Zetron UT-4-400 UT-4x400 UHF Transmitter User Manual IM23D UT4400AMP 1 UHF Ampli

Codan Radio Communications UT-4x400 UHF Transmitter IM23D UT4400AMP 1 UHF Ampli


MT-3/MT-4 RADIO SYSTEMSUHF AMPLIFIERINSTRUCTION MANUALUT-3 / UT-4406 - 470 MHzCovers models:UT-3/400 AmplifierUT-4/400 AmplifierCopyright © 1998 Daniels Electronics Ltd.  All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may bereproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or  by  any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,  without the prior written consent of DanielsElectronics Ltd.DE™ is a registered trademark of Daniels Electronic Ltd. registered in the United States Patent andTrademark Office.Issue:PeliminaryPrevious Issue: N/AIssue Date:October 98 Previous Issue Date:N/ADaniels Electronics Ltd.Printing Date:October 98Victoria, B.C.Part No.:IM23D-UT34400AMPPRINTED IN CANADA
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSiiUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHzReviewed By:Quality Assurance:Larry        Freeman                                                                                           _________________Name SignatureDateNOTE:The user's authority to operate this equipment could be revoked  through  anychanges or modifications not expressly approved by Daniels Electronics Ltd.The  design  of  this equipment is  subject  to  change  due  to  continuousdevelopment.  This equipment may incorporate minor changes in detail from theinformation contained in this manual.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3/UT-4 406 - 512 MHziiiTABLE OF CONTENTSPage1 GENERAL....................................................................................... 1-11.1Introduction............................................................................. 1-11.2 Performance Specification............................................................ 1-12THEORY OF OPERATION................................................................... 2-12.1Amplifier Operation.................................................................... 2-12.2 Power Requirements................................................................... 2-22.3 RF Circuitry............................................................................ 2-22.3.1UT-3/400 Lowpass Filter.................................................... 2-22.4 Power Control Circuitry............................................................... 2-32.5 Power Sensing Circuitry.............................................................. 2-32.5.1Output Power Sense.......................................................... 2-32.5.2VSWR Sense.................................................................. 2-42.5.3VSWR Overload.............................................................. 2-43UT-3/400 AMPLIFIER ALIGNMENT...................................................... 3-13.1 General.................................................................................. 3-13.2 Repair Note............................................................................. 3-13.3Recommended Test Equipment List................................................. 3-13.4 Printed Circuitboard Numbering Convention....................................... 3-23.5 Standard Factory Settings and Jumper Configuration............................. 3-23.6 UT-3/400 Amplifier Alignment....................................................... 3-23.6.1General......................................................................... 3-23.6.2UT-3/400 Amplifier Adjustment............................................ 3- Set-Up....................................................... 3- Power Alarm (Forward Power) ........................... 3- Power......................................................... 3- VSWR Alarm (Reverse Power).......................... 3- VSWR Overload........................................... 3- Verification............................................... 3-64ILLUSTRATIONS AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS.................................... 4-14.1 UT-3/400 UHF Amplifier Component Layout..................................... 4-24.2 UT-3/400 UHF Amplifier Schematic Diagram..................................... 4-34.3 UT-3/400 UHF Lowpass Filter Component Layout............................... 4-54.4 UT-3/400 UHF Lowpass Filter Schematic Diagram............................... 4-5
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSivUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz5 PARTS LISTS...................................................................................5-15.1 UT-4/400 UHF Amplifier Electrical Parts List......................................5-15.2 UT-4/400 UHF Amplifier Mechanical Parts List...................................5-45.3 UT-3/400 UHF Low Pass Filter Electrical Parts List..............................5-46REVISION HISTORY..........................................................................6-1
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz1-11GENERAL1.1 IntroductionThe UT-3/400 Amplifier provides the final stage of  RF amplification and filtering for  the entireUHF Transmitter UT-3 406 -512 MHz family.   The amplifier has four distinct frequency ranges:406 to 430 MHz, 450 to 470 MHz, 470 to 490 MHz and 490 to 512 MHz as well as two distinctoutput power ranges: 0.5 to 2.0 Watts and 2.0 to 8.0 Watts.  The UT-3/400 Amplifier is housed ina machined aluminum case that ensures optimum RF shielding, provides a good ground, and alsoacts as a heatsink.Additionally, the UT-3/400 Amplifier is  equipped with output power  and VSWR sensing  lineswhich can be individually configured as  open collector or linear outputs.    The internal VSWRsensor protects the amplifier from high antenna VSWR by approximately halving the amplifier'sRF gain when a VSWR overload condition is present.  Output filtering for the UT-3/400 Amplifier is provided by the UT-3/400 Lowpass Filter Board.The lowpass filter assembly is mounted in a separate compartment of the amplifier case in order toprovided maximum attenuation of harmonic and other spurious signals.  Refer to Section 4  for  the UT-3  406  -  512  MHz UHF amplifier and lowpass filter componentlayouts and schematic diagrams1.2Performance SpecificationType: MT-3 series UHF Amplifier module.Compatibility:MT-3 series Transmitter Main Board.Frequency Range: 406  to 430  MHz,  450  to 470  MHz,  470  to  490  MHz  or490 to 512 MHz.RF Power Output:adjustable 0.5 to 2.0 Watts or 2.0 to 8.0 WattsRF power Input:nominal level adjustable from +4 dBm to +10 dBm,held within +/- 2 dB of nominal.Ouput Impedance and VSWR:50 Ω,  Type N connector;  3:1 max. VSWR.Input /Output Isolation:> 60 dBDuty Cycle:100%: Continuous operation from -40˚ C to +60˚C.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS1-2UHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHzHarmonic Emissions: Less than -80 dBc .Transmitter Mismatch Protection:20:1 VSWR at all phase angles.Transmitter Alarm:Forward power sense and reverse VSWR;- open collector output (separate or 'OR'ed configuration);-linear output (separate lines only).Operating Temperature Range: -30˚ C to +60˚ C, optional -40˚ C temperature test.Operating Humidity:95% RH (non-condensing) at +25˚ C.Operating Voltage:+13.8 Vdc Nominal (range +11 to +16 Vdc),+9.5 Vdc Regulated.Transmit Current: 0.7 Amp typical;  1.1 Amp maximumAmplifier Standby Current: less than 0.5 mA.Amplifier Enable:Active to ground.Amplifier Enable Response:typically overdamped, rising to within 90% of full power within 5 msec; maximum (underdamped) overshoot of 30%.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz2-12THEORY OF OPERATION2.1Amplifier OperationThe operation of the UT-3/400 Amplifier varies slightly according to whether the amplifier is a lowpower (0.5-2.0 W) or a high power (2.0-8.0 W) version.  The low power amplifier does not usetransistor Q1 to boost the output power; consequently, it does not require the +13.8 Vdc supply.In both versions the power control circuitry monitors the RF  output power  of amplifier U4  andkeeps the power constant.  Therefore, the output power from the high power amplifier will changeas the unregulated +13.8 Vdc supply varies. Note that the frequency band does not change how theamplifier operates; it only changes a few component values in the RF circuitry.Power for the UT-3/400 Amplifier is provided from the MT-3 Transmitter Board.  The +13.8 Vdcsupply (if required) is continuously connected to the amplifier; whereas, the +9.5 Vdc supply  isalways switched by the transmitter's PTT circuitry.  The UT-3/400 Amplifier will not consume anypower from the +13.8 Vdc supply until +9.5 Vdc is switched on for the amplifier's circuitry andan RF input signal is present.  The synthesizer or crystal control module controls the +9.5 Vdc tothe amplifier's circuitry; switching it on  by  grounding  the  amplifier's  input enable line.    Thesynthesizer will ground  the input enable line  only  when  the synthesizer's RF  signal  is  phaselocked.  This prevents unwanted spurious emissions during transmitter start-up.  A typical start-upsequence is listed below:1) +13.8 Vdc is always present2)  the transmitter is keyed on3) +9.5 Vdc is switched on by the PTT circuitry and the synthesizeror crystal control module PTT line is pulled low4)  an RF signal is output to the amplifier5)  the amplifier's input enable line is activated6)  the amplifier outputs RF power
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS2-2UHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz2.2Power RequirementsTypical current requirements for the UT-3/400 Amplifier at different power levels are given in theTable 2-1 below.  The current drawn from the +9.5 Vdc supply should  never exceed 1.2  Ampsand the current drawn from the +13.8 Vdc supply should never exceed 1.5 Amps.Table 2-1 UT-3/400 Amplifier Current Consumption0.5 to 2.0 Watt Amplifier2.0 to 8.0 Watt AmplifierOutput+9.5 VdcOutput+9.5 Vdc+13.8 VdcPower Supply Current PowerSupply CurrentSupply Current0.5 W 0.65 A 2.0 W 0.64 A 0.51 A1.0 W 0.87 A 4.0 W 0.79 A 0.75 A1.5 W 1.02 A 6.0 W 0.89 A 0.93 A2.0 W 1.17 A 8.0 W 1.04 A 1.10 ANote: Current consumption measured at 470 MHz2.3 RF CircuitryThe RF circuitry consists of several blocks: a 5 dB input pad (R1,  R2,  and R3),  an RF amplifiermodule (U4), an output power boosting transistor (Q1), three directional couplers (TL1, TL3, andTL4), and the UT-3/400 Lowpass  Filter.    The heart of  the UT-3/400 Amplifier is  RF amplifiermodule U4.  This module amplifies a 1  mW signal up  to a maximum of  2.0  W,  at the antennaconnector, for a low power unit.  In high power units, the output of U4 is further amplified by Q1to a maximum of 8.0  Watts at the antenna connector.  Capacitors C17 and C24 provide tuning fortransistor Q1's input and output match.  Although the input match and the output match for Q1 aretunable, the networks have been made broadband so  that the high power amplifiers will operateover the same frequency range as the low power amplifiers.  The frequency band of the UT-3/400Amplifier is determined by  the operating frequency  range  of  the  RF amplifier module U4.Directional couplers (TL1, TL3, and TL4) are used  to sample forward  and reverse power.   Thesampled  power  is  used  by  the  sensing  and  power  control circuits to  control  the  amplifier'soperation.  The final step in the RF path is output filtering and, as mentioned earlier, this is done bythe UT-3/400 Lowpass Filter.2.3.1UT-3/400 Lowpass FilterThe UT-3/400 Lowpass Filter is a 50 ohm, 9 pole, reciprocal filter with a 3 dB cutoff frequency ofapproximately 512 MHz.  The lowpass filter assembly attenuates the desired signal's harmonics aswell as  any other out-of-band emissions so  that  a 'clean' RF  signal  is  output  to  the antennaconnector.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz2-32.4Power Control CircuitryThe UT-3/400 Amplifier employs a closed loop power control which uses a sample of the forwardRF power to control the gain of RF amplifier U4.  Op-amp U1b compares the sampled RF voltageto the output power setpoint and generates an error signal which Q3 uses to control the voltage onU4's gain control pin.  The output power setpoint is determined by R7,  the Output Power Adjustpotentiometer. In low power amplifiers jumper JU5 is installed and the forward power is sampled by TL3, D6,C27,  R18,  L11, R19,  and C28.    In  high power amplifiers jumper JU5  is  not installed and theforward power is sampled by TL1, D5, C14,  R13,  L6, R12,  and C15.   In both high power andlow  power  amplifiers,  the  power  control circuitry keeps  the  output  power  of  U4  constant.Therefore, in high power amplifiers, the amplifier's output power will fluctuate with variations inthe +13.8 Vdc supply voltage.2.5Power Sensing CircuitryThe UT-3/400 Amplifier is equipped with output power and VSWR sensing  lines which can beindividually configured as open collector or linear outputs.    In  open collector configuration, theoutput is active low, that is, when a fail condition is detected (not enough output power or too highantenna VSWR) the open collector transistor is  turned  on.    In linear configuration,  a voltageproportional to the sensed output power or antenna VSWR is output.  Both the Output Power Alarm setpoint and the VSWR Alarm setpoint are individually adjustable;however,  the Output Power Alarm setpoint must always be adjusted before  the  VSWR Alarmsetpoint.  This is because the Output Power Alarm setpoint is used as a reference by  the VSWRAlarm circuitry.2.5.1 Output Power SenseThe output power  sense circuitry uses directional coupler TL3 to sample some of  the  forwardpower.  The sampled power  is rectified by  diode D6 and capacitor C27  and then amplified byop-amp U3b.  Op-amp U3b's amplification is controlled by R21,  the output power alarm adjustpotentiometer.  The amplified voltage is then output directly in linear operation (JU1 installed, JU2not installed) or compared to +6.3 Vdc by op-amp U1a which then drives transistors Q5 and Q6for open collector operation (JU1 not installed, JU2 installed).In open collector configuration, Q6 (the open collector output transistor) is  turned on  when  analarm condition occurs.  The adjustment range for the output power alarm can vary depending onthe setting of R21 (the Output Power Alarm Adjust potentiometer).
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS2-4UHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz2.5.2VSWR SenseThe VSWR sense circuitry uses directional coupler TL4 to sample some of  the power reflectedfrom the antenna terminal.  The reflected power is rectified by diode D7 and capacitor C33 and thenamplified by op-amp U2b.  Op-amp U2b's amplification is controlled by R36,  the VSWR AlarmAdjust potentiometer.   The amplified voltage is  then  output directly in linear operation (JU4installed, JU3 not installed) or compared to the output power alarm setpoint by op-amp U3a whichthen drives transistor Q7 for open collector operation (JU4 not installed, JU3 installed).In open collector configuration, Q7 (the open collector output transistor) is  turned on  when  analarm condition occurs.  The adjustment range for the VSWR Alarm can depending on the settingof R36 (the VSWR Alarm Adjust potentiometer).2.5.3 VSWR OverloadThe VSWR overload circuit protects the UT-3/400 Amplifier from excessive antenna VSWR byreducing the amplifier's  gain (output power)  when  an  overload condition occurs.    The  VSWRoverload circuit (R38 to R41,  R8, U2a, and Q4) is an extension of the VSWR sense circuit andoperates  the  same  as  the  VSWR  sense  open collector circuit.    The  VSWR Overload Adjustpotentiometer (R38) reduces the voltage level of the VSWR Alarm Setpoint.   The voltage set byR38  is  the compared to  the  output  power alarm setpoint by  op-amp  U2a  which  then  drivestransistor Q4.    When  transistor  Q4  turns  on, signaling an  overload  condition,  resistor  R8  isgrounded which reduces the output power setpoint. Reducing the output power setpoint lowers theUT-3/400 Amplifier's gain and protects the amplifiers from excessive current draw resulting fromhigh antenna VSWR.  The VSWR overload circuit's  range of adjustment depends on  the setting of  the VSWR AlarmAdjust potentiometer (R36).  The VSWR overload transistor Q4 can be activated at the same pointat which the VSWR alarm becomes active or the VSWR overload circuit can be disabled by turningR38 completely counterclockwise.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz3-13UT-3/400 AMPLIFIER ALIGNMENT3.1GeneralConnections to the power supply, alarm and transmit enable lines (ENA), are clearly marked on theamplifier case. The amplifier is enabled when the enable line (ENA) is grounded.If the amplifier is installed in the transmitter, alignment is simplified by using  an SR-3  Subrack,SM-3  System  Monitor,  and  RF extender cable to  provide transmitter power  and  signalinterconnection (see the Transmitter Main Board Manual for  details).   For complete transmitteralignment, the Transmitter Main Board, Synthesizer, Amplifier, and Audio Processor  should  betuned in the aforementioned order. Please refer the corresponding manuals for each module.If the input RF level is not changed, adjustments to the output power and alarm thresholds may bemade  without  removing  the amplifier cover. However, in  the  case  of  a complete amplifieralignment, the amplifier should be separated from the Transmitter Main Board and the amplifiercover removed to expose all amplifier circuitry. All jumpers and test points are clearly marked.3.2 Repair NoteThe UT-3/400 Transmitter is mainly made up  of  surface  mount  devices  which  should  not  beremoved or replaced using an ordinary soldering iron.  Removal and replacement of surface mountcomponents should be performed only with specifically designed surface mount rework and repairstations complete with ElectroStatic Dissipative (ESD) protection.When removing Surface Mount Solder Jumpers, it is recommended to use solder braid in place ofmanual vacuum type desoldering tools when removing jumpers.  This will help prevent damage tothe circuitboards.3.3 Recommended Test Equipment ListAlignment of the transmitter requires the following test equipment or its equivalent.Dual Power Supply:Regulated +9.5 Vdc at 0.1 A.Regulated +13.8 Vdc at 2 A  - Topward TPS-4000Oscilloscope / Multimeter:Fluke 97 ScopemeterCurrent Meter:Fluke 75 multimeterRadio communications test set :Marconi Instruments 2955RVSWR 3:1 mismatch load:JFW  50T-035-3.0:1coaxial test cable set three 50 Ω cables of incremental length 20 to 40 cmAlignment Tool:Johanson 4192
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS3-2UHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHzIt is recommended that  the  radio communications test  set  be  frequency  locked  to  an externalreference (WWVH, GPS, Loran C) so that the high stability oscillator may be accurately set towithin its ±1 ppm frequency tolerance.3.4Printed Circuitboard Numbering ConventionTo ease troubleshooting and maintenance procedures, Daniels Electronics Limited has  adopted aprinted circuitboard (PCB) numbering convention in which the last two digits of  the circuitboardnumber represent the circuitboard version.  For example:• PCB number 43-9120    10     indicates circuitboard version 1.0;• PCB number 50002-    02     indicates circuitboard version 2.0.All PCB's manufactured by Daniels Electronics are identified by one of the above conventions.3.5Standard Factory Settings and Jumper ConfigurationThe UT-3/400 Amplifier is factory configured as follows:• Open collector configuration for Output Power Alarm (3 dB drop).• Open collector configuration for Antenna VSWR Alarm (VSWR ≥ 3:1).• Output power of 2 Watts or 6 Watts for low and high power amplifiers respectively.The corresponding jumper settings are:• Jumper JU1: not installedOutput power alarm - linear output• Jumper JU2:installedOutput power alarm - open collector output• Jumper JU3:installedAntenna VSWR alarm - open collector output• Jumper JU4: not installedAntenna VSWR alarm - linear output• Jumper JU5:installedLow power (2 W) transmitters• Jumper JU5: not installedHigh power (8 W) transmitters3.6 UT-3/400 Amplifier Alignment3.6.1 GeneralThe UT-3/400 Amplifier is a frequency sensitive module that is factory assembled to operate in oneof four frequency bands: 406 to 430 MHz,  450 to 470 MHz,  470  to 490  MHz or  490  to  512MHz.  The amplifier is available in a low power version, 0.5  to 2.0  Watts output power, and ahigh power version, 2.0  to 8.0  Watts output power.  Both amplifier versions  require 5  dBm ofinput power and in both versions the amplifiers output power is continuously adjustable over theits respective power range.  The UT-3/400 Amplifier provides Output Power and Antenna VSWRAlarm outputs  which  can  be  configured  for  open collector output  or linear operation.    The
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz3-3amplifier's output power level, alarm levels, and tuning for the transistor matching circuit in thehigh  power  version  can  be  set  without detaching the amplifier from  the transmitter board.However, if the output power alarm or  the Antenna VSWR alarm output configuration requireschanging, the UT-3/400 Amplifier must be detached from the MT-3 Transmitter Board.  Refer tosection 4 page 2 "UT-3/400 Amplifier Component Layout" for the location of solder jumpers JU1to JU5. 3.6.2UT-3/400 Amplifier AdjustmentThe Amplifier alignment consists  of  two adjustment procedures;   (i)  a general set  up  (section3.6.2.1) procedure which sets up the proper bias conditions for the RF transistors and (ii) the RFthreshold adjustments which set up  the desired alarm threshold levels as  well as  the RF  outputpower. The general alignment procedure is required following major repair operations, changes inRF input levels or large changes in operating frequency (greater than ± 1.0 MHz).The RF  output  and alarm threshold level adjustments are  more  easily accessible so  that  fineadjustments can be made in the field. Depending on  user  requirements, the RF alarm thresholdlevels should be checked whenever a significant change in operating frequency (±  0.5  MHz) ismade. As the antenna VSWR alarm is dependent on  the output power  alarm, the output poweralarm should always be set first.  The order of adjustment should be:The adjustment procedures for the high power and the low power version amplifiers are identicalafter the matching for transistor Q1 is tuned in the high power  version.    As the antenna VSWRalarm is dependent on the output power alarm, the output power alarm should always be set first.The order of adjustment should be:1) High Power Amplifiers Only — Tune the transistor matching circuit at thedesired frequency and power.2) Set the desired output power alarm level (section Set the desired output power level (section Set the desired Antenna VSWR alarm level (section Set the desired overload condition level (section for the preceding four steps are outlined below. Set-Up1 Connect the transmitter's antenna output connector to the type N  input of  the radiocommunications test set through a short section of low loss 50 Ω coaxial cable.2 Turn all four (4) of  the adjustment potentiometers (R7,  R21,  R36,  and R38)  fullycounterclockwise.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS3-4UHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz3 Turn on the power to the transmitter.4 For high power amplifier units, follow steps 5 to 7 below. For low power amplifiers,skip to the Output Power Alarm procedure.5 Tune the output matching capacitor for maximum output power.   This  should  beapproximately 8 Watts.6 For single frequency applications, tune the input matching capacitor so that +9.5 Vdccurrent is minimized without sacrificing output power.  For wideband applications itis best to tune the amplifier at the highest frequency in the band of interest and thentune the input matching capacitor so  that the +9.5 Vdc current never  exceeds  1.2amps over the desired frequency band.7 For  single  frequency  applications,  re-peak  the  output matching capacitor.    Forwideband applications it is best to tune the amplifier at the highest frequency in theband of interest and then re-peak the output matching capacitor so that the +13.8 Vdccurrent never exceeds 1.5 amps over the desired frequency band. Power Alarm (Forward Power)Open        Collector        Output       *note:  the output power alarm output is factory configured as an open collector outputso a pull-up  resistor may be required on transmitter pin B26  if one is  not alreadypresent.1Adjust R7,  the output power  adjustment, to the output power  at which the OutputPower Alarm is to be activated.2Monitor transmitter pin B26, the Output Power Alarm line, and slowly turn R21,  theoutput power alarm adjustment, clockwise until pin B26 goes low.  The alarm is nowset for the current output power of the transmitter.Linear        Output   1 Open the amplifier case  to  disable  (open  circuit) jumper  JU2  and enable (short)jumper JU1.2Monitor transmitter pin B26 with a voltmeter.3Adjust R7, the output power adjustment, for full transmitter output power.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz3-54Adjust R21, the output power alarm adjustment, so that the voltmeter indicates +7.5Vdc for full transmitter output power.5 Turn R7, the output power adjustment, fully counterclockwise.  The voltmeter shouldread approximately +3 Vdc.6Disconnect the voltmeter. Output Power1 Turn R7,  the output power  adjustment, clockwise to the desired transmitter outputpower. Antenna VSWR Alarm (Reverse Power)Open        Collector        Output       *note:   the antenna VSWR alarm output is  factory configured as  an  open collectoroutput so  a pull-up  resistor may be required on transmitter pin Z26 if  one  is  notalready present.  The output power alarm must be set first before the antenna VSWRalarm can be set.1Disconnect the radio communications test and terminate the transmitter with the 3:1mismatch load.2Monitor pin  Z26,  the Antenna VSWR Alarm line,  and  turn  R36  fullycounterclockwise.  Pin Z26 should  be high.    Slowly  turn  R36  clockwise until pinZ26 is pulled low.  Put the 50 ohm load back on again, Pin Z26 should go high.  Thereverse power trip point is now set for a VSWR of 3:1.Linear        Output   1 Open the amplifier case  to  disable  (open circuit) jumper  JU3  and enable (short)jumper JU4.2Monitor transmitter pin Z26 with a voltmeter.3Disconnect the radio communications test set and terminate the transmitter with the3:1 mismatch load.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS3-6UHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz4Adjust R36, the VSWR alarm adjustment, so that the voltmeter indicates +5 Vdc for a3:1 mismatch.5 Put the 50 ohm load back on again.  The voltmeter should read approximately 0 Vdc.6Disconnect the voltmeter. Antenna VSWR Overload1Disconnect the radio communications test set and so that the amplifier is terminatedwith an open circuit.2Monitor the current from the +9.5 Vdc supply.3Adjust R38, the VSWR overload adjustment, clockwise until a noticeable drop in the+9.5 Vdc current occurs.4Reconnect the radio communications test set and, the +9.5 Vdc current should returnto the previous level. Verification1Verify that the current drawn from the +13.8 Vdc supply is less than 1.5  A and fromthe +9.5 Vdc supply is less than 1.2 A when transmitting full 8 W RF output power.2 Turn off the power to the transmitter.
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS4-1 UHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz4 ILLUSTRATIONS AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSThis Page Intentionally Left Blank
VICTORIA B.C .DATE.:DWG No:TITLE:DDANIELS ELECTRONICS BOARD No.:DWG REV DATE:NOVEMBER 9, 1993 43-931613Components installed on bottom of board+Components mounted on case9316A6AM3 x 8 ScrewsM2.5 x 6 ScrewsM3 x 8 - M2.5 Cap SockD2Q1L7 L10R15FB1 FB2L5C17L8C20L9C24C19WIRETL5UT-3/400 LOWPASS FILTER ASSEMBLYTL2TL2Q2U4TL3TL4IRF95401N5402MRF641100RSEL150n0.6p-3.5p150n4u70.6p-3.5p SEL 16 AWG, REDUT-3/400 AMPLIFIER TH DESIGNATIONS AND VALUESVICTORIA B.C .DATE.:DWG No:TITLE:DDANIELS ELECTRONICS BOARD No.:DWG REV DATE:Factory installed jumpersUT-3/400 AMPLIFIER SM LAYOUTNOVEMBER 9, 1993 43-9316139316A4Not required for low power unitsC15R25C9R1R2 R3R4L1 L3L2 L4C4 C6C7C8C1 C3C2C5TL1D3D4Q3R5D1R6R7R8U1R9C10C11R10C12 C13D5 R14R13L6R11C16 C18C21 C22 C23C25C26TL3TL4R32 R17D6C27R18L11C28 R19C29 C30R20R21U3U2 R24  R22  R23R44C31C36R34 C35R42 R43D7 L12C33 R33C34 R35Q4R39 R41 R40R38 R36R37Q7Q6JU4JU3JU2JU1R28R29R31Q5 R30R27R26C32C14JU5R129316A51nSEL49k9180n 180n180n 180n18n 18n4u74u718n 18n18n18nDIRECTIONALCOUPLERBYD17JBYD17JD5P06V4k53MBZ5233B4k5350k27k43317210k010n100n10k0100n 10nMMBD701 49R922k61u549k910k0100n 10n 1nDIRECTIONALCOUPLERDIRECTIONALCOUPLER49R9 49R9MMBD701150pSEL1u510n SEL100n 10n10k050k331721k00 49k9 49k910k010n10nSEL 100n1k00 27k4MMBD701 1u5150p SEL10n 10k0BC8171k00 10k050k 50k1k00PZT2222APZT2222A1k0027k410k010k0BC817 49k9100k49k910n150p33172N/I15p N/ISELSELSEL SELUT-3/400 AMPLIFIER SM DESIGNATIONS AND VALUES10nMMBD7014.1    UT-3/UT-4 UHF Amplifier Component Layout  4-2DE DANIELSELECTRONICSUT3AMPM1AUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHzQ2IRF9540D21N5402TL5MMBD701WIREC3710nFC3810u+
OUTPUT POWER SELECT VALUESCOMPONENTR180.5 - 2.0 Watts 2.0 - 8.0 WattsR19R33R3439k249k94k5349k949k922k649k939k2C25* 7.5 pF 4.7 pFC26* 4.7 pF 3.0 pFdenotes components only installed on high power (2.0 - 8.0 Watt) units. FREQUENCY BAND SELECT VALUESCOMPONENT 406 - 430 MHz 450 - 470 MHzC19* 47 pF 39 pFU4 MHW707-1 MHW707-2NOTE:   *3.0 pF3.0 pF3.0 pFNot Installed470 - 495 MHz 495 - 512 MHz30 pF 30 pFMHW707-3 MHW707-4UT-3 / UT-4 SELECT VALUESCOMPONENTR1UT-3 406-470 UT-4 406-470R2R312k1422R422R-0R0NOT INSTALLEDNOT INSTALLED--VICTORIA B.C.DE DANIELS ELECTRONICS DE DANIELSELECTRONICSDWG REV DATE:     19 OCTOBER 1998DWG No:       UT3AMPM2BTITLE:          UT-3/UT-4 AMPLIFIER SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM4.2      UT-3/UT-4 UHF Amplifier Schematic Diagram            4-3UHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHzC38 D7APRVD:DATE:             23 JANUARY 1991 DWN BY:  MICHAEL GAUBEBOARD No:    43-931613 BOARD REV:             VERSION 1.3ANTENNAVSWRALARMOUTPUT POWERALARM ADJUST VSWROVERLOADADJUST R16U4TL5R44Q7L12JU5J2FIL5FB2OVERLOAD  VSWR ALARM SETPOINT UNUSED REFERENCE DESIGNATORSHIGHEST REFERENCE DESIGNATIONRF INOUTPUT POWERSETPOINT OUTPUT POWERADJUST OUTPUTPOWERALARM+13.8 VDCAMPLIFIERENABLE INPUT+9.5 VDCRF OUTVSWRALARMADJUST OUTPUT POWERALARM SETPOINT 2 dB PADR910k0C218nFC1010nFR750kR54k53R1010k0C11100nF DS Q3D5P06VR3SELR1SELR449k9D2IN5402LPFFIL1LPFFIL2LPFFIL3C91nFC118nFC318nFC518nFC618nFC418nF + C74.7uFL1180nH DS Q2IRF9540R64k53D4BYD17JR2SELD3BYD17JL3180nHL4180nHL5150nHR3510k0C3410nFQ7PZT2222AR4410k0R3650kC33150pFR33SELR421k00R4327k4R2349k9C3110nFC3610nF 6 5 87  4U2bMC33172D7MMBD701R2249k9R2010k0R19SELC2810nFC27150pFR18SELL111.5uHD6MMBD701Q5BC817-25 R2910k0 R251k00R2827k4Q4BC817-25R4110k0R391k00R27100kC3210nFR2649k9R3049k9Q6PZT2222AR3110k0R3850kR371k00JU1JU4R241k00 2 3 1 MC33172U3a 2 3 1 MC33172U2a 6 5 87  4U3bMC33172C29100nFC3010nFLPFFIL4 JU2LPFFIL5 JU3C35100nFR2150kL6*1.5uHC14*150pFD5*MMBD701L2180nHR40Not InstalledTL3DIRECTIONAL COUPLERTL4DIRECTIONAL COUPLERR1749R9R3249R9J2TL5CONFORMABLECOAXLPFLOWPASS FILTERMHW 707MHW707-SELU4JU5C12100nFC1310nF  2  3 41   8U1aMC331726  5    7MC33172U1bL121.5uHR1110k0R12*49k9R13*22k6C15*10nFR827k4R34SELTO ALL SWITCHED+9.5V+13.8 VDCSWITCHED+9.5VSWITCHED+9.5VSWITCHED+9.5VSWITCHED+9.5VSWITCHED+9.5VQ1*MRF641+13.8 VDC + C84.7uFTL2CONFORMABLECOAXL9*5.0 TURNC16*15pFFB1*C19*SELC26*SEL +C20*4.7uFC22*10nFC21*100nFC23*1nFL7*0.75 TURNL10*1 TURNFB2*R15*100RTL1*DIRECTIONAL COUPLERR14*49R9C25*SELSELC18*C24*0.6-3.5pFL8*150nHC17*0.6-3.5pFD1MBZ5233BC3710nF10uFC38SMBJ1
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS4-4 UHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHzThis Page Intentionally Left Blank
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz4-54.3UT-3/400 UHF Lowpass Filter Component Layout4.4 UT-3/400 UHF Lowpass Filter Schematic Diagram
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS4-6UHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHzThis Page Intentionally Left Blank
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz5-15 PARTS LISTS5.1UT-3 / UT4 UHF Amplifier Electrical Parts ListNOTE:  Reference Designators labeled with an asterisk (*) are used only in 2.0 - 8.0 Watts amplifiers.RefDesig Description Part No.C1-C6CAP., SM, 18nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-4B183K5RC7, C8CAP., SM, 4.7µF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C9CAP., SM, 1nF CER, 1206, C0G 1008-3B102K1GC10CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-4B103K5RC11, C12CAP., SM, 100nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-5B104K5RC13CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-4B103K5RC14*CAP., SM, 150pF CER, 1206, C0G 1008-2B151J1GC15*CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-4B103K5RC16*CAP., SM, 15pF PORCEL., ±5%, 500V  1036-1B2150J5C17*CAP. TRIM, 0.6-3.5pF VERT., >9T  1082-C0R6003GC18*CAP., SM, NOT INSTALLED   NOT INSTALLEDC19*CAP., SM, 47pF PORCEL., ±5%, 500V  1036-1B2470J5 (406-430 MHz)C19* CAP., SM, 39pF PORCEL., ±5%, 500V  1036-1B2390J5 (450-470 MHz)C19* CAP., SM, 30pF PORCEL., ±5%, 500V  1036-1B2300J5 (470-490 MHz)C19* CAP., SM, 30pF PORCEL., ±5%, 500V  1036-1B2300J5 (490-512 MHz)C20*CAP., 4.7µF DIP. TANT., 10%, 35V  1054-5E475K35C21*CAP., SM, 100nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-5B104K5RC22*CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-4B103K5RC23*CAP., SM, 1nF CER, 1206, C0G 1008-3B102K1GC24*CAP. TRIM, 0.6-3.5pF VERT., >9T  1082-C0R6003GC25*CAP., SM, 7.5pF PORCEL., ±0.25pF 1036-0B2759C5 (406-430 MHz)C25* CAP., SM, 4.7pF PORCEL., ±0.25pF 1036-0B2479C5 (450-470 MHz)C25* CAP., SM, 3.0pF PORCEL., ±0.25pF 1036-0B2309C5 (470-490 MHz)C25* CAP., SM, NOT INSTALLED  NOT INSTALLED (490-512 MHz)C26*CAP., SM, 4.7pF PORCEL., ±0.25pF 1036-0B2479C5 (406-430 MHz)C26* CAP., SM, 3.0pF PORCEL., ±0.25pF 1036-0B2309C5 (450-470 MHz)C26* CAP., SM, 3.0pF PORCEL., ±0.25pF 1036-0B2309C5 (470-490 MHz)C26* CAP., SM, 3.0pF PORCEL., ±0.25pF 1036-0B2309C5 (490-512 MHz)C27CAP., SM, 150pF CER, 1206, C0G 1008-2B151J1GC28CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-4B103K5RC29CAP., SM, 100nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-5B104K5RC30-C32CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-4B103K5RC33CAP., SM, 150pF CER, 1206, C0G 1008-2B151J1GC34CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-4B103K5RC35CAP., SM, 100nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-5B104K5RC36CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 1206, X7R  1008-4B103K5RC37CAP., 10nF FILM, MMK5, 10%,63V 1016-4A103K63C38CAP., 10µF DIP. TANT., 20%, 25V 1054-6E106M25D1 DIODE, MBZ5233B 6.0V ZENER, SOT-23 2102-MBZ5233BD2 DIODE, IN5402 3A RECT, DO-201AD  2001-1N540200D3, D4 DIODE, BYD17J RECTIFIER, SOD-87 2101-BYD17J00D5* DIODE, MMBD701 HOT CARRIER, SOT-23  2105-MMBD7010D6, D7 DIODE, MMBD701 HOT CARRIER, SOT-23  2105-MMBD7010
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS5-2UHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHzRefDesig                  Description                                                                         Part        No.                                                  FB1* FERRITE BEAD, 64 MIX 3x3.5 mm OD  1210-64030350FB2* FERRITE BEAD, 64 MIX 3x3.5 mm OD  1210-64030350FIL1, 2FILTER, EMI PI/5500pF, 8-32 UNC  1302-P552D10DFIL3*FILTER, EMI PI/5500pF, 8-32 UNC  1302-P552D10DFIL4, 5FILTER, EMI PI/5500pF, 8-32 UNC  1302-P552D10DJ1CONN., SMB, JACK,2 HOLE FLANGE 5120-J2SC01BGJ2 CONNECTOR, N JACK PANEL MNT, C/SNK 5184-10923011L1-L4 INDUCTOR, SM, 180nH 20%, 1812  1255-2GR1800ML5 CHOKE RF/MOLDED, 150nH 10%, 0.37  1251-2B00R15KL6* INDUCTOR, SM, 1.5µH 10%, 1812  1255-3G1R500KL7* COIL, 0.75 TURN 16AWG, 4.0 mm ID  $1220-0T751615L8* CHOKE RF/MOLDED, 150nH 10%, 0.25  1251-2A00R15KL9*COIL/RF, 5.0 TURN 18AWG, 0.18"ID  $1220-5T001817L10* COIL, 1 TURN 16AWG, 4.0 mm ID  $1220-1T001617L11, L12 INDUCTOR, SM, 1.5µH 10%, 1812  1255-3G1R500KQ1*TRANSISTOR, MRF641 470 MHz, 15W  2025-MRF64100Q2 MOSFET, IRF9540 P-CHANNEL, TO-220  2044-IRF95400Q3MOSFET, D5P06V P-CHANNEL, DPAK  2144-D5P06V00Q4, Q5TRANSISTOR, BC817-25 NPN, SOT-23  2120-BC817025Q6, Q7TRANSISTOR, PZT2222A NPN, SOT-223  2120-PZT2222AR1RES., SM, 12R1 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-1B12R1FP (UT-3 406-470 MHz)R1RES., SM, ZERO OHM JUMPER,12061150-0B0R0000 (UT-4 406-470 MHz)R2, R3RES., SM, 422R 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-2B4220FP (UT-3 406-470 MHz)R2, R3 NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLED (UT-3 406-470 MHz)R4RES., SM, 49k9 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B4992FPR5, R6RES., SM, 4k53 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-3B4531FPR7POT., SM, 50k 12 TURN, SIDE ADJUST  1172-M30503X5R8RES., SM, 27k4 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B2742FPR9-R11RES., SM, 10k0 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B1002FPR12*RES., SM, 49k9 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B4992FPR13*RES., SM, 22k6 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B2262FPR14*RES., SM, 49R9 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-1B49R9FPR15*RES., 100R METAL FILM, 5%, 2W  1105-2A0101JIR16 UNUSED REFERENCE DESIGNATIONR17RES., SM, 49R9 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-1B49R9FPR18RES., SM, 39k2 1206, 1%, 100ppm 1150-4B3922FP (0.5 - 2.0 Watts)R18RES., SM, 49k9 1206, 1%, 100ppm 1150-4B4992FP (2.0 - 8.0 Watts)R19RES., SM, 49k9 1206, 1%, 100ppm 1150-4B4992FP (0.5 - 2.0 Watts)R19RES., SM, 22k6 1206, 1%, 100ppm 1150-4B2262FP (2.0 - 8.0 Watts)R20RES., SM, 10k0 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B1002FPR21POT., SM, 50k 12 TURN, SIDE ADJUST  1172-M30503X5R22,R23RES., SM, 49k9 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B4992FPR24,R25RES., SM, 1k00 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-3B1001FPR26RES., SM, 49k9 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B4992FPR27RES., SM, 100k 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-5B1003FPR28RES., SM, 27k4 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B2742FPR29RES., SM, 10k0 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B1002FP
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz5-3R30 RES., SM, 49k9 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B4992FPR31RES., SM, 10k0 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B1002FPRefDesig                  Description                                                                            Part        No.                                               R32RES., SM, 49R9 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-1B49R9FPR33RES., SM, 4k53 1206, 1%, 100ppm 1150-3B4531FP (0.5 - 2.0 Watts)R33RES., SM, 49k9 1206, 1%, 100ppm 1150-4B4992FP (2.0 - 8.0 Watts)R34RES., SM, 49k9 1206, 1%, 100ppm 1150-4B4992FP (0.5 - 2.0 Watts)R34RES., SM, 39k2 1206, 1%, 100ppm 1150-4B3922FP (2.0 - 8.0 Watts)R35RES., SM, 10k0 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B1002FPR36 POT., SM, 50k 12 TURN, SIDE ADJUST  1172-M30503X5R37RES., SM, 1k00 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-3B1001FPR38POT., SM, 50k 12 TURN, SIDE ADJUST  1172-M30503X5R39RES., SM, 1k00 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-3B1001FPR40RES., SM, NOT INSTALLED   NOT INSTALLEDR41RES., SM, 10k0 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B1002FPR42RES., SM, 1k00 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-3B1001FPR43RES., SM, 27k4 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B2742FPR44RES., SM, 10k0 1206, 1%, 100ppm  1150-4B1002FPTL1* COAX, DIRECTIONAL COUPLER 0.5"  7496-30CR005TTL2 COAX, CONFORMABLE 50 OHM, 0.083", 60 mm  7482-5024T083TL3, TL4 COAX, DIRECTIONAL COUPLER 0.5"  7496-30CR005TTL5 COAX, CONFORMABLE 50 OHM, 0.083", 29 mm  7482-5024T083U1-U3I.C., MC33172 DUAL OP AMP, S0-8  2302-33172N08U4AMP, RF, MHW707-1 7W, 403-440 MHz 2257-MHW70701 (406-430 MHz)U4AMP, RF, MHW707-2 7W, 440-470 MHz 2257-MHW70702 (450-470 MHz)U4AMP, RF, MHW707-3 7W, 470-500 MHz 2257-MHW70703 (470-490 MHz)U4AMP, RF, MHW707-4 7W, 490-512 MHz 2257-MHW70704 (490-512 MHz)PCB UT-3/400 AMPLIFIER  4323-15931613LPF UT-3/400 LOWPASS FILTER ASSEMBLY  A23-LPF-3
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS5-4UHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz5.2UT-3/400 UHF Amplifier Mechanical Parts ListDescription Part No. Qty.CAP SCREW, 8-32 X 1/4, HEX BUTTON - 9/64 5806-832BH04S 1 (0.5 - 2.0 Watts)CASE, MT-3 VHF/UHF AMPLIFIER, ALUMINUM3702-66102130 1HEATSHRINK,  1/8" DIA, RED, 1" LENGTH CONSUMABLE 1 (2.0 - 8.0 Watts)INSULATOR, THERM. COND. TO-220 5622-1T220701 1LABEL, IDENTIFICATION/TEST, FOIL CONSUMABLE 1LID, CASE MT-3 AMPLIFIER, ALUMINUM3702-66102151 1SCREW, M2 X 6, PAN/PHIL., A2 5812-2M0PP06S2SCREW, M2 X 4, PAN/PHIL., A25812-2M0PP04S10SCREW, M2.5 X 6, PAN/PHIL., A25812-2M5PP06S3SCREW, M3 X 6, FLAT/PHIL., A25812-3M0FP06S4SCREW, M3 X 8, PAN/PHIL., A25812-3M0PP08S9SCREW, M3 X 8, CAP SOCK-M2.5 5816-3M0SH08S 4 (0.5 - 2.0 Watts)SCREW, M3 X 8, CAP SOCK-M2.5 5816-3M0SH08S 6 (2.0 - 8.0 Watts)SET SCREW, M3 X 3, HEX SOCKET, A2 5817-3M0AC03S 1SHOULDER WASHER, M3 0.24" OD, NYLON 5674-120N2440 1TURRET TERMINAL, 4-40 0.188L, Tn 5053-144M188T 1WIRE, PVC/STRANDED 16AWG, RED, 70 mm 7110-16S26302 1 (2.0 - 8.0 Watts)5.3 UT-3/400 UHF Low Pass Filter Electrical Parts ListRefDesig Description Part No.C1CAP., SM, 7.5pF PORCEL, ±0.25 pF 1036-0B2759C5C2-C4CAP., SM, 15pF PORCEL, ±5%, 500V 1036-1B2150J5C5CAP., SM, 7.5pF PORCEL, ±0.25 pF 1036-0B2759C5L1 - L4 COIL, 2 TURNS 16 AWG BELD, 4.0 mm ID 1220-2T001622PCBPCB, LPF, VT-3/150 & UT-3/400 4321-16931712
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSUHF Amplifier Instruction Manual UT-3 406 - 512 MHz6-16REVISION HISTORYISSUEDATEREVISION1October 98 First Issue.

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