ZTE MC2261 CDMA2000 1x Wireless data module User Manual Dialogue Technology Corp

ZTE Corporation CDMA2000 1x Wireless data module Dialogue Technology Corp

User Manual

                                                                     AT Command User Manual       MC2261 AT Command User Manual                                                                 Version:V1.2            ZTE CORPORATION
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 1 Update History Version Update section Type of Revision author Release Date V1.0   Luxiaofeng 08/17/2010 V1.1   Luxiaofeng 09/03/2010 V1.2   Zxw 10/14/2010 V1.3  QCMIPGETP QCMIPMHSSX zxw  Bak 1:The update history is added after this document is update. Bak 2:This version only support sprint at command.
                                                                     AT Command User Manual  2 Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................................ 2 1 ZTE AT Commands ......................................... 5 1.1 SMS Text Mode Command ..................................................................................................... 5 1.1.1 +CPMS: Preferred Message Storage ............................................................................... 5 1.1.2 +CNMI: New Message Indications to TE ....................................................................... 5 1.1.3 +CMTI: Message Arrival Indication ............................................................................... 7 1.1.4 +CDSI: New Message Status Report ............................................................................... 7 1.1.5 +CMGD: Delete Messages .............................................................................................. 7 1.1.6 +CNMA: Acknowledge New Messages .......................................................................... 8 1.2 Proprietary Interface: SMS Interface ....................................................................................... 8 1.2.1 +ZSMMEMFULL: SMS Storage memory full ............................................................... 8 1.2.2 +ZCMT: Don‟t save newly received messages, and report to TE directly ...................... 9 1.2.3 +ZCDS: New SMS Status Direct Report ........................................................................ 9 1.2.4 +ZCMGS: Send Message .............................................................................................. 10 1.2.5 +ZCMGW: Write Message to Memory ......................................................................... 11 1.2.6 +ZCMGL: List Messages .............................................................................................. 13 1.2.7 +ZCMGR: Read Message ............................................................................................. 13 1.2.8 +ZCMGSS: Message Sent Report ................................................................................. 14 1.2.9 +ZCMGSF: Message Unsent Report ............................................................................. 15 2 Basic AT Commands ....................................... 16 2.1.1 E: Turn off/on echo commands ..................................................................................... 16 2.1.2 Q: Enable/Disable return result codes ........................................................................... 16 2.1.3 V: Return result codes as numbers/words ...................................................................... 16 2.1.4 Z0: Reset the parameters to the default configuration ................................................... 17 2.1.5 &C: Set circuit 109 (CF) or Received Line Signal Detector (RLSD) ........................... 17 2.1.6 &D: Set DTR(Data Terminal Ready) Signal ................................................................. 17 3 Extended AT Configuration Commands ........................ 18 3.1.1 +GCAP: Return the list of all commands supported by the device ............................... 18 3.1.2 +GMI: Return the manufacturer name on a single line ................................................. 18 3.1.3 +GMM: Return the device model name and number .................................................... 18 3.1.4 +GMR: Return the current firmware version on a single line ....................................... 19 3.1.5 +GSN: Get the ESN of device ....................................................................................... 19 3.1.6 +ICF: Set the character framing .................................................................................... 19 3.1.7 +IFC: Control the local flow control ............................................................................. 20 3.1.8 +IPR: Set the Rm interface rate ..................................................................................... 21 3.1.9 +CAD: Return the type of service available .................................................................. 21 3.1.10 +CRM: Get he current numerical value of CRM .......................................................... 22 3.1.11 +CBC: The battery state and charge(not supported for modem) ................................... 22 3.1.12 +CMIP: IP address of the mobile station ....................................................................... 22
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 3 3.1.13 +CBIP: IP address of the base station............................................................................ 23 3.1.14 +CSS: The serving system band and SID ...................................................................... 23 3.1.15 +CSQ: Signal Quality Measure and the Frame Error Rate ............................................ 24 3.1.16 +CTA: The packet data inactivity timer ........................................................................ 24 3.1.17 +CPS: The service option to be used for packet data service(Not implemented) ......... 24 3.1.18 +CPSR: Disable/Enable the packet call state reporting(Not implemented) .................. 25 3.1.19 +CPTC: Request a traffic channel(Not implemented) ................................................... 26 3.1.20 +CPER: Disable/Enable the packet call event reporting(Not implemented) ................. 26 4 Qualcomm Proprietary AT Command Set ...................... 27 4.1.1 $QCMIP: The current value of the Mobile IP behavior ................................................ 27 4.1.2 $QCMIPP: Return the current active Mobile IP profile ................................................ 27 4.1.3 $QCMIPT:The current value of the “RFC 2002bis authentication” flag ...................... 27 4.1.4 $QCMIPEP: Disable/Enable the active profile ............................................................. 28 4.1.5 $QCMIPGETP: The values of the specified profile ...................................................... 28 4.1.6 $QCMIPNAI: Set ASCII NAI string ............................................................................. 29 4.1.7 $QCMIPRT: Set user reverse tunneling flag ................................................................. 30 4.1.8 $QCMIPMASS: Set ASCII Mobile Node AAA shared secret string ............................ 30 4.1.9 $QCMIPMASSX: Set Hex Mobile Node AAA shared secret ....................................... 30 4.1.10 $QCMIPMHSS: Set ASCII Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret .......................... 31 4.1.11 $QCMIPMHSSX: Set hex Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret ............................ 32 4.1.12 $QCMIPMASPI: Set Mobile Node AAA SPI integer value ......................................... 32 4.1.13 $QCMIPMHSPI: Set Mobile Node Home Agent SPI integer value ............................. 33 4.1.14 $QCMIPPHA: Set Primary Home Agent IP Address .................................................... 33 4.1.15 $QCMIPSHA: Set secondary Home Agent IP Address ................................................. 34 4.1.16 $QCMIPHA: Set Home Agent IP Address .................................................................... 34 5 Sprint Specific AT Commands ................................ 34 5.1 CDMA AT Commands .......................................................................................................... 34 5.1.1 ATD: Make a packet data call ....................................................................................... 35 5.1.2 $MDN: Return the mobile directory number ................................................................ 35 5.1.3 $MSID: Return Mobile Station ID ................................................................................ 35 5.1.4 $MIPERR: Return the last MIP error code received by the device ............................... 35 5.1.5 $ERI: Return the current Enhanced Roaming Indicator value ...................................... 36 5.1.6 $ROAM: Set the device mode ....................................................................................... 36 5.1.7 $RMGUARD: Set roam guard ...................................................................................... 36 5.1.8 $PRL: Get CDMA PRL version of the device ............................................................... 37 5.2 OMA-DM commands ............................................................................................................ 37 5.2.1 +OMADM: Disable/Enable OMA-DM capabilities ..................................................... 37 5.2.2 +OMALOG: Disable/Enable OMA-DM client logging ................................................ 37 5.2.3 +FUMO: Disable/Enable FUMO capabilities ............................................................... 38 5.2.4 +PRL: disable/enable PRL update capabilities .............................................................. 38 5.2.5 +HFA: Cancel/Launch HFA Session ............................................................................. 39 5.2.6 +HFAR: START the start sign of HFA session .............................................................. 39
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 4 5.2.7 +HFAR: SUCCESS the success sign of HFA session ................................................... 39 5.2.8 +HFAR: FAIL the fail sign of HFA session ................................................................... 39 5.2.9 +DCR: START the start sign of DC session .................................................................. 40 5.2.10 +DCR: SUCCESS the success sign of DC session ....................................................... 40 5.2.11 +DCR: FAIL the fail sign of DC session ....................................................................... 40 5.2.12 +PRLR: START the start sign of PRL session .............................................................. 40 5.2.13 +PRLR: SUCCESS the success sign of PRL session .................................................... 40 5.2.14 +PRLR: FAIL the fail sign of PRL session ................................................................... 41 5.2.15 +FUMOR: IF_DOWNLOAD    the start sign of FUMO session .................................. 41 5.2.16 +FUMOR: IF_INSTALL the install start sign of fireware install ................................. 41 5.2.17 +FUMORDesc: the description of delta packet ............................................................ 41 5.2.18 +FUMORSec: The time of install of delta packet ......................................................... 41 5.2.19 +FUMORBytes: The size of delta packet ...................................................................... 42 5.2.20 +FUMOR: FAIL the fail sign of FUMO session ........................................................... 42 5.2.21 +FUMOR: SUCCESS the success sign of FUMO session ........................................... 42 5.2.22 +DCR: NO_CONTENT the no content sign of DCsession ........................................... 42 5.2.23 +PRLR: NO_CONTENT the no content sign of PRL session ...................................... 42 5.2.24 +FUMOR: NO_CONTENT the no content sign of FUMO session .............................. 43 5.2.25 +FUMOR: IN_REPORTING the report status sign of FUMO session ......................... 43 5.2.26 +ZOPSMS: DISCONNECT_LINK the push message sign of NI session .................... 43 5.3 Device reset commands ......................................................................................................... 43 5.3.1 $RTN: Set the device to factory defaults ....................................................................... 43 5.3.2 $RESET: Initiate a device power cycle ......................................................................... 44 5.4 Debug commands .................................................................................................................. 44 5.4.1 $1XRXPWR: Return CDMA 1X channel, Pilot, and immediate RSSI ......................... 44 5.4.2 $1XECIO: Return the CDMA 1X Channel, Pilot, and immediate Ec/Io....................... 44 5.4.3 $DEBUG: Return the debug information ...................................................................... 44 5.5        FCC Regulations ...................................................................................................................... 45 5.6 Operating Condition ...................................................................................................................... 46
                                                                     AT Command User Manual  5 1 ZTE AT Commands 1.1 SMS Text Mode Command 1.1.1 +CPMS: Preferred Message Storage description SET command is used to set the corresponding SMS storage media and return the current using information of selected storage media format AT+CPMS=<mem1> [,<mem2>] <CR><LF>+CPMS: <used1>,<total1>, <used2>,<total2> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+CPMS? +CPMS: <mem1>,<used1>,<total1>, <mem2>,<used2>,<total2><CR><LF><CR> <LF>OK<CR><LF>   AT+CPMS=? +CPMS: (list of supported <mem1>s), (list of supported <mem2>s) <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <mem1>:Value of character string, indicating the storage media for    receiving list SMS   “MT”:receiving SMS storage <mem2>:Value of character string, indicating the storage media for writing SMS “MO”:sending SMS storage <used1>:indicating the current number of messages in <mem1> <total1>:indicating the total number of messages saved in <mem2>   <used2>:indicating the current number of messages in <mem1> <total2>:indicating the total number of messages saved in <mem2>   note READ command is used to return the name and using information of current selected storage media. TEST command is used to return all types of storage media MT supports 1.1.2 +CNMI: New Message Indications to TE description Set command is used to set the procedure that new messages are reported to TE. format AT+CNMI=[<mode>[,<mt>[,<bm> [,<ds>[,<bfr>]]]]] <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>   otherwise: +CMS ERROR: <err>
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 6 AT+CNMI? <CR><LF>+CNMI: <mode>,<mt>,<bm>,<ds>,<bfr> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+CNMI=? <CR><LF>+CNMI: (list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported <mt>s),(list of supported <bm>s),(list of supported <ds>s),(list of supported <bfr>s) <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <mode>: set the message notice method (currently support mode=1). 0: cache the message notice in ME. If ME‟s cache memory is full, new notice will cover the older one   1: directly send the message notice to TE. When it is unable to send (e.g.. under online data mode), give up the notice(default)   2: directly send the message notice and message status report to TE. When it is unable to send (e.g.. under online data mode), cache the message notice into ME, and send to TE at a time   Note: Message notice will be cached in volatile memory. If MT is powered off before sending, the message could lose. Therefore, as <mode>=0 or 2, can‟t use the message to directly forward (<mt>=2 and 3) <mt>: used to set the message storage and notice rules 1. save SMS_DELIVER to MT, and send a notice to TE(default) +CMTI: <mem>,<index>   2. not save SMS_DELIVER to MT, and send SMS_DELIVER to TE directly +ZCMT:<callerID>,<year>,<month>,<day>,<hour>,<minute>,<second>,<lang>, <format>,<length>,<prt>,<prv>,<type>,<tag><CR><LF><msg> <CTRL+Z>   3. save SMS_DELIVER to MT, and not send a notice to TE <bm>: used to set cell broadcast information, do not temporarily support(default is 0)   <ds>: used to set the message receipt   0: do not send the message receipt to TE     1: do not save the message receipt to MT, but send to TE +ZCDS:<callerID>,<year>,<month>,<day>,<hour>,<minute>,<second>,<lang>, <format>,<length>,<prt>,<prv>,<type>,<tag><CR><LF><msg> <CTRL+Z>   2: save the message receipt to MT, and send a notice to TE through +CDSI to show the storage location   +CDSI: <mem>,<index>   <bfr>: used to set the cache processing from <mode>=0 to <mode>=1, 2   0: after entering <mode>1-2, send unsolicited result code to TE at a time(default)   1: after entering <mode>1-2, clear unsolicited result code
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 7 note <mode> and <bfr> are used to set new message alert(including +CMTI, +ZCMT, +CDSI, +ZCDS)   <mt> is used to set directly report to TE or save in MT and report the storage location when receiving new message <bm> do not use it temporarily <ds> is used to set whether or not report SMS status report(+CDSI, +ZCDS) Default: +CNMI=1,1,0,2,0 1.1.3 +CMTI: Message Arrival Indication description Indicates new messages are received (or new message report) format  <CR><LF>+CMTI: <mem>,<index> <CR><LF> parameter <mem> type of memory, currently support "MT" only, other memory optional "BM": broadcast message memory "ME": ME message memory   "MT": memory relating to ME   "TA": TA message memory   "SR": status report memory   <index>   value of integral type, the location in memory   1.1.4 +CDSI: New Message Status Report description Indicates new message status report is received and show the storage location. format  <CR><LF>+CDSI: <mem>,<index> <CR><LF> parameter <mem>: message memory     "MT":ROM message memory     <index> value of integral type, location in memory   1.1.5 +CMGD: Delete Messages description Execution command is used to delete the messages at <index> in <mem1> format AT+CMGD=<index>[,<delflag>] <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> otherwise: +CMS ERROR: <err> AT+CMGD=? <CR><LF>+CMGD:   (list of supported <index>s)[,(list of supported <delflag>s)] <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 8 parameter <index>: the messages storage location.     <delflag> 0: (or default) delete the messages designated by <index>. 1: delete all read messages in first prior memory, save unread messages, sent messages and unsent messages   2: delete all read and sent messages in first prior memory, save unread messages and unsent messages   3: delete all read, sent and unsent messages in first prior memory, save unread messages   4: delete all messages including unread messages in first prior memory Bak:Command include<DelFalg>param,<Index>is disable,<DelFalg>is enable. 1.1.6 +CNMA: Acknowledge New Messages description Execution command is used to acknowledge the receipt of new message directly sent to TE. For the use of this command, please refer to the descriptions of +CNMI command format AT+CNMA <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>   if there is any error regarding message:   <CR><LF>+CMS ERROR:<err><CR><LF> AT+CNMA=? <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> note Before the acknowledge of previous message, MT would not sent TE another +ZCMT or +ZCDS result code.   If MT doesn‟t obtain the acknowledge in specified period of time (network timeout), MT would send RP-ERROR to network and automatically set the parameter <mt> and <ds> of +CNMI command as 0. It would forbid sending message notice to TE. If it requires MT to report the message notice again, you need set <mt> & <ds> again   If the command is executed, but the message is not acknowledged, return with ERROR.   Test command is used to <n> value supported by the command. If it supports 0 only, it means the command doesn‟t support send by TPDU Mandatory when <service> value 1 of command Select Message Service +CSMS is supported 1.2 Proprietary Interface: SMS Interface 1.2.1 +ZSMMEMFULL: SMS Storage memory full description When SMS storage memory is full, it will report the message format  <CR><LF>+ZSMMEMFULL:<mem_type> <CR><LF>
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 9 parameter <mem_type> value of character string, indicating the type of full storage memory “ME”: indicating NV example  +ZSMMEMFULL: “ME” 1.2.2 +ZCMT: Don’t save newly received messages, and report to TE directly description Don‟t save newly received messages, and report to TE directly format  <CR><LF>+ZCMT: <call ID>,<year>, <month>,<day>,<hour>,<minute>,<second>, <lang>,<format>,<length>,<prt>,<prv>, <type>,<tag><CR><LF><msg> <CTRL+Z><CR><LF> parameter <callerID>: number of message sender   <year, month, day, hour, minute, second>: year, month, day, hour, minute, second when received SMS <lang>: language, refer to +ZCMGW to take the value <format>: indicating the coding format of the message, refer to +ZCMGW to take the value   <length>: the length of received message. <prt>: message priority level, refer to +ZCMGW to take the value   <prv>: Privacy level, refer to +ZCMGR to take the value   <type>: type of message, refer to +ZCMGR to take the value   <tag>: value of integral number, SMS status, refer to +ZCMGR to take the value   <msg>: received SMS. Control characters   <ctrl-Z>: indicating the ending of one message, character:'0x1A'(Unicode: '0x001A')   <ESC>: cancel the sending of the message,character: '0x1B'(Unicode: '0x001B') 1.2.3 +ZCDS: New SMS Status Direct Report description Don‟t save newly received messages, and directly report to TE format  <CR><LF>+ZCDS: <callerID>,<year>,<month>, <day>,<hour>,<minute>,<second> <lang>,<format>,<length>,<prt>,<prv>,<type>, <tag><CR><LF><msg><CTRL+Z><CR><LF> parameter <callerID>: number of message sender   <year, month, day, hour, minute, second> year, month, day, hour, minute, second when received SMS   <lang>: language, refer to +ZCMGW to take the value   <format> indicating the coding format of the message, refer to +ZCMGW to take the value   <length>: the length of received message <prt>: message priority level, refer to +ZCMGW to take the value
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 10 <prv>: Privacy level, refer to +ZCMGR to take the value   <type>: type of message, refer to +ZCMGR to take the value <tag>: value of integral number, SMS status, refer to +ZCMGR to take the value   <msg>: received SMS. Control characters   <ctrl-Z>: indicating the ending of one message, character: '0x1A'(Unicode: '0x001A')   <ESC>: cancel the sending of the message,character: '0x1B'(Unicode: '0x001B')   1.2.4 +ZCMGS: Send Message description Send a message to network side. It takes two steps to send a message format AT+ZCMGS="<da>",<language>, <encode>,<ack>,<priority> <CR><data> <ctrl-Z/ESC> <CR><LF>+ZCMGS: <mr><CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> otherwise: +CMS ERROR: <err> AT+ZCMGS=? <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter TEXT mode:   When GSM 7 BIT or UNICODE is used, the value of text character is shown. For example: the UCS2 value for the character “会” is 4E1A, then, the text should be “0x4E1A” rather than “4E1A” <da>: number of message recipient. Take the value from 0~9,*, #, up to 20 digits.   < language >   language, take the value as below:   0: UNSPECIFIED   1: ENGLISH   2: FRENCH   3: SPANISH   4: JAPANESE   5: KOREAN   6: CHINESE   7: HEBREW <encode>: indicating the coding method of the message, take the value as below:   0: GSM 7 BIT   1: ASCII code (coding range<=7F). Send the original characters in ASCII coding, for example, the ASCII code for the letter A is 0x41, then the character to be transmitted is “A”   2: IA5 (optional)   3: OCTET (optional)   4: LATIN (optional)   5: LATIN_HEBREW (optional)   6: UNICODE (coding range>7F). Send the original value in UNICODE coding. For example, the UNICODE for the Chinese character “一” is 0x4E00, then the
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 11 character to be transmitted is „0x4E00„ 7: Other coding method   <ack> 0: no ack 1: need ack <ptriority> value of integral type, indicating the priority level of the message, take the value as below:   0: Normal   1: Interactive   2: Urgent   3: Emergency   <mr>: message symbol <data>: message date <ctrl-Z>: indicating the ending of one message. Under non-UNICOD:'0x1A'; under UNICOD:'0x001A'   <ESC>: Cancel the sending of the message. Under non-UNICOD:'0x1B', under UNICOD:'0x001B'   example AT+ZCMGS=13554890280,1,1,1,0 <CR>414243<ctrl-Z> +ZCMGS:4    OK  1.2.5 +ZCMGW: Write Message to Memory description Save message into <mem2> through +CPMS command, and you could save it into ME format AT+ZCMGW=<oa/da>[,<tooa/toda>], <stat>,<ptr>,<type>,<format>, <lang>[,<year>,<month>,<day>, <hour>,<minute>,<second>] <CR><text><ctrl-Z/ESC> +ZCMGW: <index>   otherwise: +CMS ERROR: <err> AT+ZCMGW=? <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <oa/da> number of message sender/recipient. Take the value from 0~9,*, #, up to 20 digits < tooa/toda> address coding method. The number of one byte, this parameters works as the address coding is 8bit. Now 4bit coding is used, therefore this parameter doesn‟t work. The value is fixed to be 0   The higher four digits is number type:   0: UNKNOWN   1: INTERNATIONAL   The lower four digits is number plan:   0: UNKNOWN
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 12 1: TELEPHONY   <stat> value of integral type, indicating the storage status of SMS, take the value as below: 0: received unread messages     1: received read messages   2: saved unsent messages     3: saved sent messages   4: all messages (the value is only applicable for +CMGL command)   <lang>   language take the value as below:   0: UNSPECIFIED   1: ENGLISH   2: FRENCH   3: SPANISH   4: JAPANESE   5: KOREAN   6: CHINESE   7: HEBREW <ptr> value of integral type, indicating the priority level of the message, take the value as below:   0: Normal   1: Interactive   2: Urgent   3: Emergency   <year>,<month>,<day>,<hour>,<minute>,<second>: year, month, day, hour, minute, second when received SMS.   <index>: the location number in memory, take a decimal from 0~9, and the value ranges from 0 to the max. capacity of the memory.     <format>: indicating the coding method of the message, take the value as below:   0: GSM 7 BIT   1: ASCII code (coding range<=7F). Send the original characters in ASCII coding, for example, the ASCII code for the letter A is 0x41, then the character to be transmitted is “A”   2: IA5 (optional)   3: OCTET (optional)   4: LATIN (optional)   5: LATIN_HEBREW (optional)   6: UNICODE (coding range>7F). Send the original value in UNICODE coding. For example, the UNICODE for the Chinese character “-” is 0x4E00, then the character to be transmitted is „0x4E00„ 7: Other coding method   <type>: type of message
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 13 0: Normal 1: CPT (Optional)   2: Voice Mail 3: SMS Report   <text>: message text   <CR>: command ending mark, indicating the ending of one command.       <ctrl-Z>: indicating the ending of one message. Under non-UNICOD:'0x1A', and under UNICOD:'0x001A'   <ESC>: Cancel the sending of the message. Under non-UNICOD:'0x1B', and under UNICOD:'0x001B' 1.2.6 +ZCMGL: List Messages description Return all SMS index designated by <stat> from <mem1> format AT+ZCMGL=<stat> Under text mode, the command is successfully executed:   <CR><LF>+ZCMGL: <index1>, <tag1><CR><LF> <CR><LF>+ZCMGL: <index1>, <tag1><CR><LF> …… <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>   otherwise: +CMS ERROR: <err> AT+ZCMGL=? <CR><LF>+ZCMGL: (list of supported <stat>s) <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK <CR><LF> parameter <stat> type of message, the default value is 0 0: received unread message   1: received read message   2: saved unsent message   3: saved messages in Sent Messages   4: all sms <index>: value of integral type, location in memory     <tag>: value of integral number, SMS status, please refer to +ZCMGR to take the value note The SMS status report will be processed as a common received message.       TEST command is used to return all stat values 1.2.7 +ZCMGR: Read Message description EXECUTION command is used to return the message saved at index from <mem1>
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 14 format AT+ZCMGR=<index>[,<mode>] Under text mode, the command is successfully executed: <CR><LF>+ZCMGR: <callerID>,<year>,<month>,<day>,<hour>, <minute>,<second>,<lang>,<format>, <length>,<prt>,<prv>,<type>, <stat><CR><LF><msg><CTRL+Z> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>   otherwise: +CMS ERROR: <err> AT+ZCMGR=? <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <index>: value of integral type, location in memory   <mode>: SMS status modifying mode   0: change to READ status   1: don‟t change the status   <callerID>: number of message sender   <format>: indicating the coding format of the message, refer to +ZCMGW to take the value <year, month, day, hour, minute,second>: year, month, day, hour, minute, second when received SMS   <Length>: the length of received message. <lang>: language, refer to +ZCMGW to take the value <prt>: message priority level, refer to +ZCMGW to take the value   <Prv>: Privacy level 0: Normal   1: Restricted   2: Confidential   3: Secret   <type>: type of message   0: Normal   1: CPT   2: Voice Mail   3: SMS Report   <stat>: type of message, refer to +ZCMGW to take the value   <Msg>: received messages   <ctrl-Z>: indicating the ending of one message. Under non-UNICOD: '0x1A'; under UNICOD:'0x001A' note The SMS status will be revised by single board or back end according to the value of <mode>. 1.2.8 +ZCMGSS: Message Sent Report description If the message is sent successfully, report to TE through this command. format  <CR><LF>+ZCMGSS: <mr><CR><LF>
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 16 106 WMS_USER_DATA_SIZE_ERROR_S   107 WMS_OTHER_GENERAL_PROBLEMS_S   108 WMS_OTHER_GENERAL_PROBLEMS_MORE_FIRST_S   109 WMS_OTHER_GENERAL_PROBLEMS_MORE_LAST_S    2 Basic AT Commands 2.1.1 E: Turn off/on echo commands description Turn off/on echo commands format ATE<value> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> 0: turn off echo 1: turn on echo example ATE0 OK ATE1 ATE1 OK note CE MUST support the parameter E0 which will turn off echo commands CE MUST support the parameter E1 which will turn on echo commands   CE MUST set the E parameter to E1 as default 2.1.2 Q: Enable/Disable return result codes description Enable /Disable return result codes format ATQ<value> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> 0: enable 1: disable example ATQ0 OK ATQ1  note CE MUST support the parameter Q0 which will cause the device to return result codes CE MUST support the parameter Q1 which will cause the device to NOT return result codes   CE MUST set the Q parameter to Q0 as default 2.1.3 V: Return result codes as numbers/words description Return result codes as numbers/words format ATV<value> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> 0: result codes as numbers   1: result codes as words example ATV0 0
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 17 ATV1 OK note CE MUST support the parameter V0 which will cause the device to return result codes as numbers CE MUST support the parameter V1 which will cause the device to return result codes as words   CE MUST set the V parameter to V1 as default 2.1.4 Z0: Reset the parameters to the default configuration description Reset the parameters to the default configuration format ATZ0 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> example ATZ0 OK note CE MUST support the parameter Z0 which will cause the device to reset the parameters to the default configuration 2.1.5 &C: Set circuit 109 (CF) or Received Line Signal Detector (RLSD) description Set circuit 109 (CF) or Received Line Signal Detector (RLSD) format AT&C<value> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> 0: set circuit 109 (CF) or Received Line Signal Detector (RLSD) always on   1: set circuit 109 (CF) or Received Line Signal Detector (RLSD) on in accordance with the specified service example AT&C0 OK AT&C1 OK note CE MUST support the parameter &C0 (Data Carrier Detect) which will set circuit 109 (CF) or Received Line Signal Detector (RLSD) always on   Note: Circuit 109 is generally used for serial communications. Most Sprint devices use the USB interface and this is not required for general use of the device. It may be needed for specific applications or unusual use cases. CE MUST support the parameter &C1 (Data Carrier Detect) which will set circuit 109 (CF) or Received Line Signal Detector (RLSD) on in accordance with the specified service   CE MUST set the C parameter (Data Carrier Detect) to C1 as default 2.1.6 &D: Set DTR(Data Terminal Ready) Signal description Set DTR(Data Terminal Ready) Signal format AT&D<value> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> 0: ignore circuit 108/2   1: enter online command state following ON-to-OFF transition of circuit 108/2   2: enter command state following On to Off transition of circuit 108/2 example AT&D0 OK
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 18 AT&D1 OK AT&D2 OK note CE MUST support the parameter &D0 (Data Terminal Ready) which will ignore circuit 108/2 (CD)   Note: Circuit 108 is generally used for serial communications. Most Sprint devices use the USB interface and this is not required for general use of the device. It may be needed for specific applications or unusual use cases CE MUST support the parameter &D1 (Data Terminal Ready) which will enter online command state following ON-to-OFF transition of circuit 108/2   CE MUST support the parameter &D2 (Data Terminal Ready) which will enter command state following On to Off transition of circuit 108/2   CE MUST set the D parameter (Data Terminal Ready) to D0 as default  3 Extended AT Configuration Commands 3.1.1 +GCAP: Return the list of all commands supported by the device description Return the list of all commands supported by the device format AT+GCAP <CR><LF>+GCAP: +CIS707-A,CIS-856,   +MS, +ES, +DS, +FCLASS<CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> example AT+GCAP +GCAP: +CIS707-A,+MS,+ES,+DS, +FCLASS  OK note CE MUST support “AT+GCAP” which will return the list of all commands supported by the device   CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+GCAP string 3.1.2 +GMI: Return the manufacturer name on a single line description Return the manufacturer name on a single line format AT+GMI <CR><LF>+GMI: ×××CO,.LTD <CR><LF><CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> example AT+GMI +GMI: ZTE CO,.LTD  OK note CE MUST support “AT+GMI” which will return the manufacturer name on a single line   CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+GMI string 3.1.3 +GMM: Return the device model name and number description Return the device model name and number
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 19 format AT+GMM <CR><LF>+GMM: <name><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> example AT+GMM +GMM: MC2716  OK note CE MUST support “AT+GMM” which will return the device model name and number as defined by the OEM and approved by Sprint on a single line   CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+GMM string 3.1.4 +GMR: Return the current firmware version on a single line description Return the current firmware version on a single line format AT+GMR <CR><LF>+GMR: <firmware version> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> example AT+GMR +GMR: <firmware version>  OK note CE MUST support “AT+GMR” which will return the current firmware version on a single line   “AT+GMR” MUST return the firmware of each processor on a separate line in the format of “<firmware version>”   CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+GMR string 3.1.5 +GSN: Get the ESN of device description Return the “<ESN>” or the “<MEID>:<pseudo ESN>” of the device format AT+GSN <CR><LF>+GSN: <ESN><CR><LF > <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> or <CR><LF> +GSN: <MEID>:<pseudo ESN> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> example AT+GSN +GSN: 0x11111111 OK note CE MUST support “AT+GSN” which will return the “<ESN>” or the “<MEID>:<pseudo ESN>” of the device CE MUST return the decimal value on the first line and the hexadecimal value on the second line for “AT+GSN” CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+GSN string 3.1.6 +ICF: Set the character framing description Set the character framing between the device and a connected terminal format AT+ICF=<format>,<parity> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+ICF? <CR><LF>+ICF: <format>,<parity><CR> <LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 20 AT+ICF=? <CR><LF>+ICF: (list of supported < format >s),( list of supported < parity >s) <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>   parameter <format>   0: Auto Detect 1: 8 Data 2 Stop 2: 8 Data 1 Parity 1 Stop 3: 8 Data 1 Stop 4: 7 Data 2 Stop 5: 7 Data 1 Parity 1 Stop 6: 7 Data <parity> 0: Odd 1: Even 2: Mark 3: Space example AT+ICF=0,0 OK AT+ICF? +ICF: 2,2  OK AT+ICF=? +ICF: (0-6),(0-3)  OK note CE MUST support “AT+ICF=<format>,<parity>” which will set the character framing between the device and a connected terminal CE MUST set the default value of ICF to auto detect CE MUST support “AT+ICF?” which will return the current setting in the format “<format>,<parity> CE MUST support “AT+ICF=?” which will return the list of supported format and parity values in the format “<format>:<comment>” with each setting on a separate line followed by “<parity>:<comment>” with each setting on a separate line CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+ICF string 3.1.7 +IFC: Control the local flow control description Control the local flow control format AT+IFC=<DCE_by_DTE>, <DTE_by_DCE> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+IFC? <CR><LF>+IFC: <DCE_by_DTE>, <DTE_by_DCE><CR><LF><CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> AT+IFC=? <CR><LF>+IFC: (),() <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 21 parameter <DCE_by_DTE> 0: None 2: Circuit 133 (Ready for Receiving) <DTE_by_DCE> 0: None 2: Circuit 106 (Clear to Send/Ready for Sending) example AT+IFC=0,0 OK AT+IFC? +IFC: 2,2  OK AT+IFC=? +IFC: (0,2),(0,2)  OK note CE MUST set the default value of IFC to none for DCE_by_DTE and DTE_by_DCE   CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+IFC string 3.1.8 +IPR: Set the Rm interface rate description Set the Rm interface rate to the specified rate format AT+IPR=<rate> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+IPR? <CR><LF>+IPR: <rate><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+IPR=? <CR><LF>+IPR: (list of supported <rate>s)<CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>   parameter <rate> (300,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200,230400) example AT+IPR=115200 OK AT+IPR? +IPR: 115200  OK AT+IPR=? +IPR: (),(300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600, 19200,38400,57600,115200,230400)  OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any rate that is not supported by the device   CE MUST set the IPR value to 0 by default which will enable auto detect of the Rm Interface rate CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+IPR string 3.1.9 +CAD: Return the type of service available description The type of service available format AT+CAD? <CR><LF>+CAD: <num><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 22 parameter <num>   0: no service is available 1: CDMA Digital service available 2: TDMA Digital service available 3: Analog service is available example AT+CAD? +CAD: 0  OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+CAD string. 3.1.10 +CRM: Get he current numerical value of CRM description Get the current numerical value of CRM format AT+CRM=<value> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+CRM? <CR><LF>+CRM: <value><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value>   1: Relay Layer Packet Data Service 2: PPP Network Layer Packet Data Service  AT+CRM? +CRM: 1  OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+CRM string 3.1.11 +CBC: The battery state and charge(not supported for modem) description The battery state and charge format AT+CBC? <CR><LF><BCS>,<BCL>   <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <BCS>   0: Powered by battery only 1: Connected to an external source 2: Battery status not available 3: Power fault <BCL> the number if battery bars the UI is currently displaying example AT+CBC? 0,0  OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+CBC string 3.1.12 +CMIP: IP address of the mobile station description IP address of the mobile station format AT+CMIP? <CR><LF><address> <CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 23 parameter <address>   the IP address will be the IP address assigned by the network in PPP IPCP for SIP or in the MIP Registration Reply for Mobile IP example AT+CMIP?  OK note CE MUST return “” for “AT+CMIP?” if there is currently no IP session established CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+CMIP string 3.1.13 +CBIP: IP address of the base station description IP address of the base station format AT+CBIP? <CR><LF><address> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <address>   the IP address will be the source IP address in the Router Advertisement message that the device receives from the network example AT+CBIP?  OK note CE MUST return “” for “AT+CBIP?” if there is currently no IP session established CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+CBIP string 3.1.14 +CSS: The serving system band and SID description The serving system band and SID format AT+CSS? <CR><LF>+CSS: <Channel>,<Band>, <SID><CR><LF><CR><LF>OK <CR><LF> parameter <Channel> Channel will be the channel that the device is currently talking or listening to <Band> A: Device is operating in the A block B: Device is operating in the B block C: Device is operating in the C block D: Device is operating in the D block E: Device is operating in the E block F: Device is operating in the F block G: Device is operating in the G block Z: Device is not registered <SID> SID will be the numerical value of the SID or 999999 if the mobile is not registered
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 24 example AT+CSS? +CSS: 1000,C,0  OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+CSS string 3.1.15 +CSQ: Signal Quality Measure and the Frame Error Rate description Signal Quality Measure and the Frame Error Rate format AT+CSQ? <CR><LF>+CSQ: <SEQ>,<FER> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <SEQ> the measured RSSI value <FER>   0: less than 0.01% 1: 0.01% to less than 0.1% 2: 0.1% to less than 1.0% 3: 0.5% to less than 1.0% 4: 1.0% to less than 2.0% 5: 2.0% to less than 4.0% 6: 4.0% to less than 8.0% 7: greater than 8.0% 99: FER is unknown example AT+CSQ? +CSQ: 31,99  OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+CSQ string 3.1.16 +CTA: The packet data inactivity timer description The packet data inactivity timer format AT+CTA? <CR><LF>+CTA: <value>     <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> 0              Traffic Channel not released during inactivity periods.   20-255    Release the Traffic Channel after <value> second intervals have elapsed since last sending or receiving RLP data frames on the Um interface.   example AT+CTA? +CTA: 30  OK note CE MUST not support “AT+CTA=<value>” CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+CTA string 3.1.17 +CPS: The service option to be used for packet data service(Not implemented) description The service option to be used for packet data service
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 25 format AT+CPS? <CR><LF>+CPS: <value><CR><LF>     <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> example AT+CPS? +CPS: 1  OK note CE MUST not support “AT+CPS =<value>” CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+CPS string 3.1.18 +CPSR: Disable/Enable the packet call state reporting(Not implemented) description Disable/Enable the packet call state reporting format AT+CPSR? <CR><LF>+CPSR: <value><CR><LF>       <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+ CPSR=<value> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> 0: disable 1: enable Note: enabling packet call state reporting will cause the device to autonomously send the following information 0: Packet data service is in the Inactive State 1: Packet data service is in the Active State, and the call control function is in the Initialization/Idle State 2: Packet data service is in the Active State, and the call control function is in the Initialization/Traffic State 3: Packet data service is in the Active State, the   call control function is in the Connected State, and the packet data service option is using primary traffic 4: Packet data service is in the Active State, the   call control function is in the Connected State, and the packet data service option is using secondary traffic 5: Packet data service is in the Active State, and the call control function is in the Dormant/Idle State 6: Packet data service is in the Active State, and the call control function is in the Dormant/Traffic State 7: Packet data service is in the Active State, and the call control function is in the Reconnect/Idle State 8: Packet data service is in the Active State, and the call control function is in the Reconnect/Traffic State example AT+CPSR? +CPSR: 1  OK AT+CPSR=1 OK
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 26 note CE MUST set the packet call state reporting to disable as they default   CE MUST set the packet call state reporting to disable when the Rm Interface is torn down   Note: this could be due to the data cable being removed or the device power cycling.   CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+CPSR string 3.1.19 +CPTC: Request a traffic channel(Not implemented) description Request a traffic channel format AT+CPTC=<value> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> 0: release the traffic channel 1: originate a traffic channel example AT+CPTC=0 OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+CPTC string 3.1.20 +CPER: Disable/Enable the packet call event reporting(Not implemented) description Disable/Enable the packet call event reporting format AT+CPER? <CR><LF>+CPER: <value><CR><LF>     <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+CPER=<value> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> 0: disable 1: enable Note: enabling packet call event reporting will cause the device to autonomously send the following information   0: Enter Idle State   1: Idle handoff, same system 2: Idle handoff, new system 3: Page received   4: Origination sent   5: Traffic Channel assigned 6: Hard handoff example AT+CPER? +CPER: 1  OK AT+CPER=1 OK note CE MUST set the packet call event reporting to disable as they default.   CE MUST set the packet call event reporting to disable when the Rm Interface is torn down.   Note: this could be due to the data cable being removed or the device power cycling.   ATCMD-089 CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT+CPER string
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 27 4 Qualcomm Proprietary AT Command Set 4.1.1 $QCMIP: The current value of the Mobile IP behavior description The current value of the Mobile IP behavior format AT$QCMIP? <CR><LF>$QCMIP: <value><CR><LF>     <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIP=<value> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> 0: the Mobile IP behavior to Simple IP only 1: the Mobile IP behavior to MIP preferred with SIP fallback 2: the Mobile IP behavior to MIP only example AT$QCMIP? $QCMIP: 1  OK AT$QCMIP=1 OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$QCMIP string 4.1.2 $QCMIPP: Return the current active Mobile IP profile description Return the current active Mobile IP profile format AT$QCMIPP? <CR><LF>$QCMIPP: <X><CR><LF>   <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPP=<X> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <X> MIP user profile number: between 0 and 5 example AT$QCMIPP? $QCMIPP: 1  OK note CE MUST support “AT$QCMIPP=X” where X is an integer between 0 and 5   CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$QCMIPP string 4.1.3 $QCMIPT:The current value of the “RFC 2002bis authentication” flag description The current value of the “RFC 2002bis authentication” flag format AT$QCMIPT? <CR><LF>$QCMIPT: <value><CR><LF>       <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> 0: use of RFC 2002bis authentication is disable.   1:use of RFC 2002bis authentication is enabled. example AT$QCMIPT? $QCMIPT: 1  OK
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 28 note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$QCMIPT string 4.1.4 $QCMIPEP: Disable/Enable the active profile description Disable/Enable the active profile format AT$QCMIPEP? <CR><LF>$QCMIPEP: <value><CR><LF>       <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPEP=<value> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> 0: disable the active profile 1: enable the active profile example AT$QCMIPEP? $QCMIPEP: 1  OK AT$QCMIPEP=1 OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$QCMIPEP string 4.1.5 $QCMIPGETP: The values of the specified profile description The values of the specified profile format AT$QCMIPGETP? <CR><LF>$QCMIPGETP: <X> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPGETP=<X> <CR><LF>   Profile <X> (Enabled | Disabled)   NAI:   Home Address:   Primary HA:   Secondary HA:   MN-AAA SPI:   MN-HA SPI:   Reverse Tunneling: (0 for off | 1 for on)   MN-AAA SS: (set | unset)   MN-HA SS: (set | unset) <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <X> The profile number :0-5 example AT$QCMIPGETP? $QCMIPGETP: 0  OK
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 29 AT$QCMIPGETP=0 Profile:0 Enabled NAI:00000000000000@hcm.sprintpcs.com Home Addr: Primary HA: Secondary HA: MN-AAA SPI:1234 MN-HA SPI:1234 Rev Tun:1 MN-AAA SS:Set MN-HA SS:Set  OK note CE MUST separate each line of the profile with exactly one carriage return and line feed CE MUST not display the SS (Shared Secret) CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$QCMIPGETP string 4.1.6 $QCMIPNAI: Set ASCII NAI string description Set ASCII NAI string   format AT$QCMIPNAI? <CR><LF>< NAI ><Y><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> or <CR><LF>$QCMIPNAI: Unset<CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPNAI=”< NAI >”,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <NAI> the user entered ASCII NAI string <Y> 0: not save the NAI to NV memory 1: save the NAI to NV memory example AT$QCMIPNAI? user@domain,0  OK AT$QCMIPNAI=”user@domain”,0 OK note CE MUST not save the NAI to NV memory if Y is set to 0 CE MUST use the user entered NAI only for the next MIP session if Y is set to 0.   Note: the device must use the user entered NAI for MIP reregistrations as well as the initial MIP registration CE MUST use the NAI stored in NV memory after the MIP session has deregistered or expired if Y is set to 0 CE MUST save the NAI to NV memory if Y is set to 1
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 30 4.1.7 $QCMIPRT: Set user reverse tunneling flag description Set user reverse tunneling flag format AT$QCMIPRT? <CR><LF>$QCMIPRT: <X>,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPRT=<X>,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <X> 0: disable the user reverse tunneling flag 1: enable the user reverse tunneling flag <Y> 0: not save the reverse tunneling flag to NV memory 1: save the reverse tunneling flag to NV memory example AT$QCMIPRT? $QCMIPRT: 0,1  OK AT$QCMIPRT=0,0 OK note CE MUST not save the reverse tunneling flag to NV memory if Y is set to 0   CE MUST use the user entered reverse tunneling flag only for the next MIP session if Y is set to 0   CE MUST use the reverse tunneling flag stored in NV memory after the MIP session has deregistered or expired if Y is set to 0   CE MUST save the reverse tunneling flag to NV memory if Y is set to 1   CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$QCMIPRT string 4.1.8 $QCMIPMASS: Set ASCII Mobile Node AAA shared secret string description Set ACSII Mobile Node AAA shared secret string   format AT$QCMIPMASS=”<X>”,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPMASS? <CR><LF>$QCMIPMASS: (Set|Unset) <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <X> ASCII Mobile Node AAA shared secret string   <Y> 0: not save the change to NV memory 1: save the change to NV memory example AT$QCMIPMASS =”sprint”,0 OK AT$QCMIPMASS? $QCMIPMASS: Set  OK note the Mobile Node AAA shared secret string MUST be enclosed between double quotes 4.1.9 $QCMIPMASSX: Set Hex Mobile Node AAA shared secret description Set Hex Mobile Node AAA shared secret
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 31 format AT$QCMIPMASSX=<X>,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPMASSX? <CR><LF>$QCMIPMASSX: (Set|Unset) <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <X> the user entered hex Mobile Node AAA shared secret of up to 16 bytes   <Y> 0: not save the change to NV memory 1: save the change to NV memory example AT$QCMIPMASSX=aaa,0 OK AT$QCMIPMASSX? $QCMIPMASSX: Set  OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” if the user entered Mobile Node AAA shared secret begins with “0x” for AT$QCMIPMASSX.   CE MUST return “ERROR” and not save a Mobile Node AAA shared secret that is longer than 16 bytes for AT$QCMIPMASSX.   CE MUST return “ERROR” and not save a Mobile Node AAA shared secret that is longer than the maximum allowed length when using AT$QCMIPMASS.   CE MUST return “ERROR” and not save a Mobile Node AAA shared secret that contains any characters other than (0-9,A-F,a-f) for AT$QCMIPMASSX.   CE MUST not save the Mobile Node AAA shared secret to NV memory if Y is set to 0.   CE MUST use the user entered Mobile Node AAA shared secret only for the next MIP session if Y is set to 0.   CE MUST use the Mobile Node AAA shared secret stored in NV memory after the MIP session has deregistered or expired if Y is set to 0.   CE MUST save the Mobile Node AAA shared secret to NV memory if Y is set to 1 4.1.10 $QCMIPMHSS: Set ASCII Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret     description Set ASCII Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret string format AT$QCMIPMHSS=”<X>”,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPMHSS? <CR><LF>$QCMIPMHSS: (Set|Unset) <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <X> the user entered ASCII Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret string   <Y> 0: not save the reverse tunneling flag to NV memory 1: save the reverse tunneling flag to NV memory example AT$QCMIPMHSS=“1234”,0 OK
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 32 AT$QCMIPMHSS? $QCMIPMHSS: Unset  OK note The Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret string MUST be enclosed between double quotes 4.1.11 $QCMIPMHSSX: Set hex Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret description Set hex Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret format AT$QCMIPMHSSX=<X>,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPMHSSX? <CR><LF>$QCMIPMHSSX: (Set|Unset) <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <X> the user entered hex Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret of up to 16 bytes   <Y> 0: not save the change to NV memory 1: save the change to NV memory example AT$QCMIPMHSSX = aaaaaa,0 OK AT$QCMIPMHSSX? $QCMIPMHSSX: Set    OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” if the user entered Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret begins with “0x” for AT$QCMIPMHSSX   CE MUST return “ERROR” and not save a Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret that is longer than 16 bytes for AT$QCMIPMHSSX CE MUST return “ERROR” and not save a Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret that is longer than the maximum allowed length when using AT$QCMIPMHSSX.   CE MUST return “ERROR” and not save a Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret that contains any characters other than (0-9,A-F,a-f) for AT$QCMIPMHSSX   CE MUST not save the Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret to NV memory if Y is set to 0   CE MUST use the user entered Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret only for the next MIP session if Y is set to 0 CE MUST use the Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret stored in NV memory after the MIP session has deregistered or expired if Y is set to 0.   CE MUST save the Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret to NV memory if Y is set to 1 4.1.12 $QCMIPMASPI: Set Mobile Node AAA SPI integer value   description Set Mobile Node AAA SPI integer value the change to NV memory format AT$QCMIPMASPI? <CR><LF>$QCMIPMASPI: <X>,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 33 AT$QCMIPMASPI=<X>,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <X> the user entered Mobile Node AAA SPI integer value between (0-4294967295)   <Y> 0: not save the change to NV memory 1: save the change to NV memory example AT$QCMIPMASPI? $QCMIPMASPI: 2,1  OK AT$QCMIPMASPI=1234,0 OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$QCMIPMASPI string. 4.1.13 $QCMIPMHSPI: Set Mobile Node Home Agent SPI integer value   description Set Mobile Node Home Agent SPI integer value the change to NV memory format AT$QCMIPMHSPI? <CR><LF>$QCMIPMHSPI: <X>,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPMHSPI=<X>,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <X> the user entered Mobile Node Home Agent SPI integer value between (0-4294967295)   <Y> 0: not save the change to NV memory 1: save the change to NV memory example AT$QCMIPMHSPI? $QCMIPMHSPI: 3,1  OK AT$QCMIPMHSPI=1234,0 OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$QCMIPMHSPI string. 4.1.14 $QCMIPPHA: Set Primary Home Agent IP Address description Set Primary Home Agent IP Address   format AT$QCMIPPHA? <CR><LF><X>,<Y><CR><LF><CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPPHA =”<X>”,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <X> the Primary Home Agent IP Address string MUST be enclosed between double quotes. Valid values for X are ( (0-255).(0-255).(0-255).(0-255))   <Y> 0: not save the change to NV memory 1: save the change to NV memory
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 34 example AT$QCMIPPHA?,0    OK AT$QCMIPPHA=””,0 OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$QCMIPPHA string. 4.1.15 $QCMIPSHA: Set secondary Home Agent IP Address description Set secondary Home Agent IP Address   format AT$QCMIPSHA? <CR><LF><X>,<Y><CR><LF><CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPSHA =”<X>”,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <X> the Secondary Home Agent IP Address string MUST be enclosed between double quotes. Valid values for X are ( (0-255).(0-255).(0-255).(0-255)).   <Y> 0: not save the change to NV memory 1: save the change to NV memory example AT$QCMIPSHA?,0    OK AT$QCMIPSHA=“”,0 OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$QCMIPSHA string. 4.1.16 $QCMIPHA: Set Home Agent IP Address description Set Home Agent IP Address the change to NV memory format AT$QCMIPHA? <CR><LF><X>,<Y><CR><LF><CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> AT$QCMIPHA =”<X>”,<Y> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <X> the Home Agent IP Address string MUST be enclosed between double quotes. Valid values for X are ((0-255).(0-255).(0-255).(0-255)).   <Y> 0: not save the change to NV memory 1: save the change to NV memory example AT$QCMIPHA?,0 OK AT$QCMIPHA=””,0 OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$QCMIPHA string. CE MUST use the IP Address in NV memory after the MIP session has deregistered or expired if Y is set to 0 5 Sprint Specific AT Commands 5.1 CDMA AT Commands
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 35 5.1.1 ATD: Make a packet data call description Make a packet data call format ATD<number> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> example ATD#777 OK note CE MUST ignore any <number> and establish a packet data call.   Note: in the past only #777, which is configured in a NV item, would cause the device to establish a packet data connection. As Sprint no longer allows any other type of data connection with our devices, this requirement will in effect disable the ability to use the device as a modem or fax 5.1.2 $MDN: Return the mobile directory number description Return the mobile directory number format AT$MDN? <CR><LF>$MDN: <value><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> The mobile directory number example AT$MDN? $MDN: 1111111111  OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$MDN string  5.1.3 $MSID: Return Mobile Station ID description Return Mobile Station ID format AT$MSID? <CR><LF>$MSID: <value><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> the 10 digit mobile directory number example AT$MSID? $MSID: 0966661668  OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$MSID string. 5.1.4 $MIPERR: Return the last MIP error code received by the device description Return the last MIP error code received by the device format AT$MIPERR? <CR><LF>$MIPEER: <value><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> the last MIP error code
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 36 example AT$MIPERR? $MIPERR: 0  OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$MIPERR string. 5.1.5 $ERI: Return the current Enhanced Roaming Indicator value description Return the current Enhanced Roaming Indicator value   format AT$ERI? <CR><LF>$ERI: <value><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <value> decimal as defined in the Sprint Enhanced Roaming Indicators document [9] example AT$ERI? $ERI: 0  OK note CE MUST return “ERROR” for any other AT$ ERI string 5.1.6 $ROAM: Set the device mode description Set the device mode format AT$ROAM=<N> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$ROAM=? <CR><LF>$ROAM: <N><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <N> 0:set the device to Sprint only mode 1:set the device to automatic mode example AT$ROAM=1 OK AT$ROAM=?  $ROAM: 1  OK note CE MUST return "ERROR" for any other AT$ROAM string Factory Settings must set the value of AT$ROAM to the value defined in the Sprint PRI Template Program Release Instructions and factory default template [6] 5.1.7 $RMGUARD: Set roam guard description Set roam guard(only support never ask  N=1  ) format AT$RMGUARD=<N> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT$RMGUARD=? <CR><LF>$RMGUARD: <N><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <N> 1:set roam guard to never ask 2:set roam guard to always ask example AT$RMGUARD=1  OK
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 37 AT$RMGUARD=2 ERROR AT$RMGUARD=?  $RMGUARD: 1  OK note CE MUST return "ERROR" for any other AT$RMGUARD string   5.1.8 $PRL: Get CDMA PRL version of the device description Get CDMA PRL version of the device format AT$PRL? <CR><LF>+PRL: <N><CR><LF> example AT$PRL? +PRL: 201  OK note  “AT$PRL?” which will return the CDMA PRL version of the device. 5.2 OMA-DM commands 5.2.1 +OMADM: Disable/Enable OMA-DM capabilities description Disable/Enable OMA-DM capabilities, save the OMA-DM setting through power cycles format AT+OMADM=<omadm_mode> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+OMADM=? <CR><LF>+OMADM: <N><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter < omadm_mode > 0:disable OMA-DM capabilities, ignore network initiated OMA-DM WAP Push messages. If the user attempts a client initiated OMA-DM session when OMA-DM is disabled, the CE MUST perform a client initiated OMA-DM session but will not enable OMA-DM capabilities 1:enable OMA-DM capabilities 2:launch a client initiated OMA-DM session   5:cancel OMA-DM session Note: if OMA-DM is currently disabled this AT command will launch a client initiated OMA-DM session but will not enable OMA-DM capabilities example AT+OMADM=1  OK AT+OMADM=?    +OMADM: 1  OK note CE MUST ignore network initiated OMA-DM WAP Push messages when OMA-DM is disabled Factory Settings must set the value of AT+OMADM to 1 5.2.2 +OMALOG: Disable/Enable OMA-DM client logging description Disable/Enable OMA-DM client logging
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 38 format AT+OMALOG=<N> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+OMALOG=? <CR><LF>+OMALOG: <N><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <N> 0:disable OMA-DM client logging 1:enable OMA-DM client logging. CE MUST write the complete OMA-DM XML transactions to a single file in the EFS for later retrieval when OMA-DM client logging is turned on example AT+OMALOG=1  OK AT+OMALOG=?  +OMALOG: 1  OK note CE MUST return "ERROR" for any other AT+OMALOG string   Factory Settings must set the value of AT+OMADM to 0 5.2.3 +FUMO: Disable/Enable FUMO capabilities description Disable/Enable FUMO capabilities format AT+FUMO=< fumo_mode > <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+FUMO=? <CR><LF>+FUMO: <N><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter < fumo_mode > 0:disable FUMO capabilities   1:enable FUMO capabilities 2:perform a client initiated FUMO session, but will not enable FUMO capabilities 5:cancel FUMO session 8:manul the install session of FUMO example AT+FUMO=1 OK AT+FUMO=?  +FUMO: 1  OK note Factory Settings must set the value of AT+FUMO to 1   CE MUST return "ERROR" for any other AT+FUMO string 5.2.4 +PRL: disable/enable PRL update capabilities description disable/enable PRL update capabilities format AT+PRL=<prl_mode> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> AT+PRL=? <CR><LF>+PRL: <N><CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <prl_mode> 0: disable PRL update capabilities
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 39 1: enable PRL update capabilities. 2: perform a client initiated PRL update 3: set the device to check for PRL updates every 45 days 4: set the device to check for PRL updates every 90 days. 5:cancel PRL session example AT+PRL=1 OK AT+PRL=?  +PRL: 1  OK note Factory Settings must set the value of AT+PRL to 1   CE MUST return "ERROR" for any other AT+PRL string "AT+PRL=?" which will return the current PRL update setting. 5.2.5 +HFA: Cancel/Launch HFA Session description Cancel/Launch HFA Session  AT+HFA=<hfa_mode> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <hfa_mode> 0: cancel HFA session  example AT+ HFA =0 OK note  5.2.6 +HFAR: START the start sign of HFA session description the start sign of HFA session  <CR><LF>+HFAR: START<CR><LF>  parameter  example +HFAR: START  note  5.2.7 +HFAR: SUCCESS the success sign of HFA session description the success sign of HFA session  <CR><LF>+HFAR: SUCCESS<CR><LF>  parameter  example +HFAR: SUCCESS  note  5.2.8 +HFAR: FAIL the fail sign of HFA session description the fail sign of HFA session  <CR><LF>+HFAR:FAIL, <Error Code> <CR><LF>  parameter <Error Code>
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 40  example +HFAR: FAIL,25346  note  5.2.9 +DCR: START the start sign of DC session description the start sign of DC session  <CR><LF>+DCR: START: <CR><LF>  parameter  example +DCR: START  note  5.2.10 +DCR: SUCCESS the success sign of DC session description the success sign of DC session  <CR><LF>+DCR: SUCCESS <CR><LF>  parameter  example +DCR: SUCCESS  note  5.2.11 +DCR: FAIL the fail sign of DC session description the fail sign of DC session  <CR><LF>+DCR: FAIL, <Error Code> <CR><LF>  parameter  example +DCR: FAIL, 25346  note  5.2.12 +PRLR: START the start sign of PRL session description the start sign of PRL session  <CR><LF>+PRLR: START<CR><LF>  parameter  example +PRLR: START  note  5.2.13 +PRLR: SUCCESS the success sign of PRL session description the the success sign of PRL session start sign of hfa  <CR><LF>+PRLR: SUCCESS <CR><LF>  parameter  example +PRLR: SUCCESS
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 41 note  5.2.14 +PRLR: FAIL the fail sign of PRL session description the fail sign of PRL session  <CR><LF>+PRLR: FAIL, <Error Code> <CR><LF>  parameter  example +PRLR: FAIL,25346  note  5.2.15 +FUMOR: IF_DOWNLOAD    the start sign of FUMO session description the start sign of FUMO session  <CR><LF>+FUMOR: IF_DOWNLOAD <CR><LF>  parameter  example +FUMOR: IF_DOWNLOAD  note  5.2.16 +FUMOR: IF_INSTALL the install start sign of fireware install description the install start sign of fireware install  <CR><LF>+FUMOR: IF_INSTALL <CR><LF>  parameter  example +FUMOR: IF_INSTALL  note  5.2.17 +FUMORDesc: the description of delta packet description the description of firemare delta packet  <CR><LF>+FUMORDesc: <description><CR><LF>  parameter <description> The description of delta packet, example +FUMORDesc:Fireware updata  note  5.2.18 +FUMORSec: The time of install of delta packet description The time of install of delta packet  <CR><LF>+FUMORSec: <estimatedInstallTimeInSecs><CR><LF>  parameter <estimatedInstallTimeInSecs>
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 42 The time of install of delta packet example +FUMORSec: 25  note  5.2.19 +FUMORBytes: The size of delta packet description The size of delta packet  <CR><LF>+FUMORByte: <size><CR><LF>  parameter <size> The size of delta packet example +FUMORBytes:6234  note  5.2.20 +FUMOR: FAIL the fail sign of FUMO session description the fail sign of FUMO session  <CR><LF>+FUMOR: FAIL , <Error Code><CR><LF>  parameter  example +FUMOR: FAIL,25346  note  5.2.21 +FUMOR: SUCCESS the success sign of FUMO session description the success sign of FUMO session  <CR><LF>+FUMOR: SUCCESS <CR><LF>  parameter  example +FUMOR: SUCCESS  note  5.2.22 +DCR: NO_CONTENT the no content sign of DCsession description the no content sign of DCsession  <CR><LF>+DCR: NO_CONTENT <CR><LF>  parameter  example +DCR: NO_CONTENT  note  5.2.23 +PRLR: NO_CONTENT the no content sign of PRL session description the no content sign of PRL session
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 43  <CR><LF>+PRLR: NO_CONTENT <CR><LF>  parameter  example +PRLR: NO_CONTENT  note  5.2.24 +FUMOR: NO_CONTENT the no content sign of FUMO session description the no content sign of FUMO session  <CR><LF>+FUMOR: NO_CONTENT <CR><LF>  parameter  example +FUMOR: NO_CONTENT  note  5.2.25 +FUMOR: IN_REPORTING the report status sign of FUMO session description the report status sign of FUMO session  <CR><LF>+FUMOR: IN_REPORTING <CR><LF>  parameter  example +FUMOR: IN_REPORTING  note The client report the status to OMA serve 5.2.26 +ZOPSMS: DISCONNECT_LINK the push message sign of NI session description the push message sign of NI session when the PPP connected  <CR><LF>+ZOPSMS: DISCONNECT_LINK <CR><LF>  parameter  example +ZOPSMS: DISCONNECT_LINK  note  5.3 Device reset commands 5.3.1 $RTN: Set the device to factory defaults description Set the device to factory defaults format AT$RTN=<N> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter <N> the device MSL
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 44 example AT$RTN=000000 OK note CE MUST set the device to factory defaults and power cycle the device if the correct MSL is entered CE MUST return "ERROR" if the MSL is not correct and not power cycle the device CE MUST return "ERROR" for any other AT$RTN string 5.3.2 $RESET: Initiate a device power cycle description Initiate a device power cycle format AT$RESET   <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> example AT$RESET OK note CE MUST support "AT$RESET" which will immediately initiate a device power cycle 5.4 Debug commands 5.4.1 $1XRXPWR: Return CDMA 1X channel, Pilot, and immediate RSSI   description Return the CDMA 1X channel, Pilot, and immediate RSSI measurements in dBm for each antenna on separate lines in the format format AT$1XRXPWR? <CR><LF><antenna>,<Channel>, <Pilot>,<RSSI><CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR> <LF> example AT$1XRXPWR?  0,100,247,-85.5    OK note If the device does not support multiple antennas, only one value is returned. If the device supports multiple antennas, the primary antenna is listed first followed by additional antennas 5.4.2 $1XECIO: Return the CDMA 1X Channel, Pilot, and immediate Ec/Io   description Return the CDMA 1X Channel, Pilot, and immediate Ec/Io measurements in dB for each antenna on separate lines in the format format AT$1XECIO? <CR><LF> <antenna>,<Channel>, <Pilot>,<Ec/Io><CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> example AT$1XECIO? 0,50,247,-85.5    OK note If the device does not support multiple antennas, only one value is returned. If the device supports multiple antennas, the primary antenna is listed first followed by additional antennas 5.4.3 $DEBUG: Return the debug information descriptioReturn the debug information
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 45 n format AT$DEBUG? <CR><LF><CR><LF><Fieldname>:<value> <CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> parameter  example AT$DEBUG?  1x Engineering   State : Idle   SO : 3   ….  OK  5.5    FCC Regulations      lThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must  accept any interference  received,  including  interference that  may cause  undesired operation.    lThis device has been tested and found to  comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,  pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential  installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and  used  in  accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio communications.  However,  there  is  no  guarantee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in  a particular  installation  If  this  equipment  does  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct  the  interference  by  one  or  more  of  the  following measures:    -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.    Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.    4RF Exposure Information    This Modular Approval is limited to OEM installation for mobile and fixed applications
                                                                    AT Command User Manual 46 only.    The antenna installation and operating configurations of this transmitter, including any applicable source-based time-averaging duty factor, antenna gain and cable loss must satisfy MPE categorical Exclusion Requirements of  §2.1091.      The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons, must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter, except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures.      The end user has no manual instructions to remove or install the device and a separate approval  is  required  for  all  other  operating  configurations,  including  portable configurations with respect to 2.1093 and different antenna configurations.    Maximum antenna gain allowed for use with this device is 2dBi. When the module is installed in the host device, the FCC ID label must be visible through a window on the final device or it must be visible when an access panel, door or cover is easily re-moved. If not, a second label must be placed on the outside of the final device that contains the following text:  “Contains FCC ID: Q78-MC2261”.       5.6 Operating Condition  Temperature:-20°~+50°

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