Zoltrix FM-PIB3PC User Manual

Zoltrix Inc Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document ID8404
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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize62.31kB (778857 bits)
Date Submitted1998-09-29 00:00:00
Date Available1998-10-29 00:00:00
Creation Date1998-09-29 14:37:13
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Document Lastmod1998-09-29 14:37:52
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in

Zoltrix, Inc.
41778 Christy Street
Fremont, CA 94538
56Kb Internal Modem
Model: FM—PIB3PC
Usser's Manual(Preliminary)
FCC Warning
This device complies with Part [5 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (I) this
device may not cause harmful interference,'and (2) this
device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation
Information to the User
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class
B digital device pursuant to part I5 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential instal-
lation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio fi'equency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation, If this equipment
does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to conect the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-lncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipth into an outlet on a circuit different fi'orn that to
which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radiofl'V technician (or help and for
additional suggestions.
The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communica-
Problems." This booklet is available from the U5. Goverru'nent Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.
FCC Warning
The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by
the manufacmrer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Installing your fax/modem
It you have never Installed an addvin board in your computer before, please follow
the instructions in this section carefully. Vou may also want to refer to the Installation
Chapter In your manual.
Safety Preceutlons
1. Turn OFFthecomputer beforeyou begin.Alsc,tum OFFeny external devices
that are connected to your computer, such as printers.
2. Handle the board gently by the edges. Some oi the component leads under
the board have very sharp edges and may cause serious iniury.
3. To prevent electrostatic discharge damage to the components on your
modem, do not remove the modem from the stetioshielded bag until you have
discharged any static electrlclty from your body by touching any unpainted
surfaoe on the case oI your computer.
Necessary Equlpment
Make sure that you have all necessary equipment at hand belore you begin.
You should have:
The Zoltrlx Phantom 56K HSP WlnModerrr Board
A Pentium-156 or taster compatible computer with an available PCI
expansion slot
' A modular telephone outlet and cable
- A small, flat-blade screwdrlver and a small pair ol pliers or tweezers
A telephone set (Optional)
- Shielded PC speakers or headset (required for speaker phone}
0 Microphone (required tor speakerphone)
Installation Steps
The steps to install your modem are shown in order In this section. For
some steps, you may need to reler to your computer's User's Manuali
Selecting the COM Port
The Zoltrlx Phantom 56K HSP WlnMaderrr Is PnP and can use OOM
ports 1 to at The IRQ supported and selected depends upon the motherboard
and cannot be changed. This is selected automatically. There are no hardware
jumpers or dip switches to set. You can use the HSP Utilty program located in
the Mndows 95/98 Control Panel to change the Port. More information on the
HSP utility Iollows the Win95/95 driver installation Instructions.
e, 44‘
inserting the Fax/Modem
I. Turn on the power to the computer. Also, turn otf any external devices that
are attached. such as a primer and monitor.
2. Take out the mounting screws on the back oi you computer. Reler to your
computer manual it you cannot locate them.
3. Fiemove the computer cover. Hater to your computer manual It you cannot
determine how to remove the cover.
4. Select an empty PCI slot. You may need to remove the metal slot cover
first, using a small screwdriver.
5. Discharge any static electricity In your body by touching any bare metal
surlace on the chassis oi the computer and remove the modem from the
static-shielded bag.
6. Press the board firmly into the slot ensuring that the gold tabs on the tax/
modem are aligned with the connectors In the slot.
7. insert the screw and tighten slightly. Check to ensrre that the telephone
lacks in the back of the modern are unobstructed. i so. then tighten the
screw securelyt
8. Replace the computer cover.
installing Telephone Lines (See Fig. 2)
The Fax/Modem has two modular telephone jacks on the back of the
modern. You will need to connect your Fax/Modem to the wall outlet via a
modular telephone cord.
If your wall outlet Is not a modular type. you can purchase an inexpensive
converter at most electronics or phone storest It Is suggested that you connect
your modem to a “dedicated Ilne’. A dedicated line is a regular phone line that
does not go through a switchboard, PBX, etc...
You can also connect a telephone set to your modem, enabling you to
use the phone when the modem is not In use. The modern can also be used
as an autodialer with your telephone set. it Is recommended that you use a
single line phone outlet (N11). However, you can use a two-line (RJ14) phone
line but the modem will only work on me first line using the center pair of wires.
To Telephone
F From Telephone Wail Jack
Fig, 2 Board Configure lion
To connect the telephone line to the modern follow these steps:
1. Insert one end of the phone line into the jack on the modem labeled Line.
2. Insert the other end or the phone line into the phone jack, (usually located on
your wall}.
It you wish to use a phone set In oonlunctlon with your modern, pleaselollow these
1, Insert the line irom the phone into the lack labeled phone.
2. Make sure that the other end of the phone line Is connected to the telephone.
It you wish to use the speakerphone tunotlons of your modem,
1. Plug a microphone with a 1/8" mono plug into the jack labeled, microphone
on the "FULL DUPLEX" sound card
‘ l
The actual installation of the modem Is now complete Before attempting to use your
modem, you should complete the following steps:
1. Belore turning the power back on to the computer, check the telephone
connection by lifting the telephone handset You should hear a dial tone. It you
don't. check that all phone cords are firmly connected. Il you still don't hear a
dial tone. refer to Appendix A (Troubleshooting) in the installation manual.
2. Turn the computer power back on. thI Inc handset 01 the telephone again to
check tor a dial tone. Once again. you should heara dial tone. It not, reterto
Appendix A (Troubleshooting) In the installation manual.
3. You've now completed the hardware Installation at your modem. From here.
you are ready to install the communications software. Please reler to the
soltware installation section tor instructions.
4. Once you’ve installed your communications software, test the modem
according to the instructions in either the hardware or sottware manual.
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Windows 95 Driver Installation
1. Stan Windows 95. As soon as
Windows 95 starts you will see a
screen similar to the diagram to the
Note: It you do not we the screen to the
right, you may have the OSRZ
version oi Win95 or Win”. It
so, reier to the Instructions
following these.
2. Click the button.
This will bring up a screen similar to
the diagram to the right:
3. Insert the Zoltrlx HSP WinModem
setup diskette into drive A:
If you have the Zoltrix COMMUNICATIONS CDAFlOM, insert the CD-ROM
Into your CD-FlOM drive and select D:\PCTEL\HSP56PCI
Note: Replace D' with the drive letter at your cD—ROM drive It necessary
4. Click the ‘
utlon to start copying the tiles.
5. After the driver tiles are copied you should then see the Wave device tor the
voice modem detected and installed.
When the following screen Is displayed, select the Country byollcklng on the
down arrow to the right ol USA to select another Country and then click on the
OK button.
|i:;P Modem (inunny futludluu
‘ Windows 95(osn2) Driver Installation
1. Start Windows 95. As soon as
Windows 95 starts you will see a
screen similar to the diagram to
the right:
I} 2. Clld< on the button.
3a. Ii you did have the driver
diskette In the drive and see a
screen similar to the diagram to
the right, skip to step as:
' \ 3b. If you did not have the driver
disk In the drive or you had the
HOM Inserted . you will see a
screen similar to the diagram to
I} the right:
It 4 Either Insert the driver diskette
i now and click on the back
button to go back to step #2
‘ it using the Zoltrlx
Click on the Other Locations
button to bring up a screen
] similar to the diagram to the
‘ right:
I 5. Click on the Browse button
i and then select the correct drive and directory containing the an95 driver
i‘ and then click on the OK button. If you have the Zoitrix COMMUNICATIONS
i CD-HOM, Insert the CD~FIOM Into your CD-ROM drive and select D:
Note: Replace D' with the drive letter 0! your CD-ROM drive It necessary.
The button will be grayed out until you llnd a directory
that actually contains a modem driver.
After Clicking on OK il you do not
see a screen similar to the
diagram to the right, lhe location
does not contain the correct
driver, go back to step its to
select the correct path:
6. Clidt on th utlon
to complete the modem driver
installation. “i
ll 3 screen similar to following screen is displayed asking for the palh lo
the drivers, Click on OK and select the correct drive and dlrectory that
contains the modem driver to complete the driver Installation
74 Alter the driver files are oopled you should then see the Wave device for the
voice modern detected and installed.
When the lollowing screen is displayed, select the Counlry by clicking on the
down arrow to the right of USA to select another Country and then click on the
Windows 98 Driver Installation
1. Start Windows 98. As soon as
Windows 98 starts you will see a
screen similar to the diagram to
the right:
2. Click on the button.
You will see a screen similar to
the diagram to the right:
3. Make sure that the box has a
check mark like the diagram to
the right and click on the
4, Make sure that the box has a
check mark'llke the diagram to
the right and then either type in
the correct path to the driver disk
Click on the Browse button and
then select the correct drive and
directory containing the Win98
driver and then click on the OK
It you have the Zollrix COMMUNICATIONS CD-ROM, Insert the (JD-ROM
into your CD-FIOM drive and select D:\PCTEI.\HSP56PCI
Note: Replace D: with the drive letter at your CD-ROM drive it necessary.
. button will be grayed out until you find I directory
that actually contains a modem driver.
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Click on the
It the directory contained the
driver you will see a screen
similar to the dlagram to the
Click on the
After the driver tiles are copied
you will see a screen slmller to
the diagram to the right:
Select the Country by clicking on
the down arrow to the right of USA
to select another Country and then
click on the OK button.
You will see a screen similar to
the diagram to the right:
Click on the button
to complete the modem driver
You should then see the Wave device tor the voice modem detected and
Un-Installalion of the Windows 95/98 Driver
If you ever want to remove lhe modem or update the modem drivers with newer
verslons obtained on the web, you must first remove the HsP modem drivers. We
provided a utility program that not only removes the modem driver. but completely
removes all the modem entries in the Wlndows registry. Use the lollowing
procedure to remove the modem drivers
1.5tarl lhe Conlrol Panel and double click on
You can also change the Com
Port the modern uses by
selecting It here and clicking
on the button
Click here, to change lhe
Country the modem supports
by selecting the country from
the list
2.Cllck on the
3. Click on lhe
4A Click on the - button.
You should now shut down and remove the modem or restart and load the
updated driver from the new driver dlsk, ~
Common Problems and Their Solutions
Problem:Modem answers Incoming calls and then returns to the on-hook
condition. disconnecting the caller.
This occurs most olten when connecting to a UNIX system. In most case. the host does
not preler to see any result or command echo codes. II this is the case. the codes can be
disabled by adding EU 01 to the modem configuration string.
Problomzno echo lrom modern
This is normally caused by an IIO address or IRO conflict. Verily that the OOMPort is not
In use by any outer serial device and II necessary use another COMPort or IIO address
setting. Reler to Appendix A tor inlormatlon on Determining What Serial Ports Are
Installed On Your Computer. You may also need to reler to your computer or IIO card
hardware manual.
Problemz‘rhe modem dl d'eppeara to complete the connection, but the
communications software does not enter the correct mode. (The screen
remains blank.)
There may be an IIO conflict (See the solution tor the previous problem, “No echo lrom
ntodem'). 3
The Result Codes may have been disabled by the soitware configuration set no check
it at is in the configuration or Initialixation string. Il so. change it to 00.
Your software may require numeric result codes rather than verbal result codes, Use
either V0 tor numeric result codes or V1 tor verbal result codes In your initialization or
configuration string.
Some soltware require lull extended result codes (ie. CONNECT 33600 Instead of
CONNECT). This can be controlled by the Xn command, X0 sends a summarized code
(CONNECT) and X4 sends a lull extended cede (CONNECT 33600).
Probleszhe modern does not auto answer.
The auto answer models determined by the so regislen it so has been set to o, the
modern will not answer. Assign another value to so by entering the tollowing command
SO-n. where n-the number at rings to occur betore the call is answered (Arse-2, the
modem answers alter two rings).
Problemn'ho Modem always answers the phone
Set the so register to o. ATso-o
Probleszha communications software dlsplaye,“No Dialtone“.
Make sure that your phone cable is working properly and that it is firmly sealed to the
phone socket at your phone iack and in the rear panel at the modem
Problemza high pitched squeal Is emitted lrom the external apeakers..
This phenomenon Is “leedbeoli‘ and occurs when the microphone is pointed at the
external speaker or is close enough to pick up the speaker output. This may be remedied
by using a unidirectional microphone. making sure that it Is pointed away and as tar irom
the speaker as hinctionaliy possible. Another option is to use a headset with an attached
Feature Notes
In addition to high speed tax and data transler tunctions. your tax/modem supports the
following additional voice teatures:
Personal Voice Managing system
Automatically detect and route incoming voice, tax and data calls,
create up to 999 voice maiboxes. each with a personal mailbox greeting message.
Listen to voice messages through the telephone handset or speakers.
Record your own greeting messages lcr each mailbox.
Monitor incoming calls and answer the calls at your own convenience.
Password-protection tor each mailbox.
Log of received Incoming messages tor each mailbox displaying status. date and time
received. assigned record number. duration and file size cl each message.
- Call from a remote location with a touch lone telephone to retrieve messages.
0 call your pager to notify you 0! received messages
Speaker Phone
- Turns your computer into a tutlvtunctioned speaker phone
(Full Duplex Sound card with speakers and microphone required)
Places and answers telephone calls directly from your computer
Features mute, redial, hold, pause and clear lunctions
Direct dialing trom your computer keyboard
Phonebook with speed dialing access
Soltware volume control
class I
This tax/modem suppons Class 1 tax commander This allows the tax/modem to execute the
Initial negotiations during a tax transmission session. In order tor this tax/modem to operate
properly you must set the modem type to either Class I In your lax/modem soltwaret
On-llne Technical Support
it you have access to the Wortd Wrde Web bows to visit the Zoltrix home page at:
htlp: lwww.xoltrlx.com
You may also want to read the updated Modem Questions and Answers located at:
You may also mate the complete AT commands and Windows 95 drivers trom the
lolicwlng page: httpzllwwwaoltrIx.com/modem.htm
You may also Iomte the Technical Support phone numbers. email addresses and
detective product return Intormation on the Tech Support Web page at:
' http:l/www.xoItrlx.comltechsrrpp.htm
Technical Specifications
- Operating Modes
v.90, K56Flex
VIM. Vr32 bis,V.32, v.22 his, v.22.
v.17. v.29. V427 tar, and V,21 channel 2
Groqu Send and Receive Facsimile
Error Correction (VAZ/MNPZA)
Data Compression (v.42 bis/MNPS)
Hayes-compatible ‘AT‘ Command Set
Fax classl Commands
DTE Speed up to 115,200 bps
Caller ID (US Version only)
12 30F-56KPCTPCI

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Page Count                      : 13
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