User Manual
III! THE MIIIIE .- GIIMIIIE I’IIIIGTIIIII ”WW I tatygt , ffiiwlw 5 Mn! Illnlsmllil bl 5 III [III "ng I IIIIW TI) BPEIM TE.- FllNWIlNII I NINENS! IIII' VIII/II flPPflIIEIIT'S HIM" m 500”! PfllIITS ON I 05! SWITCH [in I NIENT STEERING ..... ..... ’ <——> . . .. lIENI'S SWI'IGN . . .. SDIIND SWITGN ' ' ' ‘ ' ' '. SIM“ SWIIGN INSTAllA‘I'IllN IIF "Elllcli ANTENNA: A. insert antenna wire through hoiiow tube. 5. insert tube into hole at vehicieA VOiD PULLING WiFiE TOO TIGHT C fie a knot on top oi wire to secure IIOW Tl] PH".- 1. SwIthl car amt transmitter ntt , tacit matter begins with 5 lives. 2.5mm themmtisswumiitaisiasi. tmttttmmmumntn 3. mtnlayerta lose attm lives mum dawn. 4. T0 may 803”, slmttiyrosal the on/oflswitcit 0, m cars.~ ntmmmmmnhw mdavmmawymaimmi may memspmm armammt DPTIMAI OPERATING ININIII‘I’IONS ANll MAINTENANCE IlF Vflllll IlENIGlE: I Mod L'Sng mm? on we! ”laces or n ran 2 Arm-d usng mm: m sandy or may areas. 3 M011 mag venue lav lmg pemds under Mel sunl‘ghl Slum or excess»? heal may damage smsvne abalone remnants. 4 Slu-evelmlearxllrarmvfierndrymalpemsamv . ~ 5 mm mm Midswfaoe Wylie/nay: man- 5 Vehicle all named ' well m truck mrpet n'ausr/ fleas 7, Am nmng two ‘ oi the same twenty l Pawnee two venues nnh Morel" Immune; mlezdl 3 Always b'hshymr vernde alter use to fame (lust Keav verme been a Ahmys we venue mm sol! mg a' dam Amu‘ seam; m‘w' TNIIIIBIE SNDII'I'INII : PROBLEM : VEHICLE DOES NOT MOVE 1. A19 mo ; and -‘s amiable mammalmmm m ~ 2. Am um mural mum labs 10mm mgr/ malnym ha y Are there mm A7 mm nndlran mm 4‘ Is the pom 515101 on Wide and lransnntler mm m7 5 Is 019 [NWIIHIy/L‘OWG! pack weak at out amen PROBLEM .' VEHICLE RUNS SLDWL Y I Ale ”he UHIIQIIQS M the velmls JAE! Ilalsllédlé! mm (Inf ” 2 Is Im- somemmg obsmmlng Mmfllllmx‘lll a! me mime v PROBLEM: VEHICLE MOVES BY IrSELF 1 Is there R’F interference In the 319.79 2 Is mm another nr mime fill!) the same IlcQJNmy mm W Iw or any moments TIIIM SWII’BN IIIIN'I'INIL: The swrlch ls localed on the rrndetsrde ol Ihe vchlcte bah-man the lwv lmnl “heels and is Lead lo alga lne wheels lot was slant slm rghl Ilne drinhg IIIIIIIHBS I'll ITIONIIIEBIIAIIS Ill IIIIG III'III "Ill DIDICIIIV IllnlllllBlI III (Ill DIIIV IlilllllliIIII! I0? COMBIIGIIW ENIIIII IIDIII “I! NSC"! II'IIIIIIIIV ID IIDGIIIG III! IllIIIflIIBNI AWE: "is m‘pmenl has baa-119mm found In MW\|\II|1I15 li'nils Iora Class B my'kal dense, pursuant In Fan l5 a’FCC Rubs am RENE brace/a $911, C mesa limils are designed in mude reasonable ne‘ecnm ayamsl nannlul Amer/ewe m a reslml nslalawn ibis equ’pmen ‘ his, uses me can male radio lrequeney energy and, II in! healed and useu .n aerwu‘anre with rhe Inst/Mme, may muse mlllni Wflmw the fade comm ‘cns Hmvever, there is no yuamlee‘lhal mierlemn» ml not com n a pa rev liar-Manon. ll bars equ‘emnnl aces cause lrannlu' modern-103 te redo allele-neon recepbon, which mn be dalemnel by new ., augment ell and on: me user is ermmagedla by 40mm] the mleflerwre by one aligned Ine (Mummy mamas rim-lent or relocale the race-m; enema. . Increase theseparan’an between the equipment and receiver - Connect the equipment intu an outlet on a vita/ll an‘lerenl lrom lhal lo which lhe receiver is needed . Consull lhe dealer or an experienced radio/TV lechnmn lbr help THIS PRODUCT IS FOR THE USE IN. UK . SPAIN. GERMAIW FRANCE BELGIUM, ITALV. SWIIZEH'LAND THE NETHEFALDS AND DENMARK. (601256) c. 1“an . mm-Hybmflrm m MPYUVS 2001 MADE IN CNWA w Instruction Manual IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: ‘K’IIHEWIIIHIIIIIBII rs rmnlzzrsn,lcsn Twln Pack n my Instruction Manual PIEASE ENSIINE m NEMNIIE All AGGESSDNIES ANII GNMPDNENTS FNBM TNE STYNIIFIMIM PACKING lmnnmml Battery Information: - Do not mlx old and new batteries. - Do not mix alkallne, slandard {carbon zinc) or rechargeable (nickeleadmiumwatlerles - Rechargeable batteries should be replaced by adults. - Baherles must be inserted wilh norrecl polarity. - Non - rechargeable batleries cannol be recharged Only batteries of the same or equrvalent type as recommended, should be used. ‘- Exhausted balterles musl be removed from the toy. - The supply terminals must not be short-clrcuiled. BNTTEHY INSTNllNTlflfl: ‘
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2002:11:02 10:47:30+08:00 Create Date : 2002:11:02 10:46:19+08:00 Creator : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Producer : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Page Count : 2EXIF Metadata provided by