Zylux Acoustic SS2520C6 25 inch 2.0 Sound Stand User Manual SS2520 C6 QSG

Zylux Acoustic Corporation 25 inch 2.0 Sound Stand SS2520 C6 QSG

User manual

function abnormally. Unplug the power cord immediately and contact your dealer for repair. Continued use of your Unit may cause ȴUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN• Do not install your Unit in an area with heavy dust or high humidity. Operating your Unit in environments with heavy dust or high KXPLGLW\PD\FDXVHȴUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN• Ensure that the power cord and any other cables are unplugged before moving your Unit.• When unplugging your Unit, hold the power plug, not the cord. Pulling on the power cord may damage the wires inside the cord and FDXVHȴUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN:KHQ\RXU8QLWZLOOQRWEHXVHGIRUDQH[WHQGHGSHULRGRIWLPHXQSOXJWKHSRZHUFRUG•7RUHGXFHULVNRIHOHFWULFVKRFNGRQRWWRXFKWKHFRQQHFWRUZLWKZHWKDQGV•ΖQVHUWWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROEDWWHULHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKLQVWUXFWLRQVΖQFRUUHFWSRODULW\PD\FDXVHWKHEDWWHU\WROHDNZKLFKFDQGDPDJHthe remote control or injure the operator.•6HHWKHLPSRUWDQWQRWHDQGUDWLQJORFDWHGRQWKHEDFNRIWKHXQLW•:$51Ζ1*7KLVHTXLSPHQWLVQRWZDWHUSURRI7RSUHYHQWDȴUHRUVKRFNKD]DUGGRQRWSODFHDQ\FRQWDLQHUȴOOHGZLWKOLTXLGQHDUWKHHTXLSPHQWVXFKDVDYDVHRUȵRZHUSRWRUH[SRVHLWWRGULSSLQJVSODVKLQJUDLQRUPRLVWXUH•&$87Ζ21'DQJHURIH[SORVLRQRUȴUHLIEDWWHULHVDUHPLVWUHDWHG5HSODFHRQO\ZLWKWKHVDPHRUVSHFLȴHGW\SH•'RQRWOHDYHWKHEDWWHULHVH[SRVHGWRGLUHFWVXQOLJKWIRUDORQJSHULRGRIWLPHZLWKGRRUVDQGZLQGRZVFORVHG'RQRWGLVDVVHPEOHWKHEDWWHULHVRUGLVSRVHRILWLQȴUH• Where the MAINS plug or appliance coupler is used as the disconnect device, the disconnect device shall remain readily operable.:$51Ζ1*7RUHGXFHWKHULVNRIȴUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNGRQRWH[SRVHWKLVDSSDUDWXVWRUDLQRUPRLVWXUH([SODQDWLRQRI:$51Ζ1*V\PEROV<RXU8QLWLVGHVLJQHGDQGPDQXIDFWXUHGWRRSHUDWHZLWKLQGHȴQHGGHVLJQOLPLWVDQGPLVXVHPD\UHVXOWLQHOHFWULFVKRFNRUȴUH7RSUHYHQWyour Unit from being damaged, the following rules should be observed for its installation, use, and maintenance. Please read the following safety instructions before operating your Unit. Keep these instructions in a safe place for future reference.• Read these instructions.• Keep these instructions.• Heed all warnings.• Follow all instructions.• Do not use this apparatus near water.• Clean only with a dry cloth.•'RQRWEORFNDQ\YHQWLODWLRQRSHQLQJVΖQVWDOOLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHPDQXIDFWXUHUȇVLQVWUXFWLRQV•'RQRWLQVWDOOQHDUDQ\KHDWVRXUFHVVXFKDVUDGLDWRUVKHDWUHJLVWHUVVWRYHVRURWKHUDSSDUDWXVLQFOXGLQJDPSOLȴHUVWKDWSURGXFHheat.•'RQRWGHIHDWWKHVDIHW\SXUSRVHRIWKHSRODUL]HGRUJURXQGLQJW\SHSOXJ$SRODUL]HGSOXJKDVWZREODGHVZLWKRQHZLGHUWKDQWKHother. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your VDIHW\ΖIWKHSURYLGHGSOXJGRHVQRWȴWLQWR\RXURXWOHWFRQVXOWDQHOHFWULFLDQIRUUHSODFHPHQWRIWKHREVROHWHRXWOHW•3URWHFWWKHSRZHUFRUGIURPEHLQJZDONHGRQRUSLQFKHGSDUWLFXODUO\DWSOXJVFRQYHQLHQFHUHFHSWDFOHVDQGWKHSRLQWZKHUHWKH\H[LWfrom the apparatus.•2QO\XVHDWWDFKPHQWVDFFHVVRULHVVSHFLȴHGE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHU•8VHRQO\ZLWKWKHFDUWVWDQGWULSRGEUDFNHWRUWDEOHVSHFLȴHGE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHURUVROGZLWKWKHDSSDUDWXV:KHQDcart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.• Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.•5HIHUDOOVHUYLFLQJWRTXDOLȴHGVHUYLFHSHUVRQQHO6HUYLFLQJLVUHTXLUHGZKHQWKHDSSDUDWXVKDVEHHQGDPDJHGLQDQ\ZD\VXFKDVZKHQthe power supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been H[SRVHGWRUDLQRUPRLVWXUHGRHVQRWRSHUDWHQRUPDOO\RUKDVEHHQGURSSHG•7RUHGXFHWKHULVNRIHOHFWULFVKRFNRUFRPSRQHQWGDPDJHVZLWFKR΍WKHSRZHUEHIRUHFRQQHFWLQJRWKHUFRPSRQHQWVWR\RXU8QLW•8QSOXJWKHSRZHUFRUGEHIRUHFOHDQLQJ\RXU8QLW$GDPSFORWKLVVXɝFLHQWIRUFOHDQLQJ'RQRWXVHDOLTXLGRUDVSUD\FOHDQHURQ\RXUUnit. Do not use abrasive cleaners.• Always use the accessories recommended by the manufacturer to insure compatibility.• When moving your Unit from an area of low temperature to an area of high temperature, condensation may form in the housing. Wait EHIRUHWXUQLQJRQ\RXU8QLWWRDYRLGFDXVLQJȴUHHOHFWULFVKRFNRUFRPSRQHQWGDPDJH•6ORWVDQGRSHQLQJVLQWKHEDFNDQGERWWRPRIWKHFDELQHWDUHSURYLGHGIRUYHQWLODWLRQ7RHQVXUHUHOLDEOHRSHUDWLRQRI\RXU8QLWDQGWRSURWHFWLWIURPRYHUKHDWLQJEHVXUHWKHVHRSHQLQJVDUHQRWEORFNHGRUFRYHUHG'RQRWSODFH\RXU8QLWLQDERRNFDVHRUFDELQHWXQOHVVproper ventilation is provided.• Never push any object into the slots and openings on your Unit enclosure. Do not place any objects on the top of your Unit. Doing so FRXOGVKRUWFLUFXLWSDUWVFDXVLQJDȴUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN1HYHUVSLOOOLTXLGVRQ\RXU8QLW•:KHQFRQQHFWHGWRDSRZHURXWOHWSRZHULVDOZD\VȵRZLQJLQWR\RXU8QLW7RWRWDOO\GLVFRQQHFWSRZHUXQSOXJWKHSRZHUFRUG•'RQRWRYHUORDGSRZHUVWULSVDQGH[WHQVLRQFRUGV2YHUORDGLQJFDQUHVXOWLQȴUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN•7KHZDOOVRFNHWVKRXOGEHORFDWHGQHDU\RXU8QLWDQGEHHDVLO\DFFHVVLEOH•.HHS\RXU8QLWDZD\IURPPRLVWXUH'RQRWH[SRVH\RXU8QLWWRUDLQRUPRLVWXUHΖIZDWHUSHQHWUDWHVLQWR\RXU8QLWXQSOXJWKHSRZHUFRUGDQGFRQWDFW\RXUGHDOHU&RQWLQXRXVXVHLQWKLVFDVHPD\UHVXOWLQȴUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN•'RQRWXVH\RXU8QLWLIDQ\DEQRUPDOLW\RFFXUVΖIDQ\VPRNHRURGRUEHFRPHVDSSDUHQWXQSOXJWKHSRZHUFRUGDQGFRQWDFW\RXUdealer immediately. Do not try to repair your unit yourself.• Avoid using dropped or damaged appliances. If your Unit is dropped and the housing is damaged, the internal components may IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSCAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN7KHOLJKWLQJȵDVKZLWKDUURZKHDGV\PEROZLWKLQDQHTXLODWHUDOWULDQJOHLVLQWHQGHGWRalert the user to the presence of not isolated dangerous voltage within the product WKDWPD\EHVXɝFLHQWPDJQLWXGHWRFRQVWLWXWHDULVNRIVKRFNWRSHUVRQV7KH H[FODPDWLRQ SRLQW ZLWKLQ DQ HTXLODWHUDO WULDQJOH LV LQWHQGHG WR DOHUW WKH XVHUto the presence of important operating and servicing instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.Warning: This equipment is a Class II or double insulated electrical appliance. It has been designed in such a  way that it does not require a safety connection to electrical earth.
TABLE OF CONTENTSPackage Contents................................................................... 4Controls & Connections......................................................... 5First-Time Setup...................................................................... 8Using the Remote................................................................... 14LED Indicators......................................................................... 15Bluetooth Pairing.................................................................... 16Using Bluetooth Mode ........................................................... 17Advanced Setup...................................................................... 18Using Button Combinations .................................................. 19Help & Troubleshooting......................................................... 25One-Year Limited Warranty................................................... 26Legal & Compliance................................................................ 27
4PACKAGE CONTENTS2 x Quick Start Guides(1 English, 1 French/Spanish)Remote Control with 2 x AAA Batteries2.0 Sound StandCoaxial Audio CableDigital Optical CableStereo RCA to 3.5mmAudio CablePower Cable
5CONTROLS & CONNECTIONSFront of Sound StandLED Indicators12 LED indicators will give visual feedback when you press buttons on the remote control.
6Back of Sound StandPower PortService*/USB PortService Port/USB InOPTICAL (4)Digital Optical Audio InDIGITAL (3)Coaxial InAUX (1)Analog Audio InAUX (2)Analog Audio In
7Side of Sound StandInputPowerVolume + / -Bluetooth Input(Hold to force pair, See Bluetooth Pairing for more information)
8FIRST-TIME SETUP3ODFHWKH6RXQG6WDQGRQDȵDWVWDEOHOHYHOVXUIDFH9Ζ=Ζ2UHFRPPHQGVWKDW\RXȴUVWSODFH\RXU79DORQJVLGHWKHSound Stand so that the connection ports are easy to access.1Important: The Sound Stand is designed to hold TVs up to 55” in size with a weight of up to 60lbs. The TV base should not be larger than 12.5” by 14”.
92AND CONNECT IT TO YOUR TVCHOOSE ONE CABLE:BETTERGOODGOOD3.5MM TO RCA CABLE3.5MM TO RCA CABLEDIGITAL COAXIAL CABLE*DIGITAL OPTICAL CABLE*BETTER BETTERGOOD* When using either of the Digital Inputs, if there is no audio: (A) try setting the TV output to PCM or (B) Connect directly to your Blu-ray/other source, some TVs do not pass through digital audio.Back of Sound StandNote: Not all TVs have the audio outputs shown above. To connect the Sound Stand directly to your other devices (Blu-ray player, game system, etc) see your device’s user manual.
10Connect the power cable to the Sound Stand.Plug the power cable into a power outlet.3Back of Sound Stand
11If your TV has seperate stands like the one shown above, be sure the TV does not come into contact with the top of the Sound Stand.Center your TV on top of the Sound Stand. %HVXUHWKDW\RXU79ȇVEDVHȴWVFRPSOHWHO\RQWRSRIWKH6RXQG6WDQGDQGGRHVQRWKDQJR΍WKHHGJHV4Note: Do not place any items other than the TV on the Sound Stand.
125Remove the battery cover  by gently sliding it away from the remote.6Insert the included batteries and gently slide the battery cover back into place.Top Top
13Turn your TV on, the Sound Stand will automatically turn on and begin searching for an active input.The LED indicators on the front of the Sound Stand will begin cycling in pairs through inputs until an audio source is detected.*You can press the Input button to switch between audio sources. For example, if you connected your TV to Input 1, set the Sound Stand to Input 1.Hardware setup is complete. PowerInput7*$XWR GHWHFW IXQFWLRQ RQO\ RFFXUV RQFH ZKHQ 6RXQG 6WDQG LV ȴUVW SRZHUHG RQ 7R HQDEOH WKLVfeature again, you must do a Factory Reset or Press and hold the INPUT button on the remote control for 5 seconds to enable the auto input detect function.Tip: Pressing the INPUT button will stop the auto detect function.
14USING THE REMOTEVolume +/-Press to increase and decrease volume.PreviousPress to return to previous track.(Changes Treble and Bass levels)Power3UHVVWRWXUQRQRUR΍MutePress to mute/unmute.InputPress to change input source.(Press and hold for 5 seconds to enable auto input detection function)Play/PausePress to select an option.Press to play or pause.NextPress to skip to the next track.(Changes Treble and Bass levels)TreblePress to enter treble adjustment mode.BassPress to enter bass adjustment mode.TruVolumePress to enable/disable TruVolume.TruSurround HDPress to enable/disable TruSurround HD.BluetoothPress to enter Bluetooth input.(To enter force pair mode, press and hold for 5 seconds)
LED Indicators are located here.LED INDICATORSThe LED Indicators give visual feedback when you press buttons on the remote control.Function LED Behavior DescriptionInputPress the INPUT button on the remote to cycle through each available input:ȏAnalog Audio In - AUX (1)ȏAnalog Audio In - AUX (2)ȏCoaxial In- Digital (3)ȏDigital Optical Audio In - Optical (4)ȏBluetoothȏUSB Device - USBBluetoothPairing(When searching for device)Flash from Left to Right and back continuously.Press and hold the       button on the remote. The Sound Stand will be discoverable for 15 minutes.  You can now search for the Sound Stand (VIZIO SS2520) using your Bluetooth Device. The Sound Stand will power down if no device is found.Note: Set your Bluetooth device into pairing mode prior to the Sound Stand.DTS TruVolume TruVolume On:Press the TVOL button to enable/disable TruVolume. When enabled (On), TruVolume provides a consistent and comfortable volume level for a more enjoyable listening experience.DTSTruSurroundTruSurround On:Press the TSHD button to enable/disable DTS TruSurround. When enabled (On), all inputs will  will playback in 2.1 stereo.Treble LevelsTwo center LEDs indicate Treble level 0. Press the TREBLE button then press the Next/Previous button to increase/decrease the treble level. The LED indicators will move to the right with increasing levels and to the left with decreasing levels.Bass LevelsTwo center LEDs indicate Bass level 0. Press the BASS button then press the Next/Previous button to increase/decrease the bass level. The LED indicators will move to the right with increasing levels and to the left with decreasing levels.Dolby Digital Dolby Digital Indicator. Dolby Digital is only available on either the Coaxial In or Digital Optical Audio In inputs. When a Dolby Digital signal is detected, the Dolby Digital LED indicator will light up for 3 seconds before fading away.Analog Audio In - AUX (1)Analog Audio In - AUX (2)Coaxial In - Digital (3)Digital Optical Audio In - Optical (4)USB Device - USBBluetooth15
16BLUETOOTH PAIRINGTo pair the Sound Stand with a Bluetooth device:1. Press and hold the Bluetooth button   on the Sound Stand or the Bluetooth buttonWhen the Sound Stand is in Bluetooth Pairing Mode, the LED Indicators on the Display Panel on the front of the Sound Stand will light sequentially from left to right and back again.2. You can now search for the Sound Stand (VIZIO SS2520) using your Bluetooth device. For more information, see the documentation that came with your device.3. Play audio from your Bluetooth device. Volume can be controlled on your source device andthe Sound Stand.Side of Sound Stand
17USING BLUETOOTH MODEYour Sound Stand supports music streaming from smartphones, tablets, and computers with Bluetooth capability. Device compatibility will vary, see your device’s documentation for more information. Once you have paired your source device to the Sound Stand, as long as you stay within range of the Sound Stand, your device should remain paired, even if you change the input on the Sound Stand.Maximizing SignalA Bluetooth signal has a range of up to 30 feet.  Keep in mind that Bluetooth is a compressed audio format, so streamed music may lose some integrity when compared to a wired connection.Try the following if your sound quality is less than optimal:• If you hear any break-up or disconnect while streaming music from your device, move the source device closer to the Sound Stand. • Be sure that there are no solid obstructions in the line-of-sight between the Sound Stand and the source device. •2WKHUZLUHOHVVGHYLFHVFDQD΍HFW%OXHWRRWKrange, including wireless security cameras, wireless video baby monitors, cordless phones, and microwave ovens.  Turning R΍RUPRYLQJWKHVHGHYLFHVPD\LPSURYHBluetooth range.Your Sound Stand is not equipped with a microphone, so it cannot operate as a hands-free device for a smartphone.Reduce the volume levels on your device and on the Sound Stand before pressing Play. High volume levels can damage your hearing.
18ADVANCED SETUP3.5MM TO RCA AUDIO CABLE&RQQHFW XS WR ȴYH  GL΍HUHQW GHYLFHVto the Sound Stand (devices shown are examples you can use any device). To listen to a device, change the input source on the Sound Stand.Optical, Coaxial, and 3.5mm cables transmit audio only. If connecting a video device, you will need a separate video connection from the device to your TV.Game Console Network Media Player Tablet/MP3 Player/LaptopDIGITAL COAXIAL CABLEDIGITAL OPTICAL CABLEUSBTHUMB DRIVE*3.5MM TO RCA AUDIO CABLE6XSSRUWV:$9ȴOHIRUPDWSOD\EDFNRQO\Back of Sound Stand
19USING BUTTON COMBINATIONS197KHUHDUHIXQFWLRQVWKDWDUHWULJJHUHGE\GL΍HUHQWEXWWRQFRPELQDWLRQVRQWKH6RXQG6WDQGFunction LED Behavior DescriptionFactoryResetAll 12 LEDs will ȵDVKWLPHVReset the Sound Stand to the factory default settings. To perform a Factory Reset,Press and Hold the Bluetooth(   ) and Volume Down (—) buttons for 5 seconds. Note: This will erase all settings and preferences that you have set.VIZIO TV RemoteControlEnable VIZIO TV Remote:Disable VIZIO TV Remote:Enable/disable the use of a VIZIO TV remote control to power on and adjust the volume of the Sound Stand. To enable/disable this function, Press and Hold the Power (   ) and Volume Up ( + )buttons for 5 seconds.Energy StarEnable Energy Star:Disable Energy Star:When the Energy Star setting is enabled, the Sound Stand will automatically power down after a period of inactivity. When disabled, the Sound Stand will remain powered on until you turn it R΍7RHQDEOHGLVDEOHWKLVIXQFWLRQPress and Hold the Power (  ) and Volume Down (—)buttons for 5 seconds.Note: Energy Star setting is enabled by default.Side of Sound StandInputPowerVolumeBluetooth Input
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25There is no power.• Press the POWER button on the remote control or on the top of your Sound Stand.• Ensure the power cord is securely connected.ȏ3OXJDGL΍HUHQWGHYLFHLQWRWKHHOHFWULFDORXWOHWWRYHULI\WKDWWKHRXWOHWLVZRUNLQJFRUUHFWO\There is no sound.• Increase the volume. Press Volume Up on the remote control or on the top of your Sound Stand.• Press MUTE on the remote to ensure the Sound Stand is not muted.• Press INPUTRQWKHUHPRWHRURQWKHWRSRI\RXU6RXQG6WDQGWRVHOHFWDGL΍HUHQWLQSXWVRXUFH• When using either of the Digital Inputs, if there is no audio: (A) Try setting the TV output to PCM or (B) Connect directly to your Blu-ray/other source, some TVs do not pass through digital audio.ȏ<RXU79PD\EHVHWWRYDULDEOHDXGLRRXWSXW&RQȴUPWKDWWKHDXGLRRXWSXWVHWWLQJLVVHWWR)Ζ;('RU67$1'$5'QRW9$5Ζ$%/(Consult your TV’s user manual for more detailed information.• If using Bluetooth, ensure that the volume on your source device is turned up and that the device is not muted.I hear buzzing, humming, or rattling.• Ensure all cables and wires are securely connected.ȏ&RQQHFWDGL΍HUHQWVRXUFHGHYLFH79%OXUD\SOD\HUHWFWRVHHLIWKHEX]]LQJSHUVLVWVΖILWGRHVQRWWKHSUREOHPPD\EHwith the original device.ȏ&RQQHFW\RXUGHYLFHWRDGL΍HUHQWLQSXWRQWKH6RXQG6WDQG• The subwoofer is powerful, either turn the bass down or remove any small objects (such as photo frames) away from the Sound Stand. You can also place the Sound Stand on a shelf by itself.The remoteisn’t working.• Replace the remote batteries with new ones.• Point the remote directly at the center of the Sound Stand when pressing a button.• If using a Bluetooth connection, some of the buttons on the remote may not be supported by the streaming application.HELP & TROUBLESHOOTING
26ON PARTS AND LABORCovers units purchased as new in United States and Puerto Rico OnlyVIZIO provides a warranty to the original purchaser of a new Product against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year of non-commercial usage and ninety (90) days ofcommercial use. If a Product covered by this warranty is determined to be defective within the warranty period, VIZIO will either repair or replace the Product at its sole option and discretion.To obtain warranty service, contact VIZIO Technical Support via email: TechSupport@VIZIO.com or via phone at 877 MY VIZIO (877.698.4946) from 5:00AM to 9:00PM Monday through Friday andpurchase in the form of a purchase receipt or copy thereof is required to show that a Product is within the warranty period.Parts and LaborProducts are warranted for the remaining portion of the original warranty or for ninety (90) days from warranty service or replacement, whichever is greater.Type of ServiceDefective Products must be sent to a VIZIO service center to obtain warranty service. VIZIO is not responsible for transportation costs to the service center, but VIZIO will cover return shippingto the customer. PRE-AUTHORIZATION IS REQUIRED BEFORE SENDING ANY PRODUCT TO A VIZIO SERVICE CENTER FOR WARRANTY SERVICE.provide instructions for packing and shipping the covered Product to the VIZIO service center.Limitations and ExclusionsVIZIO’s one-year limited warranty only covers defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty does not cover, for example: cosmetic damage, normal wear and tear, improper operation,or any repairs attempted by anyone other than by a VIZIO authorized service center. Products with unreadable or removed serial numbers, or requiring routine maintenance are not covered.This one year limited warranty does not cover Products sold “AS IS”, “FACTORY RECERTIFIED”, or by a non-authorized reseller.THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE LISTED OR DESCRIBED ABOVE. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABIL-ITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALL BE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE PERIOD OF TIME SET FORTH ABOVE. VIZIO’S TOTAL LIABILITY FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES ANDDAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER INCLUDING VIZIO’S NEGLIGENCE, ALLEGED DAMAGE, OR DEFECTIVE GOODS, WHETHER SUCH DEFECTS ARE DISCOVERABLE OR LATENT, SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT. VIZIO SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF INFORMATION OR DATA,COMMERCIAL LOSS, LOST REVENUE OR LOST PROFITS, OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIEDWARRANTY LASTS OR THE EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTYGIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. THIS WARRANTY IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.CHECK www.VIZIO.com FOR THE MOST CURRENT VERSION.ONE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYSound Stand: Two 3.6” (W) x 1.6” (H) Full Range DriversInputs: One 3.5mm Stereo AudioOne RCA Stereo AudioOne Optical (Toslink)One Digital Coaxial AudioOne USB (WAV playback only)Bluetooth (Wireless)Sound Pressure Level (System): 95 dBFrequency Response (System): 55 Hz - 19 KHzPower Input: 100-240 VAC, 50/60 HzCompliances: UL, FCC Class B, cUL, NRCanSPECIFICATIONS
environment. FCC Class B Radio Interference StatementNOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protec-tion against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc-tions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:1.  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.2.  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.3.  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which the receiver is connected.4.  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interfer-ence received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Notice:1.  The changes or modications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.2.  Shielded interface cables and AC power cord, if any, must be used in order to comply with the emission limits.3.  The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modication to this equipment. It is the responsibilities of the user to correct such interference.RF Exposure InformationThis device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves. This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government. This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an  uncontrolled environment.IC Statement  2. Changes or modications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.   IC Radiation Exposure StatementThis equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled   Disposal and RecyclingYou must dispose of this product properly, according to local laws and regulations. Because this  product contains electronic components and a battery, it must be disposed of separately from  household waste. Contact local authorities to learn about disposal and recycling options.Other:Image(s) used under license from Shutterstock.comFor DTS patents, see http://patents.dts.com. Manufactured under license from DTS Licensing Limited. DTS, the Symbol, & DTS and the Symbol together are registered trademarks, and DTS TruSurround is a trademark of DTS, Inc. DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.For DTS patents, see http://patents.dts.com.  Manufactured under license from DTS Licensing Limited.  DTS, the Symbol, & DTS and the Symbol together are registered trademarks, and DTS TruVolume is a trademark of DTS, Inc. © DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.This  product  qualies  for  ENERGY  STAR  in  the  “factory default” setting and this is the setting in which power savings will be achieved. Changing the factory default settings or enabling other features will increase power consumption that could exceed the limits necessary to qualify for ENERGY STAR rating.We want to help you save energy.LEGAL & COMPLIANCEThis device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference; and (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. ( 1 ) Ce dispositif ne peut causer d'interférences ; etCet appareil est conforme aux CNR exemptes de licence d'Industrie Canada . Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes :( 2 ) Ce dispositif doit accepter toute interférence , y compris les interférences qui peuvent causer un mauvais fonctionnement de l'appareil.

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