Zetron VT-3A130-S-FSH Transmitter User Manual Enhanced AM FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual

Codan Radio Communications Transmitter Enhanced AM FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual

Enhanced AM FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual

DANIELSELECTRONICS LTD.TMMT-3 RADIO SYSTEMSENHANCED AM/FMSYNTHESIZERINSTRUCTION MANUALOS(R/T)-3(A/H)  29 - 470 MHzCovers models:OST-3H035, OST-3H045, OSR-3H061OST-3A128, OSR-3A149OST-3H141, OST-3H162, OSR-3H141, OSR-3H162OST-3H440, OSR-3H440Copyright © 2000 Daniels Electronics Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may bereproduced, stored in a retrieval  system or transmitted in any form or by any means,  electronic,mechanical,  photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the  prior written consent of DanielsElectronics Ltd.DE™ is a registered trademark of Daniels Electronics Ltd. registered in the United States Patent andTrademark Office.Issue: 3 Previous Issue:  2Issue Date: March 2000 Previous Issue Date: March 1998 Daniels Electronics Ltd.Printing Date: March 2000 Victoria, BC.Part No.: IM10-OS3AH    PRINTED IN CANADA
DE DANIELSELECTRONICSii Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzReviewed By:Quality Assurance:Claudia        Boorman                                                                                     _________________Name Signature DateNOTE:The user's authority to operate this equipment could be revoked through anychanges or modifications not expressly approved by Daniels Electronics Ltd.The design of this equipment is subject to change due to continuous development.This equipment may incorporate minor changes in detail  from  the informationcontained in this manual.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS Page1 GENERAL..........................................................................................1-11.1 Introduction...................................................................................1-11.2 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Enhanced Synthesizer Family Models ................................1-11.3 Performance Specifications .................................................................1-31.4 Printed Circuit Board Numbering Convention ...........................................1-42 THEORY OF OPERATION......................................................................2-12.1 Internal Power and Control (Digital Board)...............................................2-12.2 Synthesizer Analog Circuitry (Analog Board)............................................2-12.2.1 Common Analog Board Circuitry.......................................................2-12.2.2 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Circuitry ................................................2-32.2.3 118 - 159.4 MHz Multichannel AM Analog Board Circuitry........................2-32.2.4 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Circuitry................................................2-42.2.5 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Circuitry................................................2-52.3 Synthesizer Digital Circuitry (Digital Board) .............................................2-62.4 Frequency Control ...........................................................................2-62.4.1 BCD Switch Frequency Control ........................................................2-62.4.2 Frequency Select Handle Frequency Control..........................................2-72.5 Synthesizer Base and Frequency Increment Table .......................................2-72.6 5.0/6.25 kHz Channelization. ..............................................................2-82.7 8.333 kHz Channelization. .................................................................2-82.8 12.5 kHz Channelization....................................................................2-93 SYNTHESIZER ALIGNMENT .................................................................3-13.1 General ........................................................................................3-13.2 Repair Note ...................................................................................3-13.3 Recommended Test Equipment.............................................................3-13.4 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Synthesizer Factory Configuration ....................................3-13.5 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Synthesizer Alignment ..................................................3-23.5.1 General .....................................................................................3-23.5.2 Synthesizer Test Points...................................................................3-23.5.3 Synthesizer Removal and Installation...................................................3-33.5.4 Circuit Board Removal ...................................................................3-33.5.5 Frequency Adjustment and Channel Selection.........................................3- VHF OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz VCO Alignment ...............................3- VHF OS(R/T)-3A 118 - 159.4 MHz Alignment ...................................3- VHF OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz VCO Alignment...............................3- UHF OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz VCO Alignment...............................3- Reference Frequency Alignment .....................................................3-63.5.6 Jumper Configuration ....................................................................3-6
DE DANIELSELECTRONICSiv Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz4 ILLUSTRATIONS AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS....................................... 4-14.1 OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Diagrams .................................. 4-14.1.1 OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Bottom) ........ 4-14.1.2 OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Top) ............ 4-24.1.3 OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Schematic Diagram.................... 4-34.2 OS(R/T)-3A 118 – 159.4 MHz Analog Board Diagrams............................... 4-54.2.1 OS(R/T)-3A 118 – 159.4 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Bottom)..... 4-54.2.2 OS(R/T)-3A 118 – 159.4 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Top)......... 4-64.2.3 OS(R/T)-3A 118 – 159.4 MHz Analog Board Schematic Diagram ................ 4-74.3 OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Diagrams.................................. 4-94.3.1 OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Bottom)........ 4-94.3.2 OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Top)...........4-104.3.3 OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Schematic Diagram ..................4-114.4 OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Diagrams.................................4-134.4.1 OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Bottom).......4-134.4.2 OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Top)...........4-144.4.3 OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Schematic Diagram ..................4-154.5 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital Board Diagrams................................................4-174.5.1 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital Board Component Layout (Bottom)......................4-174.5.2 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital Board Component Layout (Top)..........................4-184.5.3 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital Board Schematic Diagram .................................4-195 PARTS LISTS..................................................................................... 5-15.1 OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Electrical Parts List....................... 5-15.2 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 118 – 159.4 MHz Analog Board Electrical Parts List .............. 5-55.3 OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Electrical Parts List ...................... 5-85.4 OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Electrical Parts List .....................5-115.5 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital Board Electrical Parts List ....................................5-145.6 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Synthesizer Mechanical Parts List....................................5-156 REVISION HISTORY............................................................................ 6-1
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 1-11 GENERAL1.1 IntroductionThe OS-3A/H Synthesizer Module produces a low distortion, high stability, FM modulated (FMtransmitter) or unmodulated (receiver LO, AM transmitter) RF signal covering the frequency bandsof 29 - 50 MHz, 118 - 159.4 MHz, 118 - 174 MHz and 406 - 470 MHz. It achieves ±1 ppmfrequency stability from -40°C to +60°C with its own internal reference, or it can be slaved to anexternal  10/9.6 MHz reference signal of desired stability. The OS-3H Synthesizer Module isprovided in eleven models covering three primary frequency bands (see section 1.2). A synthesizermodule can be easily removed for programming, calibration, or repair. Each  synthesizer modulecontains two circuit boards providing digital and analog functionality. The analog RF circuitry isfully isolated in a shielded compartment. Three inter-board filtered wire connections provide signaland power interface. Digital signal and power control is provided through five photo-logic opticaltransceivers, further enhancing electrical noise isolation.1.2 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Enhanced Synthesizer Family ModelsThe OS-3A/H Synthesizer module family forms an integral component of the MT-3 receiver andtransmitter product line. In transmitters, the OS-3A/H synthesizer provides a modulated low levelRF signal to the Power Amplifier module. In receivers, the OS-3A/H synthesizer provides a lownoise local oscillator signal that either directly drives the mixer circuitry or drives a buffer amplifierin order to achieve higher LO mixer drive required for enhanced intermodulation capability. Thereare eleven distinct models in the OS-3H  Enhanced Synthesizer Family. Note that this manualprovides service and operating information for   all    eleven  synthesizer  family  members. It isimportant to establish the correct synthesizer model number of interest in order to direct attention tospecific documented information. The specific model number is printed on the synthesizer moduletop cover.The eleven models are described as follows:Frequency Band: 29 - 50 MHz,      Common       OS-3H0xx       Analog        Board• OST-3H035 - synthesized, installed in transmitter, 29 - 38 MHz RF output.• OST-3H045 - synthesized, installed in transmitter, 38 - 50 MHz RF output.• OSR-3H061 - synthesized, installed in receiver, 50.4 - 71.4 MHz RF output.
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS1-2 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzFrequency Band: 118 - 159.4 MHz,      AM       Multichannel       OS-3H1xx      Analog        Board• OST-3A128 - synthesized, installed in AM transmitter, 118 - 138 MHz RF output.• OSR-3A149 - synthesized, installed in AM receiver, 139.4 - 159.4 MHz RF output.Frequency Band: 118 - 174 MHz,      Common       OS-3H1xx      Analog        Board• OST-3H141 - synthesized, installed in FM transmitter, 128 – 152.6 MHz RF output.• OST-3H162 - synthesized, installed in FM transmitter, 150 - 174 MHz RF output.• OSR-3H141 - synthesized, installed in FM receiver, 128 – 152.6 MHz RF output.• OSR-3H162 - synthesized, installed in FM receiver, 150 - 174 MHz RF output.Frequency Band: 406 - 470 MHz,      Common       OS-3H4xx      Analog        Board• OST-3H440 - synthesized, installed in FM transmitter, 406 - 470 MHz RF output.• OSR-3H440 - synthesized, installed in FM receiver, 427.4 - 451.4 MHz RF output.The OS-3A/H Enhanced Synthesizer models are very similar; all models use the same digital boardand mechanical construction. The significant differences between the models relate to the analogboard. There are four different analog boards covering the four frequency bands of 29 - 50 MHz,118 - 159.4 MHz, 128 - 174 MHz and 406 - 470 MHz respectively. Each model’s specific subband of operation in a given frequency band is determined by select components on thecorresponding analog board.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 1-31.3 Performance SpecificationsType: NBFM Single loop synthesizer module. Utilizing low noiseVCO and PLL technology. Compatible with Daniels MT-3series transmitter and receiver modules.Frequency Range: 29 MHz - 38 MHz [± 0.5 MHz] (OST-3H035)Tuning range with no adjustment 38 MHz - 50 MHz [± 1.0 MHz] (OST-3H045)shown in [ ] brackets. 50.4 MHz - 71.4 MHz [± 1.0 MHz] (OSR-3H061)118 MHz -138 MHz [Full band] (OST-3A128)128 MHz – 152.6 MHz [± 2.0 MHz] (OST-3H141, OSR-3H141)139.4 MHz - 159.4 MHz [Full band] (OSR-3A149)150 MHz - 174 MHz [± 2.0 MHz] (OST-3H162, OSR-3H162)406 MHz - 470 MHz [Full band] (OST-3H440)427.4 MHz - 451.4 MHz [Full band] (OSR-3H440)Output Power: +5 dBm ±2 dBm into 50ΩHarmonics: <-30 dBcSpurious: <-90 dBc<-70 dBc above 400 MHzAttack Time: <50 ms (Power down mode)Hum and Noise: -55 dBModulation Sensitivity: 3.0 kHz peak deviation / 400 mVrms inputExternal Reference Input: External reference input signal via SMB connector J1Input level 0 dBm ± 3 dB.Input impedance 50ΩInput frequency 10.0 MHz or 9.6 MHz selected throughdigital board jumper JU1.Power Requirements: +9.5 Vdc @ 160 mA for FM and 65 mA for AMStandby mode, TCXO enabled:+9.5 Vdc @ 14 mA for FM and 4 mA for AM
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS1-4 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz1.4 Printed Circuit Board Numbering ConventionTo ease troubleshooting and maintenance procedures, Daniels Electronics Limited has adopted aprinted circuit board (PCB) numbering convention in which the last two digits of the circuit boardnumber represent the circuit board version. For example:• PCB number 43-9120    10    indicates circuit board version 1.0;• PCB number 50002-    02     indicates circuit board version 2.0.All PCB's manufactured by Daniels Electronics are identified by one of the above conventions.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 2-12 THEORY OF OPERATION2.1 Internal Power and Control (Digital Board)Refer to "OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital  Board  Schematic Diagram" in section 4 page 19. Thesynthesizer operates from +9.5  Vdc applied to connector pin P1-2.  Total  current drain isapproximately  160 mA (65 ma for AM). Power Down control  (P2-4) controls the  +5.0 Vdcmicrocontroller regulator U2 through power MOSFET switch U1. For receiver applications, thesynthesizer is always operating with the enable line P2-4 permanently connected to +9.5 Vdc. Intransmitter applications, pin P2-4 is controlled by MT-3 Transmitter Board jumper J18 whichselects the synthesizer's standby mode. In low current standby mode (< 16/4 mA) approximately50 ms of transmitter turn on delay from PTT activation must be tolerated (lock time ofsynthesizer). For transmitter applications requiring less  than 10 ms of turn on delay, thesynthesizer can be made to run continuously. This capability comes at the expense of an additional160 (65 mA for AM) of transmitter standby current.2.2 Synthesizer Analog Circuitry (Analog Board)There are four separate analog circuit boards covering the four frequencies bands of 29 - 50 MHz,118 - 159.4 MHz, 128 - 174 MHz and 406 - 470 MHz respectively. All four  analog boards aresimilar in operation and circuit topology with the VCO, Loop Filter, and Output  Lowpass  Filtersections being band specific. Refer to "OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Analog  Board  Schematic Diagram”  insection of this manual.2.2.1 Common Analog Board CircuitryThis section describes the circuitry common to all versions of the FM Synthesizer Analog Board.The Analog Board utilizes four optical receivers (U1 - U4), and one optical transmitter (U5) toprovide an isolated data interface to the digital board. In normal operating  modes, +9.5 VdcRegulator IC U8 provides continuous +5.0  Vdc to the internal TCXO and power control opticalreceiver U1. This results in a standby current level of ≈ 10 mA for FM and 4 mA for AM. Primarypower is controlled through activation of optical receiver U1 under control of the digital boardmicro controller U4.  Regulator U6 provides switched +8.0  Vdc  with regulator U7 providingswitched +5.0 Vdc to all analog  supply points. Power MOSFET IC U9 works as a clampingcircuit to quickly discharge VCO filter capacitors C32 and C33 when powered down,  resulting inimmediate suppression of RF output from the VCO.The OS-3H enhanced synthesizer is formed around a low power, single chip MC145190(MC145191) synthesizer IC U10. A 9.6 MHz reference signal is provided from either the internalTCXO (JU1-B Analog Board), or an external source via SMB connector J1 with jumper JU1-A
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS2-2 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz(Analog Board) and jumper JU2 (AM Analog Board only) installed.  The external reference sourcemay be 9.6 MHz or 10.0 MHz through selection of jumper JU2 (Digital Board); install jumperJU2  (Digital  Board) for 10.0 MHz reference selection. If an external signal is used for thereference source, it must be of low phase noise, high stability, with a level of 0 dBm ± 3 dB. Asinusoidal signal shape is required for an external reference source. A poor quality referencesource will degrade receiver/transmitter performance to unacceptable levels. Transistor Q2 forms abuffer amplifier having 50Ω input impedance at 10.0 MHz. The internal 9.6  MHz TCXO providesbetter than 1 ppm frequency stability from  -30°C to +60°C. Fine frequency adjustment is madethrough frequency control potentiometer  RV1, which is accessible through the  synthesizer topcover.The 9.6 MHz reference  source is divided down to establish a channel selection step size of5.0/6.25, 12.5, or 25.0 kHz depending on the particular synthesizer model type. A third orderpassive loop filter comprised of C37, C38, C39, C45, C49, R36 and R32, is employed to achievethe required noise performance, modulation, and worst  case switching time of 50 ms. A smallsample of RF energy is coupled from the VCO output buffer U16 on the FM analog board or fromQ6 on the AM analog board to the synthesizer IC U10 prescaler input (pin 11). FM modulation ofthe VCO from ≈ 100 Hz to 3 kHz, is provided through the baseband input pin P1-1 on DigitalBoard. A 1 kHz sine wave with a level of approximately 400  mVrms at P1-1 provides FMdeviation of 3.0 kHz. SMB connector J2 provides an RF output level of approximately +5 dBminto a 50Ω load.An optional modulation input is provided through connection P1-18 (Digital Board) and routed tothe Analog board via connection P3.  This connection must be coupled to a low impedance, dccoupled source and provides a phase modulated bandwidth from 0 (DC) to ≈ 50 Hz (PLL loopfilter bandwidth) allowing for specialized applications such as paging or trunking where a separatelow frequency digital/analog modulation channel is required. Phase modulation input pin P1-18 isrouted to the transmitter audio processor spare pin P4-2 via JA4-2 on the MT-3 transmitter mainboard. It should be noted that any application of the direct TCXO modulation port transfers thecontrol of the synthesizer steady state frequency setting to the external modulating source.Frequency control potentiometer RV1 is effectively removed from the frequency adjust circuitry.A lock detect LED (LED1) indicates an unlocked PLL condition. An unlocked PLL conditionnormally indicates that the VCO is not tuned within the lock in range of the desired  channelfrequency. When used in a transmitter, the loss of lock will prevent PTT from keying the poweramplifier module. This prevents transmission of a spurious, unlocked output signal. Adjustment oftuning capacitor C24  will normally reestablish frequency lock within the synthesizer designfrequency  range.  Optical  transmitter U5 is additionally activated in unlocked conditions andenables the micro-controller (digital board) to respond to the unlocked PLL state. Note that the118 – 159.4 MHz and the 406 - 470 MHz Analog  Board does not incorporate a VCO  tuningcapacitor; the VCO covers the full frequency range without tuning. An unlocked condition in thiscase  would  indicate an attempt to synthesize an invalid channel frequency outside the installedVCO frequency range.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 2-32.2.2 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board CircuitryRefer to the "OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4  MHz Analog Board Schematic Diagram" located in section 4page 3 of this manual.Field effect transistor Q5 provides a VHF negative resistance amplifier/oscillator that is tuned onfrequency by the combination of resonator L5 and a total capacitive reactance presented across L5through capacitors C62, C63, C64, C23 (Select), variable capacitor C24, and varactor diodes D1and D2. Fine frequency adjustment is provided by multi-turn trimmer capacitor C24 in conjunctionwith coarse frequency jumper selections JU2, JU3, and JU4. Select capacitor values are chosen toposition the operating frequency in one of three bands; 29 - 38 MHz, 38 - 50 MHz, and  50.4 -71.4 MHz. Varactor diodes D1 and D2 provide oscillator frequency control. PLL voltage feedbackcontrol from the output of the lowpass loop filter controls the VCO frequency through the reversebiasing of varactor diodes D1 and D2. The PLL control voltage can range from  ≈ +1.0 Vdc to+7.0  Vdc  and is normally set to ≈ +4.5 Vdc  for  the nominal programmed synthesizer centerfrequency. Setting the PLL control voltage set point (TP4) is made by adjusting fine frequencyvariable capacitor C24 combined with binary weighted lumped capacitor coarse frequency jumpers(JU2, JU3, JU4).  External baseband frequency modulation is provided through connection P1and a voltage divider network formed by R21 and R22. A large signal division ratio, establishedby the resistive dividers R21 and R22, allows low deviation  (less than 5 kHz) direct frequencymodulation of the VCO output signal.The PLL lowpass filter is formed from select component values C37, C38, C39, C45, R32, andR36. The loop filter response is optimized for switching time, noise, and modulation requirementsspecific to each sub-band within the 29 - 71.4 MHz frequency range. The select component values(including the loop filter) can be found in tabular format as part of the VHF OS-3H 29 - 71.4 MHzAnalog Board Schematic diagram.RF output power is taken from the source of Q5 and amplified/buffered by U11. U15 providesfurther amplification and isolation while delivering ≈ +10 dBm to a six pole lowpass/notch outputfilter formed from C53, C57, C58, C59, L11, and L13. The six pole output filter provides a 50MHz (OST-3H035, OST-3H045 TX) or 80 MHz  (OSR-3H061 RX) cutoff frequency whichreduces harmonic output to acceptable levels. SMB connector J2 provides interconnection to thecompanion transmitter or receiver with an output level of ≈ +5 dBm.2.2.3 118 - 159.4 MHz Multichannel AM Analog Board CircuitryRefer to the "OS(R/T)-3H 118 - 159.4 MHz Analog Board Schematic Diagram" located in section4 page 7 of this manual.Field effect transistor Q5 provides a VHF negative resistance amplifier/oscillator that is tuned onfrequency by the combination of tapped resonator L5 and a total capacitive reactance presentedacross L5 through capacitors  C40 and/or C23 (Select), varactor diodes D6, D7, and varactor
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS2-4 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzdiodes D1 and D2. Coarse frequency adjustment is provided by varactor diodes D6, D7. Selectcapacitor values C40 or C23 are chosen to position the operating frequency in one of two bands;118 - 138 MHz, and  139.4 - 159.4.MHz. Varactor  diodes D1 and D2 provide fine oscillatorfrequency control. PLL voltage feedback control from the output of the lowpass loop filter controlsthe VCO frequency through the reverse biasing of diodes D1 and D2. The PLL control voltage canrange from ≈ +1.0 Vdc to +4.7 Vdc and is normally set to ≈ +3.3 Vdc  for  the  whole range ofsynthesizer frequencies. Setting the PLL control voltage set point (TP4) is made by adjusting thecapacitance of varactor diodes D6, D7, which are controlled by a microcontroller U18 through adigital to analog converter U17. The microcontroller U18 controls the test point TP4, the output ofthe PLL Low Pass Filter, and adjusts the output voltage of D/A converter so that the TP4 voltage isapproximately is 3.3Vdc at any frequencies. The microcontroller than goes sleep in order to keepthe power consumption at the low level.The PLL lowpass filter is formed from select component values C37, C38, C39, C45, R32, andR36. The loop filter response is optimized for switching time, noise, and modulation requirementsspecific to each sub-band within the  118 - 159.4 MHz frequency range. The select componentvalues (including the loop filter) can be found in tabular format as part of the VHF  OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 118 - 159.4 MHz Analog Board Schematic diagram.RF output power is taken from the  source of Q5 and amplified/buffered by Q6. U11 providesfurther amplification and isolation while delivering ≈ +10 dBm to a five pole lowpass output filterformed from C53, C58, C59, L11, and L12. The five pole lowpass output filter provides a 190MHz low pass cutoff frequency which reduces harmonic output to acceptable  levels. SMBconnector J2 provides interconnection to the companion transmitter or receiver with an output levelof ≈ +5 dBm.2.2.4 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board CircuitryRefer to the "OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board  Schematic Diagram" located insection 4 page 11 of this manual.Field effect transistor Q5 provides a VHF negative resistance amplifier/oscillator that is tuned onfrequency by the combination of tapped resonator L5 and a total capacitive reactance presentedacross L5 through capacitors C40 and/or C23 (Select), variable capacitor C24, and varactor diodesD1 and D2. Fine frequency adjustment is provided by multi-turn trimmer capacitor C24.  Selectcapacitor values C40 or C23 are chosen to position the operating frequency in one of two bands;128 – 152.6 MHz and 150 - 174 MHz. Varactor diodes D1 and D2 provide oscillator frequencycontrol. PLL voltage feedback control from the output of the lowpass loop filter controls the VCOfrequency through the reverse biasing of diodes D1 and D2. The PLL control voltage can rangefrom ≈ +1.0 Vdc to +7.0 Vdc and is normally set to ≈ +4.5 Vdc  for  the nominal programmedsynthesizer center frequency. Setting the PLL control voltage set point (TP4) is made by adjustingfine frequency variable capacitor C24.  External baseband frequency modulation is providedthrough connection P1 and a voltage divider network formed by R21 and R22. A large signal
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 2-5division ratio, established by the resistive dividers R21 and R22, allows low deviation (less than 5kHz) direct frequency modulation of the VCO output signal.The PLL lowpass filter is formed from select component values C37, C38, C39, C45, R32, andR36. The loop filter response is optimized for switching time, noise, and modulation requirementsspecific to each sub-band within the  128 - 174 MHz frequency range.  The select componentvalues (including the loop filter) can be found in tabular format as part of the VHF  OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Schematic diagram.RF output power is taken from the source of Q5 and amplified/buffered by U11. U15 providesfurther amplification and isolation while delivering ≈ +10 dBm to a five pole lowpass output filterformed from C53, C58, C59, L11, and  L12.  The five pole lowpass output filter providesa 190 MHz low pass cutoff frequency which reduces harmonic output to acceptable levels. SMBconnector J2 provides interconnection to the companion transmitter or receiver with an output levelof ≈ +5 dBm.2.2.5 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board CircuitryRefer to the "OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Schematic Diagram" located in section 4page 15 of this manual.The UHF OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz  synthesizer employs integrated surface mount VCOmodules (designated U17) for full frequency band coverage. Two VCO modules are used to cover406 - 470 MHz (TX) and 427.4 - 451.4 MHz (RX) for transmitter and receiver UHF applicationsrespectively. The receiver VCO  module is optimized for low phase noise, while the transmitterVCO is configured with modulation input capability. PLL voltage feedback control from the outputof the lowpass loop filter controls the VCO frequency through Mod I/P (pin 2). The PLL controlvoltage can range from ≈ +1.0 Vdc to +7.0  Vdc depending on the selected operating frequency.External baseband frequency modulation is provided through connection P1 and VCO Mod inputpin 6.The PLL lowpass filter is formed from select component values C37, C38, C39, C45, R32, andR36. The loop filter response is optimized for switching time, noise, and modulation requirementsspecific to each sub-band within the 406 - 470 MHz frequency range. The select component values(including the loop  filter and VCO  type) can be found in tabular format as part of the UHFOS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Schematic diagram.RF output power is taken from the VCO RF output and amplified/buffered by U11. U15 providesfurther amplification and isolation while delivering ≈ +10 dBm to a five pole lowpass output filterformed from C53, C58, C59, L11, and  L12.  The five pole lowpass output filter providesa 530 MHz low pass cutoff frequency which reduces harmonic output to acceptable levels. SMBconnector J2 provides interconnection to the companion transmitter or receiver with an output levelof ≈ +5 dBm.
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS2-6 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz2.3 Synthesizer Digital Circuitry (Digital Board)Refer to the "OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital Board Schematic Diagram" on page 4-19.  MicrocontrollerU4 provides control of the  synthesizer module. It communicates with synthesizer IC U10,monitors  the  synthesizer lock detect, manages PTT input/output, and determines the operatingfrequency from either four rotary BCD switches or four externally driven channel select lines. Therotary BCD channel switches are located on the main MT-3 Transmitter or Receiver circuit board.The Microcontroller U4 also communicates with an external factory programmer through I/O linesTX DATA (P1-17),  RX DATA (P1-9),  and BOOTSTRAP (P2-2). The external programmerplaces the operating program in non volatile microprocessor memory. It is also used to program 15user defined channel selections. An internal "watchdog" timer provides robust software protectionin all operating modes.Data  communication between the digital and analog circuit  boards is provided by four opticaltransmitters (U5 through U8) and one optical receiver (U9).  The optical interface provides a fullyisolated inter-board data link designed to eliminate digital noise from disturbing sensitive PLLcircuitry.2.4 Frequency Control2.4.1 BCD Switch Frequency ControlSelection of the desired synthesizer output frequency is straight forward. If all four of the channelselect lines CHAN SEL3 - CHAN SEL0  are pulled low (grounded), the synthesizer will scan fourBCD switches connected to SW1 COM - SW4 COM  and PC4 - PC7 to establish the operatingfrequency. The BCD switches are located on the receiver and transmitter main circuit boards.* Note:  The four channel select lines, CHAN SEL3 - Chan SEL0,  are connected via the MT-3transmitter or receiver main board module connector to the M3 motherboard subrack. These linesmay be used for external frequency control. They are normally pulled low via jumper sets locatedon the M3 motherboard subrack.If the channel select lines are pulled high to +9.5 Vdc in any combination resulting in a binary codegreater than 0000 (all low), then the frequency is established as the preprogrammed entry in a tablecontaining 15 separate frequency settings. For example; if all the channel select lines are pulledhigh then a binary code of 1111 results which selects the frequency entry from  the  15th  tableposition. CHAN SEL3 is the most significant bit of the binary channel selection code. The channeltable is normally programmed at the factory for those applications requiring specialized remotecontrol of frequency.  These programmed channel assignments  are  stored in non-volatilemicroprocessor EEPROM and are not susceptible to inadvertent erasure.In transmitters, the  synthesizer operating frequency is the transmitter operating frequency;however, for receivers, an IF Offset correction factor (21.4 MHz typically) must be added to or
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 2-7subtracted from the  synthesizer operating frequency in order to determine the actual receivefrequency.   Refer to the channel designation table documentation provided with the transmitter orreceiver modules for simplified channel number and frequency information.2.4.2 Frequency Select Handle Frequency ControlFor  operation in this mode the external channel select must be set to channel #16.  Channelselection is achieved by pushing the buttons Frequency Increase Ø and Frequency Decrease Œ onthe Frequency Select Handle. The Frequency Select Handle is located on the Front Panel. The userinterface  consists of an 8 digit display and 3 pushbuttons. On power up or key  press, thesynthesizer is interrogated for  the current channel number and channel frequencies. Thisinformation is used to generate the display,  and update the synthesizer itself. The modulecommunicates with the synthesizer using a standard 2 wire serial interface (9600 Baud, 8 bits, noparity, 1 stop bit). The command protocols are simple ASCII, both to and from the synthesizer.The frequency value and the channel are displayed on the Front Panel for several seconds only, inorder to conserve power.  Another dedicated line allows  the handle to temporarily wake up thesynthesizer if it has been powered down. (This is currently only used on the transmitters)For  the detailed information about changing frequency see the "Frequency  Select HandleInstruction Manual".2.5 Synthesizer Base and Frequency Increment TableThe OS-3A/H Synthesizer operates in frequency increments of 5.0 / 6.25 kHz, 12.5 kHz, or 25kHz depending on the particular model and band of operation. The Base Frequency is the lowestfrequency of any given synthesizer model.Model         Number       Freq.        Range      Base       Frequency       Freq.       Increment   OST-3H035 29 - 38 MHz 29 MHz 5.0/6.25 kHzOST-3H045 38 - 50 MHz 29 MHz 5.0/6.25 kHzOSR-3H061 50.4 - 71.4 MHz 50.4 MHz 5.0/6.25 kHzOST-3A128 118 - 138 MHz 118 MHz 25/8.333 kHzOST-3H141 128 – 152.6 MHz 128 MHz 5.0/6.25 kHzOST-3H162 150 - 174 MHz 150 MHz 5.0/6.25 kHzOSR-3H141 128 - 153 MHz 128 MHz 5.0/6.25 kHzOSR-3A149 139.4 - 159.4 MHz 139.4 MHz 25/8.333 kHzOSR-3H162 150 - 174 MHz 150 MHz 5.0/6.25 kHzOST-3H440 406 - 470 MHz 406 MHz 12.5 kHzOSR-3H440 427.4 - 451.4 MHz 427.4 MHz 12.5 kHz
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS2-8 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz2.6 5.0/6.25 kHz Channelization.The operating frequency is determined as follows for Synthesizers having 5.0/6.25  kHz channelincrement capability;• for  BCD  switch settings (in the range of    0000       to        4999   ,  multiply the  switchsetting by 5.0 kHz and add it to the synthesizer base frequency.Example:  An OST-3H141 synthesizer has a base frequency of 128 MHz. Theselected channel number is 0988. The    synthesizer    output frequency is:((988 x 5 kHz) + 128 MHz) = 132.940 MHz• for BCD switch settings in the range of     5000     to       9999   , subtract 5000 from theswitch setting, multiplying the result by 6.25 kHz and add it to the synthesizerbase frequency.Example:  An OSR-3H162 synthesizer has a base frequency of 150 MHz. Theselected channel number is 7205. The    synthesizer    output frequency is:((7205-5000) x 6.25 kHz) + 150 MHz) = 163.78125 MHzThe key point to remember is that 5.0 kHz channel increments are selected with BCDchannel  switch settings in the range of #0000 through #4999 and 6.25 kHz channelincrements are selected with BCD switch settings in the range of #5000 through #9999.2.7 8.333 kHz Channelization.The operating frequency is determined as follows for Synthesizers having 8.333 kHz channelincrement capability;• Multiply the BCD switch setting by 8.333 kHz and add it to the synthesizerbase frequency.Example:  An OST-3A128 synthesizer has a base frequency of 118 MHz. Theselected channel number is 0231. The synthesizer output frequency is:[(1200 x 8.333 kHz) + 118 MHz] = 128.000 MHz
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 2-92.8 12.5 kHz Channelization.The operating frequency is determined as follows for Synthesizers having 12.5 kHz channelincrement capability;• Multiply the BCD switch setting by 12.5 kHz and add it to the synthesizer basefrequency.Example:  An OST-3H440 synthesizer has a base frequency of 406 MHz. Theselected channel number is 1978. The synthesizer output frequency is:((1978 x 12.5 kHz) + 406 MHz) = 430.725 MHz
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS2-10 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzThis Page Intentionally Left Blank
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 3-13 SYNTHESIZER ALIGNMENT3.1 GeneralOS(R/T)-3(A/H) enhanced synthesizer alignment is simplified by using a Type 84 subrack and RFextender card/cable to provide receiver or transmitter power and signal interconnection.Alternatively,  +9.5  Vdc may be applied directly to a receiver or transmitter module throughpositive connection to pins B6 / Z6, and negative connection to pins B30 / Z30 / B32 / Z32.Receiver balanced audio (600 Ω) is available at pins B26 and Z26.3.2 Repair NoteThe OS(R/T)-3(A/H) synthesizer employs a high percentage of surface mount components whichshould not be removed or replaced using an ordinary soldering iron. Removal and replacement ofsurface mount components should be performed only with specifically designed surface mountrework and repair stations complete with Electro Static Dissipative (ESD) protection.When removing Surface Mount Solder Jumpers, it is recommended to use solder wick braid inplace of vacuum type desoldering tools. This will help prevent damage to the circuit boards.3.3 Recommended Test EquipmentAlignment of the synthesizer requires the following test equipment or its equivalent.Power supply - Regulated +9.5 Vdc at 2 A. Phillips PM 2811Oscilloscope / Multimeter - Fluke 97 ScopemeterRadio communications test set - Marconi Instruments 2965AIt is recommended that the radio communications test set be frequency locked to an externalreference  (WWVH,  GPS,  Loran C) so that the internal high stability local oscillator may beaccurately set to within its ±1 ppm frequency tolerance.3.4 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Synthesizer Factory ConfigurationThe OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Synthesizer is factory configured as follows:• Internal 9.6 MHz reference selected.• VCO modulation by audio processor enabled (OS   T    TX versions only)
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS3-2 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzThe corresponding internal synthesizer jumper settings are:Digital Board• Jumper JU2 not installed 9.6/10 MHz reference frequency, 9.6 MHz selected• Jumper JU1  installed  AM Multichannel mode selectedAnalog Board• Jumper JU1: 'B' position Internal/External reference. Internal selected• Jumper JU2  not installed  Internal/External reference. Internal selected3.5 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Synthesizer Alignment3.5.1 GeneralUnder normal circumstances, synthesizer alignment is accomplished without removing thesynthesizer from the MT-3 Receiver IF/Audio Board or the MT-3 Transmitter Main  Board.Alignment simply involves setting the internal TCXO reference frequency  (if one is installed andthe internal reference option enabled). This step is described in "Reference Frequency Alignment"of section A change in synthesizer operating frequency greater than the maximum tuningrange for a particular model (Refer to Specifications section 1.3)  from an initial  factory settingrequires a slightly more involved alignment procedure as described in sections 3.5.2 to 3.5.5. Toconvert a synthesizer with an internal reference source to a synthesizer requiring an externalreference signal or vice-versa is done through the appropriate selection of jumper JU1 A or B, andJU2 (Refer to section 3.5.6).3.5.2 Synthesizer Test Points    Analog        Board        Component        Layout       (Top)  Common to all synthesizer family members.TP1 +8.0 ± 0.3 Vdc. U6 positive regulator output.TP2 +5.0 ± 0.1 Vdc. U7 positive regulator output.TP3 +5.0 ± 0.1 Vdc. U8 positive regulator output (always on).TP4 PLL error voltage. Ranges from +1.0 to +7.0 Vdc depending on frequency.Nominally adjusted (C24) to +4.5 Vdc  for  tuned center channel.  UHF/VHFversions  employing integrated VCO  modules  (OSR-3H440, OST-3H440, OSR-3A149, OST-3A128) require no adjustment.    Digital        Board        Component        Layout       (Bottom)TP1 +5.0 ± 0.1 Vdc. U2 positive regulator output (controlled via pin P2-4).TP2 Microcontroller E clock. 2 MHz logic level square wave.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 3-33.5.3 Synthesizer Removal and InstallationThe synthesizer module is fastened to the main board (MT-3 Receiver IF/Audio Board or MT-3Transmitter Main board) with a single counter sunk Phillips machine screw accessible from the topcover. Remove this screw to remove the synthesizer module. Using a plastic coated lifting tool,such as a small screwdriver with the tip covered in heat shrink material, gently lift the synthesizermodule from the main circuit board by applying pressure in a rotating fashion about four cornersof the synthesizer module. It is    important    to gently remove the synthesizer module "straight out" inorder to prevent damage to the connector pins. Installation of the synthesizer is performed in afashion reverse to the above procedure. It is important to emphasize the importance of connectorpin alignment prior to any application of reinsertion force. Four corner locating pins assist inconnector pin alignment during installation and removal.Note:  Complete synthesizer alignment can be made without removing the  synthesizer. Thealignment procedure starting in section 3.5.5 may now be performed.3.5.4 Circuit Board RemovalNote:  Circuit board removal is not required for tuning purposes.Using a vacuum desoldering station, desolder connections P1, P2, and  P3. Remove SMBconnectors J1 and J2 by desoldering the center pins and removing  four M2.0 machine  screws.These connection points are  shown in the "OS(R/T)-3(A/H) XXX - XXX MHz Analog BoardComponent Layout (Top)" diagrams. Remove seven M2.0 machine screws and carefully removethe analog circuit board. Removal of the analog circuit board will expose three interboard wireconnections. Carefully remove three ferrite beads and six Teflon washers from the inter-boardconnection wires. Attempt to maintain the position of the three interboard wires in order to simplifyre-assembly. The digital board may now be extracted by removing four M2.0 machine  screws.Follow a reverse procedure to re-assemble.3.5.5 Frequency Adjustment and Channel SelectionConnect a radio communications test set through a short section of low loss 50 Ω coaxial cable tothe synthesizer module SMB RF output jack (J2). Select the desired channel number through theBCD frequency selection switches on the MT-3 Transmitter Main  board or the MT-3 ReceiverIF/audio board (or through .the Frequency Programming Module). Turn the power off and on andwait a few minutes for the oscillator to completely stabilize. It should be noted that the internalsynthesizer TCXO, if installed, operates continuously (regardless of the TX PTT state) wheninstalled in a transmitter. This continuous operation results in approximately 10 mA of additionalstandby current.The measured RF output signal should be within ± 1.0 ppm of the specified oscillator frequency atan output level of +5 dBm. Note that    unlocked    synthesizer operation will be indicated by an
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS3-4 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzunstable or spurious RF output signal. The "Unlocked" red LED will also be illuminated when thePLL is unlocked. Check that the requested channel number is within the frequency range of theparticular synthesizer model. An unlocked condition may be rectified by adjusting the VCO tuningelements as described in the following procedures (no adjustment requires for the multichannel AMSynthesizers). Note that there are variations in alignment procedures between the three synthesizerfamily members as described in the following sections. VHF OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz VCO AlignmentRefer to the "OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog  Board Component Layout" diagrams and the"OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Schematic Diagram" located in section 4 on pages 1, 2and 3.Using a high impedance (10 MΩ) DC Voltmeter, measure the PLL control voltage at TP4 locatedon the synthesizer module analog board (top). Access to TP4 is available through the synthesizertop cover. Using a small standard blade screwdriver,  carefully adjust the VCO  fine frequency"TUNE"  trimmer capacitor C24  until a test point (TP4) voltage of approximately  +2.3  Vdc isobtained.  Measured PLL loop control voltages below approximately +0.5  Vdc  and aboveapproximately +4.5 Vdc indicates an "out of lock" synthesizer condition.If a test point (TP4) voltage of approximately +2.3 Vdc is unattainable through adjustment to C24,then the coarse frequency jumpers, JU2-JU4 require modification in order to pull the  VCO  tunerange within the adjustment range of fine tuning capacitor C24. The top synthesizer cover must beremoved in order to gain access to the coarse frequency jumpers. The coarse frequency jumpers(JU2-JU4) may be considered to be a selectable binary weighted capacitor element with JU2 beingthe most significant "bit" and JU4 being the least significant "bit".  The tuning resolution size is≈12 pF (JU4). If the tuning voltage remains higher than +2.3 Vdc, decrease the tuning jumpersetting by 1 "bit" position and re-adjust C24 in an attempt to achieve +2.3  Vdc at TP4. Forexample, if coarse frequency jumpers JU2-JU4  are all installed and represented by 111 then adecrease by 1 "bit" position (12 pF) is represented by a binary jumper selection of 110;  jumperJU4 is not installed and jumpers JU2, JU3 are installed. Continue to decrease the jumper positionone "bit" at a time until the synthesizer regains lock with TP4 adjusted (C24) for +2.3 Vdc. If thetuning voltage remains lower than +2.3 Vdc, increase the jumper setting by 1 "bit" position and re-adjust C24 in an attempt to achieve +2.3 Vdc at TP4. Repeat this procedure until +2.3  Vdc at TP4is achieved.It is important to check the loop control voltage at TP4 when multiple synthesizer channels havebeen programmed. All channel selections should result in a TP4 voltage within a +1.0 to +4.0 Vdcrange. Adjust the fine tuning capacitor C24 to center multiple channel voltages symmetrically about+2.3 Vdc. Channel selections beyond the tuning range capability of the synthesizer will result inunlocked operation. The tuning range capability of all  synthesizer models is listed in theSpecifications section (1.3) of this manual.
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 3- VHF OS(R/T)-3A 118 - 159.4 MHz AlignmentRefer to the "OS(R/T)-3A 118 - 159.4 MHz Analog Board Component Layout" diagrams and the"OS(R/T)-3A 118 - 159.4 MHz Analog Board Schematic Diagram" located in section 4 on pages5, 6, and 7.Using a high impedance (10 MΩ) DC Voltmeter, measure the PLL control voltage at TP4 locatedon the synthesizer module analog board (top). Access to TP4 is available through the synthesizertop cover. The VHF synthesizers operating in the 118 - 159.4 MHz frequency range employ a PICmicrocontroller having no frequency adjustment capability. The OST-3A128 and OSR-3A149models cover 118-138 MHz, and 139.4 - 159.4 MHz respectively and provide full band coveragewithout tuning adjustment.All channel selections might result in a TP4 voltage within the +3.1 to +3.5 Vdc range. Channelselections beyond the tuning range capability of the synthesizer will result in unlocked operationover the temperature range - 40C to + 60C. The tuning range capability of all synthesizer models islisted in the Specifications section of this manual. VHF OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz VCO AlignmentRefer to the "OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Component Layout" diagrams and the"OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Schematic Diagram" located in section 4 on pages 9,10 and 11.Using a high impedance (10 MΩ) DC Voltmeter, measure the PLL control voltage at TP4 locatedon the synthesizer module analog board (top). Access to TP4 is available through the synthesizertop cover. Using a small standard blade screwdriver,  carefully adjust the VCO  fine frequency"TUNE"  trimmer capacitor C24  until a test point (TP4) voltage of approximately +2.3  Vdc isobtained.  Measured PLL loop control voltages below approximately +0.5  Vdc  and aboveapproximately +4.5 Vdc indicates an "out of lock" synthesizer condition.It is important to check the loop control voltage at TP4 when multiple synthesizer channels havebeen programmed. All channel selections should result in a TP4 voltage within the +1.0 to +4.0Vdc range. Adjust the fine tuning capacitor C24 to center multiple channel voltages symmetricallyabout  +2.3 Vdc. Channel selections beyond the tuning range capability of the synthesizer  willresult in unlocked operation. The tuning range capability of all synthesizer models is listed in theSpecifications section of this manual.
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS3-6 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz3.5.5.4 UHF OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz VCO AlignmentRefer to the "OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Component Layout" diagrams and the"OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Schematic Diagram" located in section 4 on pages 13,14 and 15.Using a high impedance (10 MΩ) DC Voltmeter, measure the PLL control voltage at TP4 locatedon the synthesizer module analog board (top). Access to TP4 is available through the synthesizertop cover. The UHF synthesizers operating in the  406 - 470 MHz frequency range employintegrated VCO modules having no frequency adjustment capability. The OST-3H440 and OSR-3H440 models cover 406-470 MHz,  and  427.4 - 470 MHz respectively and provide full bandcoverage without tuning adjustment. Measured PLL loop control voltages below approximately+0.5 Vdc and above approximately +7.0 Vdc indicates an "out of lock" synthesizer condition.It is important to check the loop control voltage at TP4 when multiple synthesizer channels havebeen programmed. All channel selections should result in a TP4 voltage within the +1.0 to +7.0Vdc range. Channel selections beyond the tuning range capability of the synthesizer will result inunlocked operation. The tuning range capability of all  synthesizer models is listed in theSpecifications section of this manual. Reference Frequency AlignmentAdjust the synthesizer TCXO fine frequency potentiometer RV1 until the correct output frequencyis achieved. Access to this potentiometer is made available through an opening in the synthesizertop cover. An RF power level of approximately +5 dBm should be measured at the synthesizermodule output connector and the frequency should be within ±1 ppm from the desired operatingfrequency. Reference frequency adjustments should be made at room temperature (+20°C) after tenminutes.3.5.6 Jumper ConfigurationSolder jumpers are clearly marked on both the synthesizer digital and analog circuit boards. Referthe "OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital Board Component Layout (Bottom)" diagram in section 4 page 14,and the applicable "OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Analog Board Component Layout (Top)" diagram for jumperlocations. The following list details the required jumper configuration for  the  two synthesizeroperating modes:1)    Internal       reference  . Install jumper JU1-B, on Analog Board (Standard). The internaltemperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) provides  the reference signalwith a stability less than ±1 ppm from -30°C (Optional -40°C) to + 60°C. (Locatedon the Analog Board)
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 3-72)     External       reference     input   . Install jumper JU1-A, JU2 on Analog Board. This modeis used in applications requiring better than ±1 ppm frequency stability. An external9.6/10.0 MHz reference signal must be provided at synthesizer SMB connector J1.(Located on the Analog Board)3)     Reference         Frequency         Select   . Install jumper JU2 on Digital  Board to select a10.0 MHz reference  frequency.  When not installed, the reference frequencyselected is 9.6 MHz. JU2 must not be installed when using the internal 9.6 MHzTCXO reference. JU2 is used by the microcontroller to establish the correctreference frequency division ratio. (Located on the Digital Board; The Synthesizermodule must be removed to change jumper JU2)4)     AM         Multichannel       Synthesizer        Select   . Install jumper JU1 on Digital Board to selectAM Multichannel Synthesizer with Frequency Select Handle. (Located on the FrontPanel)Remember   :  Care must be exercised when installing the reconfigured synthesizer module back intothe transmitter board or the IF/audio board. Pay careful attention to pin alignment before pressingthe synthesizer module into its mating sockets.
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS3-8 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzThis Page Intentionally Left Blank
PCB 50038-02DATE:   FEB 26, 1997DWG No: OS3H040AT2ADANIELSELECTRONICS VICTORIA, B.C.TITLE:   OS-3H050 ANALOG BOARD THROUGH HOLE BOTTOM LAYOUTBOARD No.:DWG REV DATE: JAN 6/9950038-02Q5J211L410µHL610µHR261R2L91.5µHL81.5µHL101.5µHL310µHL210µHR51220RC5422µF+C5022µF+C4222µF+R50180R R40180RC45 470nFL74.7µHC241-14pFC371.0µFC39 1.0µFL5SELL110µHC381.0µFR36R32R3315K680R2K7LED1+TITLE:   OS-3H050 ANALOG BOARD THROUGH HOLE BOTTOM DESIGNATIONC48 SELC49 22nFR2330RL124.7µHDESIG. TX 29 - 40 MHzOST - 3H035C48TX 39 - 50 MHzOST - 3H045 RX 50.4 - 71.4 MHzOSR - 3H061TRANSMITTER RECEIVER260 nHL568 nF197 nH68 nF138 nHNot InstalledDE DANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 4-14             ILLUSTRATIONS AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS 4.1          OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Diagrams4.1.1       OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Bottom)     OS3050M1
PCB 50038-02DATE:   FEB 27, 1997DWG No:OS3HANA040AS1ADANIELSELECTRONICS VICTORIA, B.C.TITLE:   OS-3H040 ANALOG BOARD SURFACE MOUNT TOP LAYOUTBOARD No.:DWG REV DATE:  JANUARY 6/199950038-02TITLE:   OS-3H040 ANALOG BOARD GENERIC SM TOP DESIGNATIONSC11nFR1410k0R1311k8C647µFC21nFC710nFC12U6LT1129-IS84.7µFQ1BC817R310k0C31nFR410k0R3410k010k0R3510k0C1910nFR2310R0U7LP2951U8LP2951U10MC145191C2110nFC2210nF C204.7µFC2947µFC3010nFR2918k2U9SI9945DYR1510R010R0R2410R04.7µFC134.7µFC154.7µFC274.7µFR1210k01µF C2210nFC261nFR1010k010k0R18C11Q3BC807100nFC5Q4BC81710k0R1147µFC18100nFC1010k0R19 D5BAS16JU11nFC165k11R175k11R16100nFC8100RR5R55k0RV1C261nFC31R91k00 R61k00R710k0C1410nFQ2BC817R810k010nFC91nFC2549R9R120k0R2110k0R5310R0R2510nFC41nFC17 0R0R39D1 D2MMBV609LMMBV609L10R0R2015K0R27C281nFMMBD701LSELC23D3SELC34C353.3pFC36330pFR3149R9R3010R0C44330pFC47330pFR4118R2R4747R5R4827R4R4933R2C44C5510nFR5249R9C56330pF R28N/IU11MSA-0611U16MSA-0611MSA-0611U15 SELL13SELL11C57SEL274RR55274RR5618R2R54SELC58SELC52330pF C53C46330pF330pFC5110nF27R4R4510nFC4347R5R4447R5R4633R2D4BYD17J47pFC62JU2 JU3 JU422pFC63 12pFC64SELC6133pFC4049R9R38C411nFSELC5910nFR22DESIG. TX 29 - 40 MHzOST - 3H035C23 150 pF15 pFC5356 pFC57150 pFC34C61TX 39 - 50 MHzOST - 3H045 RX 50.4 - 71.4 MHzOSR - 3H061TRANSMITTER RECEIVER33 pFC5933 pFC5856 pF100 pF15 pF47 pF100 pF33 pF33 pF56 pF56 pF68 pF33 pF56 pF100 pF68 pFNot Installed100 nH100 nHL11L13100 nH100nH120 nH120 nHDWG No:OS3HANA040AS2A475RTCXO1TITLE:   OS-3H040 ANALOG BOARD TH TOP LAYOUTU2OPL550U3OPL550 U4OPL550 U1OPL550 U5OP140AJ1J2TITLE:   OS-3H040 ANALOG BOARD TH TOP DESIGNATIONDE DANIELSELECTRONICSBAR located on bottom side of TCXO4-24.1.2       OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Top)TP2TP3TP1TP4Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29-470 MHzOS3050M2BDesolder three boardinterconnect points toseparate analog anddigital boards..Remove seven M2.0machine screws toremove analog board.ABJU1 position B selectedfor internal 9.6 MHzP2P1P3LOCK DETECTLED
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS4-4 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzThis Page Intentionally Left Blank
DATE:   APR 18, 1999DWG No:TBADANIELSELECTRONICS VICTORIA, B.C.TITLE:   OS-3A130 ANALOG BOARD OUTLINEBOARD No.:DWG REV DATE:  22 DEC 9950082-05PCB 50082-05DWG No:TBATITLE:   OS-3A130 ANALOG BOARD BOTTOM THROUGH HOLE LAYOUTL41.5µHL61.5uHR261R2L81.5uHL310uHL210uHC4222uF+C45 SELL71.5uHC37SELC39 SELL5R2330RC38SELC49 SELR36R32R33SEL680RSELLED1+AM TX 118 - 138 MHzOST - 3A130-10AM RX139.4 - 159.4 MHzOSR - 3A130-10DESIG.C39C45C49R32R36SELECT COMPONENTSNOT INSTALLED22 nF2.2 nF1.0 µF330 nF 470 nF15K68K1K88K2C38 100 nF 1.0 µFC37 470 nF 1.0 µFQ5J211- --L131.5uHC63680nFDWG No:TBATITLE:   OS-3A130 AM WIDEBAND ANALOG BOARD BOTTOM T.H. DESIGNATIONSDWG No:OS3A130AT5Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 4-54.2          OS(R/T)-3A 118 - 159.6 MHz Analog Board Diagrams4.2.1       OS(R/T)-3A 118 - 159.6 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Bottom) OS3130M1ADE DANIELSELECTRONICS
DATE:   APR 18, 1999DWG No:OS3AxxxxxS1ADANIELSELECTRONICS VICTORIA, B.C.TITLE:   OS-3A130 ANALOG BOARD OUTLINEBOARD No.:DWG REV DATE: FEB 23/200050082-05PCB 50082-05DWG No:OS3A130S6TITLE:   OS-3A130 ANALOG BOARD SURFACE MOUNT LAYOUTC51R1410k0R1311k8C647µFC21nFC710nFC12U6LT1129-IS84.7µFQ1BC817R310k0C31nFR410k0R3410k010k0R3510k0C1910nFR2310R0U7LP2951U8LP2951U10MC145191C2110nFC2210nF C204.7µFC2947µFC3010nFR2918k2U9SI9945DYR1510R010R0R2410R04.7µFC134.7µFC154.7µFC274.7µFR1210k01µF C2210nFC261nFR1010k010k0R18 C11Q3BC807100nFC5Q4BC817137kR5347µFC18137kR4210k0R19D5BAS16JU11nFC165k11R175k11R16100nFC8 100RR5R55k0RV1C261nFC31R91k00R61k00 R710k0C50100nFQ2BC817R810k010nFC9N/IC2549R9R110R0R2510nFC40R0R39D1 D2MMBV609LMMBV609L10R0R20SELC2311k8R27C286.8µFMMBD701LSELC40D3C3410nFC35SELC363.3pFR3149R9R3010R0100nFC47330pFR4120k0C5210nFC41R2810R0MSA-0611U1147nHL1247nHL1127pFC5927pF47pFC5827pFC44330pFC53C46100nF18R2R4510nFR441k82R46475RD4BYD17JD6SEL4.7µFC6110nFC62 274KR57 4k75R62C602.2µFU17LTC1257IU19MC33172U18PIC12C672SELR60R58825KR5910K0R6310R0137kR43R3749k9100µFC32 100µFC33D7SEL1nFC11nFC17100nFC4810nFC14U2074HC14 100nFC10137kR2210kR11100nFR3849k9JU220K0R611nFC24Q6MMBR901C43Factory Installed JumpersDWG No:OS3A130S5TITLE:   OS-3A130 ANALOG BOARD SURFACE MOUNT DESIGNATIONSDWG No:OS3A130AT1TITLE:   OS-3A130 AM WIDEBAND ANALOG BOARD TOP T. H. LAYOUTU2OPL950 U3OPL950 U4OPL950 U1OPL950 U5OP140ATCXO1R40SELDWG No:OS3A130AT2TITLE:   OS-3A130 AM WIDEBAND ANALOG BOARD TOP T. H. DESIGNATIONSC23SELECT COMPONENTS AM TX 118 -138 MHzOST - 3A128 AM RX 139.4 -159.4 MHzOSR - 3A149SMV1211Not Installed10pF Not Installed8.2pFD6-SMV1212, D7-N/I68K139K2R60D6,D7C40330R220RR40C35 3.3pF 5.6pFDESIG.DE DANIELSELECTRONICSBAR located on bottom side of TCXO4-64.2.2      OS(R/T)-3A 118 - 159.6 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Top)TP2TP3TP1TP4Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzOS3130M2ADesolder three boardinterconnect points toseparate analog anddigital boards..Remove seven M2.0machine screws toremove analog board.Select valuesABJU1 position B selectedfor internal 9.6 MHzP2P1P3LOCK DETECTLEDJ1J2
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS4-8 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzThis Page Intentionally Left Blank
PCB 50025-02DATE:   MARCH 22, 1996DWG No:TBADANIELSELECTRONICS VICTORIA, B.C.TITLE:   OS-3H ANALOG BOARD THROUGH HOLE BOTTOM LAYOUTBOARD No.:DWG REV DATE: 15 MARCH 200050025-02L5C33100µFC32100µFL41.5µHL61.5µHR261R21.5µHL81.5µHL101.5µHL310uHL210µHR51220RC5422µF+C5022µF+++C4222µF+R50180RR40180RC45 SELL71.5µHC241-14pFC371.0 µFC39 SELL110µHR2330RC38SELC49 SELR36R32R33SEL680RSELLED1+TITLE:   OS-3H ANALOG BOARD THROUGH HOLE BOTTOM DESIGNATIONL9VHF LOW BAND 128 - 153 MHzOSx - 3H141VHF HIGH BAND 150 - 174 MHzOSx - 3H162DESIG.C3922 nFC4533 nFNOT INSTALLEDC49220 nF15K12KR326K22K2R36SELECT COMPONENTSC38 1.0 µF 470 nF1.0 µF470 nFQ5J211 L5Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 4-94.3          OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Diagrams4.3.1       OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Bottom) OS3150M1BDE DANIELSELECTRONICS
PCB 50025-02DATE:   FEB 24, 1996DWG No:OS3HANA150AS1ADANIELSELECTRONICS VICTORIA, B.C.TITLE:   OS-3H150 ANALOG BOARD ECO #584 CHANGESBOARD No.:DWG REV DATE:  MARCH 10, 200050025-02Not Inastalled (installed during final assembly)Factory Installed JumpersTITLE:   OS-3H150 ANALOG BOARD SURFACE MOUNT TOP DESIGNATIONSC11nFR1410k0R1311k8C647µFC21nFC710nFC12U6LT1129-IS84.7µFQ1BC817R310k0C31nFR410k0R3410k010k0R3510k0C1910nFR2310R0U7LP2951U8LP2951U10MC145191C2110nFC2210nF C204.7µFC2947µFC3010nFR2918k2U9SI9945DYR1510R010R0R2410R04.7µFC134.7µFC154.7µFC274.7µFR1210k01µF C2210nFC261nFR1010k010k0R18C11Q3BC807100nFC5Q4BC81710k0R1147µFC18100nFC1010k0R19 D5BAS16JU11nFC165k11R175k11R16100nFC8100RR5R55k0RV1C261nFC31R91k00 R61k00R710k0C1410nFQ2BC817R810k010nFC91nFC2549R9R120k0R2110k0R5310R0R2510nFC41nFC17 0R0R39100RR22D1 D2MMBV609LN/I10R0R20SELC23 11k8R27C286.8µFMMBD701LSELC40D310nFC3410nFC35SELC36330pFR3149R9R3010R0C44330pFC47330pFR4118R2R4747R5R4847R5R4910R0C44C5510nFR52N/IC56330pF R28N/IU11MSA-0611U16MSA-0611MSA-0611MSA-0611U1547nHL1247nHL1127pFC5927pF274RR55274RR5618R2R5447pFC5827pFC52330pF C53C46330pF330pFC5110nF27R4R4510nFC4347R5R4447R5R4633R2D4BYD17JDWG No:OS3HANA150AS2ATITLE:   OS-3H ANALOG BOARD THROUGH HOLE LAYOUTDWG No:OS3HANA150AT1U2OPL550 U3OPL550 U4OPL550 U1OPL550 U5OP140ATITLE:   OS-3H ANALOG BOARD THROUGH HOLE DESIGNATIONDWG No:OS3HANA150AT2C23C40 12 pFSELECT COMPONENTS6.8 pF6.8 pF VHF LOW BAND128 - 153 MHzOSx - 3H14112 pFVHF HIGH BAND 150 - 174 MHzOSx - 3H162C35 3.3 pF 8.2 pFDE DANIELSELECTRONICSC24 Fine Frequency AdjustBAR located on bottom side of TCXO4-104.3.2      OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Top)TP2TP3TP1TP4Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzOS3150M2BDesolder three boardinterconnect points toseparate analog anddigital boards..Remove seven M2.0machine screws toremove analog board.Select valuesABJU1 position B Selectedfor internal 9.6 MHzP2P1P3LOCK DETECTLEDJ1J2SELC35
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS4-12 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzThis Page Intentionally Left Blank
DATE:   MARCH 22, 1996DWG No:TBADANIELSELECTRONICS VICTORIA, B.C.TITLE:   OS-3H ANALOG BOARD THROUGH HOLE BOTTOM LAYOUTBOARD No.:DWG REV DATE: 13 Aug 1997 GM50028-02C33100µFC32100µFL61.5µHR261R2L91.5µHL81.5µHL101.5µHL310µHL210µHR51220RC5422uF+C5022µF+++C4222µF+R50180RR40180R C45 SELL71.5µHC371µFC39 SELL110µHR2330RC38SELC49 SELR36 R32R33SEL680RSELLED1+TITLE:   OS-3H ANALOG BOARD THROUGH HOLE BOTTOM DESIGNATIONU17VCO1VCO INSTALLED (U17)LVCO-2309 TEV VCO-190-435 MTRX 427.4 - 451.4 MHz TX 406 - 470 MHzR21SELC60SELC16100nFDESIGNATION OSR-3H440RX 427.4 - 451.4 MHz OST-3H440TX 406 - 470 MHzC38C39C45C49C60R21R32R361.0 µF1.0 µF470 nF33 nFNot InstalledNot Installed4k71k5Not InstalledNot Installed220 nF22 nF100 nF2k75k62k2DE DANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 4-134.4          OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Diagrams4.4.1       OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Bottom)OS3450M1BPCB 50028-02
DATE:   FEB 24, 1996DWG No:OS3HANA440AS1DANIELSELECTRONICS VICTORIA, B.C.TITLE:   UHF OS-3H ANALOG BOARD SURFACE MOUNT TOP LAYOUTBOARD No.:DWG REV DATE:  APR 23, 1997 50028-02TITLE:   OS-3H UHF ANALOG BOARD SURFACE MOUNT TOP DESIGNATIONSC11nFR1410k0R1311k8C647µFC21nFC710nFC12U6LT1129-IS84.7µFQ1BC817R310k0C31nFR410k0R3410k010k0R3510k0C1910nFR2310R0U7LP2951U8LP2951U10MC145190C2110nFC2210nF C204.7µFC2947µFC3010nFR2936k5U9SI9945DYR1510R010R0R2410R04.7µFC134.7µFC154.7µFC274.7µFR1210k01µF C2210nFC261nFR1010k010k0R18C11Q3BC807100nFC5Q4BC81710k0R1147µFC18100nFC1010k0R19 D5BAS16JU15k11R175k11R16100nFC8 100RR5R55k0RV1C261nFC31R91k00 R61k00R710k0C1410nFQ2BC817R810k010nFC91nFC2549R9R1 10k0R5310nFC41nFC170R0R3910R0R2510nFC34C35100pF C36330pFR31274RR3010R0C44330pFC47330pFR4118R2R4747R5R4827R4R4933R2C44C5510nFR5249R9C56330pF R2810R0U11MSA-0611U16MSA-0611MSA-0611U1518nHL1218nHL11C5910pF274RR55274RR5618R2R5415pFC5810pFC52330pFC53C46330pFC5110nF27R4R4510nFC4347R5R4447R5R4633R2D4BYD17JR5718R2R58274R MSA-0611Factory Installed JumpersDWG No:OS3HANA440AS2TITLE:   UHF OS-3H ANALOG BOARD THOUGH HOLE TOP LAYOUTU2OPL550 U3OPL550 U4OPL550 U1OPL550 U5OP140AJ1J2TITLE:   UHF OS-3H ANALOG BOARD THOUGH HOLE TOP DESIGNATIONSTCXO1DE DANIELSELECTRONICSBAR located on bottom side of TCXO4-144.4.2       OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Component Layout (Top)Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzOS3450M2Desolder three boardinterconnect points toseparate analog anddigital boards..JU1 position B selectedfor internal 9.6 MHzP2P1P3TP3TP1TP4ABLOCK DETECTLEDTP2PCB 50028-02
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS4-16 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzThis Page Intentionally Left Blank
DWG No:  OS3HDIGAS3ATITLE:  OS-3H DIGITAL BOARD SOLDER SIDE SM LAYOUTDATE:  31 MARCH 1997 BOARD No.:  50021-03REV DATE:  14 SEP 1999DANIELSELECTRONICS VICTORIA, B.C.C84.7uFU3MC33064 R86k81 R1927k4C9100nFQ9BC817U4168HC11E2X1 8.0MhzC722pFR1110M0C622pFR3927k4R427k4R1027k4 R2510k0Q2BC817R2410k0L110uHC547uFC347uF U1SI9933YU2LP2951C447uFR627k4D3BAS16DWG No:  OS3HDIGAS4BTITLE:  OS-3H DIGITAL BOARD SOLDER SIDE SM VALUE / DESIGNATIONJU2REV DATE:  14 SEPTERMBER 1998C1510uF JU1U9OPL550U8OP140AU7OP140AU6OP140AU5OP140AP1   1ROW x 12P1ROW x 9PP2    1ROW x 6P4.5           OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital Board Diagrams4.5.1        OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital Board Component Layout (Bottom)DE DANIELSELECTRONICS4-17Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzOS3150M4APCB 50021-03JU29.6 MHz REFERENCE 10 MHz REFERENCENOT INSTALLED INSTALLEDJU1OSx-3H29-470 MHz OSx-3A118-159.6 MHzNOT INSTALLED INSTALLED
DATE:  25 MARCH 1996DWG No:  OS3HDIGAS TITLE:  OS-3H DIGITAL BOARD COMPONENT SIDEBOARD No.:  50021-03REV DATE:  14 SEP 99DWG No:  OS3HDIGAS1 TITLE:  OS-3H DIGITAL BOARD COMPONENT SIDE SM LAYOUTDWG No:  OS3HDIGAS1ADANIELSELECTRONICS VICTORIA, B.C.R10R0R2027k4R3427k4 R3627k4R1227k4 R1827k4R3827K4R2127k4R927k4R727k4R3527k4R3727k4R2227k4 R527k4R2827k4R2927k4R1327k4R1427k4R1527k4R1627k4R2727k4R2610k0R 1727k4R 33332RR 32332RR 31332RC10100nFC11100nFC12100nFC13100nFC14100nFR 30332RR 2310k0R 327k4R 227k4 C1100nFC2100nFQ11BC817Q8BC817Q7BC817Q6BC817Q5BC817Q4BC817Q3BC817Q1BC817Q10BC817D1BAS16D2BAS16D4BAS16R4027k4DWG No:  OS3HDIGAS2A TITLE:  OS-3H DIGITAL BOARD COMPONENT SIDE SM VALUE / DESIGNATIONR41221kDE DANIELSELECTRONICS4-18 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz4.5.2        OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital Board Component Layout (Top)  OS3150M5APCB 50021-03
VICTORIA B.C.DE DANIELS ELECTRONICS DE DANIELSELECTRONICS4-194.5.3          OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital Board Schematic DiagramDWG No:       OS3150M6ABOARD REV:             3.0DWG REV DATE: 14 SEPT 99     C15R41BOARD No:    50021-03 TITLE:          OS(R/T)-3(A/H) DIGITAL BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzJ4----------JU1JU2Q11 U9X1DWN BY:  STAN P------------------------------UNUSED REFERENCE DESIGNATORSAPRVD:DATE:             23 APRIL 1992----- -----HIGHEST REFERENCE DESIGNATORSDATA OUTPUT+12V PRG PRIORITY CORLOCK DETECT INPUTPOWER CONTROLCLKENABLEACTIVE HIGHCHAN SEL1 (I/P)TCXO MOD INPUT +9.5 VDC SUPPLYMODULATION INPUTTCXO MOD INPUT RX MUTEMODULATION INPUTPOWER DOWN (I/P)TO ALL +5 VDC SUPPLY POINTSPC7 (I/P)PC6 (I/P)PC5 (I/P)PC4 (I/P)+9.5 VDC SUPPLY PTT (I/P) A(L) BOOTSTRAP (I/P)SW4 COM (O/P)SW3 COM (O/P)SW2 COM (O/P)SW1 COM (O/P)RX DATA (I/P)TX DATA (O/P)PTT CONTROL (O/P)CHAN SEL0 (I/P)CHAN SEL2 (I/P)CHAN SEL3 (I/P)6K81R8 123BC817Q8BC817Q9BC817Q1027K4R2727K4R3427K4R3527K4R36BC817Q1127K4R2227K4R3727K4R13100nFC9BC817Q327K4R2BC817Q1BC817Q2123BC817Q4BC817Q5BC817Q6ENBCLKDINLOCKDINPWCTLOUTPUTSENSE5VTAPFBINPUTERRORSHDNGND12674358U2LP2951P2-2P2-1P2-6P2-3P1-1P2-4P1-9P1-17VSSMODAASER/WEXTALXTALPC7PC6PC5PC4PC3PC2PC1PC0RESETXIRQIRQPD5PD4PD3PD2PD1PD0VDDMODBVRHPE7PE6PE5PE4PE3PE2PE1PE0PB7PB6PB5PB4PB3PB2PB1PB0PA7PA6PA5PA4PA3PA2PA1PA0VRL1234567816151413121110917181925242322212026 343332313029282742414039383736354345474944464850515268HC811E2U4D1D1D2D2S1G1S2G212345678SI9933DYU1P1-12P1-19P1-11P1-5P1-13P1-6P1-14P1-15P1-8P1-16R1427K4 R1627K4 27K4R17DGND DGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGNDDGND DGND+5VD+5VD+5VD+5VDR1527K4+5VD +5VD+5VD +5VD +5VD+5VDDGND+5VD+5VDDGNDDGNDP1-427K4R527K4R30R0R127K4R627K4R410K0R2310K0R2410K0R2510K0R26332RR32332RR31332RR30P1-1P1-2P1-4P1-5P1-6P1-8P1-9P1-11P1-12P1-13P1-14P1-16P1-17P1-18P1-19P1-20P1-15C1100nF C2100nF27K4R12 27K4R18 27K4R19 27K4R20+4.7uFC8+47uFC5TP1+47uFC4INGNDRESET124MC33064U3DGND10.0uHL1+47uFC3DGNDP1-20+5VDP1-12B123456P21J21J1123456789101112131415161718192021P1P1-12BDGNDLOCKCLKENBR2127K4DGNDR2927K4R927K4R2827K427K4R7R1027K4218.0 MhzX1R1110M0DGNDP2-1P2-2P2-3P2-4P2-61J3P1-18C722pFTP2P1-2DGND DGNDR33332RR3827K41J4+5VD27K4R39+5VDDGNDPWCTLDGNDBC817Q7DGNDC11100nF C10100nFC12100nFC13100nFC14100nFDGNDDGNDC622pFBAS16D1BAS16D2BAS16D3BAS16D4+5VD 27K4R40JU2DGND221K0R4110uFC15DGNDJU1123OP140AU8DGND123OP140AU7DGND123OP140AU6DGND123OP140AU5DGNDVCCOUTGND1234U9OPL550DGNDP1-17
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS4-20 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzThis Page Intentionally Left Blank
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 5-15 PARTS LISTS5.1 OS(R/T)-3H 29 - 71.4 MHz Analog Board Electrical Parts ListRef.Desig Description Part No.C1 -  C3  CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC4  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC5  CAP., SM 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC6  CAP., SM 47uF TANT., 20%, 16V 1055-6D476M16C7  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC8  CAP., SM 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC9  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC10  CAP., SM 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC11 CAP., SM 1.0uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5A105M16 C12, C13  CAP., SM 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C14  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC15  CAP., SM 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C16  CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC17 CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC18  CAP., SM 47uF TANT., 20%, 16V 1055-6D476M16C19  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC21  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC20  CAP., SM 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C22  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC23  CAP., SM, 150pF CER., 0805,C0G 1008-2A151J1G OST-3H035C23  CAP., SM, 100pF CER., 0805,C0G 1008-2A101J1G OST-3H045C23  CAP., SM, 56pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A560J1G OSR-3H061C24 CAP., 1-14pF TRIM., STAND. >6 1082-A1R0014JC25  CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC26  CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC27 CAP., SM 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C28  CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC29 CAP., SM 47uF TANT., 20%, 16V 1055-6D476M16C30  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC31  CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC32, C33 CAP., SM, 100uF TANT., 20%,16V 1055-7D107M16C34  CAP., SM, 56pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A560J1G OST-3H035C34  CAP., SM, 47pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A470J1G OST-3H045C34  CAP., SM, 33pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A330J1G OSR-3H061C35 CAP., SM 10pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-1A100J1GC36  CAP., SM 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC37, C38 CAP., 1.0uF FILM, MMK5, 10%, 63V 1016-6D105K50C39  CAP., 1.0uF FILM, MMK5,10%,50V 1016-6D105K50C40 CAP., SM 33pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-1A330J1GC41 CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC42  CAP., 22uF DIP. TANT., 20%, 20V 1054-6G226M20C43  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC44  CAP., SM 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC45 CAP., 470nF FILM, MMK5,10%,63V 1016-5D474K63 C46  CAP., SM 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC47  CAP., SM 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC48  CAP., 68nF FILM, MMK5, 10%,63V 1016-4A683K63 OST-3H035
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS5-2 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzRef.Desig Description Part No.C48  CAP., 68nF FILM, MMK5, 10%,63V 1016-4A683K63 OST-3H045C48  CAP., Not Installed Not Installed OSR-3H061C49 CAP., 22nF FILM, MMK5, 10%,63V 1016-4A223K63C50  CAP., 22uF DIP. TANT., 20%, 20V 1054-6G226M20C51  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC52  CAP., SM 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC53 CAP., SM, 56pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A560J1G OST-3H035C53  CAP., SM, 56pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A560J1G OST-3H045C53  CAP., SM, Not Installed Not Installed OSR-3H061C54 CAP., 22uF DIP. TANT., 20%, 20V 1054-6G226M20C55 CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC56 CAP., SM 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC57  CAP., SM, 15pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-1A150J1G OST-3H035C57  CAP., SM, 15pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-1A150J1G OST-3H045C57  CAP., SM, 68pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A680J1G OSR-3H061C58 CAP., SM, 33pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A330J1G OST-3H035C58  CAP., SM, 33pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A330J1G OST-3H045C58  CAP., SM, 68pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A680J1G OSR-3H061C59 CAP., SM, 33pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A330J1G OST-3H035C59  CAP., SM, 33pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A330J1G OST-3H045C59  CAP., SM, 100pF CER., 0805,C0G 1008-2A101J1G OSR-3H061C61 CAP., SM, 150pF CER., 0805,C0G 1008-2A151J1G OST-3H035C61  CAP., SM, 100pF CER., 0805,C0G 1008-2A101J1G OST-3H045C61  CAP., SM, 56pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A560J1G OSR-3H061C62 CAP., SM, 47pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A470J1G C63 CAP., SM, 22pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A220J1GC64 CAP., SM, 12pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A120J1GD1, D2 DIODE, MMBV609L VARICAP, SOT-23 2106-MMBV609LD3 DIODE, MMBD701 HOT_CARR. SOT23 2105-MMBD7010D4 DIODE, BYD17J RECTIFIER, SOD87 2101-BYD17J00D5 DIODE, BAS16 SWITCHING, SOT23 2100-BAS16000L1 - L4  CHOKE, RF/MOULD.10uH 10%,.25 1251-4A00100KL5 INDUCTOR,13.5T/260nH,MOLD.,ORG 1253-A1352603 OST-3H035L5 INDUCTOR,11.5T/197nH,MOLD.,BRN 1253-A1151971 OST-3H045L5 INDUCTOR, 9.5T/138nH,MOLD.,WHT 1253-A0951389 OSR-3H061L6 CHOKE, RF/MOULD.10uH 10%,.25 1251-4A00100KL7 CHOKE, RF/MOULD.4.7uH 10%,.25 1251-TBAL8 - L10 CHOKE, RF/MOULD.1.5uH 10%,.25 1251-3A001R5KL11 INDUCTOR,SM,100nH CER,10%,1008 1256-2BR1000K OST-3H035L11 INDUCTOR,SM,100nH CER,10%,1008 1256-2BR1000K OST-3H045L11 INDUCTOR,SM,120nH CER,10%,1008 1256-2BR12OOK OSR-3H061L12 CHOKE, RF/MOULD.,4.7uH,10%,.25 1251-3A004R7KL13 INDUCTOR,SM,100nH CER,10%,1008 1256-2BR1000K OST-3H035L13 INDUCTOR,SM,100nH CER,10%,1008 1256-2BR1000K OST-3H045L13 INDUCTOR,SM,120nH CER,10%,1008 1256-2BR12OOK OSR-3H061PCB PCB, ANALOG,OS-3H VHF 30-50MHz 4309-26500382LED1 LED, SUB-MIN., 2mm SQ,AXIAL,ORG 2012-S229013C
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 5-3Ref.Desig Description Part No.Q1, Q2  TRANSISTORBC817 NPN, SOT23 2120-BC817025Q3 TRANSISTORBC807 PNP, SOT23 2120-BC807025 Q4 TRANSISTORBC817 NPN, SOT23 2120-BC817025Q5 JFET, J211 RF N-CHAN. TO-92 2041-J2110000RV1 POT., SM  5K0 1T, TOP ADJ 1174-AS2502J1R1  RES., SM 49R9 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A49R9FPR2 RES.330R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-2A0331JPR3, R4  RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR5 RES., SM 100R 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-2A1000FPR6  RES., SM 1K00 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-3A1001FPR7, R8  RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR9 RES., SM 1K00 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-3A1001FPR10 - R12  RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR13 RES., SM 11K8 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1182FPR14  RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR15  RES., SM 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR16, R17 RES., SM, 5K11 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-3A5111FPR18, R19  RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR20  RES., SM 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR21 RES., SM 20K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A2002FPR22 RES., SM, 475R 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-2A4750FPR23 - R25  RES., SM 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR26 RES.1R2 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-0A01R2JIR27 RES., SM 15K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1502FPR28  RES., NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLEDR29 RES., SM 18K2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1822FPR30 RES., SM 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR31  RES., SM 49R9 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A49R9FPR32 RES., 15K METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-4A0153JP R33 RES.680R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-2A0681JPR34, R35 RES.10K0 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-4A0103JPR36 RES., 2K7 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-3A0272JPR38 RES., SM 56R2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A5622FPR39 RES., SM 0R00 0805, ZERO OHM JUMPER 1150-0A0R0000R40  RES.180R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-2A0181JPR41  RES., SM 18R2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A18R2FPR44  RES., SM 47R5 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A47R5FPR45  RES., SM 27R4 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A27R4FPR46  RES., SM 33R2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A33R2FPR47 RES., SM 47R5 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A47R5FPR48 RES., SM 27R4 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A27R4FPR49 RES., SM 33R2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A33R2FPR50 RES.180R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-2A0181JPR51 RES.220R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-2A0221JPR52 RES., SM 49R9 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A49R9FPR53 RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR54 RES., SM 18R2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A18R2FPR55 R56 RES., SM 274 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-2A2740FPTCXO1 VTCXO MODULE9.6 MHz 4 PIN, +- 1ppm 2641-09600BM5
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS5-4 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzRef.Desig Description Part No.U1 - U4 DIODE, OPL550 I/R SENSOR,TTL O/P,PLST 2014-1L18230TU5 LED, OP140A I/R,GaAs,.81 x .23,PLAST. 2013-1G18230AU6 I.C., LT1129-IS8, PROG. VOLT REG, SO8 2305-11290N08U7 U8 I.C., LP2951 PROG. VOLT REG, SO-8 2305-29510N08U9 MOSFET, SI9945DY, N CHAN.,SO-8 2142-SI9945DYU10 I.C., MC145191, PLL FREQ/SYNTH, SO-20 2355-45191N20U11  I.C., MSA-0611, MM1C AMP, SOT-143 2354-MSA06110U15 U16 I.C., MSA-0611, MM1C AMP, SOT-143 2354-MSA06110
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 5-55.2  OS(R/T)-3A 118 – 159.4 MHz Analog Board Electrical Parts ListRef.Desig Description Part No.C1- C3 CAP., SM ,1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC4 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC5 CAP., SM, 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC6 CAP., SM, 47uF TANT., 20%, 16V 1055-6D476M16C7 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC8 CAP., SM, 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC9 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC10 CAP., SM, 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC11 CAP., SM, 1.0uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5A105M16C12, C13 CAP., SM, 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C14 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC15 CAP., SM, 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C16, C17 CAP., SM ,1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC18 CAP., SM, 47uF TANT., 20%, 16V 1055-6D476M16C19 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC20 CAP., SM, 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C21, C22 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC23 CAP., SM, 10pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A100J1G (OST-3A128)C23 CAP., NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLED (OSR-3A149)C24 CAP., SM ,1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC25 CAP., NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLEDC26 CAP., SM ,1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC27 CAP., SM, 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C28 CAP., SM, 6.8uF TANT., 20%, 10V 1055-5B685M10C29 CAP., SM, 47uF TANT., 20%, 16V 1055-6D476M16C30 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC31 CAP., SM ,1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC32, C33 CAP., SM, 100uF TANT., 20%,16V 1055-7D107M16C34 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC35 CAP., SM, 5.6pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-0A569D1GC36 CAP., SM, 3.3pF CER., 0805,C0G 1008-0A339J1GC37 CAP., 470nF FILM, MMK5,10%,63V 1016-5D474K63 (OST-3A128)C37 CAP., 1.0uF FILM, MMK5,10%,50V 1016-6D105K50 (OSR-3A149)C38 CAP., 100nF FILM, MMK5,10%,63V 1016-5A104K63 (OST-3A128)C38 CAP., 1.0uF FILM, MMK5,10%,50V 1016-6D105K50 (OSR-3A149)C39 CAP., NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLED (OST-3A128)C39 CAP., 1.0uF FILM, MMK5,10%,50V 1016-6D105K50 (OSR-3A149)C40 CAP., SM, 8.2pF CER., 0805,C0G 1008-0A829J1G (OSR-3A149)C40 CAP., NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLED (OST-3A128)C41 CAP., SM, 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC42 CAP., 22uF DIP. TANT., 20%, 20V 1054-6G226M20C43 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC44 CAP., SM, 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC45 CAP., 470nF FILM, MMK5,10%,63V 1016-5D474K63 (OSR-3A149)C45 CAP., 330nF FILM, MMK5,10%,50V 1016-5B334K50 (OST-3A128)C46 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC47 CAP., SM, 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC48 CAP., SM, 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC49 CAP., 22nF FILM, MMK5, 10%,63V 1016-4A223K63 (OSR-3A149)C49 CAP., 2.2nF FILM, MMK5,10%,63V 1016-3A222K63 (OST-3A128)
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS5-6 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzRef.Desig Description Part No.C50, C51 CAP., SM, 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC52 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC53 CAP., SM, 27pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-1A270J1GC58 CAP., SM, 47pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-1A470J1GC59 CAP., SM, 27pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-1A270J1GC60 CAP., SM, 2.2uF TANT., 20%, 20V 1055-5B225K20C61 CAP., SM, 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C62 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC63 CAP., 680nF FILM, MMK5,10%,50V 1016-5D684K50D1, D2 DIODE, MMBV609L VARICAP, SOT-23 2106-MMBV609LD3 DIODE, MMBD701L HOT CARR., SOT23 2105-MMBD7010D4 DIODE, BYD17J RECTIFIER, SOD87 2101-BYD17J00D5 DIODE, BAS16 SWITCHING, SOT23 2100-BAS16000D6, D7 DIODE, SMV1211, VARACTOR,SOT2 2106-SMV12111 (OSR-3A149)D6 DIODE,SMV1212-4,VARACTOR,SOT23 2106-SMV12124 (OST-3A128)D7 DIODE, SMV1211, VARACTOR,SOT2 2106-SMV12111 (OSR-3A149)D7 DIODE, NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLED (OST-3A128)L2, L3 CHOKE, RF/MOULD., 10uH 10%,.25 1251-4A00100KL4 CHOKE, RF/MOULD., 3.9uH 10%,.25 1251-3A003R9KL5 BOBBIN 5.5 TURNS, 1.59 mm pitch 5791-A1010300WIRE, COPPER, 20AWG, SILVER PLD, 10.2cm 7140-30002000 (1pc 10cm, 2pcs 10mm)L6 – L8 CHOKE, RF/MOULD., 1.5uH 10%,.25 1251-3A001R5KL11, L12 INDUCTOR, SM, 47nH CER,10%,1008 1256-1B47N00KL13 CHOKE, RF/MOULD., 1.5uH 10%,.25 1251-3A001R5KLED1 LED, SUB-MIN.,2mm SQ,AXIAL,ORG 2012-S229013CPCB PCB, ANALOG,OS-3H AM/WB SYNTH. 4309-26500825Q1, Q2 TRANSISTOR, BC817 NPN, SOT23 2120-BC817025Q3 TRANSISTOR, BC807 PNP, SOT23 2120-BC807025Q4 TRANSISTOR, BC817 NPN, SOT23 2120-BC817025Q5 JFET, J211 RF, N-CHAN., TO-92A 2041-J2110000Q6 TRANSISTOR, MMBR901 HIGH FREQ. 2124-MMBR9010R1 RES., SM, 49R9 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A49R9FPR2 RES., 330R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-2A0331JPR3, R4 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR5 RES., SM, 100R 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-2A1000FPR6 RES., SM, 1K00 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-3A1001FPR7, R8 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR9 RES., SM, 1K00 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-3A1001FPR10 – R12 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR13 RES., SM, 11K8 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1182FPR14 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR15 RES., SM, 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR16, R17 RES., SM, 5K11 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-3A5111FPR18, R19 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR20 RES., SM, 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR22 RES., SM, 137K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-5A1373FP
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 5-7Ref.Desig Description Part No.R23 - R25 RES., SM, 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR26 RES., 1R2 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-0A01R2JIR27 RES., SM, 11K8 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1182FPR28 RES., SM, 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR29 RES., SM, 18K2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1822FPR30 RES., SM, 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR31 RES., SM, 100R 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-2A1000FPR32 RES., 15K METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-4A0153JP (OSR-3A149)R32 RES., 68K METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-4A0683JP (OST-3A128)R33 RES., 680R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-2A0681JPR34, R35 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR36 RES., 1K8 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-3A0182JP (OSR-3A149)R36 RES., 8K2 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-3A0822JP (OST-3A128)R37, R38 RES., SM, 49K9 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A4992FPR39 RES., SM, 0R00 0805, ZERO OHM JUMPER 1150-0A0R0000R40 RES., 330R METAL FILM, 5%,0.5W 1101-2A0391JPR41 RES., SM, 20K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A2002FPR42, R43 RES., SM, 137K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-5A1373FPR44 RES., SM, 1K82 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-3A1821FPR45 RES., SM, 18R2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A18R2FPR46 RES., SM, 475R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-2A4750FPR53 RES., SM, 137K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-5A1373FPR57 RES., SM, 274K 0805, 1%, 100ppm 1150-5A2743FPR58 RES., SM, 825K0 1206, 1%,100ppm 1150-5B8253FPR59 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR60 RES., SM, 68K1 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A6812FP (OSR-3A149)R60 RES., SM, 39K2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A3922FP (OST-3A128)R61 RES., SM, 20K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A2002FPR62 RES., SM, 4K75 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-3A4751FPR63 RES., SM, 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPRV1 POT., SM, 5K0 1T, TOP ADJ 1174-AS2502J1TCXO1 VTCXO MODULE9.6 MHz 4 PIN, +- 1ppm 2641-09600BM5U1 - U4 DIODE, OP950 I/R SENSOR,TTL O/P,PLST TBAU5 LED, OP140A I/R,GaAs,.81 x .23,PLAST. 2013-1G18230AU6 IC, LT1129-IS8, PROG. VOLT REG,SO-8 2305-11290N08U7, U8 IC, LP2951 PROG. VOLT REG, SO-8 2305-29510N08U9 MOSFET, SI9945DY, N CHAN.,SO-8 2142-SI9945DYU10 IC, MC145190,PLL FREQ/SYNTH,SO-20 2355-45190N20U11 IC, MSA-0611, MM1C AMP,SOT-143 2354-MSA06110U17 IC, LTC1257I 12BIT SER.DA,S0-8 2387-12570N08U18 IC, PIC12C672 MICROCONTROLLER, SO-8 TBAU19 IC, MC33172 DUAL OP AMP, SO-8 2302-33172N08U20 IC, 74HC14 HEX SCHMITT, SO-14 2376-00140N14
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS5-8 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz5.3 OS(R/T)-3H 128 - 174 MHz Analog Board Electrical Parts ListRef.Desig Description Part No.C1-C3 CAP., SM, 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-3A102K5RC4 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-4A103K5RC5 CAP., SM, 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC6 CAP., SM, 47µF TANT., 20%, 16V  1055-6D476M16C7 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-4A103K5RC8 CAP., SM, 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-5A104K5RC9 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-4A103K5RC10 CAP., SM, 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-5A104K5RC11 CAP., SM, 1.0µF TANT., 10%, 16V  1055-5A105M16 C12,C13 CAP., SM, 4.7µF TANT., 10%, 16V  1055-5B475K16C14 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-4A103K5RC15 CAP., SM, 4.7µF TANT., 10%, 16V  1055-5B475K16C16 CAP., SM, 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-3A102K5RC17 CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC18 CAP., SM, 47µF TANT., 20%, 16V  1055-6D476M16C19 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-4A103K5RC20 CAP., SM, 4.7µF TANT., 10%, 16V  1055-5B475K16C21,C22 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-4A103K5RC23 CAP., SM, 12pF CER., 0805, COG  1008-1A120J1G (OS-3H141)C23 CAP., SM, 6.8pF CER., 0805,C0G 1008-0A689J1G  (OS-3H162)C24 CAP., TRIM., 1-14pF STAN. >6T  1082-A1R0014JC25 CAP., SM, 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-3A102K5R (OS-3H141)C25 CAP., SM, 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-3A102K5R (OS-3H162)C26 CAP., SM, 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-3A102K5RC27 CAP., SM, 4.7µF TANT., 10%, 16V  1055-5B475K16C28 CAP., SM, 6.8µF TANT., 20%, 10V  1055-5B685M10C29 CAP., SM, 47µF TANT., 20%, 16V  1055-6D476M16C30 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-4A103K5RC31 CAP., SM, 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-3A102K5RC32, C33 CAP., SM, 100uF TANT., 20%,16V 1055-7D107M16C34 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-4A103K5RC35 CAP., SM, 3.3pF CER., 0805,C0G  1008-0A339J1G (OS-3H141)C35 CAP., SM, 8.2pF CER., 0805,C0G  1008-0A829J1G (OS-3H162)C36 CAP., SM, 330pF CER., 0805, COG  1008-2A331J1GC37 CAP., 1.0µF FILM, MMK5, 10%, 50V  1016-6D105K50 (OS-3H141)C37 CAP., 1.0µF FILM, MMK5, 10%, 50V  1016-6D105K50 (OS-3H162)C38 CAP., 1.0µF FILM, MMK5, 10%, 50V  1016-6D105K50 (OS-3H141)C38 CAP., 470nF FILM, MMK5,10%,63V 1016-5D474K63 (OS-3H162)C39 CAP., 1.0µF FILM, MMK5, 10%, 63V  1016-6D105K50 (OS-3H141)C39 CAP., NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLED (OS-3H162)C40 CAP., SM, 12pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A120J1G (OS-3H141)C40 CAP., SM, 6.8pF CER., 0805,C0G 1008-0A689J1G (OS-3H162)C42 CAP., 22µF DIP. TANT., 20%, 20V  1054-6G226M20C43 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-4A103K5RC44 CAP., SM, 330pF CER., 0805, COG  1008-2A331J1GC45 CAP., 470nF FILM, MMK5,10%,63V 1016-5D474K63 (OS-3H141)C45 CAP., 220nF FILM, MMK5,10%,50V 1016-5A224K50 (OS-3H162)C46,C47 CAP., SM, 330pF CER., 0805, COG  1008-2A331J1GC49 CAP., 33nF FILM, MMK5, 10%, 63V  1016-4A333K63 (OS-3H141)C49 CAP., 22nF FILM, MMK5, 10%, 63V  1016-4A223K63 (OS-3H162)
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 5-9Ref.Desig Description Part No.C50 CAP., 22µF DIP. TANT., 20%, 20V  1054-6G226M20C51 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-4A103K5RC52 CAP., SM, 330pF CER., 0805, COG  1008-2A331J1GC53 CAP., SM, 27pF CER., 0805, COG  1008-1A270J1GC54 CAP., 22µF DIP. TANT., 20%, 20V  1054-6G226M20C55 CAP., SM, 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-4A103K5RC56 CAP., SM, 330pF CER., 0805, COG  1008-2A331J1GC58 CAP., SM, 47pF CER., 0805, COG  1008-1A470J1GC59 CAP., SM, 27pF CER., 0805, COG  1008-1A270J1GD1 DIODE, NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLEDD2 DIODE, MMBV609L VARICAP, SOT-23  2106-MMBV609LD3 DIODE, MMBD701L HOT CARR., SOT23  2105-MMBD7010D4 DIODE, BYD17J RECTIFIER,SOD87  2101-BYD17J00D5 DIODE, BAS16 SWITCHING, SOT23  2100-BAS16000L1-L3 CHOKE, RF/MOULD., 10uH 10%,.25  1251-4A00100KL4 CHOKE, RF/MOULD., 1.5uH 10%,.25  1251-3A001R5KL5 BOBBIN,  5.5 TURNS, 1.59 mm pitch  5791-A1010300WIRE, COPPER, 20AWG, Ag PLATED, 11cm 7140-30002000 (1pc 9cm, 2pcs 1cm)L6-L10 CHOKE, RF/MOULD., 1.5uH 10%,.25  1251-3A001R5KL11,L12 INDUCTOR, SM, 47nH CER,10%,1008  1256-1B47N00KL12 INDUCTOR, SM, 47nH CER,10%,1008  1256-1B47N00KLED1 LED, SUB-MIN.,2mm SQ,AXIAL,ORG 2012-S229013CPCB PCB, ANALOG, OS-3H H/P SYNTH. 4309-26500252Q1,Q2 TRANSISTOR, BC817-25,NPN,SOT23 2120-BC817025Q3 TRANSISTOR, BC807 PNP, SOT23  2120-BC807025 Q4 TRANSISTOR, BC817 NPN, SOT23  2120-BC817025Q5 JFET, J211 RF, N-CHAN., TO-92A  2041-J2110000R1 RES., SM, 49R9 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-1A49R9FPR2 RES., 330R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W  1101-2A0331JPR3,R4 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A1002FPR5 RES., SM, 100R 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-2A1000FPR6 RES., SM, 1K00 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-3A1001FPR7,R8 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A1002FPR9 RES., SM, 1K00 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-3A1001FPR10-R12 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A1002FPR13 RES., SM, 11K8 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A1182FPR14 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A1002FPR15 RES., SM, 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-1A10R0FPR16, R17 RES., SM, 5K11 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-3A5111FPR18, R19 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A1002FPR20 RES., SM, 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-1A10R0FPR21 RES., SM, 20K0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A2002FPR22 RES., SM, 100R 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-2A1000FPR23-R25 RES., SM, 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-1A10R0FPR26 RES., 1R2 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W  1101-0A01R2JIR27 RES., SM, 11K8 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A1182FP
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS5-10 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzRef.Desig Description Part No.R28 RES., NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLEDR29 RES., SM, 18K2 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A1822FPR30 RES., SM, 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-1A10R0FPR31 RES., SM, 49R9 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-1A49R9FPR32 RES., 12K METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-4A0123JP (OS-3H141)R32 RES., 15K METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-4A0153JP (OS-3H162)R33 RES., 680R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W  1101-2A0681JPR34,R35 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A1002FPR36 RES., 2K2 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W  1101-3A0222JP (OS-3H141)R36 RES., 6K2 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-3A0622JP (OS-3H162)R39 RES., SM, 0 0805, ZERO OHM JUMPER  1150-0A0R0000R40 RES., 180R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W  1101-2A0181JPR41 RES., SM, 18R2 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-1A18R2FPR44 RES., SM, 47R5 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-1A47R5FPR45 RES., SM, 27R4 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-1A27R4FPR46 RES., SM, 33R2 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-1A33R2FPR47 RES., SM, 47R5 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-1A47R5FPR48 RES., SM, 47R5 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A47R5FPR49 RES., SM, 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR50 RES., 180R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W  1101-2A0181JPR51 RES., 220R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W  1101-2A0221JPR52 RES., SM, NOT INSTALLED.      NOT INSTALLEDR53 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A1002FPR54 RES., SM, 18R2 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-1A18R2FPR55 RES., SM, 274 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-2A2740FPR56 RES., SM, 274 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-2A2740FPRV1 POT., SM, 5K0 1T, TOP ADJ  1174-AS2502J1TCXO1 VTCXO MODULE, 9.6 MHz 4 PIN, +- 1ppm  2641-09600BM5U1-U4 DIODE, I/R SENSOR,TTL O/P,PLST 2014-1L18230TU5 LED, I/R,GaAs,.81 x .23,PLAST. 2013-1G18230AU6 I.C., LT1129-IS8 ,PROG. VOLT REG,SO8  2305-11290N08U7,U8 I.C., LP2951 PROG. VOLT REG, SO-8  2305-29510N08U9 MOSFET, SI9945DY, N CHAN.,SO-8  2142-SI9945DYU10 IC, 45191,PLL FREQ/SYNTH,SO-20 2355-45191N20U11 IC, MSA-0611, MM1C AMP,SOT-143 2354-MSA06110U15,U16 IC, MSA-0611, MM1C AMP,SOT-143 2354-MSA06110
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 5-115.4 OS(R/T)-3H 406 - 470 MHz Analog Board Electrical Parts ListRef.Desig Description Part No.C1 - C3  CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC4  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC5  CAP., SM 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC6  CAP., SM 47uF TANT., 20%, 16V 1055-6D476M16C7  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC8  CAP., SM 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC9  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC10 CAP., SM 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-5A104K5RC11 CAP., SM 1.0uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5A105M16 C12, C13  CAP., SM 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C14  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC15  CAP., SM 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C16 CAP., 100nF FILM, MMK5, 10%, 63V 1016-5A104K63C17  CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC18  CAP., SM 47uF TANT., 20%, 16V 1055-6D476M16C19  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC20  CAP., SM 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C21, C22  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC25, C26  CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC27 CAP., SM 4.7uF TANT., 10%, 16V 1055-5B475K16C29 CAP., SM 47uF TANT., 20%, 16V 1055-6D476M16C30  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC31 CAP., SM 1.0nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-3A102K5RC32, C33 CAP., SM, 100uF TANT., 20%,16V 1055-7D107M16C34  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC35 CAP., SM 100pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A101J1GC36  CAP., SM 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC37  CAP., 1.0uF FILM, MMK5,10%,50V 1016-6D105K50C38  CAP., NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLED OST-3H440C38  CAP., 1.0uF FILM, MMK5,10%,50V 1016-6D105K50 OSR-3H440C39  CAP., NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLED OST-3H440C39  CAP., 1.0uF FILM, MMK5,10%,50V 1016-6D105K50 OSR-3H440C42  CAP., 22uF DIP. TANT., 20%, 20V 1054-6G226M20C43  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC44  CAP., SM 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC45 CAP., 220nF FILM, MMK5,10%,50V 1016-5A224K50 OST-3H440C45 CAP., 470nF FILM, MMK5,10%,50V 1016-5C474K50 OSR-3H440C46  CAP., SM 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC47  CAP., SM 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC49 CAP., 22nF FILM, MMK5, 10%,63V 1016-4A223K63 OST-3H440C49 CAP., 33nF FILM, MMK5, 10%,63V 1016-4A333K63 OSR-3H440C50  CAP., 22uF DIP. TANT., 20%, 20V 1054-6G226M20C51  CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC52  CAP., SM 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC53  CAP., SM, 10pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A100J1GC54 CAP., 22uF DIP. TANT., 20%, 20V 1054-6G226M20C55 CAP., SM 10nF CER, 0805, X7R, 50V 1008-4A103K5RC56 CAP., SM 330pF CER., 0805, COG 1008-2A331J1GC58 CAP., SM, 15pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A150J1GC59 CAP., SM, 10pF CER., 0805, C0G 1008-1A100J1G
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS5-12 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzRef.Desig Description Part No.C60 CAP., 100nF FILM, MMK5, 10%, 63V 1016-5A104K63 OST-3H440C60  CAP., NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLED OSR-3H440D4 DIODE, BYD17J RECTIFIER,SOD87 2101-BYD17J00D5 DIODE, BAS16 SWITCHING, SOT23 2100-BAS16000L1 -  L3 CHOKE, RF/MOULD.10uH 10%,.25 1251-4A00100KL6 - L10 CHOKE, RF/MOULD.1.5uH 10%,.25 1251-3A001R5KL11 L12 INDUCTOR, SM18nH CER,10%,1008 1256-1B18N00KLED1 LED, SUB-MIN.,2mm SQ,AXIAL,ORG 2012-S229013CPCB PCB, ANALOG, OS-3H UHF SYNTH. 4309-27500282Q1, Q2 TRANSISTOR, BC817 NPN, SOT23 2120-BC817025Q3 TRANSISTOR, BC807 PNP, SOT23 2120-BC807025 Q4 TRANSISTOR, BC817 NPN, SOT23 2120-BC817025R1  RES., SM 49R9 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A49R9FPR2 RES.330R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-2A0331JPR3 R4  RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR5 RES., SM 100R 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-2A1000FPR6  RES., SM 1K00 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-3A1001FPR7 R8  RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR9 RES., SM 1K00 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-3A1001FPR10 - R12  RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR13 RES., SM 11K8 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1182FPR14  RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR15  RES., SM 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR16, R17 RES., SM, 5K11 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-3A5111FPR18, R19  RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR21 RES., 2K7 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-3A0272JP OST-3H440R21 RES., NOT INSTALLED NOT INSTALLED OSR-3H440R23  RES., SM 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR24, R25  RES., SM 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR26 RES.1R2 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-0A01R2JIR28  RES., SM 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR29 RES., SM 36K5 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A3652FPR30 RES., SM 10R0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A10R0FPR31  RES., SM 274R 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-2A2740FPR32 RES., 4K7 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-3A0472JP OSR-3H440R32 RES., 5K6 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-3A0562JP OST-3H440R33 RES.680R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-2A0681JPR34, R35  RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR36 RES., 2K2 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-3A0222JP OST-3H440R36 RES., 1K5 METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-3A0152JP OSR-3H440R39 RES., SM 0R0 0805, ZERO OHM JUMPER 1150-0A0R0000R40  RES.180R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-2A0181JPR41  RES., SM 18R2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A18R2FPR44  RES., SM 47R5 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A47R5FPR45  RES., SM 27R4 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A27R4FPR46  RES., SM 33R2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A33R2FP
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 5-13Ref.Desig Description Part No.R47 RES., SM 47R5 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A47R5FPR48 RES., SM 27R4 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A27R4FPR49 RES., SM 33R2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A33R2FPR50 RES.180R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-2A0181JPR51 RES.220R METAL FILM, 5%, 0.5W 1101-2A0221JPR52 RES., SM 49R9 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A49R9FPR53 RES., SM 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-4A1002FPR54  RES., SM 18R2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A18R2FPR55, R56  RES., SM 274R 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-2A2740FPR57 RES., SM 18R2 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-1A18R2FPR58 RES., SM 274R 0805, 1%,100ppm 1150-2A2740FPRV1 POT., SM5K0 1T, TOP ADJ 1174-AS2502J1TCXO1 VTCXO MODULE 9.6 MHz 4 PIN, +- 1ppm 2641-09600BM5U1 -  U4 DIODE, OPL550 I/R SENSOR,TTL O/P,PLST 2014-1L18230TU5 LED, OP140A I/R,GaAs,.81 x .23,PLAST. 2013-1G18230AU6 I.C., LT1129-IS8,PROG. VOLT REG, SO8 2305-11290N08U7, U8 I.C.LP2951 PROG. VOLT REG, SO-8 2305-29510N08U9 MOSFET, SI9945DY, N CHAN.,SO-8 2142-SI9945DYU10 I.C., MC14519, PLL FREQ/SYNTH, SO-20 2355-45190N20U11 I.C., MSA-0611, MM1C AMP, SOT-143 2354-MSA06110U15, U16 I.C., MSA-0611, MM1C AMP, SOT-143 2354-MSA06110U17 VCO MODULE,427.4-451.4MHz,T-PK 2621-L002309T OSR-3H440U17 VCO MODULE, 406-470 MHz,T-PKG. 2621-190435MT OST-3H440
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS5-14 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz5.5 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Digital Board Electrical Parts ListRef.Desig Description Part No.C1,C2 CAP., SM, 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-5A104K5RC3-C5 CAP., SM, 47µF TANT., 20%, 16V  1055-6D476M16C6,C7 CAP., SM, 22pF CER., 0805, COG  1008-1A220J1GC8 CAP., SM, 4.7µF TANT., 10%, 16V  1055-5B475K16C9-C14 CAP., SM, 100nF CER., 0805, X7R, 50V  1008-5A104K5RC15 CAP., SM, 10µF TANT., 20%, 16V 1055-6C106M16P1 INTERCONNECT/STD,1ROW x 12P,Au  5015-IS112G21 INTERCONNECT/STD,1ROW x9PIN,Au 5015-IS109G21P2 INTERCONNECT/STD,1ROW x6PIN,Au  5015-IS106G21 D1 - D4 DIODE, BAS16 SWITCHING, SOT23  2100-BAS16000L1 INDUCTOR, SM, 10.0uH, 10%,1812 1255-4G10000KPCB PCB, DIGITAL, OS-3H H/P SYNTH.  4309-26500213Q1 - Q11 TRANSISTOR, BC817-25,NPN,SOT23 2120-BC817025R1 RES., SM, 0 0805, ZERO OHM JUMPER  1150-0A0R0000R2-R7 RES., SM, 47K5 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A4752FPR8 RES., SM, 6K81 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-3A6811FP R9,R10 RES., SM, 47K5 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A4752FPR11 RES., SM, 10M0 1206, 5%,400ppm 1151-7B0106JGR12-R22 RES., SM, 47K5 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A4752FPR23-R26 RES., SM, 10K0 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A1002FPR27-R29 RES., SM, 47K5 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A4752FPR30-R33 RES., SM, 332R 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-2A3320FPR34-R40 RES., SM, 47K5 0805, 1%,100ppm  1150-4A4752FPR41 RES., SM, 221K 0805, 1%, 100ppm 1150-5A2213FPU1 MOSFET, SI9933DY, P CHAN.,SO-8  2142-SI9933DYU2 IC, LP2951,PROG. VOLT REG,SO-8 2305-29510N08U3 IC, MC33064,UNDR/VOLT SEN.SO-8 2308-33064N08U4 IC, 68HC811E2, MIC/CTR, PLCC52 2380-68811P52U5-U8 LED, I/R,GaAs,.81 x .23,PLAST. 2013-1G18230AU9 DIODE, I/R SENSOR,TTL O/P,PLST 2014-1L18230TX1 RESONATOR, SM, 8.0MHz, CERAMIC 1575-8001816A
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 5-155.6 OS(R/T)-3(A/H) Synthesizer Mechanical Parts ListDescription Part No. Qty.CASE, OS-3H SYNTH. MODULE,ALUM 3702-66100920 1CONN., SMB, JACK,2 HOLE FLANGE 5120-J2SC01BG  2FERRITE, BEAD,73 MIX, 3X3.5mm OD (CON3-CON5) 1210-73030350 3 OS-3H050FERRITE, BEAD,43 MIX, 3X3.5mm OD (CON3-CON5) 1210-43030350 3 OS-3A130FERRITE, BEAD,43 MIX, 3X3.5mm OD (CON3-CON5) 1210-43030350 3 OS-3H150FERRITE, BEAD,61 MIX, 3X3.5mm OD (CON3-CON5) 1210-61030350 3 OS-3H440HEADER, .1”, 1 ROWX3PIN, AU 5010-H103ST7L 2LABEL, FOIL,FRQ/SN,OS-3H SYNTH 3501-13091006 1LID, CASE,OS-3H SYNTH/MODL.,AL 3702-66100921 1PIN, 2 x 10mm, GROOVED W/PILOT 5876-D1470210 4SCREW, M2.0 x 4, FLAT/PHIL, A2 5812-2M0FP04S 8SCREW, M2 X 4, PAN/PHILLIPS,A2 5812-2M0PP04S 15SCREW, M2.5 x 24.5 FLAT/PHIL, A2 5812-2M5FP24S 1WASHER, TFE,0.036ID,1/8OD,.02T 5805-T3612F20 6
DEDANIELSELECTRONICS5-16 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzThis Page Intentionally Left Blank
DEDANIELSELECTRONICSEnhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHz 6-16 REVISION HISTORYISSUE            DATE                   REVISION                                                                                                           1 May 97 • Issue 12 Mar 98 • Changes to the AM Analog board (OST-3A128) to improve performanceECO #547.C37 was 220nF is now 100nF and C40 was 8.2pF is now not installedC45 was 33nF is now 22nF and C49 was 2.2nF is now 1.5nFR32 was 33kΩ is now 56kΩand R36 was 3k3Ω is now 5k6Ω3 Mar 00 • Changes to the AM Analog board to improve performance at  -40˚C.ECO #565.L4 was 1.5µH is now 3.9 µH• Changes to the FM Analog boards to improve manufacturing. ECO #572C32 & C33 were 100µF through hole tantalums  are now 100µF surfacemount tantalums• Changes to the OS-3A/H Digital board for compatibility with the new AMwideband Synthesizers. ECO #579.Added C15 (10µF) and R41 (221kΩ).JU1 was added and is installed for AM modules only.PCB, DIGITAL, OS-3H/P SYNTH was version 2 now version 3.• Added the new component layouts, schematic diagram and parts lists forthe new AM wideband synthesizer. Wideband referring to only having tobe tune once and working over the whole AM band (118-138 MHz).
DE DANIELSELECTRONICS6-2 Enhanced AM/FM Synthesizer Instruction Manual OS(R/T)-3(A/H) 29 - 470 MHzISSUE            DATE                   REVISION

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