Acronis Backup Agent Management Console 4.4.1 Administrator Manual BA AM En

User Manual: acronis BackupAgent Management Console - 4.4.1 - Administrator Manual Free User Guide for Acronis BackupAgent Software, Manual

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BackupAgent Management Console 4.4.1
Administrator Manual
1. Product information
Product: BackupAgent Management Console
Version: 4.4.1
2. Benefits
The Management Console allows you to manage accounts and backups. It serves the Online
Backup Clients. It contains the following functionality by default:
Easy and automatic account management
Quick and logical insight in backup account status
Very extended Private Label options
Full and effortless integration with sales and back-office activities
Easy direct and indirect distribution of private labeled or co-branded backup services
3. Features
The BackupAgent Management Console has several features. The application is a web
application and offers:
Web-based management interface
High data security
SSL connection (HTTPS)
Storage of encrypted data with AES 256 Bits
Distribution of accounts through co-branded or private labeled Groups (can be resellers)
Multiple storage locations
Web-based access for end-users to browse and download their files
Trial accounts with automatic removal
Freemium accounts
The BackupAgent Management Console is fully configurable. All settings, texts and graphical
appearances can be changed:
Email communication is fully configurable for every email
Management Console appearance can be changed
Support links, download links and registration links can be changed
4. Working with the Management Console
The management console (MC) offers web-based access to control all backup activities of end-
users (Users). It provides specific access to three types of users:
This manual will only explain the options for Administrators. A manual for Groups and Users is
also available.
You can login to the MC through the default MC page:
All pages are fully customizable. For more information on how to customize the appearance of
please refer to the advanced chapters of this manual.
4.1 Administrators
If you log in, a dashboard will appear to give a quick overview of the end-users’ backup and
restore status.
In the right top corner a drop down menu offers all possible languages for the MC. You can
easily switch between languages.
In general the Administrator MC has 7 menus:
Home (dashboard)
User management
Group management
Each menu item will be described in the following paragraphs.
4.2 Home (dashboard)
The function of the dashboard is to provide quick and real-time information on all or specific
types of backup accounts. The dashboard has two tabs:
The default tab shows the actual status of all backup accounts in the Administrator Group.
The user tab shows:
The user name of the account
The user profile (license type)
Account size
Client version (version of the Backup Client the user uses)
Last backup
Last restore
The accounts are sorted by their username. You can click on any column to sort the accounts in
another way.
If you click on the “+” left of the username, you can view the status of the last five backups. If
you want to “zoom in” on a user account, you can click on the user name or on ‘view’ under
‘Reports’ in the data grid. This information is very useful for providing support.
On the user tab an extra drop down menu is available to filter different sets of accounts.
The difference between 'My accounts' and 'All accounts' is that 'My accounts' will show all
accounts directly under the Administrator, while 'All accounts' will also show accounts in all
Groups. It is possible to show accounts per group as well. Besides this, you can also choose to
show only the accounts that have been active the last seven days, or new accounts that have
been added the last seven days.
The system can also support Groups for managing user accounts. The dashboard has a
separate tab for this:
Groups are ordered by company name by default. You can click on any column to sort the
accounts in another way. Clicking on the user name will show detailed info. More information
regarding Groups can be found in paragraph 4.4 and in the Group manual.
4.3 User Management
User management offers two functions in the menu:
Find users
Add user
For quick access to these functions you could also use the hot keys “Ctrl+Shift+U” (find user)
and “Ctrl+Shift+A” (add user).
4.3.1 Find Users
Find users will offer a page to find a specific set of user accounts or a single user.
There are three search options for finding user:
Search on user information
Search on Group
Search on account date
User information
To search on user information use the top left drop down menu. It offers multiple fields to
search on:
User name
First name
Last name
Account type
Storage location
Fill in part of the name or description to look for all user accounts that contain part of the text.
(e.g. looking for ‘test’ for a username will find ‘testuser’, ‘mytest’ and ‘testbackup’).
You can search for the users of a specific Group using the top right drop down menu.
Account date
You can search on account creation and upgrade dates and periods using the bottom left drop
down menu combined with the date/time selection fields to find users that registered or
upgraded in a specific period.
If you found a specific user, you can click on the user name to view all details of the account.
You can also delete multiple accounts, remove user data, recalculate usage, deactivate or clean
corrupted files by checking the checkboxes on the left of the data grid. If an account is checked
the extra available actions will appear:
You can select all the accounts on the screen, by checking the top box. You can then select an
action to execute.
Click on for example ‘Deactivate’ on top of the grid to deactivate all the accounts at once. These
mass actions will always be confirmed with a popup dialog box.
4.3.2 Add User
Next to finding users it is possible to add users. Click on ‘Add user’ in the menu ‘User
management’ to open a page for adding users:
To add a user, you must set user info and account info. The user info holds all credentials of the
Parent: Which Group does the user belong to (appears when Groups have been made)
User name: Must be between 6 and 20 characters and is unique
Password: Must be between 6 and 20 characters and must be confirmed
Company: Not required
First name: Required
Last name: Required
Address: Required
Zip code: Required
City: Required
Country: Required
Email: Required and is the address to receive an activation email and backup reports
Telephone: Required
Note: All emails regarding this user will be sent to this email address (also backup and restore
reports). Therefore it is important to fill in the correct address (it is possible to have 2 or more
email addresses by using a comma (,) as separator).
Note: Some required fields can be left empty by putting ‘-as a placeholder. Only User name,
password and email address are essential for the system.
The user also requires an account:
Account type: An amount of data to reserve for the user
User profile: Can be a Workstation or a Server user
Maximum bandwidth: A limitation to the maximum upload speed can be set
Storage location: The storage location to store the files
Active: Activates the account if checked
Restore active: Allows the user to restore data
Enable auto remove: Sets date on which the account expires and will be removed
Send act. email: Sends an activation email to the user’s email address
Default language: The default language of the user
User Profile
A user profile will can limit functionality of clients installed by that user:
User can install and run clients only on Windows XP, Windows Vista,
Windows 7, Windows 8 and Mac OS X Workstation. The user can only
backup and restore file data and System State.
User can install and run clients on all supported OS's and can backup and
restore file data, System State, MS Exchange and MS SQL Server, as well as
creating a mapped network drive in the client.
If all fields are specified correctly, click on ‘Add’ to add the user account to the system. If the
‘Active’ checkbox is not checked the user will receive an email containing his credentials and an
activation link. The user will need to confirm activation by clicking on this link. If the user does
not do this and the ‘Active’ check box is not checked, the user cannot log in. If the checkbox
‘Active’ is checked, the user will receive an email with the credentials only. Either way you get
the message as shown below. The addition is confirmed:
4.3.3 View or change user information
As an Administrator you can view and change user information. At the ‘Home’ view of the
dashboard click on a user name. A screen with selected user information appears. In this
screen are four tabs:
Account history
Client logs
In this tab you can change the personal information of the user, change user account type,
reset user password and remove the user. You can also manually deactivate the account or
deactivate the restore option in the client for the account. Do not forget to confirm your action
by clicking the ‘Update’ button at the bottom.
Note: Resetting the password will create an auto-generated password, which will be emailed to
the address belonging to the user account.
In this tab you can view the reports which are made after backup or restore. By clicking on ‘View
Logs’, you can see the logs related to the backup/restore. Clicking on the “+” in front of a backup
or restore will expand it and show information regarding the specific task.
Account history
In this tab you can see when the user account has been modified and by whom.
Client logs
Here you can view all client logs which are made after backup or restore.
This covers all functionality for managing users as an Administrator.
4.4 Group Management
Next to users, the system offers you to define groups that can distribute user accounts.
Through the ‘Group management’ menu, just like in ‘User management’, you can:
Find Groups
Add Group
Note: It is also possible to add a subgroup for an existing group. By default you will be able to
create up to 3 levels deep of nesting of subgroups. This can be done by enabling the option
‘Allow sub group management’ when creating a group.
4.4.1 Find Groups
Find Groups will offer a page similar to 'Find users'. It has fewer options, since the account of a
Group contains less information:
There is only one drop down box to define search options. This drop down box allows search
User name
First name
Last name
Storage location
Fill in part of the name or description to look for in order to find all accounts that contain part
of the text. (e.g. looking for ‘BA’ for a username will find ‘BA1’, ‘myBA’ and ‘a BA’).
Click on the ‘User name’ to change information of a specific Group. You will be able to change
the Group information as well as Group Restrictions and Additional information. If the Group is
a Private Label group, you also have the possibility to edit some Private Label options.
4.4.2 Add Group
Next to finding Groups it is possible to add new Groups to the system. These Groups can create
and manage their own backup accounts. Click on ‘Add Group’ in the ‘Group management’
menu. This will show the first page of a small wizard:
This page offers a choice between a Default and a Private Label Group.
If you (the Administrator) have purchased a ‘Private Label’ license, you can add Private Label
If the Group is default, no Private Label options can be entered.
To add a Group, you must set the credentials of the Group:
Parent: Choose the parent the group will belong to. This can be an existing group as well
User name: Must be between 6 and 20 characters and is unique
Password: Must be between 6 and 20 characters and must be confirmed
Company: Not required
First name: Required
Last name: Required
Address: Required
Zip code: Required
City: Required
Country: Choose applicable country
Email: Required and is the address to receive backup reports
Default language: Choose the preferred language
Phone: Required
You can also set restrictions to the Group concerning the number of users that can be created
and the amount of storage that can be assigned:
Maximum Workstation CALs: Maximum of Workstation users the group can create.
Maximum Server CALs: Maximum of Server users the group can create.
Maximum storage (GB): Maximum of storage, in GB, the group can use to create new
Note: Setting the restrictions to '-1' will indicate that the restriction has no limit.
Allow trial accounts: Here you can specify if the trial accounts are allowed.
Allow accounts upgrade: Here you can specify if the group is allowed to upgrade the
Allow accounts Downgrade: Here you can specify if the group is allowed to downgrade
the users.
Allow restore files: Here you can specify if the group is allowed to restore the files.
Allow accounts deletion: Here you can specify if the group is allowed to delete the users.
Allow sub group management: Here you can specify if the group is allowed to manage its
Further settings can be applied under ‘Additional information’.
Storage locations: Check storage locations the Group can assign accounts to.
Default storage location: The default location which is assigned if a user registers at this
User account upgrade: Specifies if users are allowed to upgrade their own accounts.
User account downgrade: Specifies if users are allowed to downgrade their own
From Email: The sender email address of the Group’s communication with users.
Max. account usage: The percentage for users to exceed and receive an email that the
account is almost full.
Days without backup: The number of days in which no backup has been made before the
user receives a warning mail.
Datagrid row count: The number of rows visible in the datagrid.
Datagrid row high light: Highlights a data row when the mouse is moved over it.
Default Registration Country: Selects the country which will be displayed by default at the
registration page.
All URL fields are optional. If they are not filled out they will link to the default URLs (set by
In case of a Private Label Group, extra links must be filled out:
Terms URL: URL for the terms and conditions of services of the Group
Registration URL: Alternative registration URL
Download URL: Alternative client download URL
Upgrade URL: Alternative account upgrade URL.
Support URL: The URL links to if the user clicks on the ‘support’ link.
Logo URL: The logo of the service. This replaces the BackupAgent® logo in the MC
Home URL: The home URL to start from and which the user redirects to if he logs out.
This can overrule the default.aspx page.
Service name: Service name of the backup service of the Group (e.g. ‘My Backup Service’)
Click on ‘add’ after filling out all fields for a Group. The Group is added to the system:
Note: In case the Group represents a reseller a combination of a customized style sheet, a
different home and registration URL and a‘./Login.aspx?Resellername=myreseller’ in a frame
can work as a fully integrated combination of the MC and a reseller’s website.
4.4.3 View or change Group information
The Groups are shown in the ‘Group’ tab on the home dashboard. To view or change settings of
(Private Label) Groups, click on the ‘User name’ of the specific Group. This way it is also possible
to reset the Group password.
This covers all functionality for managing Groups as an Administrator.
4.5 Server Management
For server management the MC offers functionality divided in four submenus:
Server settings
Private Label settings
Change password
Event viewer
4.5.1 Server settings
‘Server settings’ shows a tabbed page to change all server settings for the Backup Server. These
settings can be changed while the application is running and serving clients.
Server settings have four tab pages. Each tab page holds a category of settings. Server settings tab
The server tab displays all server behaviour settings:
Usage logging: Allows the server to log all file transfers of users.
Max. backup reports: The total number of backup reports that are saved per user.
Max. use account for sending warning mail: When the limited percentage is reached or
has passed, the user will receive a warning email.
Session duration: The time-to-live of a session in the MC. You can choose between ‘Short’,
‘Medium’ or ‘Long’.
DataGrid RowCount: Number of rows displayed in the MC in the datagrid.
Datagrid row highlight: Highlights a data row when the mouse is moved over it.
Default registration country: Selects the country which will display as default country at
the registration page.
Log error to the event log: This will log errors to the Windows Event log in case of serious
problems accessing the database.
Show registration link: Enabling it will enable the registration link in the login page.
User can change password: Enabling it allows the user to change their own password.
User can change account information: Enabling it allows the user to change their own
account information.
Client application is redirected to https: When on the client application will always use
https protocol. Email settings tab
This tab allows you to set the email server and sender address for all email based
communication to users.
Mail server: The server name or IP address to use for sending emails.
Support email: The email address that serves as sending address of the emails.
Send bug reports to support: Enabling this will send the bug reports generated on the
client application to support.
The button ‘Test email’ tests if the email can be sent using the mail server. Storage location tab
This tab gives an overview of all storage locations available for users to store their backups on.
The locations are displayed in a datagrid:
You can change the settings of a storage location by clicking on ‘Edit’ or add a new storage
location by clicking ‘Add storage location’. In both cases a detailed view of the storage location
will appear.
When adding or changing a storage location the following fields are available:
UNC Zip / MongoDB
Storage name: Friendly name of the storage location.
Storage location: Actual path of the storage location (can be an UNC path).
MongoDB Server/Database:Location of the MongoDB Server or database.
MongoDB User Name: User name to connect to MongoDB.
MongoDB Password: Password to connect to MongoDB.
Note: The default values which are installed for MongoDB after a setup, are as follows:
MongoDB Server/Database: mongodb://localhost/CloudBackupService
MongoDB User Name: CloudBackupServer
Windows Azure
Storage name: Friendly name of the storage location.
Storage account: The name of the Windows Azure account.
Account key: The unique access key to the Windows Azure storage.
Amazon S3
Storage name: Friendly name of the storage location.
S3 Access Key: The access key that serves as the login credential.
S3 Secret Key: The secret key that serves as the login credential.
S3 Bucket Name*: The unique name of your Amazon S3 bucket.
MongoDB Server/Database: Location of the MongoDB Server or database.
MongoDB User Name: User name to connect to MongoDB.
MongoDB Password: Password to connect to MongoDB.
* (Please create the Bucket in the nearest region to your data center for the best performance).
Tick the box ‘Default storage location’ to determine whether this location is the default location
to which the user is assigned, for example in the case of a public registration.
Click on ‘Add’ or ‘Update’ to confirm the addition or change of the storage location.
In case of changing the existing storage location, this location can be removed by clicking on
‘Remove storage location’.
Note: Removing a storage location is only allowed if no users are using the storage location
for their backups. To remove a storage location while users are still using it for their
backups, please reassign all these users to another storage location.
Note: If the storage location is a network path and requires a login, BackupAgent requires a
local user account with a similar password to be created on the machine on which it is
running. This local account is loaded by BackupAgent to impersonate the network user
to login to the network path.
4.5.2 UNC
To add or change a storage location for UNC the following fields are available:
Storage name: Friendly name of the storage location.
Storage location: The actual path of the storage location (can be an UNC path).
Default storage location: Determines whether this location is the default location to
which the user is assigned, for example in the case of a public legistration.
Click on ‘Add’ or ‘Update’ to confirm the addition or change of the storage location.
In case of changing the existing storage location, this location can be removed by clicking on
‘Remove storage location’.
Note: Removing a storage location is only allowed if no users are using the storage location for
their backups. To remove a storage location while users are still using it for their backups,
please reassign all these users to another storage location.
Note: If the storage location is a network path and requires a login, BackupAgent requires a
local user account with a similar password to be created on the machine on which it is running.
This local account is loaded by BackupAgent to impersonate the network user to login to the
network path. Account tab
The account tab allows you to specify all the available account types for users. You can add new
account types, activate account types and deactivate account types.
You can choose which default trial account you want to set for new customers. To do this, just
select a size in the drop-down menu and click on ‘Update’. To add different sizes, enter a value
in the field below (with a maximum of 5GB), choose ‘MB or’ GB’ from the drop-down menu to
the right, check the ‘Trial’ box and click on ‘Add’. The added account can now be found in the
default trial account drop-down menu, as well as in the right list box. When the checkbox ‘Trial’
is enabled, an extra drop-down option ‘Period’ will appear, which allows to set the duration of
the trial account from one week up to six weeks.
To add a new account type, enter the amount of storage in MB or GB. If the storage must be
specified per GB, change the drop down box from ‘MB’ to ‘GB’. Click on ‘Add’. The account type
will appear in the right list box and is available immediately.
To deactivate an account type: Select an account in the right list box. Click on ‘<<’. The account
will move to the left list box and is no longer available.
To activate an account type: Select an account in the left list box. Click on ‘>>’. The account will
move to the right list box and is available (again).
Note: It is not possible to remove an account type.
Note: If the license allows you to use freemium accounts then this is added by default and can
be selected from the ‘account type’ pull down menu when adding a user. Freemium accounts
are for both workstations and servers and they do not expire like trial accounts do. They can
have a maximum size of 2 GB.
Maintenance service tab
Cloud Backup Maintenance Service processes reporting information and performs related
maintenance tasks. Here you can configure which server should perform the necessary
maintenance task. You can set if the task should run every day or after a set number of days.
You can also set the time the particular task should run. The date and time when a task had his
last run will be shown at the end.
Note: Some tasks should be run on every server and cannot be disabled.
AccountsStatus: Sends an overview of the accounts and their status.
CheckASPNETVersion: Checks if the website is running on the correct .Net Framework
MonthlyOverview: Sends an overview of the account and license usage.
SendAccountExpiredMail: Sends a message to the users after their accounts have been
expired and removed.
SendAccountWillExpireWarningMail: Sends an account expiration warning message to
the users that have accounts that are about to expire.
SendNoBackupWarningMail: Sends a warning mail to the accounts from which no
backups have been received for the number of days specified in group management.
Storage Maintenance: Maintains storage consistency and account size by verifying
existing data inside user accounts.
4.5.4 Private Label settings
Through the ‘Private Label settings’ you can change all appearances of the BackupAgent Server
software. Use these settings to change all cosmetics and link directions to other parts of your
Server tab
The first tab shows settings for directions and appearance in the server software. It consists
mainly of URLs with alternative content.
Support URL: URL of the support page.
Terms URL: URL of terms and conditions of the provider of this online backup service.
Registration URL: URL where the user is directed to when clicking on the registration link
of the Default.aspx or Login.aspx.
Logo: Upload a new logo image that replaces the BackupAgent® logo in the MC.
Upgrade URL: URL where the user is directed to when clicking on the ‘larger account’ link
in the registration page or the link that is inserted in the email when a trial account is
about to expire.
Home URL: URL where the user is directed to when logging out.
Client download URL: URL of the setup file of the (Private Label) BackupAgent Online
Backup Client . This link will show on the Home page when logged in as a user.
Service name: Name of the online backup service as shown in the MC and emails.
Use Private Labeling: All settings for Private Labeling can be switched on and off using
this radio button.
Email tab
Next to these server appearance settings the exact content of the emails sent by the system
can be changed. Currently fourteen languages are supported: Dutch, English, French, Spanish,
German, Italian, Danish, Polish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Turkish and
There are eighteen types of emails in the systems that are sent to clients, administrators and
ForgotPassword: Sends the password to the requesting user by email.
Registration: Sends a registration email with activation link to the new user.
UploadDisabled: Sends an email after the account is full.
AccountAlmostFull: Sends an email with a warning if the account reaches the warning
ForgotEncryptionKey: Sends a reminder of the encryption key to the user
AccountUpgraded: Sends a notification to the administrator and user if the account is
BackupReport: Sends a backup report after the backup is finished.
RestoreReport: Sends a restore report after the restore is finished.
TrialWarning: Sends a reminder when the trial account is about to expire.
TrialDeletionNotice: Sends an email to users when their trial account is deleted.
AccountChanged: Sends a notification to the administrator and user when an account
has been changed.
RegistrationNoActivation: Sends a registration email without an activation link, if the
account was activated by the administrator.
NoBackupWarning: Sends a warning email to the user when no backup has been made
by the user after set number of days.
AccountWillExpire: Sends a warning email that an account is about to expire.
AccountExpired: Sends an email to the user that the account has expired.
ResetPassword: Sends an email with a new password to the user, if the administrator
resets the password.
ASPNetVersion: Sends an email to the administrator when BackupAgent doesn't run on
ASP.Net 2.0.
LicenseExpired: Sends an email to the administrator when the license is about to expire.
Select a language from the pull-down menu on the left to change the email for a specific
language. This will open a view at the bottom of this page that will allow you to edit the email.
The view shows all email settings. You can change:
BCC: A BCC recipient of the sent email
Subject: The email subject
Content type: Either text or HTML
Email text: The content of the email.
The content can contain escape fields which are replaced by user settings or settings of the
parent Group/Administrator. Available escape fields are:
For the backup and restore status reports extra fields are available:
Note: These fields must be marked up with a $-field-$ escape construction. All field names are
case sensitive.
Click on ‘Update’ to save the changed email content. Click on ‘Cancel’ to cancel the change. You
can also click on ‘Test Email’ to see the result of your changes.
Content tab
The content tab allows you to personalize the welcome text in the default.aspx page on all
available languages:
Click on the language to change the content and title of the welcome page for the specific
Click on ‘Update’ to save the changed content. Click on ‘Cancel’ to cancel the change.
Header and footer tab
The MC can be wrapped by a custom header and footer. The tab shows the html-content for
the header and the footer.
The header and footer combination must contain a closing and matching HTML combination.
The MC tag (escape field for custom stylesheet) is also required and can be inserted from the
top right on the screen into the header by double-clicking on the tab:
The screenshot shows a correct format of the header and footer to show 'Hello' on top of the
Management Console and retain the stylesheet from within the Management Console using the
Click on ‘Update’ to save the changed content. Click on ‘Cancel’ to cancel.
The Stylesheet tab allows you to change the look of the MC. Settings like color settings, text size
settings, logo settings, etc. can be modified here.
The message tab allows you to create a message which will be shown in all Online Backup
Clients that are connected to this Backup Server. You can publish a text message in the
"Message text" box and a URL of can be placed in the "Message link" box.
Note: The message will be shown in the Online Backup Client of all users. Also of the users that
are assigned to a Group.
4.5.5 Change Password
Click on ‘Change password’ to change the Administrator password. The password must be
between 6 and 20 characters.
Click on ‘Update’ to save the changed content. Click on ‘Cancel’ to cancel the change.
4.5.6 Event Viewer
Open the Event Viewer to look up unexpected errors with backup accounts. Click on the ‘+’ sign
in front of the error to view details.
All errors which might occur in the management console will be logged here. In some cases the
error might concern the backup of a specific user. The error identifier can link an error on the
server directly to an error in the logs of a client.
Note: In case of unexpected errors you can contact our support department
through and send the error message for explanation or bug
4.6 License
This page manages your license. The page will open by showing the currently installed license:
The license can be updated by clicking on the ‘License upgrade’ tab. This tab offers a field to
insert (copy-paste) an encrypted license provided by BackupAgent BV.
Click on ‘Update’ to update the license.
Note: If the domain name for the provided license does not match the domain name of the
machine, you will get a warning that the DNS/IP address from the license does not resolve into
a local IP address.

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