ZTE MC2718 CDMA2000 1X EV-DO Wireless Module User Manual
ZTE Corporation CDMA2000 1X EV-DO Wireless Module
User Manual
Open▲ Technology Document MC2718 AT Command User Manual Version:V1.1 SHEN ZHEN ZTE MOBILE TECH CO., LTD. AT Command User Manual V1.1 Open▲ Update History Version Update section Type of Revision V1.0 V1.1 author Lihongjun Zhangxiaowei Changed/added/replaced many items Wanghuan Zhouxianghui Zhangxiaowei Release Date 03/10/2010 05/24/2010 Bak 1:The update history is added after this document is update. Bak 2:This version only support sprint at command. Page 2 of 52 Open▲ Table of Contents 1 ZTE AT Commands ...................................................................................... 6 1.1 Proprietary Interface: Voice Call Interface(only support MC2718) ........................................ 6 1.1.1 +ZORIG: Call Originated ................................................................................................ 6 1.1.2 +ZCONN: Call Connected .............................................................................................. 6 1.1.3 +ZCEND: Call Ended ..................................................................................................... 6 1.1.4 +ZDTMF: Redial command ............................................................................................ 7 1.1.5 +ZCVOICE: Switch Audio Mode ................................................................................... 8 1.2 SMS Text Mode Command ..................................................................................................... 8 1.2.1 +CPMS: Preferred Message Storage ............................................................................... 9 1.2.2 +CMGF: Message Format ............................................................................................. 10 1.2.3 +CNMI: New Message Indications to TE ..................................................................... 10 1.2.4 +CMTI: Message Arrival Indication ............................................................................. 11 1.2.5 +CDSI: New Message Status Report............................................................................. 12 1.2.6 +CMGD: Delete Messages ............................................................................................ 12 1.2.7 +CNMA: Acknowledge New Messages ........................................................................ 12 1.3 Proprietary Interface: SMS Interface..................................................................................... 13 1.3.1 +ZSMMEMFULL: SMS Storage memory full ............................................................. 13 1.3.2 +ZCMT: Don‟t save newly received messages, and report to TE directly .................... 13 1.3.3 +ZCDS: New SMS Status Direct Report ...................................................................... 14 1.3.4 +ZCMGS: Send Message .............................................................................................. 14 1.3.5 +ZCMGW: Write Message to Memory ......................................................................... 16 1.3.6 +ZCMGL: List Messages .............................................................................................. 18 1.3.7 +ZCMGR: Read Message ............................................................................................. 19 1.3.8 +ZCMGSS: Message Sent Report ................................................................................. 20 1.3.9 +ZCMGSF: Message Unsent Report............................................................................. 20 2 Basic AT Commands ................................................................................... 21 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 E: Turn off/on echo commands ..................................................................................... 21 Q: Enable/Disable return result codes ........................................................................... 21 V: Return result codes as numbers/words ...................................................................... 21 Z0: Reset the parameters to the default configuration ................................................... 22 &C: Set circuit 109 (CF) or Received Line Signal Detector (RLSD) ........................... 22 &D: Set DTR(Data Terminal Ready) Signal ................................................................. 22 A: Answer ...................................................................................................................... 23 RING: Incoming Call .................................................................................................... 23 3 Extended AT Configuration Commands ................................................... 23 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 +CDV: Dial.................................................................................................................... 23 +CHV: Hang up ............................................................................................................. 23 +GCAP: Return the list of all commands supported by the device ............................... 24 +GMI: Return the manufacturer name on a single line ................................................. 24 +GMM: Return the device model name and number .................................................... 24 AT Command User Manual V1.1 3.1.6 3.1.7 3.1.8 3.1.9 3.1.10 3.1.11 3.1.12 3.1.13 3.1.14 3.1.15 3.1.16 3.1.17 3.1.18 3.1.19 3.1.20 3.1.21 3.1.22 Open▲ +GMR: Return the current firmware version on a single line ....................................... 24 +GSN: Get the ESN of device ....................................................................................... 25 +ICF: Set the character framing .................................................................................... 25 +IFC: Control the local flow control ............................................................................. 26 +IPR: Set the Rm interface rate ..................................................................................... 27 +CAD: Return the type of service available .................................................................. 28 +CRM: Get he current numerical value of CRM .......................................................... 28 +CBC: The battery state and charge(not supported for modem) ................................... 28 +CMIP: IP address of the mobile station ....................................................................... 29 +CBIP: IP address of the base station............................................................................ 29 +CSS: The serving system band and SID ...................................................................... 29 +CSQ: Signal Quality Measure and the Frame Error Rate............................................ 30 +CTA: The packet data inactivity timer ........................................................................ 30 +CPS: The service option to be used for packet data service(Not implemented) ......... 31 +CPSR: Disable/Enable the packet call state reporting(Not implemented) .................. 31 +CPTC: Request a traffic channel(Not implemented)................................................... 32 +CPER: Disable/Enable the packet call event reporting(Not implemented) ................. 33 4 Qualcomm Proprietary AT Command Set ............................................... 33 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 4.1.9 4.1.10 4.1.11 4.1.12 4.1.13 4.1.14 4.1.15 4.1.16 $QCMIP: The current value of the Mobile IP behavior ................................................ 33 $QCMIPP: Return the current active Mobile IP profile ................................................ 34 $QCMIPT:The current value of the “RFC 2002bis authentication” flag ...................... 34 $QCMIPEP: Disable/Enable the active profile ............................................................. 34 $QCMIPGETP: The values of the specified profile ...................................................... 34 $QCMIPNAI: Set ASCII NAI string ............................................................................. 35 $QCMIPRT: Set user reverse tunneling flag ................................................................. 36 $QCMIPMASS: Set ASCII Mobile Node AAA shared secret string ............................ 36 $QCMIPMASSX: Set Hex Mobile Node AAA shared secret ....................................... 37 $QCMIPMHSS: Set ASCII Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret .......................... 38 $QCMIPMASSX: Set hex Mobile Node Home Agent shared secret ............................ 38 $QCMIPMASPI: Set Mobile Node AAA SPI integer value ......................................... 39 $QCMIPMHSPI: Set Mobile Node Home Agent SPI integer value ............................. 40 $QCMIPPHA: Set Primary Home Agent IP Address .................................................... 40 $QCMIPSHA: Set secondary Home Agent IP Address................................................. 40 $QCMIPHA: Set Home Agent IP Address .................................................................... 41 5 Sprint Specific AT Commands ................................................................... 41 5.1 CDMA AT Commands .......................................................................................................... 41 5.1.1 ATD: Make a packet data call ....................................................................................... 41 5.1.2 $MDN: Return the 10 digit mobile directory number ................................................... 42 5.1.3 $MSID: Return Mobile Station ID ................................................................................ 42 5.1.4 $MIPERR: Return the last MIP error code received by the device ............................... 42 Page 4 of 52 AT Command User Manual V1.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Open▲ 5.1.5 $ERI: Return the current Enhanced Roaming Indicator value ...................................... 42 5.1.6 $ROAM: Set the device mode ....................................................................................... 43 5.1.7 $RMGUARD: Set roam guard(Not implemented) ........................................................ 43 OMA-DM commands............................................................................................................ 43 5.2.1 +OMADM: Disable/Enable OMA-DM capabilities ..................................................... 43 5.2.2 +OMALOG: Disable/Enable OMA-DM client logging ................................................ 44 5.2.3 +FUMO: Disable/Enable FUMO capabilities ............................................................... 44 5.2.4 +PRL: Get CDMA PRL version of the device .............................................................. 45 Device reset commands ......................................................................................................... 45 5.3.1 $RTN: Set the device to factory defaults ....................................................................... 45 5.3.2 $RESET: Initiate a device power cycle ......................................................................... 46 LED commands ..................................................................................................................... 46 5.4.1 $LED: Disable/Enable all LEDs on the device(not supported) ..................................... 46 Debug commands .................................................................................................................. 46 5.5.1 +SERVICE: Return the integer index of data service.................................................... 46 5.5.2 $1XRXPWR: Return CDMA 1X channel, Pilot, and immediate RSSI......................... 47 5.5.3 $DORXPWR: Return the EVDO channel, Pilot, and immediate RSSI ........................ 47 5.5.4 $1XECIO: Return the CDMA 1X Channel, Pilot, and immediate Ec/Io....................... 47 5.5.5 $DOECIO: Return EVDO channel, Pilot, and immediate RSSI ................................... 48 5.5.6 $DEBUG: Return the debug information ...................................................................... 48 Location commands(only support MC2718)......................................................................... 48 5.6.1 $LOCATION: Enable/Disable the location service ....................................................... 48 5.6.2 $PDE: Set PDE Server IP and Port................................................................................ 48 5.6.3 $GETLOCATION: Get the device current location in the specified format ................. 49 5.6.4 $LOCMODE: Set the GPS location mode .................................................................... 50 5.6.5 $NMEA: Enable/Disable the NMEA 183 standard stream ........................................... 51 Page 5 of 52 Open▲ 1 ZTE AT Commands 1.1 Proprietary Interface: Voice Call Interface(only support MC2718) 1.1.1 +ZORIG: Call Originated description Indicating MT for originating a call+ZORIG: , format parameter Call ID, ranging from 1~6. Take the value as below: 0: voice call 7: OTA call (standard OTASP numbers) 8: OTA call (none standard OTASP numbers) 9: Emergency call example +ZORIG:0,0 1.1.2 +ZCONN: Call Connected description When the call is connected, MT will report it to TE, indicating the current status has already become to call status +ZCONN: , format parameter Call ID, ranging from 1~6 Take the value as below: 0: voice call 7: OTA call (standard OTASP numbers) 8: OTA call (none standard OTASP numbers) 9: Emergency call example +ZCONN: 0,0 1.1.3 +ZCEND: Call Ended description format When the call is ended, MT will report it to TE, inform TE the reason of ending the call and the talk duration +ZCEND: , , AT Command User Manual V1.1 parameter Call ID,ranging from 0-6 talk duration, unit: s :call ended reason CM_CALL_END_OFFLINE=0, single board at OFFLINE CM_CALL_END_NO_SRV=21, single board no service CM_CALL_END_FADE=22, ended normally CM_CALL_END_INTERCEPT=23, intercepted by BS during the calling CM_CALL_END_REORDER=24, receive the recorder from BS during the calling CM_CALL_END_REL_NORMAL=25, call released by BS CM_CALL_END_REL_SO_REJ=26, current SO rejected by BS CM_CALL_END_INCOM_CALL=27, receive the call from BS CM_CALL_END_ALERT_STOP=28, receive the signal of stopping ringer upon incoming call CM_CALL_END_CLIENT_END=29, client end ended normally CM_CALL_END_ACTIVATION=30, activation ended upon OTASP call CM_CALL_END_MC_ABORT=31, MC stops originating a call or conversation CM_CALL_END_RUIM_NOT_PRESENT=34, RUIM does not exist CM_CALL_END_NDSS_FAIL=99, NDSS error CM_CALL_END_LL_CAUSE=100, release from bottom layer CM_CALL_END_CONF_FAILED=101, network response failed after call originating CM_CALL_END_INCOM_REJ=102, rejected as called. CM_CALL_END_SETUP_REJ=103, rejected during the call connecting CM_CALL_END_NETWORK_END=104, release due to network CM_CALL_END_NO_FUNDS=105, No funds CM_CALL_END_NO_GW_SRV=106, Not in service area example note Open▲ +ZCEND: 0,10,25,17 If call is ended due to network side, the string will be reported; if the local call is ended before responded by the network side, the string will not be reported 1.1.4 +ZDTMF: Redial command description format Under talk status, send DTMF value to network side through the signal, and at the same time play DTMF tone at the single board side. The back-end software notifies the single board to press down and release the keys through AT command. AT+ZDTMF= , [, [, ] ] OK otherwise: +CMS ERROR: Page 7 of 52 Open▲ AT Command User Manual V1.1 parameter call ID DTMF value, ASCII code, the legal characters only include: „0„~„9„, „*„ , „#„ 1: key pressed down 0: key released up 95,150,200,250,300,350 is DTMF time length, unit: ms under burst, DTMF interval, unit: ms, reserved temporarily example AT+ZDTMF=0,0,1 OK note 1.1.5 +ZCVOICE: Switch Audio Mode description Switch audio mode AT+ZCVOICE= OK AT+ZCVOICE? +ZCVOICE: [, , , ] OK AT+ZCVOICE=? +ZCVOICE: (list of supported s) OK format parameter audio mode 0: PC audio mode sampling rate, data bit frame period, unit: ms example AT+ZCVOICE=1 note READ command is used to read current audio mode. The data frame from PC audio adopts PCM coding and returns the sampling rate, data bit and frame period of PCM data frame (default setting must support PCM frame format with 8000Hz sampling rate, 16-bit data and 20ms frame period . TEST command is used to return the value range for audio mode MC2718 only supports PC audio mode 1.2 OK SMS Text Mode Command Page 8 of 52 Open▲ AT Command User Manual V1.1 1.2.1 +CPMS: Preferred Message Storage description SET command is used to set the corresponding SMS storage media and return the current using information of selected storage media AT+CPMS= [, [, ]] +CPMS: , , , , , OK otherwise: +CMS ERROR: AT+CPMS? +CPMS: , , , , , , , , OK otherwise: +CMS ERROR: AT+CPMS=? +CPMS: (list of supported s), (list of supported s), (list of supported s) OK format parameter Value of character string, indicating the storage media for reading/deleting SMS; the optional value can be: “ME”: indicating NV Value of character string, indicating the storage media for writing/sending SMS; the optional value is the same as . Value of character string, indicating the storage media for receiving SMS; the optional value is the same as Value of integral number, indicating the total number of messages saved in Value of integral number, indicating the total number of messages saved in Value of integral number, indicating the total number of messages saved in Value of integral number, indicating the current number of messages in Value of integral number, indicating the current number of messages in Value of integral number, indicating the current number of messages in Page 9 of 52 Open▲ AT Command User Manual V1.1 note READ command is used to return the name and using information of current selected storage media. TEST command is used to return all types of storage media MT supports 1.2.2 +CMGF: Message Format description SET command is used to set the message format. There are two kinds of modes, determined by parameter. It only adopts TEXT mode currently. AT+CMGF[= ] OK AT+CMGF? +CMGF: OK AT+CMGF=? +CMGF: (list of supported s) OK format parameter 0: PDU mode (default when implemented) 1: text mode note READ command is used to return current the mode selection TEST command is used to return value Now we support text mode only 1.2.3 +CNMI: New Message Indications to TE description Set command is used to set the procedure that new messages are reported to TE. AT+CNMI=[ [, [, [, [, ]]]]] OK otherwise: +CMS ERROR: AT+CNMI? +CNMI: , , , , OK AT+CNMI=? +CNMI: (list of supported s),(list of supported s),(list of supported s),(list of supported s),(list of supported s) OK format Page 10 of 52 Open▲ AT Command User Manual V1.1 parameter : set the message notice method (currently support mode=1). 0: cache the message notice in ME. If ME‟s cache memory is full, new notice will cover the older one 1: directly send the message notice to TE. When it is unable to send (e.g.. under online data mode), give up the notice. 2: directly send the message notice and message status report to TE. When it is unable to send (e.g.. under online data mode), cache the message notice into ME, and send to TE at a time Note: Message notice will be cached in volatile memory. If MT is powered off before sending, the message could lose. Therefore, as =0 or 2, can‟t use the message to directly forward ( =2 and 3). : used to set the message storage and notice rules : used to set cell broadcast information, do not temporarily support : used to set the message receipt 0: do not send the message receipt to TE 1: do not save the message receipt to MT, but send to TE +ZCDS: , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2: save the message receipt to MT, and send a notice to TE through +CDSI to show the storage location +CDSI: , : used to set the cache processing from =0 to =1, 2 0: after entering 1-2, send unsolicited result code to TE at a time 1: after entering 1-2, clear unsolicited result code note and are used to set new message alert including +CMTI, +ZCMT, +CDSI, +ZCDS is used to set directly report to TE or save in MT and report the storage location when receiving new message do not use it temporarily is used to set whether or not report SMS status report +CDSI, +ZCDS Default: +CNMI=1,1,0,2,0 1.2.4 +CMTI: Message Arrival Indication description format Indicates new messages are received (or new message report) +CMTI: , Page 11 of 52 Open▲ AT Command User Manual V1.1 parameter type of memory, currently support "ME" only, other memory optional. "BM": broadcast message memory. "ME": ME message memory "MT": memory relating to ME "TA": TA message memory "SR": status report memory value of integral type, the location in memory 1.2.5 +CDSI: New Message Status Report description Indicates new message status report is received and show the storage location. +CDSI: , format parameter : message memory "ME":ROM message memory value of integral type, location in memory 1.2.6 +CMGD: Delete Messages description Execution command is used to delete the messages at in AT+CMGD= [, ] OK