM ' Front 2.0MPIReat 50M? Cameras . Mloro U58 . TF Memory Card Slot mum... ' Androld 4.4 mat ' WWI-HIMJIblgln . “0011M Rechargeable Battery For complete Mmetlom. vtatt mWoom Home Screen Aha-Glance 1) Important Safety Instructions Wemldllhywum-Memdeweuactatm Plum land (he “low-r9 trumlmx and notices bale-e uxtng your “Net -wdmmm¢mmmmndymmmsmdamowwaamm- menu. -muhubmmtm-m.wmwmm“m im‘dm. ‘Mdmmguhmyplxlmmuflnmlhrflwm Thur!" damp the scan or Intern! eIemonK (numb. -Danetmmttimuubenmtnmnmewrlndmuhm. Unmhwfigmhwdhmwmdfiku . De nn we Muhlflwfiilemllnng udmmg. - Exam! use aim at hlghvelm may lead tn Minna Impairment. Lmnummunnmmnmmmemmmwm durum -mrm-gamhasmmtmywymgmmmmt mam vOmgemuhlubm-yunler-Iyoflheinlewmgmmuw: merylewtkmtmhumbythemgamlnu‘m Human. zmr-btummukutymdmImuuuowm-m lBllflltq. Ito-rumuyxlonetm - Du nu with] dluemm the MM MIN formalin; «plum; u count-mom Mmtmbmrammtemmumn Mm -Sufldkduq:hflucfle.vmikflummhaumpm-.nwy Wfluutmgcllumwydflwnfln v humming m (INK wtll void the til-NW5 mrrarty. lyou are 90100qu ”Hem twtewlhflmflalwmm when at thl: mllull. - The tabla tnnnnx humane. m»: and mummy Mum-rm my be iw or mm by Iftl mind-nun Ir lhlir rumour-n. ad I: rummmwm mu. Starting your Tablet Press and hold the Power button tor 3 seconds. It your untt does not turn on. or Instructs you to 'oonnoct your charger". oonnecttho AC TM7850H Internet Tablet At-a—Glanoe FRONT REAR “mum Whom W... MIMI" lo-I.” :wzwcamto rum“ WON/ow m Wm mwo-m WM”! mum O Lochwtaunloctu hobbit“!- I! Stud-lunar It tutu-n- write) Chaglng your Tablet Touchhg and Typing Dhbutbmettntebuhdenhmyloonbbhmumn Toulectanllmonthelueen. nummmmtmnmmgw. dmptytapllanaevflttvourhgefltp. Somrtornnmavreau'ovouto ‘double-tap‘. Totypehtamtaxtleld (Le..vmen lnpulltng your name.ora webadaequwthel-fltlald. Themnmk-yboudwtll appearandallowyoutotypetnehnomutonvoumto l:l CD (a) J '® I Emmanuelfiuglmmlmmmetmlmwm won't—Cu... “who.“ adapter and charge the unit. 2) At lhe start-up men. allde the look lcongdo the right. Once you've orrlved at the 3) main tcreen. you can begln wing yourtabtet. mue'hn-tnudthehbt‘Jnthommarbd'lfl'fl) Conn-ct mom-mathemmmmpcmmmandmugmm marmammay lfllhwbfim'nmyleon“ m.mmnbbetmchuned.lkmmmvmmm muuummbwmmm. Aoemplete mwmmwllmwuyiheuu. Db mmmuwbumnmmulumm mam Dream-n we: min-tun meantime- Maw»: m'm' tome MMW W“ ‘ ”enactme- Mulll'fi-t Who'd. Immnfid‘b Irma rm. m m nth-mm. mun-.0- Connecting to the Internet mmm-wmtlmucumuwlmmm (mm-mmwmwmummmmmwawml 43 a ‘ Distance may vary i é (—p Wireless ROUlBI’ hard-riocanmctloihoinr-nn mummodlhcmw ’4? 2% r NetworltName/SSID ‘ of Available + i its... _ WHO'S“ ROUIGI -Am-Marutacoaupeflwilhobrmlmlm -mmawnmnt5intumummmdoimucmm i "palm-mm (NOE Vouflmmcwuuopoflwlnammoi'hdm'mmmm wmnmmcanmmwmmmmhmnm 1M mrmmmimmmm) ‘ mmwumwwimiiupwnm llhanalalmvoommlln. i mu-lm-mmcmmmmwmnwpmumimA mimmmwauwumm mwnwmwu i bah-IMDIMBW.) Settings: Date, Time ‘ Tap on the Settings Icon r This will take you to the Setting page. where all adjustments ‘ lot the tablet can be made I) Scroll to Date Ii llme‘ under ‘Selllngs'. and select, 2) It you would like your Neiwoik lo outomallcolty set the dale/lime. top on the corresponding bolt. and a checltmarlt ‘ will appear. Dale and lime will automatically be set. it nol. leave the checkbox emply. and you wlll be able lo enter this i Information manually. a) You can also select your lime zone. l2-hour (H2 AMIPM) or r 24-hour larmal (Ol100~ 24:00). and a date formal. Apps that come with your Tablet mmuvdcmmmmmaamdm tuner) mmmwwmwflimmmwun pop. Alla-lap yuumnuidppimiomumiammlfi imp-n What are Widgets? Wmmpwmrmmmumwrmwmmm mare-mil Maeammamk.wmm Wm mammal CloudL' mumimmcmammummm wmhwmmmmmyw Googie Play Store Gooelil’lay" hm.oootu new“ miwmwflw. avmlmlo any-more you on ink PlayKids wmwwimmrmmmwmwmutm moi-aw Maxthon Mmmmmhamwmmu WNWIW Accuweather MMWMWMMMMNWMM WWMMJMHMWM m cmmmwmamww-amprmmu Using the Cameras camera Mode Select I on camera moss: I) Photo 2) Video 3) Panoramic Photo m Mo Blue . lake Pholo Red - start/stop Video lap on the Camera Icon This will mite you to into Camera mode. You‘ll be able to take "who? or use like a regular timers or video recorder. Activate: an Icon menu in lhe middle 0! the screen. Settings Include: l) Front/Rear Camera 2) Quality Settings 3) Zoom Getting More Apps What you'll need: i) A wireless Internet connection 2) An active account with Google Play or smite: App distribution servtce Installing Apps from Google Play -t—'r- — Shop the Google Play 'Store. vou can peruse the various subtecls like ‘Games' or ‘Proaucltvtrv'. or Search tor a soecrllc App you're interested in Click on the Google Play Icon. It will take you online to the GOOQI9 PIGV Store Tap Install II this isa paid appliccmon you‘ll be asked a sol ol verification questions Delete the App begins to download the App wrll download to your Launcher Top on the App to Use. Using Micro USB fl! Connect to PC. another table! or Storage Device transfer Cable veer-am: Mmmwfl—humMM—mmm Mam-auth- Kchwmlamrccnmmhmmnnmmmnumlw"nulls-mew mwtsalbvccm mam-maemmmmmmmmm co-hcmma mmmm-mmmwomm mmmmcn-MW mmmnuu—rwmmpw mmmuemlmm-Wemrsuumm Murcia-min mmmmwme-nemm iii-W mmmzmmvawwmfl lmmmu-diriixcmmn mmmwmpwaWimmm—ww mnmumuuw-“thybwnmmwuman Mm -IWUMN1WM .ummmmuwwmm nmruwmmmwnummmmhmum-(Mm .wnmumwuimwwuuw wammwtwwmhmwvmtmmhwi Mbmmmmmnmuumu‘mucmmum ncmmmma-mam rue—u- mmlwwwwmm hemp-locum” mmm’vwwmlb Wear-u mam-mummmrm mmmmmmmmm mum-«mm mwmmrmwwmnm mammal-magnum mwmmwmwmmmwkmmummm m mmunmiymmucwummmmmmm arm Using Email Gmaii Users It you have a Smart Account. we recommend using the email App . Yahoo and others Using me Email App may yield better iesuils What you’ll need: I) Your email address and password 2) iniemet access What you'll do: I) insure that you are online 2) Tap on either the Grnall or Email icons. depending on your use. 3) Follow the onscreen instnictlons to set up Vow email. the I )lO Sliit>C1r One Year Limited Warranty WWW mumwmnmawmawmum (irmmmmammmnmummmctmmmm u .mmmrmmmmmmummamwumam upward-am "Antwan: ummmmmwmma mur- wwunmm.mrmmmmmmn mmmwmmmmkmmmmmmmmhwhm Wmhmumh‘ Ammlummmmmmpm mmwmmaunum mourn-amino: Mun-wwwtcuwm mimmmr MHINWMW mmnummm—Wmmmwamu mun-mineral... ummnmuumpmwumm Cuntmw mean-mm murmuawuaooncmmmrn Whmmmuun—abMMCWM-filucflde—Hdm mot-nu (”Mmmwummwmmmloww mmumnmmrm mum-mmranW-mmmmwwmu nuwwmmmmiwmuwmmummwu mmamv—hwmuusmommbmh mummmmmmmim—Wmmmum «WWW scale- m pate-oars mmwwm wmammmwmmmtcmmu motor-mm mmawmmmmmmm mmmm mmummm_wd_mmm ammo-mum mmwmmmwmmmmmmnmmmww ”mummummvnmumakwum wwwuaoawmwmrom mmntmmmrmhmummmhmmmmmu you mar-mum Lxcrmoemroummnmsmmmu: mnvmcummucumm mmtmsmmp mum-c unhorimmiamrmronmmp wmanMIOIAM-mmmmmwwnumm nmnwmwmm mmoruulm mmmmswmxmnpnimmmumiwmmmm motor-mu; Kmmwmmmmmumma Aluminum winailuirrniocmmu nmwmo-Wsau mcmmMiwammmmmaumrm-nmm mrmulocr-xaw lrnal corn or... (ml-om! m Inuit-assuring»: Compliance Information FCC NOTICE The lotlnwirig statement applies to all products that have received FCC approval. Applicable products bear the FCC logo. and/or an FCC “3 In the Iotmal FCC |D:2MP8M7854 on the product label this mobile device complies wtlh part l5 ottha FCC Rules. Operation is subiected to the Iollonmng lwa wndilions' ths mobile devroe may not cause harmlul inlarlerence, and this mobile device must accept any interlerance received. including intariereiine that may cause undesired operation. This mobile device has been lasted and found to comply wtlh the limits tour Class a digital devicey pursuant to Part I5 olthe Fcc Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harrriiul interference in a residential lnslelieltort this equipment generates. uses and can radiate radio ltequency energy and. it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions. may cause harmlul interlerenu to radio or Iateviston reception, which can be delemttned by turning the equipment all and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the intertorence by one or more or the toiipwing measure! - Reonenl or relocate the receiving antenna 0 increase the sapsraiion between the equipment and receiver, 0 Connect the zqurpmeni into an outlet on a circuitdlliareni tram that to which Ihe receiver I: connected I Consult the dealerot an experienced radiui'rv lechmcian ipr help Change» or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible lor compliance could void the user's airihoriiy lo operate the equipment. The antennais) used lor this transmrtter must not be oolocatad pr operating in conjunction with my other manner or tranumlitrir. RF EXPOSURE INFORMATION (FCC SAR) DEVICE MEEYS THE GOVERNMENTS REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSURE TO RADlO WAVES This device is designed and manuiactured not to exceed the emission limrts lat exposure to radio Iraqnancy iRF) energy set hy the Federal Communicalions Commission ol the (LS Government. the exposure standard tar wireless mobile devices employs a unit 0' measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate. of SAR The SAR limit set by the FCC is t swilig. Tests lor SAR are canducled uslng standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level In all tested Irenuancy bands. Although the SAR ls deleflhlnbd at lhe highest Cefllliod power level. the actual SAR level at the device while operating can be well below the maximum value. this is because the driving is dnrgned to operate at mullipla power levels so as to use only the poser required to reach the networkJn general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power OUIDUI The highest SAR Value for the device as reported to the FCC when tested Io! use when worn on the body, as described in this user puida, is 0.650 Wlkg (Eody-wom measurements diller among devrce models, depending upon available accessories and FCC requirements ) wrilia more may he drttorences between the SAR levels at various devices and at various pollllcnst they all meat the government requirement The Fcc has granted an EuuipmentAuihorizatidn Ierlhrs device with all reported SAR levels evaluated as In compliance with the FCC RF exposure guldelines SARlnIormalIon on Ihll device is on tile With the FCC and can be Iaund under the Display Grant seciipn MW tccidi alter searching on FCC lD. 2MP6M7854
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2014:07:09 15:18:51+08:00 Creator : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Modify Date : 2014:07:16 13:39:37+08:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:08:04 Metadata Date : 2014:07:16 13:39:37+08:00 Creator Tool : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:3e8304ae-5e2a-4abf-bf41-2e4d515b8ba8 Instance ID : uuid:787244d7-690b-433f-b320-aabfd9a36565 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Image Conversion Plug-in Page Count : 2EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools