Zhongshan Tieshen Lock MR22 FINGER PRINT SECURITY LOCK User Manual

Zhongshan Tieshen Lock Industrial Co., Ltd. FINGER PRINT SECURITY LOCK

User Guide

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Document ID1111780
Application IDai8dDjYQTb4veCrh3fpnKw==
Document DescriptionUser Guide
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize109.13kB (1364079 bits)
Date Submitted2009-05-18 00:00:00
Date Available2009-05-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-05-14 14:03:54
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 8.1.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2009-05-15 09:05:36
Document Titleuntitled
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 8.13

ooomH EomOW. >m Dm>Ommm<
Samba»: 29.5
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>> >
Welcome To Use
toot-um «mason-mum Thank you for choosing ottr Intelligent BttrglarproofDoor
Lock. MR22 is an Intelligent Secure Door Lock with new-style
mama-unne-mm-rccnm high-tech which can be opened by fingerprint. password or key.
moreover. it could be connected with cotnputeras data transfer.
t mag-mmuuWMu-uu
m. m non—mo n- m an m
All copyrights reserved by Tieshen. any part ofthe
contents ortnaterials were forbidden to be copied. cited
mum or translated in any forms without the prior written
cmumuum-mnnw—wmw permission ofthe copyright owner.
The main purpose ofcontents and photos in the instruction
is to explain the operation steps for this product. The actual
function ofthe lock might be slightly changed due to software
upgrade. and the adjustments will be itttple ntettted without
advance notice .
Please reatl the instruction carefully before using.
L l S T
Configuration ................................. P3
Components .................................. p4
[installation] template t 108 mortise lock body) ------------ P5
Distinguish the right hand opening
and the left hand opening ....................... pb
Selliugthc positionol‘thc clutch .................... p7
Install the lever ------------------------------ Pit-Pt)
Installation instruction of It)?! mortise lock bod) ------ P10-PI2
Houto use--— - —P13> > ASTRO IMPERIAL
Mimi 80071500mm
I» f'fififilfi: 50mm
1 filfiifit 2&5. Eifi'fifiEiQflflFfi
Installation template (108 mortise lock holly) )
I won cENm/u. LINE
APPROVED BY wsosou'. 2mm
°%$_"~_¢ ......... ,
noon 5 sun i
/ | i
' |
Distinguish the right hand opening and the left hand opening )
no. u dlsflngnilh “In right hand owning “a n.- lefl hind cunning:
| Sland m from onhe dun! and push the daorhy nghl hand .s lhe rxghl hand npcningl
push the slum by len hand 1; [he lefl mum upenmg (Please refer m F|g below]
m: 0mm npcnlnu ugh: hm: oponlng
Z Inxmll Ill-r lever corrccll} l‘lcas‘s‘ rcl'cr (0 Fig hulu\h1xuc\\ holes should he dnwnward)
lull hand op'nlng rigm hand Bplnln'
APPROVED sv 1509001 2000
Sailing the [msilinn nflhn dutch ) Install the lever ASTRO IMPERIA
The =Iut=h hes bean fluid as "gm opening nr Iefl opening before Now to mun u.- mm. or uuhld. lover:
sucking. vie-u four to vow-"ks on the bol- one “u" fen-0“ "'° LNme remove the oulsidc leverfmm me eumde luck shell when mslallmglhc eumde
clutch durlns Installation. nnd we will no! he vewonslhle lor any Inner. and me" fix me l=\¢r In Cancel pusllmn. meemmne. me lever mew holes
problem that Is caused by me use! removos (ho clum- will-out should he dmxmunL mum. “glue-n lh-z Ilcxagcnal me“
proper Instrucllen.
Change me pnsllmn urelmeh accurdmg m duo: open direction
1 Thccluwh|x.cl|nr|gh|upcn|ng pusumnrmmme rm peekmg (pleeeererenhe fig} "‘ _’ _'
2 lflhc clulch neede mm m ten upening pnsllmn. please release me screen from "R'
poem". and men m n m "L" pmulmn and me scinng u 4m
‘ '
i e
mm pI-lhr
_’ \
When Ihn:\\:n:\\ m hcrc lhcclulch n
re. len npcn
\\'h=n lhl: scum I'1\ hare Ihn.‘ clutch n
APPROVED BY\$08001 2mm APPROVED sv Asoeum zouo
Install the lever ASTRO IMPERIAL
2. Please remm e llle inside lever {min lhe inside lock shell when insmllmg lhe lnside
levcn and then fix lhe lever in surreal posllion. meanwhile. llle lever sflew hules
should be downward. finally. lglen Ihe llengonnlscn“.
Installation instruction of 108 mortise lock body
LConfirmlhr daorlhlclness znd opening direclwn before Installing The available
doorlhlckness ls 40-55mm
1 Fit the lnstflllzllion template in pornmn on me door. Drill llulcs accordlllglollle Slze
mule posillan indicated onllle lcmplfllc (refer In F 7)
3 Flrsll}. adjuxl me poxllmn nl‘l-Ilchl mserl llle marlin: luck hfldv |nlo lllrlmlee “rd..."
and fix lhc mike plnll: by mm screw Secondly. IIIKurl lhe lulLlcr lnlo Illl: luck bud)
rrmnllre oulslde ofdnornnd l'lx n b) a mm: screw. Finally. m the Ilnoks 0mm sill-5s
of mortise luck laud) by corkscre“
APPROVED BY 1309001 2000
6.Pu||hc “mu square >pmdlc. the spring and file b1g>qnarc spindle mm the lmlc 0mm.-
luck mu in mm. [men Ihc \\‘m: cunnmor nflhe amuse lock mu mlo lhc plug m. Ihc
clrcml hoard oflhc inside luck mu pruperi}. and lhcn Imc up mmim. mnkc mm
Iliere mu he ennugh space for (he spindle ol'llle lock had} “mks smoothly. Use Jpcs
mm; and chs rum ems screfls m m lhc xnsldc lnck shell logelhenulh lhe hnck
Installation instruction (IT 108 mortise lock body
4 Put the rmm plate and (he rmm plasun: gaskcl lngclher. and [hen mserllhe uulslde
loukshcll mm correclpusmun
plnh: 0mm» door
”m uh.- hm plulc and (he hm mam: gaxlcl mgclhcr. and mm ughhm nnlsldc um
mu by 5pm hl5x25 flan sun-m
APPROVED BY wsosom 2mm) APPROVED sv 609001 zouo
fii Eli
7 Adm.“ [he slnke box and plnle m m- carrecl llelghl. and [hen fix lhem n" nu-
dmvrl'mme h_\ mm: cross we“,
Huwtuu > ) >> > )
Therm- m 3 awning km nn lhz insidr lack slmll : me cud: selling kt) (culled [.\| i. H“ W “N a “we:
nu fingerpl'intuklinqu (cullul (Blmn lhe nulxldelnckshelthtrtixuin-Ilng | mm. ” “nh llnc\al|dcude_ “hm, lscumhmedlnthln m mg“; |
keypad cnvmwucn (rallml [Ch an Ihe knppml.
slldlngkmpnd cmcnull plensc mphl “ l 2.3 4 " nslnc cllrrcnl
nan nulonmucnlh nflcrl cmlu]. nnd men pmnw mum: mum.
d) rm clung
Pm [Alfurisecondthe‘ ‘ lnpnllhecurrenlcodc(ifll'slnilialized.
mcanuhllc. xl ln
heap sounds
lllpul n ncn cudc and prc 1.9 |. a beep
sunnds.rc|1 ullhenc“ mac and
pm [..¢|. mu mum! :xfiu clllngls
dull l ndlhu.1|dlllgkc3pudcn\ui
\\I||dc\'1|llc aulmlmucnlh
Open insult: luckshcll by How Io input a fingerprinl:
mlmmngllmmm.and }
llwll [max un- hnunn on Ilw
CINHII lmfll‘d far 5 wclmds
millnlclulc "l u" nlllhnmnnlcd
a, nu- cuuclli mull: lllnlnailcnll}
w- s[B],:lhl:cp
suunds andllmlidlng )
kcypxld cm‘cr“ m rlsc
lnpullhccurwnlcudc. PI cpmfingeninvnflw
and “w“ “M,” 1? mm“. scllmrwlwll Illc fillgcrpnm
wrhnckglnlmd 1.ng unm
ml nnd mm a heap mulld» n"
llw fillgcl‘pnlll h mplll
sue mm
Him- to (lclcte the fingerprints and the code:
lnpul lhc currcnl ml» and Ihcn press [a 1.
lhc curlcnl code and all fingcrprinls “ll!
hc dclclud 1nd|hulnl|lnlcudu “ l 1 x 4"
\\ .n b;- I nnml ms nu- cumnl cull:
slum: n‘ "ur5sccunds.
lllcslidlng kcwudcmcr
Marc fingcrprinls can he Ins long a, you press | a |n~nlnn s wound
b Bnl n’mm 3.x nfll an) l'ulgu'llp much um sensor“ nl. , 5 sucunds. and
the slldmg kupad emu“ m dccllllc nuiolnalxcall) and un- mung
\\ lll hi: (n H
\\I|| rm- numnlnmnu»
mm 1 bcup smlndx
a 1 and (he fingerprmuclllng ls m‘er ]
b | Pu
A\ beep snuds ll'scmng i< hi cd and the
sliding k ”ml mm \\l|l deulme
APPROVFD Ev RUHM‘ znmu PPROVED 5» lsowlxw mm
How (0 use )
How to delete all fingerprints:
>> > )
How to open the lock hy fingerprints:
press [a] for s sscnnds,
u beep suunds. uud nu
In,“ Ihe ) Music sounds lfsellmg ss successful
currenl code
and press] s 1 > Abeepsouds ifselling is railed. andlhe
sliding keypad cmcnull decline
How to open the lock by code:
Mule] a lnruuhc Music sounds ifselling is successful. meanwhile.
beqmufid‘ currcnlcndc b (heleverbackgroundhghllurnson.nnd|hcn
. len- nd“ Y andlhen mum:lzwrlunpenlhcluck Thcduurmllluck
f“ ‘ “7L Ins-“mph,“ uulnmalwall)11“chwenndxnxlhnulmlallng
h“ “M" l“MM. an. uandlcwrhaekgruundhghlmllIum
Will rm mpgmn‘, nhc xamc lmw
“gm nuns [nus
A beep snuds ir inpul n wrong code nus-n a long
beep sounds .r,upus n “mug ends 3 llmcs
cmninuuusl). and lb: lm; , ml] slop “nrhng
for 1 munun. umnnhsln. un- shdmg keypad
um cr mu decline nulmnaunll)
The npsmunu ls l'alledxl'press [cm |n 1 J
nun-s cunlmuousl)
APPROVED ev wsosom 2mm)
Open (he fingerprml sensor cmer.
and lunch the sensor hv fingcmp
Lu 1 sucuud \\ hen Ihe ilngcrprlm
“ms“! Ium; red. and "ms“: suunds
ll'flpemnun ss \ sud
Music sounds ifsellmg is successful. menuwniln.
(he Ieverbackgwund ugh: (Inns on..1ndlhen
mam Ieverlo open mu- lock The door will lock
nulnmaucnll) ans-11 5 secunds withuul mlaling
(he [even and Ie\crba:kgmund “gm mll turn
tlfl’fll UhV same huh:
) .\bnnp snuds xl'upcrulinn is rum-d
How to open the lock hy key
Open un- luck b) m dmrclly
How to lock
How to set the lock with passage functinn:
Ops-nnhs-lmbpsndn ) prcs§|l[.ahccpmullds } Thcloekwillhc
Iumed Io passage
l'um ‘uu (pn age
l'unclinn. lhe luck
cunld he free In
"pen rmuu numdc
m mnde nu_ lmel
ll'lhc 1m works under , ,
’ perel ! I n hhep suunds }
APPROVED sv 609001 20m)
How (0 use ) Installation template (103 mortise lock hotly) >
Awuume noon YHICKNESS:
llelfl indicnlnr light "(outside lock shell lums blue and flashes “hen muslc sounds,
2.11mi: ls \m:.’ll iirni n-nen presslhi: keypad.
3.’I'l|c lei-er hzckgmund lighl lums on. nndinen mlah: lei-erin open fire lock
4.11“: lock will mm nffmimmalicnlly rmiere is no! any mpul operation “illnn
5 xccnnds
sxriiere IS n backup hullery nvnrinbie “he" |he power imidc me luck is gelling lo“.
plums-3 connccl rne 9v dry lull-n) lo me cmcrgenc) inier on me lutkr and men
mplll the code oriire fingerprinl in open Ihe inei.
6.Low hall-try ninrrn; iiie indienmr llghl ni'nmeirie luck shell lums nine il'baucry ‘
is gclliilg low. niennwnrie. me Incl: will misc ninnn nner mplllling
undo orl'iilgperpriiil
A lung been xuunds pm “lung eerie 3 lime! mnlmunuxhr and me luck “III
nul Mnrk Ins! rur I nnnuie. l’u‘ss |C| nr| n | 3 nines mnlmunuxl) as failed npernimn “““““
When me ninrnr raises. pienre inpni enrreer code. fingerpnme orlnkt mine
hflulfl'ic$ l'mnl inside: lock she'll Inshul dmm the alarm
Highly recommend In use Kpcx Illgll qualilyA Abnncrics(DC6\').\\lu:n1l|c
inner pmvcrsuppl)‘ ls finished. piense epnneci me 9\' dryballcry in ll| mergcncy
.:md uren mpul ine ringerpnm er eerie in open me luck
Inlelonlhe lm:
APPROVED sv 1509001 2000
APPROVED BY isosom 2mm
Brief introduction of universal mortise lock body ) >> >
This MRI! is an lnlclligcnl Secure Door Lock: [here are 2 kinds ofmorlise lock body
available [03 or 103 momse lock body The 103 mums: luck body IS differenl I'rmn I08
mums: lock hndy in inslalling MGl‘H‘dv Duralion nl'lhe monis: Iucks is 200000 cycles
108 Mums: Lac Bod
APPROVED Bv 15090012000 APPROVED BY isosum 2000
Setting the position nithe latch oinmriist lotk body (Right opening or Left opening) )
new. m change the pnxitinn nfflw hm. of ms marlin luck but
Locum-Mum mm
upmlld zu unglcmi
1h: mm em lrzlulllgd m
m. tn m rm: ymwmu
Change lhu handing pes mn erure latchr cording Iu dour drreerren
1er latch la set in n rrgm opmmg posiliun from “ilhm Ihc packagmg
(Please rcl'urlu Flg n
1 Move Um lucalmg preee upwards 10 degrees men press are lalch mmhe lock
Route mu degrees and men release me latch hack em omre IucMFig 41
APPROVED av wsoeuo: 2090
mg n
Lotmmg pme
. Fallen Iuw
t'cnlu nu.-
>>> )
anl to change lhx- poxlflnn 0101: um. of m: mnrtiu' lurk burl,
luxlmg plrcc' mm e
|||mzul an alqufl'sl Lutalmg were
um. Mich
Lorain»: |v|=c=
m man fun he Inlllrd m
- mus. hm
r e um. lulc
Chung: me handing pesmen erure Inlcll according m deer arreenmr
| The men rs se: in arighl opening pesmerr rrum “mm. ure packaging.
(I’lcasc rcfcr lo Flg.5)
2..\lo\'¢ me localmg preee up“ curds 10 degrees men press me latch into me lock.
Rome 180 dzgrezs and men release the lnlcll back um ol‘lhe luckmg 8)
APFROVED Rv wsoynul 7000
Technical Parameters ) Notes )
Tcdminl parameters oftl’le drum hn-ni uni-c lntelllgcm Sunn- Door Lock 1, Tllelock wul misc film-m vi Ilile “If: biluer)‘ i‘ gelling low [A deep vocal lmu minim
. . Il'lerlllc lock is opened)
Hem Represenlallvc mu:
Working volmge 4.5 ~7v 1 Highly recommend using AAA alkaline him mu “m wineries. and please do um um
Regular m“, 0[ Wm“ ”In“ 4.5 -7v. up um} balltncs M|Il ilig old one} at (he smile Imle. Plenselllzlkc sure Io replace
. bnllerlc llum’cclpusmnlLmmflmllmkcml) llnmke mum» + oi , hillmrypolln
Alarm value of lovl bmlur)‘ I. 9\
5mm mm“ ' <3,“ .i.Tliecflecliiecodemid ringerprmlimnillmnilnhl ncrrcplnciughmmies.
. - lllcrefort. in) “cell in ma.
Working cum-m  " ’> ‘ ‘ < l "“ (1.Plc:lsc (h) um mkc nunrl me prulhlcu. llcmuw Emilie “mann- nnlll- luck N
“W msINN """= m H'l'M'f)‘ "W f'flfiflvflfl' ‘ <2 colllplicnlcd nlld pm- in i! would he (L'Illh'llt’l' c: . ii) In) rensiclllhlinx.
Baum lire llxlu.‘ Upcnlhrdmvl «who m JMWIIDN
Molor “urkillg mml voltage ll 3\
Gcnvrnlor swell (1.5
Remlrk: the pruducl clumps “mi mill-hum mn‘cr pmmion mum. “nu-mm
pmlwlifln cimm and anll-m'crluad plulccllnn clrcull “lim- lhc “oiling
cllrnml Is our 100 MA. Ihe pron-slum mums “nuld be zlclivnlcll in mm
circllll hoard nvcrlnnd
APPROVED BY isosout 2mm APPROVED EV 1509001 2000
After sen we ) Guarantee Card )
Inform-tim- should In mud hyAltnlu'
Fwe }:n1r lumled wnrumy nn all mahamcal pulls. um: _\e.1r \»armn|_\ on eleclmmn:
x'mnam | Tel, | Posnmde |
. Add.
A) nu- warranty does nul cover damage tamed by poor mslnllalmn and mnuse m uk- uml
B, L- F Max]
Mm “r
qua“ conscqumlml damage such as carlhqunkcs. m and llghmmg
Iltm no 4mm mdz
PM! code
Sales dalm- Invmcc m»
Dealer mm]
Information uhnuld be mm: by un‘lu nrg-nlzuflnn.
Vim: ”mm:
«mm mm.
lull no
blll no
APPROVED w wsosom 2mm)

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